DIY rope collar. Making a collar for a dog

Here we talked about how to make a dog collar with your own hands using a regular belt. By the way, it is not at all necessary that it be a leather product. The main thing is that the belt has good strength.

You will need:

  • Belt;
  • Scissors;
  • Soft meter.

Use a durable belt of suitable width. Of course, it will be better if it is a leather belt. Well, first, measure the circumference of the dog’s neck. For this you need a soft meter.

Mark the belt, focusing on the result of measuring the animal’s neck, and cut off the necessary part. Immediately after, sharpen the tip. Note that if it is not a leather belt, you will have to trim the edge of the cut or burn it to prevent unraveling.

Try on the resulting collar by placing it on your dog. Then make additional holes.

That's all. As you can see, making a collar from a belt is not as difficult as it might seem.

And yet, in exactly the same way you can create a collar for a cat and other animals. True, in the case of a cat, for example, we should be talking about a belt of much smaller dimensions.

Many owners argue about whether it is appropriate to wear a collar for a cat. The problem is that most accessories don't take your pet's personality into account. Some cats like to wear noticeable, shiny collars, as if they are showing off their accessory. Other cats cannot be forced to wear a lightweight nylon collar, although it is needed for an address tag. Below we will look at how to make a collar for a cat with your own hands, because who, if not the owner, knows what the pet will like.

You will probably be surprised, but if you approach the issue of buying a collar with all seriousness, then the variety of shapes and sizes will frighten even experienced owner quadrupeds. Each manufacturer makes its own arguments and demonstrates the advantages of its products.

Decorative collar (not walking)– a widely popular accessory for cats participating in exhibitions and shows. Choosing a decorative collar is a whole science. Some cats need accessories in contrasting colors, while others prefer collars that blend in with the fur and are decorated with a pendant. The width of the collar is also important, since it should not visually distort the proportions of the animal’s body. If you are unsure which collar is right for your pet, the choice should be based on the criteria of lightness (low weight) and softness of the material.

Decorative collars that are not for walking purposes can be purchased from folk craftsmen. The fact is that beautiful, bright and exclusive collars are not difficult to make at home. Below you will find step by step instructions for the manufacture of various types these accessories. Product prices self made fluctuate and mainly depend on the workload and reputation of the master.

Walking collar– the difference between this and the previous model is the presence of a clasp that will open under the weight of the cat’s body. The fact is that while walking, a cat can get caught on something. There are known cases where pets hung on branches, fences, table hooks and suffocated. A cat can get stuck if it tries to crawl through a narrow gap and starve to death. The self-release mechanism will release your pet from captivity if sufficient pressure is applied to it.

Advice: if you want your pet to always be safe, do not let him go for walks unattended. Any cat that wants to go outside can be trained to wear a harness and be walked on a leash.

Collar with address tag- the most useful variety, since it serves not only for decoration, but also for safety. An address tag helps pets find their way home, and if you think your cat won't get lost because she won't leave the house, don't be overconfident. Hundreds of animals disappear without a trace, falling out of a window or running out the door in the chaos. Of course, you are not obligated to buy exactly the proposed model; the token can be purchased separately or made.

Note! A collar with a bell (bell) is used only for independent walks.

Making a collar - instructions

When you decide to try making a collar for a cat with your own hands, keep in mind that this activity takes a lot of time (especially if you are a beginner), but it can also bring real income. By making original collars at home, you can sell. One of the unconditional instincts of a person is the desire for individuality, even if it is expressed in the appearance of a pet.

Having gained a little experience in making simple collars, you can try your hand at weaving. Naturally this long haul, requiring effort and perseverance, but think about what you have to lose? Even if you decide that making decorative accessories is not your thing, your pet will have new decorations that will delight you and your guests.

When choosing jewelry for a collar, evaluate the weight of the finished accessory. It is worth considering that cats, in principle, do not like collars, and if the accessory interferes, presses or has other effects Negative influence Both you and your pet will have problems. If you really like decorations, but they seem heavy, use them in small quantities.

Ribbons, chains, laces and other decorations of this type must be carefully attached to the collar, as they can get in the way of the cat. Make sure that during wearing, the accessories do not tear, do not unravel on threads and do not interfere with the cat when walking. It is also recommended to remove bulky decorative collars while sleeping.

Important! The decorative collar should not have loose loops, ends of ribbons or chains, since the cat can get caught in these fragments while jumping.

