What happens if you drink vinegar 70 percent. Vinegar poisoning: symptoms, treatment

How to prevent vinegar poisoning? Prevention measures

Natural table vinegar is made from fermented fruits, that is, it is peroxide and refined wine. More precisely, oxidized ethanol. Vinegar is obtained from grape wine. From apple wine - apple cider vinegar. Table vinegar usually has a concentration of 6-9%.

Synthetic acetic acid is made from wood waste. It can be assumed that the so-called "apple" and "wine" vinegars are probably produced from the same wood by dilution, flavoring and coloring. Although in many countries it is forbidden to use synthetic acetic acid for food purposes.

Acetic essence has a high concentration (70%). There is also "glacial acetic acid" with a concentration of 98-99%. It even floats ice at room temperature. This pure acid is produced for chemical laboratories. It can also be eaten, you just need to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 part acid to 20 parts water (5% table vinegar will turn out).

The symptoms of poisoning and the course of the poisoning itself will vary, depending on the concentration of the liquid you drink.

Vinegar is usually drunk by mistake, drunkards who want to "add", or completely crazy "suicides". I say abnormal, because it is difficult to think of a more terrible and painful way to end your life. In psychiatry, it is believed that a normal person has a sense of self-preservation so great that he cannot commit suicide. Ie, if can - means - not normal.

In case of poisoning with food vinegar 6-9%, a burn of the mucous membrane of the esophagus of varying severity occurs, depending on the amount of alcohol consumed. If you drink 1-2 sips, then usually the poisoning is limited to a mild superficial burn of the esophagus and can pass without consequences. When the amount of alcohol consumed is 50-200 grams or more, more severe consequences are possible - the acid is absorbed in the stomach and intestines, enters the internal organs and tissues. First of all, blood suffers - red blood cells - erythrocytes. Their cell wall is destroyed, hemoglobin from the cells enters the bloodstream and clogs the small blood vessels of the kidneys, causing kidney failure. The circulation of toxins in the blood causes liver failure. In severe cases of the disease, death is possible.

If you take a few sips of acetic essence or acid, then the lesions of the esophagus come first - its strong, deep, large-area burn, a person can die from pain shock. If he recovered from the pain shock, survived, then damage to the internal organs - blood, liver, kidneys - is inevitable. If medicine saves him here too - with operations, numerous injections, blood purification on the "artificial kidney" apparatus, then scars in the esophagus will remain for life, which will gradually narrow its lumen and will again have to turn to medicine for another painful operation. In general, disability, suffering and communication with medicine for the rest of my life.

Therefore, be careful. It is better not to keep such dangerous things at home, or, if it is absolutely necessary, to keep them well closed, in special dishes, which immediately show that this is not a drink, say dark glass chemical bottles with ground corks. Stick a band-aid, write "POISON!", draw a skull with bones, put it in a distant drawer, close it well so that it would not even occur to children or tipsy relatives to joke about it. After all, no one is immune from mistakes.

If trouble does occur, the first thing to do in case of poisoning with strong vinegar is to immediately rinse your mouth and throat, rinse with water or a weak solution of soda. Then give a few glasses of cool water to drink, you can water with ice. Very quickly call an ambulance, tell them what happened. In no case should you give a soda solution to drink and do not induce vomiting so that the damaged walls of the esophagus do not burst. Only drink water - to dilute the vinegar inside, the more the better. You can put something cold on the stomach area, for example, ice wrapped in a towel.

The first specialized help is to wash the stomach with a probe, a procedure that is painful after a burn, but extremely necessary and very effective.

If the concentration of the solution is small and one or two sips are drunk, then you can not panic and get by with "home remedies" - rinse your mouth, rinse your stomach, drink water or milk. But if there is pain, dizziness, agitation or lethargy, then you need to see a doctor, the sooner the better.

A bottle of vinegar broke! sniffed while cleaning, can any poisoning occur?
Vinegar, when inhaled, can cause irritation of the mucous membranes - cough, runny nose, watery eyes, but is unlikely to cause general poisoning of the body.

We have apple cider vinegar from 1999, threw it away, my mother-in-law took it out of the trash can and put it back in its place. What harm can be in it and how to convince her to throw it away after all?
Vinegar is a very good preservative and hardly spoils. But nevertheless, the expiration date must be indicated on the packaging. If the vinegar has expired, use it for household needs. For example, you can wipe the refrigerator with vinegar after washing, it eliminates unpleasant odors well; they wipe dishes, glasses, mirrors with vinegar - they will shine better. And mother-in-law buy fresh vinegar.

