Proper nutrition child 5 6 years. Children's menu for every day

“I cook, I try, I stand at the stove, and he shouts “Fe!” and pushes the plate away. And what to feed this child?” My friend complains.
Familiar situation? Dear mothers, as I understand you. Feeding a child is sometimes a daunting task. And it’s not even a pity for the products themselves, but for the efforts and time that we spend in the kitchen. Children's meals should be fresh, tasty, interesting. But how to realize all this for a busy mother?

After talking with friends and conducting a small opinion poll, it turned out to collect a few simple and delicious meals that our children love. But, most importantly, their preparation does not take much time.

1. Chicken in sweet sauce

Ingredients: chicken, honey, turmeric, coriander, salt, pepper, garlic, orange.
Preparation: The amount of ingredients depends on the size of the chicken. In a deep bowl, mix 2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1-2 tsp. turmeric, a pinch of ground coriander, pepper, salt, squeeze 1-2 cloves of garlic. Add the juice of one small orange. Marinate the chicken for half an hour. You can leave it overnight if you wish. Place in preheated oven for about an hour. Garnish can be mashed potatoes, pasta or cereal. The taste of the chicken will be spicy-sweet, and it looks interesting! And you can use the baking time for yourself.

2. Shells with cheese

Ingredients: large shell pasta, seasoned cheese, tomatoes, onion, boiled chicken breast, salt, pepper.
Preparation: Boil pasta, but less than 2-3 minutes less than it is written in the instructions. Let the pasta cool.

During the time when the shells are boiled, cut the onion into cubes and fry in olive oil, add salt, pepper, if desired, you can add aromatic herbs. Cut boiled into small cubes chicken breast and tomatoes. Mix onions, tomatoes and meat. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
Fill the shell with tomato and minced meat, top with cheese. Put the shells in a deep frying pan or baking dish, pre-greased with oil. You can put on fire or put in a hot oven for 3-4 minutes to melt the cheese.

You can serve with any salad. Cooking time takes approximately 15-20 minutes.

3. Potatoes with cheese

This tender potato inside is covered with a delicious crispy crust. Believe me, does not leave anyone indifferent. Minimum ingredients, minimum time, maximum enjoyment!

Ingredients: potatoes, butter, cheese, salt.
Preparation: Choose small potatoes. Cut a peeled or well-washed potato in half. Put on a baking sheet, greased with oil, salt, put a piece of butter. Send to preheated oven for 20 minutes. Then put a piece of cheese on each potato. Cook for a few more minutes until the cheese melts and browns a little. You can serve with any salad.

4. Chicken liver with sour cream sauce

Not all children love the liver, although it is very useful. But this recipe is a godsend. The liver becomes tender, fragrant, and will simply melt in your mouth.

Ingredients: chicken liver, onion, carrots, salt, pepper, aromatic herbs, sour cream, sunflower oil.
Preparation: fry chicken liver on both sides until color changes in sunflower oil in a preheated pan. Add diced onion, salt, pepper, optionally add aromatic herbs. After a few minutes, add the grated carrots on a medium grater. Simmer for a few minutes under the lid. Add low fat sour cream. Add fresh herbs if desired. Simmer for a few more minutes.

Serve with pasta, potatoes or porridge. With this cookie, children will sweep away everything. It takes about 15-20 minutes to prepare, and the taste is simply amazing!

5. Soup with meatballs

The first courses are very useful and simply necessary in the children's menu. But is it easy for you to feed your child with soup? I think the answer is "no".
Everyone loves my signature soup with meatballs because of its beauty, and, of course, its taste. And it takes 15 minutes to prepare.

Ingredients: minced chicken, potatoes, carrots, onions, green pea, turmeric, small star pasta, olive oil, salt, pepper, Bay leaf, greenery.
Preparation: If you have minced chicken lying around in your refrigerator, this is just a godsend. Well, if not, then cook it yourself by chopping the meat, adding a small onion, a clove of garlic and salt to taste.

