How to recognize newborn male or female kittens. How to distinguish a cat from a cat? Determining the gender of the kitten

When animals are already adults, there are no problems with determining sex: this can be done by examining the external genitalia. But the little kittens seem the same at first glance. Their differences in the genital area are almost imperceptible.

However, it is still possible to distinguish a cat from a cat with a high degree of certainty, even in early age.

Of course, many animal lovers believe that it is already obvious from the face of an individual whether the person in front of us is a boy or a girl. But experts are skeptical about this theory. Today we will learn how to determine the sex of a kitten using more reliable methods. Let's consider all effective options.

It turns out that you can find out the gender of a newborn kitten. Literally in the first days of life, certain signs already appear. But be extremely careful and careful not to harm the animals or scare the kittens and their mother.

It is believed that in the first days of life it is even easier to determine the sex of a kitten, since it has not yet had time to grow thick fur. When babies grow a little, it becomes much more difficult to distinguish a boy from a girl, especially if they are fluffy.

Determining the sex of a kitten: preparation and rules

It is important to prepare properly for the inspection, as well as carefully follow a number of recommendations. First of all, you need to wash your hands with soap. It is advisable to ensure that your hands are free of foreign odors and are warm.

Here's what you should never do when determining gender:

  1. Do not distract kittens from feeding.
  2. Do not irritate the mother cat, and do not frighten the kittens.
  3. Do not hold the kitten by the paws, do not lift the tail with a rough movement, it is important to act carefully.
  4. You cannot hold the baby in your arms for more than a minute; you must return him to his mother as soon as possible.
  5. Do not put pressure on the genitals.

Now it’s time to consider the algorithm by which the sex of a kitten is determined.


Be extremely careful:

  1. First you need to distract and calm the mother cat. Use her favorite treat and talk to her kindly.
  2. Handle the kitten as carefully as possible. Place it in your palm, tummy down.
  3. Carefully lift the ponytail. Your task: carefully examine the urogenital opening and anus.
  4. The cat has at a young age the genital opening resembles a point. That is, you will see 2 approximately identical points: at the site of the anus and penis.
  5. The cat’s anus is also in the form of a point, but the genital opening is more like a small line, it is more elongated.

Thus, the main hallmark– difference in genital openings in shape.

How to tell the difference in 1 month?

At the age of 1 month, it is quite difficult to distinguish between a cat and a male cat. The most reliable method is to determine sex by the shape of the genital opening. You can also try to distinguish a cat by the increased distance between the anus and the genital opening. For a cat it will be significantly less.

How can you tell the difference in two months?

At the age of 2 to 3 months, it is much easier to determine that this is a cat. This is due to the fact that at 9-10 weeks the testicles gradually begin to develop.

Therefore, when the kittens are 2 months old, it is time to expect the appearance of clearer sexual characteristics. True, in some cats they become indisputable only at 12-13 weeks. But most often there is no doubt even before reaching the age of three months.

Other sex determination methods

Here are a few more ways to determine the sex of kittens:

  1. Tactile palpation. You can try to feel the testicles. It is advisable to do this only more experienced breeders. It is necessary to act extremely carefully so as not to frighten the kitten or harm it. Close the index finger and middle finger, and then very carefully pass them between the anus and the genital opening. The cat can feel small formations, the size of a pea, with a diameter of 3-5 mm.
  2. Determination of sex by color. The method is not entirely reliable, although sometimes it pays off. The thing is that cats are born genetically tortoiseshell. Therefore, a kitten with this color is probably a cat. True, in exceptional cases it could be a cat, just a barren one.
  3. Differences between cats and cats by their faces. This is the most dubious method, although many cat lovers believe in it. They believe that it is possible to distinguish a cat from a cat by its appearance, the oval of its muzzle.

The best methods for determining the sex of kittens at an early age are based on the shape of the genital openings, as well as the distance between the genital opening and the anus. If you are careful enough, you will be able to distinguish a female from a male.

