When coughing, yellow mucus is coughed up. Treatment. How is yellow sputum examined? Features of the treatment of wet cough without fever in an infant

When mucus starts to come out when you cough, that’s already good. Thus, the body cleanses the lungs and bronchi, and the healing process is accelerated. Although in some cases, a wet cough can drag on for a long time. This happens if for some reason the disease becomes chronic. This is often indicated by an unusual color of expectorated sputum, such as yellow.

TEST: Why do you have a cough?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

The cough can be described as:

You characterize the cough as:

Can you tell that the cough is deep (to understand this, take more air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing attack, do you feel pain in the abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during a cough (it doesn’t matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel a dull pain in the chest that does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the source of pain is in the lung itself)?

Are you worried about shortness of breath (during physical activity, you quickly become out of breath and get tired, your breathing becomes faster, followed by a lack of air)?

What does yellow signal mean?

Coughing with yellow mucus can give different signals. Most often it means that there is an infection in the body. But not always. The infectious nature of the disease is quite easy to diagnose by the accompanying symptoms, the first place among which is increased body temperature (often slightly, up to 37-37.2). The infectious nature of the cough is also indicated by:

  • paroxysmal cough;
  • traces of blood in expectorated sputum;
  • general weakness, frequent dizziness;
  • shortness of breath when coughing or exercising;
  • pain in the chest area.

In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor, undergo a diagnostic examination, have sputum analyzed and begin an intensive course of treatment. Delay and prolonged ineffective self-medication can lead to serious complications.

Yellow sputum when coughing also often occurs in smokers, usually with little smoking experience. Along with tobacco smoke, many toxins, tar, and tobacco particles enter the lungs and bronchi. They accumulate, mix with secretions and form clots of yellow mucus. Over time, it acquires a dark brown or gray tint and becomes increasingly thick and difficult to cough up.

Interestingly, the expectorated discharge becomes yellow if you drink large quantities of freshly squeezed carrot juice or eat a lot of yellow or orange foods: carrots, pumpkin, persimmons, citrus fruits.

If the mucus is liquid, translucent, without an unpleasant odor, and the cough is not strong and appears periodically, it’s okay. It's just that the orange pigment has a high coloring ability.

How to distinguish it

It is almost impossible to distinguish pathological sputum from harmless sputum by appearance. And even accompanying symptoms do not always help make an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, a good doctor will never prescribe treatment before an analysis of the expectorated mucus has been performed.

To do this, it is collected in the morning, on an empty stomach, in a sterile glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Before collection, you should not brush your teeth or drink tea or juices - all this can affect the results of the study. You just need to rinse your mouth with clean boiled water or a weak furatsilin solution. The analysis itself is carried out in a specialized laboratory, to which the sputum must be delivered.

The most objective result is obtained by examining the sputum obtained after bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy is done in a hospital setting using medical equipment. The procedure is unpleasant, but not too painful; local anesthetics (lidocaine) are used before it is performed.

The mucus from the bronchi is washed out with a special solution, and a camera installed at the end of the tube allows you to assess their current condition. The material collected during the procedure is examined in three different ways:

Usually such studies are quite sufficient. But there are other types of tests that can be prescribed if necessary.

Treatment Options

The only correct option for treating a wet cough that produces yellow sputum is to follow the doctor’s recommendations. If the disease is infectious in nature, it is possible to do without antibiotics only at the first stage. When the cough is protracted, deep, paroxysmal, this means that the body cannot cope on its own and needs help.

Usually this is a complex treatment that includes several groups of medications:

Remember that infectious diseases cannot be treated with home remedies. They can be used only as auxiliary methods to quickly relieve a coughing attack or relieve irritation and inflammation of the throat. Instead of pharmaceutical expectorant syrups, you can also use folk recipes, but it is advisable to coordinate all actions with your doctor so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the prescribed drugs.

A mandatory element of treatment is frequent gargling, which washes away the mucus. Warm drinks also soothe coughs, and decoctions of medicinal herbs simultaneously increase immunity, reduce inflammation and have a good healing effect. It is better to brew tea from chamomile, rosehip, elecampane, sage, coltsfoot.

Soda inhalations help thin thick mucus and facilitate its removal, which can be done up to 2-3 times a day if necessary. Essential oils of lavender, tea tree, and eucalyptus dissolved in water have an antibacterial effect. It is useful to breathe in the steam from fresh mashed potatoes (then throw away the potatoes - they are already infected!).

It is useful to supplement the course of treatment with drainage massage and breathing exercises. A specialist can show you how to correctly perform these procedures. They will help to quickly clear the bronchi of residual mucus, relieve spasms, and speed up the healing process.

The course consists of 10-15 procedures performed daily. After recovery, breathing exercises can be practiced until the residual cough completely disappears.


Yellow sputum does not usually appear out of nowhere. Most often, this is the result of an advanced acute respiratory infection or ARVI, which then turns into bronchitis or pneumonia (sometimes purulent!). Therefore, the first rule of prevention is to be sure to treat a cold cough and bring the process to complete recovery. The mistake of many is that they often mistake an unresolved source of inflammation for a residual cough, which provokes chronic diseases.

Remember: with a residual cough, little sputum is produced, and it is transparent or white, but not yellow. Therefore, if the cough seems to go away, but the color of the sputum does not change, this is already an alarm signal.

The residual cough completely disappears in a maximum of a month, normally within 2-3 weeks. If it continues, you need to see a doctor again.

Additional measures to prevent cough and chronic diseases should be taken constantly. They are simple and clear:

This will strengthen the immune system, avoid frequent respiratory diseases and possible complications after illnesses. If you cannot cope with the cough on your own, there is no need to postpone your visit to the doctor.

Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory system with the formation of inflammation in the bronchi. Any inflammatory process, including bronchitis, leads to changes and swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, accumulation of mucus and the appearance of cough. The mucus released when coughing is called sputum; during the normal course of the disease it is colorless, but if secondary infections are added to the pathology or complications occur, the discharge changes color. Thus, yellow sputum during bronchitis may indicate infectious pathogens or allergic reactions.

Main components of sputum

What is sputum? Sputum is the name given to mucous secretions that form on the internal membranes of the respiratory organs; as a rule, mucus is formed against the background of the development of colds, as well as more serious pathological processes. Sputum contains ordinary saliva, which is transformed into mucus under the influence of negative factors.

Note! Mucus can be of completely different colors, it is not only a transparent viscous liquid, there is white foamy sputum, gray, greenish, red - with lung cancer, as well as yellow sputum, which is most often formed when coughing.

What is included in sputum besides saliva:

  • immune cells;
  • microorganisms - viruses and bacteria;
  • dust particles;
  • plasma and blood cells.

The ratio of the substances listed above may be different; the proportion depends on the nature of the disease and its course. The consistency of sputum can be thick or liquid, viscous. If there is pus in the sputum, then the discharge may stratify into two or even three layers, but there are cases when purulent mucus does not disintegrate.

Yellow sputum when coughing indicates the development of infectious processes in the bronchi, as well as allergic diseases; in addition, yellow discharge is characteristic of chronic inflammatory processes. It follows from this that yellow sputum can appear in acute bronchitis - as a result of the addition of a secondary infectious pathogen, and in chronic bronchitis - since a protracted process is considered one of the main causes of yellow mucous discharge.

