Cystitis begins what to do. Drugs to combat cystitis

Some diseases are characterized by an acute, sudden onset. In addition, situations are not uncommon when a deterioration in well-being occurs on weekends or holidays. And a sick person in confusion does not know who and where to turn for help. medical care. One of these unexpected pathologies is acute cystitis.

Acute cystitis

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder that is more common in women. It usually begins acutely and is manifested by such signs:

  1. Highly frequent urination. Sometimes you have to run to the toilet every 10-20 minutes.
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  3. Cutting and burning in the urethra during and at the end of urination.
  4. Feeling incomplete emptying bubble.
  5. Sometimes the appearance of traces or drops of blood.
  6. Cloudy urine.
  7. In women, along with pain, vaginal discharge may occur.

With cystitis, an increase in temperature is rarely noted, sometimes there may be subfebrile condition, when the thermometer rises to 37.3–37.6 °. If the fever increases, chills and back pain appear in the lumbar region, this indicates the transition of inflammation to the kidneys - acute pyelonephritis. In women, cystitis can occur simultaneously with urethritis and colpitis, in which case they will have complaints of itching in the vagina.

Despite the fact that inflammation of the bladder is considered a milder disease than pyelitis or pyelonephritis, it is rather difficult to tolerate.

Is there any help for cystitis? How is it treated at home?


First of all, you need to remember that the treatment of inflammation of the bladder is the task of the doctor. This is done by a urologist or therapist. If the disease occurs in a woman, then a gynecologist can also help her.

Most often, cystitis requires an appointment antimicrobials- uroantiseptics or antibiotics. You should not take them on your own, on the advice of friends or articles on the Internet. Diseases of the urinary system are often treated with drugs from the fluoroquinolone group. They quickly produce an anti-inflammatory effect, but at the same time they have a number of side effects. Self-treatment can lead to a worsening of the situation, the appearance of complications and the development of resistance in the infection.

However, first aid for cystitis may well be carried out at home and alleviate the condition of a person until he gets to the doctor. It is necessary to know what can and should be taken with certain signs, and what activities are strictly contraindicated.

What to do with cystitis in the first place?

First aid

The same measures for inflammation of the bladder can both help and harm - depending on the form of the disease. Therefore, pre-medical Ambulance should be minimal and aimed at eliminating the main unpleasant symptoms:

  • pain;
  • burning and cutting;
  • very frequent urination.

What activities can help in such a situation? First aid for cystitis is non-drug and drug.

Non-pharmacological help

If acute symptoms of inflammation occur, bed or semi-bed rest is recommended. The less a person moves, the easier the disease proceeds.

In addition, you need to drink more. Constant filling and emptying of the bladder leads to more prompt elimination infection, its leaching.

What can you drink with cystitis? With this pathology, the following drinks are allowed:

  1. Ordinary table water.
  2. Alkaline still water.
  3. Green tea.
  4. Compotes are not too sour or sweet.
  5. Fruit drinks - cranberry and lingonberry.

Strong tea and coffee, alcohol, carbonated sweet drinks with cystitis are prohibited, as they can aggravate the symptoms.

It is possible to alleviate the condition with inflammation of the bladder with the help of a special diet.

Diet for cystitis

How can nutrition affect the course of the disease? The foods that a person eats change the pH of the urine. The acidic reaction will irritate the inflamed bladder and the urethra, which will only increase pain, burning and cramps. While alkaline urine will relieve pain.

With cystitis, the following foods are not allowed:

  • Smoked meats and marinades.
  • Pickles.
  • Vinegar.
  • Spicy, salty and sour foods.
  • Spices.
  • Meat or fish broths.
  • Mushrooms.

With inflammation of the bladder, milk, cereals, vegetable soups, bread, boiled and baked meat are allowed.

In addition to diet, as first aid methods can be used traditional medicine- phytotherapy.


Phytotherapy can relieve the symptoms of inflammation on the first day of illness. This method does not always lead to recovery - usually only in the case mild form. However, such treatment helps to reduce pain and reduce the activity of the inflammatory process.

What plants are used for acute cystitis? Most often, doctors recommend being treated with lingonberries and chamomile.

A decoction of lingonberry leaves has the following effect:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • antispasmodic;
  • relaxing;
  • antiseptic.

