Do a lymphatic drainage massage of the legs. Is lymphatic drainage massage helpful?

One of the most complex structures human body is the lymphatic system. Absence physical activity, unhealthy food and a number of others external factors lead to violations in its work, which in the most detrimental way affects the state of human health and its appearance.

Job disruption lymphatic system can cause metabolic pathology, the appearance of puffiness, cellulite and increased fat deposition. The solution to these problems is manual or hardware lymphatic drainage massage. Specially developed techniques allow you to painlessly establish the normal functioning of the lymph flow.

Causes of bad change

In order to increase the effectiveness of the impact, it is necessary to have a general idea of ​​the lymphatic fluid, its movement and the causes of disturbances.

Lymph is one of the components internal environment human, a transparent and viscous liquid, which is a type connective tissue. Its presence in the human body promotes hydration and transportation of a number of components from soft tissues to circulatory system.

Lymph capillary drawn in brown

Lymph acts as a kind of collector, it provides the removal of toxins, unprocessed substances, excess fluid. The slowdown of these processes leads to edema, metabolic disorders, accumulation of fats. The cause of pathologies are:

  • Nervous disorders, stress.
  • Bad habits (alcohol, tobacco).
  • Water deficiency in the body.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Absence physical activity.
  • Sleep deprivation, disturbed daily routine.
  • Excess weight.
  • chronic diseases internal organs.

Eliminate unpleasant phenomena possible only in a complex, struggling with the cause of their occurrence and external defects.


All types of lymphatic drainage massage are carried out in order to correct the figure and improve the condition of the skin. Direct indications for it are:

  • Edema.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Intoxication.
  • Slow lymph flow.
  • Cellulite.
  • Local body fat, excess weight, a tendency to be overweight.
  • Flabbiness of the skin, sagging of soft tissues.


Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to clarify in which cases it can be prohibited. Regardless of whether massage is performed at home or in a salon, contraindications to it must be taken into account. In order not to harm the body and not provoke unwanted complications the procedure should be postponed if:

  • Fever, elevated temperature.
  • Diabetes mellitus and other pathologies of the endocrine system.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin (wounds, cuts, etc.).
  • Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema and others).
  • Thrombosis.
  • Menses.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Oncology.
  • infections.
  • Heart disease.
  • Fragility of blood vessels and capillaries.
  • inflammation lymph nodes.

If the type of massage performed is hardware - the list of restrictions can be supplemented by individual intolerance electric current, the presence of a pacemaker or metal implants.

Operating principle

Both manual and hardware lymphatic drainage massage operate on the same principle. Their task is to restore the normal, proper flow of lymphatic fluid, which will ultimately ensure the release of tissues from toxins and toxins. At the same time, the delivery of useful components and nutrient particles to cells, on the contrary, is enhanced, normalization occurs. metabolic processes, destruction and removal of fat cells. The skin is tightened, acquires a homogeneous structure, cellulite disappears. For positive result procedures are carried out 2-3 times a week.

Types of hardware massage

Lymphatic drainage massage body or face can be either hardware or manual. In the first case, the procedure requires less effort from the specialist, and time from the patient with an equivalent or greater efficiency impact. There are several ways to do this:


It is carried out using compressed air pressure. The procedure requires a special suit, consisting of separate elements, reminiscent of the principle of operation of a cuff from a tonometer. Air is forced into them, and the material presses on soft tissues, stimulating lymph flow and blood circulation.

The air in the pressure therapy suit is supplied alternately, the sensations during the procedure are relaxing and painless. As a result of exposure, fat cells are split, metabolism is normalized, puffiness and cellulite are reduced.

Microcurrent therapy

The principle of operation of the technique is based on the use of weak pulses of electric current, which has the following characteristics:

  • Voltage - 11–14 V.
  • Frequency - 0.1–300 Hz.
  • Strength - up to 600 μA.

The charge supplied through the electrodes affects the entire dermis, muscles, and fiber. As a result of regular exposure, the patient can count on the following positive changes:

  • Activation of intracellular biochemical processes.
  • Metabolism improvement.
  • Acceleration of cell regeneration and increased production of fibroblasts.
  • Activation of blood circulation and delivery of oxygen to cells.
  • Synthesis hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin fibers.
  • Increased muscle tone.
  • Withdrawal of excess fluid.

vacuum massage

    For its implementation, special devices are used or medical banks acting on the deep layers of the dermis using a vacuum. The impact is causing:
  • Normalization of blood circulation and lymph movement.
  • Metabolism optimization.
  • Active production of collagen.
  • The breakdown of fats.
  • Skin cell renewal.

Vacuum exposure is not carried out to treat the area of ​​the lymph nodes and inguinal zone.

