What does yellow sputum mean when coughing. Why there is a cough with sputum

4333 02/13/2019 5 min.

Various colds, flu, bronchitis, and other diseases respiratory organs most often begin with a runny nose, headache and, of course, cough. It interferes with sleep, and during the day it is so annoying that you really want to get rid of it as soon as possible. With a wet cough, sputum is expectorated. But few people immediately pay attention to what color it is, what consistency. It happens, for example, transparent, but you can see green or yellow sputum when you cough. Why is sputum yellow?


Cough is a reflex function of the body, with the help of which accumulated sputum and various kinds of irritants are removed from the respiratory organs. Coughing up phlegm can be a symptom various diseases. And expectorated yellow sputum is excreted for several reasons. One of them is smoking. In people who smoke a lot, a cough with yellow sputum is a frequent occurrence. It is of this color because changes occur in the lungs and bronchi due to the action of tobacco smoke on these respiratory organs. Also, yellow sputum occurs due to respiratory diseases, when there are purulent discharge. And this is already serious symptom. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor who will put accurate diagnosis. The main diseases in which the color of sputum can be yellow:

  • Bronchitis - damage to the walls of the bronchi;
  • Sinusitis -;
  • Pneumonia - damage to the respiratory part of the lungs;
  • viral infections;
  • Purulent processes in the lungs.

So what is mucus? These are mucous secretions of different viscosity that form in the bronchi. At healthy person there is no sputum. By its color, smell and consistency, you can determine which disease the patient has, and then correctly prescribe the treatment and necessary procedures.

Except routine diagnostics, which is prescribed for diseases of the respiratory system, do a sputum analysis. Expectorant mucus is collected in a glass container in the morning before eating. Before coughing, be sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly before the procedure so that as little saliva as possible gets into the sputum.

Sputum for analysis should be collected in the morning before meals.

Possible diseases

An experienced doctor, even without test results, can make a preliminary diagnosis of the etiology of the disease solely by the color of sputum. If the mucus when coughing up is light or transparent, then the pathogen is a virus, the yellow color is bacteria. Well, what if sputum Green colour- it has already appeared congestion in the lungs. And it’s really bad when there are red streaks in the sputum. This is a sign of onset tuberculosis or oncological disease. If the sputum is yellow, then the following diseases can be assumed:

  1. Bronchitis.
  2. Sinusitis.
  3. Pneumonia.
  4. Tuberculosis.
  5. Asthma.

If the temperature rises above 38 degrees - this is a reason to contact a specialist.

For exact definition diagnosis in a hospital setting, bronchoscopy can be performed. But in any case, when determining the diagnosis, they prescribe drug treatment. Among the variety of drugs, the doctor will select the right ones. Based on the characteristics of the patient's body, the severity of the disease and the tolerance of a particular drug.

Medical treatment

When coughing with yellow sputum, use:

  • Mucolytics. Preparations of this group dilute sputum (ACC, Lazolvan, Fluimucil, Bromhexine, Ambroxol);
  • Expectorants. Helps cleanse organs respiratory system from sputum (Trypsin, Bronchicum, Dr. Mom);
  • Antivirals(, Virazole);
  • Antibiotics are used when bacterial infection (Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Amphoglucan, Ampiox).

When taking antibiotics, take care to take probiotics in parallel to preserve the beneficial microflora in the gastrointestinal tract.

When the disease goes away without complications, then the use of antibiotics is a waste of money.

You can improve your condition folk remedies, which are used for wet coughs. But still, if a cough appeared with yellow sputum, then it was already complications in the organs of the respiratory system and pus began to form. Therefore, before switching to treatment with folk recipes, you should still visit a doctor. This can be excluded only in the case of a smoker's cough.

Treatment with folk remedies

Almost all lung diseases are treated with honey various additives to him. So for several hundred years, when coughing, they use honey with milk or with raccoon fat. Ancient healers believed that getting rid of wet cough, including on initial stages tuberculosis of the lungs can be a mixture of May honey and fat before spring comes. Among the old and popular recipes healing tea from red clover flowers with honey.

