How to measure basal temperature to determine the level. Correct measurement of basal temperature

Measurement of basal body temperature (BT). Rules. Deciphering basal temperature charts

Basal temperature - this is resting body temperature after at least 6 hours of sleep. AT different phases of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature in a woman is constantly changing under the influence hormonal changes in the female body.

Measurement of basal body temperature BT - a simple functional test that every woman can learn at home. The method is based on the hyperthermic (temperature) effect of progesterone on the thermoregulatory center located in the hypothalamus.

Why you need a basal temperature chart

By drawing up a graph of fluctuations in basal temperature, you can absolutely accurately predict not only the phase of the menstrual cycle in this moment but also suspect possible deviations from the norm. Let's list what exactly you might need basal body temperature measurement skill in everyday life:

1. If you want to get pregnant and cannot predict when ovulation occurs - a favorable moment for conceiving a child - the release of a mature egg capable of fertilization from the ovarian follicle into the abdominal cavity;
or vice versa - you do not want to become pregnant, thanks to the basal body temperature (BT) you can predict " dangerous days”.
2. To determine pregnancy on early dates with a delay in menstruation.
3. With regular measurement of basal temperature, you can determine the possible reason for the delay in menstruation: pregnancy, lack of ovulation or late ovulation.
4. If your gynecologist suspects that you have hormonal disorders, infertility in you or your partner: if pregnancy has not occurred after one year of regular sexual activity, the gynecologist may recommend that you measure basal temperature (BT) to determine possible causes infertility.
5. If you want to plan the gender of your unborn child.

How to measure basal temperature (BT) correctly

As you can see, the correct measurement of basal temperature (BT) helps to answer many important questions. Most women know what to measure basal body temperature(BT), but few people know how to properly conduct research. Let's try to deal with this issue.

Firstly, you need to immediately understand for yourself that no matter what the obtained indicators of basal temperature (BT) are, this is not a reason for self-diagnosis, and even more so for self-treatment. Only a qualified gynecologist should deal with the interpretation of basal temperature charts.

Secondly, there is no need to draw any fleeting conclusions - basal body temperature (BT) needs at least 3 menstrual cycles to more or less accurately answer questions - when do you ovulate, do you have hormonal disorders, etc. d.

Basic rules for measuring basal temperature (BT)

1. It is necessary to measure basal temperature (BT) from the first day of the menstrual cycle (from the first day of menstruation), otherwise the graph will not reflect the full dynamics of changes.

2. You can measure your basal body temperature (BT) in your mouth, vagina, or anus, the latter is more preferable. Many gynecologists believe that it is the rectal method that is more reliable and gives fewer errors than all the others. In the mouth, you need to measure the temperature for about 5 minutes, in the vagina and in the rectum for about 3 minutes.
If you measured your basal temperature (BT) in one place, then the location of the thermometer and the duration of the measurement cannot be changed the next time you take a measurement. Today in the mouth, tomorrow in the vagina, and the day after tomorrow in the rectum - such variations are not appropriate and can lead to false diagnosis. Underarm basal temperature (BT) cannot be measured!

3. It is necessary to measure the basal temperature (BT) at the same time, preferably in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed.

4. Always use the same thermometer - digital or mercury. If using mercury, be sure to shake well before use.

5. Write down the results immediately, while making notes if there was something on that day or the day before that could affect the basal temperature (BT) indicators: alcohol intake, flight, stress, acute respiratory infections, inflammatory diseases, increased physical activity, sexual intercourse the night before or in the morning, reception medicines- sleeping pills, hormones, psychotropic drugs, etc. All these factors can affect the basal temperature and make the study unreliable.

When you receive oral contraceptives measuring BBT does not make any sense!

Thus, in order to make a complete chart of basal body temperature (BT) fluctuations, you will need to label the indicators:
- date of the calendar month;
- day of the menstrual cycle;
- indicators of basal temperature;
- the nature of the discharge from the genital tract on a certain day of the cycle: bloody, mucous, viscous, watery, with yellowness, dry, etc. It is important to mark this for completeness of the picture of the compiled schedule, since during ovulation, discharge from cervical canal become more watery;
- notes as necessary by a certain day: we enter there all the provoking factors listed above, which may affect the change in BT. For example: I took alcohol the day before, didn’t sleep well or had sex in the morning before the measurement, etc. Notes must be made, even insignificant ones, otherwise the resulting graphs will not correspond to reality.

Generally speaking, your basal temperature records should look like this in a table:

Date Day mts BT Highlights Notes

5 July 13th 36.2 Watery, transparent Drank wine the day before
July 6 14th 36.3 viscous, transparent _________
July 7 15th 36.5 white, viscous _________

Normal basal temperature chart

Before you start drawing up a schedule for basal temperature (BT), you need to know how the basal temperature should normally change under the influence of hormones?

