The safest and most useful sweets for figure and health. Without harm to the figure: recipes for diet sweets

What can you eat for dessert without harm to the figure?

Love sweet? Don't give up on your favorite desserts!

According to nutritionists, the main reason for breaking the diet is precisely the sharp and complete rejection of your favorite foods that fell into the category of prohibited ones. You can eat sweets, but of course you will have to go to some restrictions, significantly reducing the portion of your favorite buns, and replacing sweets with dark chocolate. But you must admit - this is much better and wiser than completely eliminating desserts from the diet. Let's see what desserts can be left in diet food when and how often you can treat yourself to your favorite sweets.

Dessert without harm to the figure - sweet breakfast

So that sweets do not harm the figure, there are important rule- Desserts should be eaten in the morning.

So do not be surprised if for breakfast you are allowed to eat a piece of biscuit with fat cream or cookies, marmalade, marshmallows, drink a cup of sweet coffee. But the most healthy desserts fruit and berry jellies are considered, especially homemade ones.

By the way, if the problem excess weight if it’s not spicy, then oatmeal or scrambled eggs, sandwiches are quite suitable for breakfast, and for lunch you can afford a sweet dessert, and even a fruit salad with whipped cream. However, if you are on a diet, then it is better to follow the advice of nutritionists, and choose a low-calorie sweet dessert and eat it at breakfast.

Dessert without harm to the figure - the problem of choice

Not everyone is ready to be content with light desserts.

But nutritionists do not insist on this. It has long been known that sweets, and primarily chocolate, contribute to the production of hormones of joy, so you should not exclude goodies from your diet. The only question is when, how much and what you eat.

It is quite possible to maintain parity between tasty and healthy, reducing the calorie content and serving size of the sweet dessert. The most useful and harmless for the figure include fruit jellies and sorbets, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade and yogurt ice cream. Fruit salads are beyond competition, here you can come up with different combinations of fruits, add nuts, dried fruits, honey dressing and at the same time not particularly limit the serving size. But still better preference give fruits with a low sugar content - apples, kiwi, grapefruits, and reduce the amount of the rest to 250 grams per day. In the restaurant menu, choose fruit mousses, fruit jellies and salads, low-fat cottage cheese desserts for dessert.

As for pastries, cakes and rich pastries, these are controversial desserts. High-calorie, fatty, and muffin in addition causes increased gas formation which interferes with the normal processing of food. If you have to choose between fatty and high-calorie, then it is better to eat a high-calorie dessert - calories can be used up. And fats will give increased load on the liver and blood vessels, and eventually turn into folds on the stomach and waist. But the most important thing is to remember that it’s not dangerous for the figure that you ate something high-calorie, but the amount of food that you “loaded” into the stomach.

How much sweet can you eat without harm to the figure?

Fruit salad dressed with unsweetened natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream can be eaten up to 300 gr. per day. If nuts and dried fruits, whipped cream are added to the salad, then the portion is reduced to 200 gr. With a dressing of honey, but provided that the base of the salad is unsweetened fruit, the portion grows again to 300 gr. You can pamper yourself with fruit salad at least every day.

Baking is also quite acceptable, but not more than 150 gr. a day and no more than two to three times a week. Bitter chocolate is limited to 10 gr. per day, you can add marshmallow, marshmallow or marmalade to it (one of the items to choose from).

In general, the amount of sweet is calculated individually.

If your goal is to lose weight, then dessert will have to be limited to a serving of fruit salad or fresh fruit, a piece of dark chocolate. If everything is in order with weight, and you are actively involved in sports, then from time to time you can afford buns, cake, cookies.

To all of the above, you can add another tip for the sweet tooth. If you combine a sponge cake with lemon custard, and pour a sweet fruit salad with a sour dressing, calories will be burned faster.

Sweets can be hard to give up. Especially when there are many temptations around: ice cream, chocolate, cakes and a host of other desserts. How to keep a figure without denying yourself these pleasures?