Allergen honey. Therefore, it must be used with caution by people who have a predisposition to this.

Now there are new recipes:

It must be remembered that the cough goes away within a week or two. In any case, this reflex appears with less frequency, and the sputum changes its color to a lighter one and is much thinner in consistency. If there is no improvement, then you should contact a pulmonologist.

And, of course, in order not to waste your time and money later, it is better to resort to the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system, including the appearance of a cough with yellow sputum.


To protect yourself from the disease and not provoke its reappearance, you can follow very simple rules:

  • In residential premises, the temperature should be comfortable and the relative humidity of the air should be optimal;
  • Pass once a year medical checkup. Including doing a fluorogram;
  • Smoking is the enemy of health. Therefore, it is worth quitting smoking, or if it’s completely impossible to do this, then try to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked;
  • Food should be dietary and high-calorie enough;
  • Drafts should be avoided, both at home and in transport;
  • Visit the green areas of the city more often;
  • It would be nice to use a contrast shower. This remarkably strengthens the immune system;
  • In the morning, do a small set of physical exercises;
  • In the spring, be sure to drink a course of complex vitamins;
  • Three teaspoons per day of high-quality honey also help to strengthen the immune system.



Sputum, its viscosity and color, can tell an experienced specialist a lot. In some diseases of the respiratory system, the sputum that is coughed up may have a yellowish color. Treatment will be aimed at getting rid of the underlying disease, as well as liquefying sputum, removing it from the body. Among the specialist will find you those that will help you heal. He will also focus on laboratory tests, so it’s better not to make a diagnosis for yourself. And in order to prevent the disease or reduce the risk to a minimum, one should still do prevention.

If you have green sputum instead of yellow sputum, then this one will acquaint you with common diseases that cause this phenomenon.

Under the concept of "phlegm" experts understand the secret secreted by the cells of the bronchi, where the contents of the sinuses and nose, as well as saliva, are added. Normally, she has slimy and transparent appearance. It is not very much and it stands out only in the morning at people who smoke, those who work in factories with a lot of dust or live in regions with dry air.

In such cases, it is not called sputum, but tracheobronchial secretion. If a pathological process develops, then the following can get into the sputum:

  1. blood - on the way to the end of the bronchi from the nose, the vessels were damaged;
  2. pus - bacterial inflammation is located in respiratory tract ;
  3. mucus - with inflammation that is not bacterial in nature.

The bronchial mucosa consists of cells that are covered with cilia - microtubules that move (in the normal position) upwards. goblet cells- small glands that are located between the ciliated cells. Their number is 4 times less than the number of ciliated ones. They are not arranged in order, but randomly. There are areas where there is only one of the types of these cells. Completely absent glandular cells in the bronchioles or small bronchi. Ciliated and goblet cells are combined under one name - the mucociliary apparatus, and movement in the trachea and bronchi - mucociliary clearance.

Mucus, which is produced by goblet cells, is the basis of sputum. It is needed to remove from the bronchi those microbes and dust particles that, due to their small size, were not noticed by the ciliated cells that are in the throat and nose.

Vessels fit tightly to the bronchial mucosa. Cells immune, which come out of them, exercise control over the fact that there are no foreign particles in the air that enters the lungs. Some of the immune cells are also in the mucous membrane. They have the same function. It is because of this that the tracheobronchial secret is present and normal.

Without this secret from inside the bronchi would be covered with impurities and soot, which can cause inflammation. Its amount per day is 10-100 ml. It may contain a small amount of leukocytes, but neither atypical cells, nor bacteria, nor fibers that are contained in lung tissue. A secret is formed gradually and slowly. Therefore, having reached the oropharynx of a healthy person, he swallows a small amount of this mucous content without noticing it.

