Peter d'Adamo: Nutrition by blood type. Proper nutrition by blood type - Dr. D'Adamo's diet

Greetings, friends! One of my dear readers today asked a question about nutrition by blood type, she was interested in a diet for a week for the 2nd blood group. By the way, I also have 2 blood groups, and negative, but I decided to write about nutrition for all 4 groups so that everyone has something to learn from this article.

Blood type nutrition became extremely popular about 20 years ago with the release of Peter d'Adamo's bestselling book 4 Blood Types - 4 Ways to Health. According to the author (who, by the way, is a naturopathic doctor), if you eat foods that are good for your particular blood type, you can achieve ideal weight, strengthen immunity and live longer - in my opinion, the usual values ​​​​to which the next innovators in the field of nutrition are now appealing.

The author of the book states that if a person does not follow the method of nutrition according to the blood type inherent in him, he provokes violations metabolic processes, which gradually leads to a set overweight. Although you should not consider the d'Adamo method as a diet that helps you lose weight, and even more so, use it in that situation if you are trying to lose weight quickly.

If you start to eat, taking your blood type as a guide, the body will begin to cleanse itself of toxins and toxins, the joints will function better, you will look and feel better, the body will completely rebuild. However, this is not a quick process, so don't expect immediate results.

The method of dividing food by blood group causes a lot of controversy, which is not surprising: it has many simplifications, inaccuracies and restrictions, in addition, the diet looks like ordinary manipulation and the desire to make money.

If you want to get acquainted with all the nuances (at what time, in what quantity and what specific products can be consumed, that is, to get a “ready menu”), you will need to purchase a book or pay at least for the same “ready menu” on a paid site. Only a list of harmful and useful products is available. Something like this…

And the first discrepancy is that, as it turned out, there are far from 4 blood groups, but several dozen more ...

Well, be that as it may, let's get down to business and consider what are the features of nutrition according to different blood types.

1st blood group

This is the blood of descendants "hunters". Almost a third of humanity belongs to this blood group. The "hunters", as Peter d'Adamo claims, have acidity gastric juice increased, because they can remarkably digest animal proteins. In addition, "hunters" have good immunity and a perfectly functioning digestive system.

Now compare whether this information is about you: the “hunter” is a strong personality, self-confident, by nature is a leader. However, it is difficult for him to adapt to any changes, excessive activity of the immune system can lead to allergies, they are prone to various inflammatory processes, especially in the joints - arthritis, peptic ulcers(due to high acidity) and poor blood clotting. Is it about you?

I bring to your attention a table according to which you can navigate which products are especially useful for this group (they will be indicated by a plus "+"), which are frankly harmful according to D'Adamo (they will be indicated by a minus "-") and neutral (number zero " 0"):

2nd blood group

This is the blood of descendants "farmers". 37.8% of people belong to this group. In "farmers", as D'Adamo states, the acidity of the gastric juice is most often lowered, therefore they are shown strict vegetarianism, since their digestive system does not digest food containing proteins well enough.

A characteristic feature of the "farmer" according to d'Adamo is a high adaptability to change. This type is organized, constant, flexible with any changes in diet, adapts well to teamwork. However, his the immune system(provided that a vegetarian diet is not followed) is very weak, which makes the "farmer" susceptible to various infections, in addition, an individual with type 2 blood type has an overly sensitive nervous system.

Well, as a person who has exactly the 2nd blood group, I can admit that in these statements about characteristic features There is something of the 2nd blood group. However, they are so general that they cannot in any way speak about the 100% truth of nutrition by blood type.

I admit honestly, without protein food, life is not sweet to me. Judge for yourself, the nutrition that d'Adamo offers for the largest group of the world's population does not contain the most complete protein, the source of essential amino acids is an animal.

As for vegetarianism, it is generally undesirable for children, since for normal formation child animal protein is an urgent need.

And yet, if you are interested and find it useful, the nutrition table for the second blood group, then here it is. Please note that "+" is extremely healthy foods, "-" - on the contrary, extremely harmful and "0" - products that d'Adamo calls neutral:

3rd blood group

This is the blood of descendants "nomads". It includes just over 20% of the world's people. Features of the "nomad": wide bone, outward signs"nomad" is most often long-legged, muscular, has red hair or green eyes. Differs in calmness, ingenuity, incredulity and, meanwhile, optimism. It has strong immunity, stable nervous system. Well, is this description about you?