Types of manual massage

Manual lymphatic drainage body massage often provides no less pronounced results than hardware techniques. Experts subdivide this method of influence into the following areas:

  • Surface. The goal is to stimulate capillaries, remove excess fluid.
  • Deep. The goal is to influence the lymphatic vessels, the outflow of fluid from the internal organs.
  • Interior. The goal is to influence the lymph nodes.

Professionals perform massage for 1–1.5 hours using various techniques, at home, the procedure is recommended to be reduced to half an hour and carried out through basic techniques.

Now each patient can carry out lymphatic drainage at home, using special cans or an apparatus for this. This is a procedure that should act on stagnant lymph by massaging the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe vessels and the lymph nodes themselves.


In some cases, such drainage can harm the body. Patients should know all the contraindications when treatment is not worth it:

  • lymphatic drainage is not done if inflammation or violations of its integrity are present on the skin;
  • with edema of the heart muscle (heart failure, myocarditis);
  • various fungal diseases(keratomycosis, candida, etc.);
  • oncology or the presence of tumors;
  • tuberculosis (lung disease);
  • diabetes mellitus (lack of insulin in the blood);
  • lymphatic drainage is prohibited for patients with asthma (suffocation attacks);
  • at cardiovascular diseases at the third stage;
  • after vagotomy (surgery to treat stomach ulcers);
  • with renal failure;
  • with enlarged lymph nodes;
  • in the presence of blood clots;
  • with fractures;
  • during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding);
  • lymphatic drainage is contraindicated if the patient has thin and sensitive vessels;
  • with epilepsy (nervous disease);
  • at acute form herpes.

In any case, before home massage consultation of a specialist is obligatory, since a person may not be aware of a number of contraindications. The attending physician will be able to advise and correct the correct technique.


Before proceeding with the procedure, you need to find out if this is necessary. Lymphatic drainage can be performed in such cases: with age, the skin has lost firmness and elasticity;

  • for one reason or another, a healthy, natural skin color was lost;
  • the water balance in the body is disturbed;
  • cellulite appeared on the skin;
  • lymphatic drainage is needed if the skin is in different places swells;
  • there was intoxication of the body;
  • there is a need to make the contours of the figure and face more perfect;
  • the skin on the face or in other places is covered with acne;
  • varicose veins (dilated veins) were detected at an early stage;
  • in the future to be surgery on the face or body, so it is necessary to prepare the body for it;
  • lymphatic drainage is prescribed as comprehensive care during the treatment of obesity;
  • in diseases associated with metabolism;
  • at reduced immunity, fatigue, drowsiness and lack of energy.

Lymphatic drainage can be carried out as a preventive measure to improve blood circulation. This is especially useful for those patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Hardware massage at home

This type of massage can be done at home with purchased jars (they can be made of silicone, rubber or glass) or special devices. Depending on the purpose of the procedure, the containers will have different sizes and forms. Before buying, consult with a specialist or seller.

Glass jars, for example, according to numerous reviews, cause discomfort during use. Much more effective are rubber and silicone.

The second ones are somewhat more expensive, because they are lighter, and special cream for massage it is easier to wash off them.

Hardware lymphatic drainage is performed in several ways: static and kinetic. During the first manipulation, the jar or apparatus is placed on required area body in the direction of movement of the lymph flow (lymph is a liquid that washes all the tissues of the body). Then with one click it creates additional pressure. This should be done 4-7 times, after which the jar is moved to another place. During the procedure, do not press too hard, as bruising may appear.

Kinetic lymphatic drainage involves the installation of a jar with subsequent pressing on it. This should be done 2-3 times, after which there is a move to another area. In any case, a person should see the technology once and only then carry out the manipulation at home.

Hardware lymphatic drainage using a specialized device is performed according to the following scheme:

  • to accept cold and hot shower to warm up the skin;
  • before starting the procedure, be sure to apply a cream or oil. You can purchase a finished product at a pharmacy or make it yourself from various cosmetic oils;
  • lymphatic drainage begins from the back in a circular motion, slightly pressing. The first action should last a maximum of 5 minutes;
  • move the device to upper part body and shoulders, bends of the elbows and forearm. Perform the procedure until the patient feels warm;
  • move the device to the lower back, and then to the back of the legs. The abdomen and other parts of the body are massaged as desired. Lymphatic drainage should last a maximum of 20 minutes;
  • pain, bruising or bruising should not be;
  • if necessary, reduce the pressure of the can. Any damage to the skin slows down the removal of cellulite.

Manual technique

You can do lymphatic drainage at home on any part of the body, if you understand the algorithm of actions and remember all the movements. Let's analyze the different zones and the technology of working with them.