In order to understand what gender your cat gave birth to you small miracle, you need to do a simple and banal action. You just need to look under the cat's tail.

Has your beloved cat given birth to several kittens? This is good, because then you should not have problems with the definition. You can visually compare the genitals of small cats. This helps to compare the organs of animals and understand which sex they belong to.

To determine gender, take the cat in your arms and lift the cat's tail. Under it you can see 2 excretory channels: one of them is the anus (rectal outlet), and the other is the outlet urinary system.

In females, it looks like a narrow slit located next to the anus. The male's testicles and foreskin can be seen. Usually, until 2-3 months of age, male kittens are not yet descended, and this adds difficulty in understanding the sex of animals.

Ways to understand gender - three types

At a recent birth

If the cat has just been born and its body is still wet, then it will not be difficult to understand the gender. Kittens have two openings: the exit of the rectum and the genitals. In females the space between them is very small, but in males the distance can be up to ten millimeters.

Wet fur will not interfere with your examination of the cat. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in newborn female animals the distance will be no more than 2-3 millimeters.

Upon reaching 10 days from birth

On this age stage Small cats already have a well-defined coat, but female cats will have bald patches that are located between the genitals.

In female cats there is little space between the holes and there is no hair between them, but in male cats the distance between the genitals is greater, and there may be fur between them.

Upon reaching 40 days after birth

At this age, kittens have already developed genitals, and male cats have testicles and foreskin, and in females one can distinguish an anus and a narrow slit.

Sometimes there are situations when you purchased a girl from a cat breeder, and then find out that it is a boy. There are situations like this, so future pet owners should pay attention to this and see who they are purchasing.

The main conclusions from this article: to determine the sex of a newborn kitten, you need to lift its tail and look there. The distance between the reproductive system and the anus determines who you are. Girls have a shorter distance than boys. On average, 2-3 mm in girls and up to 10 mm in boys.

Pay attention also to the structure and shape of the urinary system. In males you can see the scrotum and foreskin.

Even veterinarians are not always able to determine the exact sex of a kitten at an early age. This is due to the fact that the genitals are poorly formed, so all babies are similar to each other. Naturally, there is a difference, but it is important to know how it differs.

How to quickly identify a cat or cat

The easiest way to determine gender is by the shape of the genital organ. Although the signs are not clearly expressed, there is still a difference even immediately after birth. It is necessary to look under the animal's tail, carefully lifting the tail. In cats, the organs under the tail look like a colon - “:”. In a cat, the anus and vulva look like an “i”, or like a semicolon – “;”. At the same time, in girls the organs are located closer to each other, and in boys they are further away. At this stage, many owners will be able to determine what gender the kitten was born.

How to determine the sex of a newborn kitten

As already mentioned, the easiest way would be to look under the tail of the animal in order to clearly understand what gender the baby is. However, this method does not always allow you to get an answer. The fact is that inexperienced owners may not see the difference. If visual inspection does not help, then you can use another method.

How to accurately determine the sex of a newborn kitten

One of the main ways to determine sex is palpation. To do this, you should carefully pick up the kitten in your hands and feel the place between the anus and urethra. If there are minor swellings, then the gender is male. In girls, this area is smooth and there are no tumors.

Of course, this method does not always give accurate results. The fact is that a cat's testicles may be in abdominal area. In this case, girls may have swelling near the anus caused by anatomical features body. Consequently, the method sometimes fails, but still it is one of the most reliable methods.

At what age can you determine the gender of a kitten?

Pet owners are often interested in how many months they can accurately find out the gender of their pet. Oddly enough, this is easiest to do at the age of 1 week. If there are several kittens in a litter, then it will be convenient to compare them with each other. You should pay attention to the distance between the anus and the urethra.

At about 2-3 weeks it will be more difficult to determine the sex of the kittens. This is due to the fact that the fur grows and it completely blocks the view. Consequently, it will become almost impossible to distinguish between animals.