A decoction of lingonberry leaves can be used for any pathology of the urinary system - from cystitis to pyelonephritis.

Chamomile with therapeutic purpose inflorescences are used. The easiest way to treat is to brew tea and drink it in large quantities during the day. Chamomile has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, and abundant warm drink contributes to the rapid elimination of infection.

If the pain and burning sensation are very pronounced, you can use a decoction and infusion of chamomile. Inflorescences should be bought at a pharmacy. The method of preparation is indicated in the instructions.

In women, a decoction of chamomile can be used as a hygienic wash.

But if the diet plentiful drink and the herbs don't help? Are there other ways to alleviate the condition? In some situations, heat can be used.

thermal effect

With obvious symptoms of cystitis, local heat helps well. For these purposes, a heating pad is used, which is placed on the lower abdomen - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bladder.

Heat has an antispasmodic – relaxing – effect. It can also have a moderate anti-inflammatory effect and relieve pain well.

However, in some cases, heat is contraindicated - for example, with hemorrhagic cystitis, with the release of blood. A regular heating pad in this situation can increase bleeding. In addition, local heat is prohibited during purulent processes and fever. In women, the use of a heating pad during pregnancy is unacceptable.

But it often happens that not drug treatment does not alleviate the condition, and the pain is too strong. In this case, you need to use drugs.

Medical assistance

With inflammation of the bladder, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic drugs can be used as first aid. These include the following drugs:

  • Dicloberl;
  • Nurofen;
  • Nimesil;
  • Spazmalgon;
  • Baralgin;
  • No-shpa;
  • Papaverine.

As a rule, after tablets or injections, a rapid improvement occurs. But do not forget that this treatment eliminates only the symptoms and has a short-term effect. Over time discomfort will return, and with them inflammatory process.

Symptomatic therapy cannot replace antibiotic treatment Therefore, it is impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor with such a pathology. This is especially important for women during pregnancy, since cystitis is common in them and, without treatment, is complicated by pyelonephritis.

Cystitis is often accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms. First aid for cystitis is designed to quickly relieve symptoms, alleviate the condition of a woman. But in no case should you think that the disease has receded as soon as the pain syndrome has receded.

This disease is most often infectious cause, therefore, it does not disappear by itself, and you must definitely consult a doctor! If the disease is started, then a complication in the kidneys is inevitable, and this will require more heavy treatment. Problems with the kidneys will negatively affect all health in general, because they are our filter!

First aid for cystitis at home

It is necessary to treat cystitis strictly under the supervision of a doctor! However, if you find yourself in a situation where it is not immediately possible to go to a medical institution, then you need to be able to give yourself first aid.

Observing such simple rules, you will provide yourself with quick help with cystitis and easily achieve temporary relief from the condition. However, you still need to see a doctor in order to cure the disease completely and protect yourself from many health problems.

What to do if you find blood in your urine

Very often, even a few drops of blood found in the urine cause real panic in women. However, let's see if this symptom is so dangerous? A small amount of blood in the urine is an alarming sign, but not critical. First aid for cystitis, in this case, will consist of the same activities that we have listed above - bed rest, drinking plenty of water, eating easy-to-digest food. However, in this case, you will need to be especially attentive to nutrition.

In addition to the products listed above, you will need to exclude everything that is cooked in oil. Such dishes, in addition to irritating the inflamed bladder, cause blood flow to the pelvic organs. It is best to eat steamed or boiled food during an exacerbation, but without adding oil, and especially spices. Do not worry, such a strict diet is needed only during an exacerbation. As soon as drug treatment begins, and acute symptoms go away, it will be possible to return to the usual diet.


How else is first aid for cystitis different in the presence of blood in the urine? Warming up in warm water or with a heating pad is contraindicated in this case!

This is due to the fact that the body contributes to the expansion blood vessels, which increases blood flow, which means there is a risk of increased bleeding! In this case, to relieve spasms and pain, you need to use your usual painkillers.

Important! If blood impurities are found in absolutely all portions of urine, that is, quite Great chance the fact that the patient has hemorrhagic cystitis! This disease usually begins acutely: high fever, constant urge to urinate, which do not lead to urine output at all. At the same time, fluid continues to accumulate in the bladder, causing congestion.