The menstrual cycle in a woman is divided into 2 phases: follicular (hypothermic) and luteal (hyperthermic). In the first phase, the follicle develops, from which the egg is subsequently released. In the same phase, the ovaries intensively produce estrogens. During follicular phase BT is below 37 degrees. Then ovulation occurs - in the middle of 2 phases - approximately on the 12-16th day of the menstrual cycle. On the eve of ovulation, BBT drops sharply. Further, during ovulation and immediately after it, progesterone is released and BT rises by 0.4-0.6 degrees, which serves reliable sign ovulation. The second phase is the luteal, or it is also called the phase corpus luteum- lasts about 14 days and if conception does not occur, it ends with menstruation. In the phase of the corpus luteum, very important processes take place - a balance is maintained between low level estrogen and high level progesterone - thus the corpus luteum prepares the body for possible pregnancy. In this phase, the basal body temperature (BT) is usually kept at around 37 degrees and above. On the eve of menstruation and in the first days of the cycle, the basal body temperature (BT) again drops by about 0.3 degrees and everything starts anew. That is, normally for each healthy woman there should be fluctuations in basal temperature (BT) - if there are no ups and downs, then we can talk about the absence of ovulation, and as a result, infertility.

Consider examples of basal temperature (BT) graphs, as they should be in normal and pathological conditions. The basal temperature (BT) chart you see below reflects two normal physiological states that a healthy woman may have: 1-lilac curve - basal temperature (BT), which should be during a normal menstrual cycle, ending with menstruation; 2 - light green curve - basal temperature (BT) of a woman with a normal menstrual cycle, we will end in pregnancy. The black line is the ovulation line. The burgundy line is a mark of 37 degrees, it serves for visualization of the graph.

Now let's try to decipher this chart of basal temperature. Note, obligatory sign basal temperature (BT) is normally a two-phase menstrual cycle - that is, both the hypothermic and hyperthermic phases should always be clearly visible on the graph. In the first phase, basal temperature (BT) can range from 36.2 to 36.7 degrees. We observe these fluctuations in this chart from 1-11 days of the cycle. Further, on the 12th day, BBT drops sharply by 0.2 degrees, which is a harbinger of the onset of ovulation. On the 13-14th day, a rise is visible immediately after the fall - ovulation occurs. Next, to the second phase - basal temperature (BT) continues to rise by 0.4-0.6 degrees compared to the first phase - in this case, up to 37 degrees, and this temperature (marked with a burgundy line) lasts until the end of the menstrual cycle and falls before the start of menstruation - on the 25th cycle day. On the 28th day of the cycle, the line is interrupted - this means that the cycle has ended and a new one has begun. menstrual cycle. But another option is also possible - the light green line, as you can see, does not fall, but continues to grow to 37.1. This means that a woman with a light green line on the basal temperature (BT) chart is most likely pregnant. False positive results measurements of basal temperature (an increase in basal temperature in the absence of a corpus luteum) can be in acute and chronic infections, as well as with some changes in the higher parts of the central nervous system.

Important to know when charting your basal temperature!

1. Normally, the menstrual cycle in a healthy woman is from 21 to 35 days, most often 28-30 days, as in the graph. However, for some women, the cycle may be shorter than 21 days, or vice versa, longer than 35. This is a reason to contact a gynecologist. Maybe it's ovarian dysfunction.

2. The graph of basal temperature (BT) should always clearly reflect ovulation, which divides the first and second phases. Always immediately after the preovulatory decrease in temperature in the middle of the cycle, a woman ovulates -on the chart this is the 14th day marked with a black line. Therefore, the most optimum time for conception is the day of ovulation and 2 days before it. On the example of this chart, the most auspicious days for conception there will be 12,13 and 14 days of the cycle. And one more nuance: you may not detect a preovulatory decrease in basal temperature (BT) immediately before ovulation, but only see an increase - there is nothing to worry about, most likely ovulation has already begun.

3. The length of the first phase can normally change, lengthen or shorten. But the length of the second phase should not vary normally and is approximately 14 days (plus or minus 1-2 days). If you notice that the second phase is shorter than 10 days, this may be a sign of insufficiency of the second phase and requires a consultation with a gynecologist. In a healthy woman, the duration of the 1st and 2nd phases should normally be approximately the same, for example, 14 + 14 or 15 + 14, or 13 + 14, and so on.

4. Pay attention to the temperature difference between the averages of the first and second phases of the graph. If the difference is less than 0.4 degrees, this may be a sign of hormonal disorders. You need to be examined by a gynecologist - take a blood test for and estrogen. In approximately 20% of cases, such a monophasic graph of BT-basal temperature without a significant temperature difference between the phases is a variant of the norm, and in such patients the hormones are normal.

5. If you have a delay in menstruation, and the hyperthermic (increased) basal temperature of BT lasts more than 18 days, this may indicate a possible pregnancy (light green line on the graph). If menstruation nevertheless came, but the discharge is rather meager and at the same time the basal temperature of BT is still elevated, you urgently need to contact a gynecologist and take a pregnancy test. Most likely - these are signs of a miscarriage that has begun.

6. If the basal temperature of BT in the first phase rose sharply for 1 day, then fell - this is not a sign of concern. This is possible under the influence of provoking factors that affect changes in basal temperature (BT).

