The lymph node under the arm is inflamed: what to do and how to treat it. Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpit, causes and treatment of their enlargement, photo Axillary lymph nodes are normal

We often monitor our health and listen to our body. But we rarely pay attention to the lymph nodes under the armpit, although they are very important “guardians” of our immunity. They instantly block a cold and take the entire blow upon themselves. Enlarged lymph nodes under the arms indicate an infection that has settled in our body. Even the smallest change can signal serious problems and require urgent medical attention.

Causes of enlarged lymph nodes

Lymphadenopathy, that is, enlargement of the lymph nodes under the arms, is a “welcome” to a wide variety of diseases. Sometimes a doctor, seeing such symptoms, cannot accurately answer what led to this, and sends for additional examination.

In a normal and healthy state, they do not hurt or bother, there is no feeling of discomfort. If they become slightly larger, pain, swelling, inflammation or thickening appear, you should definitely go to the doctor. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, let alone ignore these signs.

Many diseases can lead to swelling of the lymph nodes, including:

  • rubella;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • measles;
  • mononucleosis;
  • flu;
  • adenoviral infections.

Why do axillary lymph nodes enlarge?

There are about 500-600 lymph nodes in our body. They usually become inflamed near the site of infection. Enlargement of the cervical or submandibular nodes can be caused by a disease of the throat, in the groin - by a wound on the leg, but if the cut was on the arm, then the axillary lymph nodes become inflamed. Why does this happen? This is due to an increase in the number of lymphocytes (the body's protective cells) that collect in this area of ​​the lymphatic system. This is the body's signal that natural defenses are turned on.

Some of the most common causes of enlarged lymph nodes under the arms are:

  • previous cold or infectious ENT disease;
  • lymph nodes under the arm may be a consequence of intoxication due to a viral disease.

In these two cases they are very painful, but after a course of treatment the seals will disappear. Other possible reasons:

  • if there is inflammation of the mammary glands. It leads to the accumulation of lymph and an increase in immune cells;
  • the person may sweat excessively, which causes bacteria to accumulate in the area.

What to do if the lymph nodes are swollen?

But the most dangerous thing is lymphoma. This is a cancer of the lymphatic system. The very first symptom is an increase in nodes, while complete painlessness. They do not decrease in size even after taking courses of antibiotics. Such compactions can only increase because there is an uncontrolled accumulation of tumor cells throughout the body. This process is very fast, and the body is affected by metastases. Therefore, at the first signs, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If the lymph nodes under the armpit are enlarged due to viral infections, you can help your body yourself with the help of traditional medicine. Echinacea tincture with alcohol is very effective. It should be taken ten drops 4-5 times a day. Inflammation can also be eliminated by a decoction of goldenseal, which is consumed ten teaspoons a day.

If you look at the statistics, you can see that only 10% of cases of changes in the size of lymph nodes are caused by cancer.

The lymph nodes under the armpit are part of the lymphatic system (a photo of its structure will be presented in the article) and perform a drainage function. They prevent infection from entering the human body. Diseases of the lymph nodes require immediate treatment.

Lymph nodes filter lymph fluid from all organs of the body. They are located next to large blood arteries and vessels. Thanks to this location, the lymph nodes can create a protective barrier against infections and viruses.

The nodes contain lymphocytes and macrophages, due to which harmful microorganisms are destroyed, large protein compounds and particles of dead cells are absorbed. At a high rate of infection development in the lymph flow, dysfunction of the system may occur, causing lymphadenitis (inflammation of the nodes).

Standards for the size and location of axillary lymph nodes

The nodes of the lymphatic system are round formations with a diameter of 5-50 mm. In a normal state, the nodes are invisible and cannot be felt or seen. Without experiencing inflammation, many patients are unaware of their existence.

The lymph nodes under the arm, photos of which will be presented later in the article, belong to the axillary group and are connected to the vessels of the lymphatic system from the arms to the tissues of the chest and back. They are located in the center of the armpit.