The mucus acquires this color as a result of an increased concentration of white blood cells - neutrophils. With bronchitis, mucus usually has no odor, but if there is an unpleasant and even putrid odor, this may indicate the development of an abscess, gangrene, or lung cancer. Such causes of yellow sputum should immediately prompt the patient to seek medical help.

Yellow sputum is often found in people with a long history of smoking - the remains of tar and nicotine on the walls of the bronchi are mixed with mucus. Sputum acquires a bright yellow color as a result of a high content of eosinophils.

If yellow discharge from the bronchi appears, even without an odor, you should still consult a doctor. Using instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. If at first bronchitis does not seem like a dangerous disease, then in advanced cases it leads to serious complications - bronchial asthma, pneumonia and other pathologies.


The exact nature of the disease processes and their results is determined by studies that are carried out in laboratory conditions. Yellow sputum is subjected to microscopic and macroscopic diagnostic methods.

To carry out the analysis, yellow sputum is collected in the morning on an empty stomach, this is necessary in order to exclude the possible ingress of food into the mucous secretions. In order to be sure of at least the minimum content of saliva, the patient is asked to rinse the oral cavity with a weak antiseptic solution, you can use furatsilin. After rinsing, the sputum is collected in a sterile jar. There are times when the patient is unable to cough up the required amount of mucus, there is nothing to worry about, the patient will be prescribed an irritating inhalation, after which the mucus will be easier to come out.

The most reliable data on the nature and nature of yellow sputum is provided by bronchoscopy; this procedure is performed in a hospital setting. Bronchoscopy allows the doctor to examine the condition of the bronchi and trachea by displaying information on the monitor screen. In special cases, doctors may obtain sputum for further bacteriological examination.

During the diagnostic process, the doctor determines not only the composition of the mucus, but also identifies the causative agent of the disease. Research allows you to accurately determine the daily secretion of sputum, its consistency, smell, shade and other characteristics. So, after studying the test results with certainty, you can choose one accurate diagnosis from several possible ones - bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, asthma.


Treatment of yellow sputum and cough primarily consists of eliminating the cause of the disease - its causative agent. It is necessary to understand that sputum, like a cough, is just a consequence; if it is formed as a result of bronchitis and infectious processes, they need to be treated. Therapy must be carried out under the supervision of a physician; all medications can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist. Self-medication is unacceptable, as it may not only not help, but also provoke the development of complications.

If the patient only has a cough with mucus without fever, home treatment will be sufficient, but if the patient has a fever, the patient will definitely be prescribed bed rest.

Complex treatment must necessarily include a dietary menu; fried, fatty, smoked, spicy and salty foods, and confectionery must be excluded from the diet. It is recommended to give preference to plant foods, boiled, stewed or steamed, and fermented milk products. Fresh fruits must be included in the menu. Drinking regime plays an important role; drinking should be plentiful. You should also ventilate the room and regularly carry out wet cleaning. People who smoke should give up cigarettes at least for the period of treatment.

Drug therapy may include drugs from various groups:

  • Cough syrups (Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Flavamed) - they eliminate pathogenic microorganisms from the bronchi, relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, and also eliminate spasms. Medicines in this group are excellent for treating sputum and cough in children.
  • Cough tablets - drugs in this form can have mucolytic, secretomotor and secretolytic effects. Medicines in the form of tablets help relieve the first symptoms of the disease, eliminate cough and excess mucus secretion, creating an expectorant effect.
  • Inhalation drugs - inhalations are recognized as useful physiological procedures, it is advisable to resort to them in the chronic course of the disease, drugs - inhalations have an anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antiseptic effect.
  • Antibacterial drugs - treatment with antibiotics is advisable for the treatment of advanced stages of bronchitis, they do not affect the cough, but they destroy the causative agents of the disease - pathogenic bacteria that irritate the mucous membranes of the bronchi.

Therapy for bronchitis must necessarily include therapeutic effects on the nose and throat. Pathogenic microorganisms also multiply on the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and throat, which can enter the respiratory tract. To increase the positive effect, you should gargle with antiseptic drugs and rinse your nose with saline solution.

The appearance of sputum when coughing is a sign that indicates that the lungs are successfully cleared of everything that remains in them after the active activity of viruses, allergens or bacteria. However, mucous discharge when coughing is not always a good sign. For example, yellow sputum when coughing may indicate a deterioration in the condition of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. What to do in this case, and is it worth sounding the alarm about expectoration of mucus of such an unusual color? Doctors have several opinions on this matter, which will be discussed further.

If yellow sputum appears when you cough, this may be a sign of a problem with the respiratory system.

What is phlegm and why can it change color?

Sputum is one of the protective substances that is synthesized in the bronchi and is designed to trap small particles, neutralize them and remove them from the body. Its appearance does not always mean the development of pathological processes in the upper and lower respiratory tract. Sometimes the amount of sputum produced by the body increases due to increased air pollution, gas pollution or inhalation of too cold air - this is how the body tries to protect itself from the hostile influences of the environment.

This is interesting! In the body of a healthy person, at least 100 ml of sputum is produced daily, which is coughed up throughout the day without any discomfort.

Physiological sputum, which is expectorated daily by healthy people, has a liquid structure and is absolutely transparent. If it changes color, becomes too thick and sticky, or contains inclusions and clots, we are talking about health problems.

Depending on the problem with the lungs and bronchi, the color of the sputum will change

Thus, expectorated mucus can become:

  • sulfur - more common among smokers and people forced to stay in rooms contaminated with smoke or suspended matter for a long time;
  • green - usually contains an admixture of pus, and therefore is considered by doctors to be a sign of bacterial damage to the bronchopulmonary system;
  • cloudy white - appears in people with severe lung damage;
  • reddish or brick-red - indicates the presence of blood or ichor in the bronchi;
  • yellow - may signal chronic cough or the entry of a large number of carotenoids into the body.

As you can see from this list, cough with yellow sputum can be physiological or pathological. It is not difficult for an adult to distinguish between these conditions on their own.

Smokers may produce gray mucus

Signs of physiological and pathological cough

The nature of yellow-colored sputum can be determined without complex manipulations and laboratory tests. To do this, you need to pay close attention to the symptoms and understand:

  1. How often does the cough occur? Normally, it bothers a person no more than 10-15 times a day, and you can cough up sputum at one time. If there is an illness, coughing occurs >15 times a day and causes discomfort.
  2. What is the structure of sputum? If the sputum is transparent and has a yellow tint, does not stick to the mucous membrane of the throat and is easily coughed up, most likely it is ordinary physiological mucus, colored by carotene (this can happen after a person has drunk carrot or other brightly colored juice). If the sputum is thick, sticky, contains clots or foams, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  3. Are there any additional symptoms? In a healthy person, yellow-colored sputum is noticed without coughing, or the airway is cleared as naturally as possible and does not cause concern. Doctors begin to talk about the disease when the cough is accompanied by fever, chest pain, general weakness and shortness of breath.

In case of pathological cough, treatment should be entrusted to a doctor

Physiological cough does not require therapy or lifestyle changes. It indicates that the body is successfully protecting itself from the negative influence of the environment and fighting dust particles and allergens that have entered the lungs. A pathological cough, on the contrary, requires medical intervention, even if the disease occurs against the background of normal body temperature.

Important! If the nature of the cough and the structure of sputum suddenly change, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Diagnosis of cough with yellow sputum

Unfortunately, even the presence or absence of additional (concomitant) symptoms cannot provide accurate information about the causes of yellow sputum. If a patient goes to the hospital with this problem, he is prescribed a comprehensive diagnosis, an element of which is the analysis of expectorated mucus.

