Is it possible to cure vitiligo at home? How to treat vitiligo using traditional methods? Nutrition rules for children and adults.

In this article we will look at a chronic process that manifests itself in the form of pigmented spots (milky areas) on the skin. Vitiligo disease can occur for a variety of reasons (ranging from pathological processes V endocrine system, ending nervous disorders), along with drug therapy Treatment with folk remedies at home is also used. Most effective methods Such medicine is described in detail below; in any case, the patient needs a strictly individual scheme of care, and cannot do without the participation of a professional.

General approach to therapy

The speed of remission and effectiveness directly depend on the choice and combination in various ways How traditional medicine, and folk. For a quick recovery, it is important to eat a balanced and healthy diet.

Let us briefly describe the main methods of struggle that modern evidence-based medicine offers.

Prescribing a number of medications

Use medications containing copper and ascorbic acid, a course of corticosteroid hormones and immunostimulating agents is also prescribed.

Helium-neon laser

This new technique, which includes the synergistic effect of photosensitizing drugs with laser action.

Transplantation of individual skin areas

Donor transplantation of parts of the integument, which are pre-treated with photochemotherapy, is gaining popularity.

Folk remedies used for vitiligo in adults at home are very diverse, so the decision on how and what to treat depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and the doctor’s instructions.

All recipes can be divided into three large categories:

  • Decoctions and tinctures used for internal use.
  • For external applications.
  • Tinctures that will help cosmetically disguise spots.
Each method has its own indications and contraindications, which must be taken into account, and also not to forget about the compatibility of the medications used, so as not to harm the patient’s body. All details of therapy must be discussed in detail with a dermatologist in order to take into account all possible nuances and risks of treatment, as well as individual characteristics body and the course of the disease in your particular case.

Recipes for internal use

You need to be patient, since treatment with herbal medicine requires a lot of effort and time, but it is effective and safe, and often does not require large expenses. We tell you how you can get rid of vitiligo at home and how to do it effectively.

Swamp duckweed

Grind the grass using any in an accessible way, usually use a meat grinder. Honey is added to the plant mass in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting composition is taken in the morning, one teaspoon.

The composition is pre-washed and placed in an opaque container, preferably dark glass. Then pour vodka and infuse for 7 days at room temperature. Add 50 grams of vodka to 1 teaspoon. Afterwards the tincture is filtered.
Method of administration: dilute 15-20 drops in a quarter glass of water and drink three times a day. The recommended course is about six months.

You can see the first improvements in 4-5 months, but when undergoing a course of treatment with duckweed, you should definitely consult a dermatologist and tell them what diseases you have had previously to determine possible contraindications. The main thing in this situation is not to harm the sick body.

St. John's wort

An infusion is prepared from St. John's wort. The herb is poured with boiling water, in the ratio of 1 glass of water and 1 tablespoon of herbal raw materials.
Dosage – 1 tablespoon after meals three times a day.
Use the course for 21 days, then take a week break. Total time admission - six months.


Two full glasses of oats are filled with six glasses of milk. The composition is kept in a steam bath for three hours, then filtered and taken a glass three times a day 40 minutes before meals. The course of treatment should be at least two months.

Wine mixture with initial letter

The initial letter should be boiled in wine over low heat. For two liters of alcoholic drink, take half a glass of dry grass powder. You need to boil for about 20 minutes.
Drink twice a day before meals, the third dose is taken immediately before bed. One serving will require 50 grams of wine mixture.


Grind the grains in a coffee grinder - 10 tablespoons. Morning and evening, eat 1 teaspoon daily.
The course of therapy is until the white spots disappear completely, in most cases this takes several months.

Black cumin oil

Drink a mixture of oil (1 teaspoon) and water (about half a glass) twice a day.

Dandelion root

Pour the crushed and washed root with vodka, in a ratio of 1 to 10 parts, leave for about a week, take 10 drops per day, washed down sufficient quantity water.

Birch juice

Drink 1 glass 3 times before meals daily.

External folk remedies for vitiligo

For effective external effects, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist to find out the possibility of combining such techniques with traditional treatment.

St. John's wort oil - take only inflorescences, fill a glass bottle tightly with them, there should be a space of 5 cm left up to the neck, fill everything with refined sunflower oil. Close the bottle and place in the sun for two weeks, shake the oil once a day. After two weeks, more flowers are added to the filtered oil; another two weeks should pass. This procedure is repeated about 6 times. The result should be a consistency reminiscent of sour cream. Directions for use: Apply the oil to the affected areas twice a day.

Black cumin - its oil extract is used by rubbing the white spots with a piece of cloth moistened with vinegar, then the drug is applied. Afterwards, aggressive sun exposure should be avoided for at least 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure at least every other day until the expected effect is achieved.

Garlic and onion – rub a clove or onion cut in half daily on the affected areas for 5 minutes and allow the liquid to be absorbed. One day should be rubbed onion juice, the other is garlic. It has been noticed that fresh depigmented areas disappear after a week, while old ones require longer exposure.

Birch tar - stains are smeared daily for a month, then take a break of two weeks and repeat until the whitish areas completely disappear.

Salicylic alcohol - moisten gauze in a 5% alcohol solution. It is advisable to start with a few minutes in the evening or morning. Try to avoid sunburn.

Pepper tincture - for one liter jar, take six medium dry pods of red hot pepper, pour vodka (half a liter) over the pods. Place the closed jar in a dark place for 25 days, shaking the container periodically. On the 26th day, the pepper is removed and the tincture is rubbed into the affected areas three times a day for 5 minutes. Avoid direct sunlight after applications.

Boric or acetylsalicylic acid– mix any of the above acids with petroleum jelly or simple baby cream. Aspirin tablets must first be crushed. Mix everything and apply to the skin. Exposure time is at least 20-30 minutes.

Black ground pepper– mix with soda in equal proportions. The mixture is rubbed into the white areas, gradually the color evens out.

Indian onion - onion bulbs and feathers are chopped and poured with vodka in equal parts. Let it sit for two weeks; there is no need for filtration. Apply to white areas once a day until they disappear completely.