Do about 1 time per week. During the procedure, a cream is used. Work technology:

  • before starting, they peel the skin, rubbing it (start from the forehead);
  • put your palms on your temples, smoothly moving them to the middle of your forehead, then you need to wait 5 seconds and return your hands back. Repeat lymphatic drainage 3 times;
  • put your fingers on the inner corners of the eyes and hold to the outer ones. Repeat 5 times;
  • gently press on the middle of the chin with your fingers, hold them to the nasolabial fold. Repeat lymphatic drainage 5 times;
  • stop at the nasolabial fold and, continuing to press, count to 3, then move your fingers to the wings of the nose.


Superficial lymphatic drainage of the legs requires circular movements, during which it is necessary to lightly stroke the skin. Such a massage is effective if a person has leg swelling and fatigue. At deep technique movements will be stronger. This massage and varicose veins veins.

Procedure technology:

  • take 2 chairs;
  • sit down on 1, and use the second as a footrest;
  • relax your leg
  • stroke it from knee to thigh on both sides;
  • slowly run the edge of the palm along the thigh, gradually increasing the patting;
  • after warming up, alternate stroking and patting;
  • move with the edge of the palm from the hip to the knee;
  • finish with a foot massage.


Lymphatic drainage should last approximately 10 minutes. Algorithm for working with hands:

  • stretch your hand forward, and lightly stroke the other from the elbow to the shoulder;
  • massage for a minute, then change hands. Repeat 2 times;
  • make stroking movements from the wrist to the armpits. Change direction;
  • thumb rub the brushes from the fingers to the wrist;
  • end lymphatic drainage by lightly stroking the fingertips with your hand.

Massage with a brush

For this procedure, you will need a dry wooden brush.

To properly do lymphatic drainage, you should apply a mixture of oils to the skin (you can buy it at a pharmacy or make it yourself). Then, starting from the limbs (from bottom to top), slowly move to the region of the heart. Pressing should not be strong.

It is allowed to use a natural bristle brush, and the procedure must be performed before taking a shower. It is advisable to start lymphatic drainage from 3 minutes, gradually increasing the exposure time to avoid inflammation on the skin. After the massage, you need to drink a glass of water or a cup of green tea. This will restore water-salt balance.

Lymphatic drainage body massage: benefits, technique ...


Lymphatic drainage facial massage. Margarita Levchenko.

And crow's feet wrinkles. To get rid of these unpleasant problems, we can supplement the use of facial skin care products with face-building exercises (gymnastics for facial muscles), as well as correct technique massage.

In the previous article, we talked about how using the classic massage technique you can improve the appearance at home. Such a set of manual exercises is quite suitable for a woman in young age(25-30 years). If in adulthood(40-45 years old) wrinkles begin to appear, bags under the eyes and swelling do not disappear during the day, then you can noticeably tighten the oval of the face, remove the second chin and eliminate puffiness using cryomassage in a beauty parlor or attending sessions of the Japanese zogan massage (asahi ) . In this material, you will find the main ways to perform lymphatic drainage facial massage at home to improve appearance look 10 years younger.

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- Important! Before you start self-mastering the technique of lymphatic drainage facial massage, we strongly advise you to visit a chiropractor, consult a dermatologist!

It is very desirable to know exactly where the lymph nodes are located, what direction the lymph flow is in the head area!

Why exactly lymphatic drainage massage will help to noticeably eliminate age-related changes, which in many women are clearly manifested on the face after 40-45 years? One of the most common problems affecting the appearance of puffiness, wen, black circles and bruises, bags under the eyes - This is a violation of the functioning of the lymphatic system. When the movement of the lymphatic flow slows down, stagnation of the lymphatic fluid occurs, and on the face, the excess of accumulated fluid under the thin skin is most clearly visible. In addition, toxins, toxins, microbes accumulate in the tissues, since the body is cleansed along with the lymph in the process of metabolism. These congestion in adulthood is aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle. In order to improve the condition of small capillaries, accelerate the removal of intercellular fluid and quickly cleanse tissues of toxins and toxins, it is useful to master the technique of lymphatic drainage facial massage.

If you are already familiar with the technique classic massage, it is important to take into account some significant differences in order to properly perform lymphatic drainage massage at home. Massage movements should be pressing and stroking (rubbing). Tapping (vibration impact) is practically not found in this technique, sudden movements should also be avoided. It is important to determine the location of the lymphatic tracts (see the picture), since all movements during the procedure are aimed at stimulating the lymph flow.

A full course usually consists of 15 procedures with a break of 2-3 days between procedures. For prevention and prevention early appearance age-related changes It is enough to massage once a week. Some women use different devices for a more thorough lymphatic drainage facial massage at home - tablespoons, jars, steel balls. More often you can do lymphatic drainage massage in the periorbital region. An evening massage around the eyes will help prevent swelling and dark circles in the morning, reduce the size of the bags under the eyes.


