How to wear a riding harness. How to put a harness on a dog: correctly, video, what it is, yourself

When purchasing a complex figure-eight weave of straps, the novice owner does not really know what to do with them and how to put them on harness on dog. A harness is a leash, the one that is connected to a belt, passing through top part breasts


1. If you have a very temperamental dog that won’t let you put it on harness, you need to grab the dog's waist between your knees. At this time, straighten correctly harness in such a way that the soft part is inside.

2. The first step is to put the closed ring on the dog's neck (the dimensions on the harness in the neck area may vary).

3. Now you need to unfold the jumper (which connects the closed ring and the strap) so that it is located on the throat.

5. Place your dog's front right paw into the space between the strap and the closed ring. Thus, it turns out that the jumper will pass through the chest, and the right paw will be clothed in harness .

6. Now there is only one free end left, the one that needs to be inserted into the armpit of the left paw.

7. Now you can fasten the strap. The dog must be placed on its paws and the closed ring must be placed around the neck so that it does not squeeze, but at the same time fits tightly around the dog’s neck. Check the chest strap, it should lie flat.

8. Try to tighten the strap; on the contrary, the dog will be able to easily wriggle out of a loosely fastened harness.

9. Fasten the leash to the carabiner, adjust the tension of the straps and you can bravely go for a walk.

You've probably heard the word "harness" before. If you have, then you know why this item is needed. If not, let us explain: a harness is an interweaving of straps that plays the role of a collar, so to speak, for a domestic animal, which fits on the body and does not pull on the neck. Looking at this item for the first time, we can spend a long time wondering how to put it on our cat or, say, on a domesticated ferret. Domestic ferrets are rare, but we will now look at how to put a harness on a cat.


1. The most common figure-eight harness is a closed ring that smoothly turns into a strap. The size of the closed ring that fits around the cat's neck can vary. The leash is then attached to the harness using a carabiner.

2. It turns out that we put a closed ring on the cat’s neck. We unfold the jumper that connects the strap and the closed ring so that it is located on the throat.

3. We expand the space between the closed ring and the jumper by moving the strap to the required position. Next we insert the cat’s right paw into the space between the closed ring and the strap. So we will get the jumper to lie on the cat’s chest, and the animal’s right paw will be covered by the harness.

4. Now let’s take the free end of the strap and place it in the armpit of the 2nd (left) paw. Fasten the strap. We put the cat on its paws, place a closed ring around the animal’s neck so that it fits tightly around the cat’s throat, but does not squeeze it. Then the cat from the closed ring will not be able to wriggle out or escape by force. Once again we make sure that the jumper lies flat on the chest, and the right paw is perfectly fixed.

5. Now tighten the strap. Don't worry, you won't hurt the cat. If you leave a little slack when tightening the strap, the cat will be able to easily wriggle out of the harness. Having adjusted the tension of the strap, we fasten the carabiner to the harness and we can go for a walk with our domestic animals.

Video on the topic

There are different harnesses. Usually they are a leash connected to a strap passing through the front of the dog's chest, which stops him when he tries to rush forward. The harness can be a riding harness, a guard harness, or a harness harness.


1. Contact a dog trainer before you begin training your dog to use a harness. Many of them believe that wearing it continuously may not in the best possible way affect the dog’s posture and the location of its forelimbs. It is better to take puppies out for walks on a harness, because the baby, if he is interested in something, may unexpectedly throw himself off the leash and injure his neck, back, or thyroid gland. Harnesses are required for both the smallest and largest breeds of dogs.

2. Find out at the pet store what size “dog equipment” is right for your pet (from XXS to XL). Buy a harness made of leather, leatherette or nylon, check the quality of the straps, buckles, rings and carabiner on the leash.

3. Call the dog. “Straddle” her by trapping her waist between your knees. Turn all the harness straps inside out and straighten them with the soft lining facing inward. With your left hand, grab the harness by the crosshairs of the straps, which should be located close to the animal’s withers, and with your right hand, grab the rope loop where the carabiner mount is located. The lower part of the harness should be located between the dog's front paws at this time. Fold it in half so that the chest straps are on top.