"Nomad" is well adapted to the digestion of any product, therefore it is considered an omnivore. So, the diet menu for the 3rd blood group (if you didn’t read the explanation of the symbols above, I’ll tell you: “+” - very healthy foods, “-” - foods that are very unhealthy for your group, “0” - foods that are neutral to your type):

4th blood group

It's blood "new people". 7-8% of people are "new people", that is, mixed type. The difficulty is that new person» has absorbed all the characteristics of groups 1 and 2. Despite the fact that the "new man" is focused on meat, protein food(like blood type 1) if he has low acidity(which is usually characteristic of group 2) there will be problems with the absorption of such food.

The "new man" has a vulnerable digestive tract, easily picks up any microbial infection. It combines both all the advantages of blood types 1 and 2, as well as all their disadvantages (lucky! ..).

The nutrition menu for the fourth type of blood is especially complex, given all the features of this type:


What I would like to say in conclusion about nutrition by blood group: if you decide to use this system, take your time, change your diet gradually so that the body does not experience stress when new products appear. Take this method as a recommendation, be creative with it. If you want to eat some kind of fruit that is forbidden to your group, eat it, if meat is forbidden to you according to the table (like me, for example), but you really want to, eat it too. Just eat a smaller portion.

By the way, many people, after reading these recommendations on nutrition, adhering to their blood type, noted that they intuitively wanted to eat exactly those foods that were recommended to them. The body itself knows what it needs, it is wiser than us, listen to it and

Be healthy!

P.S. In my next article, I will write about another mega popular nutritional technique that was developed by one person, but hundreds of nutritionists around the world attribute authorship to themselves. So don't miss the posts. It's easy to do: you just have to subscribe to article updates, and you won't miss anything.

"Eat right, by blood type" - a program developed by Peter J. Adamo. The main position of the theory of nutrition by blood groups is that four blood groups (O, A, B, AB) appeared at different stages of human development and therefore each group is best suited to the lifestyle that a person led at that time. People with different blood types have different food and nutritional needs. exercise, are predisposed to different types diseases and respond differently to various products. When you eat something that "matches" with your blood type, the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, infectious diseases and liver diseases. The first blood type in people whose ancestors were hunters and gatherers, therefore, such people should eat food with large quantity animal protein and as few carbohydrates as possible. The ancestors of people with blood type 2 were farmers, which means they should be vegetarians, avoid meat and dairy products. The ancestors of people with blood type 3 were nomads, so they should eat meat or fish. People of the 4th blood group have mixed ancestors, and therefore they need to mix the diet of the 2nd and 3rd groups.

Peter's father (James d'Adamo) was a naturopath. He has been clinically testing the blood type diet plan for 35 years and has always had excellent results. Peter developed his work. In his book there are detailed descriptions which foods are appropriate for each blood type and which should be avoided, and scientific justification diets and an overview of the nutritional and exercise needs of each type.

The basis of the plan is protein molecules called lectins. Researchers have identified over 1,000 foods that contain these proteins. Since we are all individuals, our bodies interact with these substances in different ways - some harm us, while others benefit us. Of all the inherited genetic characteristics, only one predicts these health interactions: your blood type.

The system is based on scientific research. The blood type is reflected in every cell of the body, not just in the blood. People with a certain blood type are prone to certain diseases (for example, people with a second blood type are more likely to have stomach cancer than people with the first). And leading doctors are becoming increasingly interested in the role of lectins in fruit intolerance.

It also becomes obvious that various diets affect all people differently. Some successfully use diets with high level carbs and low fat, others are more suited to plans with increased amount proteins and low level carbohydrates. Some people like vegetarian diets, while others find it hard to go without meat for a long time.

Well, theory is theory, but does it work in practice? There is no doubt that various people have different metabolic needs. Numerous experts offer their own methods and developments. Most of them have a lot of merit and work quite well, but only for some people. Often these plans have many common elements, but some are quite inconsistent. The metabolic type theory assumes that different people there are different needs, and explains such anomalies as:

  • why some people do well on a vegetarian diet, while others experience lethargy and unhealthy symptoms while following it;
  • why protein-rich diets cause weight loss in some people and weight gain in others;
  • Why does Ayurveda claim that milk is very healthy (this is true for people with the second blood group), while many people do not tolerate dairy products.