Acceleration of lymph flow, improvement of blood microcirculation and strengthening of small vessels;

Getting rid of chronic swelling face, reducing the size of bags under the eyes;

Elimination of dark circles around the eyes, smoothing the skin tone;

Lifting the oval of the face, the gradual elimination of the second chin and jowls;

Getting rid of small facial wrinkles, gradual smoothing of deep wrinkles (massage in combination with other necessary procedures skin care);

Acceleration of skin regeneration, restoration of elastic and collagen fibers;

Purification of cells from toxins and toxins.


▪ dermatosis, eczema on the skin of the face;

▪ boils, open abscesses (acne, blackheads);

▪ hirsutism (excessive hair growth along male type on the face);

▪ signs of herpes on the face;

▪ neuralgia trigeminal nerve;

▪ open wounds on the skin, scars and fresh stitches after surgery;

▪ low blood pressure.


photo: face before and after several full courses massage


❶ Gather your hair with an elastic band or under a cap. Before the procedure, it is necessary to do make-up removal, thoroughly clean the face with a cotton pad with foam or lotion;

❷ it is useful to make fruit peeling using lactic or glycolic acid of very low concentration;

❸ apply a massage base on the face ( olive oil or massage cream), warm up the skin, gently massaging the face with the palms of your hands. Below you will find video materials with a visual demonstration of the technique of performing manual facial massage;

❹ tighten the oval of the face. We start moving from the center of the chin - Pressing the skin with the index and middle fingers (both hands), we move to the earlobes along the cheekbones (3 times), then - from lower lip in an arc to the temples (3 times), after that - from the lower eyelids to the temples (3-4 times). Now, pressing harder, we move from the center of the forehead to the temples (5 times);

❺ remove the excess interstitial fluid and get rid of edema. We perform the same movements as in the previous paragraph, only we press harder and finish each movement on the shoulders (through the neck). Then - stroking movements with palms on the face;

❻ get rid of wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the forehead. We press with our fingers on the skin area between the eyebrows and move just above the eyebrow line to the temples (pressure - moderate force), then from the middle of the forehead to the temples and then under the hairline. Total - 8-10 times;

❼ eliminate nasolabial folds and swelling on the cheeks. We fix the area near the left wing of the nose with the index finger of one hand, slightly pressing, move along the bottom line of the cheek (5 times), then the same movements with fixation on the other side. After that - stroking movements with palms on the face;

❽ prevent the appearance of fleas. Middle and index fingers with effort we massage the areas along the edges of the chin. Then we move to the temples in different sides(6-7 times, press with force);

❾ eliminate the second chin. With the thumb and forefinger (with two hands), we grab the chin area and squeeze and unclench (5-6 times), then with pressure we massage the bottom of the chin with our thumbs (5-6 times). After that - stroking movements in the chin area;

❿ lymphatic drainage massage in the periorbital area to get rid of edema, bags, dark circles under the eyes:

We perform massage with both hands.

  • We clean the skin and apply gel for the area around the eyes so that the fingers glide easier.
  • We move with the pads of the middle and index finger in a circle from the inner corner of the eyes clockwise. In total - 10 times.
  • With the pads of your fingers, press a little and move from outer corner eyes to nose lower eyelid, then - on the upper eyelid (10 times).
  • With the pads of four fingers (hold them vertically), we press on the lower eyelid and move towards the nose (8 times).
  • We place middle finger under the outer corner of the eye, while the nail is facing the temple. We roll the finger on the other edge so that the nail is directed to the bridge of the nose. We move in this way along the bone under the eye from the temple to the nose. In total - 6-7 times. Now we massage the area under the eyebrow and the upper eyelid, perform a movement in reverse direction(from nose to temple).
  • Press with the middle finger at the outer corner of the eye, roll the finger along the bone under the eye to the inner corner of the eye (as in the previous exercise), 10 pressing movements at the inner corner near the bridge of the nose, roll the finger under the eyebrow towards the temple. We make 10 such circles, and press in each corner of the eye.
  • With the help of the index and middle fingers, we perform circular movements along the circular muscle of the eye with a slight pressure, capturing the area above the eyebrow and the upper part of the cheekbone. We start from the outer corner of the eye and move through the lower eyelid to the wings of the nose. In total - 12 times.
  • We complete the lymphatic drainage massage with light pressure movements in the area of ​​the lower eyelid towards the bridge of the nose.
  • Now you can wash. Seconds 15 - cold water, then 15 seconds - warm water. In total - 8 times.


Dear friends! If you already have experience using lymphatic drainage massage at home, please share your opinions and results of improving appearance in the Comments.
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Lymphatic vessels create an immune network that covers absolutely the entire skin, and creates a shell for each organ. They are very small, in the so-called primary vessels. More than 75% of the original lymph nodes are in and under the skin. The original lymphatic structure is very thin. These cells are stored in connective tissue by collagen and elastin fibers that help hold them in place.