4. Place the harness on the animal's head and pass it through the ears. If your pet's thick fur makes it difficult to put on, gently pull it out from under the straps as you move toward the base of the neck. The main thing is that the dog does not get hurt, especially if you are putting a harness on it for the first time. Make sure that the straps do not put pressure on her neck.

5. Pass the dog's front paws one by one through the harness, straighten the straps along the sides and back, and also neatly pull the hair out from under the chest straps. Don't tighten it too tight; Your palm should fit freely between your body and the strap. The harness strap should be positioned approximately the width of your hand from your armpit. Attach a leash carabiner to the rings.

A dog living in the city must get used to wearing a collar and leash from puppyhood. The sooner you start accustoming your animal to these useful accessories, the better. A well-behaved dog will walk calmly on a leash without causing inconvenience to the owner or others.

You will need

  • – collar;
  • – leash;
  • – treats;
  • – a ball or other toy.


1. First, put a collar on your puppy. Many dogs get used to new sensations quite quickly - within a few days your pet will stop noticing it. If the dog persistently tries to get rid of the new thing, examine the collar. It may rub the animal’s neck or fasten too tightly. Adjust the tension level or change the collar to a more comfortable model.

2. When the dog gets used to the collar, it’s time for the leash. Choose a suitable model with a durable carabiner that securely attaches to the collar. The length of the leash should allow the dog to walk a long distance.

3. Let the dog sniff the leash. Attach it to the collar and take your dog for a walk. First, let her run freely. The leash should not restrict the dog's movement. Half an hour is enough for the first walk.

4. The main thing is that the leash in the dog’s mind is associated extremely with positive emotions. Give your dog a treat as you put it on and take it off. As a result, a resourceful pet will quickly tie tasty things, a long-awaited walk and a leash together and will not resist getting ready.

5. If your dog persistently refuses to walk on a leash, whines and lies on the ground, do not yell at it or try to punish it. Hand your dog a treat, encouraging him to get up and take a few steps. You can throw the ball forward and run after it with your pet. Little by little the dog realizes that life on a leash is not so bad.

6. When the dog gets used to walking on a leash, begin to teach him discipline. An animal living in the city must understand the command “Near” and calmly walk next to the owner on a short leash. If you give a command, be consistent. Restrain your dog and prevent him from running. However, be attentive to her needs - do not pull or yank the dog if he decides to stop for urgent matters. Wait for the pet and continue moving.

Helpful advice
Let your dog run free from time to time. A small dog can do this in a vacant lot or dog park. Big dog take them out of town - many breeds need excellent exercise.

Video on the topic

When preparing to get a dog, future owners think about keeping it - they need a proper diet, and, of course, walks. Difficulties often arise with them: the puppy may be overly active, or, conversely, get scared of something and fly away.

You have to keep him on a leash, reining him in from time to time. We will learn how to make this process less painful by finding out what a comfortable harness is for different types.

Such equipment is designed to control the pet’s behavior during a walk and makes it possible to hold it in the most comfortable position.

These products have been around for a long time. True, they were not very well known to a wide range of dog handlers - for a long time they were used only in sledding. But the convenience of a simple device made it popular and widespread.

This device looks quite simple: fabric or leather belts, running across the chest and along the body (bottom of the body or along the back), are connected in the area of ​​the front legs and spine.

This scheme is safe for the dog. If there is a need to hold her, the pressure from the leash is distributed over many points (while the leash simply digs into the neck, causing pain).

Types of harnesses

Pet stores offer great amount devices, and it’s easy to get confused by this variety. To make the task of choosing a harness easier, let’s look at what varieties are available on the market and who they are suitable for.

It's also universal. The most popular type of product, which is bought “for every day”.

Made from leather or nylon tape in the form of belts connected by rings, and the fastening ring or carabiner is located at the withers.
There are usually no problems with choosing - you will certainly choose an option that is suitable in size and quality.

