Excellent drug actovegin. Actovegin instructions for use in ophthalmology

eye gel actovegin 20% refers to drugs that stimulate the regeneration of eyeball tissues. Ophthalmologists at the Yusupov hospital prescribe the drug after complete examination patient. Doctors take into account the presence of indications, contraindications, possible side effects and the ratio of benefits to the risk of complications.

Main active substance Actovegin 20% ophthalmic gel is a purified calf blood extract. It is a natural product that has high profile security. When applying Actovegin gel on eyeball medical staff strictly follows the instructions.

Release form and pharmacological action

Actovegin 20% eye gel is available in tubes of 5 grams, which are packed in cardboard boxes. Instructions for use are attached. Eye gel "Actovegin" is a transparent homogeneous mass, slightly yellowish or colorless. The drug contains 8 mg active substance- protein-free calf blood extract. Auxiliary components include:

  • Carboxymethylcellulose;
  • Sorbitol;
  • lactic acid;
  • Thiomersal.

Actovegin activates metabolic processes in the tissues of the eyeball, improves nutrition and stimulates regeneration processes. In ophthalmology, it is used topically. "Actovegin" activates cell metabolism by increasing the transport and further accumulation of glucose and oxygen, enhancing intracellular utilization. It increases the energy resources of the cell in conditions of insufficient oxygen supply due to impaired blood supply to the eye.

Indications for use of actovegin ophthalmic gel

20% eye gel "Actovegin" is used in ophthalmology in the presence of the following indications:

  • Corneal ulcers of various origins;
  • Burns of the cornea with acid, alkali, lime;
  • Radiation damage to the cornea;
  • Corneal epithelial defects in patients who use contact lenses.

The drug is used to prevent lesions during the selection of contact lenses in patients with atrophic and dystrophic processes in the cornea.

Method of application, side effects, contraindications

The drug is intended exclusively for local application. 1-2 drops of gel are squeezed out of the tube into the affected eye. The procedure is performed 1-3 times a day. The frequency of application is from one to three times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the indications.

It is not recommended to wear soft contact lenses during the period of eye gel treatment. When using contact lenses, they should be removed before applying the gel and not installed earlier than 15 minutes after instillation of the drug. Before performing the procedure, the nurse thoroughly washes her hands with soap, treats antiseptic solution and put on sterile gloves. The patient sits comfortably in a chair and throws his head back.

Having opened the tube, the nurse opens the palpebral fissure with one hand, the second instills 2-3 drops of the contents of the tube. When using the gel, do not touch the tip of the tube to the eye. The tube must be closed after each use.

When using actovegin ophthalmic gel, rarely occur allergic reactions. Patients may experience itching, pain, lacrimation, burning of the conjunctiva, injection of the sclera.

In this case, ophthalmologists cancel the drug and conduct antiallergic therapy. Actovegin 20% eye gel is not prescribed for individual hypersensitivity to the main active substance or auxiliary components of the drug. The question of the appropriateness and safety of using actovegin eye gel during pregnancy is decided by ophthalmologists individually.

Actovegin eye gel is compatible with other medicines, which are applied topically in the therapy of the organ of vision. At complex treatment nurses apply the drug to the eyeball 30 minutes after instillation of another medicinal product. Tubes with Actovegin 20% ophthalmic gel are stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. Released by prescription.

Get a consultation with an ophthalmologist by making an appointment.


  • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
  • Yusupov hospital
  • The British Journal of Ophthalmology, August 1923. British masters of ophthalmology series - George Critchett
  • Astakhov Yu.S., Tultseva S.M., Umnikova T.S. Modern methods of treating retinal vein thrombosis // Congress of Ophthalmologists of Russia, 8th.
  • Gavrilova N.A. Pathogenetic mechanisms of development of diabetic retinopathy, diagnostics early stages, prognosis and prevention of development, a differentiated approach to treatment: Abstract of the thesis. dis…. Doctor of Medical Sciences - M., 2004. - 47p.

Service prices *

Service Price
Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with an ophthalmologist Price: 3 600 rubles
Repeated appointment (examination, consultation) with an ophthalmologist Price: 2 900 rubles
Point selection Price: 1 960 rubles
Biomicroscopy of the eye Price: 2 580 rubles
Gonioscopy Price: 1 600 rubles
Computer perimetry Price: 2 580 rubles
Inspection of the periphery of the fundus with a three-mirror Goldman lens Price: 1 550 rubles
Measurement of the angle of strabismus Price: 1 140 rubles
Skotometry (Amsler-Marinchev test) Price: 1 240 rubles
Exophthalmometry Price: 1 140 rubles

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not public offer determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. List of rendered paid services listed in the price list of the Yusupov hospital.