The method of eating by blood type provides for some restrictions on food. For example, people with the first blood group are not recommended to eat eggplant, corn and cheddar cheese, but a possible replacement is suggested: zucchini, rice and goat cheese. For each blood type, a a large number of eligible products, including a range of fruits, grains, fats, and lean proteins. With this system, there is no need to starve. You can eat as much as you want (only meat should be limited to a portion of 124 grams) and as many times during the day as you want. Dr. d'Adamo's method involves the consumption of natural, fresh foods. You don't have to buy any additional prepared food, pills or medicines.

You will have to cook most of the foods on your blood type's approved list yourself, as there are no convenience foods. But how much time and effort you spend is up to you. If you "eat to live", you will be fine with simple meals, such as fried or steamed fish with vegetables. If you “live to eat” and miss your favorite meals, you can try to adapt them by substituting some ingredients, for example, with rice flour or soy milk, which are allowed for your blood type.

Catering is likely to be your main concern. Many dishes of enterprises Catering, especially fast food, contain foods that are not suitable for your blood type. But eating out will be much easier if you figure out which dishes and which national cuisines suit you best (for example, salads and meats for the first, vegetarian and Indian cuisine for the second, seafood and Japanese kitchen for the fourth).

You don't have to follow the diet 100% for it to work. Dr. Adamo suggests that 75-80% compliance is sufficient for most people. Therefore, you can still consume "forbidden" foods. This makes it easier for parties and home celebrations.

The blood type nutrition system is not only for those who want to lose weight. It also increases energy, mood and helps with healing. chronic diseases. For many people, it really helps to maintain health and good shape.

This meal plan can be combined with other plans such as separate meals(if there are problems with digestion) or the Zone diet.

As with any program, it can take a few weeks before the first results appear, so don't be disappointed if you don't see immediate positive effects.




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The development of a diet for weight loss by blood type was carried out long years famous American nutritionist D "Adamo. In accordance with the stereotypes embedded in the development of change life principles as a result of evolution, they concluded that each blood type is characteristic in its own way and requires a clear gastronomic approach to itself.

Although traditional medicine does not recognize this technique, the blood type diet has found its devoted admirers.

Diet by blood type

As you know, a person has 4 blood groups, therefore, according to the development, there are 4 ways of eating. It follows that the same product consumed in food can affect people differently depending on their blood type.

It can be useful for a person with blood group I and completely unnecessary for blood group II, and for groups III and IV to have the most negative impact. Therefore, for each blood group, it is imperative to develop an individual menu in which the same type of food can act both on the positive and negative sides.

Blood type diet: eat what nature has for you

The interaction of blood groups with the main building elements of body cells - lecithins - is different. In the human body, lecithins are present in all organs and tissues, and also enter it with food. Lecithins found in animal products are different from lecithins plant origin. It is the blood group diet that will allow you to eat only those lecithins that are necessary for the human body and thanks to this, he will live a long and happy life.

Dr. D "Adamo wrote truly unique works dedicated to his methodology. In them, he called for proper nutrition in accordance with belonging to a specific blood type. These books received bestseller status and were published in unlimited editions. His books described specific menus for each type of blood, a person was given the right to choose an individual diet for himself.

Dr. D "Adamo opened his private clinic, in which he comes to the aid of his patients in finding harmony in food actions. In addition to the main direction of the blood type diet, this clinic specializes in spas, fitness rooms, various medical procedures, reception vitamin complexes and consultations with a psychologist.

Although there are enough skeptics of the blood type diet, the doctor's clinic is a success. Many Hollywood stars have become patients of this clinic and were satisfied with the result, believing that the blood type diet gives a really positive and healthy result of harmony.

The developer of this blood diet, Peter D "Adamo, claims that knowing your blood type, you can determine your pedigree and organize food in the same way as our ancestors would have done. After all, if there were hunters in the pedigree, then the food must necessarily include meat substance, and when If there were nomads, then the food should be more of plant origin.In fact, in his theory, the doctor emphasizes that each blood type has a personal past and it is necessary to choose a menu, guided by tree roots.

Diet by blood type - choose a menu like our ancestors

  • The first blood group (O) - belongs to the hunting blood type. Accordingly, for this type of blood, meat must be included in the diet.
  • The second blood group (A) belongs to the landowning blood type. It is necessary to eat a large amount of fresh vegetables and herbs, as well as to minimize the consumption of meat.
  • The third blood type (B) has its roots in nomads. She possesses strong immunity and an excellent digestive system, especially unpretentious in food. This type you should limit the intake of dairy products, because this type of organism tends to be lactose intolerant.
  • The fourth blood type (AB) is perhaps the most secret type, combining two different blood types. So, it is possible to eat both meat and plant foods.