But there are also some nuances. A dog walking harness, regardless of material and parameters, is not recommended for puppies. If the pet belongs to medium breed, then the first outings in such equipment occur no earlier than 8-10 months of life. For mini lines the minimum acceptable deadlines shift to the milestone of 6-7 months.

Did you know? Adult dog, depending on the breed, makes from 12 to 30 breathing movements per minute (while puppies average 40).

Earlier use risks deformation of the front paws, which results in eversion of the elbow. Moreover, limb alignment disturbed in this way can lead to health problems in adulthood.

This is a special product in the form of a vest, designed for walking with an injured animal.

The vest covers a large area (about 2/3 of the body), and the attachment is directed to the hind legs. Thus, they are unloaded, and the front pair of limbs becomes the supporting one.

Due to this design, the risk of re-injury is eliminated - the walk becomes leisurely, and the wide girth reliably fixes the body (even making a sudden movement, the dog will not feel sharp pain from a muscle that has “fallen out” in the area of ​​the injury).
Wearing should be discussed with your veterinarian in advance. It’s good if it helps you choose a specific product.

This type is used only for restoration - excessive fixation is appropriate only in such cases (while it can cause harm to a healthy individual).

The design combines strength and comfort for the dog himself. It is sometimes difficult to select such a product, so the way out of the situation is to order such kits from craftsmen.

This entails some costs, but such custom tailoring for dogs takes into account all the characteristics of an individual animal. The materials used are durable and moisture-resistant nylon or canvas.
The device itself is also different - there are more belts, as well as fastening rings (which allows you to evenly distribute the load on the body).

Criterias of choice

As you can see, choosing the right product can be difficult. You have to take into account a lot of factors, from the size to the temperament of the dog - the same walking harnesses selected for a husky and, for example, a dachshund will differ in both dimensions and design.

Did you know? After World War I german shepherds...lost their name. In the wake of anti-German sentiment, these cute dogs were renamed Alsatian wolf dogs.

To make the task easier, let’s find out what you should pay attention to when choosing a set for your pet.

Material quality

In priority synthetics- such materials are not afraid of moisture, are easy to wash and are durable.

All this fully applies to the popular nylon, which by its structure is ideal for working even with large dogs. Harnesses based on it retain their shape for a long time and hold the seams, despite heavy loads.
Looks more presentable leather. But it is not very suitable for active activities: with prolonged contact with water, this material stretches, and after drying it becomes rigid, cracking over time.

Wanting to save money, many people take harnesses from canvas tape. In terms of strength, they are good, but their service life is short. The “tarpaulin” has one more property: once it gets wet, it takes a very long time to dry.

In any case, before purchasing, it is advisable to make sure that the dog is not allergic to the selected material (this happens).

When deciding for yourself how to choose the most comfortable harness for your dog, you need to remember about the accessories.

For a small dog, a minimum of strip belts will be enough: for a dog with a small weight, they will be enough. The fastener in such cases may also be plastic.

Important! Too few fasteners can play a cruel joke on a well-fed dog: it may have to be literally pressed into the harness. So when choosing, it is better to take it with a reserve.

Instances with a more powerful build will only need a metal one. The number of belts is selected based on specific purposes: for a normal walk, 3 are enough (one wraps around the sternum, and two more are connected to it, responsible for the base of the legs). If we take the riding type, then there are already several belts that overlap along the entire length of the body, and a fastening carabiner is attached to the edge.
All fasteners must fit well and sit neatly in the straps. The straps themselves are adjustable in size, do not touch armpits(if we talk about the side) and hold firmly, which is necessary for the strip on the back.

Naturally, all this should be as convenient as possible for the wearer. A too tight fit is excluded - by rubbing the bald spot, the dog runs the risk of getting skin problems in addition to discomfort.

Right size

Having gone through a lot of options, owners settle on models that are not particularly large, and on the other hand, do not squeeze the dog, causing it pain. The further use of the product is also important - medical and walking harnesses will differ slightly in size, even if we're talking about about the same individual.