What causes phlegm in the throat without coughing

This happens due to increased production of a secret or worsening its excretion. There are many reasons for this condition. These include:

  1. smoking;
  2. work at those enterprises where the level of air pollution with coal, silicate particles or other harmful substances is increased;
  3. irritation of the throat with hot, spicy or cold food, alcoholic drinks. In these situations, there is no worsening of breathing, malaise or any other symptoms;
  4. reflux pharyngo-laryngeal (reflux of the contents of the throat, where the ingredients of the stomach got, which do not have acidic pronounced environment, closer to the respiratory throat). In this condition, there are such symptoms: cough and sore throat;
  5. sinusitis acute form. Its main symptoms are: a lot of snot, headache, fever and worsening general condition. All these symptoms are initial;
  6. chronic sinusitis. Experts call this pathology "no cough". Its symptoms are: fatigue, impaired sense of smell, difficulty nasal breathing. Constantly down the throat from the sinuses thick mucus is produced;
  7. chronic tonsillitis. In this case, a person is disturbed by bad breath, sputum, whitish masses may appear on the tonsils, which stand out on their own or under certain conditions. x movements of the oral muscles. They have an unpleasant smell. There is no pain in the throat, but the body temperature can fluctuate between 37–37.3 degrees.
  8. chronic catarrhal rhinitis. If there is no exacerbation, then in the cold one half of the nose is blocked. Sometimes a small amount of mucus may come out of the nose. If an exacerbation begins, then abundant thick snot, which create a feeling of sputum in the throat;
  9. chronic hypertrophic rhinitis. The main symptom is difficult nasal breathing of one half. This can cause pain in that part of the head. A slight nasality also appears, taste and smell deteriorate. The discharge is released outward or accumulates in the throat;
  10. vasomotor rhinitis. With him periodically bouts of sneezing occur coming after itching in the throat, mouth or nose. Occasional difficulty in nasal breathing liquid slime released into the pharynx or out of the nose. These attacks are associated with sleep, and can also occur after overwork, shift weather conditions and air temperature, reception spicy food, raise blood pressure or emotional stress;
  11. pharyngitis. Sputum in this case occurs against the background pain or sore throat. Most often, these sensations cause a cough - dry or with a small amount of sputum;
  12. Sjögren's syndrome. Due to the fact that dryness appears in the mouth (the level of saliva production decreases), it seems that phlegm accumulates in the throat.

What color is sputum without coughing

  1. white mucous sputum is a sign of fungal tonsillitis;
  2. sputum transparent with the presence of white streaks accompanies catarrhal chronic pharyngitis;
  3. thick green sputum is a sign of hypertrophic chronic pharyngitis;
  4. yellow sputum without coughing says that a person has a purulent respiratory process upper paths(laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis).

If a person has sputum after he coughs, then this indicates diseases of the lungs, bronchi or trochees. It can wear one of the following characters: congestive, allergic, inflammatory, chronic, neoplastic or acute. It is impossible to make a diagnosis based only on the presence of sputum in a person. To make an accurate diagnosis, bacteriological and general analysis sputum, radiography (in some cases, tomography) of the lungs, listening to noises in the lungs, a thorough examination by a specialist.

Color of sputum with cough

Yellow sputum when coughing may indicate the following:

  1. the presence of a purulent process such as pneumonia and acute bronchitis. These diseases can be distinguished only after a tomography or x-ray of the lungs. The symptoms of these diseases are identical;
  2. presence in bronchial or lung tissue a large number eosinophils, indicating eosinophilic pneumonia;
  3. having sinusitis. Symptoms in addition to yellow sputum are also malaise, headache, purulent-mucous snot of yellow color;
  4. liquid yellow sputum with the minimum amount mucus that appeared when the skin was stained icteric (with cirrhosis, tumors or hepatitis) indicates that the lungs were affected;
  5. yellow ocher color indicates siderosis. This disease is mainly observed in people who work in dusty industries where iron oxides are present.

Yellow-green sputum is a sign of:

Rust-colored sputum indicates the fact that the vessels in the respiratory tract were injured, but by the time the blood reached the oral cavity, it was oxidized and hemoglobin turned into hematin. This can happen when:

  1. thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery (TELA);
  2. pneumonia when viral or purulent inflammation, melting lung tissue, led to damage to blood vessels. In this case, there are the following symptoms: lack of appetite, vomiting, weakness, shortness of breath, fever, sometimes diarrhea;
  3. strong cough. In this case, rusty streaks are observed, which should disappear after 24-48 hours.

