How to get rid of sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis: what is it, causes and symptoms of the condition, how to get rid of sleep stupor

This is a violation of the process of awakening or falling asleep, characterized by total muscular atony against the background of waking consciousness. In most patients, it develops at the moment of awakening, accompanied by a temporary impossibility of voluntary movements, a feeling of fear, threatening hallucinations. Diagnosed clinically. Additionally, a consultation with a neurologist, a psychiatrist, and a comprehensive polysomnographic study are required. Treatment consists in the normalization of lifestyle, compliance with the sleep regimen, the exclusion of overload, the use various methods, allowing you to relax, calm down before going to bed.

    For centuries, people have associated sleep paralysis with the machinations of demons, sorcerers, evil spirits. With the advent of somnographic research methods, it was possible to find scientific explanation this phenomenon. Within the framework of modern neurology, sleep paralysis belongs to the group of parasomnias, including nightmares, somnambulism, sleep intoxication, bruxism, nocturnal enuresis sleep-related disorders eating behavior. Statistics show that 6-7% of the population has experienced sleep paralysis during their lifetime. Among patients with narcolepsy, paralytic parasomnia occurs in 45-50% of cases. The age of those suffering from this phenomenon varies between 12-30 years.

    The reasons

    At the core pathological condition lies a disorder in the sequence of onset of falling asleep or awakening of consciousness and characterizing the phase of REM sleep atony skeletal muscles. The reasons for the development are not exactly established. Predisposing factors are:

    • Sleep disorders. The presence of insomnia, narcolepsy increases the likelihood of other pathological changes in the course and sequence of sleep phases. Similar effect possess chronic sleep deprivation, permanent mode changes, frequent change time zones.
    • Psycho-emotional overload. Acute and chronic stress can cause dysregulation of sleep-wake cycles. Patients with paralytic parasomnia note an increase in episodes of paralysis against the background of mental overstrain.
    • Toxic effects on the CNS. With drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism, nicotine addiction, long-term use of certain pharmaceuticals (tranquilizers, antidepressants), substances entering the body have a harmful effect on the brain. The result may be a malfunction in the functioning of systems that regulate sleep and wakefulness.
    • Sleep on your back. Paralytic parasomnia occurs predominantly in patients sleeping in the supine position. Sleep on the side proceeds without episodes of paralysis. The reason for this pattern is unclear.
    • hereditary determinism. The genetic basis of the disease has not yet been studied, but cases of its occurrence within the same family are known.


    Physiological sleep begins with a slow phase (FMS), which is replaced by a fast one (FBS). The latter is characterized by a pronounced decrease in the tone of skeletal muscles, excluding the respiratory ones. The rhythm of breathing quickens, the breath becomes shorter. Brain activity rises to the level of wakefulness. With paralytic parasomnia, the sequence of processes is disrupted, the human consciousness wakes up before it is restored muscle tone, there is a feeling of immobility - sleep paralysis. The appearance of paralysis is also possible at the moment of falling asleep, when the phase of REM sleep occurs, and consciousness is still in the waking state.

    Since in the FBS there is a reflex setting of breathing to frequent short breaths, attempts by the awakened person to deep breath end in failure, which causes a feeling of pressure in the chest. The inability to move is perceived by the brain as a life-threatening situation, an emission occurs a large number neurotransmitters that provoke feelings of fear, panic, hallucinations. vestibular apparatus active, but due to the lack of movements does not receive information from the periphery, which causes unusual sensations flight in the air.


    Parasomnia occurs at the moment of transition from sleepy state to wakefulness and vice versa. The classification is based on the belonging of seizures to the period of falling asleep or awakening. In accordance with this criterion, sleep paralysis is divided into:

    • hypnopompic- observed during waking. Rarely seen. It arises as a result of the onset of FBS until the consciousness is completely immersed in a sleepy state. Patients experience a feeling of immobility prior to falling asleep.
    • hypnagogic- Appears when going to sleep. observed in the vast majority of cases. Caused by the preservation of all physiological features FBS with the awakening of consciousness that has already begun. Accompanied by a vivid clinical picture, severe emotional experiences.

    Sleep paralysis symptoms

    The pathological condition is similar to gross paresis in stroke. The patient is unable to perform voluntary motor acts. The feeling of immobility is excruciating, accompanied by panic fear visual and auditory hallucinations. The patient sees dark figures, nightmares, hears threats, noise, steps, a specific squeak, feels the presence of hostile creatures. There is a violation of orientation in space, there is an illusion of flight, circling, hovering in the air, being in a moving elevator.

