How to give meat puree to a child at 7. Meat puree for babies: when can you start giving it, how to make it yourself

Proteins and fats, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins - all these and many other useful substances are included in meat. Pediatricians have no doubt about the need to introduce meat puree into. But parents immediately have a question about what time is best to do this and how to properly introduce it.

The benefits of meat for children

Yes, vegetarians claim that a person can easily live without meat, this is true if we are not talking about infant. Animal fats are essential for health, and it is especially necessary for all useful substances children experience it in their bodies. Meat performs many useful functions:

  • helps strengthen the nervous system;
  • stimulates appetite;
  • allows the baby to grow healthy and develop harmoniously;
  • participates in the formation of red blood cells;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • improves intestinal and stomach function;
  • helps strengthen bones.

Meat dishes should also be consumed in order to increase the body's production of heat and get the necessary boost of energy.

Of course, this does not mean that the baby should eat exclusively meat - the child’s menu should be varied and balanced.

When to introduce meat into baby's complementary foods

A healthy, properly developing baby can receive “adult” food as complementary foods from 4-6 months. First you need to introduce vegetable purees and cereals, then you can diversify the menu fermented milk products and fruits/juices, and only after this is it allowed to offer the child pureed meat as food.

Pediatricians recommend introducing meat puree from 9-10 months - by this age the baby’s digestive system will already be fully formed and will be able to accept/digest a fairly heavy product. But doctors emphasize that in exceptional cases, meat can be introduced even when a child is 6 months old. To similar exceptional cases applies:

  • the baby is not gaining weight;
  • There is a lack of vitamins in the baby's body.

Note:if there is a need to introduce meat puree earlier as complementary foods, then it is better to use the finished product for this. This specialized diet contains little fat and is easily absorbed by the baby’s body.

The functioning of the child’s gastrointestinal tract and the health of the entire body depend on how high-quality the meat is for preparing complementary foods for the baby. Meat must be chosen carefully and extremely carefully - it can be fraught with a lot of dangers.

What meat to start complementary feeding with?

Start off meat feeding It is better for babies with and - this is the leanest meat, so it will be easily digested by the child. But pay attention to one important point: if the baby has lactase deficiency and is allergic to cow protein, then beef/veal is not suitable for preparing meat complementary foods. After the child adequately accepts meat complementary foods, you can offer him, but if the baby develops an appetite for this type of meat, then find a replacement for it - for example, it could be guinea fowl meat.

Note:Pork and lamb are very “heavy” foods, so try to introduce them into your child’s diet as late as possible.

Rules for choosing quality meat

Too difficult in modern conditions find truly environmentally friendly meat - all animals are raised on artificial feed, antibiotics and hormones, the latter are the most dangerous for the tiny organism. Of course, you can raise the same chicken or rabbit yourself, but this option is good if the child and his parents live in the village. What should true city dwellers do? It is worth listening to the recommendations of experts regarding the choice of really good meat:

How to properly prepare meat puree

To prepare complementary foods for your baby, you need to take a small piece of meat and cook it for 15 minutes. The first broth must be drained and the meat washed. Next, the prepared meat is poured with fresh water and cooked for 40-60 minutes.

After the meat is cooked, it must be passed through a meat grinder twice, or chopped in a blender with the addition of boiled vegetables. To obtain a uniform consistency, you can add cow's or breast milk to complementary foods.

note: before cooking, the meat must be thoroughly washed and rid of veins and fat, do not add salt and spices to the broth during cooking, and in order to achieve a more suitable puree consistency, it can be rubbed through a sieve.

How much meat should I give my baby?

On the very first meat feeding you need to give your baby half a teaspoon of puree. Next, throughout the day, you need to monitor the child’s well-being to see if there is an allergy to New Product, are they bothering him? intestinal colic. If the child feels great, then next complementary food You can already offer him a full teaspoon of meat puree.

The baby needs to be given meat 1-2 times a week, and when the child is 10 months old, the frequency of eating meat complementary foods can be increased to 5-7 times a week (but no more than once a day).