The drug "Actovegin" (gel) today is a very popular remedy used to treat burns and other lesions of the human organs of vision. We offer you to learn more about this drug, its features, mechanism of action, as well as the method of application.

Description, form of release and composition of the medicinal product

Mechanism pharmacological action the drug "Actovegin" (gel) is due to its components in the form of animal proteins, low molecular weight peptide and amino acid derivatives. The drug stimulates metabolism, improves cell nutrition and tissue blood supply, accelerates the flow of glucose and oxygen to damaged areas. This results in tissue repair cellular level and the consequences of necrotic processes are eliminated. The drug is available in the form of a 20% eye gel, which has a uniform consistency and can be either colorless or yellowish.

When this drug is indicated for use

With a burn of the cornea (due to acid, alkali, lime, etc.);

With a corneal ulcer of various etiologies;

With keratitis caused different reasons(including in the period before and after corneal transplantation);

In preventive and medicinal purposes with radiation damage to the cornea;

With an epithelial defect that occurs in patients wearing contact lenses;

For the prevention of shell lesions when fitting contact lenses in people with atrophic or dystrophic processes in the cornea of ​​the eye (including patients with age-related atrophic keratitis).

Side effects of the drug, overdose

Like many modern medicines, the drug "Actovegin" (gel, cream, tablets and other forms of release), in addition to benefits, can sometimes cause harm to our health. So, in most cases this drug well tolerated by patients. However, due to the fact that the human body often reacts negatively to foreign proteins entering it, the appearance of side effects in the form of allergic reactions. This condition is expressed by an increase in body temperature, the appearance of urticaria and hyperemia. skin. Sometimes in the first days after the start of using the Actovegin gel, a person may experience local pain. This reaction is absolutely normal and does not require stopping treatment. As for overdose, there is no information on such cases.

The drug "Actovegin" (gel): instructions for use

This drug should be squeezed directly from the tube directly into the affected eye. The dosage is one or two drops, the frequency is from one to three times a day. Sometimes the attending physician may prescribe a different treatment regimen, depending on the course of the disease and the patient's condition. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the opened package with the gel can be stored for no more than 4 weeks.

Contraindications for the use of the drug

The drug "Actovegin" (gel and its other types) can not be used in the presence of the following pathologies and conditions:


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as its analogues;

Stagnation of fluid in the body.

In addition, the drug should be used with caution in hypochloremia and hypernatremia. And when prescribing a drug to pregnant women, the doctor in without fail should take into account not only the benefit to the patient, but also the potential risk to the fetus.

"Actovegin" (gel): reviews, interaction with other drugs

According to studies, in the vast majority of cases, this drug is very well tolerated by patients and has a quick healing and regenerating effect on damaged tissues. As for the side effects, manifested in the form of allergic reactions, such cases were recorded extremely rarely. But even if they did occur, then, according to the patients, they disappeared very quickly after discontinuation of the drug.

The instructions for the Actovegin eye gel indicate that it is aimed at activating the metabolism in the visual organ affected by a certain disease, as well as at tissue regeneration.

The tool is often used as a preventive measure when wearing lenses. This is one of popular means used in ophthalmic practice. The gel is produced by an Austrian company.

Indications for use

There are many different drugs for the eyes, contributing to the restoration of the affected organs. Among them, it is worth highlighting

Actovegin (Actovegin) in the form of a gel intended directly for the treatment of diseases visual apparatus. Actovegin also has other dosage forms for external and internal use- tablets, ointment and solution for injections.

Eye gel is used only for its intended purpose, that is, to eliminate violations of the visual organs.

How to use the drug:

  • 1-2 drops of gel are placed directly from the tube into the affected eye;
  • per day it is recommended to do from 1 to 3 approaches.

To use the tool, the applicator is not needed, while it is important to be careful. The neck of the tube should not touch the surface of the eyeball.

The duration of the treatment course is most often within a week, but is more precisely determined by the attending physician, depending on the severity of the pathology.

It is necessary to pay attention to the shelf life of Actovegin. You can only use quality products. If the package is opened, the product is considered suitable for treatment for a month.

eye medicine

Thanks to the presence medicinal properties, eye gel Actovegin, with proper use, is able to cope with many ophthalmic disorders.

