Pain under right shoulder blade in the morning. Sharp pain under shoulder blade

Today we offer an article on the topic: "Pain under the right shoulder blade from behind from the back - causes, treatment." We have tried to describe everything clearly and in detail. If you have questions, ask at the end of the article.

Having crossed the forty-year milestone, almost every one of us knows the cause of the aching pain in the sternum and under the shoulder blade on the left side. In eighty percent, in this way, the back or heart signals any interruptions in their work or elementary overwork.

But the causes of pain under the shoulder blade with right side usually remain beyond our comprehension. As a rule, in this area there are so-called irradiation pains, which are localized at a distance from the focus of inflammation. But an experienced specialist is quite capable of finding out the true cause of discomfort in this area.

  1. Intercostal neuralgia is accompanied by dull, aching or sharp pains;
  2. Osteochondrosis, scoliosis, intervertebral hernia;
  3. Diseases of the gallbladder and ducts;
  4. Pyelonephritis, nephritis and other kidney diseases;
  5. Cholelithiasis;
  6. Subdiaphragmatic abscess;
  7. Pneumonia, bronchitis and pleurisy;
  8. Exacerbation of cholecystitis;
  9. Diseases of the stomach, which, in addition to pain under the right shoulder blade, have others; symptoms: nausea, vomiting, flatulence.

Also, the cause of discomfort under the right shoulder blade can be determined by the nature of the pain in this area:

  1. Aching pain under the right shoulder blade is a sign of chronic processes that develop in organs located far from the localization of pain.
  2. Severe pain under the right shoulder blade is a symptom of exacerbations of many diseases: pancreatitis, cholecystitis, an attack of hepatic colic, pleural perforation.
  3. Pain radiates under the right shoulder blade - this is possible sign cholelithiasis.
  4. Acute pain under the right shoulder blade can be a symptom of hepatic colic, cholelithiasis, dysfunction of the bile ducts.

Pain under the right shoulder blade is dangerous because it usually appears far from the location of the pathology. This is due to the presence here of many nerve endings, through which the signal from the sore spot is transmitted. As a result of this phenomenon, called the reflection or repercussion syndrome, it can be quite difficult to establish the true cause of such pain.

Intercostal neuralgia

A disease such as intercostal neuralgia is widely known. It manifests itself as sharp sudden pains in the back of the type of backache, as well as dull aching pains radiating along the intercostal spaces.

A common cause of this phenomenon is root pinching or viral neuroinfection. Characteristic of this disease is pain when feeling the pain zone, as well as increased pain during physical stress, deep breaths, sneezes.

Osteocondritis of the spine

Most often, osteochondrosis of the cervical region provokes pain under the shoulder blades, which is characterized by a smooth, calm manifestation, without acute attacks. It is able to completely disappear or become smaller when changing the position of the body.

There is discomfort due to the fact that the vertebrae take an unnatural position relative to the soft tissues of the body, pinching the nerve endings.


Hypertonicity of the back muscles is observed in people whose work is associated with a constant unsupported sitting position, carrying weights and other work that causes tension in this part of the body.

Constant aching pain in the back, aggravated by reflex act, disappears only after prolonged relaxation and appropriate procedures.

What to do?

It is possible to establish the cause of the pain in the shoulder blade from behind from the back only after a complete examination in a medical facility. Doing this on your own at home, you can only start the disease, “lubricate” the signs of the disease, which will complicate the treatment.

So in order to cure painful symptom, no matter what the characters are - sharp pains or pains that are pulling, dull, you need to contact such specialists:

  • Cardiologist;
  • Neurologist;
  • Vertebrologist;
  • Traumatologist;
  • Gastroenterologist.

The first step, of course, may be a visit to the local therapist, who will conduct an initial examination, collect anamnestic information and decide which specialist to refer the patient to. X-rays will also be ordered. general analyzes blood and urine, possibly initial analgesic therapy that relieves pain symptom.


Prevention methods include:

  • morning exercises;
  • to give up smoking, overuse alcohol, fatty foods;
  • use of an orthopedic pillow and mattress;
  • pauses while working at the computer;
  • correct posture at work
  • maintaining optimal body weight;
  • periodic passage of a massage course;
  • playing sports, especially swimming in the pool;
  • sharp restriction of consumption of salt and sugar.

Correction of lifestyle will help eliminate the possibility of diseases of the spine, liver, kidneys and gallbladder.

Due to the fact that nerve endings stretch to the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, through which information about the disease is transmitted, pain can be far from the site of inflammation.

That is why it is quite difficult to establish the cause of the pain that has appeared.

This article lists the symptoms. various diseases, at which appears pain in right shoulder blade. But only a doctor should make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment, because. self-medication can lead to complications.

Why there is pain in the scapula on the right

Under the right shoulder blade there are no internal organs that can become the center of inflammation. Emerged pain transmitted from the site of the pathological process with the help of nerve fibers thus complicating the diagnosis of the disease. For this reason it is extremely difficult to self-diagnose the disease, a qualified health care.

Causes of pain under the right shoulder blade

The main reasons are:

  • Chronic osteochondrosis
  • Purulent inflammation under the diaphragm
  • Kidney damage
  • Injured or damaged trapezius muscle in the right shoulder
  • Pinched right suprascapular nerve
  • Pancreatitis in the acute stage
  • Pathological process that has arisen in the liver and bile ducts
  • Myofascial Syndrome
  • Adhesions that are a consequence of right-sided pleurisy

Types of pain under the scapula on the right Severe pain:

  • Nerve entrapment due to right-sided displacement intervertebral discs. Moreover, its intensity depends on the duration of the degenerative process.
  • Exacerbation of cholecystitis, in which severe pain occurs on the right, accompanied by bouts of nausea, fever, and yellowness of the skin.
  • Perforation of the pleura, which has a traumatic character.
  • Exacerbation of pancreatitis. In this case, pain sensations occur under both shoulder blades, but when the inflammation spreads to the head of the pancreas, the pain under the shoulder blade on the right is felt more strongly.
  • Hepatic colic. Most often, a similar ailment is observed in the beautiful half of humanity. Pain originates in the abdomen and radiates to the right side of the body:
    • Shoulder
    • shoulder blade
    • subclavian region
    • Into the right eye

Blunt pain may be a sign:

  • Chronic cholecystitis
  • cirrhosis of the liver in initial stage
  • Chronic pyelonephritis or nephritis, in which there is pain during urination and subfebrile (constant elevated body temperature in the range of 37.1 ° C - 38.0 ° C) temperature, which can rise up to 40 ° C
  • Malignant neoplasms on the internal organs located on the right side of the body

acute pain

Usually it occurs when inhaling, tilting. Most commonly called:

  • An attack of hepatic colic
  • Cholecystitis in the acute stage
  • Pathologies of the gallbladder and bile ducts

The reason for the development of these diseases can be not only food, but also a neurological and psycho-emotional factor, in which there is increased irritability and fatigue, insomnia.