Did you know? In the Middle Ages, dogs could be judged in all seriousness. They were mainly accused of indecent behavior. It is curious that, along with mongrels, cats, cows and even pigs turned out to be “defendants”.

Because of this, the question is how to choose one for your dog. good harness, focusing on size, sometimes turns into a whole problem. But don’t despair - everything can be solved if you keep the basic parameters in mind.

First of all, make sure that the animal is standing straight and calm. Only then do measurements begin. You need to know three basic numbers:

  • Length of the back (from the front edge of the shoulder blade to the base of the tail).
  • Neck circumference at the widest point.
  • Chest girth, which is determined by measuring just behind the front paws. Another 1-2 cm is added to the resulting indicator (the larger the dog, the greater the increase).

After taking these measurements, do not forget to weigh your pet - weight also matters. Knowing such data, you can easily select the right size: in pet stores (and on the Internet) there are tables in which the measurements are correlated with sizes in their literal meaning.

So, the smallest XS is suitable for a dog weighing 0.8-1.2 kg, with a back length of 18 cm, a chest volume of 25 and a neck girth of 17 cm. The largest (7 XL) is already for a St. Bernard weighing under 40 kg and a chest of 95 cm.

Important! Measurements are taken by pressing the wool well.

A separate topic is measurements before ordering a riding harness. Here other parameters are taken into account, namely:

  • Sternum length.
  • The interval between the withers and the beginning of the chest.
  • The distance from the end of the last to the base of the tail.

Having chosen the most suitable product, owners often conduct another simple test - they try how freely the palm fits under the straps. If this does not require extra effort, then you have made the right choice, and the kit will be comfortable for the dog.

Having such a purchase in hand, it is logical to ask how to properly put a harness on an active and not always obedient dog.

The algorithm is simple, although it requires some sleight of hand:

  • The animal is carefully secured by lightly squeezing the croup with both legs. The harness is already in hand.
  • The closed (ring) part is put on the neck first.
  • Immediately correct the position of the belt - there should be limited space between the circle and the jumper.
  • The paw is inserted into the gap between the circle and the strap.
  • If everything is done as it should, the jumper will easily slide through chest, and the strap will move to the right.
  • One side of the harness remains free. It is pushed through the cavity of the left paw, after which the belt is fastened.
  • That's all: all that remains is to check how the set holds on, and, if necessary, move it a little for comfortable wearing. After making sure that the dog is comfortable and does not feel pressure anywhere, inspect all the fasteners and attach it to the top ring on the leash - you are ready for a walk.

Did you know?In the ancient Aztec calendar there was a day of honoring dogs. It occurred every tenth day.

At the first attempts, this procedure may cause difficulties, but after a few approaches the owner acquires the skill, and the animal gets used to the comfortable new thing.

This question occupies many owners, who find the wording itself strange. They reason like this - since there is a comfortable harness, then why do you need an “inhumane” collar.

But dog handlers and veterinarians believe that these two types of devices can and even need to be alternated, avoiding the transition to using only one device.

And there are reasons for this. The need for a harness arises when:

  • You need to control the dog without causing injury to it.
  • The dog has a short, flattened muzzle. For example, when jerking a collar, it can lead to the appearance of systemic problems with breathing.
  • The animal has a large neck girth, which also risks squeezing.

Add big ones here functionality(just look at the list of species), and you will also wonder why all the owners have not yet given up collars.

Important! To ensure that the transition from harness to collar and back is not accompanied by stress, be sure to spend time communicating with the animal - talk to it, or pet it, giving it your favorite treat.

Meanwhile, the harness also has its disadvantages.

The first is that it is only suitable for walking or training (it is inconvenient at home).

The second, and main, counterargument is related to psychology: having quickly gotten used to a soft harness, the animal simply will not allow you to put on a collar. A smart pet will immediately understand: now you can do anything without the risk of being “besieged” by a hard collar. This can spoil the tailed one.
For these reasons, it is better to keep the collar ready - of course, using it extremely gently and without any cruelty.

