Residual cough in a child after bronchitis - how to treat, what does Komarovsky advise? How to treat residual cough in a child.

How to cure residual cough if the main signs of the disease and inflammatory process have already disappeared, but a stable, slightly elevated temperature remains and sputum continues to be excreted? And does it need to be treated or will it go away on its own? It all depends on the characteristics of the cough, its duration and accompanying symptoms, first things first.

In the case where cough is a residual sign of bronchitis, it always goes away after a short period of time and does not cause inconvenience, and you feel good. With this phenomenon, the child can contact others and go to kindergarten or school.

In some cases persistent cough is perceived as residual, but in fact these are complications after an illness.

Chronic cough, with or without sputum, that continues for several weeks, and is accompanied by other features of the disease ( hard breath, increased body temperature or expectoration of pus) may serve as signs of incompletely cured bronchitis, which has led to complications. A specialist will be able to distinguish between these varieties, who, if necessary, will prescribe continuation of therapy and prescribe suitable drugs or procedures.

Causes and symptoms

IN childhood bronchitis occurs due to viral infections, affecting the bronchial mucosa. After destroying pathogenic bacteria and curing the disease, the mucous membrane needs time to restore its previous functionality. During this process, the child continues to cough, following irritating factors.

Does residual cough have clear signs, such as:

  • duration is about a month for severe bronchitis, and about a couple of weeks for normal bronchitis;
  • sputum is released in small quantities, has a thick consistency, colorless and without blood impurities, has no pungent odor;
  • every day the frequency of cough decreases, it becomes weak and gradually subsides altogether;
  • general state health is not deteriorating, body temperature is normal, there is no shortness of breath, pain or weakness;
  • sore throat decreases, the mucous membrane is restored, less and less susceptible to external irritants;
  • There are no signs of standard respiratory ailments such as runny nose, fever, muscle pain and general weakness.

The course of residual cough in childhood

Provided that parents pay due attention to hardening, strengthen the immune system and provide comfortable conditions for a quick recovery, the disease may pass without any residual reactions.

If a weakened immune system is constantly exposed to irritants, inappropriate conditions at home, or the child breathes tobacco smoke, then the duration of the disease itself and its consequences will be much longer.

A prolonged cough entails various complications, such as Chronical bronchitis, pneumonia or whooping cough.

How to relieve symptoms

The consequences of the disease do not require special treatment; it is a natural phenomenon and does not cause harm. After full recovery functions respiratory organs, the cough will go away on its own. But this process should be accelerated by all possible methods in order to prevent infection from entering the fragile body. The entry of the virus provokes a relapse of either the same bronchitis or the addition of an acute respiratory viral infection.

To completely cure the child and speedy deliverance from residual symptoms, you need to adhere to some recommendations that are relevant during the period of illness and after it:

  • Regularly ventilate the room where the child is;
  • protect your baby from inhaling tobacco smoke, limit the effect of allergens on the body, and also remove sharply smelling things;
  • support temperature regime indoors, do not allow sharp changes air;
  • It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning and humidify the air every day. For this, a special humidifier is useful, which is capable of maintaining an optimal level of humidity, which has bactericidal properties and does not create dampness.

Treatment with medications

To quickly cleanse the respiratory tract of mucous sputum, which accumulates in the organs during colds, it is practiced along with other methods, drug therapy. After examining the patient, the treating pediatrician prescribes the most suitable means, depending on the type of cough, these may be thinners or expectorants.

You can normalize the mucous membrane and remove its irritation using the following means:

  • for dry cough – Tusoprex;
  • anesthetic – Libexin;
  • expectorant – Lazolvan.