Cut potatoes, carrots and onions into cubes, make meatballs from minced meat. We put potatoes and carrots on the fire, wait until it boils and boil for several minutes, add onion, salt, pepper, bay leaf, pasta and turmeric. We cook for a few minutes. Add meatballs and a spoonful of olive oil. A minute before readiness, add greens. If you have canned peas, add them at the end. If fresh - along with potatoes.

This soup looks very beautiful, the turmeric makes it golden and appetizing, and the ingredients different color and shapes will definitely interest children.

6. Fish cakes

Everyone knows that fish is a very useful product. But it just so happened that many children do not like fish. These cutlets are delicious, look beautiful and can be disguised as ordinary cutlets. And they are also useful because they are not fried, but baked.

Ingredients: fish fillet 500 gr, 2-3 slices white bread without crust, onion, hard cheese, one egg, vegetable oil, dill, salt.
Preparation: pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder along with the onion, add an egg, squeezed bread in water, or in milk. Add finely chopped dill, salt, a spoonful of vegetable oil. With wet hands, form patties. For beauty, you can give them the shape of stars, fish, hearts. Spread on a baking sheet and put in a preheated oven for 15-17 minutes. After this time, sprinkle with grated cheese and send to the oven for another 5 minutes. Kittens are ready!

7. Carrot cutlets

We adults know that vegetables are healthy. Children are not interested at all. But these carrot cutlets should attract the attention of children. There are many variations of this dish, but these two, savory and sweet, are the simplest and most delicious.

Sweet meatballs
Ingredients: 5-6 medium-sized carrots, half a cup of semolina, 2-3 tsp. sugar, one egg, a pinch of salt, vegetable oil.
Preparation: boil carrots, when cool, grate, add semolina, egg, sugar, salt. Form cutlets, roll in semolina and fry in vegetable oil. You can serve with jam or jam.

salted cutlets
Ingredients: carrot, small onion, garlic clove, salt, egg, semolina, dill.
Preparation: Grate boiled chilled carrots, add chopped onion, garlic, finely chopped dill, egg, salt, semolina, knead, form cutlets, fry on both sides.

8. Omelet with sausage and vegetables

Eggs are undoubtedly a very useful product. As always, not all children love scrambled eggs. But I think this lush, soft and fragrant omelette should be of interest to kids. And if you dream up a little more and add interesting components to it, the children will definitely want to try it.

Ingredients: 8 eggs, 1 cup milk, 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, a whisper of salt, a few children's sausages, 1-2 tbsp. spoons canned peas, 1 boiled carrot, 1-2 boiled potatoes, greens.
Preparation: Break eggs into a deep bowl, add milk, salt, flour and beat well. Cut the sausage into rings, carrots and potatoes into cubes, finely chop the greens, rinse the peas with water. Add all the ingredients to the eggs, mix, pour into a greased baking sheet and send to the preheated oven. Such an omelette can be served with fresh vegetables or sauces.

9. Mannik

Mannik is a flight for my mother's fantasy, and the components can be easily found in any refrigerator.

Ingredients: 1 cup of semolina, 1 cup of sour cream (can be replaced with kefir or taken in half), half a cup of sugar, three eggs, half a teaspoon of soda, vanilla sugar can be added.
Preparation: Mix all ingredients, let stand for a while. Can be prepared in the evening and left in the refrigerator overnight.
Pour into a greased mold and put in the oven for 30 minutes. You can put dried fruits, berries in mannik, or just pour over your favorite jam or syrup.

10. Cottage cheese casserole

Cottage cheese is almost the most useful milk product. But my baby categorically refuses to eat it, but cottage cheese casserole goes "with a bang." After several years of preparations, she became mine. best friend and a savior when it is difficult for a child to feed something. I love to cook it and because in the process you can fantasize and experiment, and it is almost impossible to spoil it.

Ingredients: 1 kg of cottage cheese, 3 eggs, half a cup of semolina, half a cup of milk, vanillin, 1 cup of sugar (to taste, a little less), zest of one lemon, juice of half a lemon, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch.
Preparation: pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. The softer the cottage cheese, the tastier the casserole will be.