We found out what a dog harness is, what types are on sale, and how to choose a device based on your pet’s characteristics. We hope this information will be useful and you will need to update active dog just right. More new impressions!


Buy a simple leather collar for your puppy, soft and light, 2-2.5 cm wide. It is first worn at the age of 3-4 months. Make sure that it is not too tight or, on the contrary, too loose. Adjust it so that the dog cannot jump out of it when moving backwards. Punch additional holes if necessary. Two of your fingers should fit freely between the collar and the dog's neck.

Call the puppy to you, pet it, talk kindly, give it a treat. Show him the collar and let him sniff it. At first, put it on your puppy while playing. If he shows displeasure, try to distract him. After 5 minutes, remove the collar. Praise the baby, pet him, give him something tasty. Repeat the same several times throughout the day. Gradually increase the time the puppy stays in the collar. Remember to constantly encourage him. Do not force or allow rough, sudden movements. Try to associate the collar with pleasant moments - play, treats. Gradually the baby will stop paying attention to him.

Once the puppy is sufficiently accustomed to the collar, leave it on and never take it off again. But if he still continues to be nervous, try changing tactics. Put on the collar and fasten the leash before feeding. Place the food bowl in the far corner so that the puppy can see it. While he goes to eat, keep the leash slightly taut. And when he starts eating, put him on the floor. Do this for several days. The puppy will associate the collar and leash with a pleasant moment - feeding.

Pets tend to show character wherever they are. Due to this behavior, the harness is considered a very popular and necessary accessory. Despite the fact that until recently cats were considered exclusively pets, today not all owners share this opinion. However, many owners cannot figure out how to put a harness on a cat, which ultimately leads to unpleasant consequences.

The main purpose of the harness

As you know, not all pets are trainable and accept the commands of their owner. If the dogs return to the owner upon request, the cat will most likely run away to explore new territories. Getting your beloved pet back will be quite problematic. That is why, according to experts, it is advisable to use a harness while walking. But how to put a harness on a cat correctly in order to constantly keep the animal under control? This circumstance is a problem for some owners.

So, a leash is a guarantee that the pet will always be under the control of its owner, will not run away at the first opportunity, will not get lost or get hit by a car. Such accessories have become quite in demand in Lately and are an indispensable assistant when visiting a veterinarian, moving to public transport or your own car.

Choosing a cat harness

Before putting a harness on your cat, you need to decide on the choice of accessory. When you arrive at the pet store, you should not immediately buy the first product you like, as it may not fit in size and other criteria. In such situations, it is advisable to take your pet with you so that you can try on the accessory.

Before purchasing a harness, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • The material is the first thing you should pay attention to. It is advisable to purchase a product made of cotton. This type of harness will not chafe and is easy to clean.
  • The width of the straps should be less than 1.5 cm. Straps that are too narrow will put pressure on the cat, and wide ones will create difficulties when moving.
  • Fastenings should be easy to fasten and unfasten, because the durability of the product depends on this criterion.
  • Size is of particular importance. To determine it, you should put the harness on your pet and insert two fingers between the back and the product itself. If your fingers went through without difficulty, then the size is perfect.

If it is not possible to take the cat with you to the store, then it is advisable to agree in advance with the seller about a replacement if necessary.

Which harness should you prefer?

Basically, the leash is no more than 2 m long and is sold complete with a harness. If desired, it can be adjusted or purchased separately in the form of a tape measure to be able to adjust the length. This option is very convenient and relevant, especially if the harness is chosen in the form of a vest.

Today, pet owners are offered a huge range of products, including not only comfortable, but also fashionable harnesses. Among these options are products with rhinestones, stripes and patterns. Such models are in demand among owners whose pets participate in various exhibitions.