There are 5 types of nodes in this group in the human body:

  • chest;
  • apical;
  • subscapular;
  • central;
  • lateral.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpit

Inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes has 3 main types:

  • Contact, in which infection occurs directly from the lymph node.
  • Lymphatic when bacteria penetrate the lymph from the main affected area.
  • Hematogenous type, if the penetration of pathogens occurs through the circulatory system.

There are a huge number of factors that cause inflammation of nodes. Lymphadenitis is provoked by the development of infectious processes, the entry of bacteria and fungal microorganisms into the body.

Signs of inflammation depend on the cause of the disease and the general condition of the patient. Development can occur in a chronic or acute form, symptoms can be mild.

The most common are acute symptoms of swelling of the lymph nodes, which are divided into 3 stages: at the very beginning, the nodes in the axillary cavity grow in diameter, can be felt during palpation, and sharp pain appears.

Lymph nodes (1 or more) increase in size, this is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pain syndrome when raising arms or moving.
  • Extreme heat.
  • Swelling.
  • Numbness in the hands.

The photo shows the location of the lymph nodes under the armpit.

The second stage of development occurs with the following signs:

  • hardening of enlarged nodes;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disturbance.

At the last 3rd stage, suppuration develops in the lymph nodes, severe throbbing pain, and high fever.

In the female body, a similar process can occur for a number of reasons, with the following symptoms:

  1. Mastitis and mastopathy often occur in women during lactation, blockage of the mammary glands occurs. There is intense fever, chills and weakness.
  2. Benign neoplasms, fibroadenoma, cyst in the mammary glands, grow, and are not visible for a long period. An important sign that a woman can feel is a slight increase in the lymph nodes under the armpit.
  3. Malignant neoplasms– Oncology in the breast occurs with weakness and enlargement of the mammary glands.

Which doctor should I contact?

At the first signs of enlargement of the lymph nodes under the armpit or the development of an inflammatory process, you should immediately consult a therapist or pediatrician (for children). After an accurate examination, the specialist will refer the patient to a highly specialized doctor, for example, a surgeon, oncologist, etc.

What needs to be examined?

The diagnostic examination will be aimed at studying:

  • immune system;
  • lymph nodes;
  • circulatory system.

Diagnostic methods

If the lymph nodes under the arm are inflamed, a general blood and urine test is initially prescribed. The doctor conducts an examination and collects family history.

Simple studies will help determine the presence and nature of the pathology, after which Additional examinations are prescribed based on the specific cause of inflammation:

  • chest x-ray (if there are factors indicating tuberculosis);
  • Ultrasound of the chest, throat, chest;
  • lymph node biopsy.

A biopsy is required if conservative treatment and preliminary tests are unsuccessful. The procedure is also needed at the first signs of malignant atypical cells. Professional diagnosis is necessary for effective and high-quality treatment.

Treatment of inflammation with topical ointments

Local ointments have been developed for therapy:

Treatment with antibiotics

Lymph nodes under the arm (photos of them during inflammation can be viewed on the Internet) are not a specific disease, but just a symptom of a developing infection in the body. Therapy should be aimed at eliminating not the symptoms, but the infection.

To do this, antibiotics are prescribed for 10-14 days:

  • "Amoxicillin";
  • "Amoxiclav";
  • Azithromycin.

Important! Antibiotic drugs are prescribed only by a doctor; self-medication can lead to serious complications.

If the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes under the arm becomes chronic, the following antibiotics are prescribed:

  • "Tubazid";
  • "Ethionamide."

In difficult cases, injections of the antibiotic “Streptomycin” are prescribed into the inflamed area of ​​the lymph nodes under the armpit. Photos of inflamed lymph nodes under the armpit can be found on the Internet; those caused by tuberculosis are treated in a hospital setting.

Complex drug therapy

In combination with antibiotics, physiotherapy is necessary:

  • Ultrasound.
  • Therapeutic electrophoresis.

After 2-3 sessions, the inflammatory process decreases.

