Useful properties of pork for health and possible harm. The benefits and harms of pork - composition, properties, rules for choosing and storing the product

Many of us know for sure that you can’t eat pork! Is this fiction or reality? Why does the medical point of view on this issue contradict the statements of nutritionists who consider pork healthy? How does pork actually affect the human body?

Read about the benefits or harms of pork in our exclusive material, in which you will find all the answers, including the burning question of the day: is there a relationship between pork in the diet and cancer?

Pork Harm: Fiction or Reality

Pig meat has always been forbidden in Judaism and Islam. Many of us are or have been skeptical about these prohibitions. Someone considers such restrictions unnecessary fiction. But perhaps as early as 20 years ago, many of us ridiculed the assertion that pork should not be eaten, that these restrictions should not take place in our daily lives.

But let's look at some aspects. No one will dispute the fact that those peoples who do not eat certain animals forbidden to be eaten according to Scripture have good health, high reproductive capacity and they are more wealthy and intelligent. And by the way, people who have only kashir food in their diet never get the flu!!!
Plus, at the moment, accumulated great amount medical research and conclusions that explain why, after all, you can’t eat pork.

Why You Shouldn't Eat Pork Medically

Recent research makes everything more people reconsider your decision to eliminate pork from your diet. Advertising campaigns and nutritionists consider pork healthy, while Consumer Reports studies have shown that this product can be hazardous to health due to its contamination with pathogenic bacteria and other creatures that cause many diseases, including gastrointestinal, accompanied by stomach cramps, diarrhea and vomiting.

If you're still wondering why you shouldn't eat pork, check out the latest Consumer Reports posts. They report that bacteria were found in pork that turned out to be resistant to many antibiotics.
Consumer Reports magazine is the printed publication of the consumer union, the main task of which is an unbiased analysis of the quality of goods.
Therefore, in the case of illness of a person who has consumed pork contaminated with bacteria, treatment can be problematic, and in severe cases even useless.

Salmonella and staphylococcus are another group dangerous bacteria. They are present in 7% of pork and cause diseases such as urinary tract infections.

Why nutritionists consider pork healthy

Today, there is no person who would not admit that home-made products are healthier than their counterparts from the store, stuffed with various inedible chemicals. Does this apply to pork? Can good animal care be a guarantee that meat is safe for human health?

New studies have shown that domestic pork can only be beneficial from a biochemical point of view.
Pork meat includes several important vitamins, including group B, minerals (micro - and macronutrients), fats and great content squirrel.

The rich and varied chemical composition of the product makes it possible to understand why nutritionists consider pork healthy.

If based only on chemical composition then we can safely say that yes, indeed, pig meat is useful. But before with peace of mind gobble up bacon, let's look at what harm this product can do to our body.

Is there a relationship between pork in the diet and cancer?

How does pork actually affect the human body? Why can't you eat pork? We have placed the answers to these questions in the top 10 reasons that will convince even an inexperienced person.

It has been scientifically proven that we are what we eat. Of course, this statement, although slightly exaggerated, is quite true from the point of view of logic. Why?

The answer lies on the surface. Let's take an expensive car and fill it with low-quality fuel and oil. What will we get? We will most likely have to through extremely a short time buy a new one and recycle the old one.

The same thing happens with our body. Harmful, chemically poisoned food will not bring us anything good. Let's take histamine-rich pork, digesting in 4 hours, our body is not able to filter out toxins, which means that poisons will inevitably enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body to the organs. And, of course, in the brain.

You yourself understand that brain activity will be disturbed as well as the digestive system. You may not notice it, but gradually you get used to living less than fully and do not notice your scattered and depressed state. That is why many doctors forbid eating pork. It is not only not useful, but it is a direct path to dementia. But the brain must control the work of the whole body.

We hope that all readers have found answers to their questions and understood why pork should not be eaten.

Pork meat, or as we used to call it - pork - a product familiar from childhood. It is impossible to imagine a family holiday without fragrant kebabs of tender meat. What are the properties of pork, what is its composition, is it useful or harmful to human health?