Folk remedies for getting rid of residual cough

Signs of residual cough can be removed using traditional medicine:

  1. Doctors recommend drinking as much fluid as possible throughout treatment. Warm milk with the addition of honey and cocoa butter has a beneficial effect on the condition of the nasopharynx and facilitates expectoration. For this purpose, figs boiled in milk are also used.
  2. If a child does not want to drink such drinks, then sweet eggnog should definitely suit his taste. This remedy has been used for preventive purposes and for cough therapy since ancient times. To prepare it you need to beat egg yolks with sugar until foam forms. To improve taste qualities this product contains cocoa, citrus juice(freshly squeezed) or honey, if they are not an allergen. Replacing chicken yolks with quail ones will further strengthen the immune system, and they are also safer because they do not contain salmonella.
  3. An infusion of young cones is effective for lingering coughs. This remedy is used even for chronic cough and improves the general condition. To prepare it you will need to pour a tablespoon of fresh crushed pine cones into a glass of boiling water and steam it overnight in a thermos. In the morning, add honey and divide the amount of drink into several doses per day.
  4. Has the same effect carrot juice together with radish juice in equal parts. This recipe also makes coughing easier.

Great effect is brought by inhalations and warm compresses at the time of rehabilitation. However, the use of ointments and mustard plasters containing irritating substances during recovery is not recommended.

For rubbing, badger or pork fat is most often used, which are covered with wax paper and wrapped to maintain thermal conditions. Warm boiled potatoes applied as a compress will bring noticeable relief.

Massage manipulations

You can alleviate the symptoms and course of a cough that remains by resorting to a massage complex. These manipulations must be carried out with vibrating, slightly tapping movements. To do this, place your head lower than your chest; this body position will remove mucus from the bronchi faster. Massage is performed different techniques and as follows:

Such actions remove accumulated mucus from the lungs and restore movement. chest.

Efficiency of inhalations

To remove cough, it is preferable to carry out moist warm inhalations rather than hot steam. Such manipulations have a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane, which requires special attention to recover from illness. They help remove mucus from the bronchi and in addition moisturize the bronchial passages.

To prepare a solution for inhalation, the following components are used:

  1. Infusions from herbal infusions. The most suitable: chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula. The liquid should be no more than 40 degrees.
  2. Saline. It has proven itself in the treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx, lungs, and bronchi. This occurs due to its amazing moisturizing of the nasopharynx and facilitating the removal of mucus from the bronchi. The solution is administered using a compressor or ultrasonic nebulizer.

After the thermal inhalation procedure, the child should not go outside for some time. cold air, a sharp change in temperature will cancel the result of the procedure, and in some cases may even worsen it.

Compliance with these simple rules and procedures allows you to quickly get rid of the residual effects of the disease. If you let the situation take its course, the process may drag on and lead to complications or relapse of the disease.

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to exercise, lead healthy image life and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

  • It's time to start thinking about what you're doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, Gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Don't forget to go through your scheduled annual examinations, treat lung diseases initial stages much simpler than in a neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by such specialists as a therapist and pulmonologist, you need to take radical measures otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors' recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and make contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immune system, spend time in the fresh air as often as possible. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural ones. natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  • anonymous, Female, 6 years old

    Hello. I have a 6-year-old child, a girl. I had bronchitis. I drank zinate for five days at first, then they gave me three more injections, the wheezing went away, but the cough didn’t stop, and the lungs weren’t very good. The doctor prescribed Lecoclar, she said it was some kind of atypical microbe They drank it, it helped, the lungs became clear. Then they took tests, they were good; they took an X-ray (everything is fine, only the pulmonary pattern is enriched and deformed in the basal and cortical sections, the doctor said that these are the consequences of bronchitis), and for a month now she has been coughing dry cough. We went to the doctor, took tests again, everything is fine, the lungs are clear. The cough is rare, up to five times a day, but nevertheless it does not go away. He does not cough at night, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the evening, it varies. We have such a story I’ve been there twice already, I had bronchitis and then coughed for a very long time, although the cough was wet. The first time I got rid of it after two months by rubbing it with fat (a friend recommended it), the second time I started giving Anaferon, also after two months, and Now I don’t know what to do. She behaves normally, eats well. The doctor advised inhalations with Borjomi, we do it, but it doesn’t help yet. Please tell me why the cough doesn’t go away for so long? In the youngest child, the residual cough is a week at most and goes away, but with the older one it takes a whole problem. And please tell me why when the youngest gets sick, sniffles, coughs, sometimes we take antibiotics, but she gets better in a week or two, and when the eldest gets sick, she gets sick for two months, bronchitis, injections. Maybe her immunity is weakened, or this is a feature body, or a weak respiratory system? There are no chronic diseases, we are not registered anywhere, the only thing additional chord in my heart. Thanks in advance!