How and when to determine the sex of a kitten

Only at 3 months will it be possible to clearly understand what gender the pet is. This is explained by the fact that the organs will be well formed, and there will no longer be any doubt. Naturally, the older the animal is, the easier it is to understand what gender it is. You should use the same method - look under the tail and determine the shape of the genitals.

Sexual characteristics in kittens

Determining whether a cat is male or female is especially important before selling animals. Many people want to buy only a girl, others agree exclusively to a boy. The owner must accurately identify the animals to avoid problems.

If the owner is in no hurry to sell, then you can wait until obvious sexual characteristics appear. You should not wait for them during the first week after birth. In fact, their formation begins much later. Moreover, gender characteristics can include not only appearance genital organs, but also body structure, as well as behavior.

When they appear (1-2 months)

The difference between females and males occurs already when they reach 1 month of age. From this moment on, cats' testicles begin to descend. They move from the abdominal area to the scrotum. Moreover, each animal this process happens individually. For some, maturation begins later, we are talking directly about large breeds, such as Maine Coons and Britons.

Moreover, already at 3-4 months it will be possible to distinguish between pets even by appearance. In this case, you will have to pay attention to the shape of the muzzle, weight and eyes. At the age of 8 months, many cats begin to walk, and during this period they meow loudly and invite the cat. The boys begin to mark their territory, and it’s hard not to notice. Naturally, at this age the owner will have no doubts, and he will know exactly what gender his kitten is.

How and why they differ

Additionally, it is recommended to pay attention to the behavior of the animal and its characteristics. They are also able to talk about gender. Cats will grow much faster, and they will weigh more. Cats themselves are miniature and thin.

Girls are considered more playful and active. If we talk about the look, then boys have a calm and proud look. Cats are wary and at times it seems like they are looking for someone.

Seals have larger paws with massive pads. Also more powerful breasts, which cannot be said about girls. At the same time, pets of any gender have nipples, but in girls they are slightly larger. Based on these characteristics, the gender of kittens can be easily determined.

Sexual characteristics in habits

Pet owners are advised to contact Special attention on the kitten's character traits. With age, gender characteristics become more and more evident, so the owners have no doubts. The cat will try to mark the territory, and for some this happens earlier, for others later. There are cases where marks appeared after the age of one year. Most often, a cat will begin to attract a cat at 7 months.

After six months, the girls will begin their first heat, and this event cannot be ignored. The cat will begin to meow loudly, constantly walk around the apartment and look for something. She also begins to caress too much, arching her back and sticking her butt up. All this suggests that she is inviting the cat. Therefore, there will definitely be no doubt about her gender.

How else to find out the gender of a kitten

Cats themselves are more independent, sometimes they even show aggression towards people. As a rule, this does not apply to the owner, but they may not like his friends. It is quite rare for a cat to go into the arms of a stranger on its own.

Cats are more loving, many of them will be happy to be caressed even by stranger. Most They spend time sleeping, and gradually become lazier.

Almost all cats love cleanliness, so they wash themselves constantly. Most girls can be quickly trained to use the litter box, and they only go in it. They do not tolerate dirt, but cats are more relaxed about it. They are the ones who wash their faces less often and often look untidy.

These tips will not answer the question of how to determine the sex of a newborn kitten; they are relevant for older animals. If a person is willing to wait, then with age it will not be difficult to understand what gender the pet is. In any case, both cats and cats are good in their own way. They will give their owner a lot of joy if you love them and handle them with care.

Traditional ways to determine the sex of a kitten

There are also non-standard methods to understand the gender of a pet. They can be used if the above methods do not produce results. First of all, you should remember that cats have a sharper and more pronounced smell of urine. However, in girls it is not felt so much. With age, the smell becomes more noticeable. Moreover, for very small kittens this method will not work, since there are no differences.

You can pay special attention to the muzzle. In males it is rougher, with wide nose and a pronounced forehead. Often cats are distinguished by large cheekbones and thick necks already in childhood. Cats, in turn, are more miniature and graceful, they even weigh less than their brothers.