Now let's look at examples of BT basal temperature charts for various gynecological pathologies:

The graph is monophasic, i.e. almost without significant temperature fluctuations of the curve. If the rise in basal temperature (BT) in the second phase is weakly expressed (0.1-0.3 C) after ovulation, then this possible signs lack hormones - progesterone and estrogen. You need to take a blood test for these hormones.

If ovulation does not occur and the corpus luteum produced by progesterone does not form, then the basal temperature (BT) curve is monotonous: there are no pronounced jumps or falls - ovulation does not occur, respectively, and a woman with such a basal temperature (BT) schedule cannot become pregnant. An anovulatory cycle is normal in a healthy woman if such a cycle occurs no more than once a year. Accordingly, during pregnancy and lactation, the absence of ovulation is also the norm. If all of the above does not apply to you and this situation is repeated from cycle to cycle, you definitely need to contact a gynecologist. Your doctor will prescribe hormone therapy for you.

The basal temperature of BT rises a few days before the end of the cycle due to hormonal deficiency and does not decrease immediately before menstruation, there is no characteristic preovulatory retraction. The second phase lasts less than 10 days. It is possible to get pregnant with such a schedule of basal temperature (BT), but there is a high probability of miscarriage. We remember that the hormone progesterone is normally produced in the second phase. If the hormone is not synthesized in sufficient quantities, then BT rises very slowly, and the pregnancy may be terminated. With such a schedule of basal temperature (BT), it is necessary to pass an analysis for progesterone in the second phase of the cycle. If progesterone is low, then be sure to prescribe in the second phase hormonal preparations- gestagens (or). pregnant with low progesterone these drugs are prescribed for up to 12 weeks. With a sharp withdrawal of drugs, a miscarriage may occur.

In the first phase, the BT basal temperature under the influence of estrogens is kept within 36.2-36.7 C. If the BT basal temperature in the first phase rises above the specified mark and if you see jumps and rises on the graph, then most likely there is a lack of estrogens. In the second phase, we see the same picture - ups and downs. On the graph, in the first phase, the basal temperature of BT rises to 36.8 C, i.e. above the norm. In the second phase, there are sharp fluctuations from 36.2 to 37 C (but with a similar pathology they can be higher). Fertility in these patients is drastically reduced. For the purpose of treatment, gynecologists prescribe hormone therapy. Seeing such a graph, there is no need to rush to draw conclusions - such a picture can also be observed in inflammatory diseases. gynecological diseases when everything is in order with estrogens, for example, with inflammation of the appendages. The chart is shown below.

You can see on this graph with sharp ups and downs that, due to the inflammatory process, it is problematic to determine when ovulation occurred, since the basal temperature of BT can increase both during inflammation and during ovulation. On the 9th day of the cycle, we see a rise, which can be mistaken for an ovulatory rise, but this is most likely a sign of an inflammatory process that has begun. This basal temperature (BT) chart proves once again that it is impossible to draw conclusions and make diagnoses based on the basal temperature (BT) chart of one cycle.

We remember that at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature of BT is lowered. If the temperature at the end of the previous cycle decreased, and then rose sharply to 37.0 with the onset of menstruation and does not decrease, as can be seen on the graph, it is possible we are talking about a formidable disease - endometritis and you urgently need treatment from a gynecologist. But if you have a delay in menstruation and at the same time the basal temperature of BBT remains elevated for more than 16 days from the start of the rise, you are probably pregnant.

If you notice that during 3 menstrual cycles you have stable changes on the chart that do not correspond to the norm, you need to consult a specialist.

So, what should alert you when compiling and deciphering basal temperature (BT) charts:

Graphs of basal temperature (BT) with low or high temperature throughout the cycle;
- cycles less than 21 days and more than 35 days. This may be a sign of ovarian dysfunction, clinically manifested by bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Or there may be a different picture - the cycle is always lengthened, which is expressed in constant delays in menstruation for more than 10 days, while there is no pregnancy;
- if you observe a shortening of the second phase according to the charts;
- if the schedules are anovulatory or the manifestations of ovulation are not clearly expressed on the schedule;
- graphs with high temperature in the second phase for more than 18 days, while there is no pregnancy;
- monophasic graphs: the difference between the first and second phase is less than 0.4 C;
- if the BT schedules are absolutely normal: ovulation occurs, both phases are complete, but pregnancy does not occur within a year with regular unprotected intercourse;
- sharp jumps and rises in BT in both phases of the cycle.

If you follow all the rules for measuring basal temperature, you will discover a lot of new things. Always remember that you do not need to draw any conclusions on the basis of the obtained graphs. This can only be done by a qualified gynecologist, and then only after additional research.

Sticking to the rules for measuring basal temperature is important if you want to get a reliable picture and determine ovulation or the reasons for its absence. Before starting to draw up a schedule, you need to find out where it is better to measure the basal temperature, how long to keep the thermometer, under what conditions to carry out the procedure.

Resting or basal temperature measurement is the easiest and most affordable way define optimal days to conceive a child. According to the indications of BT during the menstrual cycle, problems can be identified due to which pregnancy does not occur. If the long-awaited moment of the birth of a new life comes, then the basal temperature will also notify you in the early stages.