How to properly introduce meat into your diet

In general, there are no differences from introducing regular complementary foods and meat into the diet. In this case, you must adhere to the following rules:

Review of popular brands of baby meat puree

If you don’t have time to prepare meat puree at home, you can add specialized baby food to your diet.


It has a low cost, but the quality of this meat puree can hardly be called high. The composition of Tema meat puree includes fat, salt, milk powder and cereals, and this is not the best option.


This is a German brand that produces products approved by many pediatricians. This meat puree contains many useful substances and is completely balanced. But there is one caveat: the meat puree contains onion, and this product is allowed to be introduced into a child’s diet only from 8 months of age.


This company's complementary foods are sold in a metal jar, and this scares off many parents. Meanwhile, the quality of Agusha's complementary meat feed is high, and the cost of the product is quite reasonable.


The products of this manufacturer are popular among parents, but his biography is not so flawless. The fact is that to prepare meat puree, meat is used that has been previously treated with chlorine - you must admit, this is unlikely to add health to the baby, although the products pass all the necessary medical checks.

Grandma's basket

Excellent, reliable and high quality products! When preparing meat puree, the manufacturer uses only healthy ingredients - for example, rice flour is used as a thickener, not starch.


In principle, a very high quality product. When making meat puree, not only meat is used, but also vegetable oil, water and starch. The last ingredient makes the meat puree very thick, and some children may not like this and they will refuse the new product.

The benefits of meat for children

Disputes often arise among young parents regarding the need to feed their children meat. Also often the subject of debate is the type of recipe that should be used to prepare a meat dish. Parents who adhere to the principles of full healthy eating, they believe that meat contains many substances that are beneficial for the child, such as animal protein and amino acids necessary for the development of the child. Other parents express the opinion that meat also contains cholesterol and great amount fat that is harmful to the child's body.

However, even in prehistoric times, people actively ate meat and there were no significant deviations in their body. True, today meat is not as healthy in its properties as it was in those days, so a lot depends on exactly how it is prepared. In addition, meat varieties differ in the degree of their usefulness for the child’s body. For a child, it is best to use meat that does not contain too much fat for cooking. It can be young pork, veal or lamb.

It is recommended, if possible, not to buy meat in grocery supermarkets; it is best to purchase homemade products. It definitely won’t cause significant harm to the child’s body, but it will enrich his body with many nutrients. The same cannot be said about store-bought meat, since it has been confirmed that antibiotics or all kinds of antibiotics were used in its production. food additives. The latter include growth hormone. When choosing meat at the market, you should choose a piece with a minimum amount of fat layers. When cooking, this fat must be removed from the meat.

If we are talking about heat treatment meat, the healthiest meat is cooked over an open fire. True, not everyone can use this method. People living in the city can only boil meat, fry it or bake it in the oven. The best side dish for meat is fresh vegetables. In any case, this is the healthiest combination for children. The most useful variety meat for children and adults is chicken.

Beginning of complementary feeding with meat

Starting to feed your child meat is a rather difficult and responsible step. Meat should be selected in such a way that it does not harm the baby. Therefore, the choice must be made with a certain amount of caution. It is also important to clearly understand what kind of meat you should start introducing complementary foods with, when to start it and why exactly this should be done.

When to introduce meat into complementary foods?

Meat should be introduced as complementary food to a child after he has already been fed vegetable puree and cereals. According to statistics, the most optimal age for a child to introduce complementary foods is around eight months. At the same time, at least one and a half months must pass from the moment when the child was introduced to the first complementary foods. This is necessary to ensure that the child has enough time for the full development of his gastrointestinal tract. Then the child’s body will be able to digest heavier food.

If a child’s hemoglobin level in the blood decreases or if he develops rickets, you can start feeding him meat earlier. IN special cases, if there are appropriate medical indications, you can start feeding your child meat from the age of six months. This can be attributed to children who are on artificial feeding. They may have a lack of nutrients in their body.