The truth about sweets

This is amazing, but experiments show that many lovers of sweets recover much more slowly than others. Often they keep normal weight. In addition, those with a sweet tooth are less prone to hypertension. But in order not to exceed the normal body weight, at least 15% of calories should be ingested with the so-called slow carbohydrates, i.e. carbohydrates with a long assimilation period.

The main reason for weight gain from eating sweets is that they include a significant amount of fast carbohydrates, the breakdown and conversion of which into glucose occurs faster than the body can absorb. The amount of glucose that the consumption of fast carbohydrates leads to is not required by the body, and it stores it in the form of fat. In addition, many sweets contain a large number of fats.

What is the right way to eat sweets?

Observing following rules, you can regularly allow yourself to enjoy sweet desserts without harming your figure. Just remember that all these rules apply with an important caveat: the consumption of sweets should not be excessive! If you burst even the most dietary and low-calorie sweets and cookies in kilograms, then the appearance of excess body fat is inevitable.

  1. Sweets eaten before noon or from 4 to 6 pm will only benefit, because it is at these hours that the amount of sugar in the blood drops, and it is necessary for normal life.
  2. Eating sweets at night will disrupt sleep and lead to the formation of excess kilograms.
  3. On weekdays, a person spends a lot of calories, which means that the risk of getting better from sweets these days is less.
  4. From desserts it is better to choose low-calorie, with low content Sahara.
  5. Eliminating carbonated drinks from the menu will reduce your sugar intake.
  6. Control the amount of sweets on the menu: if you are watching your weight, it is better not to get carried away.
  7. Try to consume sweets only when your body really needs them, without turning the use of sweets into a bad habit.

The benefits of sweet

Systematic physical education will help to neutralize possible harm from sweet: after a half-hour workout, the body needs carbohydrates, since the percentage of glucose in the blood decreases. Therefore, by eating a moderate amount of sweets during this period, you will not only not gain extra pounds, but also keep in good shape.

Sweets that will not affect the figure


This product successfully replaces sugar. It is added to tea, porridge, muesli. The use of honey does not lead to the appearance of cellulite and overweight. A spoonful of natural honey will suppress the desire to eat sweets. But the use of honey without restrictions is also irrational: you can harm yourself.

Black chocolate

Bitter varieties of chocolate can be consumed without consequences for the figure. Try to buy such chocolate, the amount of cocoa in which is at least 70%. It reduces the risk of formation dangerous tumors, able to act as prophylactic from vascular and heart diseases.


Although marmalade belongs to high-calorie foods, it is harmless to the body. Marmalade helps to remove waste and toxins from human body, reduces percentage cholesterol in the blood. bad fats marmalade does not contain.


squirrels, so needed by the body, are the basis of this product. In addition, marshmallows that do not contain additives (for example, chocolate) are low-calorie products.

Oriental sweets

Basically, they consist of honey, nuts and dried fruits, which can quickly extinguish hunger and keep you feeling full.

Ice cream

It is better to prefer varieties containing skimmed milk. Try not to buy ice cream with chocolate or jam. Fruit ice is considered harmless in terms of calories, and if this dessert is made from natural juices, then it is even healthy.

Jelly and pudding

These desserts include substances that have a positive effect on the work of digestion, on metabolic processes and cholesterol levels. Jellies and puddings are not high-calorie foods. It should be remembered that the more natural ingredients in desserts, the less their harmful effects on the body.

Sweet foods are rightly considered almost main reason excess weight. Therefore, those who follow their figure try to avoid them. But our life cannot consist of continuous limitations. Fortunately, there are low-calorie sweets that allow you to enjoy the sweet taste, but at the same time are relatively safe for the figure. What sweets can you eat without fear of gaining weight?

Fruits and berries

Fruits and berries are also sweet foods. It is not only, but also low-calorie.