Nagging pain

It occurs due to a violation of the structure of the spine, spasm of the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Pain sensations appear in the morning after waking up and disappear in the afternoon. To relieve pain, heat, rubbing, moderate distributed movements are recommended.

Sometimes a pulling pain under the right shoulder blade is evidence of oncological diseases of the internal organs.

Sharp pain in the right shoulder blade

This is a typical symptom in the final stage of development of a subdiaphragmatic abscess. Painful sensations sharply increase during a deep breath, spreading to the right shoulder blade and shoulder.

A sharp pain in the lower lobe of the right scapula can be a symptom of renal colic, as well as purulent damage to the kidney. Purulent pyelonephritis is accompanied by fever and frequent painful urination.

Constant pain

It indicates the occurrence of dyskinesia of the bile ducts of the hypotonic type. Painful sensations are formed in the region of the right hypochondrium and may be reflected in the right shoulder, under the shoulder blade.

A similar symptom is common in people with gallbladder disease.

Most often, this type of pain is transient, not associated with dangerous pathologies of the internal organs. It can be called:

  • Neurological disorders resulting from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
  • Long stay of the body in an uncomfortable position
  • Physical overexertion
  • sharp turn

However, the appearance stabbing pain may be a sign:

  • Spasm of the walls of the bile ducts
  • Beginning attack of hepatic colic
  • Exacerbations of cholecystitis

If the pain recurs, grows and "spills", you need to seek medical help.

It is both a symptom of pinched nerve roots and serious pathological processes that require immediate treatment. These include:

  • Right sided pneumonia
  • Atrophy of nearby tissues
  • Atypical angina

Similar pain sensations are characteristic of all the diseases listed above that are in a chronic form.

This type of back pain under the shoulder blades is the most dangerous. many patients consider it a common muscle strain or age-related changes organism. At the same time, they try to recover at home, without seeking medical help for a long time, which only aggravates the situation.

Pain under the right shoulder blade, which has a aching character, may be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • cirrhosis
  • Hepatitis
  • Chronic cholecystitis
  • The initial phase of gallstone disease
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Pleurisy
  • Hidden pneumonia
  • Chronical bronchitis
  • Tumor
  • Chronic pyelonephritis

Treatment of pain under the right shoulder blade

It is possible to determine the cause of the pain that has arisen only after complete medical examination. By doing this on your own, you can only run sickness, "lubricate" the signs of the disease, which will complicate the treatment.

Further course of treatment depends on the identified disease, accompanying symptoms and pain syndrome.

When contacting the clinic, the therapist can appoint a consultation with the following doctors:

  • Vertebrologist
  • Cardiologist
  • Neurologist
  • Gastroenterologist
  • Traumatologist

The doctor will prescribe an x-ray, general urine and blood tests, and, if necessary, prescribe analgesics.

In case of acute pains with vomiting, bouts of fever, fever, it is necessary to call ambulance.

How to recognize pain in the right shoulder blade?

Severe pain under the right shoulder blade may indicate such diseases:

  • Acute vertebrogenic radiculopathy or infringement of the nerve roots with right-sided displacement of the intervertebral discs (intercostal neuralgia). This disease is secondary, developing against the background of chronic compression of the nerve endings in the zone of their exit - in the "tunnel". The so-called "tunnel" is formed from various structures- osteophytes, hernia, articular tissue. The longer the pathological process of degeneration of the intervertebral discs lasts, the smaller the lumen in the tunnel becomes, the blood supply to the nerve endings is disturbed, swelling and pain symptoms appear, including reflected severe pain under the right shoulder blade.
  • Pancreatitis in the acute stage is accompanied by characteristic girdle pains, as a rule, they radiate evenly under both shoulder blades. However, with inflammation of the head of the pancreas, the pain spreads mainly to the right and is felt as a backache in the region of the right shoulder blade. The general pain symptom is permanent and does not subside with a change in body position, does not increase with tension, inhalation or coughing.
  • Cholecystitis in the acute stage is the main cause of pain reflected in the right shoulder blade. The symptom is so characteristic that many patients with chronic illness already know that the inflammation has begun. In addition to pains radiating upward to the right, acute cholecystitis accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, and often yellowing of the skin.
  • Hepatic colic is very similar to an attack of cholecystitis, it is also accompanied by severe pain under the right shoulder blade, but there is no nausea, no vomiting, no hyperthermia.
  • Spontaneous pneumothorax (traumatic pleural perforation) is characterized by sudden, pronounced pain in the middle of the chest with irradiation to the scapula.

Dull pain under right shoulder blade

  • jade or chronic pyelonephritis in stage II of the process, when changes in the renal tissue are of a sclerotic nature. The pain is felt periodically, as a pulling, dull, radiating to the lower back or in upper part body. With a right-sided process, the pain symptom radiates under the right shoulder blade. In addition to clinically implicit pain, the disease is accompanied by painful urination, subfebrile temperature body, rarely nausea.
  • Chronic cholecystitis is also manifested by dull pain sensations that can occur paroxysmal, but do not cause obvious discomfort to the patient. The pain radiates to the epigastrium (under the spoon) and at the same time "stretches" under the shoulder blade.
  • The causes of dull pain in the region of the right shoulder blade are various malignant processes localized in the internal organs located on the right. Tumors of the liver, pancreas, right kidney or right lung may manifest as intermittent dull pain under the right shoulder blade.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver in the initial stage, which, in addition to the characteristic clinical picture, manifests itself in the form of dull right-sided pain sensations reflected under the shoulder blade.

Sharp pain under right shoulder blade

This is usually an attack of hepatic colic, acute cholecystitis or a symptom of cholelithiasis. Also, acute pain under the right shoulder blade may indicate a hypertonic form of gallbladder dyskinesia. Hyperkinetic dysfunction of the bile ducts can be triggered by both food and neurological, psycho-emotional factors. Stress, emotional overload, violation of the rules of nutrition (overeating, spicy, fried or fatty) dishes are the main causes of JVP, which is accompanied by periodic paroxysmal epigastric pain radiating to the left or right, more often to the upper right part of the body. Pain spreads in the back, under the right shoulder. Acute pain under the right shoulder blade may increase with inhalation, tilt. As soon as the provoking factor is eliminated, the pain also goes away. In addition to the pain symptom, the patient has characteristic neurological signs - irritability, fatigue, poor sleep, sweating.