Folk remedies for HPV

Any alternative medicine should be discussed with your doctor:

  1. Mix hop cones, coriander fruits, valerian root, lemon balm, motherwort, linden flowers in equal parts. Pour the herbal mixture into 1.5 liters of water and leave in a thermos for 5 hours. Strain the resulting mixture and take in small sips throughout the day. Continue therapy for at least 10 days, then take a break for 7 days and repeat the course.
  2. Take a collection of nettles, horsetail, plantain, lemon balm, rose hips in equal parts, 1 tbsp. l., chop, add 1 liter of water. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes over low heat, leave for 4 hours. Drink 250 ml decoction 4 times a day for 7 days. Afterwards, take a break for 10 days and repeat the therapy regimen.
  3. Chop green walnuts and pour kerosene in a ratio of 2:1. Infuse for 3 weeks in a dark, cool place, strain through cheesecloth. It is necessary to treat the inflamed lymph nodes under the armpit 2 times a day until the inflammatory process is completely eliminated.

Unconventional treatment of inflamed lymph nodes under the arms

The use of alternative medicine must be carried out in conjunction with drug treatment; the most effective recipes are:


Surgical intervention is prescribed when inflammation develops into a complex form, accompanied by a purulent process. Lymph nodes that are inflamed under the armpit (photos), which can be examined independently, are opened by the surgeon and the accumulated pus is manually removed. The procedure is called lymphadenectomy and is often used in the field of oncology.

This procedure is carried out in the following cases:

  • severe inflammation, appearance of pus;
  • the presence of pathological cells after biopsy analysis;
  • a tumor exceeding 5 cm in diameter.

Removed or cleaned up, there may be lymph nodes in any axillary area, but there are a number of contraindications to surgery:

  • severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • diabetes;
  • impaired blood circulation in parts of the brain;
  • transition of edema to the chest area;
  • germination of carcinoma, accompanied by ulcers on the skin.

Treatment for oncology

If the result of the formation of malignant tumors in the area under the arms is positive, a course of chemo-radiation therapy is prescribed. Cancer cells in the axillary lymph nodes can be treated with several methods if the problem is noticed early in its development.

The treatment regimen is selected by the oncologist individually in each case, based on:

  • exact location;
  • phases of oncology development;
  • presence of metastases;
  • individual contraindications.

All treatment regimens are aimed at reducing the diameter of tumors, achieving recovery and restoration of the body.

Chemotherapy- the treatment method is developed on the basis of taking medications, the properties of which destroy atypical cells located in the lymphatic system. Medications are selected individually for each patient.

Radiation therapy- this is the most aggressive treatment method prescribed in difficult situations, in the last stages of oncology development. Powerful X-ray beams target cancer cells. This has a detrimental effect on them, due to the fact that under the influence of ions, atypical cells lose the ability to divide and grow.

Despite its high effectiveness in the fight against cancer, radiation therapy has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the entire body; healthy tissue is destroyed along with tumor matter.


As a result of long research, scientists have developed a special IPI (international prognostic index), showing the survival of patients and their further prognosis.

This indicator is influenced by the following factors:

  • Patient's age.
  • Serum LDH level (elevated or normal).
  • General characteristics of the patient's condition (according to the WHO scale).
  • The degree of cancer development.
  • The number of inflamed lymph nodes.

After the diagnosis, for each indicator separately, the doctor makes a general conclusion and prognosis. By noticing an inflamed lymph node in time and undertaking high-quality comprehensive treatment, you can eliminate the problem without consequences or complications.

Possible complications

Lymph nodes under the arm (photos of untreated, inflamed processes demonstrate the seriousness of the situation) when magnified are noticeable not only upon palpation, but also visually.

If in this case suppuration is added, this may result in the following consequences:

  • periadenitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • development of fistulas.

Cellulitis or inflammation of the internal tissue of the skin is formed, which causes severe swelling with sharp pain when touched. In this case, there is an inability to swallow, pain when opening the mouth, and severe fever.

Prevention of re-inflammation

In preventing the development of problems associated with the lymph nodes under the armpit, it is important to systematically strengthen the body, enrich it with vitamins and minerals. This will allow you to quickly and efficiently respond to infection and inflammation.

To prevent, improve and strengthen the body’s defenses, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Give up bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Eat healthy, balanced foods.
  3. Do gymnastics and sports to normalize the functions of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.
  4. Drink vitamin and mineral complexes, especially in spring and autumn.
  5. Any inflammation or illness should be treated promptly and completely.
  6. Undergo regular preventive examinations with doctors.