To determine the cause of yellow sputum, it is necessary to submit a sample for testing.

For the analysis results to be correct, the following rules must be observed:

  1. You need to take sputum for analysis in the morning, always on an empty stomach. You should not brush your teeth or even drink tea before taking sputum.
  2. Collect sputum in a glass container with a tight lid.
  3. The collected mucus must be delivered for analysis within several hours.

In some cases, yellow sputum is collected not naturally, but during a diagnostic procedure known as bronchoscopy. It is performed in a hospital setting using local anesthetics.

Sputum analysis is carried out by culture

During bronchoscopy, the patient does not need to actively cough up - the doctor will collect material during the examination of the bronchi with a special device with a camera.

  • bacterial culture is a laboratory test that helps to identify the causative agent of the disease and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • microscopy - laboratory examination of sputum for antibodies to pathogens, epithelium, blood and other inclusions;
  • macroscopy is a study designed to determine the physical characteristics of mucus, that is, viscosity, transparency, odor, color intensity and the presence of impurities visible without a microscope.

Additionally, a general blood test is prescribed, and, if necessary, a urine test. If helminthiasis is suspected, which may also be accompanied by a cough, a stool test is prescribed.

Examination of sputum can also be done under a microscope

How to cure a cough with yellow phlegm

It is possible to cope with pathological expectoration of mucus colored yellow only by eliminating the cause of its appearance. This problem is solved comprehensively using symptomatic remedies and, if necessary, antibiotics. The patient is prescribed expectorants to facilitate the removal of mucus from the lungs and respiratory tract. These include:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Lazolvan;

It is recommended to take them in doses calculated individually or in a standard dosage. In addition to expectorants, bronchodilators may also be required: Broncholitin, Stoptussin and others. They are prescribed when the patient is bothered by a debilitating cough with attacks of shortness of breath.

Means intended to facilitate the discharge of sputum

If signs of an inflammatory process are detected in the respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs, patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. Ibuprofen and Paracetamol are considered the safest. As for Aspirin, it is prescribed with caution, since this drug often causes an attack of asthma, which in medicine is called “aspirin asthma”.

Antibiotics are prescribed to patients with a cough and yellow sputum if bacteria are found in the bronchial mucus. The name of the drug depends on the sensitivity of bacteria to certain types of antibiotics.

Important! If treatment is started from the first days of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, the doctor may refuse to use antibiotics. But if the cough lasts longer than 5-7 days, without them therapy will not be effective.

You can relieve inflammation with Paracetamol and Ibuprofen

Additional measures that are designed to ease coughing and reduce the inflammatory process are inhalation and gargling with herbal decoctions. You can use chamomile, calendula, plantain and coltsfoot for this. Inhalations with essential oils of sage, elecampane, tea tree and eucalyptus are good for thinning phlegm.

To avoid the occurrence of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, which are accompanied by the formation of yellow sputum, it is necessary to treat colds in a timely manner, even if they are accompanied only by a runny nose. You should also pay attention to strengthening your immune system: walk more in the fresh air, eat healthy foods, take vitamins and give up bad habits.

The reasons for the appearance of mucus in the throat will be discussed in the video:

Often, during an illness that is accompanied by a cough, many people notice sputum production. Can this be considered normal? What should sputum be like and are its characteristics so important? For example, yellow sputum when coughing - what does this mean? Let's try to briefly answer all such questions.

Sputum is a secretion produced in the bronchi and trachea. Such discharge is not always considered a sign of illness, since the respiratory system regularly produces small amounts of mucus. This is necessary in order to create an obstacle at the right time to prevent foreign particles (for example, dust or chemicals) from entering the lungs along with the air. In addition, mucus contains special cells that help fight bacteria. Normally, sputum can only be transparent.

Sputum is considered pathological when its characteristics change - color, composition, quantity, etc. Doctors attach particular importance to the color of bronchial secretions.

Causes of yellow sputum when coughing

Sputum can be produced during various diseases of the respiratory tract and is expelled during coughing and expectoration. The amount of discharge can also be different, from a one-time appearance in the initial stage of bronchitis or pneumonia to one and a half liters in purulent pulmonary pathologies.

The degree of expectoration depends on how patent the bronchi are, as well as on the position of the patient’s body (discharge may increase in a horizontal position, lying on the healthy side).

Coughing up secretions in most cases indicates the presence of a disease, especially if the sputum has any characteristic color. For example, yellow sputum may be expelled when coughing due to pneumonia, viral infection and bronchitis, or purulent processes in the lungs (abscess, bronchiectasis).

However, yellow discharge is not always a sign of disease. For example, this may be a characteristic symptom of cough in heavy smokers. Sometimes yellow sputum appears due to the consumption of yellow foods or drinks (for example, citrus fruits, carrot juice, etc.).


Sputum is a pathological secretion of the bronchi and trachea, which is expelled through coughing movements. These secretions are very important diagnostic material. They are collected in a special container made of transparent glass: this is usually done in the morning, before meals, after brushing your teeth and rinsing your throat.

Liquid after bronchoscopy (bronchial lavage) can also serve as a good material for diagnosis.

The study of bronchial secretions can be carried out in several ways. Let's consider each of them separately.

  • Macroscopic analysis determines the main characteristics of sputum: volume, shade, smell, density, composition. For example, the yellow color is due to the presence of a purulent component in the discharge, and the higher the percentage of pus, the more the yellow color changes towards greenish. Yellow-green sputum when coughing is an indicator of a purulent process in the respiratory system. Sometimes pus is even present in the form of clots or lumps.
  • Microscopic analysis of sputum is carried out with and without staining of the preparation. In the secretions you can find cells of flat and columnar epithelium, macrophages, siderophages, coniophages, atypical cells, and blood cells. In some cases, a number of fibrous formations can be detected (elastic, fibrous fibers, Courshman spirals), as well as Charcot-Leyden crystals, cholesterol, and fatty acids.
  • Bacteriological culture on nutrient media helps to identify the causative agent of the disease and assess its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

In rare cases, additional types of diagnostics may be prescribed, such as fluorescent microscopy, flotation and electrophoresis (as methods of accumulating microorganisms).

To effectively treat yellow sputum when coughing, the following points must be considered:

  • treatment is prescribed only after determining the cause of the disease;
  • Medicines and doses can only be prescribed on an individual basis, taking into account the underlying disease, concomitant pathologies, and the patient’s response to medications.

If there is discharge during coughing, it is recommended to take large amounts of fluid, mainly in the form of warm tea or herbal infusions. Herbs with expectorant, anti-inflammatory, enveloping effects are used - sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, marshmallow, etc.

In the absence of contraindications, inhalations with sodium bicarbonate and essential oils are performed.

The following medications are indicated:

  • expectorants that reduce the concentration of bronchial secretions and facilitate their elimination (ammonium chloride, thermopsis);
  • agents with a mucoregulating effect (carbocisteine, ambroxol) - promote the expulsion of sputum from the bronchi, help antibacterial drugs enter the bronchi;
  • mucolytics (ACC) – normalize the coughing up of secretions from the bronchi;
  • antihistamines (for allergic cough etiology).

Antibiotics are taken only when necessary, and only after an accurate diagnosis of the cause of the cough has been made.


Prevention of yellow sputum when coughing is determined by preventing complications of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. What needs to be taken into account to prevent the development of purulent processes in the lungs?