It is quite difficult to distinguish a girl from a boy by voice. The difference becomes noticeable only with age, but until then there are no significant differences. In older cats, low notes predominate in the timbre, while in cats, high notes predominate. Naturally, it is worth understanding that a lot depends on the breed, as well as on individual characteristics animal.

If we talk about color, then only a cat can be tricolor and tortoiseshell. This is explained genetic characteristics. Males can have a girlish color in very rare cases, and this can be explained by a genomic disorder.

Mostly cats are red, and this is also explained by genetics. This color is passed on to boys from their mother. For a cat to turn out reddish, it is important that both parents are of this color.

If it is important to determine the gender of your pet, you should not limit yourself to just one method. Additionally, it is recommended to take your pet to a veterinarian - he will more accurately tell you what gender the baby is. As an option, you can do a DNA test - it will allow you to get absolutely exact result. The only downside is that you will have to pay for the research, and this does not suit all owners.

When it is possible to wait, then this is exactly what you should do. In this case, you won’t have to guess whether the kitten is a girl or a boy. For those for whom it is important to find out the gender as early as possible, it is recommended to use all the methods described above. If sexual characteristics, color and behavior indicate a specific gender, then there is no need to doubt it. Mistakes happen extremely rarely, but you still need to be prepared for them and love your pet, regardless of gender.

A small kitten can be a dear and dear member of the family... When choosing your pet, it is important to immediately find out what gender it belongs to: male or female. Despite childhood animal, care and care must be built taking into account the characteristics of nature and the inherent potential. In addition, there should be So, how to understand the gender of a pet?

This kitten is female - with a probability of 99.9%

One of the most reliable ways to determine the sex of a member of the cat family is color.

The result will be almost 100% . If the fur has a tri-color or tortoiseshell color, you can get acquainted with the cat.

The kitten's tortoiseshell color means it's a girl!

Scientists note that black and red colors can only appear in female kittens at the same time. It's very simple: black and red colors suggest the presence of an X chromosome. If there are 2 X chromosomes, the gender can only be female, which is confirmed by school biology lessons. A boy should always have X and Y chromosomes.

Despite the fact that such a correspondence was discovered not so long ago, the method of determining the sex of a pet by its color is already proving its reliability.

Inspecting a cat

Inspecting the kitten

Another important aspect- this is the structure of the pet. In order to determine the gender, you need to look under your feline friend's tail. Of course, obviously pronounced signs will not be able to be noted yet.

Despite this, gender can be determined by knowing certain nuances.


Another test option is gentle palpation of the kittens’ genitals.. This method is effective and reliable.

But the procedure can only be carried out with the utmost care.

Wide muzzle and nose - this kitten is a “boy”

Appearance Features four-legged friend allow you to determine your gender. However, the method will be inaccurate if the pet is under one month old.

What differences in appearance may be observed?

  1. Males always have wider muzzles and noses . Females are always distinguished by thin and elongated faces.
  2. The cat's body also deserves attention. Males are different wide, stocky and powerful body : The paws and tail will be slightly thicker. Females are almost always distinguished by thinness, gracefulness and fragility, which can be seen even in their gait.

A DNA test will absolutely determine the sex of a kitten, but such a test is very expensive!

Modern medical technologies make it possible to use DNA for correct definition gender of the pet. Even in at a young age will be received reliable results. It is important to understand that the method requires significant financial investments, which are not always available to pet owners.


Once you manage to find out the gender of your feline friend, he will even have a nickname... A pet will desire attention and care, so it is still recommended to provide them, regardless of gender.

During the first 10-12 weeks, it is almost unclear what gender the newborn kitten is. This can be determined absolutely accurately by a veterinarian or a DNA test. However, you can independently learn to identify the gender of the baby. Let's find out how to determine the sex of a kitten and look at all the nuances.

Ways to determine the sex of a kitten and the main principles

Adult cats and female cats are easily distinguished by the appearance of their external genitalia, but the signs of difference in kittens are not sufficiently pronounced. There are correct and quite simple ways how to distinguish a cat from a cat. It is much easier to do this immediately after birth than after a few days. At the time of birth, the baby's fur is not so thick as to mask sexual characteristics.

