Rusty sputum is characteristic of. Diseases characterized by rusty sputum

M sputum is a mucous or other kind of exudate that accumulates in the structures of the bronchial tree under certain pathological conditions. According to medical statistics, rusty sputum occurs in approximately 5-7% of all patients who consult a pulmonologist. It is rusty in the literal sense, since we are talking about the oxidation of blood by mucous exudate and atmospheric air.

The nature of the disease-causing condition plays a big role in differential diagnosis, since the presence of the disease can be accurately determined by its shade and accompanying symptoms. What is it recommended for the “ordinary patient” to know about such a difficult condition?

Among the characteristic diseases the following pathogenic conditions can be distinguished:

  • Smoker's cough.

Tobacco smoking plays an important role in the development of a pathogenic symptom. In most cases, small blood vessels and capillaries rupture and a small amount of blood escapes. Since its volume is not large, in the absence of a large amount of mucus in the bronchi, the hematological fluid has time to completely oxidize, turning into iron oxide (actually, rust).

Another reason may be increased capillary permeability in smokers. This occurs everywhere and the more often, the longer the smoking history of a particular patient.

  • Pneumonia.

Pneumonia in the early stages. An intense cough reflex leads to rupture of small blood structures and the release of a small volume of hematological fluid into the bronchial tissue.

The result is oxidation of the blood and gives it a brown, rusty hue. Most often we are talking about lobar pneumonia in the early stages of its course.

  • Bronchitis.

Much like pneumonia. Without objective research, it is simply impossible to distinguish one pathological condition from another. An x-ray is required, or even better, an MRI or CT scan.

  • Lungs' cancer .

Oncological pathologies are extremely common. According to medical statistics, lung cancer is among the leaders in incidence, being an almost absolute record holder. The reasons are subjective in most cases: frequent, systematic smoking in large volumes.

Research shows that an avid fan of “tarring” has several genetic mutations in the cellular apparatus of the bronchial epithelium. This is a direct path to malignant degeneration. Rusty sputum is observed only in the early stages, although this is not always true.

  • Rusty sputum is characteristic of bronchiectasis.

Bronchiectasis is a pathological expansion of the alveolar structures of the bronchi. The essence of the process is to encapsulate a large amount of pus and oxidized blood in the indicated anatomical formations. Exudate in bronchiectasis is complex in nature and includes several layers of pus and blood. The color of sputum ranges from pale sand to rusty and dark brown.

  • Pulmonary edema.

It is relatively rare and is more characterized by the release of fresh hematological fluid.

What other diseases cause rusty sputum? Definitely pulmonary tuberculosis. A very common pathology. But rusty sputum is released only in the early stages.

Diseases can only be differentiated through objective diagnosis. A component of the research is the assessment of associated symptoms.

Associated symptoms

Rusty sputum is never the only symptom of certain diseases. Most often we are talking about the following manifestations:

  • Hyperthermia. Simply put, an increase in body temperature. It is observed in the range from 37.1 to 39 degrees Celsius, depending on the nature of the current pathological process. With cancer, patients and doctors note constant hyperthermia at the level of low-grade fever. Infectious diseases are classified by high thermometer readings.
  • Pain syndrome behind the sternum. When inhaling and exhaling. A nonspecific manifestation, typical of many pathologies.
  • Respiratory failure. Shortness of breath, suffocation. Paroxysmal character or constant breathing problems. It all depends on the type of pathogenic process.
  • Heaviness in the chest, whistling, wheezing when breathing. Indicate narrowing of the bronchi due to stenosis or occlusion (blockage).

Thus, sputum is not the only symptom, but allows you to determine the vector for further diagnosis.


Diagnosis is carried out by pulmonologists and phthisiatricians if there is a suspected tuberculosis process. In the case of cancer, you cannot do without consulting an oncologist. At the initial appointment, the specialist interviews the patient about complaints, their nature, duration, and limitation. An anamnesis is collected, that is, the doctor determines what diseases the patient has suffered during his life.

It is important to identify the presence of a focus of chronic infectious lesions in the body, contact with tuberculosis patients and other important factors.
To put an end to the issue of the origin of the symptom, a number of instrumental and laboratory studies are carried out aimed at differentiating individual diagnoses.