For example, the calorie content of raspberries, plums, apricots, watermelon, kiwi, apples and even relatively high-calorie bananas does not exceed 65 kcal per 100 g. For comparison: the calorie content of milk chocolate is 547 kcal, puff pastry - 544 kcal, waffles - 530 kcal, sunflower halva - 516 kcal per 100 g.

Fruits and berries can be eaten fresh, or you can prepare a variety of desserts from them - jellies, mousses, smoothies, sorbets, fruit salads. These healthy sweets satisfy the need for sweets and give the body vitamins and minerals.

Questions from readers

October 18, 2013, 17:25 Good afternoon! Is there a limit on the amount of fruit that can be eaten in one day? I really like fruits, but recently I read that you can only eat half a kilo a day in total. Is this true? Is it necessary to limit yourself? And one more thing: if the soup is stored in the refrigerator, does it retain useful substances? And after the second boil? thanks a lot!

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Dried fruits

The calorie content of dried fruits is much higher than that of fresh fruits and berries - approximately 200-270 kcal. But still, sugary foods are lower-calorie sweets than candy, chocolate, or gingerbread.

Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs and other healthy sweets in the form of dried fruits improve digestion, help cleanse the intestines, are rich in vitamins and others. useful substances. If you eat a handful of dried fruits every day as a dessert, then you can not be afraid for your figure.

Natural dairy desserts

Now you know what sweets you can eat without fear of gaining weight. But, of course, in the case of low-calorie sweets, it all depends on their quantity. Do not forget that half a kilogram of such useful sweets as marmalade is more dangerous for the figure than, for example, one "harmful" waffle.

Elena Kukuevitskaya

All diets for beautiful figure, with the exception of chocolate, it is recommended to refrain from eating even healthy sweets. But what if a day without a piece of chocolate or sweets makes you depressed? What amount of sweets will not harm a beautiful figure and are there healthy sweets that nutritionists will not put on the “black list”?

Honey- out of competition. This sweet gift of nature perfectly improves metabolism, so extra centimeters on a beautiful figure will not appear from it. But to abuse this is still not worth it - the norm daily consumption should not exceed 2 tablespoons.

Fruit ice- a reasonable compromise for a beautiful figure between high-calorie ice cream and the desire to freshen up on a hot day. This useful sweetness is recommended as one of the elements of a "cold" diet, when the body spends a large amount of energy on "warming" food, and as a result of this work, it loses calories.

bitter chocolate will not harm a beautiful figure if you learn to stop yourself in time. For example, when 15-30 grams of this is eaten, send the tile to a secluded place with a decisive hand. Bitter chocolate differs from any other in that it contains no milk, more chocolate liquor, about one-third of the share of sugar and the share of cocoa butter. It also contains a lot of iron. The good news is that the carbohydrates contained in chocolate are broken down quickly and consumed just as quickly. But it is impossible to abuse this useful sweetness even under such a circumstance.

Dried fruits in the amount of 30 grams per day will allow you not to think about sweets as obsession and will benefit your beautiful figure. For example, prunes, dried apricots and raisins are natural sources of vitamins and minerals, and also improve intestinal motility.

Marmalade- the recommended amount of this useful sweetness, which is not capable of harming a beautiful figure, is 20-30 grams per day. However, marmalade must be of high quality and must contain pectins - natural thickeners. This component reduces the level bad cholesterol in the blood, qualitatively improves the functioning of the stomach and removes toxins.

Zephyr- which includes natural ingredients, and in an amount not exceeding 50 grams per day, will not contribute to the deposition of excess weight and will not spoil a beautiful figure. The main ingredient in this is pectin. It lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, normalizes functions gastrointestinal tract. Another component - fruit and berry puree, provides the body with vitamins, egg whites - building material for muscle tissue, and molasses strengthens the immune system, improves memory and brain function.

Paste- This healthy sweet has a calorie content of 300 kcal / 100g. It consists of fruit - berry puree, sugar, protein, natural thickener agar-agar and pectin. Useful properties and vitamins, marshmallow practically does not differ, since they are all destroyed in the process thermal cooking. The recommended amount of marshmallow without harm to a beautiful figure is no more than 50 grams per day. AND important feature– pastille should not contain any additives that increase its energy value.