My mom got poisoned with 70% vinegar. and she drinks the broth, rubs herself through a sieve, and when she swallows the saliva, it accumulates in her and then spits it out. Do I need to do an expansion of the larynx.
The data you provided is not enough to decide on the operation. An objective examination of the patient is required. For proper advice, please contact specialist surgeons. Personal opinion - even after a very good operation, the body will not be "like new", but maybe it will be a little easier to live. Do not forget that each operation is a risk and anesthesia - that is, a load on the head and body.

Rinse daughter's hair 10 cups of water and 1 cup of 9% vinegar can be poisoned?
When applied externally in small concentrations, vinegar usually does not cause poisoning.

My son is 1 year and 4 months old. I found 70% acetic acid in my sister’s refrigerator and licked it ... What kind of droplet got into my mouth, and he started crying (well, it’s definitely unpleasant and not tasty) ... I washed his mouth with cold water and gave water with a small pinch of soda to drink. Nothing will happen to him ... There are no threats?!?
If you do not know for sure - licked or sipped - consult a doctor. Examine your mouth carefully. If there are traces of burns, then it is likely that there are burns in the esophagus too. In this case, a doctor's supervision is necessary.

I drink in moderation. But my wife added vinegar to the vodka and I drank 100 ml. What can happen to the body?
Acute kidney failure can occur with the body. It depends on the amount and concentration of vinegar drunk. And how can a person who drinks in moderation fail to notice what he is drinking? Vinegar is not water, its taste and smell are quite noticeable.

How quickly is vinegar excreted from the body, does it remain in the organs?
Small amounts of vinegar are excreted within a few hours, it does not remain in the body.

She made salad dressing, boiled balsamic vinegar with honey on the stove. I leaned over to sniff it and a sharp smell of vinegar hit my mouth and nose, this taste was felt in my throat for a long time. By evening, my throat ached, I have no tonsils and never had a sore throat, and now my throat is terribly tearing up! Tell me, please, what needs to be done to remove this pain (for 3 days)
Perhaps there was a burn of the mucous membrane with acid and an infection got on the burned surface. Try to gargle with a solution of salt and soda (1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of soda pour a glass of warm water, shake well until almost completely dissolved), rinse well with a decoction of herbs (chamomile, sage). If the temperature rises and if the pain does not go away, consult a doctor for examination and consultation.

Daughter 10 years old. They treated the head with vinegar (there were nits), the hair smelled very vinegary, only after several washes the smell disappeared. After 1-2 days, our eyelids swelled, then there was a rise in temperature. According to ultrasound, the spleen is enlarged, there is lymphocytosis and thrombopenia in the blood, rods-2, monocytes-8, while the child’s condition was not affected, there are no complaints, except for fatigue in the evenings ??? Please answer whether such a condition is possible due to a possible sharp concentration of acetic acid (dilute 9% in half and rinse your head?
It is unlikely that this condition is caused by vinegar poisoning. Perhaps the daughter suffered a viral infection during this period.

01478 If there is a burn of the mucous membrane of the lips with vinegar essence. How can such a burn be treated?
If the burn is superficial - only redness and swelling, then the burn site should be washed well with clean water or a weak solution of soda, several times, again, again after a few minutes. If possible, soak your lips in water for a few minutes. Such a burn does not need special treatment. For some time - a day or two - you need to avoid taking spicy, hot and cold foods. In the event that the burn is deep, with damage to the mucous membrane, if there are ulcers, bleeding, the skin peels off - also carefully and carefully wash off the remaining acid from the skin and mucous membranes and seek medical help.

01855 I decided to cook fish with onions in vinegar and diluted 1.5 tablespoon of 70% vinegar in a glass of water (somewhere around 180-200 g), poured fish and onions and after 15 minutes diluted it with another 2 glasses of ordinary water and after an hour drained everything and again filled it with clean water and poured! I ate and after a couple of hours there was a strange taste in my mouth and it could already burn in my stomach from fear! Could I cause serious harm?
Interesting fish cooking technology :-). And what kind of fish was it - raw, salted, pickled, boiled? Was it fresh enough? At such a low concentration, vinegar could hardly affect a healthy stomach. but if the fish was "second freshness", it could give an unpleasant taste.

01985 My mother drank 70% vinegar. What can be done? Please, help. She suffers a lot.
Vinegar poisoning can have very serious consequences. One or two drops cannot do much harm, but even one or two tablespoons of a concentrated solution can be life-threatening. You should contact your doctor immediately.

