Residual cough in a child: how to treat? How to cure residual cough in a child.

You will need

  • - eucalyptus,
  • - wild rosemary,
  • - plantain,
  • - coltsfoot,
  • - yarrow,
  • - series,
  • - essential oils fir, eucalyptus, cedar, sage, pine and lavender,
  • - potato,
  • - soda,
  • - pork lard,
  • - badger fat,
  • - black radish,
  • - honey,
  • - fir cones.


A residual cough is painful because it does not go away for a long time and torments its owner for a month or more. If you passed full course treatment with traditional medicines for cough, but the problem remains, it is worth resorting to treatment with remedies traditional medicine. Fortunately, there are many effective recipes treatment of lingering residual cough.

It is necessary to combat phlegm in a comprehensive manner, which means that the problem will have to be solved both from the outside and from the inside. Continue to inhale the cough medicine that your doctor prescribed for you, for example, Lazolvan or Berodual. Alternate such procedures with inhalations prepared on the basis medicinal herbs. When carrying them out, you can use eucalyptus, coltsfoot, wild rosemary, plantain, yarrow and succession. If your inhaler does not provide for the use of decoctions of medicinal herbs, breathe over a kettle, adding essential oil of fir, eucalyptus, cedar, sage, pine or lavender to the water.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are indicated for the treatment of cough, but if you do not have the opportunity to go for a warm-up, you can successfully treat yourself at home using the most common potatoes. Boil several jacket potatoes, place them on a thick cloth and mash with a fork, forming two cakes. Add some baking soda to the potatoes. Someone should help you and place the cloth with the cakes strictly between the shoulder blades. Roll over onto your back and cover yourself with a blanket. Lie in bed until the potatoes are completely cool. Do the procedure 1-2 times a day.

A warm compress should be applied to the chest and feet. To do this, you can use lard or badger fat. Apply lard or fat to the chest and feet, wrap wax paper and wrap yourself in something warm. It is recommended not to remove this compress throughout the night.

A time-tested recipe for treating coughs, black radish with honey. Cut off the top of the radish, make a hole in the vegetable and fill it with honey. The juice that appears after a day, take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. Fir cones will help cope with residual cough. 2 tbsp. l. Place crushed fir cones in a thermos in the evening and fill with 2 cups of boiling water. In the morning, you need to strain the mixture, add honey and drink the entire infusion throughout the day.

Combine this cough treatment with massage. For this you will also need an assistant. Accept horizontal position face down, placing a small pillow under the pelvic area. This is necessary so that the upper half of the body is located in an inclined position. Now let someone from your family run along your back, in the area of ​​the bronchi, moving upward. This massage will promote better mucus removal. Do not forget to soften the nasopharyngeal mucosa: rinse it with a solution sea ​​water and drop sea buckthorn or sterile solution into your nose Vaseline oil.

Video on the topic

A cough can bother a person who has already recovered from the illness for about two months. This is due to the increased sensitivity of the bronchi, which react sharply to any changes in temperature and humidity. It needs to be cured completely.

You will need

  • - saline or a decoction of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, linden);
  • - sage, chamomile, licorice root, marshmallow, etc.;
  • - pork lard or badger fat;
  • - milk and honey;
  • - honey and apple cider vinegar;
  • - sea buckthorn or sterile vaseline oil.


Do inhalations. To restore normal work bronchi, it is necessary to provide them with appropriate conditions - sufficient hydration. The easiest way to achieve this is by doing daily inhalations - moist steam enters the mucous membrane and stimulates the work of the cilia. As a remedy, you can use a solution or decoction of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, linden). Immediately after inhalation, you should not go outside; you should sit in a room at room temperature.