For information on how to check your basal temperature, see antenatal clinic. If deviations from the norm are recorded in your BT schedule, it should be shown to the doctor.

Where is the best place to measure basal temperature

There are several ways to measure basal temperature, in the question of where it is better to do this, doctors are unanimous - in the rectum. The readings obtained by rectal measurement are the most accurate, which plays a key role in the case of determining ovulation. How to measure basal temperature in the rectum? There is nothing difficult in this. The thermometer is inserted into the anus, kept there for several minutes, and then the thermometer is removed and the data is read. To display an accurate picture, you need to use mercury thermometer, it minimally distorts the actual temperature. The use of a mercury thermometer rectally should be as accurate as possible, you must first learn how to measure basal temperature in this way: how to insert a thermometer and how to remove it.

Is it possible to measure basal temperature in other ways: in the vagina, in the mouth? It is certainly possible, but these methods are not as common as the rectal method. This is explained by the fact that BT readings obtained orally or vaginally have small errors. The vaginal measurement method assumes that the thermometer is inserted into the vagina half the length. Incorrect data can be obtained if the thermometer is entered incorrectly or overexposed.

After learning whether it is possible to measure accurate basal temperature in the mouth, many women choose this method as the most comfortable of all. How to measure basal temperature in the oral way, that is, in the mouth? To do this, you need to put a thermometer on your tongue, and then close your lips. Measurement in the mouth, as well as in the vagina, can give a small error in basal temperature.

Thinking about where it is better to measure their basal temperature, women often try all the methods in one cycle, and then choose the most comfortable one. This approach is wrong: measurements must always be taken in the same way, otherwise it will not be possible to build a reliable graph.

How long to measure basal temperature

How many minutes does it take to measure basal temperature to get data that is true? If BT is measured with a mercury thermometer, then it must be held for five to seven minutes. When taking out the thermometer, it is important not to shake it, as this can distort the data.

For BT measurements, electronic thermometers are also used, although their use has an error of one degree. This is a very large indicator for BT. This nuance should be taken into account when refusing a mercury thermometer in favor of an electronic one. With an electronic thermometer, you need to measure the basal temperature for as long as the specific model of the thermometer suggests, that is, until the sound signal.

How and when to measure basal temperature

How to check your basal temperature at home? It is very easy to do this. It is necessary to purchase a thermometer and print a chart in which marks will be entered. To avoid mistakes, you need to learn how to measure the basal temperature correctly and how it is wrong. The resting temperature should always be measured at the same time (plus/minus half an hour). You need to fix BT in the morning, before any activity, so you should put the thermometer on the nightstand next to your bed in advance. BT is influenced by various factors: taking alcohol or drugs the day before, colds, stress, insomnia. Data received in non-standard situations is considered incorrect. The graph should indicate the factors that could affect BT. To find out how to measure your basal temperature to obtain reliable data, you need to decide on the fixing method, and then look for information on a specific type of measurement.

Basal temperature is an indicator that reflects the true core temperature of the body. human body. Its performance varies depending on hormonal changes, muscle tension and other reactions of human systems.

Normally, the basal temperature is several values ​​\u200b\u200bhigher than the true one, which depends on physical activity that a person makes during the day. Therefore, in order to get as close as possible to reliable indicators, one of the rules for measuring basal temperature is to determine degrees immediately after morning awakening. This type of temperature is measured in the rectum (rectum).

Building a graph of basal temperature is necessary in order to evaluate several indicators, such as:

  • Hormonal background of a woman;
  • The presence of any hidden pathologies;
  • The onset of pregnancy;
  • Favorable days for sex that do not lead to unwanted pregnancy.

It should be noted that this technique is rather inaccurate and any result obtained requires medical confirmation. Concerning basal temperature charts during ovulation, their use as a contraceptive method is advisable only in cases where no other means are suitable for any reason.

There are not so many advantages of the method, and the main ones are:

  • Ease of use;
  • The absence of the effect of any drugs on the woman's body (if we are talking about contraception);
  • The ability to detect pathology or the onset of pregnancy in the early stages.

Among the disadvantages of plotting basal temperature charts are:

  1. The method is not predictive, that is, it displays the current state and does not allow predicting the future (for example, basal temperature before ovulation does not hint at its imminent onset);
  2. The accuracy of the technique is too variable, since changes in the temperature curve can occur after few hours, and a couple of days after the start of the ovulatory period;
  3. If there is no ovulation, then there will be changes on the graph, but their accuracy is also low (the same applies to the functioning of the corpus luteum);
  4. Measurement of basal temperature during ovulation is advisable only in cases where the woman is completely healthy, otherwise the results are unreliable.

Whatever result the temperature graph shows, there is no guarantee of its veracity, since too many factors affect the reliability of the data obtained. First of all, wrong measurement basal temperature completely negates the possibility of obtaining a true indicator.

How to take measurements correctly?