Acetic acid poisoning is a serious and dangerous pathological disease. Treatment is carried out in a hospital, under the daily control of the condition of the victim. This article details the symptoms and complications, the mechanisms of vinegar poisoning, as well as the basics of first aid and treatment components.

The main routes of entry of vinegar into the body

Vinegar is an acid of natural origin, it has a specific smell, transparent color. It can be found in every kitchen. It is used in the preservation and preparation of many products. Also, vinegar is used in industry, the development of medicines and cosmetics.

Vinegar poisoning can occur under the following circumstances:

  1. By accidental or intentional ingestion of vinegar. Very often, children can swallow it, mistaking it for a delicious drink. Drink this acid and adults, when attempting suicide. Vinegar can also be drunk by mentally ill people who do not control their actions.
  2. Vinegar vapor poisoning can be obtained by employees of enterprises in which it is used. They can inhale them in case of non-compliance with safety rules.

What is the danger of vinegar poisoning

There are acetic essence (it is 70%), used in industry, and acetic acid (7-9%). Vinegar solution is dangerous in any concentration. Acetic essence or acid poisoning can be fatal and lead to permanent health problems and disability.

Below is a list of what happens if you drink vinegar:

  1. Burn of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach.
  2. Gastrointestinal bleeding, which develops as a result of corroding the walls of the stomach and duodenum with acetic acid.
  3. Acute kidney injury. Acute renal failure with vinegar poisoning develops very quickly. The acid attacks the structures of this organ.
  4. Hemolysis (melting, splitting, death) of erythrocytes. Vinegar, being absorbed into the blood through the gastric mucosa, leads to a very strong oxidation of the blood and the death of red blood cells. Red blood cells are blood cells that carry oxygen to all tissues of the human body.
  5. Acute pancreatitis (inflammatory process in the pancreas).
  6. Acute liver failure.
  7. Death.

For humans, the following dosages are considered lethal:

  • 150-200 ml 9% acetic acid;
  • 20 ml of 70% vinegar essence.

Note that less vinegar is needed for a child to die. Vinegar poisoning is much more dangerous for the baby. In children, it is more rapidly absorbed from the stomach into the blood, and leads to severe complications and consequences.

The main clinical manifestations of poisoning

The time interval from taking vinegar inside to the appearance of the first symptoms is minimal, and takes 1-2 minutes. The severity and severity of symptoms depends on the amount and concentration of acid ingested. For example, if a person drank a few tablespoons of this substance, poisoning would be limited to local minor manifestations, heartburn and stomach pain would torment him. But when taking 100 ml of an acetic solution orally, a person's condition will worsen instantly, and become critical.

The table below shows the symptoms that can develop with vinegar poisoning:

Symptom NameManifestation
PainPain can be localized in the oral cavity, along the esophagus, in the stomach.

With the development of pancreatitis, the pain has a girdle character.

With kidney damage, pain develops in the lumbar region.

Vomiting may consist of food eaten. The black color of the vomit indicates the onset of gastrointestinal bleeding. Blood, reacting with acid, coagulates and turns black.
Burn and pain shockIn this case, the patient has:
  • Hypotension (decreased arterial blood pressure);
  • Tachycardia (increased heart rate);
  • General weakness;
  • Loss of consciousness. The patient may fall into stupor or coma.
HematuriaHematuria is the appearance of blood in the urine. This is a symptom of hemolysis (breakdown of red blood cells) and kidney failure.
MelenaThis is a disorder of the stool, in which the stool becomes black, in its consistency it resembles semolina.

First aid

Properly rendered first aid will help the victim survive until the arrival of doctors. It is advisable for parents to know what to do if a child accidentally drank vinegar. In the case of this poisoning, every minute counts.

If an adult or child has drunk vinegar, the first thing to do is call an ambulance. The sooner the doctors arrive and take the patient to the intensive care unit, the more chances a person has to survive.

Please note that in case of vinegar poisoning, it is strictly forbidden to induce vomiting, or drink alkaline solutions to neutralize the acid. If you vomit, the vinegar will re-burn the esophagus. And due to the use of soda, or other alkalis, the vinegar is neutralized, but during the chemical reaction, a large amount of gas will be formed, which, like an explosion, will tear the walls of the stomach.