What meat to start complementary feeding with?

It is best to start feeding your child meat by giving him fresh rabbit meat. As a rule, rabbit meat does not cause allergic reactions in children, and is also well absorbed. Rabbit meat contains a large number of vitamins and minerals than any other type of meat. In particular, it contains a lot of iron. Since there is little fat in rabbit meat, it can be classified as a dietary nutritious product.

In addition, there are recommendations from doctors that, in addition to rabbit meat, complementary feeding can be started with fresh beef. Like rabbit meat, this product is absorbed quite well. Chicken or veal meat should be treated with caution, since such types of meat can cause an allergic reaction in a child. This is possible if the child suffers from individual intolerance to milk protein or the protein contained in chicken meat. When choosing meat to start feeding your baby, it is recommended to be guided by the following principles:

  • track the minimum amount in meat flavoring additives. This means that if parents buy meat packaged in cans, it should not be too salty, sweet and should not contain spices. The same principle should be used to select meat prepared at home;
  • the ability of meat to cause an allergic reaction in a child, as mentioned above;
  • You need to start complementary feeding with one type of meat and introduce it in small portions. This is necessary in order to be able to immediately determine the cause of an allergic reaction if it occurs. Doctors recommend feeding your child the selected type of meat for two weeks, after which introducing other types of complementary foods.

As noted above, you should start feeding your child meat with rabbit meat. Fresh beef will also work. In case if children's body handles meat normally and does not cause any allergic or other negative reactions; the meat range can be gradually expanded.

After the meat varieties mentioned, the next meat recommended for use for baby food, is turkey meat. There have not yet been any cases noted since its introduction allergic rashes on the baby's skin. Its fibers help activate the work of blood vessels, as well as the muscles of the heart. There is also an increase in the child’s appetite, and his immunity increases. Turkey is classified as a dietary food product. Useful and nutritious dish For infants is turkey puree.

The third in line of products for feeding a baby is pork. Since there is a high probability that eating such meat will provoke an allergic reaction in the child, complementary foods should be introduced quite carefully.

Veal is in fourth place on the list of foods for complementary feeding of a child. It contains a lot of iron, as well as sodium, zinc, and phosphorus. In addition, there is quite a lot of carotene. The product can also cause allergic reactions in a child, so it should be introduced into complementary foods carefully, in small portions.

Last on the list is chicken. It contains many amino acids and vitamins that are beneficial for the child’s body. However, they are contained only in fresh meat; when frozen, it loses its beneficial features. Chicken meat is the most dangerous in terms of its ability to cause allergies in a child, so it should be introduced as a complementary food as a last resort.

Lamb meat should not be given to children until they are one year old. This is explained big amount fat in it.

How much meat should I give my baby?

Complementary feeding with meat should be introduced to the child, starting with half a teaspoon. In some cases, it is recommended to first chew this meat yourself, and then put it on a spoon for the child. Every day you should increase the dose of complementary feeding by the same amount, bringing the complementary feeding rate to 30 grams if we are talking about a seven-month-old child. If he is eight months old, daily dose should be 40 grams. The meat should first be given in a separate portion. After the child is quite used to it, it should be mixed with cereals or pureed vegetables. There is no need to salt the meat or provide it with seasonings. If the meat has a high fat content, be sure to drain the broth first.

Since one complementary food must be introduced on average throughout three weeks This will happen around the seventh and eighth months of the baby's life. The result will be that the child receives a daily dose of 40 grams of meat by the ninth month of life. At the same time, the child’s body will already be burned to fully absorb this volume of meat.

How to prepare meat for the first feeding?

You can try this method of preparing meat for the first feeding of an infant.

Minced meat in a volume of ten grams is placed in water and boiled for half an hour until it softens. After this, you need to drain the broth through a sieve. The minced meat that remains at the bottom of the sieve must be transferred to a bowl, add the mixture or breast milk, and then beat thoroughly using a blender. The resulting puree should be passed through a sieve again to avoid the formation of lumps in it. The resulting puree should not be stored in the refrigerator. The baby should be fed only fresh puree.