The benefits and harms of pork - we study the composition of the product

It will seem a little strange if you call pig meat dietary. However, this statement is not far from the truth. Pork helps to reduce "bad" cholesterol in the blood. It is a "supplyer" of natural protein, a "regulator" of iron levels in the body. In addition, pork has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Pig meat is rich in B vitamins. In addition, it contains vitamin PP, as well as necessary for a person macro- and microelements: zinc, potassium, iron, copper, sodium, magnesium, sulfur.

Pork, as mentioned, is a “record holder” in terms of protein content: in 100 g of the product there are about 20 g of a substance that can be safely called “ building material» for cells.

There is not so much fat in pork as it is commonly believed - 7.1 g per 100 g. If you separate the fat and eat only meat, then such food can be equated to a dietary one.

The benefits of pork for the human body

1. Pork is low in cholesterol, but high in protein.

2. Meat is perfectly digested and if you do not abuse it, then it is impossible to feel discomfort and heaviness in the stomach.

3. Due to the content of B vitamins, the product has a beneficial effect on nervous system.

4. Pork is great for anemia.

5. Reasonable consumption of pig meat improves the functioning of the male genital organs, has a positive effect on the prostate gland.

6. Pork strengthens the immune system.

7. Sulfur, which is part of the product, activates metabolic processes in organism.

Pork for pregnant and lactating - benefit or harm

When used in a healthy way, pork meat is certainly beneficial for pregnant and lactating women. It has been scientifically proven that expectant mothers who ate pork endured childbirth more easily, and their babies developed well in the future.

Pork is useful for pregnant women, because it is a source of vitamins, amino acids, and protein. Besides, correct usage product (boiled or baked) can give good mood and excellent health.

As for nursing mothers, they can and should eat pork, starting with small portions. During this period, boiled or steamed meat is most valuable. Pork is also useful for women with breastfeeding and for the baby. She:

Charges the mother's body with energy and positive

Promotes good heart function

Strengthens bones

Normalizes hormonal background

Prevents the development of anemia in the baby

Relieves dizziness and headaches

Helps restore hair and strengthen nails

At excessive enthusiasm pig meat in a child may experience constipation, diarrhea, bloating or colic. In addition, eating low-quality meat will necessarily negatively affect the health of the baby, and the mother herself will feel noticeable discomfort.

To avoid possible troubles, you should follow some rules:

1. Eat pork when your baby is 3 months old.

2. Get lean meat.

3. Do not be lazy to heat the product well.

4. Steam pork, boil and bake it.

5. Eat meat in the morning.

6. Start with small portions.

7. Eat pork meat no more than once a week a little (recommended portion - 100-150 g).

8. Before preparing the product, rinse it thoroughly and remove fat.

The harm of pork for the body - you may not know this

Like any other product, excessive consumption of pork can do more harm than good. Therefore, when eating a fragrant juicy piece, it is worth remembering that everything is good in moderation.

Speaking about the dangers of pork, it is impossible not to note its high calorie content, the presence of growth hormones in the product, which are used in animal husbandry. These substances, and not the meat itself, cause great harm to the body. Growth hormones are carcinogens. They may violate hormonal balance cause allergies, disrupt reproductive function in men and women, cause oncological diseases.

It is believed that if you drain the first broth, you can get rid of harmful substances contained in meat. However, this assertion is debatable. Most likely, hormones remain in the product after cooking. Therefore, the only way to prevent them from entering the body is either a complete rejection of pork, or the smallest possible use of it.

The harm and negative effect of pork is high content in meat, histamine is a substance that, according to Wikipedia, is a mediator of an immediate type of allergic reaction. Histamine provokes diseases of the gallbladder, furunculosis, thrombophlebitis, skin ailments: neurodermatitis, dermatitis, eczema, urticaria.

And the last. Poorly cooked pork is a direct path to infection with helminths, whose eggs can settle in the heart, causing heart attacks, in the brain, provoking memory loss, in the eyes, causing blindness.