Sharp pain under right shoulder blade

This sign is a typical symptom of the end stage of a subdiaphragmatic abscess, when the sensation increases sharply with a strong breath and is reflected in the shoulder and right shoulder blade.

Also, a sharp pain in the region of the lower lobe of the scapula can be one of the signs of renal colic or purulent infiltrate in the right kidney with pyelonephritis. The pain symptom extends to the iliac region, in the hypochondrium, often under the scapula. In addition to pain, purulent pyelonephritis is accompanied by fever, frequent and painful urination.

Hepatic colic is a sharp, sharp pain that occurs most often at night. Painful sensations are acute and spread to the right shoulder, often through the scapula to the neck. If the colic lasts more than 4-5 hours, the pain spreads throughout the abdominal region, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, which indicates an acute clinical picture requiring hospitalization.

Stitching pain under right shoulder blade

These are usually quickly transient sensations that are not associated with serious pathological disorders in the internal organs. Most often, stabbing pain is a symptom neurological disorders with osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine. Unlike pains of a similar nature in the left side, which may indicate life-threatening cardiac diseases, right-sided transient pains are provoked uncomfortable posture, a sharp turn or physical overexertion. However, stabbing pains can also be a sign of spasm of the walls of the bile ducts and the onset of an attack of hepatic colic or exacerbation of cholecystitis. Therefore, if the pain recurs, increases or “spills”, its character changes within 1-2 hours, you should consult a doctor or call emergency help.

Drawing pain under right shoulder blade

These pains are most likely associated with changes in the structure of the spine or with spasms of the muscular system of the shoulder girdle. Osteochondrosis cervical area of the spinal column is characterized by aching, pulling sensations, which may slightly intensify with a change in body position or with a static, constant load (of the same posture). Pain may appear in the morning after sleep and disappear during the day after moderate distributed movements. Also, the pain symptom is relieved by heat or rubbing, which indicates a spastic cause of pain. For all other diseases, pulling pain under the right shoulder blade is uncharacteristic. An exception may be malignant tumor processes of internal organs - the liver, right kidney, pancreatic head or right lung. Insofar as oncological diseases develop latently and manifest themselves in the initial stages with minor, in the clinical sense, implicit symptoms. Pyelonephritis may also be accompanied by pulling pains reflected upwards, but, as a rule, this is atypical and rare.

Constant pain under right shoulder blade

This is a clear symptom of JVP of the hypotonic type. Bile duct dyskinesia in this form in clinical practice is much more common than the hyperkinetic form, especially in women and children. The pain develops gradually in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium and can be reflected up to the right shoulder and under the shoulder blade. The pain symptom does not cause severe discomfort, as many patients note - it is tolerable. This constant pattern of pain is "usual" for those suffering from gallbladder disease. In comparison with an exacerbation of the process or an attack of cholecystitis, constant pain under the right shoulder blade is carried by patients much easier and does not require emergency treatment. However, the undulating course of the underlying disease can increase and move from the remission stage to the acute period, therefore, anyone who feels chronic radiating right-sided pain should go through comprehensive examination and start treatment as soon as possible. The main danger of undiagnosed pulling pains in the right upper body can be gastroduodenitis, acute cholecystitis, cholelithiasis

Burning pain under right shoulder blade

It may indicate both an infringement of the nerve roots in osteochondrosis, and serious pathologies requiring urgent treatment. These include right-sided pneumonia, which often develops asymptomatically in the initial stage and may manifest as periodic burning pain under the right shoulder blade. Also, such pain sensations may indicate atypically developing angina pectoris, it is characterized by left-sided reflected pain, but in some cases there is also irradiation under the right shoulder blade. The very nature of the pain, which in clinical practice is called causalgia (from causis - burns and algos - hurts), speaks of inflammation and or damage to the peripheral nerve processes. Thus, burning pain under the right shoulder blade can occur either when the nerve roots are pinched, or when nearby tissues are atrophied, which is typical for pneumonia or angina pectoris - angina pectoris.

Osteochondrosis and pain under the right shoulder blade

Osteochondrosis. Pain under the right shoulder blade may be one of the symptoms of a cervical deforming process or osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. This is typical for everyone who is associated with sedentary office work, such a symptom is especially typical for schoolchildren or students. With such a static posture, constant compression of the nerve endings occurs, which results in chronic pain, reflected in the direction of the shift of the intervertebral discs. The pain can be aching, pulling in nature, give to the neck or shoulder, as well as under the right shoulder blade. The symptom is aggravated by awkward turns, movements, often in morning hours After sleep. Often osteochondrosis and pain under the right shoulder blade are accompanied by numbness of the fingers, headache. Also, one of the causes of such pain may be S-shaped scoliosis of the thoracic spine.

Pain in the right shoulder blade

Pain radiates to the right shoulder blade - this is evidence of such diseases:

Cholelithiasis Sharp, paroxysmal pain, with nausea, vomiting, elevated temperature body, feverish condition, icteric color of the skin
Spontaneous traumatic pneumothorax Sharp, sharp pain in the chest, radiating to the scapula (under the scapula)
Cholecystitis in the acute stage Pain in the right hypochondrium, spreading to the epigastric region. The pain radiates to the area between the shoulder blades, under the right shoulder blade, to the right shoulder, to the chest. The pain lasts from several hours to several days.
Renal colic, pyelonephritis Paroxysmal pain, sharp, cutting, radiating to the lower back. With the development of the syndrome, the pain radiates upward, if the right kidney is inflamed, there are purulent infiltrates, the pain radiates under the right shoulder blade.
Pancreatitis in the acute stage, inflammation of the head of the pancreas The pain comes on suddenly and is permanent. The symptom spreads along the epigastric region and radiates to the sternum, often under the right shoulder blade and into the shoulder.

If the pain radiates to the right shoulder blade and its intensity increases, emergency medical care should be called, especially for conditions accompanied by hyperthermia in the range of 38-40 degrees.