The main principle of any diet for weight loss is proper nutrition, aimed at strengthening the body. People usually consider themselves to be in the first group, because they consider themselves earners, and many people love meat. There is scientific explanation that all blood groups were formed from the first blood group.

Diet for blood type 1 positive

Diet for 1 blood group includes:

  • meat (pork, veal)
  • offal (tongue, heart, lungs)
  • lettuce, broccoli, artichokes
  • sea ​​fish, especially fatty varieties(Scandinavian salmon, sardines, halibut, herring)
  • seafood (shrimp, oysters, mussels)
  • olive oil
  • nuts (preferably walnuts)
  • sprouted grains, seaweed, figs and prunes, all these products facilitate the process of digestion of food rich in animal protein.

The list of foods that can lead to weight gain and should not be consumed a lot:

  • foods containing a large amount of gluten are wheat, oats, rye, rice
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat
  • corn, beans, lentils
  • cabbage (brussels, white, cauliflower)

People belonging to the first blood group should limit the use of salt, as well as foods that cause the fermentation process in the body, such as apples. From drinks, preference should be given to tea with mint or rosehip broth. The first group, as the most ancient, tempered its owners with excellent digestion, but still, many products, especially those taken for the first time, are poorly tolerated by people of this type. Therefore, you should not go beyond the limits of food allowed, so that there are no complications with digestion. Also, the owners of this blood type are simply created for physical exertion, and therefore the combination of a properly selected menu along with physical exercises will be an ideal option for their diet.

Diet by blood type 2

The second group diet removes meat and dairy products from the diet, thereby giving preference to plant-based foods. It is especially suitable for vegetarians and raw foodists. More than 38% of the world's population belongs to the second blood group.

So, the diet of 2 blood groups contains:

  • various vegetables and fruits (apricots, grapefruits, figs and plums are preferred)
  • vegetable oil
  • cereals and cereals (be wary of foods containing gluten)
  • fish products and seafood (cod, perch, sardines, trout, mackerel)

Meat for the second type is strictly not allowed. To avoid weight gain, it is recommended to exclude from your diet:

  • Dairy products lead to a decrease in metabolism, there is a low digestibility of these products
  • various dishes containing wheat, as it contains gluten, which reduces the insulin process, leading to metabolic disorders.
  • beans, contains a large amount of protein, leading to poor digestibility by the body
  • potatoes, eggplants, olives, mushrooms (preferably white ones) and black olives
  • fruits (limit bananas, mangoes, coconuts, papaya and melon), do not drink strong black tea, Orange juice and any soda drinks.

People belonging to the second blood group have a strong digestive tract and differ good health, but for this you need to create all the conditions for proper nutrition. The risk of an increase in the incidence of diabetes and diseases in the field of oncology will increase if the consumption of meat and dairy products is preferable to plant foods.

Diet by blood group 3

More than 20% of the world's population belongs to this group. This type refers to nomads who, constantly traveling around the countries, ate what nature gave them, perfectly adapted to the created conditions and accepted everything with greater benefit for themselves, and then passed this experience on to their descendants. People with the 3rd blood group are unpretentious in food, and they are ready to eat a bull and nothing will happen to them, the body will digest this food and require another portion.

The diet for the 3rd blood group is varied and balanced, the following products are included:

  • meat and fish (preference should be given to sea, it contains all the necessary nutrients)
  • dairy products (also concentrated milk)
  • various cereals (with the exception of wheat and buckwheat)
  • fresh fruits and vegetables (avoid tomatoes, corn, watermelons, melons)

People with the third type of blood must be excluded from their diet in order to maintain a normal body and promote health:

  • chicken meat and pork
  • seafood
  • olives
  • lentils and corn
  • nuts
  • alcohol, in any form

This type of blood group is weak to various living conditions, they are incapable of high protection against all kinds of viruses and infections, they cannot resist various diseases. Because since ancient times, the wandering way of life did not protect their immunity, which was passed on to numerous descendants. For example, the currently popular syndrome chronic fatigue in many respects, its roots go precisely to the wandering type. People of this blood type do not suffer from excess weight, since the created diet is mainly aimed at regulating metabolism.