    There may be a feeling of false movements - the illusion of turning over on one side when realizing the lack of motor ability. Complaints of a feeling of chest compression, suffocation, inability to breathe are typical. Sleep paralysis has a paroxysmal course. A paralytic episode lasts from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes; there are no neurological symptoms in the post-attack period. The frequency of seizures ranges from one episode to two or three paroxysms per night. Attacks do not pose a threat to life, are not accompanied by real asphyxia and other complications.


    Characteristic symptoms allow you to establish sleep paralysis based on clinical picture. The examination is carried out at reoccurrence paralytic episodes, aimed at excluding neurological and psychiatric pathology. List diagnostic procedures includes:

    • Neurologist examination. Neurological status without features. There may be signs of emotional lability, asthenia against the background of overwork, existing background sleep disorders.
    • Polysomnography. In the presence of video surveillance, it is possible to fix a paralytic episode: the patient is motionless, his eyes are open, his face expresses fear, cardiorespiratory monitoring registers changes typical for FBS (tachycardia, tachypnea with a decrease in inspiratory volume). Electroencephalography makes it possible to differentiate sleep paralysis from nocturnal epileptic paroxysms.
    • MSLT test. Multiple latency testing is done when narcolepsy is suspected. The diagnosis confirms the reduction of latency, the presence of more than 2 episodes of falling asleep.
    • Psychiatric consultation. It is carried out by the method of conversation, observation, psychological testing. Needed to rule out comorbid psychiatric disorders.

    Differential diagnosis is carried out with other somnological disorders, mental illness, epilepsy. Narcolepsy is accompanied by paroxysms of hypnolepsy - irresistible daytime hypersomnia. Somnambulism is the reverse state of sleep paralysis, occurs against the background of the absence of muscle hypotension in FBS. In the course of a somnological study, sleep apnea syndrome is excluded according to respiratory monitoring, epilepsy - according to EEG results.

    Sleep paralysis treatment

    In most cases, therapy includes a conversation with the patient about the causes of paralytic episodes, measures to normalize the daily routine, psychological relaxation before bedtime. Medical treatment is given if neurotic disorders and mental illness. To prevent the occurrence of new episodes of paralysis, the following recommendations can be observed:

    • Work mode optimization. It is necessary to avoid physical and mental overload, find time for rest. Useful fortifying physical exercises, walking on fresh air.
    • Sleep mode normalization. Going to bed and waking up should be at the same time every day. The recommended duration of sleep is 8-9 hours.
    • Relax before bed. Aroma and herbal baths, sedative massage, soothing herbal preparations, soft music. Before going to bed, it is necessary to give up watching TV, mental stress, working at a computer, as they activate the activity of the brain.
    • Wake up on demand. Studies have shown the occurrence of paralytic parasomnia only with independent awakening. To prevent seizures, you should wake up on an alarm clock, ask loved ones to wake you up in the morning.

    An important point is the patient's awareness of the mechanism of occurrence of parasomnic paroxysms. The help of a psychologist is possible. Psychological consultations include the development of methods for reducing emotional experiences, an accelerated exit from an attack. Training in relaxation methods is recommended, which the patient subsequently uses on his own.

    Forecast and prevention

    Sleep paralysis is characterized by a benign course, spontaneous disappearance of symptoms against the background of lifestyle changes. Relapse of the disease, increased frequency of seizures provoke stressful situations, non-compliance with the regime, overload. Prevention is aimed at eliminating trigger factors: stress, excessive stress, sleep deprivation, constant changes in regimen. The main points of the primary and secondary prevention are healthy lifestyle life, calm and benevolent acceptance of any life situations, reasonable professional and educational workload, timely treatment existing sleep disorders.


1. Sleep paralysis or syndrome old witch/ Dursunova AI// International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2014 - No. 6.

2. Phenomenon lucid dreaming/ Kotlyarov E.E., Vetvitskaya S.M.// International student scientific bulletin. – 2017 – №6.

3. Introspective analysis of the manifestations of sleep paralysis / Zhilov D.A., Nalivaiko T.V.// Topical issues modern psychology and pedagogy. Collection of reports of the XVI International scientific conference. - 2014.

4. Introspective analysis of the manifestations of sleep paralysis / Zhilov D.A., Nalivaiko T.V. / / Topical issues of modern psychology and pedagogy. Collection of reports of the XVI International scientific conference. - 2014.