It must be remembered that the inflammatory process in the bronchi most often occurs as a result of improper or insufficient treatment of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections. Therefore, a cold or flu should be treated rather than expecting the illness to “go away” on its own.

Regardless of the presence of diseases of the respiratory system, the following rules can be followed as prevention:

  • Smoking is harmful, even if it’s not you who smokes, but someone nearby. Inhaling nicotine increases the risk of developing chronic bronchitis or emphysema;
  • during epidemics of colds and viral diseases, it is necessary to avoid crowded public places;
  • sometimes it makes sense to get vaccinated against influenza or pneumonia, especially if you have reduced immunity or a tendency to respiratory diseases;
  • do not forget about personal hygiene, wash your hands after coming from the street, as well as before each meal;
  • include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. It is useful to drink infusions and fruit drinks made from berries, rose hips, citrus fruits, mint;
  • eat well, because in the cold season it is highly not recommended to adhere to “strict” and especially “hungry” diets, as this significantly weakens the immune system;
  • dress according to the weather, do not allow hypothermia and overheating of the body.

If a cough appears, it is better to put everything aside for a while and consult a doctor: timely treatment is often the best prevention of complications and undesirable consequences.


Often a wet cough seems to us to be a common and non-serious disease, however, this is not the case, especially since yellow sputum when coughing is not a harmless symptom at all. If the disease is ignored, then without the necessary treatment, quite serious health consequences can occur. An insufficiently treated cough due to acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, as well as acute bronchitis or tracheitis, can contribute to the development of pneumonia. Pneumonia is a rather dangerous and insidious disease that requires mandatory treatment in a hospital using potent antibacterial drugs.

The acute form of bronchitis, which many prefer to endure “on their feet,” can become chronic without appropriate therapy. The chronic form of bronchitis may require long-term and difficult treatment. Improper treatment of chronic inflammation of the bronchi can serve as a factor in the development of an abscess, bronchial asthma or pneumonia.

Yellow sputum when coughing is more than enough reason to see a doctor. Under no circumstances should purulent processes in the respiratory tract be started, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable.

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Medical Expert Editor

Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

Education: Kyiv National Medical University named after. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - “General Medicine”

Other doctors

Yellow sputum that appears when coughing is a sure sign of the development of a pathological process in the body.

A change in the color of the mucous secretion is most often associated with an increase in the level of white blood cells, when the immune system independently tries to cope with the infection. However, there are other reasons when phlegm begins to accumulate in the respiratory tract.

The dark yellow expectorant substance is well known to smokers, as they see it every morning, immediately after waking up. Also, the discharge may take on a yellowish-brown tint due to severe air pollution.

When there is a bacterial infection, they turn greenish-yellow. But it is much more dangerous when the mucus turns brown due to the presence of blood clots.

What is sputum? Which one is normal? Why is it needed? It is a thick, viscous, jelly-like substance that is released when you cough up. Secreted in the mucous epithelium of the lower airways by submucosal and unicellular glands.

Its composition includes high molecular weight glycoproteins, immunoglobulins, lipids and other substances. Simply put, phlegm contains:

  • Impurities of saliva;
  • Slime;
  • Red blood cells;
  • Fibrin;
  • Epithelial cells;
  • Bacteria;
  • Foreign inclusions (dust particles, food residues, etc.).

In healthy people, tracheobronchial exudate is transparent, performs a protective function and is endowed with antimicrobial properties.

It consists of mucus produced by serous-mucosal glands, goblet glandular glandulocytes of the mucous epithelium of the bronchi and trachea, as well as cellular inclusions.

Tracheobronchial exudate ensures the natural removal of inhaled particles, toxins and waste products from the body due to the transport activity of the ciliated epithelium.

The norm of phlegm released per day from the tracheobronchial tree is 10-100 ml. This is the amount of substance that a person ingests during the day. unnoticed by yourself.

Increased mucus formation occurs as a result of changes in the biochemical composition of tracheobronchial secretions and disruption of the escalator function of ciliated epithelial tissue, as a result of which mucostasis develops.

Yellow color of sputum when coughing is a sure sign of the presence of pathogens in the body. There is a whole list of ailments that are characterized by increased mucus formation.

Bronchitis. It develops as a result of a viral or bacterial infection that provokes inflammation of the bronchial mucous epithelium. It often begins with a dry cough, which later develops into a severe cough with yellow sputum. Other symptoms of bronchitis include sore throat and fever.

Pneumonia. Occurs as a complication after suffering respiratory diseases. The most common strain of microbes responsible for pneumonia in adults is Streptococcus pneumoniae. The infection affects one or both lungs and causes the air sacs to fill with pus or fluid.

As a result, the patient develops pus in the sputum. The symptoms associated with this pathology depend on the specific type of disease. Common symptoms include shortness of breath, chills, fever, and a cough with yellow (sometimes green and bloody) phlegm.

Cold or flu. One of the most common signs of these ailments is the appearance of transparent or yellowish clots when coughing up.

Sinusitis. May be triggered by allergies, viral or bacterial infections. It is characterized by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinuses), which are four pairs of air-filled cavities.

When they are irritated, the mucus that normally drains into the nose becomes blocked, pooling in the sinuses and creating the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Sinusitis is accompanied by headache,

nasal congestion,

sore throat, constant cough with characteristic discharge.

Cystic fibrosis. This condition is classified as a chronic lung disease when tracheobronchial exudate begins to accumulate in the lungs. One of the signs of pathology is the tracheobronchial substance of yellowish, greenish and brown color.

An allergic reaction is another common cause of colored phlegm when coughing up. The allergen irritant provokes inflammation, thereby increasing the production of thick, pale yellow secretion.

Excess mucous clots, moving through the nasopharynx, irritate the throat and cause coughing. Respiratory allergy symptoms go away with elimination of the allergen and proper therapy.

Asthma. Causes respiratory inflammation, and often leads to the formation of excess tracheobronchial mucus. This substance is white-yellow, stained with inflammatory cells.

But since the cough in asthma is usually protracted and unproductive, the viscous clots are usually insignificant. Other symptoms of asthma include wheezing, wheezing, fatigue, and cramps.

Lung cancer (LLC). The most serious pathology in which yellow sputum is coughed up. Sometimes it contains bloody impurities, due to which the exudate acquires a pinkish tint.

This pathology is characterized by persistence of the cough reflex for more than two weeks and persistent chest pain. The presence of such symptoms requires immediate medical attention.

Cough with yellowish discharge in children is the result of an infectious lesion of the airways - colds, acute bronchitis, ARVI, whooping cough, pneumonia or tuberculosis.

In the vast majority of cases acute cough with fever caused by a cold, and yellowish exudate indicates the addition of pathogenic microorganisms. It is necessary to study phlegm for microflora.

If such an analysis is not possible, the doctor prescribes broad-spectrum antibiotics. Typically, the therapeutic effect of taking medications occurs on the third day. If relief does not occur, the antibiotic is changed.

Purulent sputum is a mucopurulent substance consisting of white blood cells, dead tissue, cellular debris, serous fluid and liquid mucus.

The color intensity of the purulent secretion can vary from milky with yellowish to green, and manifests itself in pneumonia, bronchiectasis, abscess pneumonia, prolonged bronchitis or acute infectious lesions of the respiratory system.

A cough with purulent sputum is a good reason to consult a doctor, because if pus is coughed up, its shade will allow you to determine the pathology and choose the appropriate therapy.