Sulsen paste (at a two percent concentration) - apply to stains twice a day, leave for half an hour and rinse. The first improvements will be noticeable after 3-4 procedures.

Parsley seed - 10 grams of the product are crushed and with 100 grams of vodka, infused for 14 days, add 250 milliliters of lemon juice. Lubricate the affected areas several times a day. After about a week, the skin tone will be noticeably evened out.

Anise seeds - for 500 milliliters of olive oil, take about 20 grams of crushed seeds. This mixture is put in a dark place for a month, filtered, and rubbed daily into depigmented areas.

Gives good results medicinal baths with the addition of various natural ingredients:

  • One glass of salt Dead Sea Add to warm water and stay there for about 20 minutes. Course – 10 baths, apply twice a week.
  • 2 tablespoons of pine extract and 50 milliliters of valerian tincture are poured into bathing water, exposure time is at least half an hour. Course of procedures – from 15.
  • To take baths, use separate decoctions of St. John's wort, string, sage and calamus, which are infused in one liter of boiling water for about 40 minutes, filtered and added to the water.
  • Chop red geranium root (50 grams) and brew with a liter of boiling water, let it brew for more than four hours and add to a warm bath. Carry out such procedures for two weeks.


Sometimes patients want to mask snow-white spots before the first results of therapy appear; for this, there are several proven compositions:
  • Walnut - leaves and amniotic parts are mixed in equal parts, the resulting mass is poured with vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Infuse for about two weeks in a dark and cool place. Apply the tincture to the skin up to two times a day.
  • Ginger juice with red clay - mix both components in one to one proportions, lubricate the whitened areas for about a month, then take a break of 30 days and repeat the course. This must be done for six months.
  • Rhubarb – fresh juice Apply to milky areas twice a day until the desired effect occurs.


Herbal medicine provides many answers to a question that often worries patients: how to cure vitiligo at home using folk remedies quickly and permanently, but the described methods have many subtleties of application and contraindications:
  • a history of allergic reactions to one or more components should be grounds for discontinuation of the prescription;
  • age under 4 years is also a contraindication; for older children, the use of herbs is possible, but in smaller dosages; if in doubt, it is better to consult a herbalist;
  • severe pathologies of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • hypertonic disease.

Nutritional Features

Balanced diet V complex schemes therapy gives stable positive results.

It is necessary to eliminate as much as possible the presence in the diet of preservatives and food additives of chemical origin, which enhance the taste of ready-made dishes. Usage natural products has a positive effect on the body as a whole and helps enhance the effect folk ways and treatments for vitiligo, as well as traditional medicine measures.

It is worth including the following products in your daily diet:

  • carrots, beets;
  • tomatoes, cucumbers;
  • pumpkin, different kinds cabbage (broccoli, kohlrabi);
  • liver, seafood ( greatest content copper);
  • beans, peas (source of tyrosine);
  • buckwheat, blackberries, figs, walnuts, parsley, celery ( increased amount zinc and iron);
  • fruit juices;
  • products with iodine - seaweed, chokeberry;
  • mint;
  • mushrooms, legumes, pumpkin seeds;
  • strawberries;
  • watermelon and melon (consume 30 days, a month break).

Eating natural sources copper, B vitamins, folic and nicotinic acids, zinc helps improve skin condition and metabolic processes the body as a whole, which reduces depigmentation and promotes the production of melanin in large quantities.

It is advisable to eat soups every day, season all salads exclusively with natural vegetable oils (olive, sesame, flaxseed, sunflower), prepare steamed dishes from meat and fish, and eat a lot of fruits. Food is only allowed to be salted iodized salt.

It is advisable to exclude the following range of foods and semi-finished products from the diet as much as possible:

  • smoked meats;
  • fried foods;
  • canned food;
  • dishes from establishments fast food(fast food);
  • chocolate, margarine;
  • ready-made baking mixtures containing many preservatives and dyes;
  • products made from white flour (bread, baked goods);
  • hot sauces, mustard;
  • coffee and strong alcoholic drinks.
In addition to all the above measures, you need to deworm the body, avoid stress and generally maintain correct image life, then recovery will come faster and the patient will forget about this illness.

Only an integrated approach to the treatment of vitiligo, combining home remedies of traditional medicine, general conservative therapy and nutritional methods will help solve the problem forever without relapses.

If white, non-flaky spots with clearly defined edges appear on your body, mainly in open areas, the cause is most likely vitiligo. This is a dermatological pathology, the culprit of which is a disruption in the production of melanin in cells. Vitiligo is a complex, not fully understood and almost impossible to treat disease. However traditional healers claim that they know how to treat vitiligo at home, and there are effective means that will get rid of the disease forever.

Approaches to treating the disease

First of all, you need to get rid of the cause that led to vitiligo. These can be endocrine, vegetative, immune disorders, mental trauma, liver and biliary tract diseases, etc. Will help identify the culprit medical examination.

The disease is not dangerous and does not pose a threat to the health or life of the patient. However, it is quite difficult to treat, it takes a long time and sometimes it is impossible to get rid of the symptoms forever.

For vitiligo use:

  • glucocorticosteroid ointments (Hydrocortisone, Advantan);
  • immunomodulatory drugs;
  • sedatives, tonics, strengthening drugs;
  • nicotinic acid(duration of treatment – ​​8 days, treatment begins with the injection of 10 ml into the muscle, then the dose is reduced by 1 ml daily).

The most effective way is to take furocoumarins based on plant materials (Psoralen, Ammi, Beroxan, Fogem, Ammifurin). The drugs have a photosensitizing effect, that is, they increase the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. Therefore, taking medications is often combined with irradiation with special lamps and sunbathing. Produced in the form of ointments, solutions and tablets. They are allowed to be used only under the supervision of a doctor and after diagnostics. Treatment with furocoumarins is long-term and is carried out in several courses.

In addition, the following help get rid of vitiligo:

  • PUVA therapy;
  • neon lasers with helium;
  • cryomassage.