ICD-10 code

Sleep paralysis is a type of sleep disorder characterized by immobilization of the body. In this state, a person is not only able to move, but also to make any sound. There are many reasons that can provoke the appearance of a violation. To get rid of this condition, it is necessary to diagnose the provoking factor in a timely manner, to begin optimal treatment.

What is sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis is a sleep disorder characterized by the onset of muscle dysfunction. This condition can occur no more than 5 times per night. After paralysis, a person feels fear, and he may also experience auditory and visual hallucinations. The causes of dysfunction have the following explanation: in the function of the brain and muscular system an imbalance occurs, due to which the sleeper wakes up, realizes this, and the muscles experience dysfunction.

Doctors define this condition as parasomnia. Despite this, in the International Classification of Diseases, such a pathology as nocturnal paralysis does not exist.


Night paralysis occurs between sleep phases. The main manifestations of this condition are often confused with the symptoms of mental disorders, such as narcolepsy. To distinguish these two conditions from each other, it is necessary to know that paralysis most often occurs during falling asleep, the REM phase, after sleep. You should also pay attention to the main symptoms:

  • the whole body paralyzes, but the person retains the ability to move the eyeballs;
  • there is a feeling of tightness in the chest, which can provoke an attack of suffocation;
  • a person feels someone's presence nearby, such a feeling can be reinforced by the appearance of visual and auditory hallucinations, the patient seems to be immersed in a waking dream, while feeling that it is impossible to wake up;
  • when immersed in paralysis, panic, fear appear;
  • seizures can occur very rarely, but there have been cases when nocturnal immobilization occurred every day;
  • the duration of the attack varies from a few seconds to a couple of minutes.

Mostly night paralysis affects teenagers, but it can be diagnosed at any other age.

The reasons

According to scientists, attacks of paralytic dysfunction are natural physiological process. All causes of sleep paralysis are characterized by dysfunction of the motor apparatus, the brain during sleep, the transition from phase to phase. Dysfunction is considered to be the main causative factor nervous system. There are other reasons for the appearance of such a state:

  • psychiatric disorders;
  • alcohol or drug addiction;
  • sleep disturbance due to acclimatization, change of time zone;
  • sleep disturbance, parasomnia;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • sleeping on your back.

Appearance lucid dream, paralyzing the body, in pregnant women can provoke hormonal changes. Also similar condition occurs when a person is regularly or for a long time under stress.


There are several types of sleep paralysis. It is classified based on the moment of its manifestation.

  1. The hypnagogic type is characterized by an onset during the period of immersion in sleep. During sleep muscle tissue begin to relax, but consciousness continues to carry out its function. During this period, the body undergoes a paralyzing stupor, fear and panic arise.
  2. Hypnopompic paralysis occurs during natural or artificial way. Attacks of nocturnal stupor occur against the background of maximum relaxation of the body during REM sleep, an increase in brain activity. When consciousness is activated, a person wakes up, and his muscle tone is still absent.

Attacks of natural paralysis are considered the norm.


There are several ways to help get rid of sleep paralysis. To determine the most effective of them, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the cause of such a condition.

It is recommended to consult a doctor if paralysis of the body occurs regularly. Diagnosis of causes and nature begins with the fact that the patient is advised to write down the dates, times and distinctive features appeared stupor. Then the diagnosis is carried out using the following methods:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • polysomnography;
  • conducting neurological, psychological research.

If the symptomatology of the emerging condition is similar to narcolepsy, the average sleep latency is studied.

Principles of treatment

Doctors recommend treating sleep paralysis if it causes other sleep disorders, such as insomnia. Also, treatment is required to begin if attacks occur regularly. The therapy is based on the following components:

  • normalization of sleep and wakefulness;
  • maintaining physical activity;
  • fight against bad habits;
  • regular airing of the recreation room;
  • relaxation before falling asleep by taking baths, aromatherapy;
  • the use of vitamins;
  • compliance with the rules of proper nutrition.

You can also fight with the help of the treatment of chronic pathologies.

Medical therapy

Since sleep paralysis is not an officially recorded disease, it does not specific drugs for his treatment. Medicines to combat this condition contribute to the normalization of falling asleep, strengthening sleep:

  • Metalonin;
  • Vita-melatonin;
  • Neurostabil.

Medicines are prescribed only if other methods of treatment do not work.