At the first signs and symptoms of enlarged lymph nodes or pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the lymph node is enlarged, after treatment, see a therapist for the next 6 months.

Lymph nodes in normal condition under the armpit, a photo of which demonstrates their location and normality, react to all negative processes in the body. This may be a sign of developing cancer and requires immediate treatment.

Video about the causes and symptoms of lymph nodes under the arms

Causes of enlarged lymph nodes:

More about the lymphatic system:

Lymph nodes play an important role in the human body. They are the basis of the immune system and are actively involved in cleansing the body of bacteria, viruses, as well as bad (cancer) cells. There are more than one hundred such nodes in the human body. However, sometimes they become painful and take on the appearance of bumps. This indicates that inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpit, on the neck, or in the groin has begun. More details about the causes of this process in women and men and its symptoms, as well as methods of elimination will be discussed in this article.

Symptoms and causes in women

Women are more susceptible to inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits. And they should treat this with extreme caution - immediately consult a doctor as soon as they notice painful tubercles.

Several different factors can provoke inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes in women, which include:

  • Diseases that weaken the immune system and overload the lymphatic system - acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, as well as chronic diseases;
  • Changes occurring in the structure of the mammary glands, the formation of fibroids, cysts or cancer cells;
  • Microtraumas of sensitive skin in the armpits, facilitating the entry of a bacterial infection;
  • External irritation leading to inflammatory processes in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles;
  • Purulent inflammation developing in the sweat glands leads to hidradenitis - their clogging and the appearance of lumps in the armpits.

The factors listed above provoke the formation of inflammatory foci near the lymph nodes, which makes their condition worse. However, not in every case the lump that appears in the armpit is an enlarged lymph node. In order not to make a mistake, you need to navigate the symptoms that are characteristic of the inflammatory process:

  • Pain in the armpit, aggravated by pressure;
  • Redness or swelling of the skin on one or both sides;
  • Lethargy, severe weakness;
  • Elevated body temperature, characterized by persistence.

An inflamed lymph node is externally easily distinguishable from wen, boils, hidradenitis and folliculosis, since it is a painful red lump the size of a walnut, hard or soft to the touch.

As for the other named entities:

  • Wen is a soft formation under the skin, without redness or pain.
  • A boil is a red-violet abscess, the diameter of which does not exceed 2 cm.
  • Hidradenitis is a large lump, accompanied by itching at the initial stage, and dense to the touch.
  • Folliculosis is a skin rash that consists of small red inflammations.

As it turned out, it is not so difficult to independently determine inflammation of the lymph nodes, but only a specialist can identify the causes and properly treat it.

Symptoms and causes in men

In most cases, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits of men is diagnosed only at the moment when it already causes a feeling of discomfort, and the disease moves to another stage, more severe.

Since men's follicles are larger in size and men's skin is oilier, they sweat more than women, and as a result, ulcers appear on their skin. In addition, in the process of shaving their armpits, men are more likely to injure the skin. One way or another, the appearance of pain in the armpits may indicate inflammation occurring in the organs located next to them. Lymph nodes in men can become inflamed for various reasons, the main ones being:

  • ARVI, influenza, purulent tonsillitis;
  • Blockage of sweat glands;
  • Poisoning of the body;
  • Folliculitis;
  • Purulent lesion of the skin;
  • Decreased immunity at certain times of the year;
  • Bursitis of the shoulder, wrist and elbow joints;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Oncology;
  • Excessive sweating.

The nodes themselves increase in size gradually, so the symptoms of the developing disease appear with a delay. That is why men turn to a specialist at the moment when the disease reaches a severe stage.

  • The appearance of weakness;
  • Persistent increase in temperature;
  • Headache;
  • Chills;
  • Redness in the armpits;
  • Painful sensations when pressing on the lymph node;
  • Pain that appears when moving your hand;
  • It is not possible to sleep on the side where there is inflammation.