How to properly cook pork so that it benefits, not harm

In order for the product to please with its appearance and palatability in order for it to be of use, it is necessary to approach the issue of preparation with all seriousness. The easiest way to get juicy flavored meat is to fry it. The dish will turn out the most juicy if you choose pork with fatty layers.

First, the meat is washed well, robbed with a towel. Then cut into small pieces about 1 cm thick. The pork is beaten off (lightly), sprinkled with a mixture of salt, sugar, ground pepper and fried in a hot skillet vegetable oil 2-3 minutes on each side. Then the dishes are covered with a lid and the meat is well stewed by adding a little water.

Pork roasted in the oven is a great option for holiday table. You can bake meat in foil (the pork is placed on a mirror surface) or in a “sleeve”. In this case, use a ham, neck or shoulder blade. The meat is washed, dried, rubbed with salt, pepper and placed in a preheated oven.

Pork in creamy sauce diet dish which suits everyone. It is prepared from tenderloin (300 g). The meat is washed, cut into pieces, poured with water for 2 fingers and stewed for 30 minutes. Then a glass of sour cream is added and cooked for another half hour. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add onion and salt. Sprinkle the cooked pork with dill.

1. The meat of a young animal is always lighter.

2. When buying, pay attention to the surface of the product. It should be shiny and dense.

3. Good pork meat - no films.

4. It is best to buy fresh, not frozen pork. When pressing on the meat, water should not form.

5. Pork fat must be clean.

6. Shoulder and neck are always darker.

7. Do not be afraid if you notice a slightly bluish tint on the ham. This is a sign of the maturity of the animal.

How to properly store pork

Pig meat is best stored in the part of the refrigerator that is located directly next to the freezer. Pork is not recommended to be kept in plastic bag. For storage, paper is suitable, in which you need to wrap the product, place it on a plate, cover with a lid and send it to the refrigerator.

In the refrigerator, a piece of pork can be stored for no more than 4 days. But minced meat deteriorates faster, so it is kept for no more than 2 days. The ham can stay fresh for up to 7 days. Pork packed in cling film retains its properties in the freezer for up to six months.

By itself, pork is undeniably good. Whether it is beneficial or harmful depends on the quality of the meat. In small quantities, the product may not cause "inconvenience", but the fact that they should not get carried away is an axiom.

Pork is one of the most popular types of meat on our planet. Dishes prepared from it are the basis of the national cuisines of the countries South-East Asia, Europe, Far East And North America. Pork meat products are widely popular in other parts of our planet. Prohibitions or restrictions on their consumption are established only in those states whose population professes Islam or Judaism.

Pork is eaten boiled, fried and stewed, used for soups, shish kebab, jelly, schnitzels, stews, cutlets and other meat dishes. In addition, pork meat and offal are processed into sausages, frankfurters and sausages, and smoked meats (bacon, ham, brisket, etc.) are made on their basis. Sometimes a whole roasted pig is served on the table as a separate dish.

There are two varieties of pork meat. Pork of the first grade includes:

  • shoulder parts - directly the shoulder blade and shoulder meat on the bone (used in the preparation of soups, meatballs, roasts, stuffed and stews);
  • loin - cutlet meat, boneless back and loin with bone (suitable for cooking chops on the bone, schnitzels, escalopes, barbecue, roast);
  • boneless and bone-in brisket (used for making soups and roasts);
  • flank - muscle tissue abdominals pigs (used in the preparation of borscht, soups, roasts);
  • lumbar part - thick fillet and tenderloin (suitable for cooking escalopes, soups, roasts, barbecue, goulash);
  • boneless and bone-in hams, sirloin of a ham (fried and stewed whole, used for making chopped cutlets, roasts, cooking broths).

Pork meat of the second grade is recognized:

  • knuckle and shank - the forearm and shin of the legs of a pig (used for making soups, fried, stewed);
  • tanks with a neck notch - cheek meat, boneless neck and neck on the bone (used for stewing, grilling meat, roast).