The course of vitamins

To cope with the onset of sleep paralysis, it is necessary to deal with stresses that negatively affect immunity, general condition person. You can cope with this deterioration with the help of vitamins. Treatment of night paralysis follows a vitamin-mineral complex, which includes:

  • vitamin C;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin A, B, D, E.

The duration of vitamin therapy is determined by the doctor.

Physiotherapy treatment

Sleep paralysis can be prevented by physiotherapy. Sleep disorders can be treated with the following procedures:

  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • electrosleep therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • aerotherapy;
  • galvanization of the collar area;
  • electrosleep.

Relaxing baths added to water can also help to cope with seizures. essential oils, salts, iodine.

Complications and consequences

Sleep paralysis is relatively dangerous. The fact is that such a violation does not pose a threat to human life and health, but if it occurs regularly, it interferes good rest. Because of this, the following consequences may appear:

  • mental, nervous disorders;
  • sleep problems;
  • development of tachycardia;
  • difficulty in breathing;
  • the appearance of hallucinations.

Most often, these consequences develop in those people who fixate on what happened. At the same time, they associate this with the influence of magic, esotericism, and the development of diseases.

Preventive actions

To prevent the occurrence of sleep paralysis when falling asleep, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of this condition. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to sleep on your side, in a timely manner to treat all developing pathologies.

You can prevent the occurrence of such a violation if you provide yourself with the conditions for a good rest.

If during sleep the body regularly paralyzes, you should eat no later than 3 hours before falling asleep, it is also important to avoid stress, physical and mental overstrain. If necessary, and the recommendation of a doctor, you can take herbal sedative medicines, light antidepressants.

A mysterious phenomenon that doctors call "sleep paralysis" is experienced by many people. This condition is not considered a disease, in some peoples many beliefs are associated with it, and individuals prone to mysticism see various devilry in it.

What is sleep paralysis?

Many beliefs have been forgotten modern world, so the answer to the question of what is sleep paralysis or, as it is called informally, few people know. This state occurs on the verge of sleep and waking: a person has not yet fully woken up or fallen asleep and is in a state of paralysis, stupor. Very often, at the same time, it seems to him that a mystical guest is sitting on his chest, who draws vital energy or suffocate the sleeper. Other visions are possible, sleep paralysis with hallucinations of "black people", witches, ghosts, aliens, brownies, demons is especially common.

Additional symptoms that can help diagnose this condition include:

  • intense fear, palpitations;
  • chest tightness, difficulty breathing;
  • disorientation, a feeling of separation of the soul from the body;
  • feeling of body soaring, dizziness;
  • feeling of someone else's presence;
  • visions strangers and beings;
  • the presence of alien and unnatural sounds.

Sleep paralysis - psychology

Visions with sleep paralysis, according to doctors, are not dangerous to human health, but psychological problems he still has, especially - because of the fear of dying, going crazy, falling into coma or Sopor. The peculiarity of this state is that all hallucinations are extremely realistic, and the feeling of helplessness is very frightening. In addition, some sound illusions can cause horror in a person - amplification of sound or its distortion.

Sleep paralysis - scientific explanation

The phenomenon of sleep stupor has two varieties: the first occurs when falling asleep, the second - when waking up. Doctors explain it this way: when the phase of REM sleep begins, a person “turns off” the motor functions of the body (except for those necessary for life support) so that the rest is safe, when you enter the stage of light sleep or when you wake up, the body “turns on”. In some cases, the mediators of the brain that control these processes fail, and motor functions are either “turned off” too early or “turned on” too late.

Especially frequent sleep paralysis occurs when a person wakes up. Studying the processes in the body during a night's rest, somnologists noticed that if awakening occurs immediately after the stage of REM sleep, a person experiences a stupor. The brain at this time continues to experience vivid dreams, the body has not yet gained mobility, is relaxed, the result of this is the vision of a mystical creature, “pulling out” the soul and strength, and the inability to do something. Normally, a person should wake up after the stage of non-REM sleep, when the body has rested and prepared for wakefulness.

Sleep paralysis - causes

A distinctive feature of sleep stupor is that it occurs when you wake up on your own. If a person was returned from the world of dreams loud sounds, shaking or something else - there will be no paralysis. The phenomenon of sleep paralysis may have the following causes:

  • failure of biorhythms due to moving to another time zone;
  • lack of sleep against the background of stress, anxiety, depression;
  • sleep on back awkward posture;
  • alcohol, nicotine, gambling addiction;
  • taking certain medications - neurometabolic stimulants, antidepressants;
  • mental disorders and diseases;
  • genetic propensity.