Drink herbal teas. Specially selected compositions of several herbs help normalize the functioning of the bronchi, but the duration of such therapy can be impressive - up to several weeks. Typically, sage, chamomile, licorice root, marshmallow, etc. are used to treat residual.

anonymous, Female, 6 years old

Hello. I have a 6-year-old child, a girl. I had bronchitis. I drank zeenat for five days at first, then they gave me three more injections, the wheezing went away, but the cough didn’t stop, and my lungs weren’t very good. The doctor prescribed Lecoclar, she said it was some kind of atypical microbe They drank it, it helped, the lungs became clear. Then they took tests, they were good; they took an X-ray (everything is fine, only the pulmonary pattern is enriched and deformed in the basal and cortical sections, the doctor said that these are the consequences of bronchitis), and for a month now she has been coughing dry cough. We went to the doctor, took tests again, everything is fine, the lungs are clear. The cough is rare, up to five times a day, but nevertheless it does not go away. He does not cough at night, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the evening, it varies. We have such a story I’ve been there twice already, I had bronchitis and then coughed for a very long time, although the cough was wet. The first time I got rid of it after two months by rubbing it with fat (a friend recommended it), the second time I started giving Anaferon, also after two months, and Now I don’t know what to do. She behaves normally, eats well. The doctor advised inhalations with Borjomi, we do it, but it doesn’t help yet. Please tell me why the cough doesn’t go away for so long? The youngest child residual cough at most a week goes by, but there’s a whole problem with the eldest. And please tell me why when the youngest gets sick, sniffles, coughs, sometimes we take antibiotics, but after a week or two she gets better, and when the eldest gets sick, it’s for two months, bronchitis, injections. Maybe her immunity is weakened, or is it a feature of the body, or a weak respiratory system? There are no chronic diseases, we are not registered anywhere, the only thing additional chord in my heart. Thanks in advance!

Good afternoon This happens if the child is a carrier hidden infections, such as Epstein-Barra, are the ones that often strike Airways and lead to a tendency to bronchitis. As soon as inflammation develops in the respiratory tract, viruses begin to multiply and inflammation also develops. An antibiotic does not work against them, since it is a virus, and therefore there is no recovery after an antibiotic. AND prolonged cough here it is not a residual, but a sluggish viral one, because the virus has not been eliminated. In such cases, a course of Viferon erespal is prescribed to additionally combat cough, then the treatment is complex. Health to you! Sincerely, Ekaterina Anatolyevna.


Thank you very much!! Is it possible to somehow get rid of these hidden viruses? And why is she a carrier of these viruses, where did they come from, one has a child, the other does not? And what is Viferon, 150,000?

These are kindergarten viruses; infection often occurs there. Youngest child could also have become infected, but his immunity could overcome this infection. It is impossible to get rid of viruses, but you can significantly reduce their activity with the help of immunomodulators and antivirals. At this age, Viferon 500 thousand is used.


Thank you very much! You know, my sister doesn’t get sick as often as, say, my youngest, who has constant sluggish snot and superficial coughs, but when she gets sick, she immediately gets bronchitis. And please also tell me, I read about antibiotics of the pinicillin group, what are they cannot be taken if required antibacterial therapy if these viruses are present, and we need macrolides, this is the same lecoclar that helped us last time. And is it possible to do an analysis for these viruses to make sure this is the reason? And for example, when we get sick next time, we need antibiotics should I take Viferon, acelovir and erespal right away, or take these drugs after taking antibiotics? What immunomodulator? better to take it and how to take it, during illness, or in the autumn-winter period? In general, I am very careful about them, and try not to stuff my children with pills again.

Yes, you can be tested for these viruses by donating blood to igm antibodies and igg to Epstein-Barr viruses, cytomegalovirus, herpes type 1,2,6 - these are these viruses. Antibiotics penicillin group can be used, since the antibiotic here fights not the virus, but another pathogenic microflora, which grows against the background of viral inflammation. Yes, at the beginning of the disease it is reasonable to combine antibiotic and antiviral therapy. In the autumn-winter period, you can support your immune system with courses fish oil, Echanicea preparations (Imunal), using Viferon gel for the nose to create protection against viruses.


Thank you again! And please tell me, is it possible to use something else instead of Viferon suppositories? It is already big and most likely will not allow you to put a suppository. And we have oxaline ointment, can it be used instead of Viferon gel? And what courses of Imunal? drink, for how many weeks, and after how long?