Accordingly, the following are required:

  1. Bronchoscopy. An absolutely necessary study aimed at identifying bronchial pathologies. The doctor can evaluate the condition of the anatomical structures with his own eyes.
  2. X-ray of the lungs. It is carried out first.
  3. Fluorography. Reveals only the most severe changes in the condition of the chest organs.
  4. MRI/CT diagnostics. It can replace most studies and allows you to give a comprehensive picture of the disease-causing condition.
  5. Biopsy followed by histological and morphological examination.
  6. General blood analysis.
  7. Biochemistry of blood.

In total, these studies are sufficient to make a diagnosis.

Stages of lobar pneumonia

Lobar pneumonia is one of the most common causes of rusty sputum when coughing.

The disease goes through several stages in its development:

First stage. Lasts several days. There are no symptoms at all.
Second stage. It lasts 4-5 days and is characterized by the active production of rusty sputum with a gradual increase in the degree of respiratory failure.
Third stage. Characterized by the appearance of leukocytosis.
Fourth stage. Resolution of the disease. Lasts about 2 weeks. It occurs 7-10 days after the onset of the disease.


Characteristic symptoms of the pathology include:

  • Intense hyperthermia.
  • The release of a large amount of sputum of a rusty or reddish hue (with an active process).
  • Chest pain.
  • Transparent mucus protects the respiratory organs of healthy people from dust and pathogenic microbes. In case of illness, it turns into sputum - it loses transparency, becomes viscous, makes breathing difficult and causes coughing. The color of sputum also changes when you cough: it contains dead cells, pus, bacteria, and blood particles. The color of the exudate can be used to judge how dangerous the disease is.

    With advanced inflammation in the bronchi and lungs, green sputum is released with coughing. Often this symptom is a complication after ARVI or influenza. During a primary cough, the mucus is not green. This color is given to it by an active inflammatory process provoked by a bacterial infection.

    The discharge contains clots of rotting microbes and leukocytes that died in the fight against them. The more active and wider the process spreads, the more green exudate is released when coughing. Foul-smelling discharge of increased density signals possible stagnation of blood in the lungs.

    A cough producing green sputum is usually accompanied by high fever and shortness of breath. Such symptoms require immediate consultation with a doctor; only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. Possible diseases accompanied by the discharge of green sputum:

    • Bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia of bacterial origin require quick and intensive treatment, since the inflammatory process quickly spreads to the lungs.
    • With tuberculosis during remission, the release of green exudate is a favorable sign of cleansing of the lungs during successful therapy.
    • – chronic inflammation in the bronchi, discharge with pus appears in the acute stage.

    For ARVI, colds or flu, it is important to monitor changes in the color of the discharge when coughing. The appearance of green is a signal of the transition from home treatment to intensive care in a hospital.

    In the lower parts of the respiratory tract, inflammatory processes may be accompanied by a cough with yellow sputum. Their cause is bacterial infections. The yellow color of the exudate is explained by the fact that the purulent contents mix with blood from damaged capillaries. A cough producing yellow sputum during an infectious disease is very dangerous, because it can become chronic and cause complications in the form of tuberculosis. To prevent its development, it is recommended to do a sputum test and begin timely treatment.

    Inflammation becomes chronic in advanced colds, when the cough becomes less frequent and weaker. It is mistaken for a residual phenomenon and treatment is stopped. In fact, the residual cough lasts 2-3 weeks and produces a small amount of clear sputum.

    If the cough continues for more than a month and yellow sputum is produced, this means that the disease is becoming chronic and intensive treatment is necessary.

    Mucus has a yellow color in the following pathological conditions:

    • bronchitis and pneumonia of bacterial origin;
    • bronchiectasis;
    • siderosis - cough with yellow exudate occurs when iron compounds enter the respiratory cavities;
    • – tar, tobacco residues in the bronchi mix with mucus and form yellow to brown clots.

    Brown exudate

    The appearance of brown mucus can be a sign of a progressive and life-threatening disease. Sputum acquires this color when stagnant blood enters the respiratory tract. As it oxidizes, it takes on a rusty tint. Vessels of the lungs, bronchi, and trachea may bleed as a result of a bacterial or viral infection or other pathologies. The cause of brown sputum is bleeding wounds in the mouth, nose, or stomach bleeding. The appearance of discharge of this color when coughing is a reason for immediate consultation with a doctor. A variety of diseases are diagnosed with this symptom:

    • Bronchitis and pneumonia with congestion, when decomposition of lung tissue occurs.
    • Pulmonary embolism (PE) - its lumen is blocked by a thrombus, and blood leaks through the walls of the vessels.
    • Cancerous formations in the respiratory tract at the stage of tissue destruction.
    • An active form of tuberculosis, which is characterized by the symptom of stagnant blood coming out of the lesions.
    • Foreign particles entering the lungs that injure tissues and blood vessels.