After the child gets used to the taste minced meat You can add fresh vegetables and cereals to it. You can add a little salt, as well as a pinch of boiled chicken yolk. The result will be a tasty and healthy soup that your baby will surely love.

Meat dishes for babies

Ground meat

For cooking you need 50 grams of meat, half a teaspoon of butter, the same amount of onion, 50 grams of low-fat broth, salt to taste.

The meat is boiled and passed through a meat grinder. The butter is melted, the salt and meat are soaked in it, after which everything is sprinkled with flour and mixed. After adding salt, add broth and cover with a lid. Then simmer in the oven. The stewed meat is ground through a sieve and added to it butter in a volume of 3 grams.

Ground meat can only be given to a child as a sandwich with pureed vegetables or porridge. Can be given with broth.

Liver puree

Includes 80 grams of veal or beef liver, half a teaspoon of butter, 50 grams of low-fat broth. Salt is added to taste.

The liver is washed and films and tubules are removed from it. Water is poured into the bottom of the pan and the liver is stewed in it. To create a steam bath, place the pan with the liver in a pan of boiling water. After the liver has softened, it is passed through a meat grinder and rubbed through a sieve. The broth in which the liver was stewed is filtered and poured into the previously ground liver. Add half a teaspoon of butter and salt to taste to the puree.

Children grow up much faster than we expect. It seems like just yesterday this baby slept almost all day long in his crib, periodically demanding his mother’s breast, but now he is already crawling around the apartment with might and main, learning about the world around him.

As a child ages, he needs new sources of energy. Breast milk is no longer able to meet the needs of a growing body. nutrients, so they begin to introduce the baby to complementary foods. And here the question arises for young parents: when can you give your child meat? Let's figure it out together.

Should you give meat to your child?

The answer to this question is clear: meat must be given, and there are several reasons for this. Namely:

  • Meat is the main source of protein, which a child (of course, per unit weight) needs more than an adult. In addition, meat contains essential amino acids that are not found in milk;
  • Meat supplies the body with fats that provide the baby with energy. True, it is important not to overdo it here, since their excess can provoke the development of childhood obesity;
  • Meat contains about 20 vitamins, in particular vitamins B and PP;
  • Meat is rich in minerals, including iron, which is necessary for the baby, as well as magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, selenium, phosphorus and others. If you are still in doubt about whether to give your child meat, please note: “meat” iron is absorbed 30% better than that obtained from plant foods.

When can a child be given meat?

If the first steps in introducing complementary foods have already been taken - the baby eats porridge, vegetable and fruit purees - it’s time to introduce the baby to meat products. Optimal age It takes 7-8 months for a child to introduce meat into complementary feeding, and at least 1.5 months must pass from the start of complementary feeding. Gastrointestinal tract The baby is already developed enough to digest meat without much difficulty.

To the children who are suffering low hemoglobin, as well as those with signs of rickets, it is recommended to start giving meat earlier than the above period. For kids who are on artificial feeding, meat can be introduced into the diet from 6 months of age, since already at this stage they often experience a lack of nutrients.

What kind of meat to give to a child at an early age

To introduce a child to meat, it is better to choose turkey or rabbit. These types of meat are the least allergenic, easily digestible and contain all necessary substances. After the baby gets used to such products, you can gradually introduce veal, beef, pork, and chicken into the diet.

It is advisable to start feeding your child meat with canned meat for children. And although many parents have a negative attitude towards food from jars, it is worth noting that meat, which acts as a raw material for baby food, undergoes the necessary control not only for the presence of infections and helminthiasis, but also for the level of pesticides, nitrates, hormones, antibiotics and other harmful substances. Of course, as a result of high temperature processing canned meat They lose some vitamins, but there is no doubt about the quality of such products. But parents should still pay attention to the shelf life of the product and its storage conditions.