Aching pain under right shoulder blade

Aching pain in the region of the right shoulder, in and under the shoulder blade, may indicate a chronic process that develops in organs distant from the shoulder blade. Irradiating (reflected) pains that are not intense in nature are a typical sign of an underlying inflammatory process in the liver, kidneys, gallbladder or pancreas. Often, aching pain under the right shoulder blade does not stimulate people to see a doctor, while patients try to use various home treatments and only aggravate the pathological process. Diagnosis of aching reflected pain is often difficult, since the clinical picture is not manifested, while the main pain symptom is removed by “folk” methods - rubbing, warming, massages. Oncological diseases are also dangerous, which can develop over the years and manifest themselves as periodic aching, radiating pain symptoms. Identified on early stages, many oncoprocesses can be stopped, an acute pain symptom is, unfortunately, a sign terminal stage. Aching pain under the right shoulder blade can be a signal of such diseases:

  • Chronic cholecystitis.
  • Chronic pyelonephritis.
  • Cholelithiasis in the initial stage.
  • Liver disease, including cirrhosis or hepatitis.
  • Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Chronical bronchitis.
  • Hidden pneumonia or pleurisy.
  • tumor processes.

One of the types of radiating pain is the sensation of pain in the right shoulder blade. This sign indicates various violations in human body, they are localized away from the area that hurts. Therefore, if the right shoulder blade hurts, the reasons given state may be completely different.


Pain under the shoulder blade is a consequence of the pathological process in the internal organs.

Diseases that cause pain in the right shoulder blade from the back:

  • bruised muscles in the shoulder area (in this case, sensations occur during calmness);
  • damage to the suprascapular nerve on the right side;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine in the cervical region. The pain is caused by pinched nerves;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • complications after pleurisy of the right side in the form of adhesions;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • myofascial syndrome;
  • purulent peritonitis, abscess;
  • cholecystitis.

As you can see, there are many prerequisites for pain in the right shoulder blade, and this complicates the diagnosis of diseases. It is necessary to understand in detail why it hurts in the right shoulder blade from the back, and what nature of the pain is associated with this or that ailment.

The nature of the pain and what causes such symptoms

Depending on the nature of the pain, a preliminary diagnosis can be made, especially since serious problems always accompanied by other manifestations.

Blunt pain

This nature of discomfort in the area under the shoulder blade causes:

  • nephritis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • tumors;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Kidney disease may be accompanied by pain under the right shoulder blade.

While nephritis or pyelonephritis is in the second stage of development, the kidney tissue changes. The sensation in this case extends to the upper body or is localized in the lower back. When the disease is right-sided, then the discomfort radiates to the upper back on the right. Additional symptoms: nausea, temperature up to 37 degrees, pain when urinating.

Cholecystitis is characterized by dull pain under the shoulder blade. Discomfort has signs of attacks, but does not create severe pain for the patient.

Origin process malignant tumors organs located on the right side, causes dull pain in the area near the scapula. The same sensations are present in the first stage of liver decay.

Sharp and sharp pain

Acute discomfort under the right shoulder blade is caused by cholelithiasis, colic in the liver, or acute cholecystitis. Expressed sensations on the area of ​​the right shoulder blade also accompany dyskinesia of the gallbladder. Increased pain occurs at a time when the patient bends over and inhales.

Sharp manifestations of the described area become a sign of colic in the kidney, pyelonephritis or infiltrate, which have a purulent character. Additional symptoms are fever and severe bladder emptying.

stabbing pain

Osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic region can cause pain in the shoulder blade.

Often such a pain syndrome indicates neurological disorders. These disorders occur with osteochondrosis in the neck or chest.

Stitching pains of the scapula in the left side of the back also speak of serious disorders that threaten the patient's life.

At a time when the stabbing pain under the shoulder blade increases, it is a sign of the onset of the development of cholecystitis or hepatic colic, and also indicates spasms of the walls of the biliary tract.

Pulling and aching

The causes of aching pain in the area under the scapula are the development of diseases of organs that are far from the indicated place. These diseases are most often chronic form. In this case, it is necessary to understand that medical care is necessary, self-medication here can only do harm.

Pain pulling becomes aching or becomes pressing. This happens after physical activity, when changing the posture of the body and after sleep. After rubbing and heat exposure, the discomfort disappears. The cause of this symptom is changes in the integrity of the spine, malignant processes.

Continuous pain

Constant pain under the right shoulder blade is a sign of JVP. Gradually, the pain that arose under the ribs on the right goes higher. Meanwhile, the pain is tolerable, it does not cause severe discomfort to a person. For those people who suffer from a malfunction of the gallbladder, such pain is familiar. This symptom does not need to be urgently stopped, since it does not manifest itself too much.

It is important to take into account the fact that the disease goes into an acute stage. Therefore, it is necessary to be examined and start treatment of progressive ailments in time. The lack of timely diagnosis provokes such ailments as acute cholecystitis, gastroduodenitis or cholelithiasis.


To begin treatment, it is necessary to diagnose the patient's body. It is necessary to find the cause of the symptom and only then choose a method of treatment. Because if it hurts under the right shoulder blade, then the pains are reflective. And this means that the cause of the disease lies elsewhere. Specifically, in the area of ​​​​the scapula there are no such internal organs that would provoke such discomfort.

To establish the cause of pain under the scapula, a complete examination is necessary.

To diagnose the patient's condition, you need to contact the following doctors:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • specialist in cardiology;
  • vertebrologist;
  • traumatologist.

The primary examination is carried out by a therapist who makes a preliminary diagnosis. After examining and assessing the condition, the local therapist refers the patient to a specialized doctor at his discretion. In addition, the following diagnostic methods are assigned:

  • x-ray;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • blood test;
  • therapy to help the patient reduce pain.

If the pain under the shoulder blade is accompanied by additional symptoms in the form of vomiting, nausea, fever and high temperature then call an ambulance. Treatment is prescribed based on the results of the examination.

At pathological processes in the spine and fractures, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Surgery may also be indicated in this case. If the disease is caused bacterial infection in the human body, then antibiotics are needed for treatment.

Shoulder pain is sometimes a symptom of a condition requiring urgent surgery.

Pain in the form of a symptom of renal colic and biliary diseases is stopped with the help of analgesics. If the cause is gallstone disease, then until the stone is removed, pain will be present.

Urgent surgical intervention indicated in the diagnosis of subdiaphragmatic abscess. And with tumor processes, causing pain, prescribe chemotherapy, radiation, as well as surgical removal of tumors.

You should consult a doctor in a timely manner in the presence of pain in the region of the right shoulder blade. If this is not done, then the condition can cause serious harm to health, as many of these ailments are life-threatening.


To exclude the possibility of occurrence of such diseases is the only way avoid the manifestation of pain.

Prevention is lifestyle modification. It is necessary to avoid the use junk food and contact with harmful chemical compounds to protect the liver.

Playing sports, wearing comfortable orthopedic shoes, and avoiding injuries will help to avoid spinal disorders.

In general, healthy lifestyle life and good nutrition- this is the prevention of many diseases. And if there are already ailments, then you can reduce the number of painful attacks with a diet, specially prescribed gymnastics, and courses of medications.