Diet for 4 blood group

4 blood group is distinguished by its youth compared to other groups. It is a mysterious type, the name was attached to it - townspeople. The biochemical properties of this blood were established during evolution and the impact on the human body of the changed environmental conditions. This type includes no more than 10% of the inhabitants of the Earth, it is rightfully considered mixed.

Reset excess weight and improving health with a Type 4 diet is easy, but you will have to face some unpredictable restrictions and recommendations.

Products that must be included in the diet:

  • soy, prefer tofu
  • milk products
  • fish and caviar
  • berries
  • fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs
  • dry red wine

Exclude from the diet:

  • meat, meat products and offal
  • white and red beans
  • buckwheat
  • wheat and corn
  • fruits: bananas, coconuts, pomegranates, persimmons, oranges and guava
  • mushrooms, everything
  • nuts

Residents of large metropolitan areas are characterized by violations nervous system, oncological diseases, the risks of strokes and heart attacks, and besides this, a weak digestive system. However, the immunity of people with type 4 is highly resistant to negative consequences environment, and they perfectly have the ability to adapt to different living conditions.

Therefore, such people should pay great attention to the body in enough trace elements and vitamins. Due to its unique resilience negative influence environmental conditions, this type is distinguished by longevity and strong immunity.

(2 Votes)

Peter J. D'Adamo made his discovery based on the research of his father, also naturopathic doctor James D'Adamo. Father and son tried to prove that the immune and digestive systems of a person retain a predisposition to the same products that their ancestors once consumed. Hence, chemical reaction between blood and food eaten is an integral part of the genetic heritage.

In his sensational work "4 Blood Types - 4 Ways to Health", D'Adamo claims that the most ancient blood type O (I) was among the Cro-Magnon hunters. Gradually, as people began to farm and use vegetable food, blood type A (II) appeared. Group B (III) arose thanks to milk nutrition nomads migrating from the Middle East and North Africa to the Himalayas. And the blood type AB (IV) is the result of mixing the Caucasian (group A) and Asian (group B) gene pools.

Based on this logic, D'Adamo offers his own diet, according to which the needs of people with different group blood is directly related to the evolutionary process.

Blood type O (I)

The O (I) blood type is considered the oldest and most common. People with such blood are born "hunters", meat consumers with a stable digestive tract, an overactive immune system, poor adaptation to new diet. They need an efficient metabolism to stay energized and lean. The best way relieve stress for them - intense physical exercise. Representatives of this blood type need to eat lean dark meat (preferably beef and lamb), as well as poultry and fish. Dairy products and grains are less acceptable to them, since the digestive tract of the "hunters" has not yet adapted to these products. Gluten (gluten) is also harmful to them - it slows down the metabolism of insulin and interferes with efficient use calories.

Blood type A (II)

The owners of blood type A (II) are "farmers" and vegetarians with a sensitive digestive tract and a tolerant immune system. They adapt well to the environment and food conditions. The best way to relieve stress for them is self-soothing (meditation). They need environmentally friendly natural food. And first of all, they need to exclude from the diet such a toxic product as meat. Dairy food "A-people" is also poorly absorbed - it provokes insulin reactions that slow down the metabolism. In addition, dairy products are rich saturated fat that undermine the work of the heart and lead to obesity. People with the second blood group are allowed to eat wheat, but in moderation, otherwise the acidity of muscle tissues will exceed the norm.

But "farmers" are allowed to use a huge number of various natural products with low content fats, as well as vegetables and cereals. Among the most useful for them - vegetable oils, soy products, vegetables and pineapples. And pumpkin and sunflower seeds, almond and walnuts make excellent additions to their diet. Normalize weight should be with the help of brown algae, seafood, iodized salt, liver, dark meat, spinach and cabbage. In this case, you should choose only leafy and asparagus (broccoli), since cabbage, Brussels and cauliflower just add pounds to them.

Blood group B (III)

Blood group B (III) belongs to the "nomads". Such people have a strong immune system and a tolerant digestive tract, as well as a freer choice of food. They are the main consumers of milk. And to keep the shape and good mood, they only need to evenly combine the physical and mental activity. To get rid of stress, they need to create.