Viferon is still preferable, but can be replaced with an immunomodulator in tablets (lavomax, amiksin) But oxolinic ointment- this is not a replacement for Viferon gel, since oxolinka simply creates a sticky layer where the infection sticks. And Viferon gel, due to its composition, affects local immunity, increasing its resistance to infections, preventing them from accumulating on the mucous membrane.


Please tell me, they are asking me which immunoglobulin G refers to the antigen for donating blood for antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus, sorry if I didn’t write something exactly, but something like this


Hello Ekaterina Anatolyevna. We donated blood for antibodies to these viruses, so far they have only tested for cytomagalovirus, and they sent me an answer by email, please decipher it! Anti-CMV-IgM-0.28-non-reactive, Anti-CMV-IgG-2.88-reactive

Unfortunately, diseases of the upper respiratory tract in children are quite common. Acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis and other troubles can haunt the youngest patients. However, even after successful treatment Often there is such a thing as a residual cough, which sometimes lasts for several more days. But here parents may have a lot of questions.

Is it worth treating a child’s residual cough, how to treat it, what advice do experts and Dr. Komarovsky give on this matter? Today we will try to clarify all the questions that interest mothers and fathers of the youngest patients.

First of all, you need to find out what a residual cough is and whether you really need to fight it. After an illness, parents may often notice that the child still has urges. Despite the fact that harmful microflora is destroyed, it must be removed from the body along with dead cells of the lungs, bronchi, and trachea.

At the same time, the mucous membrane also requires some time to recover. It is for these reasons that such a phenomenon as a residual cough can be observed.

We also list some of its features:

  • the duration of residual cough can reach 3 weeks, but two weeks are usually enough for complete recovery;
  • There are no longer any symptoms of the disease. The child no longer has fever, pain, weakness, large quantity sputum when coughing, etc.;
  • There is no longer any need for treatment in this case. It will gradually weaken and go away, which vigilant parents will be able to notice immediately;
  • at similar phenomena the child is no longer contagious. Experts lift the ban on visiting educational institutions, circles, sections, other places where people gather.

As we said above, residual cough does not need to be treated. It will go away on its own. The only thing that may be required in this situation is its relief with strong manifestations. But if 3 weeks have already passed and nothing has changed, perhaps some complications have begun. In this case, it is urgent to show the child to a specialist, as another course of treatment may be required. The following unfavorable factors sometimes lead to the development of a new disease:

  1. Weak immunity (which is natural after bronchitis or ARVI).
  2. Constant contact with any irritants.
  3. Inhalation tobacco smoke, if one of the adults smokes in the house.
  4. Frequent recurrences of colds.

All of these factors can lead to re-development of the disease. However, most likely, it will be a completely different disease. For example, the following complications are common:

  • pneumonia;
  • whooping cough;
  • transition of bronchitis from acute form to chronic, etc.

Such phenomena occur infrequently, but the cough can still be prolonged, severe and unpleasant. What to do in such a situation? How to help your child overcome this problem? Let's talk about this further.

Relief of residual cough

In such cases drug treatment, as a rule, is no longer prescribed. There is simply no need for it. However, if the child experiences a residual cough seriously, and the problem risks protracting, the little patient needs help. If this is not done, all sorts of complications may appear, the danger of which increases due to the weakening of the immune system after illness. There is quite a lot of help in simple ways, the recommendations in this case are standard. For example:

  1. Try to ventilate the premises more often so that the air does not stagnate and the airways are cleared faster.
  2. Do not allow your child to come into contact with allergens, which may have additional effects on the mucous membrane. If someone smokes in the apartment, ban it and force the smoker to smoke in the entrance or on the street.
  3. Do everything to ensure that the microclimate in the room is constant. If the room is warm, and an hour later it suddenly gets cold, this can be an additional blow to the sensitive immune system child, thus prolonging the cough.
  4. Constantly spend wet cleaning and humidify the air. For these purposes, it is best to purchase an ultrasonic humidifier, which will provide a much better microclimate in the room than a simple wet cloth and containers of water. The device allows you to control the humidity level in the room and, if necessary, adjust it by increasing or decreasing the values.

In addition, to relieve residual cough in children, various folk remedies. First of all, this warm drink. It is best to use heated milk with additives such as:

  • butter;
  • cocoa butter;
  • soda;
  • goat fat

In addition, you can also add figs to milk.