Diseases that can cause pain in the area under the scapula are serious pathologies of the internal organs in most cases. If time does not pay attention to this, then the disease will cause complications. Contact your therapist if you experience pain and follow all his recommendations.

Pain in the shoulder blades is often not only formed at the time of uncomfortable hand movement, but also causes a serious illness. This phenomenon has one feature, which is that the cause can be located at a great distance from the place of pain. There is a huge number of nerve endings in the region of the right shoulder blade, and it is most often very difficult to find the true cause of the pain.

The type of pain that occurs under the right shoulder blade depends entirely on the disease itself. the true reason unpleasant sensations can be established precisely by their nature. Painful sensations can manifest themselves in the following form:

  • aching pain occurs with an uncomfortable position and when the head is tilted forward for a long time;
  • sharp pain under the right shoulder blade appears during coughing, sneezing, deep inspiration and any movement;
  • sharp pain under the right shoulder blade can occur spontaneously during movement or, conversely, at rest;
  • dull pain under the right shoulder blade can last long time and aggravate during turning of the head, sneezing and, in some cases, give into the hand;
  • nagging pain increases with a change in posture and prolonged motor activity, decreases during the day;
  • stabbing pain suddenly appears and also suddenly disappears, and it is also not associated with diseases of the organs and is only a neurological disorder.

Causes of pain

Depending on what type of pain occurs in a person, the cause of the formation of pain is identified. Pain in the right hypochondrium has a large list of causes.

Dull and aching pain can form during muscle spasm if a person is in an uncomfortable position for a long time. And also she can talk about disorders in the gallbladder, kidneys and pancreas.

Acute and sharp pain under the shoulder blade often indicates problems in the functioning of internal organs, namely in the cardiovascular, digestive and excretory systems.

Acute pain is often accompanied by fever and severe vomiting. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Pulling and stabbing pains under the right shoulder blade can be a symptom of the development of chondrosis in the first stages, osteochondrosis, spondylosis and neuralgia. In very rare cases, the cause of such pain is cancer.

Severe pain can occur with displacement of the intervertebral discs and pancreatitis. Unpleasant sensations may increase along with the development of the disease.

Burning under the scapula occurs at the time of pinching of the nerve roots, pneumonia, or at the time of the development of angina pectoris. These diseases require immediate treatment.

If the right shoulder blade hurts continuously, then this can become a symptom of bile duct dyskinesia (disorders motor function gallbladder). In this case, pain is first formed in the right precostal region, and then it goes to the scapula and shoulder on the right side. Such pains are tolerable, although they cause a lot of inconvenience.

Pressing pain in the right shoulder blade indicates a subphrenic abscess (abscess) that has arisen. If the pain during inhalation under the right shoulder blade increases, as well as blood pressure decreases and sweat appears, then this may be the cause of colic in the kidneys.

Pulsating pain sensations, most often, appear simultaneously with a sharp pain, and can cause serious diseases. Pronounced unexpected pain is a sign spontaneous pneumothorax and hepatic colic.

If pain is given under the shoulder blade on the right side, then this is a symptom of cholelithiasis. This pain may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and fever.

If the cause of pain is the pathology of the internal organs, then other symptoms may appear that are more characteristic of this disease.

Diagnosis of diseases

In order to find out why the back hurts in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, you should consult a therapist, for initial examination and conduct a full examination. After that, it will be much easier to find out the causes of soreness.

The doctor conducts a visual examination, clarifies the nature of the pain, prescribes an ultrasound of the internal organs and the delivery of the necessary tests.

After all the results are received, the treatment will be carried out by a narrow-profile specialist - a cardiologist, nephrologist, urologist or other doctor.

If it hurts on the right under the shoulder blade, and the causes of this disease of the internal organs, then the treatment is directed to the elimination of the main lesion. After the treatment of the cause of the disease gives positive results, pain in the back under the shoulder blade will begin to pass.

If the pain between the shoulder blade and the spine on the right is formed due to problems with the spine, then the focus of inflammation begins to be treated. Treatment is done with traditional medications- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), analgesics, corticosteroids and chondroprotectors.

If back pain in the shoulder blades occurred at the time of exacerbation of neuralgia, then warming and anti-inflammatory ointments, such as Voltaren, Diclofenac or Fastum-gel, are used for treatment, as well as special patches that have an analgesic and warming effect.

The cause of pain under the scapula can also be psycho-emotional state. There is frequent causeless irritation, the body quickly gets tired and problems with sleep appear. In this case, treatment may consist of sedatives and drugs.

When pain below the scapula is caused by a fracture of the scapular neck, be sure to use surgical intervention. Also with the help emergency operation removed subphrenic abscess calling severe pain in back. This is due to the fact that when an abscess breaks into the abdominal cavity, it can cause the development of another dangerous disease- peritonitis.

All infectious diseases that cause pain under the shoulder blade on the right rear are treated with antibiotics. Back pain begins to subside after the disease recedes. If the diagnosis is tuberculosis of the scapula, then treatment is carried out using anti-tuberculosis drugs.

If renal, hepatic or bile diseases, which are accompanied by a pulling pain under the right shoulder blade, the patient is prescribed a course of antispasmodics and analgesics. If acute back pain on the right is caused by stones in the urinary system, then the treatment will be directed, first of all, to their removal.

Tumors that have formed in the early stages of development are removed, and in some cases an additional prescription may be given. radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

When the pain under the right shoulder blade from behind from the back is eliminated with the help of medicines, post-medication therapy is prescribed. It helps to improve muscle tone and remove the feeling of stiffness. These therapies include massage, swimming, manual therapy and physiotherapy.

These procedures relax the muscles, strengthen the vertebrae of the thoracic and cervical regions and prevent further pinching of the nerve roots.

Therapeutic exercises are prescribed when the focus of inflammation is removed, and pain from the back almost does not bother. All exercises should be carried out only after a warm-up. To treat pain in the scapula and below, the following set of exercises is prescribed:

  1. In the supine position, you should touch the floor with your shoulders as much as possible.
  2. Move the hand that is in pain to the side as far as possible.
  3. With your free hand, touch the parietal region and tilt your head in the direction where there are discomfort.
  4. Keep your head in this position for as long as possible, as long as you have enough strength. The muscles at this moment should be in tension.
  5. Do the same slope to the other side.
  6. Relax completely and repeat the exercise after 3-4 minutes.

Except special exercises lighter exercises may be prescribed that help relieve tension from the scapular region and lower back. Such activities include bringing the shoulder blades together, forming a castle from the hands behind the back and lifting them up and light massage at home. You can also use a simple hanging on the bar.