When the body temperature rises above 38 °C, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, purulent inflammation can be suspected. In this case, the patient requires urgent help from specialists to prevent the development of lymphadenitis, which will be much more difficult to cure and will take more time.

How to relieve inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpit

If the lymph node under the arm is inflamed, then before you understand how to remove it, you will need to make an accurate diagnosis and identify the nature of the disease. This is important because acute, purulent, chronic, local, generalized, specific and nonspecific lymphadenitis are treated differently. If there is an infection in the patient’s body, he will have to undergo tests and undergo an ultrasound to identify the full clinical picture and select the most effective therapeutic method.

Inflammation can be easily relieved using physiotherapeutic methods. The most effective of them are UHF therapy and electrophoresis. They bring lymph flow back to normal and restore the functions of lymphoid tissue. Excellent results are achieved with electrophoresis using heparin. This reduces pain, improves the functioning of the lymphatic system and activates the production of blood cells.

UHF therapy is indicated for lymphadenitis in the inflammatory stage, as well as for the rehabilitation of the patient after surgery. This method relieves inflammation and activates the immune forces of the human body. Thanks to UHF exposure, microcirculation in the inflamed area improves and damaged tissues begin to recover. The healing process itself is accelerated, and the risk of re-infection is minimized.

How to treat

After the patient has been examined, a treatment regimen will be drawn up for him, the purpose of which is to suppress the primary source of the inflammatory process. While the treatment lasts, the patient will have to moderate his physical activity and take medications prescribed by the doctor.

Axillary lymphadenitis is treated with:

Treatment at home

You can supplement the main course of treatment with traditional methods of treating inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm at home. It’s just important to discuss this point with your doctor first.

Echinacea is very popular, as it helps strengthen the body’s defenses, activates the immune system, and has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person. Its tincture is suitable for:

  • Ingestion. Dilute 10 drops of tincture in 100 ml of water and take 0.5 tsp three times a day.
  • Compresses. Mix 1 part tincture with 2 parts water. Gauze is moistened with the prepared solution and applied to the inflamed lymph nodes.

Calendula, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, has proven itself well. From tinctures diluted in water, lotions are made, from decoctions - compresses for the whole night, and from infusions prepared from dried flowers of calendula and tansy - a remedy for oral administration before meals three times a day.

To eliminate redness and swelling, you can prepare compresses from:

  • Onions baked in the oven. Make a puree out of it and pour in pharmaceutical tar (1 tbsp). Apply the paste onto gauze and apply to the sore spot for at least 8 hours.
  • Alcohol tincture of walnut leaves. The leaves are poured with alcohol and left for 5 days to infuse. The finished tincture is used for compresses throughout the night.

Which doctor should I contact?

If inflammation of the lymph node occurs, it is better to trust the doctor than to treat yourself. Many people wonder: which doctor should I make an appointment with for such a problem? It's always worth starting with a therapist. He will issue a referral for the necessary tests, which will help determine whether the inflammatory process is a consequence of an infectious disease, or whether the cause is something more serious. Additionally, the therapist can refer you for tests for tumor markers, ultrasound and mammography.

Next, you should go to a surgeon who will examine the inflammation to determine whether surgical intervention is necessary or whether it can be done without it.

An oncologist will be needed if, with an inflamed lymph node, the patient feels tired, pale, short of breath and lacks appetite. This doctor will help to timely detect a malignant tumor or refute its presence.

Since the lymph nodes become inflamed for various reasons, the course of therapy in each case will be specific. If in one case you can get by with vitamins and immunostimulants, in another you can only cure the patient with antibiotics. But in any case, increasing immunity is very important, because it is interconnected with the human lymphatic system.


In most cases, inflammation of the lymph nodes can be treated conservatively. But it happens that it is impossible to do without surgical intervention. We are talking about purulent lymphadenitis. If it is diagnosed, then urgent surgery is required. Having opened the abscess, the exudate is released from it, the wound is cleaned with antiseptic solutions, and a drain is placed in the diseased node to remove the purulent substance.

Another disease for which surgery is indicated is a malignant tumor of the lymph nodes. The diseased node is completely removed and patients are treated with special anti-cancer medications.