There are a number of factors that affect the temperature, which should be taken into account when measuring it:

  1. Physical activity. Any, even a minimal change in body position after waking up, can blur the results, therefore, when going to bed, the thermometer should be placed so that you can take it in the morning, practically without moving. Naturally, there can be no question of measuring basal temperature during the day or in the evening.
  2. Body position. Since basal temperature should be measured immediately after sleep, then you need to be in horizontal position. You can not get out of bed, as well as sit on the bed. Any of the changes in body position will increase blood flow to the pelvic organs, which will cause the results to become incorrect.
  3. Dream. Sleep well before taking your basal temperature less than 4 hours. This will allow the body to relax as much as possible and slow down all processes so that the indicators during measurement are the most reliable.
  4. Sex. The interval between the last intercourse and temperature measurements should be at least 12 hours. To plot the basal temperature during pregnancy, it is best to abstain from sexual activity altogether.
  5. Breakfast. Eating before measuring basal temperature at home is strictly prohibited. Metabolism, which starts immediately after a meal, will stimulate an increase in temperature. So measurements need to be taken on an empty stomach.
  6. Medicines. There are a number of drugs that affect the results and significantly change the schedules. An important aspect in this case, it is a visit to a doctor who will determine how correct the resulting schedule is and what provoked changes in it. During the consultation, you need to say exactly all the medicines that you had to use during the measurements.
  7. Alcohol. A large number of alcohol that was drunk on the eve of the measurement will cause a change in basal temperature and lead to false results.
  8. Travels. Changing climate and comfort zones in general is a factor that significantly changes hormonal background. And the imbalance of hormones will lead to incorrect temperature readings.
  9. Diseases. In order for the determination of ovulation by basal temperature to be reliable, attention should be paid to general state organism. Any infections or inflammatory processes will provoke an increase in temperature, and the graphs will no longer be correct. Therefore, the temperature technique is suitable only for healthy women.

After making sure that all the above factors are taken into account, the woman can begin to measure the temperature. The tip of the thermometer is pre-lubricated with some kind of cream and inserted into the rectum for several centimeters. After 5-7 minutes, you need to get it and write down the result. During the measurement, try not to move.

Normal and correct schedule

The construction of the correct schedule can be done both on a regular notebook sheet in a box, and in electronic version with the help of programs. One of the axes should display temperatures from 36 degrees and reach slightly higher than the maximum recorded. Each division should be equal to one tenth of a degree. The second axis is an indicator of the days of the cycle. It is important to remember that one graph displays exactly the cycle ( 21 to 35 days normal), not a calendar month. Here each division equals one day. A normal schedule for a woman of childbearing age should meet the following criteria:

  • In the first half of the cycle, the indicators do not exceed 37 degrees, and in the second - vice versa. In this case, the graph takes the form of a "flying seagull".
  • The basal temperature during menstruation, starting from the first day, decreases from around 37 degrees to 36.5 degrees last day. A spread of one to two tenths of a degree is not considered a deviation.
  • For about half of the menstrual cycle, the temperature stays at levels slightly above 37 degrees, which is associated with the intensive maturation of the egg (the exact number of days depends on the length of the cycle).
  • The basal temperature in the second phase ranges from 37 degrees to 37.5. This phase is called ovulatory and is the most favorable for pregnancy.
  • A few days before the end of the cycle and the beginning of a new one, the temperature begins to decrease.
  • In a normal schedule, the basal temperature in the first phase should differ from the indicators in the second by no less than half a degree.

The above criteria are considered ideal and are quite rare. In addition, a number of changes are characteristic of the schedule of a pregnant woman.

Chart in early pregnancy

The rules for measuring temperature remain the same as for plotting. However normal performance differ significantly. Criteria for normal basal temperature during pregnancy:

  • After ovulatory phase menstrual cycle, in which there is an increase in temperature, there is no decrease in it. Indicators continue to stay on the same numbers for a week or a little longer.
  • A week later, a characteristic and obligatory sign of pregnancy is a sharp decline temperature for just one day. This phenomenon is called implantation retraction. It is on this day that the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus.
  • After the fall, the temperature rises again. Normal basal temperature during pregnancy is 37 degrees and above. It lasts for several weeks until the level of certain hormones in the woman's body decreases. As soon as the temperature began to drop, further plotting becomes pointless.

Measuring basal temperature during pregnancy is not an accurate technique, so you need additional methods research. However, the temperature method is sufficient to suspect pregnancy or problems with it.

Of particular importance is the basal temperature during a missed pregnancy or with the threat of spontaneous abortion. In such cases, a woman should carefully monitor any drop in performance. As soon as the temperature drops strongly and quickly, you should immediately run to the doctor, as this phenomenon most likely indicates a decrease in the level the right hormones. Also, an additional criterion for panic is the presence of discharge with bloody impurities and pulling pains lower abdomen.