Blood clots can clog urethra, this happens with a large amount of blood. In this case, this cannot be dealt with at home, and if this happened on a day off, then you should immediately call an ambulance. Effective first aid can only be provided to you in a hospital, where it is recommended to undergo treatment for cystitis.

How is the treatment

The most important thing in this matter is to get to a competent urologist who will select optimal treatment, taking into account the characteristics of the patient and the course of the disease. The main task is to extinguish the inflammatory process that is caused by the infection.

As a rule, the treatment of cystitis includes the following activities:

  • antibacterial course (taking antibiotics);
  • anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • diet;
  • immunotherapy aimed at stimulating natural immunity;
  • with severe pain - taking painkillers.

If the patient does not violate the prescribed treatment and goes through it from beginning to end, then ordinary acute cystitis is successfully cured. But in the case of hemorrhagic cystitis, various difficulties often arise. In this case, it is very important to objectively assess the amount of blood loss and promptly replenish its deficiency. Cystitis is not a fatal disease, but with improper treatment or its absence can cause irreparable harm to the body. Therefore, it is very important that it be provided quick help with cystitis. The sooner treatment begins, the faster and more effectively you can cure the disease and avoid relapses.


Not only medicines can help in the treatment of cystitis, but also herbs, diet, and correct image life.

For the period of the entire treatment, it is necessary to exclude sexual intercourse, especially unprotected. You also need to understand the importance of dieting. No need to starve yourself, just pick up the right products that do not irritate the mucous membrane. It is very important to strengthen nutrition with foods rich in vitamins and trace elements. It will awaken natural immunity an organism that will be more effective in fighting the disease.

If the patient does not suffer from allergies, then it is very good to supplement the diet herbal teas from plants with anti-inflammatory effect. If there is no bleeding and high temperature it is very good to take herbal baths or baths (heating in the pelvis). Do not forget about acidic drinks - fruit drinks from cranberries, viburnum, lemon. All this will help support the body and strengthen its resistance to disease.

If you suffer from chronic cystitis, it is important to understand that you need to be especially careful and monitor your health constantly. You need to have at home all the necessary medicines to help yourself. emergency assistance as quickly as possible. As soon as possible, you should definitely consult a doctor! Even if it seems to you that everyone already knows about this disease.

Despite the fact that inflammation of the bladder is not a fatal disease, if too acute symptoms and severe pain, it is better to call emergency help!

Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen may be signs of inflammation of the bladder. What to do at the first signs of cystitis, and why is it so important to start treatment in a timely manner?

The first signs of cystitis

If cystitis has begun, how does it manifest itself on the most early stage?

Pain when urinating

A person feels discomfort that was not there before. It is impossible to call such pain clearly expressed yet, but very soon it will gain strength. Usually, no more than a week passes from mild discomfort to sharp pain during urination, because with favorable conditions bacteria on the walls of the bladder develop extremely quickly.

Frequent urge to go to the toilet

The desire to urinate in a person appears more and more often. The patient may associate this with the amount of content drunk or with a reaction to any product or drink. Very soon, the increased urge to urinate will disrupt the natural rhythm of human life.

Cloudy urine

Unfortunately this feature patients almost do not notice cystitis at an early stage. Only a few of them see a slight clouding, but they do not dare to verify their doubts. These symptoms can be supplemented by general malaise, fever, mild nausea.

What should a patient do at the first sign of cystitis?

It is great that the patient paid attention to his condition and timely identified the changes taking place in his body. This gives great opportunities for a successful and complete cure for short term. Unfortunately, this happens extremely rarely, most people ignore the first unpleasant symptoms, considering work, household chores and other concerns much more important than their own health.

What to do when cystitis begins? The best solution is to see a doctor. It will depend on the patient's well-being whether he needs an ambulance or whether he is able to independently reach the hospital and visit a specialist. Actually, this is where independent steps should end, because the patient is now completely provided to the urologist, professional knowledge which will help the patient to return to the mainstream of normal life.

What to do with cystitis, if it is impossible to get to the doctor

The first can begin at any time of the day, in different settlements where it is not always possible to quickly consult a doctor. What actions can be taken now? If for some reason it is impossible to get expert advice, you can try home methods to alleviate the situation. All of them are aimed at improving the patient's well-being, because severe pain can lead to pain shock with more serious consequences. So what can you do at home?