All photos from the article

Lymph nodes under the armpit can cause a lot of inconvenience and pain due to their inflammation and enlargement. Meanwhile, there are quite a lot of reasons for their growth, so it is important to figure it out in a timely manner and find the root cause to successfully relieve symptoms

The most common cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes (or lymphadenitis) in the armpit area is various viral infectious diseases, fungus and the development of cancerous tumors. Women should pay special attention to this symptom, since such inflammations are often harbingers of breast cancer. The fair half should immediately consult a doctor at the first signs, because manifestation in the lymph node indicates a serious stage of cancer.

If the situation is not so serious, then an enlargement of the lymph gland in the axillary area can be caused by periodic shaving, the use of irritating deodorant, which clogs pathogenic bacteria in the pores of the skin. In general, an enlarged and painful lymph node under the arm indicates an increased intensity of the immune system in the fight against infections, bacteria and viruses.

Causes of enlarged lymph node under the armpit

Why is the lymph node enlarged? As stated above, this occurs as a result of the increased work of the human lymphatic system to produce white blood cells that try to protect the body and destroy pathogenic viruses that have penetrated it. Most often, the initiator of such a process is:

  • Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI)
  • Other infections
  • Nearby cancer, including breast cancer in women
  • Presence of boils, trophic ulcers, inflammation, thrombophlebitis
  • Diseases of the mouth and throat, including caries, stomatitis, sore throat, gum inflammation

It is quite easy to feel the lymph nodes under the armpit; they can be felt in the form of small balls. However, as the viral infection progresses, the balls progress in growth and become painful.

Sore throats and colds very often lead to the described inflammation and pain, since in these situations the immune system is very actively fighting the disease and needs a lot of leukocytes for this. There is no particular point in treating the lymph node itself in such situations; it is just a signal of health problems. After recovery, its size will return to normal, although this may not happen immediately after the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Often the initiator of the pathological process is inflammation of the hair follicle. This development of events is characterized by severe pain, redness of the affected area, joint pain, rapid fatigue, and nausea

If women, in addition to a lymph node progressing in the armpit area, have a lump in the mammary glands, then a consultation with a mammologist is required to prevent breast cancer. Other reasons include allergic reactions, the presence of a cyst, bruise, and in general, injuries often lead to pathologies in the lymph nodes.

Symptoms of enlarged axillary lymph node

The usual development of pathology is slow. At the initial stage, only a slight increase in size is noticeable; a little later, pain appears during palpation. This is accompanied by redness of the skin. In the future, if no treatment measures are taken, the nodes progress more and more in size, increased body temperature, the urge to nausea and vomiting, and muscle weakness appear.

The temperature can rise very significantly, in this state the patient may fall into a fever, and a distinct pulsation can be felt in the node.

In addition to ARVI, staphylococcus, streptococcus, and pathogenic microbacteria that cause decay can act as infections that initiate axillary lymphadenitis. The latter can form areas of rotting, with such manifestations as boils, ulcers, and so on.

A special type of inflammation of the area under the armpit in cases of syphilis, tuberculosis, and trichomoniasis is known to be severe.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes

The examination begins with determining the nature of the pathology, whether it is acute or chronic. In addition, the shape of the lesions is important; it can manifest itself locally or be generalized.

Next, you will need to have your urine and blood tested. In the latter situation, the leukocyte level is important. With an increased rate, the body is really in the stage of fighting some kind of viral infection and additional research is required to understand what exactly it is fighting against. If tuberculosis is suspected, the following is prescribed:

  • Fluorography
  • Mantoux reaction
  • Throat sputum examinations

Tests for HIV and syphilis are important. If cancer is suspected, a puncture of the lymph node under the arm is prescribed for histological analysis.

How to treat enlarged lymph nodes under the armpit?

You need to start by curing the initial disease caused by some kind of infection. To influence the node itself, electrophoresis procedures, the use of drugs and ultrasound therapy are suitable.

The local anesthetic Chlorethyl shows very good results. If you regularly spray the axillary lymph node with it, then after several applications the inflammation process is noticeably slowed down and the pain subsides. A side effect is local numbness of the skin.