Brown colored sputum testifies to:

  1. presence in the lungs congenital pathology bullae (air-filled cavities). The bulla ruptured near the lung. If air has entered the pleura, there will be shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air, which increases over time;
  2. pulmonary gangrene. Significantly deteriorating general state human: body temperature rises, vomiting, clouding of consciousness, weakness. Apart from Brown sputum has a putrid odor;
  3. pneumoconiosis - the disease appears due to industrial dust. It is characterized by dry cough and chest pains. Gradually develops into chronic form.
  4. lung cancer - in the initial stages, the disease does not manifest itself, and subsequently a person develops a cough, dramatic weight loss night sweats and difficulty breathing.
  5. tuberculosis - there is sweating, weakness, prolonged dry cough, weight loss and lack of appetite.

A white tint of sputum indicates the following diseases:

  1. ORZ. In this case, the sputum has a mucous consistency, frothy or thick, transparent white color;
  2. lungs' cancer. In the white consistency of sputum, there are streaks of blood. Also characteristic fast fatiguability and drastic weight loss
  3. bronchial asthma. Sputum is secreted after a coughing fit and has a glassy, ​​thick consistency;
  4. heart diseases. Sputum liquid whitish consistency.

Treatment for coughing up yellow sputum

In order for the treatment of yellow sputum in the presence of a cough to be effective, the following factors must be considered:

  1. doses of drugs can be prescribed individually, taking into account concomitant diseases, the underlying disease and the patient's response to drugs;
  2. treatment is prescribed only after the causes of sputum are established.

With discharge during coughing, you need to take a large amount of liquid - herbal infusions and warm tea. Herbs are used with enveloping, anti-inflammatory, expectorant action. These include: marshmallow, St. John's wort, chamomile, sage and others.

The following medications are used for treatment:

  1. antihistamines - with the etiology of an allergic cough;
  2. mucolytics - normalize coughing up secretions from the bronchi;
  3. agents with mucoregulatory action - help to get into the bronchi antibacterial drugs and expel sputum from the bronchi;
  4. means with an expectorant effect - facilitate the release of sputum and reduce its concentration in the bronchi.

Antibiotics are used for treatment in rare cases.


Remember that inflammatory processes in the bronchi mainly occur due to insufficient or improper treatment SARS or ARI. That is why flu and colds should be treated, and not expected to have a favorable outcome.

For prevention, follow these rules:

  1. you need to dress according to the weather, and not overheat or overcool;
  2. eat fully. In cold weather, you should not exhaust yourself with diets, this will weaken your immunity;
  3. eat more fruits and vegetables. Drink fruit drinks and infusions of mint, citrus, rose hips and berries;
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Sputum is a respiratory secret that is a product of the tracheobronchial tree of the respiratory system. The color of sputum can help a doctor diagnose a patient's condition. Knowing what the different colors of sputum mean is also useful for the average person.

In this article:

What is sputum

Phlegm is a slimy, sticky substance that is secreted from the respiratory tract. Phlegm often comes out when you cough or spit, sometimes phlegm indicates that you may have some form of respiratory disease. The color of the sputum usually helps doctors diagnose the condition along with other symptoms, medical history and physical examination, and lab results. Sputum cytology (examination of mucus under a microscope) and sputum culture for microflora also help identify pathogens associated with sputum color.

Sputum consists of the secret of the respiratory tract (trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, etc.), as well as exudate, cellular elements, microbial flora, which causes inflammatory process. Sputum is usually mixed with saliva from the oral cavity, mucus from the nasopharynx.

Morning sputum is the best option for research, since it is at this time that the ideal amount and composition of mucus. Otherwise, sputum samples taken later in the day may be contaminated by staining of other substances from food and drink.