Often, for vitiligo, a placental-based drug is prescribed - Placentrex. It is used for a long time - at least 8 months.

Antihomotoxic drugs are also used for vitiligo. Created on a natural basis. Their main goal is the activation and bioregulation of the body’s defenses. Most often, Hormel S and Galium-hel are prescribed for illness.

If vitiligo is not advanced, it is recommended to apply to the skin with light spots Protopic gel, Vitix. This effective drugs that eliminate the symptoms of vitiligo. Apply morning and evening for 1-6 months. There is no need to rub them in. Hands should be warm during application. For greater effect, take Vitix dietary supplement in tablets.

Local home remedies – lotions and ointments

Folk remedies for vitiligo are best used on initial stage illness and after consultation with your doctor.

Most often for home therapy St. John's wort is used. On its basis, medicines are prepared for external use (ointment, oil) and internal (decoctions, infusions, tinctures).

To prepare the oil, herbalists advise taking only the flowers of the plant. Stems, foliage and other parts of St. John's wort are not used. The flowers are compacted into the jar so that there is a short distance to the neck (about 4-5 cm). Next, vegetable oil is poured to the brim, preferably olive, cold pressed. The container is tightly sealed and left in a place where there is access to open sun rays, for 2 week.

Shake the jar regularly. You can change its position (for example, turn it upside down every 4-5 hours). After the specified period, the oil is passed through gauze several times.

St. John's wort oil for vitiligo, as reviews show, is quite effective.

Then the procedure is repeated. St. John's wort flowers are compacted into a jar and filled with the resulting liquid. The manipulation is repeated 6-7 times. The result should be a liquid of a rich red-brown color with a characteristic odor.

Compresses are made from the prepared oil. Apply to areas of depigmentation every day for 30 minutes twice. After the procedure, you need to stand in the sun. On the first day, 2 minutes is enough, then the duration increases by several minutes and is increased to 30. The first course of treatment is 30 days, then a break is taken, and home therapy is repeated. In total you will need 2-3 courses.


Treatment with folk remedies is not complete without tincture of red hot pepper. With its help lotions are made.

Still, it is better to prepare the tincture yourself.

You can buy the tincture at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. To do this, pour 750 ml of vodka into 10 capsicums and leave in a closed container in a dark place for 1 month. Shake the medicine all the time. After applying the tincture to the white spots, you need to take sunbathing. Along with home treatment, it is recommended to take medications with vitamin C and copper.

A homemade remedy made from duckweed will help combat vitiligo. It is collected only in clean reservoirs with a sandy and rocky bottom. After collection, it must be thoroughly rinsed and dried.

Application medicinal plant is not limited to these methods. You can eat it to enhance the effect. A home treatment option involves preparing soups, salads and seasonings for fish and meat with the addition of duckweed.

In total you will need 2 buckets of swamp duckweed. When the plant dries, it needs to be rubbed through a sieve and mixed with honey. The consistency should resemble dough. The mixture is packaged in jars and stored in the refrigerator with the lid closed. Before use home remedy applied to gauze, then applied to vitiligo spots.

You can also prepare a tincture based on duckweed for oral administration. Grass needs to be filled 1/3 glass jar and fill it to the top with vodka. Infuse the home remedy for 21-30 days, shake regularly. The tincture is filtered and consumed after breakfast, lunch and dinner, 1 tsp diluted in 20 ml of water.

Use as home remedy herbalists recommend rhubarb rhizome.

After using the product, lubricate the skin with cream to prevent dryness.

This is folk chinese recipe, which has helped many who suffer from vitiligo. The root is turned into powder (using a blender or coffee grinder) and filled to the top with vinegar. The container is sealed with a lid, the infusion is left to saturate for 2 hours.

Other recipes

Applying the following home remedies to the affected skin will help overcome vitiligo:

  • St. John's wort decoction. You can make ice based on it. Here two therapeutic effects will be combined at once - photosensitization and cryomassage.
  • Juice of parsley, red and yellow vegetables, fruits, greens walnuts, celery, celandine (diluted equally with water), lemon, cabbage stalks, melon.
  • Oil from aconite and vinegar. 10 g of plant leaves are poured with 100 ml of vinegar and 50 ml of vegetable oil.
  • Radish infusion. Pour 1 g of radish seeds into 2 cups of boiling water. After boiling, simmer the home remedy for another 5 minutes, then cover with a lid and leave to saturate for 1 hour. Strain thoroughly and apply to white spots.
  • Parsnip ointment. Dried flowers (3 tablespoons) are crushed in a mortar and mixed with any animal fat (150 g). The mixture is brought to a boil, then filtered.
  • Homemade infusion of chamomile flowers, calendula, sage, St. John's wort flowers. All plants are taken in equal quantities. 2 level tablespoons are poured with 500 ml of boiling water. The medicine is left to saturate for 30 minutes. The infusion can be used externally. It is also allowed to drink (a third of a glass in the morning, lunch and evening). The products are applied every day for a month. Best time for skin treatment - morning and evening (before bed). After use, it is advisable to stand in the sun for a while.
  • Every day, skin with spots is wiped with salicylic alcohol.
  • Horseradish, minced through a meat grinder, is mixed with water (proportion 1:3), infused for 2 hours, filtered and applied to skin with white spots.
  • 20 aspirin tablets are crushed and mixed with nourishing baby cream (a full tube). The ointment is stored in a cool place, possibly in the refrigerator. Leather is processed in morning time and before bed. The duration of home therapy is 10 days.
  • Pharmaceutical sulfur is mixed in equal quantities with vodka or medical alcohol. The composition is used to treat areas of skin with vitiligo.
  • Depigmented areas are alternately treated with onion and garlic juice every day.
  • Red clay is mixed in half with ginger juice. The mixture is applied to the stains once a day.
  • Castor oil mixed in a 1:1 ratio with regular refined oil.

Therapeutic baths

Treatment of vitiligo at home should be combined with bathing. This procedure will not only relieve the signs of vitiligo, but also soothe nervous system.