When are healthy sweets?

Even in a limited amount, you should eat at a time when the consumed calories can be used up. Therefore, the optimal time for garden desserts for a beautiful figure is the first half of the day and lunch break.

It is normal for a person to like sweet things. But unfortunately, overuse purchased sweets and desserts have a negative impact on health and figure. How to make homemade cakes and desserts healthier and enjoy delicious meals with minimal harm to the body?

Proper flour

The first thing you can do to ensure that home baking is no longer delayed extra pounds on the sides and even started to help digestion, is to change white flour to whole grain. It could be Wheat flour, spelled, rice, chickpea, buckwheat, etc. Of course, you will have to adapt, because different types Flours behave somewhat differently when cooked. To start, you can use 50% regular flour and 50% healthy flour. And gradually completely abandon the white. The harm of white flour is that it does not contain vitamins, minerals and fiber, losing them during the grinding process, while whole grain retains its beneficial properties.

Other sugar

The next step in making homemade desserts healthier is cutting out white sugar. As with flour, white sugar is completely refined, so it contains only calories and is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Switch to brown, cane or coconut sugar. These types of sugar are also not healthy foods but have less harmful effects on the body. Try reducing the amount of sugar in your desserts. Usually the amount indicated in the recipe is exaggerated, and if you reduce the amount of sugar, for example, by a third, the taste of the dish will not suffer.

Little tricks

When baking cupcakes and muffins, add 1-2 handfuls of regular oatmeal to the dough. So in your pastries there will be more fiber, which will slow down the absorption of sugar and improve digestion. You can also add flaxseeds or sesame seeds.

An interesting option is to add grated zucchini or beets to baking. Yes, it sounds strange and incompatible with dessert. But surprisingly, the muffins do not taste like vegetables, but they become filled with vitamins, minerals and fiber.

An example of such an unusual cupcake:

2 cups minced zucchini, a cup vegetable oil, 2 eggs mix thoroughly with a mixer. In another bowl, whisk together 2.5 cups whole wheat flour, baking powder, cinnamon, cocoa, 1 cup brown sugar. Mix dry and wet ingredients and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Cookies without guilt

If you can’t imagine a tea party without cookies, but store-bought ones are not an option due to excess sugar, preservatives, flavor enhancers and flavors, you can bake healthy cookies.

In one bowl, mix 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour, 1 cup oatmeal, 1/4 cup ground flax seeds, 1 teaspoon baking powder, chopped dark chocolate (optional), a pinch of salt and spices to taste (cinnamon, ginger, allspice, etc.). In another bowl, mix together 12 tablespoons of softened butter, 1 cup brown sugar and 2 eggs. Mix dry and wet ingredients, spoon the batter onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake until browned (10-12 minutes).

truffle sweets

If you really want sweets, but you refused the store-bought ones, try using dates as a base. To do this, they need to be soaked for several hours and cleaned of stones. Soak a handful of any nuts in another container. Dates and nuts need to be crushed in a blender, rolled into balls or molded sweets from the resulting mass and rolled in cocoa powder. Get truffle candy. Dates are a great base for muesli bars too. Just mix crushed dates with oatmeal, flaxseeds and nuts.

Bananas for any occasion

When you want a dessert with a delicate melting texture, try using bananas. They can be ground in a blender with cocoa or soaked nuts, or they can be roasted and served with cinnamon, berries and natural yogurt.

As a sweet snack, you can take banana slices spread with nut butter. Pasta, of course, should be natural, without sugar and flavorings.

A healthy and tasty "pudding" can be made by grinding a banana and a handful of pre-soaked flaxseeds in a blender. Another option for this dish is to mix banana with tofu and nut butter in a blender, cool in the refrigerator. This dish can be frozen to make a healthy ice cream that can be topped with nuts, berries or chopped chocolate.