Smecta for cats. Smecta for cats and dogs How to give smecta to a kitten for 2 months


“Smecta” is a drug that eliminates diarrhea and normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines. It is non-toxic and is easily eliminated from the body. The medicine is available in powder form, packaged in three-gram sachets. Before giving Smecta, dilute it with water, turning it into a liquid emulsion. Unless the doctor has given other instructions, dilute half a sachet of the drug in a quarter glass of lukewarm boiled water. Stir thoroughly until the solution is homogeneous.

Take the kitten and wrap it in a towel so that only the head remains outside. The kitten will resist, so secure the body more securely. Insert the nozzle of the syringe into the side of the kitten's mouth, where there are no teeth. To do this, you don’t even need to open the animal’s mouth - just unscrew upper lip. Try not to scratch the mucous membrane.

Gently press the syringe plunger and inject the medicine into the kitten's mouth. About 2 ml of the drug can be given at one time. Make sure that the baby does not turn his head and the emulsion does not spill out. Slightly squeeze the animal's jaws and lift its head. Wait until the kitten swallows.

The digestive system of a kitten, like a child, requires special attention. Problems can often arise with it. The delicate intestines of a young cat, especially a purebred one, often require the help of a veterinarian, who can prescribe Smecta to the kitten to normalize stool. Let's learn about this medicine and how to use it for kittens in detail.

Briefly about Smecta

The instructions for the drug state that the medicine is a dry substance from which a suspension should be prepared.

Smecta is a medicine natural origin. It has a protective and adsorbing effect on the intestinal mucosa. The drug has good enveloping ability.

Smecta protects the mucous membrane digestive tract from exposure of hydrochloric acid and toxins, bile salts and other harmful irritants. In therapeutic doses, Smecta does not disrupt intestinal motility. The medicine is excreted from the animal's body unchanged.

Indications for use of this medicinal product is the treatment of pain associated with diseases of the stomach, esophagus, duodenum; intestinal colic; diarrhea of ​​acute and chronic form.

Manufacturers of the drug also warn about the side effects of the drug. This is the appearance of constipation, which requires a reduction in the dosage of the drug.

The medicine does not have a teratogenic effect. There are no known cases of overdose. Concerning drug interactions, then Smecta can reduce the absorption of other substances in the stomach.

Instructions for use of Smecta for a small cat

In order to treat a kitten with Smecta, you will need a terry towel and a disposable syringe without a needle, Smecta powder and boiled water. The purpose of Smecta for humans is to eliminate diarrhea, normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines. This drug is non-toxic. It is easily excreted from the animal's body. The medicine is produced in the form of a powder, which is packaged in three-gram sachets. The powder must be used according to the following rules:

  1. If the veterinarian prescribed Smecta to your kitten, then you need to breed it boiled water, turning into a liquid emulsion. To do this, thoroughly stir half a packet of Smecta in a quarter glass (50 grams) warm water. The solution should be of uniform consistency.
  2. Liquid medicine is given to kittens using a disposable syringe. You don't need a needle for this. Take a two-piece syringe and fill it with Smecta solution.
  3. Release the air from the syringe. The instrument for administering the medicine is ready.
  4. Take your kitten and try to wrap it in a terry towel so that only the head remains outside. The animal, of course, will resist. But try to fix the body so that the administration of the medicine is high-quality.
  5. Insert the syringe with the nose into the animal's mouth from the side, in a place where there are no longer any teeth. You won't have to force your kitten's mouth open. You just need to twist his upper lip.
  6. Gently press the plunger of the syringe and thus inject the medicine into it. Two milliliters of the drug can be given to a sick animal at one time. Be sure to wait until the kitten swallows the medicine.
  7. If your first attempt at introducing Smecta was unsuccessful, then it needs to be repeated. You may need the help of another person: one holds the kitten, the other administers the medicine.
  8. Repeat the treatment procedure every two or three hours.
  9. Typically, animal treatment is combined with diet. You don't have to feed the kitten for 24 hours, but you need to make sure that it gets enough food. sufficient quantity drinking. As a rule, after two procedures of administering Smecta, the animal’s condition improves. If such improvement is not observed, then you should contact your veterinarian. You may need to prescribe a different drug.