At the moment of increasing pressure in the interstitial space, increases due to the accumulation of fluid, or when the skin is slightly stretched, the threads deform the wall of the original lymphatic area, opening it. Then the interstitial fluid flows in and begins to move along the channel.

Lymphatic vessels - this is the place where it accumulates just incredibly a large number of proteins. These components are factors in the accumulation of water in the tissues, followed by edema. All these are complications, which can only be eliminated by using good massage. According to medical data, only a few liters of lymph pass through the entire system per day, despite this its value is very large. To avoid negative manifestations, lymphatic drainage helps, which at home improves the functioning of the entire system and the body as a whole.

By performing lymphatic drainage massage correctly, the opening of the initial lymphatic system can be stimulated and the volume of lymphatic flow increased by 25 times. But if you press too hard, you can destroy the initial lymphatics, reducing the flow of lymph. A lot of pressure can even damage the threads that hold the original lymphatic system in place.

That is why the deep penetration massage method is contraindicated in areas of edema. But in case of such strong pressure, damaged threads are healed during the day. Proper lymphatic drainage of the body is the key to your health. Only professionals should be entrusted with carrying out such procedures.

Massage allows you to:

  • Get rid of wrinkles
  • Eliminate muscle pain
  • Restore skin structure
  • improve immunity
  • lose weight

There are an incredibly large number of advantages and the improving effect will only increase each time.

How to massage

There are currently two fundamental types of lymphatic massage: clearing and reabsorption. The very idea of ​​this effect is associated with a mechanical effect from the outside, which leads to the appearance of some forces and pressure inside lymphatic vessels. Thus, all accumulations, proteins, harmful components are washed off the walls as quickly as possible. The first thing to consider is clearing:

  • Impact on the supraclavicular region;
  • Work with the axillary part of the body;
  • The inner parts of the elbows.

Each person will immediately be able to answer what these three areas have in common: the skin here is especially soft, the joints are constantly bent and unbent, the tissues are well stretched. Therefore, if you carry out massage in this place, you can achieve maximum effectiveness and effect.

Clearing the first area:

  • Take a lying position on the floor, there must be a hard and even surface.
  • Hands crossed in the neighborhood chest. The most important thing is that they are slightly below the collarbones.
  • Slowly raise your elbows, no sudden or extraneous movements. Everything is focused only on the elbows.
  • You need to feel that the muscles begin to create pressure, expand. This is the effect you want to get.

Working with the second area:

  • In the same position, put one hand under the head.
  • With the second hand, we begin to actively smooth the skin in the armpit.
  • With light movements, you need to stretch the skin, as it were.
  • The procedure lasts very quickly, and is repeated on the other side.

The advantage of the technique under consideration is its simplicity; it will not be possible to work out each lymph node at home, but it will be possible to somehow improve the flow of lymphatic fluid. As a rule, after the first home session, people immediately go to a chiropractor to do everything correctly and in accordance with medical advice. Professional lymphatic massage is hundreds of times more effective than the one performed at home.

The process of affecting the lymph nodes

From the moment the lymph enters initial system, it travels to a larger vessel called a precollector and then to even larger vessels called collectors. These vessels have unidirectional valves, each about 7-25 mm, which only allow lymph to move in one direction. From one one-way valve to another is called a lymphangion. They have a layer of smooth muscle that coils around the valve.

Each lymphangion has an internal stretch sensor. The walls of the lymphangion stretch as they fill with lymph, and then a stretch sensor signals the muscles to contract. This spiral muscle compresses the lymph into the next chamber. This inflates the next lymphangion, which then contracts, pushing fluid down the line. At the same time it pushes the lymph forward, it also creates a vacuum behind it. Due in part to this vacuum effect, lymph is drawn into the initial lymphatic system.

That is, lymphatic drainage massage at home is a complex procedure that affects the most minimal processes in the body. Proper lymphatic body massage should be performed in strictly allotted rules and recommendations.

Other conditions that contribute to the movement of lymph are skeletal muscle contractions, respiration, pulsation of the arteries, as well as the ability of anions to contract independently of stretch receptors. The effectiveness of lymphatic drainage lies in its ability to activate the stretch response, which significantly increases the speed of lymphangion pulsation, increasing the flow of lymph through the vessels.

The process of lymphatic drainage massage

Currently, lymphatic drainage facial massage at home is carried out only in special cases, if you do not have the opportunity to visit the chiropractor's office. The technology is quite simple, you will need to smooth the skin with the most gentle movements, at the rate of the lymph flow. The repetition of movements should be maximum and reach 15 times in one session. Of course, the skin on the face is very soft and delicate, after the procedures it needs to be lubricated with cream.