If the moment has already arrived when the child can be given meat, this does not mean that it is necessary to feed the baby absolutely all meat products. So, children under one year old should not be offered chicken. Harmless at first glance chicken fillet may contain substances dangerous to the young body (hormones, antibiotics, etc.).

Until the age of two, a child should not be introduced to the following meat dishes:

  • Meat broths. The baby’s immature digestive system is sensitive to extractive substances that form in the meat during cooking and end up in the broth;
  • Grilled meat. When frying meat, compounds are formed that irritate the gastric mucosa;
  • Sausages, sausages. The composition of semi-finished meat products contains only 30% processed meat, the rest is flavor enhancers, dyes, monosodium glutamate, salt, spices and other additives that will not bring any benefit to the baby;
  • All varieties of gourmet meat dishes (smoked meats, ham, brisket, bacon, carpaccio, etc.). They contain too much fat and salt, not to mention dyes and preservatives.

How much meat to give a child

First, the baby is given only ½ teaspoon of meat, after which the portion is gradually increased to 20-30 g (by 8-9 months of age). Starting from 9 months, a child can be given 40 g of meat puree per day, and in a year the baby, as a rule, eats from 60 to 80 g of meat products per day. The maximum daily dose of meat for a 1.5-year-old toddler is 120 grams.

When answering the question about how much meat to give a child, it is necessary to emphasize that there is no need to overfeed the baby with meat and fish products. Excess protein leads to additional stress on the kidneys and can negatively affect the baby’s well-being. If the child has not yet fallen in love with the new product, there is no need to force it with meat puree.

Methods for preparing meat for a child

Having figured out when you can give your child meat, the young mother thinks: what dishes to prepare for the baby? For children under one year of age, meat is recommended exclusively in the form of puree. From 10-11 months, the baby can be introduced to meatballs or finely chopped boiled meat (provided that he has already learned to chew pieces of food). At 1.5-2 years old, a child is able to eat cutlets, meatballs, and meat goulash.


The first complementary food is meat. What kind of meat to start feeding your baby with? When and how to introduce meat into complementary foods for a child. Buy jarred or cook it yourself. How to cook meat properly.

When we start introducing complementary foods from 6 months, it is necessary that the child’s diet contains foods with high content iron: liver, meat, fish and legumes in combination with vegetables and cereals, or complementary feeding products fortified with iron. Meat and fish - best sources zinc

Iron deficiency in young children and infants - one of the common problems that can cause serious consequences for the baby’s health. Therefore, attention should be paid to the prevention of iron deficiency.

IN breast milk There is little iron, but its bioavailability reaches 50%, which is much higher than that of other food products. A child up to 6 months has enough iron reserves received from the mother during gestation.

One of the most important reasons development iron deficiency anemia is too early introduction into the diet dairy products and whole cow's milk. Thus, up to a year, introduce whole cow's milk It should not be taken as a drink, and after administration the amount should be increased gradually.

All types of tea (black, green and herbal) and coffee interfere with iron absorption, so they should not be used before 2 years of age. After this age, you should not drink tea with meals.

How to properly introduce meat into complementary foods

Meat goes best with vegetables. Meat contains heme iron, vegetables contain non-heme iron, combining them together, the absorption of iron from vegetables increases by 50%. Thus, the bioavailability of iron contained in a dish containing vegetables or other foods can be significantly improved by adding some meat to it.

What kind of meat should a baby start feeding with?

Preferably lean meat: rabbit, turkey, veal, lamb, chicken.

Some types of meat are expensive, but such as liver are inexpensive, and nutritional benefits have a high The liver contains the following nutrients: zinc, vitamins A, B and D, iron. It is easy to puree, making liver an excellent weaning food after about 7 months.

When to introduce meat into baby's complementary foods

Meat should be introduced after vegetables and cereals, approximately 7-8 months.

How much to enter

If you introduce a large amount of meat into complementary foods early, this will lead to high level protein intake and negative consequences. To increase the amount of iron in the body, you only need a small amount of meat!