Every pet can have allergies, including contact allergies. The owner usually finds out whether a pet suffers from an illness after the fact. When making decorative collars, you need to prepare in advance for possible consequences. Inspect the cat's skin under the collar several times a day (in the first days of wearing it) and if there is irritation, remove the accessory.

Decorative collar made of beads

A very beautiful, decorative collar that can be made in 15–20 minutes. For constant wearing such an accessory is not suitable, especially if the cat has long wool. The collar is made from:

  • A thin but strong elastic band (cannot be made from rope or fishing line, since the collar must stretch).
  • Large beads.
  • Fasteners - optional, the ends can be tied together and the collar will be solid.

In addition to supplies, you will need sharp scissors. For weaving a collar on average cat You will need a 0.5 m piece of elastic. The weaving is very simple, bend the elastic in half and mark the center. We put on three beads, and use the fourth for fixation. The resulting ring should be approximately at the center of the elastic band. We split the elastic band in two again, put on one bead at a time, and fix the third one. In this way we collect the required number of ring links. Make sure that the elastic is not too tight; the weaving should “play” as it were.

Advice: If you don't have a suitable clasp, simply tie the remaining elastic tails and thread them into the first link ring.

Collar with medallion

A comprehensive accessory that allows you not only to decorate your pet, but also to protect it. The importance of a personal token is difficult to overestimate, because if a pet gets lost, its chances of returning home increase significantly. The manufacturing technology is not the simplest; it requires a set of bits with letters. If neither you nor your friends have such tools, there is no need to buy them. You can order an engraving on the token.

Have you decided to make a completely exclusive accessory? Great! you will need:

  • Any collar you like.
  • Blank for a medallion with or without a loop. If there is no loop, you need to drill a hole in the workpiece for the ring.
  • Bits (cores) with the necessary letters - the size and quantity depends on the name of your ward.
  • Tight, preferably a steel ring.
  • A rigid plate that will not vibrate when struck by milk, for example, thick steel.
  • Hammer.
  • Mounting tape.
  • Alcohol and permanent marker.

Note! If there is a clasp, the collar can be cut from the belt.

By the way, if you have a belt that you are ready to convert into a collar, you can turn to an atelier or shoemaker’s workshop for help. It will be more convenient for you if the collar is adjusted to size and equipped with drawstrings and rivets.

You need to place the letters as evenly as possible and at the same distance. The blank for the medallion must be secured to the platinum so that there is space in the middle for the letters. Using the straight edges of the tape as a guide, mark the middle of the token with a pencil. Focusing on the mark, place the bat and confidently hit the hammer several times.

Advice: use large letters for the name (if the length of the name allows), and medium letters for the phone number and contact information, so the inscriptions will look neater.

Typically, on one side of the address tag is the owner's nickname, on the second side is the owner's address and/or phone number. If you have rolls at your disposal different sizes and the desire to do delicate work, you can knock out additional inscriptions, for example, “They are looking for me” or “Bring me home.”

Advice: If you plan to put several inscriptions on a token, it is advisable to have several blanks in reserve.

Before you start stamping the inscription on the workpiece, it is better to practice. To carve a clear letter, you need a certain impact force, and besides, the result obtained may not suit you (spacing, size of letters). Practice on metal that is similar in stiffness to your workpiece. Simply put, if the workpiece is made of brass, then it is better to conduct training on tin or other metal. If you practice on thin aluminum, the force of your (trained) hammer blow will not be enough to stamp a letter on brass.

Advice: the embossed letters on the token will not contrast, that is, a person passing by may not understand that something is written on it. By shading the letters with a permanent marker, you will correct the situation. In order for the paint to adhere better, the surface must be degreased with alcohol.

The collar with the medallion is ready, the latter needs to be put on the ring and secured. Be careful when choosing a workpiece; it should not interfere with the animal and should not be too heavy. If your pet is not happy with the new thing, you should accustom him to wearing the medallion gradually. Please note that the collar must be removed sometimes, otherwise the cat will not be able to scratch its neck, and creases will appear on the fur.

Silicone collar with spikes (decorative)

Who wouldn't stop their eyes on a brutal pet with spikes on its collar? Naturally, such an accessory is not suitable for constant wear. A collar with spikes can be dangerous if there are other animals in the house. Such decoration is not recommended for large, temperamental cats.