Take a lying position

Now it is necessary to observe bed rest and complete physical rest. If possible, call relatives or friends who will observe the patient, cook health drinks and generally monitor the status change.

What should a patient with cystitis with severe pain do? Take a tablet of No-shpy, analgin, Ibuprofen or any other pain reliever. Even paracetamol, which is usually found in cold remedies, will now be useful.

Tolerate severe pain by no means! Even if the doctor has to come any minute and taking analgesics will prevent him from diagnosing, in difficult situations such actions may be justified.

Warm bath or heating pad

To relieve severe pain, heat is needed on the area urinary organs. For this patient, you can put for 15 minutes in a bath with warm water. By the way, if you add a strong decoction of chamomile flowers to it, the water will receive additional properties - bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, softening and regenerative. You can also simply apply a heating pad wrapped in a towel or diaper to the lumbar region. In the room in which the patient is located, comfortable conditions must also be observed. warm temperature. If there is no heating pad and bath at home, you can heat salt or sand in a frying pan, wrap it in a cloth and put it on the lower abdomen in this form.

More liquid

The patient must now drink as much liquid as possible. Can't drink cold water, due to which another spasm in the stomach may occur and pain will reappear. ordinary water it is better to replace with weakly brewed green tea, diluted Apple juice, cranberry juice. If possible, you can prepare special healing teas that have a diuretic effect. During the day, you need to drink about 2.5-3 liters of liquid. This is necessary so that the urine in the bladder does not stagnate and quickly removes bacteria and their decay products. This item is especially important for patients who have an increase in body temperature in the symptoms of incipient cystitis, which indicates possible intoxication organism.


The diet now should be as sparing as possible. No fried, pickled, smoked dishes. In this state, it is generally difficult for the patient to eat, and if the appetite is reduced, it is not necessary to force food. What does the patient need during this period? He can get the necessary glucose from juices and fruit drinks, and a small amount of fat and protein from boiled egg, slice of bread and cheese.

Refusal of sexual intercourse

Actually, severe pain in cystitis usually blocks intimate desire, but if it does arise, it is better to refrain from such contacts for the time being. The fact is that sex, even in a condom, increases blood flow to the pelvic organs. They can be compared with physical activity which can aggravate the course of the disease.

Medicines that can be used at home before the doctor arrives

The main treatment for cystitis involves taking antibacterial agents. But how to choose from the mass of names of drugs correct group that will prove effective against pathogens? At home, it is impossible to make an accurate choice. That is why it is better to postpone taking antibacterial agents until the arrival of a doctor.

If necessary, to remove the first symptoms of cystitis, anti-inflammatory drugs can be used. These include Phytolysin, Canephron, Cyston. What is their action? Active ingredients These drugs act on a wide range of pathogens and significantly reduce their activity. They help reduce swelling of the urinary organs, which dulls the severe pain in the patient. Finally, they are based on herbal medicine recipes, and therefore are relatively harmless and can be used later, together with antibiotics prescribed by a urologist.

First aid folk remedies

They are based on teas, infusions and decoctions of herbs that must be drunk at the first sign of cystitis. By the way, some drinks can completely replace the water drunk by the patient.

Currant leaf tea It is necessary to brew a drink in a teapot in the usual way, as when making tea. After the tea is infused for 15-20 minutes, it should be drunk warm, 1-2 cups during the day between meals. Such tea not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also helps to saturate the body with valuable vitamins and biologically active compounds, which improves immunity and promotes rapid recovery.
Dill Seed Infusion 2 tsp crushed dill seeds pour 2 cups of boiling water and leave to infuse for 2-3 hours. It remains only to strain the infusion and take it warm between meals. This amount must be divided into 3 doses.
Decoction of millet 40 g of millet groats are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and put on low heat. The composition must be brought to a boil, stirring constantly and boil on low gas for 5-7 minutes. The finished broth is removed from the heat, insisted for another 10 minutes and filtered. Take according to the scheme: on the first day of the onset of symptoms, drink 1 tbsp. every hour, on the second day, a single dose is increased to 3 tablespoons, and then drink half a glass every hour, and so - one week
It is important to remember that everything folk recipes are suitable only as first aid, but they should not replace the main therapy pharmaceutical preparations prescribed by the doctor. This applies even to those cases when all the symptoms of cystitis in the patient have completely disappeared.