Many people, not knowing what lymphatic drainage is, begin to randomly rub their skin, thinking that they will succeed. It's not like that, you need to prepare for all this. There are a large number of massage groups and they are aimed at certain structures and parts of the body:

  • Lymphatic drainage foot massage
  • Facial massage
  • belly massage
  • Back massage

Such blocks manual therapy a lot and not everyone can do lymphatic drainage at home. At the initial stage, you need to more thoroughly study the methods and recommendations that doctors and specialists in the relevant industry provide you with. Violation of the movement of lymph can cause diseases associated with the immune system. In general, all this is a complex part of medicine, and massage should be carried out with a special approach.

It is necessary to do lymphatic drainage of the legs only in accordance with the movement of the lymph itself, in no case against its flow. Thus, it is possible to improve the flow of fluid and increase the functioning of the whole organism. Currently, you need to listen to the opinion of professionals, it is it that will help to avoid the most negative consequences and restore the body to the maximum as soon as possible. After the first procedure, the person feels much better, there is a desire to move, disappear pathological pain and disease.

Improving efficiency and rules

Modern manual lymphatic drainage is carried out strictly in the direction of movement of the lymphatic fluid. This is important as you must create flow and pressure to flush out any protein buildup. At home, this lymphatic drainage can be performed, but there is a possibility of damage.

Of course, doctors say that damaged lymph vessels are restored within a day, but it is better to do everything carefully. In the future, these procedures can be carried out by your relatives and friends.

Many do not know how to do lymphatic drainage at home. It's pretty simple, all you need is a map of the body's lymphatic vessels. Next, you kind of smooth each individual vessel, with light finger movements over the skin. You can not press hard, as this will only aggravate your condition.

Thus, lymphatic drainage at home is effective view massage for a wide variety of problems with the back, skin, accumulation of excess fat, and so on. Despite all this, it is best to contact qualified masters in a manual therapy salon, only there they will be able to do everything correctly and in accordance with the methodology.

Our lymphatic system is under a heavy load to remove decay products from the body. The article will help you independently master the technique of lymphatic drainage massage, which prevents violation of the lymph flow, gives beauty to the body, energizes and improves health.


Lymphatic drainage massage is a physical impact on certain lines of the body in the direction of the lymph flow in order to normalize and enhance the work of the lymphatic system of the body. The lymph flow system removes accumulated toxins from the cells and tissues of the body, it plays an important role in metabolism, and its normal work is a guarantee of good health, vital energy and blooming appearance.

Types of lymphatic drainage massage

Massage of the lymphatic vessels is the prevention of disruption of the functioning of the system, and also contributes to the normalization of excretion unnecessary substances and excess fluid from the body. At home, you can perform both a simultaneous massage of the whole body and its individual sections.

Lymphatic drainage face and neck massage

AT lower sections face and neck are clusters of lymph nodes that filter lymph from all organs, bones and soft tissues of the head. Their well-established work provides protection of this area from damage by foreign microorganisms, increasing the immunity of the whole organism.

Proper exposure to sensitive and delicate skin of the face and neck is beneficial for its elasticity and health. You can do lymphatic drainage yourself, in front of a mirror.

Spending only a few minutes a day on the procedure, you can achieve the following results:

  • Puffiness under the eyes will disappear.
  • The contours of the face and décolleté will become clearer and more toned.
  • The second chin will disappear.
  • Small mimic wrinkles of the face and neck will be smoothed out.
  • Nasolabial folds will become less noticeable.
  • The water-salt balance in cells is normalized, due to which dry or oily skin will become normal.
  • The face will acquire a healthy and even tone.
However, the procedure has many contraindications that must be taken into account before the impact on the lymph flow begins. This type massage is contraindicated in the following diseases:
  1. Violation of the microvasculature due to an increase in the diameter of the vessels and an increase in the fragility of their walls (rosacea).
  2. Unhealed wounds, fresh stitches or cuts on the face and neck.
  3. tendency to thrombosis.
  4. Trigeminal neuralgia.
  5. Oncological diseases.
  6. Enlargement or inflammation of the superficial parotid, submandibular, or submental lymph nodes.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the face and décolleté is most often performed to rejuvenate the skin, as it helps to activate metabolic processes in cells. It is recommended to start after the age of 25, earlier execution is impractical.

Lymphatic drainage foot massage

Stagnation of lymph in lower limbs possible due to a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, stress, tight clothing and a number of other reasons. Massage of the lymphatic vessels on the legs is a good prevention of lymphostasis and varicose veins.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs can be done independently at home. It will help get rid of problems such as swelling of the legs, cellulite, dry skin, vasospasm, muscle soreness. With the help of manual drainage, the operation of venous valves is normalized, the bulge of venous vessels is reduced, and general state lymphatic and venous systems.

The physical effect on the vessels in the direction of the lymph flow helps to reduce the amount of adipose tissue, increases the splitting and excretion fatty acids. During the stimulation of the deep layers of the tissues of the legs, the lymphatic vessels expand, blood flow accelerates, and the muscle tone. This allows you to improve the shape of the legs and tighten the muscles, reduce the volume of the buttocks and thighs.