While you are doing this, pour the semolina with milk. Stir the eggs with the sugar, beating until foamy is not necessary. Mix cottage cheese, eggs, semolina, add vanillin, pour in the juice of half a lemon, grate the lemon zest on a fine grater, add a spoonful of starch. Mix well. You can add dried apricots, raisins to the casserole, after soaking them with water, or berries, fruits. Pour the cottage cheese into a greased form and put in a preheated oven for 40 minutes until golden brown on top. It is prepared quickly, and in 40 free minutes you can do a lot of useful things.

At the age of five, the baby no longer has such strict restrictions what they were before. His menu is expanding more and more, giving him more and more taste sensations. He is already familiar with such products as canned food, pickles, smoked products.

The number of meals from 5 decreases to 4, but the total volume of products continues to increase.
The menu for a 5-year-old child contains a number of complex and fried dishes - cabbage rolls, stuffed zucchini, stuffed peppers, fried zucchini, vegetable stews, various pancakes, fried fish, aspic and others.

In his diet, cereals no longer occupy the main position, their composition changes from liquid to crumbly, to the previous list of cereals is added pearl barley. At one of the meals, a piece of white or black bread can already be replaced with a cold or hot sandwich.

In addition to the usual tea, compote, juice, a preschool child can receive cocoa or a decaffeinated coffee drink for breakfast. It is recommended to add milk to tea and coffee drinks.
The menu for a child of 5 years old should contain fruits, vegetables and meat every day. Fish and eggs must be given twice a week.

As for fats, on the one hand, their amount should be limited, and on the other, they should not be completely absent. When preparing all dishes, it is necessary to use not much fatty varieties fish and meat.

Butter must always be in the diet of a rapidly growing and mobile organism. Vegetable oils today they can please with their diversity - corn, sunflower, soybean, olive, linseed and others. They should also be consumed, as they are all rich in vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids that butter cannot boast of.

Vegetable oil is best used for dressing salads, and butter for sandwiches and cereals..
Previously, legumes (peas, soybeans, beans, beans) in the menu of a child of any age did not have a very honorable place, since dishes based on them caused rumbling and bloating, now you can buy special children's products in stores that do not cause such unpleasant sensations.

Vegetables and fruits must be given not only in processed form, but also in raw. herbal products in cheese improve digestion and strengthen the body. When preparing salads and vegetable stews, it is recommended to use non-bitter varieties of onions and garlic. Do not ignore such healthy vegetables like radish, pumpkin and horseradish.

From sweets, a preschool child can eat almost everything, but in moderation and if he has no inclination to allergic manifestations. by the most allergenic products for many decades, honey and chocolate remain.

In order not to load children's body, pediatricians are advised to distribute the calorie content of food.
For breakfast, meals should be given, the calorie content of which will be approximately 25% of the daily requirement.
For lunch, a preschooler should receive almost half of the daily norm - 40%.
In the afternoon, after a voluminous lunch, the lightest and most easily digestible dishes are given, their calorie content is only 10%.
At dinner, the child needs to receive the remaining 25%.

The menu for a child of 5 years old can be, for example, like this:

slice of white bread with butter and cheese.

Babies need to be fed useful products. It is important to select them in accordance with the needs and desires of the children. To make the food complete and varied, you can use popular menu examples for every day as a sample.

Approximate children's menu for the day

Each period of development of babies has its own prescriptions. They are taken into account when forming the children's menu for every day. Correctly organize the diet will help ideas about age features. However, every sample children's menu that can be found in books and articles is advisory in nature: you have the opportunity to change it, guided by the preferences of the child.

Up to 2 years

When compiling a children's menu for every day for a child under 2 years old, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Up to 1 year of age, children should be fed only boiled, pureed food.
  • A baby of this age period needs up to 0.6 liters of dairy products per day.
  • Give your child boiled or stewed vegetables. It is allowed to use fresh vegetable salads, which must be mixed with vegetable oil.
  • After 12 months, the baby can eat 50-100 g of fruits and berries, drink juices, jelly, compotes. Previously, the child is allowed purees and juices.
  • At this age, cookies, buns, marshmallows, marmalade can be included in the children's menu 2-3 times a week.