What happens if you do not treat cystitis at the first sign?

This is the worst thing a patient can do. During a painful shock, a person can even lose consciousness, and therefore it is necessary to get rid of severe painful pain in the abdomen.

In addition, with a high degree of probability, the first severe symptoms cystitis will subside, and in this relief lies main danger. Ignoring the symptoms can lead to the fact that cystitis from an acute form becomes chronic. Yes, patients with this disease experience less pain, but they cannot get rid of this condition for years. Therapy sometimes takes months, huge financial resources, not to mention the lost nerves and constant stress in which these patients reside.

Cystitis is an inflammatory disease of the bladder, manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, constant urge to go to the toilet. The cause of the development of pathology are bacteria, viruses, toxic substances. Distinguish between acute and chronic course illness.

Factors contributing to inflammation

The pathogen enters the mucous membrane through the urethra. The immune system traces, destroys pathogenic microbes. Work failures defense mechanisms lead to the development infectious process. The following conditions contribute to the occurrence of cystitis:

  • Pregnancy, postpartum period;
  • Hypothermia (general or pelvic area);
  • Failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • Change of sexual partner;
  • Menstruation;
  • Regular constipation;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Immunodeficiency congenital or acquired;
  • Long-term use of antibiotics, steroids.

Non-infectious cystitis develops due to exposure radioactive radiation, cytostatic drugs, toxic compounds. The cause of inflammation can be the presence of a chronic focus in the pelvic organs, the introduction of infection by the hematogenous route.

Signs of cystitis

A person suffering from chronic inflammatory pathology urinary tract, recognizes the harbingers of exacerbation. There is a connection with the provoking factor. The occurrence of symptoms of inflammation is a reason to see a doctor. Characteristic signs of the disease:

  • Frequent urges in a small way with a frequency of 10-30 minutes;
  • Burning, pain when urinating;
  • Pain behind the pubis;
  • Excretion of urine in small portions;
  • The appearance of blood, impurities of pus, turbidity in the urine.

General state does not suffer or there is an increase in body temperature to 37.1-37.6 degrees, weakness. The occurrence of pain in the lumbar region, chills indicates the spread of inflammation to the renal tissue.

If cystitis occurs, treatment should begin with thermal procedures, the use of herbal uroseptics, diet, drinking regime. For cupping pain syndrome using antispasmodics. Self-administration of antibiotics is not recommended. Uncontrolled treatment antibacterial drugs leads to the transition of inflammation into a chronic form, the development of resistant to therapy types of microorganisms.

What to do at home with cystitis

It is not always possible to immediately visit or call a doctor at home. You can alleviate the condition, relieve pain yourself:

  1. Bed rest reduces muscle tension abdominal muscles, the overall load on the body;
  2. Apply heating pad ( plastic bottle with warm water) to the suprapubic area. It is forbidden to warm the lower back, lower abdomen in the presence of blood in the urine;
  3. Take 1-2 tablets of No-shpy (Baralgin);
  4. Drink more fluids: non-carbonated mineral water, fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas. Increased water load enhances the formation of urine, which contributes to the washing out of the infection, the excretion of waste products of bacteria, and the reduction of intoxication;
  5. Consume natural antiseptics for the urinary tract. Decoctions, infusions of lingonberry leaves, cranberries, horsetail, birch leaves, bearberry, chamomile have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  6. Exclude sharp, salty dishes, spices, spices. Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, fermented milk products. Food must contain increased amount protein, vitamins.

Alternative methods of treatment of cystitis

Exist effective ways fight against urinary infection with help alternative medicine. natural remedies include herbal treatment, thermal procedures using decoctions, millet, red brick. How to cure cystitis using herbal remedies, many recipe options are described. Chamomile flowers, bearberry, lingonberry leaf, cranberry, birch buds have proved to be the most effective.

Inflammation of the urinary bladder frequent illness. Seasonal outbreaks occur in autumn and spring, when the possibility of getting cold, sitting on something cold and not noticing it, is very high. You need to be able to recognize the symptoms of cystitis, properly treated and avoid complications.