Effective recipes home baths:

  • 50 ml of valerian tincture is mixed with 40 ml of pine needle extract. The mixture is added to a bathtub filled with water. Taken daily for 25 minutes. The course of home therapy is 15 days.
  • You need to buy Dead Sea salt at the pharmacy. Pour 1 cup of product into a filled bath. Take in the morning for 20 minutes for no more than 14 days.
  • Grind the roots of pelargonium officinalis, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. After filtering, add the liquid to the bath. Take for 2 weeks no more than a quarter of an hour before bedtime.
  • 4 tbsp. l. St. John's wort is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for an hour. After filtering, the product is added to the bath. The duration of the appointment is 20 minutes. The course of home treatment is 2 weeks.

What can you drink

Folk remedies for the treatment of vitiligo are also effective for their internal reception.

The most effective home recipes:

  1. Water left overnight in a copper bowl.
  2. Spring primrose, yarrow grass, and sage leaves are mixed equally. Add 3 tbsp to a container filled with boiling water (1 liter). l. plant collection. Drink the infusion 6 times a day, 100 ml, children can take 20 ml three times a day.
  3. Dried duckweed is crushed and mixed with honey in equal quantities. The medicine is taken daily for six months, 4.5 tsp. per day.
  4. 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort (leaves, flowers) pour into a glass of boiling water, stir. Leave for 30 minutes and strain thoroughly. Take 20 ml three times a day after meals. Home treatment must last at least 3 weeks. Then a week break is taken and the therapy is repeated again. There are 6 such courses in total.
  5. Parsnips (20 g) are brewed in a glass of water for 10 minutes. The liquid is then filtered. Drink 2.5 tbsp. l. during the week. After this, the dosage is increased 3 times. Home treatment continues for another week.
  6. This remedy will help with vitiligo on the face and body. Pour 2 cups of oats with hot milk (1.5 l) and place in a steam bath for 3 hours. After cooling, take a glass three times a day before meals.

Treatment of vitiligo at home is often carried out and in most cases shows good results. However, despite the fact that the products are prepared on the basis natural ingredients, they can lead to unwanted effects. Therefore it is very important to adhere exact dosages and home therapy courses.

Vitiligo– this is one of the most complex, unstudied and difficult to treat diseases. It can occur at any age, but more often from 10 to 30 years. The causes of vitiligo are still controversial. Here are some causes of the disease: heredity, endocrine disorders, stress, injury, infection, sunburn can serve as a trigger.

The disease vitiligo occurs with the appearance of white age spots having clear contours. Spots appear most often on open areas of the body - face, neck, arms, legs. Over time, they may enlarge and merge, or they may for a long time remain the same size, do not progress.

IN folk medicine There are several good recipes for vitiligo:

  • Radish seeds. Pour 0.5 g of radish seeds with 0.5 glass of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Wipe the affected areas with this infusion several times a day.
  • Parsnip flowers. Grind dried flowers into powder, 2 tbsp. l. mix the powder with 100 g of lard, melt the mixture over low heat, bring to a boil, keep in a warm place, then heat again, strain. Received healing ointment lubricate the skin 2 times a day.
  • Herbal infusion. Mix chamomile, calendula, sage, nettle, St. John's wort, oregano, and string in equal parts. 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave, strain, take 3 times a day, 1/3 cup 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.
  • Therapeutic baths. For one bath, take 2 tbsp. l. pine extract and 50 ml of valerian tincture. The course of treatment is 15 baths every other day. (Healthy lifestyle 2010, No. 4, p. 28. From a conversation with therapist V. G. Gurevich)

How to treat vitiligo
From a conversation with the head of the Moscow department skin clinic No. 13, Ph.D. honey. Sciences Shulgina I. G.

Skin affected by the disease is very sensitive to sunlight and burns easily, because there is no protective pigment in these areas. Therefore, the skin must be covered with clothing or sunscreens so that there are no burns. The most common folk remedy for vitiligo is duckweed. But there is something else good remedy- horseradish. You need to grind it in a meat grinder and add it to the gruel. boiled water, in a ratio of 1:3, leave for 2 hours, strain. Wipe the skin with infusion (Healthy lifestyle 2011, No. 20, pp. 12-13)

Treatment of vitiligo with herbs
Herbs will help stop the development of the disease and the formation of new spots. Make herbal mixture: 4 tbsp. l. sage, nettle, St. John's wort, 3 tbsp. l. strings and calendula flowers, 2 tbsp. l. oregano. 2 tbsp. l. Pour the mixture into a thermos, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Take the infusion 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, 1/2 cup. The course is 2 months, then 2 months of rest and a new course. (HLS 2010, No. 19, p. 33)

Traditional treatment with sesame seeds
To get rid of vitiligo, you need to eat a handful of sesame seeds at night (HLS 2010, No. 14, p. 31)

Traditional treatment of vitiligo with duckweed
Collect duckweed in a clean reservoir, away from roads and settlements. Collect duckweed during the hottest time, when its roots are longest. We spread the napkins with duckweed and apply them to the white spots on the body. In addition, drink duckweed tincture: rinse the duckweed in running water, clean it of debris, pour 1/3 of it into a liter jar and fill it to the top with vodka, leave for 3 weeks, strain. Drink 1 tsp, diluted with 20 ml of water, 2 times a day after meals. (HLS 2005, No. 5)

The woman developed spots on her body at the age of 6, when she was admitted to the regional skin clinic, doctors examined her and sent her home, saying that this disease had no cure. In the Healthy Lifestyle for 2005, she read a folk recipe with duckweed. I found a clean pond with duckweed only when visiting relatives in Kaluga region. We collected a lot of duckweed and dried it.

The woman took a water infusion (1 teaspoon of duckweed in 1 glass of boiling water, drink the entire volume during the day), made balls of duckweed with honey and swallowed it 1-2 times a day. I lubricated the spots with a concentrated infusion of St. John's wort before going out into the sun. This treatment brought significant improvements.
But then she found a remedy with which she was able to cure vitiligo completely.