The risk group for this violation includes:

  • overly suggestible and impressionable personalities;
  • suffering from neuroses;
  • people with overworked nervous system;
  • introverts who prefer to keep all experiences in themselves;
  • teenagers.

Is sleep paralysis dangerous?

Everyone who has experienced an unpleasant phenomenon is wondering why sleep paralysis is dangerous. The attack lasts only a couple of minutes and doctors do not consider this condition serious, but it can harm mental or physical health:

  1. A person can become very frightened, which will provoke a heart attack or respiratory spasm.
  2. With insufficient awareness, a person suffering from stupor upon waking up or falling asleep may begin to fear for.

Sleep paralysis - consequences

Very strong fright and poor health of cardio-vascular system- these are the conditions for the answer to the question of whether it is possible to die from sleep paralysis was positive. During an attack, a person feels that he cannot move and speak, very often he sees something otherworldly and terrible, and it is especially dangerous if he has a sick heart. Although statistics are not able to determine the percentage of deaths from this phenomenon among all those who died during sleep, according to doctors, there is a risk, but it is minimal.

How to induce sleep paralysis?

Despite the fact that most people are afraid of sleep paralysis, there are individuals who want to know how to get into sleep paralysis. Often these are those who are fond of esotericism, going to the astral plane, etc. Such individuals can follow one of the following tips:

  1. To induce stupor when falling asleep, you need to lie on your back without a pillow and track your sensations. If the sounds change, the body “paralyzes”, which means that the desired state has been reached.
  2. The next technique is to reproduce the feeling of flying before going to bed - on a swing, in weightlessness. When the desired sensations are achieved, sleep stupor will also occur.
  3. The last way is with coffee. Able severe fatigue you need to drink strong coffee and go to bed. The body will begin to fall asleep, and if the coffee works at the right moment and keeps the mind awake, the necessary phenomenon will occur.

What to do with sleep paralysis?

Sometimes people are so scared of sleep paralysis that it can become dangerous. Then you should use the tips on how to get out of sleep paralysis. Since the mind is already awake, we need to remind ourselves that this is a temporary state that does not last long. All visions and sound effects are only an illusion and should not be frightened. The stupor does not last long - just a couple of minutes, this phenomenon needs to be waited out without falling into a panic, while you can mentally read the poem, solve the problem, but if the fear is very great, it is advisable to start an alarm clock and get rid of the habit of sleeping on your back.

How to get rid of sleep paralysis?

To learn how to treat sleep paralysis, you need to visit a doctor. Medical therapy in this case, it is practically not assigned, because this condition is not considered a disease, the exception is those cases when stupor is accompanied by mental or somatic ailments. The doctor may ask the patient to keep a diary, which will track the manifestations of the syndrome and conduct sleep studies.

The main treatment for the old witch syndrome is a complex preventive measures which includes:

  • proper nutrition;
  • quality sleep;
  • compliance with the regime of wakefulness and sleep;
  • decrease stress loads;
  • walks and exercise.

Sleep paralysis and astral travel

The state of sleep paralysis and the astral plane are connected by the myths of various peoples and religions. People believed that when a stupor sets in, a person gets the opportunity to start a journey through the world of the other world, and all unpleasant symptoms sleep stupor, such as a feeling of the presence of a hostile mind, pressure on the chest, and even sensations of sexual violence, were attributed to spirits, demons and other entities that came from the astral plane.

Sleep paralysis - orthodox view

Unlike doctors, sleep paralysis is considered by the church to be dangerous condition. The clergy explain their position as follows: sleep stupor occurs in spiritually weak individuals and in this state they are in contact with the world of the invisible. Since most people do not know how to distinguish between good and evil spirits, contact with the other world may seem to them something interesting, attractive. Church ministers urge believers to be less involved in practices of altered consciousness (meditation, yoga) and pray more, and when the old witch syndrome sets in, read Our Father.

Sleep paralysis - interesting facts

Disputes on the topic of sleep paralysis - is it a disease or a mystical phenomenon periodically begin and fade, without coming to a common opinion. Most people will be much more interested in learning various facts about this condition:

  1. The more often a person has paralysis, the more intense it is. Scientists believe that many religious miracles, mystical phenomena, alien abductions are actually only visions against the background of this state.
  2. The syndrome was first described in the 10th century by a Persian physician. A doctor from the Netherlands had a chance to see with his own eyes a patient in a state of stupor in the 17th century. He had to reassure the patient, suggesting to her that it was a nightmare.
  3. The artist Heinrich Fussli embodied his idea of ​​sleep paralysis in the painting " Nightmare”, which depicts a woman with a demon sitting on her chest.
  4. One of the most frightening nightmares of the syndrome is the feeling of being in dead body. Therefore, among various peoples, sleep paralysis has names that include words associated with death.
  5. The old witch syndrome is the opposite of somnambulism.