Menu layout for the child for the day:

  1. Breakfast: porridge with milk, tea or milk.
  2. 2nd breakfast: fruit juice.
  3. Lunch: salad, soup, meat soufflé (up to 1.5 years). Steam meat cutlet (after 1.5 years). Compote.
  4. Snack: kefir or milk, biscuits, fruits.
  5. Dinner: vegetable stew, tea.

2 to 3 years

It is important that the diet of a child from 2 to 3 years old includes:

  • vegetables and fruits, nuts;
  • meat and fish;
  • boiled eggs - 1 time in 2 days;
  • milk products;
  • cereals and cereals;
  • seafood;
  • olive oil;
  • baked in the oven, boiled or stewed.

Sample menu for a child:

  1. Breakfast: milk porridge with vegetables or boiled egg, a sandwich with butter and cheese, tea with milk, kefir or cocoa.
  2. Lunch: vegetable salads for children, soup or cabbage soup, stewed or mashed potatoes, chicken stew (meatballs), compote (juice).
  3. Afternoon snack: pastries (bun, pie, pancakes or shortbread). Juice (kefir).
  4. Dinner: pudding (casserole) or fish fillet, jelly, kefir (juice).

4 to 5 years

During this period of development of the child, four meals a day should be continued. The diet should include eggs, chicken, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, fish and cereals. The set of products will help the child overcome the increasing mental and physical exercise will promote growth and development. To avoid damage to the stomach, you need to control the amount of sweets. Foods with a sugar content can be consumed by a child after meals or in the afternoon. Cream cakes are best offered to a child only in holidays.

sample menu could be like this:

  1. Breakfast: rice porrige with pumpkin, sandwich with butter, tea or cocoa.
  2. Lunch: pea soup, meatloaf, salad, bread, compote.
  3. Snack: milk, baked apples, sandwiches. For a holiday, products can be replaced with cakes or cakes.
  4. Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, milk.

For 7 years old

Children's menu for every day for a child of 7 years old, you need to choose very carefully, because the child becomes more picky about food. Nutrition should be balanced and high-calorie to provide energy. Optimal the energy value products consumed per day is about 2500 kcal, especially in autumn period. The frequency of meals should be at least 4-5 times a day.

Based on these rules, you can make an approximate children's menu for the day:

  1. Breakfast: milk porridge, sandwich with butter. Tea (cocoa).
  2. Lunch: first course, meat (fish) with a side dish, salad, compote, chocolate.
  3. Snack: casserole (pudding), fruit or oatmeal cookies with milk.
  4. Dinner: steamed meat (fish), a side dish of stewed vegetables or cereals.

Children's recipes for every day

The health of a child is determined and reinforced by the food he eats. Every day, a set of food should be such as to provide variety in the baby's diet. From simple, inexpensive, well-known products, you can create amazingly tasty and nutritious meals. Some recipes are suitable for use every day. When preparing them, the hostess will not have any problems, and the food for the child will be delicious.


Baby beet cutlets are a very healthy and easy-to-prepare part of the menu for every day. This dish has bright color which may be of interest to the child. Cutlets differ and excellent, delicate taste. Compound:

  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • buckwheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • spices.

How to cook:

  1. To make minced beetroot, you must first boil or bake it, cool it, remove the skin. Grind the prepared vegetable on a grater. Mix it with cottage cheese and egg to create a homogeneous mass.
  2. In the resulting mixture, place finely chopped garlic, flour and seasonings. Knead the minced vegetables with a spoon.
  3. Heat up the pan with olive oil. Spoon the beetroot mixture into the hot dish with a tablespoon. Fry each cutlet on both sides. Serve the finished dish with sour cream.