Deciphering the results

Measuring basal temperature after menstruation and during the entire cycle can give unexpected jumps and completely different numbers that a woman expects. Such data may be due to the influence of factors external environment or be signs of any disturbances in the reproductive system. The main criteria indicating pathologies:

  • Elevated numbers of basal temperature during menstruation may be a sign of an inflammatory process in the uterus or a hormonal imbalance (decrease in estrogen);
  • High temperatures in the middle of the cycle are the norm, but if they last longer than a few days, then pregnancy is in this month it is better not to plan, as there were some problems with the egg;
  • The duration of the second phase should be at least 12 days(depending on the duration of the cycle, at least two weeks), otherwise the egg does not have time to mature and fertilization becomes impossible;
  • A delay in menstruation, together with reduced temperature indicators, indicates a violation of the functioning of the ovaries;
  • If the temperature difference in the two phases does not reach half a degree, then you should think about, especially if this is repeated every cycle;
  • If any incomprehensible and short-term temperature increases are noticed during the construction of the graph, it means that in those days there were external factors or the rules for measuring basal temperature were violated;
  • It is also possible that there are no days when the chart reaches 37 degrees, which indicates total absence ovulation ( given state may be a variant of the norm if it is not repeated every cycle).

Due to the fact that the basal temperature can change with the slightest impact, to determine more accurate results, you should make a chart over several months.

But even in this case, it is not always possible to establish the pattern of changes in the temperature curve.

An acceptable option would be to consult a doctor who will help decipher the data received and prescribe additional examinations if they are necessary. In any case, it is impossible to rely only on the results of the temperature method.

Many women want to know if they have conceived before the test can be used. This is possible if you check your basal temperature regularly. With the help of such measurements, you can also find out how the reproductive system.

Basal body temperature (BT) is measured in the rectum, vagina, or mouth. These are the lowest temperature values ​​​​of the body that the body maintains during rest or sleep. If you record the values ​​​​obtained daily, then you can make a graph of basal temperature.

How to find out about fertilization?

Women who monitor the work of their body know how to determine the onset of pregnancy even before a delay. An increase in temperature will indicate the implantation of a fertilized egg.

In phase 1, immediately after the end of menstruation, the temperature is in the range of 36.3 - 36.6 0 C. At this time, the concentration of the estrogen hormone increases. Before the onset of ovulation, it can drop a little more by 0.1-0.3 0 C.

When the egg is released, progesterone is released. This hormone contributes to an increase in basal body temperature. In 2-3 days, it should rise by more than 0.4 0 C. As a result, it is about 37 0 C. Before menstruation, the concentration of progesterone decreases, and the temperature drops markedly.

Pregnancy can be suspected if the day before the expected day of the onset of menstruation, the temperature continues to stay above 37 0 C. In some, it even rises slightly. Doctors say that during pregnancy, indicators of 37.1 - 37.3 0 C are considered normal.

In some women, according to the schedule for 6-9 days after ovulation, it can be understood that conception has occurred. At this time, the so-called implantation retraction is observed for 1-2 days. It occurs due to the release of estrogen at the time of attachment. gestational sac.

Doctors know how the definition of conception is carried out according to the schedule. In addition to implantation retraction, the fertilization of the egg and its attachment is indicated by an increase in temperature on the days of the expected menstruation. This is the so-called 3 phase.

Why are measurements taken?

Gynecologists explain how to take measurements to those women who:

  • cannot get pregnant for a year;
  • want to conceive a baby of a certain gender;
  • trying to understand the functioning of their own body.

Daily temperature measurement allows you to know the date of ovulation. Sexual intercourse on these days can increase the chances of pregnancy. Women who track their basal temperature may find out earlier that conception has occurred.

This method allows you to suspect a malfunction in the body. At an elevated temperature in the first phase, the doctor may suspect that a woman has:

  • lack of estrogen;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • endometritis begins.

If the temperature in phase 2 does not rise to 37 0 C, then this may indicate inferiority of the corpus luteum or estrogen-progesterone deficiency. To confirm or refute the suspicion will help determine the level of hormones. But such tests should be prescribed by a doctor, he can also tell you when it is best to take them.

If pregnancy does not occur throughout the year, then it is the control of basal temperature that allows you to understand exactly where to look for the problem. An increase in values ​​in both phases does not always indicate problems. For some it's easy individual characteristics body work. The main thing is that the difference between the average values ​​of the two phases was more than 0.4 0 С.

Rules for taking measurements

To understand how the body functions, you can measure the basal temperature daily. But for accurate and correct results gotta figure out how to do it right. Temperature determination should be carried out over several months. The main thing is to follow the established rules:

  • measurements are taken at the same time in the morning after waking up, it is not advisable to get out of bed;
  • temperature can be measured vaginally, orally, or rectally;
  • results are evaluated after 5 minutes of measurements;
  • measurements are considered accurate if, before taking them, the woman slept continuously for 3-4 hours.

Doctors advise using a regular mercury thermometer. The determination of indicators throughout the cycle is carried out in one place: in the vagina, rectum or mouth. Rectal measurements are considered the most informative and indicative.

If you want to know if pregnancy has occurred using basal temperature, then you must follow all the established rules. This is the only way to notice the rise in temperature. It is important to record all the data and draw up a schedule.