How to assess the color of sputum when coughing

Phlegm from the respiratory system often mixes with saliva produced in the mouth. Sputum may contain microorganisms, cell debris, immune cells, dust, and blood components. The different color of sputum when coughing may depend on the pathological process and the amount of the mentioned components. Thus, your sputum may have a wide variety of colors that can give a better understanding of a health problem: clear sputum, white sputum, yellow sputum, gray sputum, green sputum, pink sputum, red sputum, brown sputum, black sputum, or colored sputum rust.

1. Clear / White / Gray sputum

It is normal to occasionally cough up a small amount of phlegm. However, excessive production of clear or white sputum may be abnormal in some cases, such as:

  • respiratory tract infections caused by a virus - clear to white sputum
  • asthma - thick, white/yellow sputum
  • Chronical bronchitis(COPD) - clear/gray sputum
  • pulmonary edema (presence of fluid in the lungs) - clear, white, frothy sputum
  • after nasal drops
  • allergic reaction
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD

Cigarette smoking and air pollution can lead to grayish sputum. Clear or white sputum may also precede yellow or green sputum, especially on early stage infections. However, white, frothy sputum may be a sign of a health problem that leads to increased fluid in the lungs - or an indication of pulmonary edema.

2. What does yellow sputum mean?

Yellow sputum is often seen with infection, chronic inflammation and allergic conditions. It comes from white blood cells called eosinophils, which are associated with hypersensitivity to allergic conditions or neutrophils that are associated with infection. Examples of conditions where you may have yellow colored sputum include:

  • acute bronchitis
  • acute pneumonia
  • suffocation

Sputum light yellow may be a sign of normal functioning immune system which means she is fighting viral infection upper respiratory tract. However, thick, dark yellow sputum may indicate a bacterial infection that can occur in the sinuses or lower respiratory tract, such as chronic bronchitis or pneumonia. Seek medical attention immediately.

3. What does green sputum mean?

The green color of sputum is an indicator of a long-standing or chronic infection. It occurs as a result of a lack of neutrophils (neurophils are lowered), which are the main enemies of pathogenic bacteria in the blood and tissues. Decrease in the level of neurophils causes the release of enzymes from the cells. non-infectious, but inflammatory conditions can cause large amounts of greenish mucus to be produced, but infectious diseases associated with green sputum that has a large amount of pus (more purulent). These conditions may include:

  • pneumonia
  • lung abscess
  • Chronical bronchitis
  • cystic fibrosis
  • bronchiectasis

In addition to green sputum, there may be symptoms such as fever, cough, weakness, and loss of appetite. See your doctor immediately for proper assessment and treatment.

4. Brown/Black Phlegm

Black or brown sputum indicates the presence of "old blood". This color of sputum is associated with the level of red blood cells, which leads to the release of hemosiderin from hemoglobin. Organic as well as inorganic materials can also cause brown or black sputum. Examples of conditions that may produce dark-colored sputum include:

  • chronic pneumonia
  • pneumoconiosis
  • lungs' cancer
  • chronic smoking

If you are a chronic smoker, it is definitely better to stop smoking. Consuming dark-colored foods and drinks such as coffee, wine, or chocolate can also cause brown or black phlegm, especially if you have acid reflux. See your doctor for further examination and treatment.

5. Red / Pink / Rust-colored Phlegm

Pink or red sputum usually indicates the presence of blood in the sputum. Blood cells can lead to complete change mucus colors or appear only as spots or streaks in the sputum. Pink sputum means bleeding in the large quantities. Rust-colored sputum may be due to the breakdown of red blood cells. Terms with pink / red / rusty phlegm, include:

  • pneumococcal pneumonia
  • lungs' cancer
  • tuberculosis
  • pulmonary embolism
  • chronic heart failure with pulmonary edema
  • trauma in the lungs
  • lung abscess
  • bleeding
  • tropical eosinophilia

Blood in the sputum (hemoptysis) may be a sign of some serious illness, the diagnosis of which requires immediate medical attention. If you have a lot of blood mixed with mucus, immediately call an ambulance.