I read the recipe in the newspaper. You need to order 300 g of 5% salicylic alcohol from the pharmacy. Once a day, wet the cloth and wipe the entire body. In 10 days everything will pass brown spots, if they exist, and the white spots will disappear when the body tans in the sun. But you need to sunbathe carefully - adding a few minutes every day. And if you treat and tan at the same time, the skin becomes beautiful with an even tan.. (Healthy lifestyle 2010, No. 8, p. 10)

Golden mustache tincture
The woman had vitiligo on her arms, and her joints also hurt. She made a tincture for sore joints by infusing the shoots of the “golden mustache” plant. And when she rubbed the tincture on her sore knees, she also rubbed the spots on her hands. She did this for 10 years. The spots gradually turned pink, and then became equal in color to the rest of the skin. (HLS 2010, No. 10, p. 10)

How to treat vitiligo - from a conversation with a doctor
There are many ways to treat the disease, but they are not always effective and take a long time. If the spots are small, then they are simply masked with foundation.

For large areas of damage, puvate therapy is performed - phototherapy ultraviolet rays in combination with vitamin E and other agents. In more difficult cases apply hormonal ointments, and sometimes resort to skin grafts. Sometimes immunomodulating agents are used.

Vitamins B12, E, C help restore pigment to the skin. folic acid. Copper is involved in the melanin pigment, so copper-containing preparations are used for treatment (0.5%-1% copper sulfate solution is drunk 8-10 drops with milk 3 times a day after meals. Course 1.5 months) or food with high content copper ( beef liver, peas, cheese, shrimp).

Besides official medicine treats the stress that occurs with this disease with Persen preparations (1 tablet per day for a month) or regular valerian.

Traditional medicine also comes to the rescue.
The most famous folk remedy for vitiligo is the duckweed herb, the affected areas of the skin are lubricated with its juice, and the infusion is drunk (1 tablespoon of duckweed per glass of boiling water - drink during the day in 3 doses, course 2-3 months). Or grind 1 tbsp. l. duckweed with 1 tbsp. l. honey is daily norm for 3 prima.

Prepare the tincture: 1 tbsp. l. duckweed to 200 ml of vodka, drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day. Vitiligo spots are wiped with duckweed infusion or tincture.

A strong infusion of horseradish or a strong infusion of chopped parsley helps - wipe the skin with infusions. Infusion of St. John's wort, melon pulp, juice from the roots of parsnip or Jerusalem artichoke help well.

Several recipes for oral administration
1. Juice of carrots, radish and beets - in equal parts. Drink 1/4 cup 2-3 times a day.

2. 1 tbsp. l. crushed parsnip leaves, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave. Drink 3 times a day.

3. Collection of herbs: St. John's wort, oregano, calendula, string, chamomile, sage - in equal parts. 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1-1.5 hours. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 months.

At the same time, it is advisable to wipe the skin with the same infusions (Healthy lifestyle 2009, No. 13, pp. 12-13. From a conversation with the head of the dermatovenerological department of dispensary No. 13, Candidate of Medical Sciences I. G. Shulgina)

Helped a girl cure vitiligo pharmaceutical drug bifungin. She took it as directed for 1 month. At the same time, she did not consume spicy foods or alcohol. The girl's spots disappeared within a month. If after the first course it does not help, repeat the monthly course of treatment after 3-4 weeks. (HLS 2008, No. 18, p. 30)

Treatment of vitiligo with lemon juice
A woman was able to cure her son of white spots by rubbing his face and body with lemon (or cucumber) juice. In addition, he drank an infusion of sage. plantain, nettle, chamomile, calendula. The treatment lasted 6 months. (HLS 2007, No. 23, p. 31)

How to stop illness with cabbage juice
A man developed vitiligo spots on his fingers. A workmate noticed this and said that his wife was able to cure vitiligo with cabbage stalk juice. The juice must be squeezed out, poured into a bottle, and stored in the refrigerator. Wipe stains with juice overnight. The man only had 6 stumps. After he carried out this treatment, the disease immediately slowed down. Moreover, even those spots that he did not smear stopped growing. Now traces of the disease are almost invisible. (HLS 2006, No. 13, p. 30)

Treatment with parsley juice and sunbathing
The woman had vitiligo spots on her arms. I treated them with parsley and parsnips:
I rubbed fresh leaves on the stain until the juice appeared. Then she put her hands up to the sun. You need to start with 1-2 minutes, carry out the procedure for 20-30 days, without missing a single day, adding 1-2 minutes every day.

The spots faded, but did not go away completely. I began to look for other folk recipes for vitiligo. One of the recipes helped her. You need to buy yellow sulfur in powder - 30 g and mix with 100 ml of alcohol, shake well and apply with a cotton swab to sore spots. Do not wipe. The sulfur itself will fall off over time, and the alcohol will be absorbed. After two treatments, the spots began to disappear. (HLS 2006, No. 23, pp. 8-9)

Traditional treatment of vitiligo with sulfur
The man suffered from white spots for a long time. What people advised and doctors prescribed helped, but only temporarily. An acquaintance gave him a recipe with sulfur and alcohol (see above). I applied the mixture only twice, and the disease completely disappeared. This was 40 years ago, there have been no stains since then. (HLS 2006, No. 14, p. 30)

The most effective way to treat vitiligo is to take furocoumarins. plant origin(beroxan, psoralen, ammifurin) with ultraviolet irradiation. Furocoumarins enhance the effects of ultraviolet radiation. St. John's wort has the same property.

For the same purposes, a collection of herbs is used: St. John's wort - 3 parts, calendula, sage, chamomile - 2 parts each, plantain, nettle - 1 part each. 2 tbsp. l. collection brew 500 ml. boiling water, drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day. Taking the infusion is combined with ultraviolet irradiation.

In the villages things are simpler. Cooking infusion of St. John's wort, take it internally, moisten the spots, and go sunbathe. The Dead Sea resorts help many people. But this treatment will usually retain its effect for six months.