The basis is a silicone bracelet, which can be bought or received at various events (blood donation, charity). If you have a bracelet, you will need:

  • Spikes - can be found in almost all stores for needlewomen and seamstresses.
  • Thin fishing line or strong thread.
  • Needle with suitable eye.

The silicone bracelet is easy to pierce with a needle and you can sew the spikes at the same distance. The second option (you will need sharp small scissors for this) is to cut small holes, smaller in diameter than the base of the tenon. The bases of the spikes are threaded into the resulting small holes (silicone stretches well). The bases of the spikes must be secured with thread or fishing line.

Silicone collar with beads

Another great option for making a beautiful collar in 15-30 minutes (if you have all the materials). The basis, as in the previous version, is a silicone bracelet. The color is not important, only your preferences play a role here.

It is advisable that the color of the beads contrasts with the color of the bracelet, for example, mother-of-pearl and black. In addition to the bracelet you will need:

  • Sharp scissors.
  • Thin line.
  • Needle with a large eye.

It is better to fasten the beads with one thread (rather than separately), since the knots will irritate the cat. Carefully melt the site of the knot over the fire and smooth it out.

Decorative collar with button

A very simple option for making a decorative collar. With a little practice, you will be able to make various and absolutely exclusive collars for your pet from elastic bands, fasteners and various decorative accessories.

Knitted collar

All possibilities are open for experienced and beginner knitters. A collar of any complexity, color and configuration can be knitted, either knitted or crocheted. It is better to choose soft wool, iris or similar materials from raw materials. It is better to knit round or narrow collars for fluffy cats, and wide ones for hairless and short-haired cats.

5-6 or more empty loops are crocheted, depending on how wide the collar you need to get. The next row is a connecting column (the same number of loops). Next, dial sufficient quantity rows, depending on the girth of the cat’s neck. The last row is sewn on with a clasp, a loop, or any other method convenient for you (and the cat).

When knitting, the pattern is similar: the width is 5–7 loops, the length depends on the girth of the neck, the end of the collar is knitted under a loop or clasp. It is better to knit so that all the front loops are facing the same direction - this way the collar will not twist into a spiral.

Harness vest

If you have a sewing machine and basic cutting and sewing skills, you don’t have to stop at making collars. The video below contains instructions for making a light, comfortable and practical harness. Please note that on the back of the product there is a loop for a carabiner, and the harness itself is suitable for walking your pet outside.

Stacked collar made of beads and accessories

Making beads is probably the simplest and most quick way please yourself and your pet beautiful collar. In just 5 minutes and without much difficulty you can pick up a thin “bauble”. If you have all the accessories, you can make a personalized collar in 10 minutes, yes, it's that simple.

With experience and perseverance, you can weave a wide collar and if you make it not from threads, but, for example, from fishing line and large beads, such an accessory can be used on a walk.

For weaving, you can use jewelry making instructions, most of them contain detailed, step-by-step instructions.

Round collar collar

A round collar is a decorative accessory that can surprise your guests or delight you with an unusual look. Collar decorations can be made from ribbons, embroidery, beads, rhinestones, lace, braid, lace and other light accessories. The product will be more accurate if you work on sewing machine, but if you don't have the skills, don't worry! A little patience and you can sew a collar by hand, especially since step-by-step instructions are given below.

The piece of fabric from which you are making the collar needs to be folded in half and the pattern is transferred to the folded flap. To adjust the pattern, you will need to measure the circumference of your pet's neck. The lining (it is better to make it so that the collar fits well) is made using the same pattern.

Note! An example pattern was compiled for a large cat with a neck circumference of 36 cm.

In the diagram you see symbols where:

  • AB, DS are equal values ​​obtained by dividing the neck coverage in half. Do not forget about allowances, at least 1 cm on each side.
  • AD, BC are equal values ​​obtained by folding the width of the collar, taking into account the fold and allowance (11 cm in the diagram).

Choose a collar height that is comfortable for the cat, approximately 4–6 cm, and set this distance from point D on the pattern. B is the top right point, from it to the left we measure 2 cm, we get point L. An oblique, divided into 3 equal parts, connects point L and the height of the collar (point 6 in the diagram). The dotted line is a guideline, the stitching line is curved, so 2 allowances are laid from the bias L-6, according to the pattern of 1.5 and 2 cm.

The bend ascending from the DS line to the BS line is displayed as follows:

  • Divide the DS into three equal segments.
  • From left to right from the first point and the second point, 2 allowances break off, the second is 2–2.5 cm larger than the second.