There is no special prevention of pain in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. If the pain is caused by a disease of the internal organs, then the development and exacerbation of the disease should be prevented.

If neuralgia and muscle spasms become the causes of pain, then it is enough to play sports, do exercises that relax the muscles and avoid hypothermia.

If osteochondrosis causes discomfort, then it is worth talking with your doctor about preventive measures. In this case, a course may be prescribed medical preparations and physiotherapy.

There are a large number of reasons that cause pain in the area and at the bottom of the shoulder blades, the doctor will be able to identify them after a complete examination. In order not to aggravate the situation, at the first pain you should not self-medicate or ignore the pain, but you should immediately contact your doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

- its unpredictability: it will grab the lower back, then the neck - so much so that it is even difficult to turn it. It seems that the pain is trying to find our weak point and make its way and settle in the body forever. The most common reason for such "reconnaissance" is the deforming changes in our musculoskeletal system, the main bearing axis of which is the spine. However, often problems in the back can be associated with problems that are very far from dorsopathy. Most a prime example this is pain in the shoulder blades.

When it hurts in the shoulder blade, you can be sure of only one thing - there are 101 reasons for this.

And it’s possible that you don’t go to a vertebrologist (so don’t rush to buy tubes of gel), but to completely different doctors, for example:

  • cardiologist
  • Gastroenterologist
  • Urologist
  • Neurologist, etc.

Therefore, if it hurts in the shoulder blades, you should not think deeply about which pills from your home medicine cabinet you should choose. You need to immediately go to the clinic and be examined

Of course, because of the slightest pain in the back, you should not flog a fever. The following should be cause for concern:

  • The pain is constant and localized in one place. For example, there are the following options:
    • Pain between shoulder blades
    • The shoulder blade hurts
    • Pain under left shoulder blade
    • Pain under right shoulder blade

    A clear definition of the location of the pain sensation is very important in the diagnosis.

  • Pain varies in intensity:
    • At rest, it can be moderate
    • When trying to change the position - sharply intensifies

    A different color of the intensity of pain sensations at rest and in motion - from weak tones to supersaturated ones, may indicate a serious illness.

  • Another important test is the presence of pain on palpation. He usually correctly determines whether the source lies on the surface, which often happens with physical trauma, or whether the problem is deeper and it is most likely of a therapeutic nature.

What approximately can be expected, knowing the localization of pain, and what will it give us - after all, there can be many options?

Medical testology over the years medical practice systematized the complaints of patients revealed during the surveys (that is why it is so important to explain to the doctor as precisely as possible what and where you hurt). The habits of diseases have long been collected in a kind of card file, and it is possible to identify the "criminal" in his tracks. True, many will fall under suspicion, but experts will gradually narrow this circle to a minimum.

Let's look at all the categories of signs and find out what might happen when…

Pain between shoulder blades

This may be due to:

  • or thoracic protrusion
  • Kyphosis or kyphoscoliosis
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Shoulder-shoulder periarthrosis
  • angina pectoris
  • ischemia
  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum
  • Pneumonia or pleurisy
  • cholecystitis
  • Liver disease

Due to the low mobility of the thoracic region, pain between the shoulder blades is more often associated with overstrain or sprain or ligaments than with degenerative processes in the spine.

This often happens:

  • Athletes
  • For workers with constant static tension in the back that occurs during work:
    • at computer
    • machine tool
    • driving a car, etc.

Pain in the muscles and ligaments is different:

  • In the muscles - sharp or aching
  • In ligaments - in the form of aches or lumbago through the entire spine

One shoulder blade hurts

This may be caused by:

  • Banal
    With the syndrome brachial plexus there are backaches radiating to the scapular region, shoulder or arm.
    This phenomenon is inherent in those who are used to working with their heads constantly tilted.
  • Pterygoid scapula
    . The causes of pathology can be:
    • injury
    • neuroinfections and myopathy
    • paralysis diamond-shaped, trapezoidal and anterior dentate muscles
  • Osteomyelitis caused by a gunshot wound, which led to suppuration and intoxication
  • benign (osteoma, chondroma) or malignant (chondrosarcoma, reticulosarcoma)tumors
  • Tuberculosis shoulder blades (rare disease)
  • Injuries shoulder blades
    The most common cause is a fall on the back, less often on the arm.
    An injury can be recognized by the following signs:
    • increased pain with arm movement
    • swelling in the shoulder area
    • shoulder deformity

Pain under left shoulder blade

This pain can be caused by:

myocardial infarction

Its signs:
Severe angina that does not go away even after taking validol or nitroglycerin.

Some believe that in case of a heart attack, it must hurt on the left. This is not so - it usually hurts:

  • behind the sternum (in the middle of the chest)
  • in the left shoulder blade, shoulder, arm, even in the left side of the neck and jaw (radiating character of pain)

stomach ulcer

Ulcer symptoms:

  • Pain occurs intermittently after eating
  • Accompanied by heartburn
  • Disappears after vomiting
  • Given to:
    In the epigastric region, under the left shoulder blade, behind the sternum, in the thoracic back
  • At ulcer perforation:
    • the pain is aggravated by irritation of the nerve endings of the diaphragm
    • gives under both shoulder blades and over the collarbone
    • vomiting may occur before perforation
    • the patient is covered with perspiration, turns pale, takes a forced posture:
      "Kalachik" on the side or on the back
    • stomach hard and tense


  • Aching pain, often on one side
  • Increases in the morning and after exercise
  • It is given to the left or right shoulder blade, arm
  • There may be phenomena of paresthesia in the hands, headaches and dizziness.

Intercostal neuralgia

  • Girdle pain or paroxysmal pain
  • Increases with movement, pressure on the shoulder blade, coughing, sneezing
  • Directed along the branch of the nerve and may be unilateral
  • May be accompanied by paresthesia and sensory loss
  • It is given in a very wide area:
    In the heart, back, lower back, both shoulder blades

Mental illness
The most interesting option: there is actually no pain, it is created by a sick psyche

  • The person experiences:
    • Compression, burning, stabbing pain in the heart
    • The impression that the heart is about to stop
  • Gradually, pain and heaviness creep further along the body:
    In the back, limbs, collarbone area, under left shoulder blade, belly
  • There are unreasonable excitement, trembling, a feeling of cold

Pain under right shoulder blade


Basically, it is caused by stagnation of bile, caused by a narrowing of the bile streams.
This is usually a disease of lovers of all fatty, spicy, fried, as well as chocolate.