    Good afternoon This happens if the child is a carrier hidden infections, such as Epstein-Barra - they often affect the respiratory tract and lead to a tendency to bronchitis. As soon as respiratory tract inflammation develops, viruses begin to multiply and inflammation also develops. An antibiotic does not work against them, since it is a virus, and therefore there is no recovery after an antibiotic. AND prolonged cough here it is not a residual, but a sluggish viral one, because the virus has not been eliminated. In such cases, a course of Viferon erespal is prescribed to additionally combat cough, then the treatment is complex. Health to you! Sincerely, Ekaterina Anatolyevna.


    Thank you very much!! Is it possible to somehow get rid of these hidden viruses? And why is she a carrier of these viruses, where did they come from, one has a child, the other does not? And what is Viferon, 150,000?

    These are kindergarten viruses; infection often occurs there. Youngest child could also have become infected, but his immunity could overcome this infection. It is impossible to get rid of viruses, but you can significantly reduce their activity with the help of immunomodulators and antivirals. At this age, Viferon 500 thousand is used.


    Thank you very much! You know, my sister doesn’t get sick as often as, say, my youngest, who has constant sluggish snot and superficial coughs, but when she gets sick, she immediately gets bronchitis. And please also tell me, I read about antibiotics of the pinicillin group, what are they cannot be taken if required antibacterial therapy if these viruses are present, and we need macrolides, this is the same lecoclar that helped us last time. And is it possible to do an analysis for these viruses to make sure this is the reason? And for example, when we get sick next time, we need antibiotics should I take Viferon, acelovir and erespal right away, or take these drugs after taking antibiotics? What immunomodulator? better to take it and how to take it, during illness, or in the autumn-winter period? In general, I am very careful about them, and I try not to stuff my children with pills again.

    Yes, you can be tested for these viruses by donating blood to igm antibodies and igg to Epstein-Barr viruses, cytomegalovirus, herpes type 1,2,6 - these are these viruses. Antibiotics penicillin group can be used, since the antibiotic here fights not the virus, but another pathogenic microflora, which grows against the background of viral inflammation. Yes, at the beginning of the disease it is reasonable to combine antibiotic and antiviral therapy. In the autumn-winter period, you can support your immune system with courses fish oil, Echanicea preparations (Imunal), using Viferon gel for the nose to create protection against viruses.


    Thank you again! And please tell me, is it possible to use something else instead of Viferon suppositories? It is already big and most likely will not allow you to put a suppository. And we have oxaline ointment, can it be used instead of Viferon gel? And what courses of Imunal? drink, for how many weeks, and after how long?

    Viferon is still preferable, but can be replaced with an immunomodulator in tablets (lavomax, amiksin) But oxolinic ointment- this is not a replacement for Viferon gel, since oxolinka simply creates a sticky layer where the infection sticks. And Viferon gel, due to its composition, affects local immunity, increasing its resistance to infections, preventing them from accumulating on the mucous membrane.