It is prescribed to patients who are diagnosed with:

  1. Corneal burns. The disorder occurs as a result of visual organ acids (sulfuric, hydrochloric, acetic and others), alkaline solutions(ammonia, caustic potassium, ethyl alcohol, lime), means not intended for instillation into the eyes, and other dangerous compounds.
  2. Corneal ulcer resulting from thermal exposure, chemical burns, mechanical injuries, infection, misuse contact lenses.
  3. Keratitis of various origins. They can be caused by injuries (chemical, mechanical), infection with a virus, bacteria or fungus, vitamin deficiency. Sometimes the disease is discovered after surgical intervention, the purpose of which was a corneal transplant.
  4. Radiation damage to the cornea. Actovegin is also prescribed for prophylactic purposes to protect tissues if the patient is undergoing radiation therapy.

The topical preparation will be useful for lens wearers with the development of corneal epithelial defects.

Therapeutic effect of the drug with a volume of 5 g

Actovegin 20% eye gel has a uniform consistency, while it can be both colorless and yellowish. The medicine, with the help of which they fight against ophthalmological disorders, is produced in tubes of 5 g. They, in turn, are packed in cardboard boxes.

The main substance of the agent is represented by deproteinized hemoderivate (hemodialysate) from the blood of dairy calves. Its amount in 1 g of the drug is 8 mg.

The effective action of Actovegin is due not only to the presence of the main component, but also to the presence in the composition excipients:

  • thiomersal;
  • sorbitol;
  • additives E466 (carboxymethyl cellulose);
  • lactic acid.

Actovegin, which stimulates the regeneration process, contributes to:

  • increased metabolism in the affected tissues;
  • improving the supply of nutrients.

Activation of metabolism in cells is carried out due to the transportation and sufficient accumulation of glucose and oxygen. In addition, as a result of the use of Actovegin, intracellular oxygen utilization is enhanced, which leads to a decrease in the pathological effects of oxidative stress.

The ongoing processes accelerate recovery by increasing the level of energy reserves inside the cell. It also affects the metabolic processes in the microvessels of the eye.

Special instructions and interaction with other drugs

Be sure to carefully read the instructions for the drug. The use of any drug will be most effective if patients listen to the recommendations regarding its use.

It is advisable to consult with your doctor before starting treatment with Actovegin about dosages, duration of the course and possible adverse reactions. In particular, it is unacceptable to use the drug without medical prescription during childbearing.

If a gel that enhances the saturation of cells with oxygen and helps tissues recover is prescribed to patients who, in Everyday life use contact lenses, optics will have to be abandoned for a while.

You should be extremely careful at the time of laying the composition in the conjunctival sac. Before the procedure, the hands must be thoroughly washed, and only then you can perform the necessary actions.

When squeezing the gel, the applicator is not needed. The tip of the tube should not come into contact with the eyeball.

Actovegin can be stored for 3 years, but after the package is opened, after a month the drug becomes unusable.

Eye gel can be combined with other dosage forms Actovegina

To date, there is no data on the interaction of the drug with other drugs that are prescribed to patients with lesions of the visual organs.

Use by pregnant women and children

Proper use of Actovegin ophthalmic gel contributes enough quick recovery affected tissues, the establishment of metabolic processes occurring in them, a more active supply of oxygen and essential nutrients.

However, do not forget that any medicine that successfully eliminates the manifestations of pathology may be prohibited for some patients or will be prescribed in extreme cases.

This applies to women in position, patients who are breastfeeding infants, and kids.

Drug treatment during pregnancy and lactation

Although often from the appointment of any medications a woman who is about to become a mother or breastfeeding breast milk, health workers abstain, treatment of an ophthalmic disorder with Actovegin ophthalmic gel is quite acceptable.

Before including the drug in the course of therapy, the doctor must take into account not only possible benefit for the patient, but also the likely risks for the developing fetus.

Possibility of prescribing medication to a child

Although the data on negative impact Actovegina on children's body no, the remedy will not be prescribed for newborns, as well as babies before the age of 3 years.

Drug analogues

If, for any reason, Actovegin ophthalmic gel is prohibited or not suitable for the patient, the doctor will be able to advise the use of a structural analogue that has similar indications, Solcoseryl, instead.

Actovegin Solcoseryl can be replaced for the reason that its main active ingredient is also hemoderivative of calf blood, previously deproteinized. As for the additional components, they are somewhat different.

Solcoseryl consists of:

  • sorbitol;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • carmellose sodium;
  • purified water.

The drug, which fights the pathologies of the visual apparatus, is produced in the form of a gel and is packaged in tubes, the volume of which is 5 g.