    Brown mucus can form as a result of minor damage to the capillaries when coughing - in this case, it passes quickly and does not pose a danger. In other cases, self-medication for coughing with brown sputum can be fatal.

    Appearance of pink color in mucus

    Pink sputum is a symptom of the release of fresh blood, which is just as dangerous as brown exudate. Pink color of varying intensity is characteristic of severe diseases with damage to blood vessels, therefore emergency medical care is required.

    – develops rapidly, accompanied by high fever, shortness of breath, tachycardia. Little sputum is produced; it quickly turns from pink to dark red.

    – formation in the lung tissue of a cavity filled with pus. The breakthrough of a purulent focus is accompanied by coughing and the release of purulent contents mixed with blood.

    Malignant neoplasms in the lungs - exudate may change as the process develops. At first it is a foamy formation with streaks of blood, then it becomes jelly-like and acquires a crimson hue. The mucus contains pieces of decomposed tissue and greenish pus.

    – pink sputum appears in the later stages of the disease, it becomes viscous and dense. Additional symptoms are persistent low-grade fever, dry cough, and profuse sweating.

    – filling of the lung with fluid, impaired respiratory function. The discharge of foamy pink mucus is accompanied by suffocation, shortness of breath, and shallow, convulsive breathing.

    A cough with pink sputum is such a serious symptom that self-medication is out of the question. In this case, urgent hospitalization, accurate diagnosis, and intensive treatment are necessary.

    With inflammation of the gums and damage to blood vessels in the nasopharynx, blood oozes from the capillaries, turning the saliva, and with it the sputum, pink. This problem is not dangerous and can be solved during home treatment.

    Coughing up clear sputum

    Clear mucus is released when coughing at the onset of illness or during the recovery period.

    It is typical for the following diseases:

    • viral infections of the respiratory system and nasopharynx: sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • allergy;
    • reaction to chemicals that irritate the mucous surface of the respiratory tract.

    The release of large amounts of mucus is associated with the action of local immunity. In response to the invasion of viruses or allergens, the mucous membrane produces a large amount of secretion that performs a protective function. In most cases, this symptom is not a sign of a dangerous disease and does not cause much concern. However, with improper care, the disease can progress and the mucus can acquire undesirable shades. The main rule of home treatment for cough is to treat it until complete recovery.

    Main causes of white sputum

    The mucus of a healthy person is transparent, but the appearance of white sputum is a signal of the development of the disease. Mucus becomes white in the following cases:

    • fungal infection of the respiratory tract - white, cheesy discharge appears, usually accompanying atypical pneumonia;
    • white spiral-shaped accumulations in watery sputum are characteristic of viral infections and;
    • gray sputum occurs in smokers when smoke particles mix with mucus;
    • The exudate acquires a dark gray color when the lung tissue decomposes during the growth of a malignant tumor.

    When coughing up white mucus, it is important to monitor your body temperature. An elevated temperature is evidence of an infectious process. A cough without fever accompanies allergic attacks or cardiac pathology. It is difficult to diagnose the disease based on white sputum, since it is produced in many pathologies.

    • Bronchitis and pneumonia of viral etiology in the initial stage produce white mucus, which “turns green” or “yellow” as the disease develops.
    • Tuberculosis - in the first period of the disease, a white secretion is released, which is interspersed with blood discharge as the process progresses.
    • Coronary heart disease - accompanied by a dry cough with white bubbling discharge.
    • Poisoning with drugs, medications, heavy metal compounds - causes profuse white discharge when coughing.
    • Heartburn - the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus can be accompanied by its entry into the respiratory system, which causes a cough with thick foamy mucus.

    Diseases accompanied by a cough with sputum of different colors require accurate diagnosis and, most often, intensive treatment.

    Diagnostic measures

    Establishing the causes of the pathological process begins with a visit to the therapist, who, after anamnesis, prescribes the following studies:

    • blood and urine tests;
    • sputum analysis;
    • chest x-ray.

    To clarify the diagnosis, the following is prescribed:

    • electrocardiogram;
    • computed angiography of the vessels of the lungs and heart;
    • chest tomography.