Denial of responsibility: The information provided in this article about sputum color is for the information of the reader only. It cannot be a substitute for the advice of a health professional.

The appearance of sputum when coughing is a sign that indicates that the lungs are successfully cleared of everything that remains in them after the vigorous activity of viruses, allergens or bacteria. However, not always mucous discharge during coughing is a good sign. For example, yellow sputum when coughing may indicate a deterioration in the condition of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. What to do in this case, and is it worth it to sound the alarm about expectorating mucus so unusual in color? Doctors have several opinions on this matter, which will be discussed further.

If you cough up yellow sputum, this may be a sign of a malfunction in the respiratory system.

What is sputum and why it can change color

Phlegm is one of the protective substances that is synthesized in the bronchi and is designed to trap small particles, their neutralization and excretion from the body. Its appearance does not always mean the development pathological processes in the upper and lower respiratory tract. Sometimes the amount of sputum produced by the body increases due to increased air pollution, gas contamination, or inhalation of too cold air - this is how the body tries to protect itself from hostile environmental influences.

It is interesting! In the body of a healthy person, at least 100 ml of sputum is formed daily, which is coughed up during the day without discomfort.

Physiological sputum, which is expectorated daily in healthy people, has a liquidish structure and is absolutely transparent. If it has changed its color, has become too thick and sticky, contains inclusions and clots, we are talking about health problems.

Depending on the problem with the lungs and bronchi, the color of sputum will change

So, expectorant mucus can become:

  • gray - more common in smokers and people who are forced long time stay in rooms contaminated with smoke or mists;
  • green - usually contains an admixture of pus, and therefore refers to doctors as a sign of a bacterial lesion of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • cloudy white - appears in people with severe lung damage;
  • reddish or brick red - indicates the presence of blood or ichor in the bronchi;
  • yellow - can signal a chronic cough or a large amount of carotenoids in the body.

As you can see from this list, a cough with yellow sputum can be physiological or pathological. Distinguishing these conditions on their own is not difficult for an adult.

Smokers produce gray sputum

Signs of physiological and pathological cough

Determine the nature of the colored yellow sputum can be obtained without complicated manipulations and laboratory tests. To do this, you need to carefully consider the symptoms and understand:

  1. How often does the cough appear? Normally, it bothers a person no more than 10-15 times a day, and you can cough up sputum at a time. If illness is present, coughing occurs >15 times a day and causes discomfort.
  2. What is the structure of sputum? If the sputum is clear and yellow in color, does not stick to the mucous membrane of the throat and is easily coughed up, it is most likely normal. physiological mucus, colored with carotene (this can happen after a person drank carrot or other brightly colored juice). If the sputum is thick, sticky, contains clots or foams, you should immediately go to the doctor.
  3. Whether there is a additional symptoms? In a healthy person, yellow-colored sputum is noticed without coughing, or the release of the airways is as natural as possible and does not cause concern. Doctors begin to talk about the disease when the cough is accompanied by fever, chest pain, general weakness and shortness of breath.

With a pathological cough, treatment should be entrusted to a doctor

Physiological cough does not require therapy and lifestyle changes. It indicates that the body is successfully defending itself against negative impact environment and fights dust particles and allergens that have entered the lungs. Pathological cough, on the contrary, requires medical intervention, even if the disease occurs against the background of normal temperature body.

Important! If the nature of the cough and the structure of sputum suddenly change, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of cough with yellow sputum

Unfortunately, even the presence or absence of additional (concomitant) symptoms cannot provide accurate information about the causes of yellow sputum. If the patient goes to the hospital with this problem, he is prescribed complex diagnostics, an element of which is the analysis of expectorant mucus.

To establish the cause of the appearance of yellow sputum, it is necessary to take a sample for analysis

For the results of the analysis to be correct, the following rules must be observed:

  1. You need to take sputum for analysis in the morning, always on an empty stomach. You can’t brush your teeth or even drink tea before taking sputum.
  2. Sputum should be collected in a glass container with a tight lid.
  3. It is necessary to deliver the collected mucus for analysis within a few hours.