First aid for poisoning with acetic acid consists of the following:

  1. Let the victim drink plain non-carbonated table water at room temperature. It will dilute the contents of the stomach and the concentration of the drunk substance. But do not drink a lot in one gulp. It is very important to refrain from vomiting.
  2. Put ice on the abdomen. Cold will slow down the absorption of acid into the blood from the gastric mucosa. You can give the patient to chew a few pieces of ice.

Actions of the ambulance

First aid is provided by a team of doctors who came to the call. If the person who has been poisoned is conscious, he himself can tell them about what happened, and about what symptoms bother him.

Before going to the hospital with the patient, doctors wash his stomach through a tube. Washing is carried out with cool saline or boiled water.

Then the patient is intravenously administered medications:

  • Painkillers (Kaver, Ketorolac) are necessary to relieve severe pain.
  • Antiemetics (Ositron, Cerucal, Metoclopromide) are needed to prevent vomiting.
  • Corticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone) are administered to prevent the development of shock.
  • Solutions Disol, Trisol are administered intravenously on the way to the hospital. They replenish the lost fluid, relieve intoxication of the body.

At the hospital, the patient is taken to the intensive care unit. Treatment may take a long time. With internal bleeding and severe burns of the mucous membranes, surgical treatment is performed.

Acetic acid poisoning is a very dangerous condition that can lead to disability or death. Treatment is carried out in the intensive care unit. Survival depends on the timely called ambulance and the correct actions of others before the arrival of doctors.

Vinegar is used by every housewife, it is always available in the house. It is used not only in the kitchen, but also for household purposes. In the old days, young ladies drank vinegar to lose weight and make their appearance pallor. Is vinegar harmless and what happens if you drink it?

Characteristics of vinegar

Vinegar is a product containing acetic acid. It is obtained by microbiological synthesis using acetic acid bacteria from food raw materials containing alcohol. Vinegar is natural and synthetic.

Table vinegar is prepared by diluting vinegar essence with a certain amount of water, which contains up to 80% acetic acid. The product has a specific smell of this acid.

In addition to acetic acid, natural vinegar contains food acids - malic, tartaric, citric, complex alcohols, aldehydes, esters, which in combination give the product a flavor.

Rectified and ethyl alcohol, as well as fruit juices and fermented wine materials are used as raw materials in the production of natural vinegar. The oxidation of alcohol occurs with the help of acetic acid bacteria. After fermentation, the vinegar is cleaned, pasteurized, diluted and bottled if necessary.

Consequences of drinking vinegar

If you accidentally or deliberately drink table vinegar of low concentration in a small amount, it will not cause much harm to the body if the person is healthy. If he has diseases - enteritis, colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, stomach or intestinal ulcers, then their exacerbation may occur. This is due to the fact that the use of vinegar irritates the mucous membranes, enhances the activity of the digestive glands.

Taking a large amount of vinegar of a greater strength or vinegar essence is fraught with bad consequences, even death. Especially often, vinegar poisoning occurs in young children due to the carelessness of parents who keep vinegar in accessible places.

There are also cases of deliberate poisoning of adults with vinegar, in order to settle accounts with life, as well as accidental use by people prone to alcoholism, who may mistake it for an alcohol-containing drink. In addition, vinegar can be poisoned by inhaling its vapors, and not only by ingestion.

What happens if you drink vinegar?

When vinegar is poisoned due to a chemical burn of the mucous membrane, a person experiences a burning pain, both in the throat and in the stomach. There is swelling of the larynx, indigestion, vomiting occurs. The patient has a strong feeling of thirst. Urine may turn dark with a reddish tinge, the protein content in the urine increases, and kidney failure may occur.

The mucous membrane of the food organs becomes loose, swells, ulcers may occur, sometimes perforation of the walls. When using a large amount of vinegar essence (more than 50 grams), death may occur. Therefore, in case of vinegar poisoning, immediate medical attention is required.

What to do if you drink vinegar?

Immediately call an ambulance, and before that, provide the patient with all possible assistance. First aid for such poisoning is as follows:

  • apply ice compresses to the neck area;
  • drink cold water, milk;
  • use mucous decoctions from rice, barley groats or flax seeds;
  • drink lime water.

If possible, gastric lavage should be performed.

The lethal dose of acetic acid (80% solution) is 20-40 ml, table vinegar - 200 ml. Acetic acid, like other acids, corrodes the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, and can lead to their perforation.

Acid poisons, being absorbed into the body, affect the vital organs, lead to the development of severe renal failure, from which the patient dies.