    Next, the patient is treated by a specialized specialist: a cardiologist, an ENT doctor. Self-medication for coughing with sputum is permissible only in the case of clear mucus. In all other situations, accurate diagnosis, specialist consultation, and intensive therapy are necessary.

    Sputum is a symptom that characterizes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract or alveoli. The amount and nature of sputum discharge should be monitored, which the patient should collect in special jars with lids.

    It should be remembered that sputum always contains a large number of different bacteria (pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci, etc.). In addition, sputum may contain pathogens such as mycobacterium tuberculosis and various viruses that increase the pathogenicity of sputum.

    By the amount of sputum one can judge the spread and depth of the inflammatory process. During the day, with catarrhal bronchitis and some forms of pneumonia, the patient produces little sputum. The production of large amounts of sputum (a mouthful) indicates a lung abscess or bronchiectasis.

    In the initial stage of chronic nonspecific (inflammatory) lung diseases and such a specific lesion as tuberculosis, sputum comes out easily, and the patient may not pay attention to it. As the disease progresses, the cough becomes painful, as the sputum becomes thick and difficult to separate.

    Sputum can be difficult to separate at the beginning of the disease, for example, with bronchial asthma, when, with an exacerbation of its course, a pronounced spasm of the bronchi is observed and the nature of the sputum changes, becoming viscous, which interferes with its release.

    By its nature, sputum can be mucous, mucopurulent or purulent.

    Mucous sputum transparent, sometimes whitish from an admixture of fibrin. Such sputum occurs with catarrhal inflammation. Depending on the type of dust, the sputum may be gray or black. Such sputum occurs in smokers or people who work for a long time in a dusty enterprise (for example, miners).

    If pus is mixed with mucous sputum, and mucus is mixed with purulent sputum, then this indicates mucopurulent or purulent mucous sputum. As a rule, such sputum is inhomogeneous, it contains many lumps of pus or mucus, and takes on a yellowish color. Sputum of this nature is most often found in people with chronic lung diseases, especially chronic bronchitis.

    Rust-colored sputum isolated in patients with lobar pneumonia. Its color is due to the presence of breakdown products of hemoglobin and red blood cells.

    The amount of sputum and its character may change during the course of the disease. Thus, in the initial forms of tuberculosis, sputum may be absent or released in separate spits. As the process progresses, especially after the collapse of lung tissue begins, the amount of sputum increases significantly. From the onset of the disease, the sputum is mucous in nature, then becomes mucopurulent, and later purulent.

    The sputum may also have an unpleasant odor, which in most cases cannot be detected from a distance. But in certain cases, when the patient produces a lot of sputum, a putrid odor is felt, which indicates severe damage to the bronchopulmonary system and the patient’s serious condition.

    Sputum is often examined to identify tubercle bacilli and atypical cells in order to diagnose tuberculosis and lung cancer.

    When sputum is produced, it always means that a microbe or bacteria is present in the body. Brown sputum indicates inflammation in the respiratory system. Brown sputum when coughing is an indicator of pathologies of the bronchi and lungs. Rusty sputum is difficult to cough up. When brown sputum is coughed up, this means the penetration of blood, for example, as a result of chronic diseases.

    Causes of brown discharge

    Why does the color of sputum change? Brown mucus is a criterion for many diseases. Discharge in the morning appears due to the fact that the muscles of the sternum contract, trying to eliminate everything on their own. Rusty sputum occurs in patients with a disease caused by an infection. Rusty-colored sputum is considered a reason for concern and a visit to the doctor. This tone is often observed with pneumonia. Red sputum indicates the presence of blood, but unlike pinkish mucus there is much more of it. In this case, the mucus radically changes color with the formation of veins.

    Brown sputum occurs due to inflammation (usually the lungs). Brown sputum when coughing indicates necrosis (death) of the lung tissue. Thick brown sputum with mucus is characteristic of diseases that are associated with damage to the respiratory system by various infections. This also includes polluted air and tobacco smoking. If we consider cough from this point of view, then it is an absolutely natural phenomenon, because coughing when smoking appears as a cleansing function (removing mucus from the respiratory system). In any case, when mucus is released, it is necessary to consult a pulmonologist. Pharmaceutical substances are prescribed depending on the personal characteristics of the body.