Sleep paralysis is a syndrome that occurs unexpectedly in a person, thereby causing panic attack and horror at what is happening. This phenomenon represents, during which the patient is unable to raise limbs, make any sound, or simply roll over.

It is required to get rid of this condition after identifying the cause of paralysis, which the doctor will help to establish. If the patient will correctly deal with the problem, a healthy one will quickly return to him and good sleep. What are the reasons for the development dangerous syndrome and how is the problem treated?

Sleep paralysis is a condition that causes severe sleep disturbance. With the development of the disease, a violation of the activity of the muscular system occurs, as a result of which the patient is not able to move and make any sounds. Sleep stupor in the patient usually occurs 3-5 times a night, causing a severe sense of fear, as well as auditory and visual hallucinations.

Attention! Although this syndrome causes complete immobility, it does not pose a threat to life. But you need to deal with it as soon as symptoms are detected.

Today given state, which causes paralytic syndrome, was not included in the International Classification of Diseases, but doctors call the pathology parasomnia. When such a diagnosis is made, the patient is given complex treatment, which consists in normalizing the balance between muscle tone and brain activity.

The symptoms of sleep paralysis are expressed quite clearly, so when the problem develops, the relatives of the victim will immediately notice something was wrong with his health. Sleep-induced paralysis is often accompanied by auditory or visual hallucinations, which is why people often confuse it with signs of narcolepsy or certain psychiatric disorders.

It is known that paralysis occurs when a person falls asleep or during REM sleep. Any person can be paralyzed, be it a man, a woman or the elderly. In each case, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in the same way. These include:

  • maintaining eye movement;
  • complete paralysis of the body - the patient is not able to talk or move;
  • daydreams;
  • severe fear in the patient;
  • prolonged panic attacks;
  • a person thinks that someone is strangling him, which is expressed strong pressure on the chest area;
  • hallucinations associated with hearing and vision;
  • the patient thinks that someone is in the room, which is also considered a hallucinogenic syndrome.

Sleep paralysis can last different time, which depends on the reasons for its occurrence.

The reasons

Many people are interested in knowing why man quickly falls into a stupor during sleep, and can this problem be avoided? Doctors believe that such a phenomenon is biological process originating from nature. Factors in the development of frequent paralysis are associated with a change in the synchronization of the brain and the muscular system. The main cause of this disease lies in the disruption of the central nervous system.

Often this happens during REM sleep, when the human muscular system is completely relaxed, and there are no dreams yet. If the muscles relax before the brain goes to sleep, this causes a severe block in sleep.

Often the disease occurs in young people, but sleep paralysis can be diagnosed in different ages. Some doctors claim that main reason the appearance of this disease is considered unfavorable heredity. Other reasons:

  • frequent rest on the back;
  • frequent neuroses or stressful situations;
  • psychiatric disorders;
  • violation or deterioration of the rest regime;
  • dependence on alcohol or drugs;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • insomnia;
  • taking antidepressants or other medications as treatment;
  • change in daily biorhythms, which is associated with a change in time zone or climate.

So that the disease does not remain with the victim forever, and he can wake up normally every morning, it is imperative to treat this ailment.


mental paralysis or nervous type divided into types based on the time of its development. Numbness during night rest, leading to the development of hallucinations, is of the following types:


This type of paralysis is diagnosed while falling asleep. When the body switches to night sleep, muscle tissue begins to relax. If the muscular system has already relaxed, but the person's consciousness has not yet had time to turn off, he remains awake, but cannot move, since the body is already sleeping.

As a result, the person suffers from fear and a panic state, since the patient will not be able to get out of bed and even call for help.


His people notice at the awakening that comes natural way or because of the alarm clock. With the flow fast phase Sleep muscles are completely relaxed, and the brain is in an excited state.

Sometimes it happens that the area of ​​the brain responsible for consciousness has already woken up, and the area with which the work of the muscles is controlled is still sleeping. As a result, this leads to the development of paralysis, which can last for several seconds or minutes.