Many people learn that pregnancy can be determined using basal temperature only when they notice a delay. But in this case, it will not be enough to measure the temperature once. You will have to do this for more than 12 days in a row. If conception has occurred, then it should be kept at a level above 37 0 C. But such a temperature also happens in phase 2. If you do not monitor the indicators for a month, then late ovulation and the onset of phase 2 can be confused with pregnancy.

Deviations from the norm: is there a reason for panic?

Not always in women, after the attachment of the fetal egg, temperature indicators rise. If the test turned out to be positive, and the indicators do not exceed 37 0 C, then a threat of interruption can be suspected. This may indicate a lack of the hormone progesterone. It is he who is responsible for the safety and development of the unborn child.

Even if a woman did not measure BT during the cycle, the doctor may recommend starting to control her. During the 1st trimester, doctors advise taking measurements for those who have a history of missed pregnancies or miscarriages. A decrease in the level of basal temperature may be the first sign of the threat of the onset of spontaneous abortion.

Dangerous and increase in temperature indicators in interesting position. An increase in BT over 38 0 C indicates infectious lesion or active inflammatory process. If a woman has a cold and her body temperature is elevated, then the basal temperature will also be increased.

It makes sense to measure basal temperature up to 14 weeks. After that, it becomes uninformative. Indeed, in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the hormonal background changes.

First of all, having learned to determine the basal temperature, women will be able to calculate the optimal day for conceiving a child. Many ladies seek to gain this knowledge only in order to accurately determine the "dangerous days" on which you should not have unprotected sex. Such a method natural contraception helps them avoid unplanned pregnancies. In general, every woman would do well to learn how to measure basal temperature. It is about the intricacies of its measurement, drawing up graphs that we will talk about.

Why and how to measure basal temperature

We will still have time to chat about how to measure the basal temperature, for a start it is worth figuring out what it is for. A number of girls have heard how important it is to know the nuances of measuring basal temperature. But not everyone understands that such knowledge can improve the quality sexual life. Yes Yes. Perhaps my words will seem strange to you, but by learning how to measure basal temperature, you can finally achieve highest peak enjoyment during sex. How are basal temperature and satisfaction related? intimate life? Let's figure it out.

Often women cannot relax during sex, having enjoyed the process, because, while making love, they constantly scroll through vital questions in their heads. These out of place thoughts interfere with relaxation. The dilemmas that pop up in the head of the ladies, killing the desire, can be divided into two categories. The first is the questions following character:

1. Is this position the most suitable for conceiving a child?

2. How much will "birch" increase my chances of getting pregnant?

3. Why can't I get pregnant?

4. Am I or my partner infertile?

5. What should I do if nothing works out this time?

6. God, have I done something bad that you won't give me a baby?

But not all women are obsessed with having a baby. Many do not want this. Completely different questions are swarming in their heads, which also prevent a woman from relaxing. So, the second category of questions is something like this:

1. I can't get pregnant if I use the calendar method?

2. Can you get pregnant if you have sex during your period?

3. I wonder which methods of natural contraception are effective?

4. Have I identified correctly safe days?

5. How will the partner react to a pregnancy resulting from an incorrect determination of the ovulatory period?

6. God, you understand that I'm not ready to give birth to a baby yet?

Here's what usually goes on in women's heads during intimacy with a partner. What relaxation are we talking about here? Regardless of exact calculations, girls get pregnant on the safe days they have determined with calendar method contraception. Ladies often conceive children by making love during menstruation. Women who want a child are often unlucky, but for some reason they cannot determine the optimal day for conception. Oh, if all women understood how to measure the basal temperature, with which it is easy to determine the day of ovulation, pregnancy, then they would probably learn to get more pleasure during sex, stopping asking themselves silent painful questions in the process.

We must understand that the temperature method of natural contraception is built on the measurement of basal temperature, which, together with cervical method will not concede on reliability of protection to a qualitative condom. That is, knowing how to measure basal temperature, you can minimize the possibility of getting pregnant during unprotected sexual contact in certain days freeing yourself from pleasure-killing fears. Women who want to have a baby, thanks to changes in basal temperature, can easily determine fertile days, which are the most favorable for conception. In general, if you want to get pregnant or, on the contrary, are afraid of it, if you want to learn how to enjoy sex without stuffing your head with what you don’t need, then you will really need information on how to measure basal temperature.

How to measure basal temperature correctly

Most the right decision when you don’t know how to measure basal temperature correctly, ask your gynecologist about it. But we will talk about the main nuances of its measurement right now. So, the basal temperature is actually directly dependent on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Temperature measurements must be taken throughout the cycle. This should not be done only when a woman is menstruating.

Basal temperature measurements should be taken in the morning. It is very important that before this a woman does not get out of bed. To measure the temperature, you should use a simple mercury thermometer, which is gently inserted into the rectum. You need to hold the thermometer there for at least five minutes, and best of all - all seven. Data should be recorded in a spreadsheet daily. After taking measurements throughout the cycle, you need to build a graph. On top, indicate the days of checks, on the side - the possible basal temperature on these days. At the junction of the lines we put points that we connect with a straight line. On the days when it happens sharp rise straight after its rapid decline, and ovulation occurs.