Quantity, per day

8 months 5-30 gr
9 months 50 gr
10 months 50 gr
11 months 60-70 gr
12-18 months 70 gr
1.5 - 2.5 years 80 gr
from 2.5 years 120 gr

Approximate scheme for introducing meat into the diet by day

1 day - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 1 tsp. rabbit meat

Day 2 - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 2 tsp. rabbit meat

Day 3 - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 4 tsp. rabbit meat, etc.

Day 7 - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 10 tsp. rabbit meat

Increase to 50-60 g (1 tsp - 5 g). It is better to be guided by scales or a jar.

Which meat is better for a child: canned or home-cooked?

The pediatrician advised me to start introducing meat from canned food for children industrial production in banks, because It is quite difficult to make fiber-free puree from meat at home for a child who does not yet know how to chew. The danger is that the child can easily choke. Meat from jars has a delicate consistency, is prepared strictly according to GOST standards, and significantly saves time. Now in Russia there is strict control over the quality of baby food.

This meat is second only to homemade meat, i.e. if you raise turkeys and others yourself or buy from trusted farmers you know.

Which manufacturer of canned children's meat should I choose?

I will give several examples of the composition of turkey meat and the amount of protein and fat per 100 grams.

"Subject" Compound:turkey meat, rice cereal, sunflower oil, water.

Protein: 10.9 g. Fat: 8.1 g.

"Granny's Basket" Ingredients: turkey fillet, rice, vegetable oil, water.

Protein: 8.5 g. Fat: 12 g.

"Heinz" Ingredients: chilled turkey meat, drinking water, rice flour, sunflower oil, lemon juice.

Protein: 12.7 g. Fat: 3.7 g.

"Gerber" Ingredients: turkey meat puree (40%), corn and rice starch (for consistency), rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, drinking water.

Protein: 10.4 Fat: 5.4.

"Fruto nanny" Ingredients: turkey meat,rice flour,vegetable oil, corn oil,water.

Protein: 12 g. Fat: 4 g.

"Agusha"Compound:turkey meat, rice flour, vegetable oil, drinking water.

Protein: 9 g. Fat: 5.5 g.

"Semper" Ingredients: turkey 60%, rice flour, rice starch, vegetable oil, water.

Protein: 13.4 g. Fat: 3.4 g.

How to cook meat for a child

Cook the liver or meat well and grind it in a meat grinder or blender.

For your child’s good perception of a new product (meat), add it to a familiar and favorite dish (vegetables or porridge).

It’s good if a young mother has enough milk of her own to feed her baby on her own. This is not only very useful for the newborn, but also very convenient for the woman herself. There is no need to think about what and how to feed the baby, or waste time preparing the necessary products. GW cannot last forever and the time to become acquainted with adult food will come sooner or later. Let's look at how to introduce meat into complementary foods for a child correctly and how to avoid the most common mistakes associated with this.

Meat at home can be introduced after six months, eight months or even a year. Such different timing depends on the type of previous feeding. If the baby is artificial, then, most likely, from the age of 3-4 months he began to get acquainted with vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc. But if the mother had the opportunity to keep him exclusively on breastfeeding, then the introduction of additional dishes into the diet begins much later.

When to give meat to a child is an individual question and is best resolved with a pediatrician, taking into account individual characteristics development and nutrition of the baby.

Note! Meat puree for the first complementary foods can be given no earlier than two months after the start of the introduction of complementary foods in general.

Meat complementary feeding should be started only when the baby is already coping well with the previously introduced products, eats with appetite and does not give negative reaction on a dish prepared by mother.

Despite all the benefits, such complementary foods are quite difficult for fragile animals to digest. digestive system, and other organs are not ready to accept this product before the six-month mark of life. For example, the kidneys can react very sharply to such a large amount of protein.

Important! Failure to follow the rules for introducing meat into complementary foods for newborns can cause allergies and other health problems.