Difficult to find a children's menu cooking recipes that would be useful and attractive to the child. Cauliflower- cheap, tender and tasty product. It has a lot useful properties, from this vegetable you can cook inexpensive meals. Prepare cabbage using an interesting budget recipe. Products:

  • cauliflower - 200 g;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

Prepare a light baby dish according to the instructions:

  1. Place a pot of water on the fire, wait until it starts to boil. Salt the liquid a little.
  2. Cabbage should be divided into small inflorescences.
  3. Send the cabbage to the water, cook for about 10 minutes. When the vegetables are ready, put them in a colander.
  4. With some water left, place the cabbage in a blender to puree it. Place the chopped vegetable in a saucepan, add a little sour cream, grated cheese. Stir and warm up a bit. Stir food constantly while cooking. Garnish with grated cheese when serving.

healthy food

Healthy food for every day for a child is not represented without vegetables. Many of them have medicinal properties, can be used by the family or for children's diet. Add them to the menu, and the dishes will become not only healthy, but also nutritious. The child will appreciate the taste of a tender breast in combination with pieces of vegetables. You will need:

  • chicken - 0.6 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt;
  • garlic arrows - 50 g (or 2 cloves of garlic);
  • spices.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Cut the chicken into small cubes, pepper and salt a little. Leave the breasts to marinate for a few minutes.
  2. Cut the vegetables into large pieces, add a little salt.
  3. You can steam vegetables and chicken. Children's recipes are prepared quickly and simply in a slow cooker. Place the meat and vegetables in the perforated tool. Pour water at the bottom, select the "Steam" mode, set the timer for half an hour. When the signal sounds, the chicken will be ready.

From kindergarten

Kindergarten kitchen offers healthy food for preschool children. Every teacher and child remembers the usual food served in the kindergarten. Mom needs to know the recipe for dishes from this institution in order to carry out proper organization nutrition. The casserole is not only of considerable benefit, but also has a wonderful taste, familiar from childhood. To prepare it, take the following ingredients:

  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • egg - 1 pc.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or fine grater.
  2. Beat the egg with the addition of sugar. Place the mixture, semolina, butter, raisins and sour cream with salt to the curd. Mix everything.
  3. Put the resulting mass in a pan, which must first be sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Align the cottage cheese, brush with sour cream on top. Place the pan in the oven, bake the contents for 40 minutes.

With allergies in a child

Recipes for children with allergies should not contain products that have the characteristics of allergens. However, this does not mean that children's food from the menu will not taste good. Make a tender, light soup with cauliflower and kohlrabi for a child. Compound:

  • kohlrabi - ½ stem;
  • cauliflower - 4 inflorescences;
  • oat flakes - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • parsley root;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • broth - 1 l;
  • sour cream.

How to cook diet food:

  1. Peel the kohlrabi and parsley roots, cut into thin strips. Warm them up a little in a saucepan with butter.
  2. Place a saucepan with meat or vegetable broth on the fire. Add cabbage, chopped roots and oatmeal to the liquid.
  3. Simmer the soup until the vegetables are soft. When serving, season with sour cream, herbs.

Delicious and quick recipes for children for every day

The menu you will create for small child, will provide for certain dishes. To cook them correctly and quickly, use children's recipes. It is easy to find them on the Internet or books, but the easiest way is to watch a video instruction. Many of them are easy, contain recipes that are quick to prepare. It is necessary that the dishes are tasty, healthy for the whole family, do not cause allergies. Properly selected recipes will diversify your child's diet, add health and energy to him.

soup recipe

Breakfast for a child

Curd dish

Extension daily menu, meals in summer, exemplary weekly menu

The menu of a child in the sixth year of life remains the same as in the fifth. Only a set of dishes is diversified due to a different culinary processing. The child's menu includes roasts, chops, cutlets. Smoked and stuffed fish, sausage, ham, jellied meat are allowed.
The child's food should not be too hot and not too cold. Sudden temperature changes strongly irritate the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract and can cause inflammation. The optimal temperature for hot dishes is considered to be about 50 °, cold - not lower than 10 °.

Appetite in children often decreases in summer. Hot weather has a depressing effect on gastric secretion which slows down and impairs the digestion of food. In this regard, the nature of the nutrition of the child in summer period some changes are recommended. It is advisable to exclude fatty foods from the menu or reduce their number, since a large amount of digestive juices is needed to digest fats. In summer, it is recommended to consume seasonal products as much as possible: vegetables, fruits, berries. It is useful to cook berry porridge. They can be cooked from any cereal on a decoction of any berries, adding berry juice and sugar to the finished dish. Tasty and healthy dishes from cauliflower, zucchini. In hot summer days Children eat cold first courses better than hot ones. Cold first courses (okroshka, holodnik, beetroot soup, fruit soup) stimulate the production of digestive juices and improve food digestion. In summer, the assortment of salads is wider and more varied. It is desirable to cook them mainly from raw vegetables. Useful salads from fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, leafy greens, pumpkins, zucchini, sweet peppers, kohlrabi, etc.
In summer you need more than in the cold season, use dairy products favorably influencing the processes of digestion of food.