  • The pain is very strong, cutting, considered one of the most severe
  • Occurs at night and in the morning, a few hours after eating
  • It is localized in the right hypochondrium and is given:
    in the right scapular region, shoulder, neck, jaw
  • The patient suffers, can moan, constantly tossing and turning in order to find a saving position.


  • Starts suddenly pain attack right under the ribs
  • Further, the pain develops according to the type of cholecystitis, but then concentrates in the gallbladder area.
  • It can be given to the heart (cholecystocoronary syndrome) and even cause an attack of angina pectoris

Diaphragm abscess

  • Most often, acute pain begins in the right hypochondrium
  • Increases with inhalation
  • Is given to the right shoulder blade and shoulder
  • The temperature rises
  • In the blood test - a sharp increase in leukocytes and neutrophils

Inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis)

  • When the focus is localized in the right kidney, pain occurs
    Right in the lower back, scapula, under the ribs, iliac-sacral region
  • The patient suffers from frequent painful urination
  • The color of urine becomes cloudy, dark, blood impurities are possible

Thus, pain in the shoulder blades can talk about many reasons. Questioning the patient at the first visit to the doctor can help to make only a preliminary diagnosis, the specification of which is carried out using X-ray, ultrasound, laboratory and other types of research.

In medical practice, complaints of pain on the right rear under the scapula are quite common. It can be practically harmless (due to muscle strain), or it may indicate the presence of a disease that is dangerous to health and life (for example, bone sarcoma). Therefore, any painful sensations deserve attention and require timely medical attention.


The shoulder blade is the central part of the scapular region and is a flat triangular bone adjacent to the back of the chest between the second and seventh ribs. It can have various forms: short, narrow, wide, long, uniform. The blood supply to the scapular region is provided by branches of the subclavian aorta, which in turn is connected to the axillary artery.

What causes pain on the right side behind the shoulder blade? Let's figure it out further.

Types of pain

There are the following types of pain:

  • Local. It is felt in a certain segment of the body or near it. This type is associated with a process that affects the pain nerves of muscles, ligaments, bones, tendons, and joints. It occurs due to inflammation, that is, muscle spasm. Most often it has a diffuse character: dull, aching, acute. Eliminated due to the regeneration of the damaged organ/tissue, responds well to analgesics.
  • Reflected pain under the scapula on the right back from the back. It is distributed along the boundaries of the skin sections, interconnected with the supply of problematic organs and tissues with nerves. Appears in the presence of diseases digestive tract, pancreas, heart, kidneys. The pain of this type can be dull, aching, deep, combined with a disorder of sensitivity.
  • Irradiating. It occurs due to nerve damage. Characterized by increased intensity. Associated with dysfunction nervous system, which is neurogenic in nature. It is accompanied by a decrease in blood flow and disorders of the autonomic and motor systems. Does not accept analgesic therapy.
  • Dysfunctional. Arises due to psychological, social, emotional factors. It is characterized by a discrepancy between the severity of human suffering and an objective examination.

What does pain on the right side behind the shoulder blade mean?

Nonspecific symptom

This type of pain can be nonspecific symptom a large number diseases. The pain can be diffuse and local, cutting, squeezing pressing, acute and chronic. May indicate the presence of pathologies in the organs / systems that are in the scapular region: this thoracic region spine, ribs, muscles, skin, right lung, intercostal nerves. And it can also indicate dysfunctions of internal organs - the gallbladder, liver, right kidney, intestines.

Infectious, traumatic and oncological diseases

Pain under the right shoulder blade may indicate the presence of the following infectious, traumatic and oncological diseases:

  1. Developmental defects. Congenital absence or underdevelopment of the right shoulder blade is very rare. As a rule, malformations are associated with other hereditary anomalies of the musculoskeletal system: Sprengel's disease (high standing of the scapula) and pterygoid scapula syndrome. What else can provoke pain under the shoulder blade on the right back from the back?
  2. Various injuries or fractures. The displacement of the right scapula is characterized by blurred symptoms. When exposed to the hand, the scapula turns and slides off, which entails muscle rupture. Active movements of the shoulder joint are extremely limited due to pain in the right side of the back. In half of the cases, when the right shoulder blade is damaged, the nerves and blood vessels are also injured.
  3. Exostosis - bone growth benign tumor. It is characterized by the appearance of a feeling of heaviness, a crunch when moving the right shoulder, moderate pain. If it hurts under the shoulder blade on the right back, this may also indicate other pathologies.
  4. Osteomyelitis. Occurs due to open wounds right shoulder blade (for example, gunshot wound). It is characterized by intoxication and various local manifestations: painful on the right rear, dysfunction of the scapula. The spread of pus leads to increased pain and the appearance of deep muscle swelling.
  5. Tumors. persistent pain on the right under the scapula can cause benign (osteochodroma, osteoblastoclastoma, osteoma, chondroma) and malignant (chondrosarcoma, reticulosarcoma) neoplasms.

Diseases of the internal organs

Pain on the right behind the shoulder blade can occur due to such diseases of the internal organs:

1. Chronic pyelonephritis. The second stage of the disease leads to sclerotic changes in the renal tissue, which in turn provokes the occurrence of periodic pulling pains that radiate to the lower back or upper body. Manifested by nausea, subfebrile temperature, painful urination. Acute pain may be a symptom of a kidney infarction. Often a person has pain in the back under the shoulder blade on the right when inhaling.

2. Chronic cholecystitis. It is characterized by dull pain, localized on the right side of the scapula, radiating to the epigastric region. It appears paroxysmal, without causing severe discomfort. Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, yellowing of the skin, fever.

3. Dyskinesia of the biliary tract. It is manifested by the slow onset of painful sensations on the right side of the hypochondrium, which are reflected in the right shoulder and under the scapula, aggravated by deep breath, tilt.

4. Biliary colic. It is characterized by intense tearing pain extending to the right shoulder, shoulder blade and neck. If hepatic colic continues for 5 hours, then the pain spreads to the abdomen and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. What causes back pain on the right under the scapula behind is of interest to many.

5. Gallstone disease. It is manifested by pains under the right shoulder blade of an acute nature, which are reflected in the shoulder, jaw, neck, and sometimes in the heart.

6. Pancreatitis. Acute stage the disease is manifested by girdle pains, spreading simultaneously under both shoulder blades. The inflammatory process in the head of the pancreas provokes pain, which is concentrated under the right shoulder blade. Basically, the pain is felt constantly, does not subside with a change in the position of the body, does not increase with tension, inhalation, coughing.

7. Cirrhosis of the liver. Typical symptoms of cirrhosis (ascites, pruritus, jaundice, temperature fluctuations) at the very beginning of the development of the disease are accompanied by pain under the right shoulder blade.