Signs of inflammation of the bladder are well known - frequent and false urge to urinate, especially noticeable at night, drawing pains in the lower abdomen, cramps after emptying, change in color and transparency of urine.

The clinical picture is clear enough, changes in urine analysis will confirm the diagnosis. Leukocytosis, traces of protein, increased specific gravity, unchanged erythrocytes in places. There should be no sugar in the urine.

Symptoms of cystitis appear after provoking factors, which include:

  • hypothermia;
  • the beginning of sexual relations with a new partner;
  • pregnancy;
  • exit from the kidneys of stones, sand;
  • dysbacteriosis, thrush;
  • decrease in immunity.

Signs of cystitis do not differ in men and women, but the frequency of the spread of the disease is different for them. main reason- not similar anatomical structure and specific hormonal levels.

Women have a short and wide urinary canal (urethra), which contributes to the unhindered rise of the infection, which is always outside, up to the bladder.

During pregnancy, general immunity decreases, with menopause - local, due to degenerative changes mucous membranes of the urinary tract. Therefore, in adolescents, girls, pregnant women and during the period of initial menopause, cystitis in women is more common.

In men, the urethra is thinner and longer, which prevents infection. But at a certain age, it begins to be compressed by prostate adenoma, stagnation occurs, and cystitis in the stronger sex after 50 years becomes more frequent.

Differential Diagnosis

Above the bladder are the kidneys, below is the urinary canal. It is necessary to differentiate cystitis with inflammation of these organs - pyelonephritis and urethritis, respectively.

When the process is raised to the kidneys, the following symptoms appear: fever with an increase in body temperature to high numbers, chills, weakness, weakness, lower back pain. When tapping on the lower ribs, sharp pain gives down and deep. Urine becomes more cloudy, blood is detected. The general condition of the patient is regarded as medium-severe.

With urethritis, it is more important for diagnosis local symptoms: burning, pain in the urinary canal, redness of the skin and mucous membranes near the urethra, as well as purulent, hemorrhagic discharge, visible even on linen.

Severe pain in the form of seizures indicates the release of stones or sand. Urinalysis and ultrasound procedure will give the correct answer. During menstruation, the collection of urine should be careful not to distort the results by the presence of blood impurities.

How to get quick help

Cystitis is not a fatal disease, so we are talking about emergency assistance does not go. At the same time, you need to treat it immediately, you can at home. Pain and dysuria tire the patient, inflammation spreads to neighboring organs, gives complications.

At the first signs of cystitis (dysuria, cramps), you need to take Nimesil 100 mg twice a day and an antispasmodic (No-shpa), they can alleviate unpleasant symptoms. The course of treatment is up to 5 days.

Dry heat will help relieve spasm, improve blood circulation in the pelvis. On the second day, relief begins. If not, antibiotics are added for more effective treatment.

Features of the treatment of acute and chronic forms

Different forms of flow are due to the reactivity of the organism and its immunity. Strong man, especially with help medical measures, will overcome the infection without a trace. In the weakened, the disease becomes chronic.

The same methods of treatment for both acute and chronic form cystitis is:

  • removal of inflammation and spasm;
  • long-term use of diuretic teas;
  • application of dry heat;
  • vitamin therapy.

The difference is the approach to the choice of antibiotics. For the treatment of the acute form, broad-spectrum drugs are used, without selection for a particular patient. Dosages are average, the course is about 10 days.

In the treatment of the chronic form, bacterioscopy is required to identify the pathogen and seeding for sensitivity. If you have a permanent sexual partner, he is also subject to examination. Often a specific microflora is detected: mycoplasmas, treponemas, spirochetes, ureoplasma. This infection is treated with special antibacterial drugs prescribed by a doctor (urologist, gynecologist or even venereologist), in combination with immunostimulants, vascular, antiviral.

Used primarily for treatment chemicals many therapeutic groups, herbal teas, urotropic drops, folk methods followed by physiotherapy. You can treat cystitis at home without risk to health. The standard treatments for bladder disease are:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antispasmodics;
  • urotropic phytopreparations;
  • diuretic herbal teas.

Antibiotics are selected those that are excreted by the kidneys in unchanged form and have wide range actions (affect different bacteria). These are cephalosporins - Sepeksin, Ceporex, Torlasporin, fluoroquinolones - Lomaday, nitrofurans - Furamag or Furagin. They should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Helps with cystitis drug "Monural". This medicine is used once a day at night, after the bladder has been completely emptied. Accumulating, washes the mucous membrane, providing healing effect with direct contact.