In folk medicine, it is used to treat vitiligo. aconite leaves. 10 g fresh leaves aconite is ground with 100 ml of vinegar and 50 ml of vegetable oil. Rub into white spots on the skin. In the south it is used for treatment juice of young green walnuts

In eastern folk medicine, decoctions of the leaves and seeds of plantain, calamus, wormwood, roots, and elecampane are used.

In Russian villages, vitiligo was treated with parsley and parsnips by eating them. The most popular folk remedy is duckweed powder mixed with honey. Balls of 2-3 grams were made from this mass and swallowed 2 pieces in the morning and evening.
Celandine was also used for treatment - lotions were made from its juice on the affected skin.

It is advisable to combine all folk remedies for vitiligo with sunbathing.

When pigment spots appear on the white spots, it means the healing process has begun. (Kosterov V.M., herbalist, candidate of biological sciences Healthy lifestyle 2006, No. 7, pp. 26-27)

How to cure vitiligo with onions and garlic
A girl at the age of 7 developed White spot on the eyelid, which began to grow. The hair on my head began to discolor. An old grandfather gave a simple recipe for vitiligo. Rub the stains with onion and garlic. One day with onions, the next with garlic.

Fresh spots disappeared very quickly from this treatment, but old ones remained for another year. After this, the disease did not return (HLS 2006, No. 11, pp. 32-33)

Cheremichnaya water
The girl rubbed cherry water into the spots and was able to completely cure vitiligo. This product is sold in the pharmacy, actually it is for lice, but it also helps restore hair on a bald spot (Healthy Lifestyle 2001, No. 4, p. 12)

How to treat vitiligo spots pepper tincture
This folk recipe has been tested many times and has helped many. Take 6-7 slightly dried red pepper pods and pour 0.5 liters of vodka over them. Leave for 25 days, shaking the jar daily. Strain, wipe the stains with the tincture for 5-10 minutes 3 times a day. After rubbing, keep the affected skin in the sun for 20-30 minutes (start with small doses of radiation) (Healthy Lifestyle 2005, No. 3, p. 31)

Traditional treatment with St. John's wort
The woman suffered from vitiligo for 40 years and used various folk remedies, but without much success. Finally, after 40 years of illness, she found a recipe that helped her completely cure the spots.
1 tsp. dry St. John's wort pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day after meals. Course 3 weeks. Then 1 week break and a new course. In total, it is advisable to conduct 8 courses.

Simultaneously with treatment with St. John's wort infusion, it is advisable to apply compresses with St. John's wort oil– moisten a bandage in 3-4 layers in oil and fix it on the stain for 30-40 minutes. To prepare St. John's wort oil, add dry herb olive oil in a ratio of 1:10. Place in a water bath for 3 hours, strain. (HLS 2005, No. 5, p. 30)

Treatment with eggshells and pepper tincture
The woman was able to get rid of vitiligo using this remedy. Get some fresh shells from newly hatched chicks. Add water and boil for 3 minutes. Apply this decoction to areas with white skin. Wash your face with the same decoction several times and do not wipe yourself. Every other day, lubricate the stains with red pepper tincture. The skin color will soon begin to even out.

After treatment, 5 years passed, the disease never returned, the woman gave the recipe to a friend - it also helped her. (HLS 2005, No. 5, p. 32)

Castor oil
For vitiligo, the affected areas of the skin are lubricated with a mixture of unrefined sunflower oil and castor oil 1:1, and a swab is drawn from the edges to the middle. The same remedy helps with uneven tanning, when whitish spots appear. (HLS 2005, No. 6, p. 31)

Vitiligo (dog) is a chronic skin pathology, which is characterized by the appearance of white, depigmented spots due to the lack of melanin. They can be different in shape and size. If foci of vitiligo appear on the head, the hair in this area turns white. Skin depigmentation is rare birth defect. It mainly affects young women.

There is no clear answer to how to treat vitiligo. Each person with this pathology requires individual and long-term treatment. Together with medications methods are used that can effectively combat the problem at home.

General treatments

The correct choice of treatment methods will determine how quickly and effectively a person will eliminate the problem. Home therapy is aimed at normalizing the metabolic process of cells that have lost the ability to produce melanin and stimulating them.

How to treat vitiligo on the face in adults? The most common ways to combat vitiligo:

  • PUVA therapy– irradiation of white areas with ultraviolet radiation of a given wavelength and intensity. First, substances that promote the perception of waves are taken internally, then ultraviolet light is applied to certain areas for several hours. It takes several sessions to get rid of stains.
  • Helium-neon laser– using special equipment, the laser is applied to depigmented areas.
  • Glucocorticosteroid drugs– used both orally and as local remedies.
  • Taking macro- and microelements, vitamins.
  • Diet therapy consists of consuming foods that promote the production of melanin.

Traditional methods are effective treatment. Such therapy should be combined (with the use of PUVA) to speed up the healing process. General methods treatment at home can be considered climatotherapy in the summer (30-40 days), visiting a solarium.

Plants for treating disease

The use of herbal medicine is quite effective without side effects. You need to be patient because treatment takes quite a long time.

For oral administration:

  • Infuse juice from the leaves of legumes in 20% alcohol. Add St. John's wort to the infusion and take 1 spoon orally twice or thrice a day. Course 3 weeks.
  • For oral administration, make a decoction of verbena herb. Take 1 spoon of crushed plant, pour boiling water (half a liter). Leave for 1 hour. Take the strained decoction three times a day, 100 ml. You can make lotions from this product in the evening for 15-20 minutes.
  • Drink birch sap 2-3 times a day, 1 glass at a time. Take daily.

Duckweed in the treatment of vitiligo:

  • Grind the duckweed or rub it through a sieve. Mix with honey to the consistency of thick sour cream. Store in a dark place in a closed container, take orally.
  • Fill a three-liter jar one third with grass. Dilute vodka (or alcohol) with water 1:1, pour duckweed. Leave in a dark place for a month. Take a few drops once a day.

Duckweed is taken not only internally, but also externally, in the form of lotions, applications, and compresses. Pure herbal juice is also used for external use.