Does it this medicine safe for a pet, how to determine the dose and whether it is even possible to treat an animal with a product intended for humans - the answers to these questions are given in the article.

Clearance gastrointestinal tract a kitten at its birth is sterile. The first bacteria enter the animal’s body along with a sip of maternal colostrum. This is how the intestines are populated with microorganisms that contribute to the digestion of milk. For the first 1-3 days, kittens receive colostrum from their mother, and later the cat begins to produce milk.

Important! If a kitten is separated from its mother for any reason and is on artificial nutrition, the microflora of his intestines is disrupted, which leads to indigestion, which can manifest itself as constipation and diarrhea.

When kittens turn 1 month old, it begins for them new stage– gradual translation to adult food . And here it doesn’t matter at all: they fed the mother cat natural food or ready-made food, in any case, this is a test for kittens, because they begin to receive new, previously unfamiliar food.

With changes in food, the microflora also changes, and the intestinal walls become irritated. The natural reaction of the intestines to irritation is the active production of mucus, due to which the kitten’s feces become liquefied or diarrhea may even begin. If the kitten feels great, then by approximately the second month of life, its intestinal function will normalize.

Despite the fact that the appearance of diarrhea in a kitten when switching to adult food is a completely common occurrence, the owner needs to carefully monitor the condition of his small pet. In a kitten suffering from digestive problems, dehydration can occur very quickly, in as little as 20–30 hours.

Important Don’t miss other problems with the baby’s health, because a change in diet may not be the only reason; if the little one is not helped in time, he will get worse.

Use of "Smecta" for diarrhea

The medicine is a white powder, packaged in 3 gram bags. One sachet before the cottage dissolves in 100-120 ml of water. This tool is intended for the treatment of humans, therefore the packaging and recommendations contained in the instructions apply only to human use of the drug. The kitten cannot be given the whole package; it needs a smaller dosage.

A baby can survive without food for no more than a day, but still, the duration of a fasting diet should not exceed 12 hours. It is very important that the kitten receives a sufficient amount of fluid; if he refuses to drink, then you need to dilute Smecta big amount water and force the kitten to drink.

Many animals like the sweet taste of the medicine, so they themselves willingly drink the diluted suspension, and the owner just has to make sure that the right amount of liquid is drunk. If the kitten refuses to drink on its own, then the suspension is given to it forcibly. The kitten needs to be fed carefully so that he doesn't choke.

Below are tips for watering your kitten:

  • It is best to use a 2-cc syringe without a needle, it is very convenient to give the kitten a drink, and it is also convenient to control the dosage of the drug;
  • before drinking, you need to let your pet smell the syringe, so he can look around and calm down;
  • the nose of the syringe is pushed into the side of the mouth, between the chewing teeth;
  • If the kitten chokes, drinking stops immediately. The pet should be given time to cough;
  • during feeding, the kitten sometimes fights and bites its owner, so before the procedure it can be wrapped in a sheet;
  • the suspension should be poured carefully, in small portions, periodically lifting your head and stroking his neck. This will help your baby swallow the medicine better and not choke.

If during drinking the kitten actively resists and a lot of medicine spills, then you can increase the volume of liquid. An overdose of Smecta is not as dangerous as a condition of severe diarrhea.

An improvement in the animal's condition, as a rule, occurs within 1-3 hours from the first use of Smecta. But toxins continue to be produced in the intestines, pathogenic microflora destroyed in best case scenario in one day, so treatment with Smekta should be continued for 1-3 days.

Smecta is rightfully considered one of the most effective drugs, helping a person cope with diarrhea. However, for felines it has become no less true friend. The main thing is to learn how to correctly calculate the dosage. Moreover, you can understand how to give Smecta to a cat by carefully reading just one article. An intestinal disorder for a beloved pet is not rare disease. There is always a reason for diarrhea. It could be something unsuitable for food, obtained on the street, or a stolen piece from the table. In any case, Smecta will be the salvation.