How to properly put a harness on a cat: main steps

The leash ensures the owner's calm and confidence in the cat's behavior. After purchasing a harness, the pet owner faces another problem - how to put it on correctly. By its design, the product consists of a thin strap that clasps the animal’s body in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. It can be fastened both on the back and on the stomach. There is also a small ring for a light leash near the shoulder blades.

So, after purchasing a harness, you need to be patient to put it on your pet. After all, it is an incomprehensible thing for a cat, and, naturally, the animal will resist and try to escape. Thus, you should follow the main steps of the instructions “How to put a harness on a cat”:

  • Place the product near the animal, give it the opportunity to smell and play. This will allow the cat to get used to the harness and understand that it is safe.
  • Prepare for the procedure: take the pet in your arms, stroke and calm it down.
  • Place one loop with a carbine up around the neck, and insert your pet’s paws into the second loop. Moreover, the carbine should be on the back. If the model has fasteners, then the paws are inserted one by one, and the fastener is fixed on the back.
  • Check all fastenings and correctness of actions performed. Make sure that the harness does not put pressure on the animal, and adjust the straps if necessary.
  • Attach a leash to the ring, after which you can safely go for a walk.

Before putting a harness on a cat, it is necessary to prepare the animal for upcoming process. This will avoid possible problems.

Pros and cons of harnesses

A harness is certainly an indispensable product for pet owners. But before putting the harness on your cat step by step, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the main advantages and disadvantages of the accessory.

So, the advantages include:

  • the ability to calmly and confidently walk your pet;
  • absolute control over the animal while traveling with it on public transport;
  • convenience when visiting a veterinarian;
  • the ability to expand the cat's walking space using a special roulette leash.

The disadvantages are minor, but they are still present:

  • some cats do not immediately perceive the product, so they may get scared and behave inappropriately, try to run away;
  • the product must be of high quality, otherwise the cats may escape;
  • The pet may gain weight, and you will have to purchase a new harness.

As you can see, there are disadvantages, but they are not so significant. However, the question “How to put a harness on a cat?” undoubtedly worries animal owners. Its solution requires a special approach to the animal.

How to accustom a kitten to a harness?

Thanks to the strong metal elements, the cascade version of the accessories is considered reliable and durable. How to put a cascade harness on a cat or kitten?

You should not take your kitten out for a walk right away; it is recommended to gradually accustom him to a harness. According to experts, you can start your first attempts at the age of 2-4 months. But at first, you need to walk your pet exclusively at home. To prevent putting on a harness from becoming a torment for your cat, it is advisable to turn the process into a game, while feeding your pet a little.


Cats are playful and active animals. Most of them just love to frolic on fresh air. As a rule, it is quite difficult to train aggressive animals to wear a harness. Despite the fact that all animals have an individual attitude towards walks, the owner must be patient and find the right approach to the pet. And you can achieve the desired result if you follow the tips on how to put a harness on a cat step by step.

Many dog ​​owners do not understand how to put a harness on their dog correctly. It is necessary to understand what a harness is, what types of it exist - this determines how to put it on.

What is a pet harness?

A dog harness is a specialized type of equipment that has clear advantages over a simple leash. What many dog ​​owners don't understand is to pull the leash and collar forward in an attempt to calm the dog. excited dog- means harming the pet.

The solution to the problem is a dog harness. It can help control the animal with a minimum of movements. A harness strengthens the relationship between the animal and the owner: the dog feels the owner and is easier to guide.

Types of Dog Harnesses

Harnesses are divided into types depending on the operations that the dog must perform. The following types of harness exist:

  • Simple harnesses for walking. The strap fastening ring is located at the level of the animal's withers. Often, sleds are used for everyday walks with a pet. There are harnesses for small and large dogs, the differences lie in the location of the belts.
  • Towing harnesses (riding). Ammunition is mainly used during sports competitions and dog sled races. They differ from simple harnesses - the belts are especially strong.
  • Harnesses with weights for dogs. Used to strengthen muscle mass pet. Mainly used during the recovery period after limb fractures. The weight of the load is adjustable.