Children of 6-7 years of age, as a rule, move a lot and actively, stay outside for a long time and do not suffer from a lack of appetite. Most of them are usually dense, quite well-fed. And in last years a lot of plump, sturdy men appeared with full, rosy cheeks, a somewhat clumsy, waddling gait and an enviable appetite.
In some children, such fullness disappears with age, while in others it not only does not go away, but also progresses, turning into a disease - obesity.

Approximate weekly menu for children 6-7 years old for home feeding

FeedingName of the dishPortion weight, g
BreakfastCottage cheese and carrot casserole with sour cream150/20
White bread with butter50/5
DinnerBeet salad with lemon juice80
Borscht in meat broth250
Fried liver80
Stewed vegetables100
Kissel refreshed with juice150
Bread black60
afternoon teaCorn sticks (popcorn)40
Fresh fruits100
DinnerPotato cutlets with tomato-sour cream (onion) sauce150
White bread with butter20/5
BreakfastEgg1 PC.
Millet milk porridge with raisins200
Tea with milk200
White bread with butter and cheese50/5/10
DinnerFresh vegetable salad with apples80
Shchi fresh (sour) on meat broth with sour cream250
Potatoes stewed with meat180
Morse berry150
Bread black60
afternoon teaWafers (cookies)40
DinnerCheesecakes with sour cream150/20
White bread with butter50/5
BreakfastPasta with cheese170/10
Coffee with milk200
White bread with butter50/5
DinnerEggplant caviar (zucchini)70
Pickle in meat broth250
Fish cakes (fried fish)70
Mashed potatoes with green peas70/30
Kissel cranberry150
Bread black60
afternoon teaKorzhik50
Fresh fruits100
DinnerCabbage meatballs (cutlets) with stomato-sour cream sauce170
White bread with butter50/5
BreakfastFried potatoes, cucumber150/50
White bread with butter50/5
DinnerRadish (radish) salad80
Noodle soup with chicken broth250
Plov (stuffed cabbage)150
Fresh fruit compote150
Bread black60
afternoon teaGingerbread50
Applesauce (baby fruit preserves) 100
DinnerPies with cabbage150
Tea with milk200
Bread with butter and honey50/5/10
BreakfastMilk buckwheat porridge200
Bread with butter and cheese50/5/10
DinnerThe vinaigrette70
Shchi green250
Beef stroganoff (goulash)80
Mashed potatoes, tomato70/50
Apple juice100
Bread black60
afternoon teaPie (pie) with jam50
Grated carrot100
Tea with milk200
Bread and butter50/5
BreakfastPancakes with meat180
Tea with milk200
Bread and butter50/5
DinnerHerring with green onion35/35
Vegetable soup with meat broth250
Sausages (sausages)80
stewed carrots100
Fresh fruits100
Bread black60
afternoon teaSemolina balls with fruit sauce150/30
DinnerCottage cheese and rice casserole with jam150/20
Bread and butter50/5
Breakfastboiled egg1 PC.
Carrot cutlets with sour cream150/30
Bread and butter50/5
Dinnerfresh cabbage salad70
Meatballs (meatballs)90
Buckwheat porridge, cucumber70/40
Tomato juice100
Bread black60
afternoon teaCottage cheese with sour cream (curd cheese)80/20
DinnerZrazy potato150
Tea with milk200
Bread with butter and cheese50/5/10

The best indicator of a child's health is a uniform age-related weight gain. It must be within strictly defined limits. Added a little - bad, added a lot - even worse.

During the period preschool the child needs to be helped to adapt to the new mode of study, sleep and feeding. Right now, the mobility of children is so great that the menu for a child at 6 years old becomes a stepping stone for the maturation of the body as a whole, its physical and mental development.