Next, the pattern needs to be carefully unfolded and basted. If your pet does not have a lively disposition, it will not hurt to try on a collar. When you are sure that you and the cat are happy with everything, the product needs to be stitched or stitched. Be careful that a collar that is too high may irritate your cat.

Collar with butterfly

This accessory is not suitable for walking a cat, but as a decorative decoration will amaze any four-legged lover. The manufacturing pattern is very similar to the one below, the only difference is the shape of the collar and the presence of a charming butterfly.

As in the above example, the pattern is designed for a large cat with a neck diameter of 36 cm. The designations on the pattern are:

  • AB, DS are equal indicators, obtained by adding half the neck circumference and 12 cm.
  • AD, BC are equal indicators obtained by measuring the height of the collar in its widest part (from the lower corner). In the diagram, the collar height is 5 cm.

The top line is almost straight, the bend is created by putting 3–5 cm down from point A (5 cm in the example). Next, the point of the other left B is connected by a straight dotted line with the received point (3–5 cm below A). We divide the resulting dotted line in half and lower a perpendicular 0.5–1 cm from its middle. The curved line, which we obtain by connecting three points, will be the stitching line.

Next, from point C to the left we set aside 1/5 of the length DS, and from D 1/2 of the previous length (in the example, these are 6 and 3 cm). The resulting marks are connected by a dotted line, which is divided in half. We put 0.5–1 cm upward from the middle of the dotted line to get a bend. Similarly, dotted lines are drawn on the pattern on sides AB, BC.

We unfold the resulting pattern, pre-baste it and try it on the pet. The corners of the collar should be rigid(otherwise they will bend), so you need to make a lining or strengthen the fabric in another way.

Accessories for animals are expensive items. But you don't have to buy a collar in a store. You can make a fashionable thing with your own hands. A dog collar can be made in just an hour.

Taking measurements from the dog

First, it is important to determine what size the product will be. To do this, we catch the model and take measurements from it.

The main and only measurement is the circumference of the pet’s neck. We go around it with a tailor's meter. If this is not the case, measure the circumference with a regular cord and apply it to the ruler. We place the meter at the widest point of the neck.

Choosing material

Depending on the breed of the dog, we select the appropriate material.

For small pets, a thin ribbon or any neat strap will be useful. Large dogs need a reliable accessory that can withstand the tension of the leash. For example, nylon tape.

You will also need a clasp and a carabiner for fastening. The first one is a plastic bag belt loop or a metal belt buckle.

You can make a braided dog collar. A paracord cord is useful for this. Weave the accessory according to any pattern you like, not forgetting to first secure the clasp.

For small breeds with short hair, a metal chain is suitable.

Making a collar with your own hands

A nylon ribbon collar can be decorated with a bright strip of fabric. To do this, the material is sewn onto a tape, having previously folded its edges. The principle of “assembly” of the collar corresponds to an ordinary belt.

Sew the ribbon to the collar strap using a sewing machine

To weave a paracord collar, you will need a diagram. For example, like this:

Finally, measure the length of the cord, equal to a circle collar, and thread the two free ends through the carabiner, securing it with masking tape at the required distance

For reliability, the accessory can be braided with a strong cord.

When the collar is woven to the end, cut off the excess ends of the lace and burn them so that they do not unravel.

The easiest way is to shorten an old trouser belt, adjusting its length to the desired size.

You can also use a regular chain as a collar. A satin ribbon is woven into it as decoration. Use a cute pendant as decoration.

For small breeds, a decorative collar can be made from an unnecessary bracelet and ribbon

For the most miniature breeds A collar-necklace will do. However, its function remains decorative. You cannot attach a leash to such a product.

A DIY dog collar is a great way to save money and give your pet an exclusive accessory. But it is important to use quality materials.

Pet stores sell a variety of equipment for four-legged pets. But you can make a dog collar with your own hands. A homemade accessory will turn out to be original and will cost several times less than a purchased one.

At self-production The collar needs to take into account three parameters: length, width and strength.

The length is measured using a measuring tape along the pet's neck or using an old collar. Additionally, a few centimeters are added for seams and fastenings.

The width depends on the thickness of the neck and accessories: rings, latches, rivets.

Standard size for large dogs– 2.5 cm. For a puppy and small breeds(for chihuahuas, toy terriers) – half as much. The width of the fastenings should be the same.