What you need to know about Smecta

There is a whole group of medicines that belong to sorbents. Such drugs have a universal effect. They are able to provide effective assistance for almost any disease of the gastrointestinal tract. One of the most popular and effective drugs Smecta is rightfully considered. The medicine instantly absorbs all the excess that is in the stomach and causes discomfort. It successfully copes with viruses, toxins, bacteria, and when treating a cat with Smecta, the effect will be no less impressive than when a person takes the drug.

The popular medicine contains dioctahedral smectite. He is active component drug. It is a mixture of aluminum and magnesium silicates that have undergone specific processing. As a result, the unique crystalline structure of the compound provided the ability to envelop toxins and pathogenic viruses, eliminating them along with feces. At the same time, Smecta does not provide negative impact for maintenance minerals, beneficial intestinal flora.

Causes of diarrhea

The digestive system of our gentle meowing pets is very delicate. Experienced cat breeders who always keep Smecta on hand will say with confidence that the disorder intestines in animals is a fairly common phenomenon and there can be many reasons for this.

  • Eating raw liver.
  • Eating spoiled foods.
  • Drinking milk due to lactose intolerance.
  • Disease of the kidneys, pancreas or liver.

Often, even simple overeating can cause diarrhea in a cat. Fluffy extortionists know how to beg for the tastiest morsels from the table. However, many foods are simply not digestible in the animal’s body. That is why the owner is obliged to monitor the pet’s diet, which should not be harmful to the cat.

When to start treating your pet

Indications for use of Smecta for cats or cubs are identical - any disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. This may be a slight bloating of the tummy, which is often found in small pets during the transition from breastfeeding to solid food, as well as full-blown diarrhea. If the disorder is prolonged and taking Smecta does not bring the expected result, it is more appropriate to show the cat qualified specialist and continue treatment under the strict supervision of a veterinarian.

Special attention when loose stool must be addressed to kittens. When switching to adult food for a small animal, this phenomenon is considered quite normal and does not cause any particular harm to the body. The main thing is to prevent dehydration at such a moment. It can occur literally in 20 hours. It is also important not to miss other diseases. After all, the cause of diarrhea can be not only a change in food, but if the fluffy little one is not given the proper care in a timely manner. medical care, he will get much worse.

How to properly treat a cat

The dosage of Smecta for diarrhea and other intestinal diseases is prescribed to a cat or dog directly by a veterinarian. However, many experienced breeders often self-medicate. In this case, the dosage of the drug will have to be calculated independently. Smecta is medicine, designed for people. It is packaged in small bags of 3 grams and represents white powder. Recommendations in the instructions for use of Smecta apply exclusively to humans.

Until the breeder contacted a specialist veterinary clinic for consultation and did not receive any special recommendations as emergency measure you can take half a bag of Smecta and dissolve the powder in ¼ cup, using slightly cooled boiled water. Some pets like the taste of the drug and do not cause any problems when taking it.. In this case, you can simply pour the resulting solution into a small bowl and make sure that the cat laps up a sufficient amount of the suspension. You will have to tinker a little with capricious pets.

The procedure for introducing the drug into the cat's mouth

To help a cat cope with the disease, the breeder will need 1 sachet of Smecta, boiled and cooled water in advance, a clean towel and a syringe without a needle. Despite the malaise, not every animal completes the course of treatment prescribed by the veterinarian or the breeder himself with great pleasure. To give Smecta to a cat, the owner will have to show miracles of ingenuity and simple admonitions; kind words will not help here. It's much easier to stick to certain rules.

  • Place the contents of the sachet into the prepared container. For adult cat 1.5 grams of Smecta is enough. The powder should be diluted to a pasty consistency. This will require 50-100 ml of water.
  • To inject the prepared suspension into the cat's mouth, a regular 2-cc syringe is suitable. It must be filled in advance so as not to irritate the sick animal.
  • Immediately before administering Smecta, you should wrap your beloved pet in a thick cloth or towel. In this case, it is necessary to fix his legs and body, but do not overdo it. Do not forget that the unfortunate mug is most likely suffering at the moment from severe pain in the tummy.
  • The syringe is inserted into the cat's mouth from the side where the teeth are missing. Attach special effort you won't have to. There is no point in carefully opening the mouths of Murka or Barsik. It is enough to lift the upper lip by 1-2 mm and gradually squeeze out the contents of the syringe.