    Please tell me, they are asking me which immunoglobulin G refers to the antigen for donating blood for antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus, sorry if I didn’t write something exactly, but something like this


    Hello Ekaterina Anatolyevna. We donated blood for antibodies to these viruses, so far they have only tested for cytomagalovirus, and they sent me an answer by email, please decipher it! Anti-CMV-IgM-0.28-non-reactive, Anti-CMV-IgG-2.88-reactive

    Often a consequence of previous respiratory or bronchopulmonary disease The child develops a cough. This unhealthy symptom is called residual cough, which is treated with medicines and alternative medicine methods.

    Causes and symptoms of residual cough

    Breathing manipulations are most effectively carried out using a nebulizer. For medicinal solution should be used pharmaceutical drugs, mineral water, soda remedy. As an additional ingredient for inhalation, you can use aromatic oils that have an antitussive effect:

    • fir;
    • eucalyptus;
    • pine;
    • cedar.

    In the absence of a nebulizer, inhalations are done over a container with medicinal solution covered with a towel. It is recommended to prepare a liquid for inhaling vapors from plant components: St. John's wort,.


    They are actively used to treat residual cough in children. Their action is to stimulate blood circulation, which helps restore damaged tissue.

    Important! Children under one year of age are not allowed to apply compresses. After all, when bronchial mucus is discharged, the child will not be able to cough it up.

    Used for compresses cabbage leaf, potato cakes, homemade cottage cheese, but the most effective ingredient is honey. If your child is not allergic to bee products, you can prepare the following compress:

    • heat the honey until liquid in a water bath;
    • soak gauze bandage in the resulting mixture;
    • It is necessary to place a compress on the child’s chest area for half an hour.
    • Strengthen the child’s immunity to prevent residual cough
      • ensure the required level of humidity and temperature range in the room;
      • do not overheat the child;
      • ventilate the room several times a day;
      • do not allow the child to come into contact with allergens;
      • strengthen the baby's immunity.

      Need to keep an eye on enough liquid consumed by the child, because it helps to dilute sputum. Doctors advise drinking at home cranberry juice, which has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, reduces body temperature. It is also useful if it contains a high concentration of ascorbic acid.

      Following simple rules will reduce the recurrence of residual effects.

      Residual cough after bronchitis or acute respiratory viral infection is considered normal in case of mild symptoms. If coughing persists for a long time, you should seek medical attention. medical assistance, because the similar condition may cause serious complications.

      Quite often, after the acute inflammatory process in bronchitis has been eliminated, residual effects are observed: persists low-grade fever, small amounts of sputum are released.

      But most often, parents of a child who has had bronchitis have to deal with a cough that continues after the other symptoms disappear.

      If it is indeed a residual cough, it should resolve within a few weeks without causing too much discomfort. In this case, doctors allow the child to visit kindergarten, school. But sometimes a prolonged, unrelenting cough is a symptom of a complication. Residual effects of bronchitis must be distinguished from its complications, because the latter must be carefully treated, and the former usually go away on their own.

      Causes and signs of residual cough

      Bronchitis in children is most often caused by viral pathogens that affect the bronchial mucosa. After the disease was cured, pathogenic microorganisms the symptoms of the disease were destroyed and the symptoms of the disease were removed, the mucous membrane needs some time to recover from the traumatic effects.

      This process can last for several weeks, during which the baby continues to cough, since the bronchi react acutely to all irritants.

      If parents care about hardening the child, strengthening his immunity, creating during the treatment favorable conditions For get well soon and maintain an optimal regimen after it, the residual cough may not appear at all or go away very quickly.

      With a weak immune system, constant contact with irritants, unfavorable microclimate, passive smoking, frequent relapses colds and bronchitis, residual effects become more prolonged.

      This can lead to a weakening of the immune system and the addition of an infection or the development of such dangerous and dangerous complications, such as chronic bronchitis, pneumonia or whooping cough.

      Distinctive features of residual cough:

      • observed in the absence of other symptoms (fever, intoxication, copious sputum);
      • appears periodically, not very strong and long-lasting, not accompanied by sputum production;
      • usually lasts from 10 days to 3 weeks, depending on the state of the child’s immune system, the frequency and severity of diseases;
      • Every day it weakens and becomes less pronounced, even if it is not treated.