    1. Yellowish-purulent and yellowish-greenish (mucopurulent) abnormal secretions indicate that antibiotic therapy will help reduce symptoms.
    2. A green or greenish tint indicates a long-standing respiratory infection, pneumonia, ruptured lung abscess, chronic infectious bronchitis, infected bronchiectasis, or cystic fibrosis.
    3. Bright yellow and orange mucus is produced by pneumonia (caused by pneumococcal bacteria), pulmonary embolism, bronchioloalveolar cancer, or tuberculosis.
    4. Discharge of a pale, milky, yellowish or yellowish-gray hue (clearly visible on a white background) indicates the ineffectiveness of antibiotic treatment, since the symptoms of the disease are associated either with a viral infection or with allergies (even asthma), and not with microbiotics that are sensitive to antibiotics .
  1. A foamy pink color is characteristic of severe pulmonary edema.
  2. Foamy white indicates pulmonary obstruction or edema.
  3. Light yellow sputum with blood indicates a possible inflammation of the throat or bronchi, or the presence of bleeding erosions, ulcers or tumors of the lower airways. The abundant presence of blood clots in bronchial secretions indicates tuberculosis, bipolar disorder, pulmonary embolism, and abscess pneumonia.

The appearance of colored discharge when coughing without an increase in temperature indicates the non-infectious nature of the pathology.

An allergic cough with exudate with yellow spots also occurs without fever.


In smokers, the formation of dirty yellow dense exudate is associated with the harmful effects of nicotine tar and tobacco smoke, which lead to decomposition of bronchial tissue and wear of the respiratory system.

As a result, bronchioloalveolar cancer often develops. That is why it is extremely important to visit a specialist in time when the first signs of pathology are detected.

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Which doctor should I contact?

Only a general practitioner can tell you what the appearance of viscous exudate indicates in the first stages. Subsequently, you may need to consult other specialists - a pulmonologist, an allergist, an oncologist, an otolaryngologist, a surgeon.

Samples of secretions taken from the throat for analysis make it possible to determine the cause of changes in the shade and consistency of tracheobronchial secretions.

The material is collected in a sterile glass container in the morning on an empty stomach, after thoroughly treating the mouth and throat with saline solution.

If it is not possible to collect pathological clots during coughing, bronchoscopy is prescribed to obtain the necessary material.

Sample examination is carried out using several methods:

  1. Microscopic analysis makes it possible to determine the content of leukocytes, erythrocytes, alveolar macrophages, epithelial cells in phlegm, detect Kurshman spirals, drusen of actinomycetes, fungi, Charcot-Leyden crystals, eosinophils, neutrophils.
  2. Macroscopic analysis determines the daily volume of secreted exudate, its smell, density and color. Special attention is paid to the delamination of the material when left in glass containers for a long time.
  3. Bacteriological analysis (Bakposev) allows you to determine the types of bacteria present and their sensitivity to drugs.

Regardless of the color of the discharge, its appearance is already a pathology, and it is important to correctly determine its cause. However, any cough requires drinking plenty of fluids.

It has been proven to have the same effect on the respiratory system as expectorant medications. In the case when you cough and yellow sputum comes out with a thick consistency, additional measures are prescribed for its natural discharge:

Reflex-acting drugs that are aimed at increasing mucus production. They help to increase the proportion of liquid secretion in the bronchi, its dilution and trouble-free coughing. This group of medicines includes herbal medicines (licorice root, marshmallow, thermopsis herb, anise, etc.).

Expectorant drugs with resorptive action act directly on the bronchi and the exudate itself, thereby accelerating the process of its removal from the respiratory system. This group of medications includes solutions of sodium bicarbonate, sodium iodide and potassium iodide, as well as essential oils.

Mucolytic drugs change the structure of the exudate itself. Under their influence, mucopolysaccharides are destroyed, which means the viscous substance is liquefied. These drugs include Acetylcysteine, Carbocysteine, Ambroxol, Bromhexine and their analogues.

All of these medications are taken orally or inhaled (via a nebulizer). If necessary, when the disease is protracted, injections of drugs are prescribed.

When talking about how to treat a cough, we should not forget about traditional medicine. Some of the most accessible and effective recipes include:

    1. Infusion of coltsfoot. Preparation boils down to pouring 1 tablespoon of herb into 1 tbsp. boiling water, infuse for 10-15 minutes, strain. Take 1 tsp of this infusion orally. up to 4 times a day.
    2. An infusion of a mixture of plantain, thyme, elecampane root and wild rosemary herbs. 2 tbsp. dry mixture of herbs is poured with 1 liter of boiling water, infused for 2 hours, filtered. A solution of 1 tbsp is taken. orally up to 4 times a day.

  1. White cabbage juice. Freshly squeezed juice is mixed with honey in a 2:1 ratio. The finished mixture is taken orally, 1 tsp. 6 times a day.
  2. Lemon juice. Mix 2 tsp. product in a cup of warm water, add honey to this mixture, and take 3-4 times a day.

In addition, treatment for cough with yellow sputum involves frequent gargling with saline solution.

You need to dissolve 1⁄2 tsp. salt in a glass of warm water and gargle with the resulting solution as often as possible. This process clears trapped mucus.

Acute bronchitis easily becomes chronic, requiring long-term treatment and certain restrictions.

Pneumonia is usually preceded by bronchitis and tracheitis. However, unlike the latter, pneumonia is treated in an inpatient setting, when the patient must be constantly under the supervision of doctors.

If a patient coughs up a substance with signs of yellowness, he needs to urgently consult a therapist to establish an accurate diagnosis and urgent drug treatment.

Timely prevention allows you to avoid serious complications that cause respiratory diseases.

This means that when the first signs of an acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection appear, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment, and not wait for the symptoms to resolve on their own.

In addition, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures:

  1. Stop smoking (active and passive);
  2. Avoid crowded places during epidemics of viral and colds;
  3. Get vaccinated against pneumonia and colds;
  4. Perform hand hygiene in a timely manner;
  5. Avoid overheating and hypothermia of the body;
  6. Replenish your diet with fresh vegetables, fruits, juices and decoctions.

Yellow sputum when coughing begins when a large amount of secretions accumulates in the lungs to be removed naturally. This is an effective means of self-defense of the human body. You should not hold back your cough. Sputum removed by coughing should be spat out. Under no circumstances should you swallow it.

During coughing attacks, the patient should cover his mouth with a handkerchief or napkin, since the yellow sputum released when coughing contains microorganisms. This may be dangerous for others. Coughing occurs as a reflex reaction when any obstruction to the normal passage of air through the respiratory tract occurs. A cough begins when foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract, inhale irritating vapors or too dry air. In addition, coughing with sputum is a symptom of many allergic, respiratory, and infectious diseases.

What is sputum?

Sputum is a combination of moist mucous secretions that form on the inner surface of the respiratory organs during various diseases. Phlegm also contains saliva, which is produced during the functioning of the salivary glands in the mouth. Mucus occurs only as a result of pathological processes in the body. A healthy person does not have any discharge from the respiratory tract.

Sputum has a different color, consistency, and composition, which makes it possible to better diagnose the disease and create a course of treatment in each case. For example, yellow mucus is formed when the respiratory tract is infected, foamy white mucus is coughed up during pulmonary edema, and red mucus is produced when there is lung cancer.

In addition to saliva, sputum consists of:

  • cells of the immune system;
  • microorganisms;
  • dust;
  • cell breakdown products;
  • plasma and blood cells.