Undeniable benefits

If meat for the first feeding causes so many problems, and even threatens with health problems, should we even wait to introduce it? Of course, it’s up to the parents to decide first, but the first feeding, especially if the baby is the first in the family and has absolutely no experience, is always problematic. There are no less questions with vegetables and fruits, and by refusing meat puree you can deprive your baby of very important and necessary normal development substances.

The meat contains:

  • protein necessary for the baby;
  • amino acids that are not present in other products or are present, but in minimum quantity;
  • iron, which is absorbed much better than when coming from other foods.

Home-made complementary feeding meat has a fibrous structure and has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Caution doesn't hurt

Complementary feeding, carried out according to all the rules, brings only benefits and is completely normal change V children's menu. A mistake many parents make, especially if they start feeding their child meat closer to one year, is to become less attentive to the little body’s reaction to a new product.

It should be remembered that before reaching 3 years of age, it is strictly forbidden to give fatty, fried, smoked, sausage and frankfurters. Portions should also not be exceeded, and if rashes or irritation appear, you should immediately stop using the product, since some types of meat products are quite strong allergens.

It is clear that a lot depends on the quality of the product, so we will dwell in more detail on how to choose it.

Type of meatQualitativePoor quality
Veal or beefVeal has a soft red color, while beef has a richer color. The structure is layered, tendons and notes can be visible. Fresh veal will have a red-pink hue. The consistency is quite hard. It looks dry. The juice that comes out must be clear. The dent quickly disappears when pressed with a finger. The smell is sour-sweet.Wet and sticky, or, conversely, too dry with the formation of a crust in some places. It has Brown color. The smell is bitter. The dent, after pressing with a finger, disappears after a minute, no less.
PorkLight pink color, there is noticeable moisture on the cut, the consistency is soft and tender, layers of pale pink or white fat are clearly visible.Wet and sticky, the cuts are dry, darkened, the dents left by the finger do not disappear for a long time.
BirdRegardless of which part will be cooked, it is better to purchase a whole carcass to be sure of the quality. The main sign is age. A young bird has small, delicate scales on its paws; if it is a rooster, then the spur is represented by a small soft protrusion.

The breast bone is soft and bends easily. The color is light. The cut meat is firm and moist.

Carcasses are sticky, with unpleasant smell, when cut, limp and dry.
RabbitTender meat light color, there may be a layer of fat or obvious veins of tendons on the surface. The smell is fresh, subtle. For children, it is better to buy rabbits aged 3–6 months and cook back carcasses.The meat is pale yellow, sticky, or, conversely, dry with an unpleasant odor.

Introduce meat into complementary foods only if you are sure of its quality. You should start introducing turkey or rabbit into complementary foods, then you can try cooking chicken or beef, and only when he gets used to these types, can you introduce pork into the child’s diet.

It is important! Before introducing meat into complementary foods for a child with dairy intolerance, consultation with a pediatrician is required!

Parents have many questions about introducing offal into their baby’s diet. Experts have different opinions. If earlier food using the liver was considered necessary, today it has been proven that it is in it that all harmful substances, which an animal or bird encountered during its lifetime. There are also different statements regarding the prevention of anemia in infants. Latest Research showed that more iron is not in the liver, as previously thought, but in the heart. The optimal diet can only be formulated caring parents with the help of a pediatrician (or better yet, several).

Buy or cook

When studying recommendations on what meat to start complementary feeding with, many parents panic. It’s good if all the necessary varieties are presented in the city where the family lives. What to do if there is no choice? What kind of meat should I buy? In such a situation, ready-made canned meat, created specifically for children, will come to the rescue. You can choose rabbit, veal, and even such healthy horse meat. Of course, the price is steep, but the child will receive necessary products. Moreover, at home it is very difficult to grind puree this way. Ready-made baby meat puree will provide an excellent substitute for homemade puree in the first weeks when meat is introduced into the baby's complementary foods.

How to make your own meat puree?