Anti-inflammatory therapy is represented by drugs popularly called "antipyretics": "Nimesulide", "Ibuprofen", "Meloxicam". They are released under various trade names. Relieves spasm "Drotaverin", familiar as "No-shpa".

For the treatment of diseases urinary system phytopreparations of complex or homeopathic action normalizing the work of inflamed organs. At the same time, they are not prescribed, but they are supplemented with prescribed antibiotics and other drugs. To medicines plant origin relate:

  • "Urolesan" company "Arterium";
  • "Canephron N" of the German company "Bionorica";
  • "Cyston" company "Himalaya";
  • "Fitolizin" in the form of a paste made in Poland.

"Urolesan" is prescribed for adults, 8-10 drops per refined sugar or a piece of bread, three times a day before meals. The single dose for a child is reduced. "Canephron N" from the age of 12 should be taken 50 drops 2-4 times a day, before meals. children younger age assign a smaller amount.

Approved for admission from one year. "Cyston" from 14 years old - 2 tablets three times before meals, used from 2 years old. "Fitolizin", has the most best reviews, it is drunk up to four times a day after meals, dissolving one teaspoon of the paste in half a glass of water.

Herbs that are part of diuretic teas are presented in any pharmacies: chamomile, half-fallen, calendula, bear's ears, horsetail, cudweed.

Sold in bulk or in sachets. They are brewed with boiling water, insisted for a couple of hours, drunk warm.


It happens that during treatment chronic cystitis symptoms return as the infection multiplies in the submucosal layer, where drugs do not penetrate well, exacerbations often recur. Then the doctor recommends physiotherapy. Its advantages:

  • simplicity;
  • painlessness;
  • no chemical effects on the body;
  • cleansing and toning effect.

Physiotherapy is carried out in any medical institution. The set of methods is different and depends on the capabilities of the clinic. Among the indicated methods of treatment of long-term cystitis, the following should be especially noted:

  • inductothermy - treatment with electromagnetic thermal energy;
  • magnetotherapy - use medicinal properties permanent magnetic fields;
  • impulse currents - give deep heating of tissues and activation of local immunity;
  • transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is a method of pain relief.

Physiotherapy is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, in compliance with safety measures. Procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy, the presence of a pacemaker in the body, oncological diseases. Do not affect the liver, are used simultaneously with any medication.

Mode, drink and diet

With cystitis, it is not necessary to lie at home. Walking, going to work is not prohibited. Plentiful drinking is recommended. An inflamed bladder should be constantly flushed with an increased amount of fluid flowing through it, at least two liters per day. Diuretic teas themselves, as well as fruit drinks, compotes, will help with this.

It is useful to drink kefir or yogurt, as a source of lactobacilli, they are necessary during antibiotic treatment. Necessarily home food, exclusion of fast food, fatty, fried, spicy.

To quickly help with cystitis, if there are no pills at hand, it helps folk therapy. The arsenal of "grandmother's" funds is very large. home medicine involves the application a large number medicinal herbs in the form of decoctions and tinctures for internal and local application. To influence the focus of inflammation in cystitis in women, it is also used dry heat- sitting on a heated sandbag wrapped in a sheet. Such treatment is contraindicated for pregnant women.

It is also recommended to heat a red brick on the stove, put it in a metal bucket or pan, cover its edges with a blanket (so as not to get burned) and sit over the heat, and then immediately go to bed and take a good cover, wrap your lower back with a woolen blanket. This procedure is also suitable for men, but in the absence of prostatitis or adenoma. The effect will be seen after several times the use of such therapy. You can't bathe in the bath.


To prevent cystitis, healthy lifestyle life, strengthen the immune system, be careful and legible in sexual relationships, and avoid hypothermia. Active sports are good for prevention congestion in the small pelvis. There are no specific measures, vaccination cannot be done, since the pathogens are always different.

Must be treated sharp forms cystitis, so as not to develop chronic illness, it is important to be surveyed at an urethritis. At the slightest suspicion of the occurrence of pathology, it is necessary to start treatment, after consulting a doctor.

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