Corn, buckwheat, lentils, groundnuts (peanuts) and sesame seeds contribute to the increase in the weight of "B-people". They contain lectins that impair the efficiency of metabolism and lead to hypoglycemia (a significant decrease in blood sugar levels after eating). But if you exclude all harmful things from the diet, then sugar will remain normal. According to D'Adamo, fast fatiguability or their frequent failures in the immune system stop as soon as they start eating lamb, lamb and rabbit meat instead of beef and turkey.

"Nomads" also react poorly to gluten, and therefore wheat and whole grains are also not recommended for them. Moreover, wheat in combination with corn, buckwheat and peanuts (in the form of delicious pies and buns) will have a truly devastating effect on their body. So even if you are thin, you should avoid wheat. And during the diet it is worth leaning on green vegetables, meat, eggs, low-fat dairy products, liver and liver, an infusion of licorice root(licorice).

Blood group AB (IV)

The AB (IV) blood group appeared less than a thousand years ago as a result of mixing other groups. People with the 4th blood group are a kind of chameleons, constantly reacting to changes in the environment and food. They have a sensitive digestive tract and an overly tolerant immune system. The best way for them to keep fit is to combine intellectual work with light physical activity.

The set of extra pounds in "AV-people" is influenced by mixed heredity. To lose weight, they need to limit the amount of meat they eat, and also combine it with vegetables or tofu (bean curd). The list of products that promote weight loss includes tofu, seafood (except canned, dried, dried and smoked), green vegetables, brown seaweed and pineapples.

From the "B-ancestors" they inherited a negative insulin reaction to beans, corn, buckwheat and sesame. But thanks to the “A-ancestors”, their body treats lentils and peanuts quite friendly. Unlike those and others, "AB-people" react well to wheat. But if you need to significantly reduce weight, then you still have to forget about wheat.

Millions of people around the world are struggling with extra pounds using all sorts of methods that are not always safe for health. But despite the existence huge amount diets, practice shows that they act differently on different people.

For the first time, the naturopath James d'Adamo became seriously interested in this fact. Studying vegetarian diets, he noticed that they did not bring to all people positive results, for some, on the contrary, the state of health began to deteriorate. Then he suggested that there must be some constant factor that could be used to formulate the patient's individual diet. Such a factor, in his opinion, could be blood. Deciding to test this in practice, James d'Adamo began to study how people with different groups blood react to various products.

Continuing the research, his son, the American naturopath Peter d'Adamo, created a nutrition system for four blood types. Its main meaning lies in the fact that the digestive system of people with different blood types “refers” to certain products in different ways. So, for example, a representative of the first blood group can lose weight from the use of a product, a person with a second blood type will react neutrally to this product, and a person with a third blood type who uses this product regularly (for example, when dieting), not only will he not lose weight, but he will also gain excess weight and can damage his health. It's all about the different digestibility of products.

Unwanted products, according to this American nutritionist, it is advisable to exclude from your diet, and give preference to products that are more suitable for your blood type.

We form our diet depending on the blood type

Each of us has our own food preferences. Someone likes fried foods, and someone "in spirit" cannot stand fatty foods, someone loves fruits with sourness, and someone is indifferent to fruits and vegetables. A diet based on the division of foods by blood group helps people decide on foods that are really useful for their body.

The human body is very complex mechanism. And if we learn to listen to him, pay attention to his signals - perhaps we will be able to extend average duration life. The preference for certain products and methods of their preparation are genetically embedded in us. To the "food" taste of a person big influence provide family traditions. But, as statistics show, over time, human tastes change and the products we loved so much before give way to the food that the body requires for its normal functioning. True, often among the favorite dishes are those, after eating, which may occur discomfort and discomfort. For example, many people like beef liver, fatty sour cream, pancakes, but after eating them, they feel unwell.

Therefore, you need to be creative in your own diet. Rebuilding it in accordance with your blood type, follow the reaction of the body. You can’t force yourself to eat something that you don’t want at all, even if this product is considered useful for you. The list of recommended foods for each blood type is so wide that it is quite possible to choose healthy meals without sacrificing your own taste.

Based on the characteristics of your blood type and personal food preferences, you can create an ideal daily diet or develop a diet yourself. The main thing is not to abruptly switch to a new nutrition system for you, the body does not need extra stress. Product changes should be made gradually. And don't force your digestive system. Even if you read that a certain product is ideal for representatives of your blood type, this does not mean at all that you personally should like it and that it must be consumed. For each blood type, there is a fairly wide selection of recommended foods. In addition, they can be combined with each other and cook delicious dishes.