In a properly composed baby's diet, all the necessary vitamins and minerals will be collected, so it is very important to pay special attention to this.

We make a diet for the day

The menu for a 6-year-old baby necessarily contains 4 items: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and the 2nd dinner is optional. How the baby's first meal is composed will determine his well-being for the whole day. In the preschool period, the organization of breakfast is the key to active mental work.

The nutrition of a growing child at 6 years old should occur at a certain time when the regime becomes established. Strict adherence to the developed daily routine trains discipline, which in the future will help the child to more easily adapt to school.

A healthy 7-day diet includes fresh fruits and vegetables. Breakfast preferably consists of cereals, they gently prepare the digestive tract for the work of the day. Lunch without exception is the first and second course. First of all, the baby should eat the first, no matter how much he loves him. This rule will save the baby from unhealthy weight loss, constipation and normalize his stool.

Appetite before meals is not always present, but the mother can be patient, taking care of the baby's health.

A young preschooler of six years already knows how to use cutlery correctly. A fork and a spoon are mastered tools with which many new and delicious dishes are learned! In addition, the baby can be introduced to the dinner knife, which will even more interest the little one.

The behavior of the child at the table will also be important. At home and in the garden, he learns and develops the acquired knowledge. The child's parents must be good example showing how to behave properly while eating.

Exactly at preschool age the child acquires the skills of a diet, so it is so important to keep it on holidays.

Menu on children's day Birth includes products familiar to the baby, but in a brighter and more festive presentation and serving.

Rules for nutrition in case of indigestion

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky advises not to fight the lack of appetite and regimen, since the child's body is not yet resistant to bacteria, which for an adult are considered part of the gastric microflora. Therefore, if the baby refuses to eat, this is not always bad, and sometimes it is self-preservation. baby stomach and strengthening immunity.

This position, according to the doctor, in the best way reflects on healthy development than overfeeding, in which intestinal indigestion often occurs and, as a result, diarrhea (diarrhea), constipation, and so on. In addition, the baby can simply get better.

According to Komarovsky, with deviations in digestion, the menu should be hypoallergenic for at least a month, the diet is observed even for a holiday. Diet is just as important for an allergic child.

Daily diet for baby

Exemplary daily ration the food received per day for a six-year-old baby is in the range of 2-2.2 thousand kcal. Meals are mainly four times a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. If desired, a second dinner is introduced into the menu in the form of a glass of milk or kefir with cookies.

We offer you several options for each meal:

Breakfast :

  1. milk porridge of your choice;
  2. sandwich with butter and cheese;
  3. egg omelet;
  4. tea with sugar.

Dinner :

  1. meat soup or borscht;
  2. garnish (pasta or mashed potatoes) with boiled or stewed meat;
  3. vegetable salad;
  4. compote with cookies;
  5. Apple.

Afternoon snack :

  1. bifidok or children's yogurt;
  2. bun or pancakes with jam;
  3. banana.

Dinner :

  1. home-style roast with stewed chicken;
  2. vegetable salad with herbs;
  3. tea with bread.

Weekly menu for children

When forming a layout for a week for a 6-year-old baby, the seasonality of the available products and dishes should be taken into account. To facilitate the everyday thoughts of mothers, what to feed the baby, we offer a weekly nutrition table.