Before the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly warm water. You need to choose a soap without fragrances and wipe off all the moisture with a towel. If you are wondering how to determine the gender of a newborn kitten, look at its genitals. To do this, try to appease the furry woman in labor and calm her down. She should not be nervous, otherwise she may refuse the baby.

The kitten should be placed on a bare palm or the diaper should be preheated. For better review the tail needs to be raised. The shape and location of the anus and urogenital opening will tell you who you have in your hands. The distance between these holes plays a big role: in cats it is small and together resembles an inverted exclamation mark, while in a cat the organs resemble a colon with a gap of a centimeter or more.

Sure ways to determine the sex of a kitten:

  • genital examination;
  • estimation of distance by genitals;
  • their shape;
  • kitten color;
  • sight;
  • tail position.

Algorithm of actions

There are significant differences in the genitals of cats and cats. How to find out the gender of a kitten? To check, you need to place the kitten in your palm and gently lift the tail. The distance between the holes should be assessed. How to identify a cat or cat: in boys the distance will be greater, in girls the vulva is located directly under the anus.

If we evaluate the shape of the genital organs, then in a boy they look like a colon (in some cases, an ellipsis). The female genital organs resemble an inverted exclamation mark or the letter i. In girls, the vulva is oval, and the opening of the penis in boys is round.

Between 10 and 12 weeks of age, boys begin to develop testicles (between the anus and penis). Until this time, it is difficult to distinguish them. When palpated, they are pronounced even in newborn cats. You need to feel in the middle: use your fingertips to carefully move it in the indicated place. The boy will have noticeable internal “peas” of 3-5 mm.

Other ways to check for a cat

The sex of a kitten is also revealed by some other signs. So, color can tell a lot about a newborn. Cats often have tortoiseshell colors (black, white and shades of red). Such genes are found only on X chromosomes, and as is known, an individual with two X chromosomes is a girl.

This is interesting! The color of cats is rarely tricolor - in this case, this indicates the presence of an extra X chromosome in its genome, which automatically makes the male infertile.

It is noteworthy that red predominates in the color of cats. Cats are rarely fiery color. In addition, cats usually have thick hair in the genital area. Cats have no hair at all between the genital openings.

If you want to quickly find out whether a cat or kitten was born, all manipulations must be done quickly and carefully. Source: Flickr (Abraham_Nieto)

Some advise taking a closer look at your pet's face. It is believed that in cats and cats different look. Girls have a wary look, while boys look self-confident. However, this method does not guarantee anything, because even a cat can be brave.

At all folk method: Put the milk on and watch how the baby holds his tail while eating. If the tail is up, it's a boy; if it's down, it's a girl. Strong smell urine also characterizes a cat - in a cat it is usually weaker.

What else to pay attention to

In the process of finding out gender, the main thing is not to overdo it. It is very easy to harm a fragile creature, so refrain from being rude, hasty and persistent. You cannot touch a kitten, much less take it away from its mother, unless you first make friends with it. It is very important to reassure the mother as well.

The kitten should be held carefully. It is better to complete the procedure as quickly as possible, because weaning from the mother is unnecessary stress for the baby. You can't treat a cat carelessly. Under no circumstances should a newborn be held by the tail. It is advisable not to touch the kitten at all for the first three weeks: the baby takes on the smell of human hands, and the mother may refuse the unfamiliar creature.

No matter how much you want to check the gender, you cannot tear your baby off the breast. It is also impossible to hold a cat for a long time because in the first weeks their thermoregulation is poorly developed. Even just a few minutes can cause hypothermia. When conducting a tactile examination, you should not put too much pressure on the genitals.

A small kitten is so defenseless that it is better to postpone sex determination for several weeks if possible. If you want to quickly find out whether a cat or kitten was born, all manipulations must be done quickly and carefully. The differences between the genital organs of cats and male cats are quite pronounced, so there should not be any difficulties in the process.

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