The percentage of the above mucus components indicates the stage and nature of the disease. Based on consistency, sputum is divided into viscous, thick or liquid. Depending on the content of pus, sputum may disintegrate into 2-3 layers or not disintegrate at all.

Yellow mucus, like any other mucus, usually has no odor. If the sputum acquires a characteristic cadaverous (or putrefactive) odor, this indicates the development of an abscess, lung cancer, gangrene, etc. Treatment in such cases should be more intensive. Surgery may be needed.

Yellow sputum analysis

To more accurately determine the nature of the disease processes, a laboratory examination of yellow sputum by microscopic and macroscopic methods is required. For analysis, yellow sputum is collected in the morning on an empty stomach to avoid food contamination. To ensure a minimum saliva content, the patient should rinse his mouth with a weak solution of an antiseptic (for example, furatsilin) ​​and boiled water. After rinsing, the sputum is collected in a sterile special spittoon jar. If mucus is coughed up in insufficient quantities, the patient is prescribed irritant inhalation.

The most reliable data on the composition and nature of yellow sputum is provided by bronchoscopy performed in a hospital setting. This makes it possible to thoroughly study the condition of the bronchi and trachea using special devices: bronchofiberscope, etc. In this case, mucus is obtained without admixture of oral microorganisms and saliva. In special cases, special collection of sputum is provided for a more thorough examination.

In addition to the composition of mucus, the causative agents of disease processes can be determined analytically. Using a laboratory test, the exact composition of sputum, the amount of sputum produced per day, consistency, smell, color, etc. are determined.

Yellow sputum, which is expectorated even in small quantities when the patient coughs, is a sure sign of the onset of bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia or asthma.

In acute bronchitis, inflammation begins in the bronchi under the influence of a viral or bacterial infection. Chronic bronchitis occurs as a complication of acute or prolonged exposure to dust or other irritating factors. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses that occurs as a complication of infectious diseases or after severe facial injuries. Inflammation of the lungs occurs due to infection in the lung tissue. Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract caused by various cellular elements.

Yellow sputum occurs in people with a long history of smoking. Sputum acquires a yellow color due to the abundant content of pus and white blood cells, for example, neutrophils. If a large number of eosinophils accumulate in the sputum, it becomes bright yellow.

The presence of cells of this type indicates infectious, allergic and chronic inflammation that has begun in the body. Thus, coughing with yellow sputum is a dangerous symptom. Therefore, when it appears, you must immediately visit a specialist doctor. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

Cough with yellow sputum: treatment

When coughing with yellow sputum, expectorants are first prescribed to intensify the cleansing of the lungs, mucolytics that dissolve mucus, and antibiotics to fight bacterial infection. Mucolytics, without increasing the amount of mucus, thin it and help cleanse the lungs. The main drugs in this group include acetylcysteine, ambroxol, bromhexine, and licorice root syrup. These drugs are actively used to treat bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, bronchitis and other inflammations in the upper respiratory tract.

Expectorants remove bronchial secretions from the upper respiratory tract and activate the cough reflex. This group includes, for example, trypsin, thermopsis, sodium benzoate.

Bronchial dilators facilitate the release of mucus, increasing the patency of the bronchi. These include stoptussin, erespal, bromhexine, gedelix.

To treat inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, one of the symptoms of which is yellow sputum, both highly specialized antibiotics and drugs with a broad spectrum of antibacterial action are used. Symptomatic treatment of cough is not enough, so treatment of the disease that caused it must be carried out.

To make it easier to clear the lungs of yellow or other mucus by coughing, it is recommended to drink more fluids, humidify the air in the room using a room humidifier, get plenty of rest, and avoid strong odors and too cold air. During a coughing attack, you need to take an upright position to expand your lungs.

Special breathing exercises will help to avoid the development of a disease that causes a cough with yellow sputum, and to avoid infection of the lungs by cleansing them. A set of exercises should be compiled by the attending physician after conducting a thorough examination of the patient and studying all the data obtained analytically.

Yellow mucus can be a symptom of some allergic diseases. In such cases, the patient is prescribed antiallergic drugs and mast cell membrane stabilizers. If the patient has pulmonary edema, sputum foam-reducing agents and diuretics will be required.

They say cough is not a disease. This is a manifestation of a particular disease. Hand in hand with a cough in a sick person is phlegm.

Why does a cough with phlegm appear?

In fact, coughing is the body’s defense mechanism against external influences - any obstacles, bacteria, viruses. This could be dust, inflammation in the form of swelling of the throat, spasm or exposure to temperatures.

Often a cough is accompanied by phlegm. This is a companion to many diseases: bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma, pneumonia and even cancer.

Phlegm is the release from the respiratory tract of a mixture of saliva and secretions from the nasal sinuses. It must be said that a certain amount of mucus constantly comes out of the bronchi, because it contains protective elements. A person simply does not notice this, but in 24 hours he secretes up to a hundred millimeters of this secretion.

But if pathogenic microorganisms have penetrated the respiratory system, mucus secretion triples and takes on a variety of colors. Yellow sputum when coughing may be caused by the following diseases:

  • Frontit
  • Bronchitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Flu

When making a diagnosis, the color of the secretion is very important. If yellow sputum is detected, the help of a doctor is necessary. This is dangerous because pus can give this color.

Attention! If you notice pus or blood in your sputum, go to the hospital immediately. It is necessary to exclude serious problems, including lung abscess

Coughing with yellow sputum is a problem for many heavy smokers. However, most often, this is a manifestation of a bacterial infection entering the bronchi.

Yellow sputum when a child coughs

It is difficult to find a child who has never coughed in his life. A wet cough is the production of sputum. And this is good. Because all the child has to do is cough and the phlegm will come out. It is worse if the sputum begins to become thick and viscous.

Cough is known to be a defense mechanism. To help a child recover, we must try to alleviate his condition. It is impossible to cure a cough! It is possible to make a coughing child feel better. To do this, you need to follow two rules:

  • Give your child plenty to drink
  • Provide moist and cool air in the children's room

If you don't have a fever, walk outside as much as possible. But what to do if your child has sputum with a yellow tint?

We hasten to reassure impressionable mothers and fathers. Yellow sputum may indicate simple sinusitis or a cold. In this case, increase the amount of fluid your child takes. Doesn't drink water? Make compote, it's better than nothing.

When yellow sputum is dangerous, other symptoms usually accompany:

  • Severe weakness, lethargy. The child constantly sleeps
  • Body temperature is elevated, drops briefly, then rises again
  • The cough is simply painful, almost non-stop
  • Dyspnea

In this situation, there is a danger of a bacterial infection in the respiratory system and the development of pneumonia or bronchitis. It is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

Attention! Call an ambulance immediately if you notice blood in your child's sputum. There is a possibility of having tuberculosis

How is yellow sputum examined?

When a cough with yellow sputum appears, a person goes to a therapist. The doctor first asks the patient about the onset of the disease, finds out whether there is a fever, how long the cough lasts, what is the amount of sputum and its nature, that is, the color of the fluid released.

After this, a sputum test may be ordered. For this purpose, microscopic or macroscopic examination is used.

In the case of microscopy, the laboratory assistant examines pathological cells and elements: increased eosinophils, neutrophils more than 30, fibers, as well as indicators of the presence of asthma or allergies.