Monday Breakfast Semolina porridge with milk, bread and butter and tea.
Dinner Vegetable soup, chicken stew, salad and juice.
afternoon tea Kefir with cookies.
Dinner Boiled rice with stewed fish.
2nd dinner Milk with a bun.
Tuesday Breakfast Buckwheat porridge with milk, bread with butter and cheese, cocoa.
Dinner Red borscht with meat, boiled pasta with meatballs, fresh vegetables and juice.
afternoon tea Milk and bun.
Dinner Wheat porridge and beef stroganoff meat.
2nd dinner Bifidok with cookies.
Wednesday Breakfast Dairy rice, bread and butter and egg omelet, tea.
Dinner Chicken soup with noodles, mashed potatoes and fish cake, compote.
afternoon tea Yogurt waffle.
Dinner Buckwheat porridge with meatballs.
2nd dinner Tea with cookies.
Thursday Breakfast Corn porridge with milk, bread and butter with cheese, tea.
Dinner Beetroot soup with beef, wheat porridge with sausage, vegetable and green salad, juice.
afternoon tea Bifidok and pancakes with jam.
Dinner Potato zrazy with meat and vegetable salad.
2nd dinner Kefir and waffles.
Friday Breakfast Wheat milk porridge, bread and butter, boiled egg and cocoa.
Dinner Chicken soup with rice, buckwheat and fish cake, salad and juice.
afternoon tea Tea with jam bun.
Dinner Potatoes stewed with meat and vegetables.
2nd dinner A glass of kefir.
Saturday Breakfast Boiled pasta with sausage, bread and tea.
Dinner Borsch with meat, home-style roast, pickled cucumber, compote.
afternoon tea Kefir with cookies.
Dinner Macaroni with cheese and sausage.
2nd dinner Drinking yogurt with cookies.
Sunday Breakfast Milk oatmeal with bread with butter and cheese, cocoa.
Dinner Pea soup with croutons, boiled rice with chopped cutlet, fresh vegetables and compote.
afternoon tea Tea with pancakes with cottage cheese.
Dinner Mashed potatoes and meatballs.
2nd dinner Bifidok and a bun.

Children's menu for the holiday

Getting ready to receive little guests on children's day Birth, it is worth taking care of compiling a diet. Products should be fresh and of high quality, and dishes from them should be familiar, but in a bright and original presentation.

When compiling a festive menu, you need to take into account the features of the age of six years, namely:

  1. The range of food should be simple and appealing to children.
  2. It is not recommended to serve spicy and salty dishes, as well as fried and fatty ones.
  3. When serving fish, bones and skin are removed. The same goes for fruits.
  4. Meals are served in turns with breaks for games and entertainment. So the likelihood that everything from the proposed menu will be eaten is greater.
  5. The proposed food should not only be interestingly served, but also presented in small sizes to make it easy for kids to eat.
  6. The dishes are laid out not heapily, but widely - for the convenience of children.

It is better to make a menu for the birthday of a child of 6 years old with the birthday man himself, and his participation in cooking is for mom best gift. Keep the meals simple and light, and then the children will spend more time having fun.

Interesting snacks for a children's holiday

We have already specified that the food on the menu on the children's table should be light, bright and not voluminous. The so-called children's recipes for six-year-olds are perfect for small canapes, small vegetable figures, carefully laid out in bizarre shapes and faces, light compotes.

Canape will be fun to put together with the baby, using his favorite snacks (ham, cheese, tomato and pickle). A competition among invited little guests to collect the best canapes is perfect. To do this, all the ingredients must be prepared and arranged in bowls in advance.

vegetable salads various shapes. It is in this serving that vegetables, as a rule, are eaten without a trace. Lay them out as desert island or tropical palm, and the success of your dish with children is guaranteed! The same decoration can be applied to fruits.

When serving drinks, you must adhere to 2 rules:

  • they should not be carbonated, too sweet or sour;
  • serve them in miniature bright glasses.

For the main course on the menu, you can offer chops or everyone's favorite nuggets with mashed potatoes. This simple dish is also laid out in an unusual and colorful way, decorated with parsley sprigs and currant berries. Sesame bread sticks made from puff pastry are suitable for these products.

Well, the most interesting and everyone's favorite dish is children's pizza. It can be not only delicious food, but also a fun entertainment event as part of the holiday. If the birthday is held in a cafe, then you can order a special service for cooking pizza together with boys and girls. If at home, then take care of all the ingredients and their preparation in advance.

A delicious dish for sweets - colorful jelly made from the juices of various berries and fruits.

The pinnacle of the holiday for the 6-year-old birthday boy and guests is a cake with wishes and candles. It should be appetizing, colorful, but not very sweet. Delicacy is sure to leave unforgettable memories for all guests!

The festive menu for a birthday involves not only a delicious treat on the children's table, but also an unusual design for the whole holiday as a whole. These are obligatory bright napkins and colorful balls with garlands. Invite the kids to dress up in interesting themed costumes, and the holiday will go off with a bang!