With the help of Solcoseryl, you can successfully cope with:

  • injuries of the stratum corneum and conjunctiva of a mechanical nature;
  • burns;
  • ulcers;
  • keratitis;
  • dystrophic changes in the cornea.

The gel helps to speed up recovery after eye surgery and helps to adapt to lenses faster.

The contraindications of the drug are the same. During treatment with Solcoseryl, allergy manifestations are not excluded, as well as a burning sensation, the presence of which will not be a reason for discontinuing the medication.

Overdose, contraindications and side effects

The company Nycomed, engaged in the production of Actovegin ophthalmic gel, makes sure that the biological material used is as safe as possible for human body. For the manufacture of the medicine, the blood of only young animals is taken, which is considered sufficient. an important factor and confirms the safety of the drug.

The technological process provides for the creation of such conditions under which pathogenic microflora, present in the source material, dies.

Since the manufacturer took care of safety medicinal composition, Actovegin is often perceived by the body normally without any adverse reactions. Sometimes patients experience allergic manifestations in the form of redness, which is a consequence of the excessive sensitivity of the body to certain ingredients.

Also, when using the drug, increased lacrimation is possible.

An absolute contraindication is:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • children's age up to 3 years.

Among the relative ones it is worth mentioning:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

If during treatment the patient notes an allergic reaction, the use of the drug is stopped. To eliminate negative symptoms You will need to take antihistamines.

Health workers have no information about overdoses.

Gel and ointment - differences in composition and methods of application

In addition to the eye gel, Nycomed produces the drug in the form of an ointment, which contains the same deproteinized hemoderivat from calf blood. As for additional components, some differences exist.

In particular, the preparation contains:

  • macrogol;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • glycerol monostearate;
  • purified water.

Thanks to the ointment, cellular metabolism is being established, which contributes to the saturation of tissues with oxygen and glucose. As you know, oxygen is extremely essential substance without which cells cannot exist.

Actovegin 5% ointment is available in tubes of 20 g, 30 g and 50 g.

If the eye gel is prescribed purely to eliminate the symptoms of ophthalmic diseases, it is appropriate to use the ointment for:

  • trophic ulcers;
  • bedsores;
  • treatment of wounds before a skin graft operation;
  • radiation damage to the skin;
  • burns of various etiologies;
  • in complex therapy aimed at eliminating the manifestations of hemorrhoids.

Doctors advise to keep home first aid kit ointment with which you can treat small cuts and abrasions, both in adults and in children. Treatment of deep ulcers and wounds must be agreed with the doctor.

Actovegin is a drug that improves metabolic processes in tissues, stimulates the regeneration of affected cells.

Ophthalmologists for getting rid of various diseases quite often recommend their patients to use this drug in the form of an eye gel.

The composition of the eye gel Actovegin

The active ingredient of the drug is deproteinized hemoderivat obtained from calf blood.

In addition, the gel contains a certain amount of excipients - thiomersal, lactic acid, carboxymethylcellulose and sorbitol. The drug is safe for humans because animal donors biological material undergo strict epidemiological control.

The sampling of the components necessary for the production of the drug is carried out only from young individuals. During the manufacture of the gel, all the pathological microflora of the biomaterial is necessarily destroyed.

Ointment release form

The gel is produced in tubes of 5 g. They are packed in cardboard boxes, inside which instructions are placed. The drug has the appearance of a transparent, homogeneous mass. It is colorless or slightly yellowish.

IMPORTANT: After opening the package, the eye gel can be used for 4 weeks. After this period, you must purchase new packaging medicines.

pharmachologic effect

When using the drug, it is possible to start the metabolism in tissues, stimulate their recovery. The drug normalizes cellular metabolism by increasing the accumulation of glucose and oxygen, improves blood circulation.

Indications for use

This drug is usually prescribed for:

IMPORTANT: The drug begins to act half an hour after its use. Maximum effect observed 2-3 hours after the procedure.

Instructions for use and dosage

The medicine is suitable for local use only. It is easy to apply it to the affected area. From the tube you need to squeeze a couple of drops of gel directly into the eye.

The procedure is carried out 1-3 times a day. The doctor himself determines how long the treatment will last, so the drug can be used only on the recommendation of a specialist.


Gel Actovegin is forbidden to use when:

People suffering from hypernatremia and hypochloremia, the drug is prescribed with caution. Pregnant women are treated with eye gel with mandatory consideration possible risk for the fetus and only under strict indications.