You can prepare complementary meat food yourself, especially when you can buy the required variety. In one serving it is given no more than 20 grams (according to at least, at first).

Washing clean water a piece is placed in a meat grinder or blender and ground. The chopped minced meat is cooked for 25 minutes, and then thoroughly ground through a fine sieve or ground several more times.

Salting, and even more so cooking baby meat using spices, is strictly prohibited, but supplementing the first meat feeding with mother's milk or your favorite porridge is even necessary.

Important! Parents, keep the containers in which you cook, chop and give food to your child clean. Before cooking any food, especially meat, not only wash it thoroughly, but also pour boiling water over it.

You don’t have to grind the meat before cooking, but simply chop it well. Then the cooking time doubles, and before chopping the baby meat, you can add a little of the resulting broth to it so that the mass is more homogeneous.

Advice! For additional safety, bring the finished meat puree for children to a boil, drain the water, add clean water, and then you can cook until done.

In the first weeks of complementary feeding, it is advisable to give meat to the child in the form of a homogeneous puree (sometimes it is introduced with a favorite porridge, gradually increasing the amount). Then the variety begins. When the child can be given meat in significant quantities, mothers begin to prepare meatballs and meatballs. After a couple of months of eating this way, you can add bay leaf or fresh herbs to the water before cooking the meat.

Steamed cutlets are very tasty. Their recipe is simple. Need to grind a piece fresh meat(several types can be mixed), add 20 g to this mass (per 100 g) white bread, 20 ml of milk and a small piece of butter. Mix everything until smooth, cook for 20-25 minutes.

We have already talked about how to properly introduce meat into complementary foods and that it is better to mix it with foods to which the small body reacts positively. An excellent way is to cook cutlets with vegetables. For 100 grams of minced meat you will need 15 grams of potatoes, carrots, herbs, a piece of butter and half a boiled egg. Mix everything, cook for 20-25 minutes. These cutlets can also be prepared with your child. When you do everything together, everything turns out faster and tastier.

Advice to parents! Cooking with children is a fun activity, and also a proven way to introduce pureed meat into the diet of those who don’t want it. Well, which of the kids would refuse something they cooked on their own?

Mandatory rules

We have already figured out when to introduce meat into complementary foods, and now we will get acquainted with the basic recommendations that will make this process soft and interesting for both parties. After all, it’s not enough to know how to prepare meat puree; you also need to learn how to give it to your baby correctly.

  1. Make sure the temperature of the food is normal for the child.
  2. Complementary feeding of the child should begin with a third of a teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume.
  3. You can introduce meat in the morning, then during the day you will have the opportunity to observe the child’s reaction.
  4. It is better to start giving a new product with a break of 2-3 days, so as not to overstrain the body.
  5. Try to choose a day when the baby is in a great mood and feels good.
  6. Meat introduced into the diet must be freshly prepared.
  7. When a dish becomes an integral element of the menu, it is advisable to give it not as the first meal, but as the third feeding, along with vegetables and porridge.


  • When can you introduce meat products into your diet? Not earlier than 6 months for artificial babies and 8 months for breastfed babies;
  • where to begin? Rabbit, turkey, chicken, veal, pork. This is the sequence. Don’t forget to decide for yourself not only which meat is best to start your acquaintance with, but also decide whether you will cook it yourself or buy ready-made canned food;
  • how to make the finished dish tastier? The use of salt and spices is strictly prohibited, but fresh herbs, butter and other products will perfectly complement the taste of meat and make it even healthier;
  • How often should I give meat? Start injecting in small portions every two days, then increase the volume and frequency. Normally, out of 7 days of the week, 5 give meat, and two give fish;
  • How and when can a reaction occur? The baby’s body can notify about the problem in different ways (anxiety, nausea, stool retention or, conversely, diarrhea, rashes and redness on the skin).

Now you know at what age you can introduce meat into your baby’s menu, how to do it correctly so as not to harm the baby, and also how to really choose quality product.