Acute intoxication as a result of ingestion of acetic acid is primarily characterized by a clinical picture of a chemical burn disease, during which stages of shock and initial manifestations of intoxication, toxemia, infectious complications, stenosis of the lumen of the esophagus and gastric outlet, burn asthenia, and, finally, the stage of recovery ( if it comes down to it).

Distinguish acid poisoning mild, moderate and severe. A mild degree is characterized by a chemical burn that extends to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus. Internal organs suffer slightly. In case of moderate poisoning, the burn also captures the stomach. Shock phenomena can be observed. Damage to the liver and kidneys are moderate. The blood is characterized by hemolysis. In severe form, ulcerative necrotic processes develop in the gastrointestinal tract (up to the large intestine). A severe chemical burn also affects the respiratory tract. Irreversible processes often occur in the liver and kidneys.

As a rule, in case of poisoning with vinegar essence, psychomotor agitation is noted, which is soon replaced by confusion and complete indifference to the environment. Increased tachycardia, shortness of breath. Decreased diuresis. The main causes of death are intoxication and shock.

The first aid measures should be aimed at removing acid from the victim's digestive tract. Immediately (simultaneously calling an ambulance) start gastric lavage with cold (but not warm) water, which will require 8-10 liters of it. Persuade the victim, overcoming the pain, to transfer this procedure. Before gastric lavage, inject subcutaneously 2 ml of a 2% solution of papaverine, as well as 1 ml of a 0.1% solution of atropine. Enter also cardiovascular drugs and 1 ml of a 1% solution of the antihistamine diphenhydramine or a 2% solution of suprastin.

In order to neutralize the acid, give the victim a solution of baking soda, drink it also with milk.

If a person drank a large amount of vinegar essence (say, with the aim of suicide), then it is strictly forbidden to wash the stomach in order to avoid complications (increased vomiting, swelling of the larynx, acid entering the respiratory tract, gastric bleeding).

Domestic chemical poisoning is not uncommon. This is due to ordinary human carelessness or inattention. But the consequences of such conditions can remain for many years. Vinegar poisoning occurs when it is accidentally or intentionally ingested. Most often this happens to people in a state of intoxication, who hope to quench their thirst. A sharp acidic smell from the substance taken with severe intoxication can simply not be heard.

Doctors often report apple cider vinegar poisoning in children. Unfortunately, kids think that a bottle with a sticker that shows apples should contain lemonade or any other sweet drink.

By negligence, anyone can get poisoned. However, one or two sips of a 6% or 9% acid solution will not lead to very serious consequences. Such a dose is quite enough for a sober person to understand the danger of drinking liquids. But even with such a small amount of a substance, timely first aid is important, and correct treatment in a hospital.

There are also suicide attempts with vinegar or 70 percent acetic acid. But the consequences of such an act are very sad: death can occur after a rather long period of time. From a few days to a year. During this entire period, the victim experiences terrible torment, and his desire to give up his life may be shaken in the first minutes when first aid or hospital treatment is provided.

The effect of acid on humans

The acid-base balance in the body must be stable. If it shifts in any direction (becomes more acidic or more alkaline), a person feels unwell, some failures occur in organs and systems. The balance can be restored with medication or dietary adjustments.

A person almost always receives small portions of acid with food. A small proportion of vinegar in marinades adds spice to them and allows them to preserve preservation for a certain period.

However, large doses of acid adversely affect a person. The skin and mucous membranes undergo severe burns, and since the digestive tract is designed for the speedy processing of food, the resulting acid is quickly absorbed into organs and systems, grossly disrupting their work.

Acid in the body: dangerous symptoms

When poisoning with vinegar, the symptoms unfold in just a matter of minutes. If first aid and adequate treatment are not provided within two hours, then a person may die from a painful shock or the consequences of acid digestion by the body.

The harmful effects of acid unfold in several directions at once. Vinegar poisoning, the symptoms of which are difficult to recognize for a person who did not see the picture taking place, proceeds quite rapidly.

Damage follows one after another as the dangerous fluid moves through the digestive tract:

  • Small blood vessels are destroyed.
  • The liquid that has entered the body disrupts the functioning of the liver, affecting its cells.
  • There are physiological changes in the blood, the amount of hemoglobin goes off scale, while red blood cells are destroyed at a tremendous speed.
  • The kidneys do not have time to process this amount of damaged blood cells. Renal failure occurs.
  • Possible blockage of blood vessels by products of blood decay.
  • The intestines are the least affected by acid entering the body, because help with vinegar poisoning, provided in time, will not allow the substance to move further. In the absence of the necessary medical actions, a person may die before the acid enters the intestines.