There are also special infusions that speed up the restoration of the mucous membrane and alleviate attacks of residual cough. One of these is the tincture of green cones. It is prepared quite simply: you need to steam 1 tbsp. l. crushed cones in a glass of boiling water, then pour the mixture into a thermos and leave until the morning. Alternative option There will also be radish juice with carrots. It is recommended to add honey to solutions.

In addition, all kinds of inhalations and warm compresses are also good for fighting diseases. But it is not recommended to use rubs with aggressive components, as well as mustard plasters. It is better to replace the ointments with pork or badger fat, followed by wrapping. Compresses made from boiled potatoes will also be effective, they will soften the cough.

Sholokhova Olga Nikolaevna

Reading time: 7 minutes


How to eliminate residual cough in a child and is it necessary?

This causes discomfort for the baby and anxiety for the parents. You can often hear that cough is a symptom viral disease the very last one passes, after recovery the child can still cough, and so on. But is it worth taking this reflex so lightly after an illness, because not everyone knows what a residual cough is in a child, just as they don’t know that it can be dangerous for the baby’s health. What causes the residual in a child and other diseases?

The emergence of a protective reflex

If your child has a residual cough, you need to pay attention to this sign. After an illness, this is a normal reaction of the bronchi, since it persists for some time. increased sensitivity. For full recovery The child needs time. During this period, he has a weak immune system and a residual cough may appear; how to treat it and whether it is necessary will be discussed below.

Many parents are puzzled by the question of how long coughing lasts after an illness. Coughing for up to 3 weeks is considered normal. This is for a disease that produces a pathological effect specifically on the bronchi. Therefore, it is quite normal to expect a prolonged cough in a child after bronchitis. But everything has its limit. You need to pay attention if it is again a dry cough in a child, it lasts more than 3 weeks, when it appears, purulent green sputum leaves. This may indicate the following phenomena:

How to recognize a harmless long-term cough?

To know how to treat a residual cough in a child, you need to be sure that it is not a sign of a new disease. Distinctive characteristics no long term pathological cough are:

Cough reflex after bronchitis

How to get rid of residual cough after bronchitis? It should be noted that after this disease the child can be heard coughing for a long time. If the cough persists for more than 3 weeks, you should consult your doctor again. A remaining cough may be caused by infectious disease- whooping cough.

How long to treat a cough after bronchitis is determined by the doctor. To prevent it from happening again negative impact on the bronchi of a child harmful substances and infections, it is better to protect the baby from crowds of people until he is fully recovered.

Prolonged cough after ARVI

Children often suffer from viral diseases. After the current acute period illness, cough may remain due to impaired functionality of the child’s respiratory organs.

If a child is under 7 years old and often suffers from respiratory diseases, a cough may accompany it long time. This is a kind of guarantee of the safety of the bronchi. Residual cough in a child, how to treat this symptom, is decided by the parents and the doctor, often appears after ARVI in young children. Their bronchi are gradually freed.

If children continue to have a dry cough and a fever, this indicates that the infection is not going away, but, on the contrary, has begun to develop again.

Principles of behavior for residual cough

How to treat residual cough if symptoms of bronchitis or ARVI begin again? After an infection, doctors do not recommend using a lot of cough remedies for a child. But it will take longer to treat this symptom after secondary disease bronchi and their mucous membrane. To prevent this, you must adhere to certain rules behavior with a small patient:

Features of treatment

Completely cured bronchi are indicated by the absence cough reflex. This can be achieved by following the advice of pediatricians. They claim that some special treatment for residual cough it is not necessary, and it is also not necessary to revel in cough tablets and syrups. Irritated bronchi should be calmed, and the following factors will help.

If all these measures do not lead to complete relief from the cough, then you need to help the body recover. For this purpose, auxiliary therapeutic measures are used.


When coughing, steam inhalations and therapeutic breathing using a nebulizer are performed. IN steam inhalations decoctions of antiseptic and expectorant herbs are used: chamomile, thyme, coltsfoot, plantain and others. You can also use their essential oils purchased at the pharmacy.