      A painful cough, dry or wet, which does not subside for 3 or more weeks, intensifies, and is accompanied by other alarming symptoms- difficulty breathing, elevated temperature, purulent sputum, is a sign of a complication of an undertreated acute bronchitis. Even if there are no other symptoms, but the child does not stop coughing for several weeks, a thorough examination and implementation of the recommendations given by the doctor based on its results are necessary.

      How to relieve residual cough?

      Residual effects of bronchitis (including cough) do not need to be treated; this is a natural and completely harmless symptom. After the structure is restored and the functioning of the respiratory mucosa is normalized, it will disappear on its own. But it is necessary to ensure that this process is not delayed, because damaged mucous membranes are “gates” through which infection can enter the body. If the immune system is weakened after an illness, this is very dangerous and often leads to relapses of bronchitis or the addition of ARVI.

      To completely cure your baby and help him quickly get rid of residual cough, you need to follow the same recommendations as during the treatment process:

      • frequent ventilation of the room;

      • protecting the patient from passive smoking, allergens, strong odors;
      • maintaining an optimal indoor microclimate and avoiding sudden temperature changes;
      • regular wet cleaning and air humidification. will cope with this task more successfully than those hanging around the apartment wet towels and placed containers with water, because a specially designed device allows you to achieve exactly the level of humidity that is needed, does not create dampness and purifies the air from harmful impurities.

      Traditional recipes and methods

      You can relieve a child’s residual cough with the help of folk remedies:

      • warm drink; most often in the treatment of children, milk with the addition of honey, butter or cocoa butter, goat fat, and soda is used. You can also boil dry figs in milk;
      • if the child does not like such drinks, it is worth preparing sweet eggnog, which has long been known remedy for the prevention and treatment of cough. It is based on egg yolks ground with sugar. You can add honey, cocoa powder, or freshly squeezed citrus juice for taste if you are not allergic to these products. Usage quail eggs instead of chicken, it will also help strengthen the immune system;

      • an infusion of green cones (a tablespoon of crushed raw materials per glass of boiling water, pour into a thermos in the evening, leave until the morning), a mixture of carrot and radish juices also help cure a prolonged cough. It is advisable to add honey to both compositions.

      Even during the period of rehabilitation of a child after bronchitis, inhalations and warm compresses are effective. You should not use ointments with irritating substances for rubbing; you should not apply mustard plasters. But rubbing with a badger or internal pork fat followed by wrapping and using a pad wax paper, compresses made from warm boiled potatoes will have a mild healing effect.

      If you need to eliminate a residual cough, it is preferable not to hot steam, but to wet or warm-moist inhalations. Such procedures do not irritate the mucous membrane, which needs to recover from an illness. They contribute to its additional hydration and help get rid of residual mucus if it has stagnated in the bronchi.

      The following compositions can be used:

      • decoctions medicinal herbs- chamomile, St. John's wort, linden color. Liquid temperature - about 40⁰С;
      • saline solution (inhalation is carried out using a compressor or ultrasonic nebulizer).

      After warm-moisture inhalations, the child should not immediately go outside; the temperature contrast will negate the effect of the procedure and may aggravate the condition.

      Residual effects of bronchitis in the form of cough in a child are common and absolutely normal. If the cough lasts up to 2 weeks, there is no reason for alarm.

      And if a child has had ARVI or bronchitis more than once in recent months, the duration of the residual cough may increase to 3 weeks.

      Treat him medications unnecessary, you need to ensure an optimal microclimate, clean, moist air and moderate room temperature. A row can be used folk recipes, give the child drinks to soften the cough, make inhalations and compresses.

      Better yet, take care of strengthening protective forces body: the stronger the immune system, the less often the child will suffer respiratory diseases, and the duration of residual cough will also decrease as a result.