In addition, you can use various ointments: Heparin, Boric Vaseline, Troxevasin. However, be careful, you can use any kind of warming compresses only as prescribed by a doctor, since in many cases they will cause more harm and will only aggravate the illness.

Antibiotics are prescribed at the very beginning of the disease. Thanks to their action, growth is noticeably slowed down. Antibiotics from the Penicillin group will be most effective in this regard. To see results, you need to take a course of 1.5-2 weeks, after which the lymph nodes will become noticeably smaller. If tuberculosis is the initiator of inflammation, they undergo a special anti-tuberculosis course of therapy in a hospital setting.

When suppuration appears in the axillary lymph node, surgical intervention is almost always required. During such an operation, the affected area is opened and physically freed from accumulated pus.

Treatment tactics, in the presence of malignant neoplasms as the initiator of inflammation of the lymph node, can be very different, usually it includes a course of chemotherapy.

Treatment of an inflamed axillary lymph node with traditional methods

The variety of traditional medicine methods in treating illness is very extensive. But we must remember that consultation with a doctor, even with such therapy, is mandatory. The source of the node enlargement is, as a rule, not under the armpits at all and all treatment should be built around it. It is highly discouraged to use all kinds of warm compresses, they will only aggravate the situation and allow the disease to spread to other organs.

One of the best antiseptics in this case is Echinacea. This herb stops inflammation very well and thereby relieves pain; it is recommended to take half a teaspoon of its tincture orally, dissolved in the required amount of boiled water.

During the inflammatory process, it is important to saturate the body with vitamin C. Both vitamins of natural origin - lemons, oranges, tangerines - and special vitamin complexes are suitable. It is necessary to drink vitamin C for diseases such as sore throat, colds, and flu.

Prevention of enlarged lymph node

There can be many reasons for inflammation of the lymph node under the arm. Therefore, in order to prevent problems of this kind, the body’s immunity should be strengthened so that in case of illness it does not overexert itself to fight it. Increasing immunity should begin with the most obvious measures of a healthy, balanced diet and playing light sports. Additionally, you can drink tinctures of rosehip and the above-mentioned echinacea. It is necessary to monitor accidental wounds, cuts, abrasions, promptly treating the damaged area with disinfectants - iodine or brilliant green.

By following these tips, you will forget for a long time what inflammation of the lymph node is, all the discomfort and pain that it brings.

Enlarged lymph nodes under the arms can be caused by many diseases. In most cases, the state of the immune system is normalized after the provoking factor is eliminated. If this does not happen, then diagnosis and treatment are required.

The proliferation of lymphoid tissue is triggered by allergic reactions of varying severity. In this case, it is accompanied by signs of sensitization of the body to external irritants (rhinitis, swelling, rash).

In the axillary region, enlarged lymph nodes are observed due to furunculosis. However, this disease is often secondary, that is, it occurs against the background of other pathologies, in particular, hormonal imbalance.

The disorder can be caused by inflammation of the axillary hair follicles or as a result of the penetration of infection from the mammary glands into the axillary immune links. In rare cases, the pathology is provoked by oncological diseases: breast or breast cancer. This cause accounts for more than 10% of cases.

The main reasons for enlarged lymph nodes under the arms:

  • rubella;
  • HIV infection, tuberculosis;
  • decreased immunity during pregnancy;
  • sprain of the upper limbs (because of this, the axillary lymph node often enlarges in men);
  • allergy;
  • peripheral neuropathy in diabetes;
  • menses;
  • cat scratch disease;
  • reaction to certain types of vaccines;
  • fungal infection;
  • bacterial infection;
  • melanoma;
  • brucellosis;
  • silicone breast implants;
  • measles;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • ARVI, especially influenza, including after recovery;
  • adenoviral infection;
  • mastopathy;
  • regular, profuse sweating, which provokes the growth of bacteria;
  • lymphoma;
  • scratches, abrasions of the axillary area;
  • an animal bite near an inflamed formation.