What to do in this case? If the patient is unable to move, it is necessary to calmly wait until physical activity will recover again. After that, you must definitely consult a doctor, otherwise the attacks will be repeated much more often.

Danger of violation

If people often wake up in a stupor, this, of course, unpleasant phenomenon. However, doctors say that it does not pose a threat to life and does not cause death. But still, the symptoms of the disease should alert the patient, since the pathology can cause physical or mental harm to health.

Although sleep-induced paralysis does not cause death, the disease can cause negative health effects, such as:

  • fear that can cause heart attack or respiratory spasm;
  • worsening mental state especially if the patient is abruptly awakened.

To avoid health hazards, it is required to start the treatment of paralysis in a timely manner - this will help prevent the development of this disease in the future. If a complex therapy carried out correctly, there will be no more manifestations of sleep paralysis.

It is important to note that sometimes people want to get into this state in order to go to the astral - usually this is interesting for individuals who are fond of esotericism. In this case, it is required to specifically create home sleep paralysis - the main condition is to completely relax the body, but not let the brain fall asleep.

If a person has a disturbed psychosomatics, he must definitely get rid of dangerous disease- for this you need to consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment for the patient.

It is important to note that during therapy, medicinal and folk remedies are not used, as they will not be able to have the desired effect on the body.

Judging by the reviews of patients, treatment includes the following activities:

  • normalization of the daily routine;
  • carrying out daily physical activity, which will help keep the muscles in good shape;
  • regular airing of the room;
  • giving up habits that are harmful to health;
  • before going to bed, it is recommended to take a bath in order to prepare the body in advance for sleep;
  • taking vitamins;
  • compliance correct mode nutrition;
  • timely treatment of chronic diseases.

If the attack continues after the course of treatment, the patient will need to complete diagnostics to carefully examine the patient's health status and find exact reason this phenomenon.

How long does a sleep paralysis treatment usually take? It is required to follow the recommendations of the doctor for 3 weeks, which will help the body to fully recover. Get them in every specific case required individually, which depends on the patient's state of health and the cause of sleep paralysis.

In the past, sleep paralysis was explained mystically. “Strangles brownie” among the Slavs, “naughty makura-gaeshi” among the Japanese - this naughty spirit caused the state of “kanashibari” (this is sleep paralysis), “the devil visits al-Jasum” among Muslims. The least fortunate residents medieval Europe: prone to sleep paralysis were accused of being associated with demons - incubi and succubus, and fell into the hands of the Inquisition ...

Sleep paralysis - what is it?

Surprisingly, many modern people are so impressionable that they explain the attacks of sleep paralysis that happened to them by contact with aliens, the revenge of deceased relatives, or the actions of the same brownie and other evil spirits.

Another name for this phenomenon is curious: the syndrome of the old witch. It came from the belief that an elderly witch cannot die until she transfers her magical power to someone, and sits on her “chosen one” on the chest in order to exclude the possibility of resistance.

What is nocturnal paralysis? And why do people come up with and come up with such unpleasant explanations for him? Is he really dangerous?

Types of sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis of one kind or another affects about 40 people out of 100, both sexes equally, but most often it happens to people very young - from early teens to about 25 years of age.

There are two types of nocturnal sleep paralysis:

  1. Hypnagogic happens to a falling asleep person: muscle tone has fallen, the body is ready to fall asleep, but the mind is not turned off, “slowed down”, and the person feels the impossibility of moving - this alone can cause panic;
  2. Hypnopompic, on the contrary, happens at the stage of awakening, after the stage of "rapid eye movement", in a state of extreme muscle relaxation, but high brain activity - it is in this phase that a person sees dreams. Consciousness woke up - but no muscles, a signal from the brain would wake them up a little later. A person is not able to move - and inadequately assesses the passage of time: it seems to him that this difficult moment goes on and on.

The physiological mechanism of the "old witch syndrome"

What is sleep paralysis? This is the result of a mismatch in time between the activity of the body and consciousness: switching on / off consciousness in the process of awakening / falling asleep and activity / blocking the functions of our muscular system. That is, consciousness begins to function while the body has not yet “turned on” after sleep, or continues to function when it has already “turned off”. That is why this state is realized by a person and at the same time frightens him.

This is a malfunction of the nervous system: in normal condition both awakening and falling asleep occur imperceptibly for a person.

It can be said that sleep paralysis is the antipode of sleepwalking, when the body is awake and the mind is asleep. Sleep paralysis, on the other hand, blocks any possible movement of the body - the brain does this in order to protect the sleeper from himself. Specifically, so that a person does not begin to reproduce actions dictated by dreams.