Ingested concentration

The action of an aggressive acidic environment is always the same: first of all, burns of the mucous membranes of the mouth and larynx occur, and after that - the esophagus and stomach. However, the symptoms of poisoning with vinegar and concentrated acid are slightly different.

Diluted substance

Few people know what to do in case of poisoning of such a plan. Most opinions agree that first aid is to wash the stomach in an accessible way at home: drink plenty of water and put pressure on the root of the tongue.

But it is worth considering for a moment, is it possible to really help a person in this way? After all, this is how we force the aggressive substance to rise again through the esophagus and inflict additional burns on it. Therefore, whatever information about the importance of gastric lavage, it is important to remember that only a qualified specialist in a hospital should do this in case of chemical poisoning.

Small concentrations of acid are quickly eaten into the mucous membranes. Having reacted with gastric juice, the substance becomes more aggressive and causes burns of the stomach and nearby organs.

Having damaged the liver and the main hematopoietic cells, vinegar practically loses its aggressiveness. The kidneys must cope with the abundance of damaged blood cells.

concentrated acid

The most insidious in case of poisoning with a concentrated substance are its vapors. You can inhale them both by accident and in order to find out what kind of remedy is in an unsigned container. But if the acid has been swallowed, then the person continues to inhale burning vapors with each movement of the lungs.

This causes a strong cough, a person cannot breathe fresh air, driving the microparticles of the poison deeper into the lungs.

There are some positive aspects of getting concentrated acid into the body. If swallowed

it is the essence, then for some time it does not split in the stomach, but is enveloped by its walls due to its high concentration. With the timely assistance of doctors, they will be able to evacuate it with minimal losses to human organs and systems.

Actions in case of poisoning

It is very important to provide a person with medical assistance in time. The severity of the condition and the duration of the necessary treatment will depend on the speed of the reaction of others.

First aid

It is possible to reliably find out that swallowed vinegar is the cause of the unwell-being of an outsider by a sharp specific smell from the mouth. The very first action should be to call an ambulance.

Qualified actions of physicians

With the necessary tools, the first gastric lavage can be carried out by ambulance doctors at home. To do this, use a special wide probe, richly lubricated with vaseline oil.

Large doses of painkillers are administered intravenously, and in case of pain shock, narcotic substances are administered so that a person does not fall into a coma.

And with the maximum possible speed I transport the patient to the medical facility, to the intensive care unit.

Self help

It is quite difficult to provide the necessary assistance on your own - a person needs strong painkillers, and with the development of pain shock - narcotic drugs. Therefore, the algorithm of actions should be something like this:

  • Lay the victim on his side so that if vomiting occurs, he will not choke.
  • If a person is conscious, you can offer a drink consisting of egg whites and milk - such a liquid will slightly slow down the absorption of acid and protect the walls of the stomach.
  • Offer to dissolve or swallow ice cubes - this will stop the development of traumatic edema, which can completely block the larynx.

If a woman uses vinegar or its essence for cleaning, and in the course of her activity she inhaled vapors and became poisoned, it is urgent to go to a medical facility. Because damage to the airways can lead to post-traumatic pneumonia, the consequences of which can be unpredictable.

Treatment in a hospital

An injury received from swallowing 30-50 ml of acid (or 200 ml of vinegar) can be considered fatal - it equals 30% of skin burns.

The treatment of internal chemical burns is very long, at any stage signs of infection of the affected tissues may appear, which can lead to a bacterial infection and death.

If the gastric lavage was not carried out by the ambulance at home, then it will be carried out immediately upon arrival in the intensive care unit. With the help of potent substances, the person will be kept conscious or in an artificial sleep to prevent shock and subsequent coma.

Procedures for maintaining affected organs in a hospital

Since clots of destroyed cells appear in the blood, the kidneys cannot cope with their splitting, the victim is connected to hemodialysis. This procedure will be carried out at least several times.

Severe burns of the esophagus cause swelling of the esophagus, which can be so extensive that it blocks the airways. To avoid this complication, significant doses of hormonal drugs are administered.

Natural nutrition becomes impossible due to significant damage to the esophagus - food will be taken through the gastrostomy.

After a few days, the condition should stabilize, the insane pains subside, but well-being is only external. Mucous and damaged tissues will begin to scar, but any movement can lead to flaking of necrotic tissue and internal bleeding.