It is also not forbidden to use an electronic thermometer. Of course, it does not need to be kept for five minutes in anus. The result can be read after one minute from the moment the thermometer is placed in the appropriate place. When measuring temperature in different days the same thermometer must be used.

Important: You need to measure the temperature after sleeping for at least three hours.

How to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation

As you can see, you do not need to absorb an immense amount of information to understand how to measure your basal temperature to determine ovulation. After all, you need to measure it with a simple thermometer, which is usually placed in the ass. After that, we regularly record indicators, build a graph, etc. The only thing that needs to be well understood is how the basal temperature will change before ovulation.

For your information: some women use oral or vaginal methods when measuring basal temperature, but they are not standard.

So, on the eve of the release of the gamete from the ovary, the basal temperature reaches the lowest possible level. The next day, it rises rapidly by half a degree or more. This level is maintained for two weeks. An increase in temperature is caused by the action of progesterone, which affects the thermoregulatory center in the brain. Most auspicious days for pregnancy - this is two days before and after ovulation.

Attention: charting your basal temperature is easy with the help of special applications that are hosted on some women's sites.

But remember that the general health of a woman can also affect the basal temperature charts. Therefore, if you feel unwell, you have inflammatory, infectious diseases, there are chronic conditions, then it is better to postpone measurements of basal temperature until the causes of the development of disorders and recovery are eliminated women's health. In addition to diseases, stress, lack of sleep, sex, and alcohol can lead to a change in temperature. Do not forget to mark each of the violations at the bottom of the graph.

You need to understand that not all women have a temperature rise of almost half a degree in the second phase, just like in some ladies it is difficult to see its significant drop before menstruation, ovulation. If the temperature rises by no more than 0.3 °, then this may indicate estrogen-progesterone deficiency. When the second phase is short and there is no drop in basal temperature before menstruation, most likely the lady has a second phase deficiency. It is worth being wary of women who do not have characteristic changes during the cycle. After all, this means that ovulation does not occur at all. Random factors and the same estrogen deficiency can make the curve chaotic.

If you experience atypical fluctuations in temperature or it does not change at all, be sure to consult a doctor. Those women who do not want to go to the gynecologist, but still want to learn how to determine the days of ovulation even with an abnormal basal temperature, should pay attention to other factors of its approach. For example, you need to look at the discharge, which becomes viscous, less transparent before ovulation. You can also navigate by pulling, aching pains lower abdomen. They can occur on both the right and left sides.

It is not necessary to chart your basal temperature for years. If you have a correct two-phase menstrual cycle, there are no delays, your periods are the same number of days, then in order to determine the days of ovulation, it is enough to measure the temperature for three menstrual cycles. But do not forget that hormonal disorders, diseases internal organs, overwork, diets can make adjustments to your established menstrual cycle. During such a period, one cannot rely on old schedules.

Girls who do not want to meet the morning with a thermometer in interesting place, special tests can be used to determine ovulation. Most often there are tests that look like stripes. But in pharmacies you can also find cassette tests for ovulation. The action of the strips is identical to the action of pregnancy tests. That is, the strip responds to an increase in certain hormones. For example, before the onset of ovulation, the luteinizing hormone, to which the test strip reacts, makes itself felt by a peak increase. You can determine ovulation using such a test as early as 36 hours before its onset. The verification reliability reaches 99%. The cassette test should be used by women with irregular cycle. You can read about its use in the instructions that come with each package of ovulation test cassettes.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

So, above we got acquainted with the main nuances of calculating ovulation. Now let's talk in more detail about how to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy. Look, you need to do everything as usual - in the morning, without getting out of bed, measure the temperature, write down indicators, make a graph, see when the temperature dropped, on which days it reached its peak, etc. Recall also that the temperature after its rise should remain at this level for two weeks. If fever persists for more than 14 days from the peak of its rise, then this often indicates the onset of pregnancy.

Of course, the most correct way to determine whether conception has occurred or not is to take a pregnancy test. If the home test showed negative result However, this does not mean that there is no pregnancy. This fact should be confirmed in the gynecologist's office. To determine pregnancy, you can take a blood test, undergo ultrasound examination etc.

Basal Temperature Measurement Efficiency

In the anus normal temperature is about 36.9°. When ovulation begins, a hormonal surge occurs and the temperature can rise up to one degree (although usually the increase does not exceed 0.5 degrees). But many girls fail to reliably measure the maximum decrease / increase in temperature. They often forget to measure their basal temperature at the same time (the maximum allowed time error is 20-30 minutes), they can jump to their feet and do their morning toilet, and only then, remembering the ritual, go back to bed, etc. the more you violate the conditions for measurement, the less likely you are to get reliable result.

In general, this method of determining ovulation can deservedly be called archaic. It is inconvenient, designed only for super scrupulous young ladies. In addition, many processes that have nothing to do with ovulation can affect the increase in basal temperature. Therefore, it is best to determine fertile days using an ovulatory test. For exact definition the beginning of ovulation, you can also undergo folliculometry (from the 7-9th day of the menstrual cycle).