How many times a day to give a cat Smecta depends solely on the condition of the animal. For the most severe disorders, veterinarians recommend repeating the procedure for administering the drug every hour. Particular attention should be paid when treating kittens. If after 6-8 hours the furry little one’s condition does not improve, you should immediately seek help from a qualified veterinary clinic specialist. In such cases, there is always a risk of having diseases not only of the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects

There is no need to be afraid of giving Smecta to a cat with diarrhea. Treatment with this drug does not have a negative effect on intestinal flora animal. The product is completely eliminated from the cat’s body with urine within 2-3 hours after administration. None side effects the medicine does not work. During numerous clinical trials Only mild constipation was detected. However, after adjusting the dose of the drug, it went away immediately. As a result, many cat breeders today named Smecta universal remedy for the treatment of diarrhea, which has no side effects or contraindications.


Indigestion is a common ailment among cats. Mostly kittens are affected. If diarrhea is not paid attention to, the animal may weaken and die. Antibiotics have side effects. Therefore, there is a demand for a medicine that is safe for cats and can be given without a doctor’s prescription. Let's consider the rules for using the drug Smecta for the treatment of digestive disorders in cats.

Composition and dosage form

Active substance Smects are aluminosilicate dioctahedral smectite. It is produced from a natural mineral - bentonite clay. Flavorings and taste correctors are added to the dried powder and packaged in 3 gram bags. The dose is calculated for an adult. There are 10–30 sachets in a package. Veterinary specialists have adapted the drug to treat cats.

Pharmacological properties

Aluminosilicates have a porous structure that adsorbs toxins and liquids. Toxic substances are not absorbed into the blood and are excreted in feces. Smecta does not have a direct bactericidal effect, but it prevents the proliferation of putrefactive microflora. Nutrients intestinal contents become inaccessible to bacteria due to insufficient moisture of the chyme. Intoxication stops, well-being improves.


Smecta is prescribed when diarrhea occurs. Indigestion occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Change of food. Most often occurs in kittens. After weaning, the cub's enzyme system is rebuilt and malfunctions occur. However, diarrhea can also occur in an adult animal during a sudden transition from ready-made feed to natural or vice versa.
  2. Food poisoning. Occurs when eating spoiled food or overeating. Housewives who treat their pets to meat or fish trimmings or dishes from the table are to blame.

  1. Side effects of medications. Most often, dysbiosis occurs when long-term use antibiotics.
  2. Viral diseases– panleukopenia, infectious hepatitis etc.
  3. Chronic pathologies. Diabetes, pancreatitis, non-communicable liver diseases.


If diarrhea occurs, when there are no additional symptoms(vomiting, foam from the mouth, refusal to drink), Smecta can be used without consulting veterinarian. A sick pet is deprived of food for 12 hours. Some individuals like Smecta. The package is dissolved in half a glass of water and offered to the animal instead of its usual drink. When the cat vomits 50 ml of liquid, the treatment is considered complete. With absence positive result apply for veterinary care.

If the animal is picky, you have to forcefully inject the medicine. First, pet the pet, give it a sniff of the container with Smecta, and wrap it in a towel so as not to scratch it. Take 2–5 ml of the thoroughly mixed mixture into a syringe without a needle and pour it into the mouth where the teeth are missing. You need to make sure that the cat does not spit out the suspension. If this happens, the administration of the drug is repeated. After 3 hours, the procedure is carried out again. 2–4 doses per day are recommended. Treatment with Smecta is carried out for 3 days.

Side effects

Apart from extremely rare constipation, Smecta does not cause health problems. Stool retention is not a reason to stop treatment, but the dosage is reduced by half.


Smecta absorbs moisture, toxins, vitamins, microelements, active ingredients medicines. Negative reaction the animal does not arise. Medicines are wasted.


A responsible felinologist always has a place for Smecta in his first aid kit. This safe remedy to eliminate indigestion. The drug does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but helps the body cope with the disease. If there is no positive result, seek veterinary help.