  • benign or malignant formations on the lower limbs;
  • venous thrombosis;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Increased body temperature as a result of viral diseases.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the upper body

You will not be able to do a massage of the lymphatic vessels of the back, arms, shoulder area and chest on your own, that is, you need an assistant to carry it out. Mastering the technique of such a massage at home is quite within the power of your loved ones, those who are not indifferent to your health and good health. You can learn all the techniques and techniques for performing massage yourself and show it to another family member, who will then repeat it on your body.

Often the back muscles are overstretched due to stress or lack of regular exercise. This contributes to vasospasm, a decrease in lymph flow, and as a result, there is a deterioration in the removal of toxins from the intercellular space, the accumulation of lactic acid in the tissues, a decrease in immunity and general poor health.

Drainage of the back and upper body is very important for correct operation body, since the lymphatic system located in this area removes decay products from vital internal organs.

Lymphatic massage shown upper area obese people or high content fluid in cells and intercellular space, increased blood pressure, reduced skin elasticity. Massage is also recommended for people who often have cold hands. It activates the flow of lymph and accelerates blood flow. upper limbs.

Contraindications for lymphatic drainage massage of the upper body are:

  1. Diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  2. An increase in the lymph nodes of this area - clavicular, axillary, elbow and others - as a result of acute infectious, oncological or neurological diseases;
  3. Pregnancy;
  4. Cardiovascular insufficiency;
  5. Dermatological diseases.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen

Massage of the lymphatic vessels in the abdomen is used both for weight loss and for general health internal organs and tissues of the peritoneum. It allows you to solve a number of problems: tighten the skin of the abdomen, remove excess fat abdominal area, normalize metabolism.

At home, you can do it yourself. The main thing is to remember about contraindications, which are pregnancy, menstruation, acute intestinal infections.

Application of lymphatic drainage massage

The main condition for performing lymphatic drainage massage is the passage of fingers through the lymphatic vessels, carried out towards the lymph nodes. As a rule, lymph is collected from the bottom up, but there are exceptions in some parts of the body. Since only pressure on the tissues in the places where the lymph passes will provide a positive effect from the procedure, it is necessary to study the location of the vessels and lymph nodes before the massage.

Technique of lymphatic drainage facial massage

Lymphatic vessels on the face start from the middle of the face and descend to the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are located near the ears in the temporal zones, under lower jaw and under the chin.

Techniques are performed with light touches of the fingertips to skin only in the direction of the lymph flow. Lymph drainage is carried out using movements directed from the center to the contour of the face. On the occipital part of the head, massage is done in the direction from the crown of the head down to the occipital lymph nodes behind the ears. The movements of the fingers should be slow, comparable to the speed of the lymph flow.

Each massage is performed 5-6 times. In general, the procedure takes 15-20 minutes.

Facial lymphatic drainage algorithm:

  • Start with the frontal area. In the middle of the forehead, close the fingertips of both hands and slowly spread them, moving towards the temples.
  • Get down on the bridge. In the center, close the pads of the index and middle fingers and spread your hands along the lower edge of the eye socket towards the temples.
  • Massage the area of ​​the eyelids by palpation. To do this, close your eyes and touch the bottom and upper eyelid, starting from the nose and moving towards the temples.
  • With index fingers, draw a line along the nasolabial fold from the middle to the submandibular lymph nodes (located on the sides of the lower jaw).
  • Place your thumbs in the center of the chin, make a few gentle pressures and draw a line along the lower jaw.
  • Do a series of strokes from the chin down to the neck, moving the lymph to the submental lymph nodes.

Method of lymphatic drainage massage of the neck

Clusters of lymph nodes in the neck play an important role in the removal of decay products from the body. To perform lymph drainage at home, you need to study the location of these peripheral organs. On the front side, at the base of the neck, there are supraclavicular nodes. Next to the jaw are the upper submandibular nodes.

The nodes collect lymph from all over the body, purify it and transfer it to the lymphatic streams, through which it enters the circulatory system. If the lymphatic sinuses are clogged, the flow of lymph slows down. Massage helps cleanse the node for its normal operation.

Technique of lymphatic drainage neck massage at home:

  • Place your fingers on the back of your neck under your ears, thumbs pointing down and not involved. Apply light pressure in a circle between the back of the head and the trapezius muscle. Do not touch each other with your fingers, move from top to bottom towards the little finger.
  • Work on the entire row of superficial lymph nodes in the neck. Move your fingers from bottom to top from the back of the neck, making circular motions along the vertebrae and returning along the outside.
  • Performing such circles, you need to hold your fingers and lightly massage at the top of the neck under the ear, in the middle and at the base of the neck. So you relieve the load on the lymph nodes.