    Diseases with sputum production

    A specialist can help in this matter, so you need to contact the clinic. After all, the appearance of sputum and its shade can tell a lot about the presence of a disease or pathology in the human body. Therefore, medication therapy and the use of traditional medicine can be prescribed by a doctor, based on the symptoms and identifying the disease.

    People who smoke a lot may notice that brown mucus forms in the throat in the morning and is coughed up. Due to inhalation of harmful cigarette smoke, the size of the discharge increases. In addition, such a habit is harmful to health, since a colossal number of harmful substances enter the bronchi along with smoke. In this case, the body tries to remove all elements hazardous to health. Please note that even a common cold causes expectoration.

    Phlegm is mucus from disease processes in the airways and lungs that is expelled when coughing. However, if complications are present in the body, the normal clear mucus may include pus. If parents notice such discharge in a child, it is necessary not to delay a visit to the doctor, because such a symptom is dangerous for the child. When a patient’s doctor discovers the discharge of brown sputum, we can talk about bronchitis.

    Sputum mixed with brown spots appears due to external conditions: dust, paints or other irritants of the mucous membrane. Mucus in tuberculosis is of a special nature - the patient has bloody streaks, purulent discharge with mucus. Mucus in pneumonia is often mixed with saliva and can include bacteria, cellular detritus, cells of the immune system, dust formation, and blood elements. The tone of the discharge depends on the disease process and its stage. Thus, sputum presents a huge variety of colors, such as white, yellow, grayish, greenish, pinkish, scarlet, brown, dark, rust color. Each shade of which indicates a specific disease of the respiratory system.


    Mostly brown sputum appears in a smoker in the morning. When a person sleeps, mucus accumulates, and when he wakes up, phlegm begins to leave the bronchi naturally. A person who smokes for a long time eventually develops so-called smoker's bronchitis. Moreover, the cough becomes his constant companion. Naturally, smokers do not monitor their health, so they do not pay due attention to the color of the discharge. They are accustomed to a morning cough and do not consider this a cause for concern. However, brown sputum is considered an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

    Thus, by introducing harmful smoke into the body, smokers slowly poison it with heavy elements. Therefore, it is better to give up such a bad habit in order to exclude more serious diseases and complications in the future. People who have continuously consumed harmful cigarette smoke for several years in a row need to cleanse their lungs. To do this, you can use breathing exercises, which are popular today, with which you can improve the health of the entire body. The doctor may also prescribe you expectorant medications or a more gentle healing option using inhalations. Visit the clinic and the doctor will tell you which method is best for you. The doctor will monitor your health throughout the course of therapy, so no complications will arise.

    What kind of sputum is there?

    Discharges may include impurities that indicate specific changes or pathologies in the body.

    Pink sputum is an indicator of bleeding. Bloody discharge may be streaked. When the blood has already begun the process of clotting, the discharge turns into a rust color (a criterion for the death of red blood cells).

    The presence of drops of blood indicates the formation of various diseases, in particular this is an etiological type of bacterial pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus), blockage of a pulmonary artery or one of its branches by an embolus.

    A prerequisite for pulmonary edema is considered to be a complication of diseases of the pulmonary system, and the main symptom is foamy pink sputum. Pulmonary edema can be recognized by similar indicators:

    • hard breath;
    • cough with bloody discharge;
    • for headaches;
    • excessive sweating;
    • pale skin;
    • sense of anxiety.

    You should immediately consult a doctor, since the accumulation of fluid in the lungs can cause oxygen starvation and, as a result, death.

    Mucus can also be produced during a common cold. However, when complications arise, purulent discharge forms. If you cough up sputum with brown streaks, then dust or other elements have entered your lungs.

    Dark brown sputum is discharged due to the following diseases:

    • with bronchitis, when the cough lasts for more than three weeks;
    • chronic lung diseases.

    When the sputum contains a pink color, bleeding is suspected, while scarlet spots are present in the mucus.

    Diseases in which the mucus has a pink tint:

    • blockage of the pulmonary artery or one of its branches by embolism;
    • bacterial pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae;
    • infectious disease caused by different types of bacteria;
    • when the lung tissue thickens.

    When clear sputum comes out in a small amount, this is normal. The formation of an infection activated by bacteria is noticeable by a change in the tone of the mucus. Discharge with brown spots is a common symptom in people who inhale cigarette smoke.