8. Right-sided pneumonia. Sometimes in the first stages it is asymptomatic and manifests itself only as a burning pain under the right shoulder blade of a periodic nature.

9. Sharp pain under the scapula on the right behind causes a subdiaphragmatic abscess. It occurs due to the formation of pus between the connective tissues and the diaphragm when the body is infected with pathogenic agents. It is manifested by pain under the right shoulder blade, which increases significantly with a deep breath and a slight increase in temperature.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

If the ribs hurt on the right behind the shoulder blade, this is a sign of the following pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:

1. Cervical osteochondrosis. All variants of this disease are manifested pulling pain, localized on the back and extending under the lower back, into the buttock, right shoulder blade. Very often, the above symptoms are supplemented by headaches and numbness of the fingers of the right hand.

2. Scoliosis. It is a three-dimensional deformity of the spine, characterized by aching pains in the shoulders, back, under the right shoulder blade, and also causes upset stomach, intestines, heart muscle, and increased fatigue.

3. Shoulder-blade periarthritis. It combines various pathologies of the tendons of the shoulder region, ligaments, muscles that arise as a result of unsuccessful movement, muscle overstrain, provoking pain under the right shoulder blade.

4. Bursitis. Inflammation of the subscapular bag of the shoulder joint of the right hand provokes the occurrence of dull pains under the right shoulder blade.

5. Tuberculosis of the scapula. It is a rare pathology that occurs only in adults.

6. Shingles. It is characterized by the appearance of burning pain in the intercostal space and under the right shoulder blade.

7. Myofascial pain syndrome. It causes sharp painful sensations and referred pains, which most often occur in the muscles of the head (or neck), the right side of the back, which leads to the appearance of lumbago under the right shoulder blade, neck, transmitted to the buttock, thigh, foot.

Neurological diseases

Other causes of pain on the right behind the shoulder blade:

  1. Intercostal neuralgia. It is an infringement of the nerve roots due to the displacement of the intervertebral discs. While the degeneration of the intervertebral discs occurs, the blood supply to the nerves becomes worse, swelling and pain occur under the right shoulder blade.
  2. Vegetovascular dystonia. The disease is characterized by lack of air, a feeling of chilliness, nausea, dizziness, back pain of a aching nature, which spread under the right shoulder blade.

Diagnostic measures

When pain occurs under the right shoulder blade, competent diagnostic measures allow the separation of patients with specific and nonspecific pain. Symptoms that suggest the presence of life-threatening diseases: paralysis, stiffness of movement, gradual increase in pain, history of oncology, sensory disorders, changes in urine or blood tests.

If the etiology is unclear?

With an unexplained etiology of pain of a specific nature, indicating the presence infectious process, metabolic failures, tumor lesions of the spine, pathologies of internal organs, it is necessary to immediately consult with specialized specialists(cardiologist, neuropathologist, traumatologist, gastroenterologist).


Differential diagnosis of pain under the right shoulder blade is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Determination of the nature of painful sensations, collection of anamnesis.
  2. Measurement blood pressure, pulse.
  3. Palpation of the back, interscapular zone.
  4. orthopedic testing.
  5. Identification of accompanying symptoms.
  6. Exclusion of acute conditions.
  7. Exclusion or confirmation of psychogenic origin.
  8. Ancillary examinations: cardiogram, ultrasound, CT, MRI of the heart, chest and spine x-rays, blood and urine tests, bronchoscopy, FGSD.


Only a qualified doctor can treat pain under the right shoulder blade, because only he can choose the optimal therapy for the underlying disease and pain in the scapular area, depending on the diagnosis. The treatment regimen may include surgery and operational methods, warming up, massage, physiotherapy and reflexology.

Pain under the right shoulder blade has several causes. This may be due to diseases of the lungs, internal organs, of cardio-vascular system or spine. Pain as such occurs for a reason, it is a consequence of a specific disease that needs to be treated. And for this it needs to be properly diagnosed. So, let's try to describe the symptoms characteristic of this disease.

One of the most common causes of aching pain under the right shoulder blade is cervical or thoracic osteochondrosis. The vertebral processes pinch the nerve endings, as a result of which uniform pain sensations under the right shoulder blade or in the spine may occur.

Pain under the right shoulder blade may be due to changes in the area vertebral departments caused by Scheuermann-Mau disease (osteochondrosis, kyphosis in adolescence). In this case, the diagnosis is complicated by the fact that this disease has not been studied enough and it is difficult to determine its presence.

As a rule, dull pain caused by changes in the spine area increases when walking, as well as when standing or sitting for a long time. Dull pain under the right shoulder blade, which increases with the load on the arm, may occur due to injuries of some muscles in the shoulder area, as well as damage to the trapezius muscles. Such injuries appear as a result of acquired local injuries.

When the pain is localized not only in the region of the shoulder blades, but also in the region of the shoulder fold, this may be the result of compression damage to the suprascapular nerve. There are violations of the movement and functionality of the shoulder joint.

It often happens that pain under the right shoulder blade is accompanied by discomfort in lumbar. This may be caused by diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands,

If the pain is cramping in nature, the intensity of which can change in connection with meals or breathing, then it is a side effect of diseases of the gallbladder and its ducts. Unpleasant sensations in the region of the right shoulder blade in this case are caused by a spasm of the muscles surrounding gallbladder.

When does renal colic, its echoes are also heard in the shoulder area. The nature of such pain is sharp and strong. Additional symptoms are - abrupt change mood, lowering blood pressure, pallor of the skin, as well as perspiration on the body, frequent and painful urination. The pain under the right scapula in this situation is pressing and widespread in the area of ​​​​the entire right hypochondrium.

One of the very common causes the occurrence of pain in the area of ​​​​the right shoulder blade - an inflammatory process in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe digestive organs.

Inflammation in this case can occur in the kidneys, liver, gallbladder. The pain in this situation is piercing and sharp. A person feels uncomfortable in any position, unpleasant sensations make him move all the time.

When hepatic colic occurs, after two hours the pain is localized in the gallbladder. By nature, she is very sharp and piercing. Moreover, the direction of pain gradually goes up: in the shoulder, cervical region, sometimes in the region of the heart, resulting in an attack of angina pectoris.

There is no organ in the region of the right shoulder blade that could cause such painful sensations. As a rule, the source of pain is located in the lumbar region or abdominal cavity. In this situation, self-medication is strictly contraindicated. Incorrect diagnosis can lead to irreversible consequences and even lethal outcome. Only timely medical treatment will be able to correctly diagnose it and eliminate the cause. So don't hesitate and slightest symptoms seek help from specialists!