In some cases, yellow sputum is not collected naturally, and during diagnostic procedure known as bronchoscopy. It is carried out in a hospital with the use of local anesthetics.

Sputum analysis is carried out by bakposev

During the bronchoscopy, the patient does not need to actively cough up - the doctor will take the material during the examination of the bronchi with a special device with a camera.

  • bakposev - laboratory research, which helps to identify the causative agent of the disease and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • microscopy - laboratory examination of sputum for antibodies to pathogens, epithelium, blood and other inclusions;
  • macroscopy - a study designed to determine physical characteristics mucus, that is, viscosity, transparency, odor, color intensity and the presence of impurities visible without a microscope.

Additionally, a general blood test is prescribed, and if necessary, urine. If helminthiasis is suspected, which can also be accompanied by a cough, a fecal analysis is prescribed.

Sputum examination can also be done under a microscope

How to cure a cough with yellow sputum

To cope with the pathological expectoration of yellow-colored mucus is possible only by eliminating the cause of its appearance. This problem is solved in a complex way using symptomatic remedies and, if necessary, antibiotics. The patient is prescribed expectorant drugs that facilitate the removal of sputum from the lungs and respiratory tract. These include:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Lazolvan;

It is recommended to take them in doses calculated individually, or in a standard dosage. In addition to expectorants, bronchodilator drugs may also be required: Broncholitin, Stoptussin and others. They are prescribed in the case when the patient is worried about a debilitating cough with bouts of shortness of breath.

Means designed to facilitate the discharge of sputum

If signs of an inflammatory process are found in the respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs, anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated to patients. The safest are Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. As for Aspirin, it is prescribed carefully, since this drug often causes an asthma attack, which in medicine is called "aspirin".

Antibiotics are prescribed for patients with a cough and yellow sputum if bacteria are found in bronchial mucus. The name of the drug depends on the sensitivity of bacteria to certain types antibiotics.

Important! If treatment is started from the first days of appearance unpleasant symptoms, the doctor may refuse to use antibiotics. But in the case when the cough lasts longer than 5-7 days, without them, the therapy will not be effective.

Relieve inflammation with Paracetamol and Ibuprofen

Additional measures that are designed to facilitate coughing and reduce the inflammatory process - inhalation and gargling with herbal decoctions. You can use chamomile, calendula, plantain and coltsfoot for this. Not bad liquefy sputum inhalation with essential oils of sage, elecampane, tea tree and eucalyptus.

To avoid the occurrence of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, which are accompanied by the formation of yellow sputum, it is necessary to treat colds in time, even if they are accompanied only by a runny nose. It is also worth paying attention to strengthening immunity: walk more in the fresh air, eat wholesome food, take vitamins and give up bad habits.

The reasons for the appearance of mucus in the throat will be discussed in the video:

When mucus starts to come out when coughing, this is already good. Thus, the body cleanses the lungs and bronchi, and the healing process is accelerated. Although in some cases, a wet cough can drag on for a long time. This happens if for some reason the disease becomes chronic. This is often indicated unusual color expectorant sputum, e.g. yellow.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, type more air into the lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest(pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She is:

Do you feel dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity Are you quickly "out of breath" and tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?

What does yellow signal?

Cough with yellow sputum may present various signals. Most often about the fact that there is an infection in the body. But not always. The infectious nature of the disease is quite easy to diagnose by concomitant symptoms, in the first place among which is elevated body temperature (often slightly, up to 37-37.2). Also on infectious nature cough indicate:

  • paroxysmal nature of cough;
  • traces of blood in expectorant sputum;
  • general weakness, frequent dizziness;
  • shortness of breath when coughing or physical exertion;
  • pain in the chest area.

In this case, you need to consult a doctor diagnostic examination, pass sputum for analysis and start intensive course treatment. Procrastination and prolonged ineffective self-treatment can lead to serious complications.