Dog handlers say: the harness must be constantly replaced with a collar. Wearing it often is not recommended. You need to choose a harness taking into account the age and size of the animal.

Important! Constant wearing collars can negatively affect the dog's condition. Dog handlers have found out that dogs whose owners constantly put a collar on the animal developed neck problems and spinal cord, experience pain.

Various injuries are often the result of sudden movements of the dog when jerking the leash, especially when the owner uses specialized collars (studded, chain).

A harness with weights is suitable for training the muscles of sports - sled dogs, hounds - dogs.

How to put on a pet harness

Following a certain sequence will help you quickly and correctly put the harness on your dog:

  1. The violent animal is captured in the back area and secured with its legs. At the same time, straighten the leash, placing a non-solid surface on the inside.
  2. Carefully place a ring-shaped object on the dog (the parameters of the harness vary depending on the size of the dog).
  3. Move the strap to the other side so that it takes the desired position, reducing the distance between the circle and the jumper.
  4. Place the animal's paw into the space between the circle and the strap. The jumper will slip through chest area, the strap will be located on the right side.
  5. Free left side The harness is threaded through the armpit of the left paw and the strap is fastened.
  6. After releasing the pet, adjust the circle on the neck - it should fit tightly, but not choke the dog.
  7. Check the fastened mechanisms.

All operations are performed slowly - haste leads to improper fastening of the harness.

How to make a harness yourself

Nowadays, most owners prefer to make a harness for their dog. To make a dog harness you will need:

  • nylon sling 15-30 mm wide (the larger the animal, the thicker the tape is needed);
  • lining material (felt, flannel);
  • 4 solid steel rings;
  • backpack type base (lock buckle, buckle with three slots) 2 pieces.

Important! Nylon sling can withstand sudden movements animal weighing up to 150 kg. When making harnesses, you should use solid steel rings without cuts, otherwise the design will lose reliability.

The diameter of the rings is selected taking into account the thickness and width of the sling: three loops of nylon tape should fit freely inside the ring. It is recommended to purchase plastic backpack accessories in specialized equipment stores. Markets usually offer Chinese-made products that are not durable.

The procedure for making a harness:

  • Taking measurements from the dog. Measure chest circumference A (behind the front legs), chest circumference B (in front of the front legs), the distance across the chest between the lowest points of the chest circumference D, the distance from the middle of one shoulder to the other D.
  • Open the lines. For cutting, use hot scissors or a soldering iron. The first part is A-G. Subtract G from the value of A, add 10 cm for the margin and hem for the buckle and ring. The second part is B-G. Dimensions D are subtracted from value B and 10 cm are added. The third part is B. Add 2 hems per loop to the value. The dimensions of the hem are the width of the tape multiplied by two, plus 1 cm. The fourth and fifth parts (G/2) are the same. The deflection for the buckle is added to the dimensions G: the lock and the deflection for the ring (1.5 + 1.5 + 3 cm).

  • Open the lining. There are 3 lining items in the harness. The material is used to lay the first, second, third nylon parts. From felt, parts are made of double-width slings towards the middle, and ironed. There are 2 cutting options: bias tape or along the thread.
  • Assembly. Sew the lining to part B, a stitch is laid along the middle part of the parts so that the sling can be folded. Fold the slings from opposite ends. The lining is opened over the folded tape, the excess parts are removed with scissors, the edges are folded by 1 cm. Using sewing machine, stitch the structure in the form of a square crosswise.
  • Connect the remaining parts to the lining in the same way, leaving an unstitched area for the hem at the end where the ring will be placed. From the end where the buckle will be left extra bed for adjusting the buckle and hem. They cut off the excess, bend it, and add a stitch. The end of the sling must be without lining.
  • The remaining tape is folded around the buckles with 2 slits and sewn crosswise. Thread the rings and lower the sling into the buckle. During the assembly process, the harness is adjusted: it should sit well on the pet so that the animal does not escape during a walk.

By following the rules, you will be able to make a harness for your dog.