External means

  • To make the skin darker in the morning and evening, wipe it with tea infusion (1 teaspoon per 50 ml of water). Store the product in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. Shake before application.
  • A tincture of walnut leaves is suitable for skin pigmentation.
  • For a month, apply applications with St. John's wort oil to white spots for 10 minutes.
  • Treat stains with rhubarb juice several times a day. After using the product, lubricate the skin with cream to prevent dryness.
  • Grind parsley seeds, pour vodka (100 ml). Leave the product for 2 weeks. Then add it to lemon juice(1 glass). Treat vitiligo lesions several times throughout the day.
  • Place 6 red pepper pods in a jar and fill with vodka (0.5 l). Wrap the container with cloth. Leave for 25 days for the product to infuse. After steeping, remove the pepper and treat the stains with liquid three times a day. After application, it is necessary for the vitiligo areas to be in the sun for 30 minutes. Treatment must be continuous.
  • Crush an aspirin tablet and mix with Vaseline. Apply to the stain, stay in the sun, rinse with water.
  • It is recommended to wipe the affected areas of the skin with salicylic alcohol.

Therapeutic baths

  • Buy a package of Dead Sea salt. Take a bath with it (1 glass of salt) every morning for 15-20 minutes. It is not recommended to take longer to avoid causing irritation.
  • Take 2 tablespoons of pine needle extract, 50 ml of valerian tincture, pour into warm bathing water. Instead of extract, pine extract is suitable essential oil(10 drops). A course of 15 baths.
  • Grind 50 g of blood-red geranium roots, pour 1 liter of boiling water. After the broth has infused, pour it into bath water (36°C). It is better to do the procedure in the evening for 2 weeks.
  • For baths against skin depigmentation, St. John's wort, string, sage, and calamus are also used.

Alternative medicine

One of unconventional methods combating vitiligo are:

  • acupuncture,
  • reflexology,
  • auripunktura.

These methods are not a panacea, but there is information about them positive reviews. Some patients, if they did not get rid of the disease, were able to stop the growth of white spots. In addition, the listed methods have beneficial effect on the body as a whole. The cost of one session ranges from 500 rubles. An average of 10 sessions are required.

Some healers claim that vitiligo can only be treated by special means: dew from the window, eggshell from newly hatched chicks. All these methods have a right to exist. Their effectiveness or harm has not been proven. In the treatment process with such techniques, the placebo effect can play a large role.

Proper nutrition

To improve metabolism and saturate the body with minerals that promote the production of melanin in the skin (iron, zinc, copper, iodine), a balanced diet is necessary.

The menu should consist of natural products without synthetic additives. It is better to have breakfast with fruits and salads with vegetable oils. For lunch, you can eat soup containing ginger, steamed meat and vegetable salad.

  • fruits and vegetables;
  • porridge (barley, buckwheat, millet, etc.);
  • tyrazine-containing products (legumes, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds);
  • products containing copper (seafood, liver);
  • zinc and iron are contained in parsley, celery, buckwheat, blackberries, and nuts;
  • mint;
  • seaweed;
  • mushrooms.

It is better to season dishes with iodized salt. The diet should not contain canned food, bakery products, smoked meats, fatty foods, coffee, alcohol and hot seasonings.

Diet should be part of a comprehensive treatment. Thanks to it, it is possible to stop the emergence of new depigmented lesions.

  • If there allergic reaction on some component of the folk remedy, it should be excluded, and other methods should be found to get rid of vitiligo.
  • Herbal medicine is not used for children under 4 years of age. And for older children, the dosage is set to half that of adults.
  • Treatment will be more effective if you establish the right lifestyle - avoid stressful situations, enough sleep, walk in the fresh air.
  • For local lesions of vitiligo, the spots can be masked using cosmetic procedures(makeup, camouflage, tattoo).
  • People with pale complexions should limit contact with direct sunlight. Against the background of a pale face, vitiligo spots become less noticeable.
  • From time to time, the skin can be lightened through chemical peels or dermabrasion.

In order to achieve positive result in the treatment of vitiligo, you need to be patient - the therapy is quite long and consistent. You cannot stop and interrupt treatment. Before treating the defect at home, you need to visit a doctor. He will help identify the cause that contributed to the appearance of the pathology and recommend suitable comprehensive treatment.

From the following video you can learn a few more folk recipes for the treatment of vitiligo:

Vitiligo, or also called this disease"dog" represents chronic pathology manifested by depigmented round-oval spots with clear boundaries, often multiple, sometimes merging. The spots tend to grow peripherally. The patient has no subjective sensations. In addition to the skin, hair, the retina and even the meninges can be affected.

Let's talk about the causes, principles of treating vitiligo at home and how you can treat and cure it with folk remedies.

The disease appears most often in at a young age. Women get sick more often. Foci of vitiligo can be observed on any area of ​​the skin, but more often on the skin of the face and upper half of the body.

It’s just that in limited areas of the skin the production of the pigment - melanin, which is responsible for color - stops skin and hair. Milky white spots appear in these places. Moreover, the development of the disease and its main symptom and sign - loss of pigment - can occur very quickly, within a few hours, or gradually, slowly, over several months.

Sometimes the process is so extensive that there are almost no pigmented areas left on the skin.

The course of the disease is long, the prognosis is not always favorable.


About five percent of people in the world suffer from this disease. Exact reason the disease is still unknown medical science. But there are some considerations. The development of vitiligo is often associated with a deficiency of zinc and copper in the body, a possible result of exposure to heavy metals and others toxic substances, infectious diseases, injuries, neuroses, depressive states, disorders hormonal balance(diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathologies). But still, the leading role belongs to heredity.

Modern medicine has discovered that in patients with vitiligo, the production of the enzymes DOPA oxidase and tyrosinase associated with the formation of melanin is impaired.

Treatment of vitiligo

Unfortunately, the exact effective way There is no treatment that guarantees a cure for vitiligo. Approximately every fifth patient fails to achieve lasting improvement with medicines. But it has been noted that spontaneous recovery occurs in 7% of patients.