Coughing is also common in smokers, usually with a short smoking history. Together with tobacco smoke a lot of toxins, tar, tobacco particles get into the lungs and bronchi. They accumulate, mix with secretions and form yellow mucus clots. Over time, it becomes dark brown or gray in color and becomes thicker and more difficult to cough up.

Interestingly, the expectorant discharge acquires a yellow color if you drink large quantities of freshly squeezed carrot juice or eat a lot of yellow or orange color: carrots, pumpkins, persimmons, citrus.

If at the same time the mucus is liquid, translucent, without bad smell, and the cough is not strong and appears periodically - it's okay. Just orange pigment has a high coloring power.

How to distinguish it

Distinguish by appearance pathological sputum from harmless is almost impossible. And even concomitant symptoms do not always help to make an accurate diagnosis. So good doctor will never prescribe treatment before an analysis of expectorant mucus is performed.

To do this, she gathers in the morning, on an empty stomach, in a sterile glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Before collection, you can not brush your teeth and drink tea or juices - all this can affect the results of the study. You just need to rinse your mouth clean boiled water or a weak furacilin solution. The analysis itself is carried out in a specialized laboratory, to which it is necessary to deliver sputum.

The most objective result is given by the study of sputum after bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy is done stationary conditions with help medical equipment. The procedure is unpleasant, but not too painful, before it is applied local anesthetics(lidocaine).

The mucus from the bronchi is washed out with a special solution, and a camera installed at the end of the tube allows you to assess their condition at the current moment. The material taken during the procedure is examined in three different ways:

Usually such studies are sufficient. But there are other types of tests that can be prescribed if necessary.

Treatment Options

Only correct option treatment wet cough, in which yellow sputum is released - follow the doctor's recommendations. If the disease has an infectious nature, it is possible to do without antibiotics only at the first stage. When the cough is prolonged, deep, paroxysmal, it means that the body cannot cope on its own and needs help.

Usually this complex treatment, which includes several groups of drugs at once:

Remember that home remedies infectious diseases are not treated. They can only be used as helper methods to quickly relieve a cough or relieve irritation and inflammation of the throat. Instead of pharmacy expectorant syrups, you can also use folk recipes, but it is advisable to coordinate all actions with the attending physician so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the prescribed drugs.

An obligatory element of treatment is frequent gargling, in which mucus is washed off. warm drink also soothes coughs, and decoctions medicinal herbs at the same time increase immunity, reduce inflammation and have a good healing effect. It is better to brew tea from chamomile, rosehip, elecampane, sage, coltsfoot.

Promote liquefaction thick mucus and its best discharge soda inhalations, which, if necessary, can be done up to 2-3 times a day. Dissolved in water have an antibacterial effect essential oils lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus. It is useful to breathe over the steam from fresh mashed potatoes(then discard the potatoes - they are already infected with the infection!).

It is useful to supplement the course of treatment drainage massage and breathing exercises. How to properly perform these procedures can be shown by a specialist. They will help to quickly clear the bronchi of sputum residues, relieve spasms, and speed up the healing process.

The course consists of 10-15 procedures performed daily. After recovery breathing exercises can be practiced until the residual cough disappears completely.


Yellow sputum does not usually appear out of nowhere. Most often, this is the result of a neglected acute respiratory disease or acute respiratory viral infection, which then turns into bronchitis or pneumonia (sometimes purulent!). Therefore, the first rule of prevention is to treat a cold cough and bring the process to a full recovery. The mistake of many is that it is often mistaken for an unliquidated focus of inflammation, which provokes chronic diseases.

Remember: with residual cough, there is little sputum, and it is clear or white, but not yellow. Therefore, if the cough seems to pass, but the color of the sputum does not change, this is already an alarm.

Completely disappears residual cough a maximum of a month, normally - within 2-3 weeks. If it continues, you need to see a doctor again.

Additional precautions for cough prevention and chronic diseases must be taken continuously. They are simple and clear:

This will strengthen the immune system, avoid frequent respiratory diseases and possible complications after illnesses. If you cannot cope with a cough on your own, you do not need to postpone a visit to the doctor.