IMPORTANT: The effect of eye gel on newborns has not yet been fully studied. In addition, there is no specific information regarding the use of the drug for the treatment of people in the elderly. In pediatrics, it is used only after consulting a doctor.

Side effects

Almost all patients tolerate the medicine well. In rare cases, allergic reactions occur, manifested by redness of the eyes. This indicates hypersensitivity to the components that make up the gel. As a rule, such reactions are not too pronounced.

Sometimes allergies are due to the fact that the drug contains quite a lot of animal proteins. It is to a foreign protein that the body reacts in this way. When using the medication, some people experience active lacrimation. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor. Fortunately, side effects occur extremely rarely. Even with long-term use eye gel Actovegin is not addictive, since it acts only at the site of application.

At correct use eye gel Actovegin manages to achieve good results. It allows you to quickly get rid of burns and ulcers on the cornea, avoid discomfort when wearing contact lenses.

Actovegin is a hemoderivator drug that stimulates tissue metabolism, activates trophism, and improves regenerative functions.

Composition, release form

Actovegin - sterile solution for injection; gel 20% for external use.


One milliliter sterile solution contains:

  • The main active substances are: deproteinized hemoderivat isolated from the blood of calves - 40 mg, sodium chloride - 26.8 mg.
  • Additional component: water.

Package. Dark glass ampoules of 5 or 10 ml (5 pcs.). Cardboard box with instructions.


One gram of gel contains:

  • The main active substance: deproteinized hemoderivate isolated from the blood of calves - 8 mg.
  • Additional components: sodium carmellose, calcium lactate, propylene glycol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, water.

Package. Aluminum tubes 20, 30, 50, 100 gr.

pharmachologic effect

Actovegin is a hemoderivate isolated from the blood of calves by dialysis and ultrafiltration. At the same time, actovegin is an antihypoxant that can positively influence the transport and utilization of glucose. It stimulates oxygen consumption (which helps to stabilize plasma membranes with ischemia, as well as a decrease in the formation of lactates). Its antihypoxic effect occurs 30 minutes after injection, reaching the maximum possible after three hours.

Indications for use

Application in ophthalmology:

  • Actovegin injections are prescribed to normalize increased intraocular pressure, the growth of which is the cause of heaviness and pain in the eyes. Similar state leads to blurry, fuzzy vision, which quickly returns to normal after the introduction.
  • Actovegin gel is recommended for injuries or; and burns of the cornea various genesis, with (including those that occurred after the cornea), with radiation injuries, changes in the corneal epithelium inherent in users (for prevention, including).

Dosage and administration

Actovegin solution is used intraarterially, intravenously (including infusion administration), intramuscularly; gel - externally. The introduction of the drug can be potentially dangerous due to the occurrence anaphylactic reactions, therefore, its use is possible only after a sensitivity test (up to 2 ml intramuscularly).

The initial injection dose of Actovegin is 10 - 20 ml / day, it is prescribed intravenously or intra-arterially, depending on the severity of the condition; then the dose is reduced to 5 ml intravenously or intramuscularly.

For infusion administration to the main solution (200-300 ml of 5% dextrose / 0.9% sodium chloride) it is necessary to add 10-20 ml of Actovegin solution. The introduction is carried out at a speed of up to 2 ml / min.

Actovegin gel is applied several times daily thin layer to the affected areas. Cleansing the ulcer surface requires pre-treatment, when the gel is applied in a thick layer to the wound and closed with a compress. With a very wet surface, gauze bandage change at least once a day.


  • Individual hypersensitivity.
  • Heart failure (decompensated);
  • Pulmonary edema;
  • Oliguria, anuria, fluid retention;

Actovegin should be administered with caution in hyperchloremia, hypernatremia.

Side effects

Allergic reactions (including hyperthermia, rash, skin), up to the development of anaphylactic shock.


No data available.

Interaction with other tools


Storage conditions and special instructions

Intramuscular injections of the drug provide for a dosage limit of 5 ml. The introduction must be done slowly.

An opaque solution of Actovegin or a solution containing undissolved inclusions is prohibited.
Contact lenses should not be worn during treatment.
Opened ampoules with a solution are not subject to storage.
Shake the bottle vigorously before use.
Actovegin is stored in a dark place at room temperature.

Shelf life - 5 years.

Actovegin's analogues

An analogue of Actovegin for use in ophthalmology is the drug Solcoseryl.

The price of the drug

Actovegin price in Russian pharmacies: gel - 150 rubles, injection solution - 600 rubles.