Nutritional value of pork and vitamins in its composition

The nutritional value pork depends on which part of the pork carcass the meat was cut from. On average, a 100 g serving of a product contains:

  • 14.297 g proteins;
  • 33.278 g fat;
  • 51.419 g of water;
  • 0.814 g of ash;
  • 0.218 g of omega-3 fatty acids;
  • 3.417 g of omega-6 fatty acids;
  • 69.814 mg of cholesterol.

vitamins in pork (per 100 g serving):

  • 0.519 mg thiamine (B1);
  • 4.094 mcg folate (B9);
  • 0.469 mg pantothenic acid (B5);
  • 0.386 mg tocopherol equivalent (E);
  • 0.139 mg riboflavin (B2);
  • 5.711 mg niacin equivalent (PP);
  • 0.321 mg pyridoxine (B6);
  • 74.446 mg choline (B4).

Pork calories

  • The calorie content of raw pork is 356.693 kcal.
  • Calorie lean pork tenderloin - 148.599 kcal.
  • Calorie stewed pork - 234.818 kcal.
  • Calorie content of boiled pork - 374.668 kcal.
  • Calorie fried pork - 488.792 kcal.
  • Calorie pork shoulder - 256.794 kcal.
  • Calorie brisket (on the bone) - 173.334 kcal.
  • Calorie pork ham - 262.476 kcal.
  • The calorie content of pork neck meat is 266.486 kcal.
  • The calorie content of pork kebab is 287.575 kcal.
  • Calorie pork cutlets - 466.878 kcal.
  • Calorie breaded pork chops - 349.462 kcal.

Useful elements in pork


  • 284.978 mg potassium;
  • 163.127 mg phosphorus;
  • 23.756 mg magnesium;
  • 219.791 mg sulfur;
  • 57.466 mg sodium;
  • 48.512 mg chlorine;
  • 6.914 mg calcium.

trace elements per serving of pork weighing 100 g:

When buying pork in stores and markets, you need to pay attention to the following points.

  • Fresh pork has a light pink tint, iridescent overflows never appear on its surface. Too dark meat is obtained by slaughtering older animals: dishes prepared on its basis are tasteless and tough. Conversely, a too light shade of pork indicates that the nutrition of the slaughtered pig was oversaturated. hormonal drugs that can adversely affect human health.
  • The surface of the pork meat must be dry. The packaging used for packing pork must not contain any liquid.
  • Fresh pork is practically odorless. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers try to hide the smell of spoiled meat by treating the product with a solution of potassium permanganate or vinegar.
  • High-quality pork meat has a dense and elastic structure: after pressing with a finger, dents do not form on its surface. A loose consistency is a sign of spoilage of meat or an excess content of hormonal preparations in it.
  • Repeated freezing of pork significantly impairs its nutritional and taste properties. The fact of secondary freezing is easy to establish by small crystals pink ice present in meat.

Fresh pork can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. In this case, you should not use airtight packaging for storage: it is best to put the meat in a deep bowl or pan with a lid. Frozen pork can be stored in the freezer for about six months.

In childhood, each of us heard that the use of meat products is necessary for our body. It is in the meat that enough useful substances for the proper functioning of the body. Many of us have often wondered: Why is pork useful?About the benefits of pork for a long time not only amateurs argue, but also doctors. For some reason, people have such an opinion that pork is very fatty and is a heavy product.

In fact, it turned out that pork is only slightly more difficult to digest by the body compared to other types of meat. But the main thing is that pork is ahead of other types of meat in terms of the amount of content nutrients and vitamins. Really, pork contains almost all B vitamins which is not characteristic of other types of meat.

Doctors have long proven that the benefits of pork meat are really great. But first of all, you need to follow the rules for its use. Daily rate an adult should not exceed 200 g. Also, so that pork brings maximum benefit, it is recommended to cook in the oven. Before you start cooking, the meat must be cleaned of fat and during cooking, carefully monitor that it is well baked. Since raw pork contains a large number of bacteria that can adversely affect the human body.

Due to the fact that pork contains almost all the B vitamins, this is the main benefits of pork meat. I recommend it to mothers who are breastfeeding, as the protein contained in meat has a good effect on milk production. Pork is recommended for men, it has a good effect on male power.