    Green-brown sputum is caused by the breakdown of neutrophils. This reaction is observed in subsequent diseases:

    • a congenital disease in which the functioning of the secretion organs is disrupted;
    • localized accumulation of pus in the lungs;
    • bronchitis at the chronic stage.

    Yellow-brown sputum is observed with inflammation of the lung tissue. The disease is formed due to poorly carried out therapy for pneumonia.

    How to help the body with brown phlegm

    An excellent method for combating mucus is heating, thanks to which you can cough up the mucus. With this method of treatment, mustard plaster can be used. In addition, it is easier to cough up mucus during inhalation, which can be done every 2 hours. The treatment option with compresses and mustard plasters is used only as prescribed by a doctor, since in case of bleeding this option is excluded. They cope with this indicator of inhalation, but they cannot be carried out at high temperatures.

    When brown sputum is coughed up, you must follow these rules:

    • drink large amounts of liquid (promotes liquefaction and, as a result, the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract);
    • drink alkaline mineral water (to soften cough);
    • it is necessary to add more fruits and vegetables to the diet, and also exclude foods high in carbohydrates and fats from the menu;

    In this case, the doctor will advise the patient:

    • quit smoking once and for all;
    • balance nutrition;
    • take vitamins and medications as prescribed.

    At the slightest symptoms, when your health worsens, signs of colds appear, you need to start treatment and take medications prescribed by a pulmonologist.

    Folk remedies to improve sputum output

    To speed up the removal of sputum, you should obtain a doctor’s recommendation and, in everyday circumstances, take additional measures to promote the free discharge of sputum.

    Previously, there were no drugs, so diseases with sputum were treated with natural ingredients:

    1. You need to add a couple of pine buds (fresh) to boiled milk. The broth should stand and brew for about 60 minutes. To keep the tincture warm, cover the container with milk with a towel. So, the broth will be more saturated. The prepared drink helps get rid of infections and softens the respiratory tract.
    2. To prepare the onion recipe, you need to boil 2 vegetables (unpeeled) in 0.5 liters of water for about an hour. During the process of boiling the onions, you need to add sugar (a glass) to the container. You need to consume the solution 125 ml up to 3 times a day.
    3. Take a tablespoon of plantain, marshmallow, mint (chopped) and steam for an hour. The prepared tea should cool down, after which it can be taken half a glass twice a day.

    Therapy for wet cough using traditional medicine methods is selected taking into account the patient’s age, symptoms, individual tolerance of pharmaceuticals or their individual components.

    Preventive measures consist of preventing factors causing respiratory diseases (hypothermia, decreased immunity, stressful conditions, lack of vitamins, exposure to drafts, increased physical activity), and eliminating interaction with external irritants. In addition, it is important to refrain from harmful habits and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Video: How to get rid of phlegm in 3 minutes.

    Some people produce fairly large quantities of rusty sputum when they cough.

    This phenomenon is one of the reasons for concern about the state of the body.

    After all, people should understand that doctors consider such discharge to be a sign of the development of pathological processes that have affected the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.

    You need to be extremely careful when sputum of an uncharacteristic color appears. You should seek help from a doctor who will select treatment and be able to stop the development of complications in a timely manner.

    Sputum is an exudate that is mucous or otherwise in nature.

    It gradually accumulates in the structures of the bronchial tree during the development of any pathology of the respiratory system.

    According to medical statistics, brown discharge is observed in approximately 5-8% of patients who are examined by a pulmonologist.

    Attention! The sputum turns out to be rusty in the literal sense, because blood is susceptible to oxidation when interacting with mucous matter, as well as atmospheric air.

    When carrying out differential diagnosis of a disease, the nature of a person’s pathogenic condition is of particular importance.

    This is due to the fact that a specialist can accurately determine the disease by the color of the discharge and the manifestation of accompanying symptoms.

    At the smoker's

    People who smoke several cigarettes daily are at risk. After all, their bodies are more likely to develop a pathogenic symptom.

    Typically, pulmonologists explain the appearance of rusty sputum during coughing by ruptures of small blood vessels, as well as capillaries, resulting in the release of a small amount of blood.

    Its volume is insignificant, therefore, in the absence of a large amount of mucous secretion in the bronchi, the hematological fluid quickly undergoes an oxidation process, turning into iron oxide (rust).

    Important! Doctors often determine another reason why sputum of an uncharacteristic color may be produced. In many smokers, capillary permeability increases over time, causing blood to pass through their walls and enter the bronchial secretions, and then come out when coughing.)