Inhalations using a nebulizer effectively help soften coughs and thin mucus. Products such as ambroxol, decasan, saline and diluted soda are used. Other cough medications may also be used.


Warm compresses are actively used in the treatment of cough. They act on blood circulation, simulating it, and this leads to rapid restoration of tissues and organs.

For compresses, children can use potato cakes, cabbage leaf with honey, diluted alcohol, children's mustard plasters.

You can read more about the use of compresses for children here

Strengthening the immune system

For this purpose, doctors use immunomodulators. But some doctors are against the use of such strong means small children. To avoid side effects and contraindications, natural substances can be used to strengthen the immune system.

Lemon, honey, nuts, propolis, and all foods rich in vitamin C are actively used to strengthen the immune system.


When talking about cough treatment, few people mean the use of massage, and this is in vain. Massage helps you recover in the same way as compresses. Oils or creams are used for massage. For therapeutic purposes, it is better to use oils or diluted essential oils of plants.

When rubbing eucalyptus oil, lavender, tea tree, the air is filled with a healing aroma. Aroma microparticles medicinal herbs With breathing they enter the bronchial mucosa, participating in treatment. And rubbing from these plants promotes the absorption of the substance through the skin.

Cough recipe

Effectively fights residual manifestations of the disease, that is, cough, a mixture of sugar and yolks. The product is usually supplemented with chopped zest, citrus juice, and honey. All this contributes speedy recovery crumbs and restoration of the mucous membrane of his bronchi.

Residual cough after respiratory disease and especially bronchitis prevents the child from leading a full active life and, of course, worries parents. It’s hard not to worry when a seemingly fully recovered and cheerful child, without fever, runny nose or any signs of illness, is happily jumping around the playground and suddenly starts coughing sharply and cannot stop. Or when, upon waking up, you hear from the nursery not “ Good morning", and a long, debilitating dry or wet cough.

Causes of residual cough in children

During ARVI, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pneumonia or whooping cough, the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi is affected. Even after recovery, she remains irritated and needs time to recover and remove any remaining mucus. This can take one week or three - it all depends on the severity of the illness and whether your child is sick a lot. In any case, the residual cough in a child after an acute respiratory viral infection or other colds quite often accompanies the process of restoration of the mucous membrane and removal of mucus residues from the bronchi.

How to treat residual cough in children

Despite the fact that any type of cough in a baby always alarms parents, there is no need to worry too much: residual cough in a child is a common symptom. If there are no others characteristic features serious illness, then be patient and begin treatment. Definitely need help children's body cope with the disease. It is important to remember that a residual cough that is not dangerous in itself can have serious consequences, because irritated bronchi are a very favorable environment for the development of a new infection, which is easy to catch in kindergarten, at school, in public transport. If no measures are taken, the recovery process may be delayed and result in complications. Therefore, the sooner you cure a child’s residual cough, the better.

To relieve a child of residual cough after bronchitis, ARVI or other colds, you must:

  • Give plenty of fluids to drink - primarily water, but also warm milk no one canceled with honey;
  • walk with the baby fresh air in warm weather;
  • humidify the room: regularly carry out wet cleaning, ventilate the room during the day and at night, use air humidifiers;
  • avoid hypothermia and new colds;
  • help the child get rid of phlegm with herbal remedies From cough.

Often, residual cough in a child is treated with medications with strong active ingredients. But it is important to remember that they cannot be used for more than 5–10 days, while the disease can bother the baby for much longer. Herbal, alcohol-free cough syrup Doctor MOM ® is suitable for children over 3 years old. Unlike chemical medicines it can be taken for two to three weeks. It contains extracts of 10 medicinal plants, including aloe, ginger and licorice extracts. Cough syrup Doctor MOM ® provides complex action: mucolytic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and also bronchodilator (the drug expands the airways, facilitating the flow of air into the lungs during bronchospasm). It is the “ideal ally” in the fight against residual effects.

It is important to know

During treatment of residual cough, it is worth warning the adults around the child - at school, in kindergarten or just visiting - that his cough is not contagious. And if the disease does not go away for too long or other symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.