Don't Forget the Benefits lard. It also needs to be consumed in small quantities, then it will be beneficial. The amount of cholesterol contained in it is much less than in butter or in eggs. People suffering from inflammation of the liver or bile ducts, for cholecystitis or atherosclerosis, the use of lard is strictly prohibited.

Pork harm

Despite the fact that pork contains a large amount useful properties, from her also human. Many measures are currently being taken to reduce negative impact pork on human body, but even this does not completely protect pork from harm.

No matter how clean the pork is fed, or in what hygienic conditions stomach, it is still the same animal that feeds on its own excrement. As a result, pork produces a large amount of antibodies, as well as hormones that, in the process of metabolism, enter into muscle tissue pork.

Growth hormones are also a great danger to human health. If you eat pork very often and inordinate amounts, the body succumbs to the attack of growth hormones. This causes a significant increase in body weight, and get rid of these extra pounds- not easy. As a result, deformation of the figure and lines of the body may occur.

You can start giving your child intensive complementary foods from the age of eight months, and nutritionists also recommend slowly introducing meat products, usually chopped meat in the form of mashed potatoes with already proven vegetable puree.

Meat contains a lot of minerals such as potassium, iron, phosphorus and animal protein. Each type of meat is special in its own way, so you need to start tasting each of them separately, for a start it is better to start with half a teaspoon meat puree. Best to start suitable low-fat, tender turkey meat, then slowly the diet can be enriched with lean veal and pork.

Many foods can cause allergies in a child, so many parents do not give pork to children, limiting themselves to chicken and beef. Although these products require caution, because if the child is allergic to dairy products, then he should not eat veal. Doctors and nutritionists recommend giving pork to children from the age of eight months.

Many refuse pork due to the content of histamines in it, which causes allergic reaction, but this only applies to fatty meat, so diet pork will not harm the baby. If you notice a manifestation of an allergy, then eating meat should be postponed.

Speaking about the dangers of pork kebab for human health, first of all, it is worth mentioning the carcinogens that are contained in tobacco smoke and are an integral part of the vapors. The vapors themselves are formed when the fat from the meat gets on the coals, and begin to rise up, settling on the meat. The second one disadvantage of shish kebab is the harm of the fried dark crust of the shish kebab and it does not matter whether it is meat or fish. Since such a crust contains a large amount of carcinogens that provoke the occurrence cancer. Therefore, to avoid this danger, it is necessary to cut off the burnt or dark part of the barbecue.

Another in a good way protected from carcinogens is the marinade. For example: wine, vinegar, various juices. Well-soaked meat will not only reduce the amount of carcinogens, but also protect against germs and food poisoning.

If you do not abuse the kebab and adhere to some rules, then it is unlikely that the pork kebab will cause great harm. Lean varieties of pork are best suited for barbecue, as they are easier to digest and have a wonderful taste.

Useful properties of pork Video

Thanks to this video, you can see what the benefits of pork are and what myths about this product are false.

"Pork has bad smell and taste, because pigs are dirty animals.”

"Pork is too fatty."

“Pork should never be eaten uncooked, let alone raw.”

Let's try to figure it out.

Pig - special

The isolation of pork is understandable: among all livestock, the pig is the only non-ruminant omnivore. On the one hand, this is good, because the pig is easier to feed, it is unpretentious in food; in addition, pigs are prolific and quickly gain weight. All this makes pork cheaper and more affordable than beef. In Soviet times, they ate more of it, but now no one wants to eat it: unlike, for example, beef, it is often considered unfashionable, difficult to digest and tastes unpleasant. Especially in cities where people have a wide choice of food. Despite the fact that pork is healthy, tasty and easy to prepare.

Oh this omnivorous

On the other hand, the food promiscuity of pigs can be the cause of diseases dangerous to humans. In ancient times, there was such a problem with pigs: they ate everything and you don’t understand where. For this reason, an unpleasant worm, trichinella, was often found in pork. This was a big problem, because this worm is dangerous for a person who has eaten such meat. Most likely, religious prohibitions on eating pork grew on this basis: thousands of years ago, people could not cope with such a scourge.