Bacterioscopy allows you to determine the presence of microbes in sputum. If none are identified, then they take an analysis for mucus bacteria. The laboratory technician must conduct the study no later than two hours after receiving the mucus. The doctor knows that a healthy person also has a certain amount of pathogenic microorganisms in the saliva, trachea and bronchi. However, their number should not exceed a certain number.

When tuberculosis is detected, bacterial culture is generally carried out at least three times. Only then can a conclusion be drawn based on the presence or absence of Koch’s bacillus in the body.

You need to prepare for the analysis:

  • Two days before sputum collection, you need to increase your fluid intake. Minimum two liters per day
  • Treat your mouth with Miramistin or Furacilin
  • Sputum should be collected in the morning, before meals.
  • Before getting ready, perform morning hygiene: brush your teeth, rinse your mouth

Now the procedure itself: breathe. Inhale and exhale several times, cough deliberately. Collecting sputum must be done in a sterile jar, such as can be purchased at a pharmacy.

If you cannot cough up the mucus, perform an inhalation procedure with plain water. It is enough to collect only 6 mm of mucus.

It is necessary to take the analysis to the laboratory as early as possible; after two hours it will no longer be informative. However, if this is not possible, then place the well-sealed jar in the refrigerator. There, sputum can be stored for about two days.

The hospital may suggest doing a bronchoscopy. This is a very reliable study

Collection of sputum in children

Sometimes parents encounter difficulties when collecting sputum from a child, especially if he is still a baby.

It is wrong to force a child to cough on purpose. Try to play with your baby, let him be distracted. You can give him some tasty treat.

The presence of yellow sputum in a child, along with additional symptoms, tells the doctor about a bacterial infection. Then a microscopic examination of the mucus is done, and the child is prescribed antibiotic therapy.

Treatment of yellow sputum when coughing

Depending on the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed either simply symptomatic therapy or antibiotics are added.

Expectorants are used for treatment:

  • Ambrobene
  • Lazolvan
  • Azts or Vicks-Active
  • Bromhexine Berlin Chemistry

The effect of mucolytic drugs begins quite quickly - after half an hour and lasts for almost 7 hours. These products make it easier for mucus to come out.

To make the sputum more liquid and cough better, Acetylcestin and Fluimucil are prescribed.

An excellent choice in the treatment of cough with yellow sputum would be preparations based on medicinal herbs: Chest Collection, Mukaltin, Altai Collection.

Sometimes expectorants and other drugs are combined. But only the doctor decides this, depending on the diagnosis and condition of the patient.

If a bacterial infection is detected, antibiotics are prescribed: Amoxilav, Summamed, Ampicillin.

In the absence of contraindications, inhalations can be done. This will remove the thickness of sputum and reduce the symptoms of cough. However, it is important to choose the right drugs for inhalation.

Important! Inhalation procedures should not be performed on infants. Use inhalations with caution for people with diseases of the central nervous system

In children, treatment of cough with yellow sputum is identical to that in adults. The only differences are in dosages. Some drugs have age restrictions. For example, ACC, Fluimucil.

Antibiotic therapy in children includes drugs such as Suprax, Flemoxim Solutab 125 g, Amoxilav, etc.

Treatment of cough with yellow sputum using traditional methods

Traditional medicine has many effective remedies for treating cough. Among them are tinctures, lotions, decoctions and rubbing ointments:

  1. Make the following mixture: 200 grams of fresh honey, lemon put through a blender, and 00 grams of milk. Take a tablespoon three times a day. If the honey is fresh, you can take it separately: take a teaspoon into your mouth and suck it like candy.
  2. Sage decoction for cough: 150 gr. add chopped sage to a mug of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours. Add boiled milk - 150 gr. You can drink half a glass once a day
  3. The following collection will be very effective: marshmallow, bearberry, plantain and mint - take 100 grams of each herb. each, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Then leave for an hour. Drink a tablespoon several times a day

Onions are considered an excellent remedy for treating coughs with phlegm in folk medicine. You can make lotions from onion juice, soak a small cloth in it and put it on your chest. Leave for half an hour.

You can also take three onions (do not peel them!), add them to a saucepan with a liter of water, cook over low heat for about an hour, then add half a cup of granulated sugar. Cool and drink half a glass at least three times a day.

For children

Folk remedies for the treatment of cough with yellow sputum in children should be used with caution, after consulting with a doctor. They are not applicable to newborns and children under 2 years of age due to the high risk of allergic reactions.

  • Take 15 grams of chopped figs and add boiling water to a mug. Then cook over low heat for about 15 minutes. Strain and give the child a tablespoon three times a day, strictly after eating.
  • Radish juice. 100 grams of juice and 100 grams. combine boiled milk. Sweeten a little with honey. Take 15 ml three times a day after meals
  • Mix onion juice and honey. In equal parts. For example, 100 grams of onion juice and 100 grams of honey. This simple remedy will help treat a severe cough. Take a tablespoon twice a day until symptoms disappear

It is very important to provide clean, cool air in your home. Humidity matters a lot! If you cannot achieve the desired humidity and temperature, buy a humidifier. It will serve you well. Under such conditions, the cough will subside in the shortest possible time.


Remember that any cough, including yellow sputum, should go away within 30 days. If it continues longer, you need to consult a pulmonologist again.

Conditions for ensuring the health of the respiratory system:

  • Once a year it is obligatory to undergo fluorography
  • Quit smoking
  • Be outdoors often
  • Hardening. Including children
  • Proper nutrition (especially in the autumn-winter period, including vitamins)
  • Sports activities
  • Conditions in the house (frequent ventilation, humidity)

If your general condition allows, there is no fever or other signs of illness, walking is very useful for coughing. Do not lock yourself at home, follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and the cough will quickly leave you.

By the term “sputum”, experts understand the secretion secreted by the cells of the bronchi, to which the contents of the sinuses and nose, as well as saliva, are added. Normally she has slimy and transparent appearance. There is not very much of it and it is released only in the morning by people who smoke, those who work in industries with a lot of dust or live in regions with dry air.

In such cases, it is not called sputum, but tracheobronchial secretion. If a pathological process develops, then the following can get into the sputum:

  1. blood - on the way to the end of the bronchi from the nose, the vessels were damaged;
  2. pus - bacterial inflammation is found in respiratory tract;
  3. mucus - for inflammation that is not bacterial in nature.

The bronchial mucosa consists of cells that are covered with cilia - microtubules that move upward (in their normal position). Goblet cells- small glands that are located between the ciliated cells. Their number is 4 times less than the number of ciliated ones. They are not located in an orderly manner, but chaotically. There are areas where there is only one type of these cells. There are no glandular cells in the bronchioles or small bronchi. Ciliated and goblet cells are combined under one name - the mucociliary apparatus, and movement in the trachea and bronchi - mucociliary clearance.

Mucus, which is produced by goblet cells, is the basis of sputum. It is needed to remove from the bronchi those microbes and dust particles that, due to their small size, were not noticed by the ciliated cells that are in the throat and nose.

The vessels adhere tightly to the bronchial mucosa. Immune cells, which come out of them, control that there are no foreign particles in the air that enters the lungs. Some of the immune cells are also found in the mucous membrane. Their function is the same. It is because of this that tracheobronchial secretion is present normally.

Without this secretion from inside the bronchi would be covered with impurities and soot, which can cause inflammation. Its amount per day is 10–100 ml. It may contain a small number of leukocytes, but neither atypical cells, nor bacteria, nor fibers that are contained in lung tissue are detected in it. The secretion is formed gradually and slowly. Therefore, having reached the oropharynx of a healthy person, he swallows a small amount of this mucous content without noticing it.