Doctor of Sciences V. Kovalzon, who is on the board of the International Society of Somnologists, cites a case in the USA as an example: a husband strangled his wife in a dream. That is, his motor activity was not minimized after falling asleep, and he unconsciously reproduced what he saw in a dream - this was proven in court using the results of the MRI of this person, carried out by specialists in somnology.

Sleep paralysis: causes

What can provoke this condition? Unfortunately, these factors are part of our lives, some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent:

  • sleep-wake disorder (lack of sleep and oversleeping, fluctuating bedtime and wake-up times);
  • chronic or episodic insomnia;
  • acute and chronic stress conditions;
  • use harmful substances and dependence on them (alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse);
  • long-term use of drugs that affect consciousness - tranquilizers, antidepressants;
  • heredity;
  • sleep in a certain position - on your back (if you sleep on your stomach or on one side or another, sleep paralysis does not seem to threaten you).

Occasionally, sleep paralysis is a sign of others neurological disorders: may be associated with bipolar disorder or narcolepsy. Depression is out of the question. If he visits you too often, you should seek medical help.


What does night paralysis look like? Very unpleasant. The person feels:

  • immobility - the inability to move even a finger;
  • a feeling of suffocation, a feeling of heaviness and pressure on chest, throat, abdomen;
  • auditory and visual hallucinations, especially in the dark - hears noises of unknown origin, steps, voices, pulsating sounds; sees vague images perceived as threatening;
  • as a result, a state of horror, panic, doom arises - and there are violations of the heart and respiratory rhythms, muscle twitches, and distortion of the facial muscles.

Have a frightening experience of night paralysis and are terrified of the possibility of its return? Don't forget: you have nothing to fear! You won't die, you won't fall into lethargy, you won't go crazy! This state: safe and temporary. Remember this.

The video tells about sleep paralysis, its causes and ways to deal with this condition - narcologist Mikhail Tetyushkin:

Diagnosis with the help of the patient

How to get rid of an unpleasant "gift" in the form of sleep paralysis? If your condition causes you insurmountable anxiety, and night attacks do not give you rest, consult a doctor.

The doctor, as a rule, already diagnoses your condition correctly according to the description. Perhaps he will advise you to observe it yourself, namely, to write down everything that relates to it: the time of your falling asleep and waking up, your auditory sensations, visual images, possible nuances of your life that, in your opinion, can provoke an attack. This makes it easier to find the cause or complex of causes that led to regular attacks.

Perhaps, to clarify the diagnosis, you will be referred to other specialists - a somnologist, a neurologist. Polysomnography may be prescribed - a procedure for examining your sleepy state (most often, a polysomnogram does not show any oddities in connection with night paralysis - which means that it does not pose a danger to the body).

If the causes of your condition seem too serious to the doctor, he may prescribe and drug treatment(usually antidepressants).

Do not try to self-medicate and take antidepressants on your own. These drugs are not harmless if they are taken according to the wrong scheme and in the wrong dosage, without the supervision of a specialist. You risk not only aggravating your condition, but also gaining additional “bonuses” in the form of side effects- and they have such strong means a lot of!


Sleep paralysis does not imply any special therapy - if no other neurological disorders are detected. To prevent the possibility of seizures, the patient should try to eliminate everyday risk factors. Most often, a change in lifestyle and daily routine is enough.

  1. Getting 8 hours of sleep a night is a necessity, not a whim, try to get enough sleep to get enough sleep.
  2. Fight hypodynamia - sports and outdoor work strengthen the connections between the centers of the brain and the musculoskeletal system, imbalance between them and generates uncontrolled states.
  3. Avoid stress, respond philosophically to the inevitable - "everything passes, and this will pass", "everyone is alive, healthy - and fine."
  4. Learn how to properly go to sleep: no mental work, falling asleep under a working TV, computer toys before lights out. All activities before bedtime should only relax and soothe. Let it be a warm bath, massage, meditation, reading good books, music for relaxation - whatever suits you best.
  5. Be sure to ventilate the room where you sleep - in stuffy room and without any other factors, you may dream that you are in the dungeons of the Inquisition.
  6. Start an alarm clock and get up on it, do not "fall asleep" after the call, this is important: sleep paralysis can only occur during natural awakening!

Don't you think you can even ... thank sleep paralysis? He is, although not very pleasant, nevertheless a harmless sign: it's time to correct wrong image life!