But progress, as we know, does not stand still. Modern conditions keeping pigs on farms exclude contact with wildlife and pasture, and strict veterinary control before sale negates the risk of getting contaminated meat in a store or market. When raising pigs on free range, this pasture is still limited, both for pigs from the inside, and for rodents and other evil spirits from the outside. The risk still remains - if you buy pork in a spontaneous market, meat that was grown in some village somewhere by a walking pig that ate some kind of carrion. Eliminating such a risk is simple: you need to buy meat from trusted suppliers, in stores, in markets where the meat undergoes a veterinary check.


The peculiar aroma of pork is also interpreted by many as the result of the promiscuity of pigs in nutrition. Firstly, as I mentioned above, the diet of pigs on farms is carefully controlled, and they do not eat everything in a row. Secondly, the process of digestion of nutrients is quite complex, and meat (actually, fat) does not take on the taste of everything that the animal eats. Only some substances are deposited unchanged in adipose tissue and further affect the taste and other organoleptic properties of meat. For example, the basis of the diet of black Iberian pigs in the last months before they become jamon is acorns rich in unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. This important reason why the fat of such a pig is very fragrant, soft and develops taste in the process of long drying. In general, the characteristic taste of pork is rather genetically determined, and it is for this taste that we appreciate it.

Fat is good

Yes, pork is often fatter than beef, and pork fat melts more easily, which adds a fat feel to the food. There are many breeds of domestic pigs, only in Russia about two dozen are bred. There are bacon (meat), tallow and mixed breeds that differ in the ratio of meat and lard. The meat of bacon pigs is not very fatty. Other than that, fat is not a problem at all because the newest paradigm healthy eating declares moderate consumption of animal fats as a benefit, and fat is the cause of juiciness and a conductor of flavors in meat. Especially fusible, enveloping pork fat.

So what's with the undercooked pork?

According to old memory, pork is preferred to be fried until the juices are completely squeezed out, when the temperature of the meat inside approaches the boiling point of water. This is, how to put it, too much. Most pathogenic bacteria and organisms for humans die at more low temperatures, but excessive overheating of meat makes it much less tasty and nutritious. It is also useful to know that the death of these bacteria and organisms depends on the combination of temperature and the time they spend at that temperature. The same trichinella dies at a temperature of 52 degrees within 47 minutes, and at a temperature of 55 degrees - within 6 minutes. The official recommendation with a margin is to cook the pork to a temperature of 63 degrees inside and leave it at this temperature for 3 minutes before eating. In amateur kitchen reality, the range of 59-62 degrees is optimal in terms of softness and juiciness of meat and at the same time safety, you just need to remember to check that in the thickest part of the piece the temperature reaches a value from this range and stays in this state for several minutes.

In a professional kitchen, using sous vide technology (read "suvid"), you can cook pork even more raw, because it becomes possible to pasteurize the meat long time at a constant low temperature (for example, 52 degrees). And even more raw pork means new culinary possibilities: pork tartare, carpaccio, the perfect pork steak and more and more. At all, flip side The omnivorousness of the pig is that it has become a universal object for a cook of any nationality and any qualification. It suits the widest range of tastes, textures and technologies. From ham to fake tuna, from pâté to steak.

"One and a half billion Chinese people can't be wrong"

Despite the fact that most people on the planet eat goat meat (surprisingly, but true), pork holds world championship by the amount of meat eaten. Most pork per capita is eaten in China and it is also produced there most of all. Pork remains the most popular red meat in Hungary, Spain, Montenegro, Belarus and others European countries. The reason is the same: pork is easy to breed, grow, cheap to produce and very tasty and nutritious, in general, not meat, but a dream.

Peace, love, pork chop.

In the summer of 2014, on the instructions of the chef and co-owner of the Delicatessen and Yunost restaurants, Ivan Shishkin, Petya Pavlovich went to study at the American Butcher School in New York. Since then, in the kitchen of the Yunost cafe, he has been carving meat, dressing ribs and steaks, and preparing pastrami, roast beef, sausages, smoked ham and jerky from the rest. Since March 2016, Petya has been running a funny and smart blog