The material is selected based on the owner’s taste and needs. The most durable and wear-resistant accessory is made of nylon, leather and textile sling. It is universal; any leash can be attached to it, including a show leash.

A noose collar is best made from a braided cord, and a collar across the body (harness) is made from textiles.

To make an original dog collar, use beautiful accessories: beads, beads, metal rivets, ribbons.

Materials and tools

The materials required for the collar will vary depending on the manufacturing method.

Step-by-step instruction

The method of making the collar depends on the material. Ammunition can be woven, sewn or made from leather.

We make a collar

The collars are woven according to the following pattern:


A textile collar is sewn as follows:

Belt dog collar

Making a collar from a belt is somewhat more difficult: it will require special tools and skills in working with leather.

Step-by-step production looks like this:

The production of a leather collar is shown in detail in the video:

How to make a pinwheel on a dog collar

A pinwheel or swivel is a metal product for attaching to a leash collar. They are usually used for large breeds, in particular – those sitting on chains.

A self-made swivel for a dog on a chain is shown in the photo

It is difficult to make a pinwheel for a collar; it is better to buy them in a store. Little pet will not break the mount. But since a large dog can damage the swivel when jerking, sometimes it is better to weld the product yourself.

For this you will need:

  • bolt;
  • nut with sawn thread;
  • wire.

You can use other available materials. But they all must be strong, and the turntable must not open or break when jerked.

DIY dog collars can be sewn, woven, or made from an old belt. And if you show a little imagination, your pet will sport a beautiful accessory that doesn’t look like standard equipment.

A DIY collar is an excellent and inexpensive alternative to a store-bought one. We offer you two step-by-step lessons on creating a collar from a nylon sling and a woven one.

Nylon Ribbon Collar

You will need:

  • nylon sling (2.5 cm wide);
  • ribbon with a pattern (2.5 cm wide);
  • plastic fastex fastener (2.5 cm);
  • plastic double-slit buckle (2.5 cm);
  • half ring (2.5 cm);
  • threads

Advice: for a puppy, small dog or cat, you can use the above materials with a width of 1.25 cm. To determine the circumference of the future collar, simply measure the circumference of the animal’s neck and multiply the resulting figure by 1.75.

1. Sew colored ribbon to the sling. To do this, configure sewing machine when sewing coarse fabric and set the stitch length to 2 mm. To ensure that the seam is as close to the edge as possible, install the needle with right side. Sew the ribbon along the entire length on the right and left, as well as across the edges.

2. Attaching the fastener. Unfasten the clasp and thread one end of the sling through it. In this case, the end of the tape should be approximately 4-5 cm long. Then fold the end over and sew it to the ribbon, stitching in several rows. Then thread the free end of the ribbon through the half-ring, slide it as close to the clasp as possible, and stitch again across the webbing to secure the half-ring.

3. Finish sewing. Take the free end of the sling again and thread it through the plastic double-slot buckle, then through the second, not yet sewn, part of the fastener. After this, thread the sling through the buckle again, making a second loop under the first (see picture).

Take the end of the sling, bend it back and sew across it several times, thus securing the double-slit buckle. To make sewing easier, move the clasp back. Congratulations, you've finished!

Braided collar

You will need:

  • nylon cord;
  • plastic carabiner;
  • lighter;
  • scissors;
  • small key ring;
  • centimeter;
  • masking tape.

Fold the cord in half and thread it through the carabiner. Make a loop, pull the two loose ends of the cord through it and tighten. Take the collar you have and measure its circumference (or measure the length using a centimeter).

Measure the length of the cord equal to the circumference of the collar, and thread the two free ends through the second part of the carabiner, securing it with masking tape at the required distance (it is best to glue the carabiner to the table - this will make it easier for you to weave).

Begin weaving the collar following the instructions shown in the pictures.

Take the left lace and pass it under the two laces stretched between the two parts of the carabiner. Take the right lace, pull it under the left, over the two laces, and then through the loop created by the left lace. Tighten the knot.

Then pass the right lace under the two taut laces. Then take the left lace, pull it under the right, over the two laces, and then through the loop created by the right lace. Tighten the knot again.

After you have woven the collar to the end, cut off the excess ends of the lace and burn them so that they do not unravel. Don't forget to thread the key ring to which you will later attach the leash, a tag with the dog's name and your phone number.

Here is the article: - there is also a third homemade leather collar. But it is very difficult to make at home, because you need to know how to work with leather.