How to do lymphatic drainage foot massage

Foot massage is performed independently, after relaxing and warming up the muscles. For this:
  1. Sit on the sofa and stretch your leg forward, placing it on another chair. This will take the pressure off your muscles.
  2. Lubricate your hands with massage oil or honey and start slowly stroking your fingers from the ankle to the knee and then from the knee to the thigh, both from the inside and from the outside.
  3. Gradually increase the intensity of movement and the force of pressure with the pads of your fingers. Alternate smooth lines and patting movements.
  4. First, distill the lymph from the tips of the toes to the popliteal lymph nodes. Lymphatic drainage of the feet is based on rubbing with increasing intensity. Warming up the lymph along the lower leg is more like stroking with a little pressure.
  5. Then move up to the inguinal lymph nodes. To do this, put your fingers on inside thighs and gently move up, in the direction of the lymph.

Lymphatic drainage chest massage

In order to improve the functioning of the lymphatic system, strengthen the immune system and normalize the functioning of all internal organs, as well as to prevent lymphostasis, it is recommended to carry out regular, at least once a week, lymphatic drainage of the whole body.

Lymphatic massage of the chest helps to cleanse the lymph in this area, is a good prevention of the appearance of cysts, mastitis and other diseases, prevents congestion in the mammary glands.

Massage is done in the supine position, on the back. It is better not to do it yourself, but to ask one of the family members, because for the greatest effect you must be completely relaxed, and your hands are under your head.

We operate on the following technology:

  • From the center of the chest and towards axillary lymph nodes slow, light pressure movements are carried out with the fingertips. Return in a circle to the middle of the chest.
  • Spend pressing movements between the ribs, from the bottom up. Then come back down in a circle and with light strokes of the fingertips, perform a dynamic injection.
  • Along the chest, from the bottom up, apply pressure with closed fingers.

Indications for lymphatic drainage back massage

Lymphatic back massage is performed in the supine position:
  1. Warm up your muscles. To do this, transverse strokes are carried out with the palm of your hand, without applying oil.
  2. Apply a small amount of oil to the hands and spread over the back, moving from the spine to the sides.
  3. Press the palms firmly against the back and lead from both sides of the spine to the lower back. Then return to the starting point, with pressure moving along the sides of the back. Thus, you push the lymph to the nodes. Repeat circular movements 3 times.
  4. Circular injection: with the index and middle fingers of the right and left hands, draw straight lines from the lower back to the shoulder girdle. Perform movements symmetrically, return with tangent strokes along the line of the ribs.
  5. Starting from the shoulder girdle and moving towards sacral department, make circular pushing movements. They are held in straight lines away from the vertebrae.
  6. With the edge of the palm, draw from the center of the spine to the sides of the back at an angle of 45 degrees. It's like you're drawing a Christmas tree on your back. So you promote the outflow of lymph.
  7. In a circular motion of 2 fingers of both hands, walk along the neck - from the shoulder girdle to the hairline.
  8. Place your fingers along the spine in a rake shape and spread your arms to the sides, gently pressing on the skin. Start at the top of your back and work your way down. In the area of ​​​​the shoulder girdle, the lines pass between the ribs, in the lower back - along the course of the lumbar muscles.

Features of lymphatic hand massage

Unlike back massage, you do not need an assistant to improve lymph flow in the upper limbs. Massage of the upper extremities is especially necessary for patients after breast surgery.

We will consider the drainage technique using the example of the right hand, for the left it is similar:

  • Pull out right hand in front of.
  • With your left hand, make slow stroking movements, starting from the wrist and heading towards the elbow. Repeat 5 times and change hands.
  • After completing a course of exercises on the left hand, return to the right, only now act on the area from the elbow to the armpits. Since the lymph flows towards the nearest axillary lymph nodes, perform 10 circles with the palm of your left hand. Then change your hand.
  • The brushes are rubbed with stroking movements from the fingertips to the wrist. Injection of lymph in the palm is done with the thumb of the opposite hand.

How to do lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen

The drainage of the abdomen as a whole looks like circular movements directed from the navel and spreading by centrifuge to distant areas:
  1. Lubricate your hands with cream or oil. Walk your fingers around the abdomen - starting from the bottom, with right side belly, then up, across the belly and down the left side. You must move through the intestines, from the ascending colon, into the transverse and then down the descending colon.
  2. Place your fingers near the navel and slowly rub the abdomen in a clockwise circle in a circle.
  3. From the left side of the abdomen to the right, make stroking movements, moving the lymph to the inguinal and axillary lymph nodes.
  4. Finish the massage with light tapping with fingertips all over the abdomen.
How to do lymphatic drainage massage - look at the video:

Lymphatic drainage massage of the face and body is indicated for people over 25-30 years old. Its benefits cannot be underestimated, because it has a general rejuvenating effect on the body, heals it and improves protective functions, helps to remove excess weight and cope with edema.