Treatment of vitiligo is aimed at curbing the progression of the disease, reducing its cosmetic manifestations and restoring melanin production.

It is believed that vitiligo cannot be cured with one drug or method - an integrated approach is required.

Therefore, treatment of vitiligo includes several areas:

  1. local treatment (ointments, creams and lotions)
  2. general treatment with systemic drugs
  3. physiotherapeutic procedures
  4. treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract and other pathologies that provoke vitiligo
  5. reception vitamin preparations(A, E, B1, B2, C, PP, D), intake of minerals, especially copper and zinc
  6. elimination of provoking factors (friction, pollution)

Ointments and creams for the treatment of vitiligo


Medicines: Prednisolone, Betamethasone, Diprospan.

How they influence: hormone therapy reduces immune attack and promotes pigment restoration.

How to use: apply the products to depigmented areas thin layer 1-3 times a day for 3 months. The use of corticosteroid medications around the eyes is not recommended.

Calcineurin inhibitors

Medicines: Protopic, Elidel.

How they work: suppress the attack immune system on melanocytes. Reduce signs of inflammation and allergies.

How to use: apply a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin 1-2 times a day. The ointments are gently rubbed in until completely absorbed. The duration of treatment is no more than 6 weeks.

Photosensitizing agents

Preparations: Melaginin, Melaginin Plus, Psoralen.

What they do: enhance skin absorption of ultraviolet rays, restore skin pigmentation.

How to treat: the drugs are applied to the areas of the disease and gently rubbed in 1-3 times a day. After application, it is advisable to expose the skin to low-power irradiation (solar or UV lamp). The course of treatment is 3 months.

Simplified treatment plan

Vitiligo is one of the diseases that is difficult to treat.

Orally: Beroxan (0.002 g) – a preparation from the fruits of parsnips.

Locally: lubricating the lesions with a 1–2% solution of Ammifurin, followed (after 30 minutes) by irradiation with ultraviolet rays in erythemal doses.

How to treat and cure with folk remedies

Traditional medicine advises such home remedies to treat and cure vitiligo disease.

Bergamot. The oil obtained from this plant is used to lubricate discolored spots, which are then irradiated with a quartz lamp or sunlight.

Anise. Anise oil is used in the treatment of vitiligo. The technique is the same as when using bergamot oil.

Parsnip is the basis of the medicine Eupygmin. Apply topically. They use gruel in the form poultice on depigmented areas.

Juice from parsnip roots is applied to the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day.

These days you need to be in the sun as much as possible.

Prepare an ointment from parsnip flowers: grind the dried flowers of the plant and mix with the interior lard(2 tablespoons of flowers per 100 lard). Heat the mixture over low heat. Strain. Apply a thin layer to affected areas twice daily.

Bedrenets. It is used for vitiligo in the form of a paste cooked from the roots of this plant. Lubricate 2 times a day for a long time. After each lubrication - solar or quartz procedures.

Tincture aralia And valerian, taken equally, take 2 times a day before meals.

Baths coniferous-valerian. There are 15 procedures per course of treatment.

For children and adolescents in the treatment of vitiligo it is prescribed microenemas with an infusion of tansy flowers and wormwood herbs, 30 ml each. The course of treatment is 15 procedures. Enemas are prescribed every other day, in the evening.

Prepare collection:

  1. nettle leaves;
  2. sage leaves;
  3. oregano herb;
  4. St. John's wort herb;
  5. tripartite succession grass;
  6. calendula flowers;
  7. chamomile flowers.

Take 20 g in total, mix and chop. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take one third of a glass 3 times a day for 2 months.


Prevention of the disease is important for people with a hereditary predisposition to the pathology. From preventive measures you can specify:

Balanced nutritious diet, rich in vitamins, zinc and copper. Nutritionists recommend regularly consuming:

  1. dairy
  2. sea ​​fish, squid and shrimp
  3. liver, rabbit and chicken meat
  4. buckwheat and legumes
  5. bran, seeds, nuts
  6. citrus fruits, apples, figs
  7. parsley, spinach, celery.

Herbal medicine helps normalize the activity of melanocytes. Among them:

  1. mountain arnica tincture
  2. rosehip berry decoction
  3. decoction of nettle leaves.

Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and solarium. Use sunscreen before going outside.

Avoid rubbing the skin with clothing, jewelry, washcloths, the back of a chair, or sports equipment.

Avoid skin contact with chemically active substances.

If possible, avoid stressful situations, hypothermia, infectious diseases and other factors that reduce immunity.

Use hypoallergenic cosmetics for sensitive skin.

For people suffering from vitiligo, these tips will help prevent the disease from getting worse.

Video on the topic

How to treat vitiligo

White spots on the skin: treatment of vitiligo with Sanum Kutis

We present to you a revolutionary series of drugs - “Sanum Cutis” (translated from Latin - healthy skin). Taking into account the complexity and versatility of diseases such as psoriasis, vitiligo and lupus, the approach to them should be comprehensive, i.e. Help for the body should be provided both from the inside and the outside.

Capsulated “Sanum Cutis” is a series (for each disease there is its own series of the drug “Sanum cutis”) of natural preparations that do not have hormonal or chemical compounds. They consist of a series of bioactive substances, the action of which is aimed at combating diseases such as psoriasis, vitiligo and lupus erythematosus.

“Sanum cutis” No. 2 – the action of the drug is aimed at combating a disease such as vitiligo. Thanks to his unique composition, this series of the drug, promotes the production of new melanocytes, which in turn, without any special “irritants” (ultraviolet light), naturally (like healthy body) produce melanin. The drug also has a calming effect and is also a powerful immunomodulator.

In addition, when taking the Sanum Cutis course, you must adhere to five (5) recommendations, which our specialist will inform you about.

The main goal of the “Sanum Cutis” course is to increase the period of remission of skin cells, and subsequently gradually get rid of the disease.

Treatment of vitiligo with folk remedies at home

Here you will learn how to cure vitiligo with herbs, oils, aspirin and copper.