The proliferation of lymphoid tissue is caused by an increase in the number of lymphocytes, which are concentrated at the site of inflammation, and indicates the functioning of the immune system. Then, when the lymph node under the arm is enlarged but does not hurt, we are talking about lymphadenopathy. This condition occurs for various reasons. A doctor will help you determine the specific one.

With lymphoma, the formations do not decrease even after a course of antibacterial drugs. However, the lack of effect of treatment does not always indicate the oncological nature of the pathology. In the case of malignant damage to the immune components, they increase as a result of the accumulation of atypical cells in the body. Therapy in the early stages of the disease has the most favorable prognosis for the patient.

Axillary lymph nodes with mastopathy increase in 10% of cases. Many women experience proliferation of lymphoid tissue in the axillary region during pregnancy, which is due to decreased immunity. During the gestational period, pathology can be provoked by the use of inappropriate cosmetics (deodorants, etc.), since at this time the body’s susceptibility to external irritants increases.

Enlarged lymph node in the armpit of a child

In children, formations become larger due to infectious diseases, as well as damage to the skin of the arms and shoulders. The pathology is sometimes caused by "cat scratch disease", which develops when a stray cat is bitten or scratched.

To prevent the inflammatory process, the damaged area under the armpit of a child should be treated as soon as possible with an antiseptic (iodine or brilliant green solution).

Signs of proliferation of axillary lymphoid tissue

Enlarged axillary lymph nodes are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • redness of the skin in the affected area;
  • unpleasant sensations during palpation;
  • feeling of stiffness when moving your arms;
  • weakness throughout the body;
  • in the inflammatory process - increased local and general temperature, pain in the immune system;
  • nausea;
  • in advanced cases - by pulsation of the lymph node when it is palpated.

Signs of pathology are most pronounced if the disease occurs in a purulent form. At the initial stage, the body temperature rises slightly, then the person feels hot or chilly. In this case, surgery is often required.

It is important to know what an enlarged axillary lymph node looks like, since it can easily be confused with a cyst that occurs as a result of pathogenic microbes entering the sweat glands. For a correct diagnosis, you need to see a doctor.

If the lymph node hurts, but is not enlarged, then this probably indicates an inflammatory process. In this case, consultation with a specialist is required to help establish a diagnosis.

Diagnosis of enlarged lymph nodes under the arms

Deviations from the norm are identified by examining the patient and palpating the formations. In addition, laboratory and instrumental methods are used. As a rule, it is recommended:

Treatment of pathology

The therapist will tell you which doctor to contact if the lymph nodes under the arm are enlarged. This is the place you need to visit first. The therapist will prescribe treatment or refer you to an infectious disease specialist, surgeon, mammologist or other specialist.

To cope with enlarged lymph nodes under the arms, you need to find the cause of this condition and eliminate it. Most likely, this will lead to normalization of the size of the formations. In addition, it is recommended:

  • limit physical activity;
  • undergo physical therapy if necessary;
  • use topical products (ointments, compresses);
  • treat the affected areas with chlorethyl, combining it with Vaseline compresses and heparin ointment.

Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor. In case of purulent enlargement of formations, surgical intervention is usually performed, during which the affected immune system is drained.

During the rehabilitation period the following are prescribed:

  • antibiotics;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • anti-inflammatory and warming compresses;
  • low carbohydrate diet;
  • analgesics.

If the disease is viral, antiviral drugs are used. To generally strengthen the body, the use of vitamins and minerals, as well as immune stimulants, is practiced.

Folk remedies for enlarged axillary lymph nodes

These prescriptions can only be used after the approval of a doctor in conjunction with official treatment:

  1. To relieve inflammation, take 1/2 tsp. echinacea diluted in a quarter glass of warm water.
  2. The onion is baked and crushed to a paste. Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. tar. The resulting composition is applied to a bandage and fixed on the affected areas for a maximum of 8 hours.
  3. Boil mint leaves, soak gauze in the solution and apply compresses to the enlarged lesions for 2 hours.
  4. Goldenseal decoction is used in an amount of 10 tsp. in a day.
  5. 1 tbsp. l. crush the calendula, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take 50 ml of the product 5 times a day before meals.

To increase immunity, foods rich in ascorbic acid are introduced into the diet.