What causes phlegm in the throat without coughing?

This happens due to increased secretion production or deterioration of its excretion. There are many causes for this condition. These include:

  1. smoking;
  2. work in those enterprises where the level of air pollution with coal, silicate particles or other harmful substances is high;
  3. irritation of the throat with hot, spicy or cold food, alcoholic drinks. In these situations, there is no deterioration in breathing, malaise or any other symptoms;
  4. pharyngeal-laryngeal reflux (reflux of the contents of the throat, where stomach ingredients have entered that do not have acidic environment, closer to the windpipe). With this condition, there are the following symptoms: cough and sore throat;
  5. acute sinusitis. Its main symptoms are: a lot of snot, headache, fever and deterioration in general condition. All these symptoms are initial;
  6. chronic sinusitis. Experts call this pathology “no cough.” Its symptoms are: fatigue, poor sense of smell, difficulty breathing through the nose. Constantly in the throat from the sinuses thick sputum is produced;
  7. chronic tonsillitis. In this case, the person is worried about bad breath, phlegm, whitish masses may appear on the tonsils, released independently or under certain conditions. x movements of the oral muscles. They have an unpleasant odor. There is no sore throat, but body temperature can fluctuate between 37–37.3 degrees.
  8. Chronic catarrhal rhinitis. If there is no exacerbation, then in the cold one half of the nose becomes stuffy. Sometimes a small amount of mucus may be discharged from the nose. If an exacerbation begins, then abundant thick snot appears, which creates a feeling of phlegm in the throat;
  9. rhinitis hypertrophic chronic form. The main symptom is difficulty breathing through one half of the nose. This may cause pain in that part of the head. A slight nasality also appears, taste and smell deteriorate. Discharge comes out or accumulates in the throat;
  10. Vasomotor rhinitis. With him periodically sneezing attacks appear, occurring after itching in the throat, mouth or nose. From time to time, nasal breathing becomes difficult, and liquid mucus is secreted into the pharyngeal cavity or out of the nose. These attacks are associated with sleep, and can also occur after overwork, changes in weather conditions and air temperature, eating spicy food, increased blood pressure or emotional stress;
  11. pharyngitis. Sputum in this case occurs against the background pain or sore throat. Most often, these sensations cause a cough - dry or with a small amount of sputum;
  12. Sjögren's syndrome. Due to the fact that the mouth becomes dry (the level of saliva production decreases), phlegm seems to accumulate in the throat.

What color is sputum without coughing?

  1. white mucous sputum is a sign of fungal tonsillitis;
  2. clear sputum with white streaks accompanies catarrhal chronic pharyngitis;
  3. thick green sputum is a sign of hypertrophic chronic pharyngitis;
  4. yellow sputum without coughing indicates that a person has a purulent process in the upper respiratory tract (laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis).

If a person develops phlegm after coughing, this indicates diseases of the lungs, bronchi or trochea. It can be one of the following in nature: congestive, allergic, inflammatory, chronic, tumor or acute. A diagnosis cannot be made solely by the presence of sputum in a person. To make an accurate diagnosis, the following are necessary: ​​bacteriological and general sputum tests, radiography (in some cases, tomography) of the lungs, listening to sounds in the lungs, and a thorough examination by a specialist.

Color of sputum when coughing

Yellow sputum when coughing may indicate the following::

  1. the presence of a purulent process such as pneumonia and acute bronchitis. These diseases can be distinguished only after tomography or radiography of the lungs. The symptoms of these diseases are identical;
  2. the presence of a large number of eosinophils in the bronchial or pulmonary tissue, which indicates eosinophilic pneumonia;
  3. presence of sinusitis. In addition to yellow sputum, symptoms include malaise, headache, purulent-mucous yellow snot;
  4. liquid yellow sputum with a minimal amount of mucus, which appears when the skin turns jaundiced (with cirrhosis, tumor or hepatitis) indicates that the lungs have been affected;
  5. The yellow color of ocher indicates siderosis. This disease is mainly observed in people who work in dusty industries where iron oxides are present.

Yellow-green sputum is a sign of:

Rusty-colored sputum indicates that the vessels in the respiratory tract were injured, but by the time the blood reached the oral cavity, it was oxidized and hemoglobin turned into hematin. This can happen when:

  1. pulmonary embolism (PE);
  2. pneumonia, when viral or purulent inflammation, melting lung tissue, leads to damage to blood vessels. In this case, the following symptoms are observed: lack of appetite, vomiting, weakness, shortness of breath, increased body temperature, and sometimes diarrhea;
  3. severe cough. In this case, rusty streaks are observed, which should disappear after 24-48 hours.

Brown color of sputum indicates:

  1. the presence of congenital pathology in the lungs - bullae (cavities filled with air). The bulla ruptured near the lung. If air gets into the pleura, there will be shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air, which increases over time;
  2. pulmonary gangrene. The person’s general condition worsens significantly: body temperature rises, vomiting, clouding of consciousness, and weakness are observed. In addition to being brown, the sputum has a putrid odor;
  3. pneumoconiosis - the disease appears due to industrial dust. It is characterized by a dry cough and chest pain. Gradually develops into a chronic form.
  4. lung cancer - in the initial stages the disease does not manifest itself, but subsequently a person develops a cough, sudden weight loss, sweating at night and difficulty breathing.
  5. tuberculosis - sweating, weakness, prolonged dry cough, weight loss and lack of appetite are observed.

White sputum indicates the following diseases:

  1. ORZ. In this case, the sputum has a mucous consistency, foamy or thick, transparent white;
  2. lungs' cancer. The white consistency of the sputum contains streaks of blood. Also characterized by rapid fatigue and sudden weight loss;
  3. bronchial asthma. Sputum is released after a coughing attack and has a glassy, ​​thick consistency;
  4. heart diseases. Sputum has a thin, whitish consistency.

Treatment for coughing yellow sputum

In order for the treatment of yellow sputum in the presence of a cough to be effective, the following factors must be taken into account:

  1. doses of drugs can be prescribed individually, taking into account concomitant diseases, the underlying disease and the patient’s response to medications;
  2. Treatment is prescribed only after the reasons for the presence of sputum have been established.

If you have discharge during a cough, you need to take a large amount of liquid - herbal infusions and warm tea. Herbs are used with enveloping, anti-inflammatory, expectorant effects. These include: marshmallow, St. John's wort, chamomile, sage and others.

The following medications are used for treatment:

  1. antihistamines - for the etiology of cough of an allergic nature;
  2. mucolytics - normalize the coughing up of secretions from the bronchi;
  3. agents with a mucoregulating effect - they help antibacterial drugs enter the bronchi and expel sputum from the bronchi;
  4. agents with expectorant action - facilitate the secretion of sputum and reduce its concentration in the bronchi.

Antibiotics are used for treatment in rare cases.


Remember that inflammatory processes in the bronchi mainly occur due to insufficient or improper treatment of acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections. This is why flu and colds should be treated rather than expecting a favorable outcome.

For prevention, follow these rules:

  1. you need to dress according to the weather, and not overheat or hypothermia;
  2. eat well. When it’s cold, you shouldn’t exhaust yourself with diets, this will weaken your immunity;
  3. eat more fruits and vegetables. Drink fruit drinks and infusions of mint, citrus fruits, rose hips and berries;
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