The use of copper in medicine. Effective treatment with copper

People have known about the extraordinary properties of copper for a long time. But the classic medical science and the systematic extermination of folk healers, almost destroyed this knowledge. Finally, in the 70s. 20th century medical treatment received a second birth. modern science confirmed that a number of diseases are caused by copper deficiency. After a series of studies, two main types of medical treatment were identified: copper applications and "copper water".

Copper is a copper-red metal, its normal concentration in the body is from 80 to 100 mg. With copper deficiency, the blood, kidneys, liver and brain are the first to be hit. The average intake of copper is about 3 mg/day.

Astrologers correlate copper with the planet Venus. In the Babylonian kingdom and on the Asian coast of the Pacific Ocean, she was dedicated to the Sun.

AT ancient india, Tibet, China for fractures used copper powder, filled with milk. Copper armor helped warriors quickly cope with fatigue, and wounds healed faster and without suppuration. Russian peasants used copper nickels in the treatment of polyarthritis, throat diseases. In ancient Greece, this metal was used in the treatment of deafness. In medieval Europe, they knew that if you wear a copper cross, you are less likely to get cholera.

AT modern world, copper is also widely used by people in the treatment of various ailments. It is used to reduce various rheumatic pains, any painful condition. They wear copper bracelets and rings from various ailments. To reduce convulsive manifestations, a copper wire is used, loosely attached around the ankle and wrist. In Mexico, a copper coin is placed in the navel before traveling to prevent illness along the way.

The study of the healing effect of copper on scientific basis started by engineer N.M. Safonov in 1958 official medicine copper plates have been used since 1975.

Copper is one of the main bioelements involved in the body's metabolism. Most of the enzymes contain copper, without which it is impossible to sustain life. Because of such essential role, copper and called the "Metal of Life". One way or another, this metal is involved in most of the metabolic processes, and in many it is main regulator. The formation of hemoglobin is also directly related to copper ions. And one of essential functions copper - hematopoiesis.

The wound healing ability of copper is amazing. It has been proven that copper can balance the energy polarity of the body by redirecting the flow of projective and receptive energies.

To all kinds of fungi, bacteria, some viruses, copper salts formed in the body are poison.

Copper deficiency leads to a number of diseases, and is also one of the causes of various disorders: increased fatigue, headaches, bad mood, insomnia.

Copper applications with coins

For the use of applications, Soviet coins issued before 1961, or nickels of royal minting, are perfect. They should be used after cleaning: calcined with fire and cleaned with sandpaper. Prepared coins are applied to painful areas from several hours to three days. After removing the application, the skin should be washed with soap and water. The course of treatment usually lasts 3 to 20 days.

Copper Application Plates

The most commonly used sizes of copper plates are 10*50*10mm. Applications can be used at any age, as well as for pregnant women. The plates are applied for 3-4 days, then after a two-week break, after which they are applied again. For effective recovery, as part of complex therapy, application metal therapy gives excellent results.

copper water

"Copper water" is prepared as follows: rinse 2 - 3 copper plates or a couple of copper nickels in running water, boil in an enameled container, 1.5 liters. water. Boil until 1/2 of the water boils away.

Copper is good for toning the following bodies: liver, spleen, lymphatic system. For this, the following course of treatment is carried out: 2 tsp. "copper water" 3 rubles / day, duration - 30 days.

Copper is a lucky metal and can be used with any lucky stone. To attract love, she has no equal, especially in combination with emeralds set in copper. It is believed that copper bracelets bring health and good luck, normalize blood pressure, and prevent salt deposits.

To determine if medical treatment is right for you, you should attach a copper coin to your skin. If it adheres well to the skin and stays on it for a long time, then copper is suitable as remedy.

Copper products are favorable for anyone to wear. You can wear them all the time, remembering to periodically remove and clean them. It is believed that in order to most effectively use the properties of copper for health, "right-handers" should wear copper on the left side of the body, and "left-handers" - vice versa.

Treatment of joints with copper is gaining popularity, since with competent therapy it is possible to provide positive influence on the state of health. Copper applications relieve pain, have a calming effect on nervous system. In addition, the metal acts as a bactericidal agent, can stop the blood. Copper can improve metabolic processes in the body, in particular, water and mineral.

Soft metal is usually used to treat injuries and diseases of the joints and ODA. Indications for use:

  • arthritis;
  • fractures;
  • bruises;
  • pain in the joints;
  • muscle stretching.

What are the benefits of treating joints with copper?

Copper is one of the 10 vital enzymes for the body. Due to its lack, serious diseases can develop. The metal has medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • hemostatic;
  • antipyretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • preventing the occurrence of infectious diseases;
  • treating benign formations;
  • restorative sleep.

How is the treatment carried out?

To improve the joints, wire from this metal can be used.

Human sweat is an electrolyte in which there are different salts. If you put an object made of copper on the surface of the skin, there is a transition of ions through sweat, which sweat glands arrive at the affected area. There they fight pathogenic bacteria. In contact with the skin, the metal oxidizes and darkens, leaving a greenish precipitate on the skin. In diseases, sweat has an acidic reaction, as a result of which copper is oxidized more strongly. The number of ions and oxides penetrating the skin increases and therapeutic effect increases. When the skin interacts with a soft metal, the current passes from the copper to the skin. For treatment, the following methods are used:

  • copper water;
  • copper wire;
  • bracelets;
  • banks;
  • copper plates and coins.

copper water

The healing liquid is obtained as follows:

  • Plates of pure metal are taken, 10 g each, washed in lime water. They are placed in an enameled container and filled with one and a half liters of liquid. Boil until there is no water left in half of the bowl.
  • A container made of pure copper is taken. Water is poured into it, and covered with a glass lid. After 8 hours, a remedy is obtained that can be consumed.

The maximum volume of such water for drinking per day is 3 cups.

It is recommended to consume no more than 2-3 cups of water per day. If abused, it can be harmful to health, since an inorganic excess of copper can provoke poisoning. With a serious shortage of copper in the body, a specialist consultation is needed. When conducting therapy with copper water, it is worth adhering to some rules:

  • The product must not be stored in the refrigerator.
  • It is forbidden to use liquid for cooking.
  • Do not wash dishes intended for medicinal purposes with household chemicals.
  • If rust appears, rub half a lemon on the surface of the container, leave for 15 minutes. and rinse with water.

Therapy with copper wire and cupping

It is recommended to use M-1 stranded soft copper wire, which can be removed from the wires during cleaning. To eliminate the transparent film, the wire is burned with fire, then placed in vinegar for 2 hours, washed and dried. Before use, it is recommended to wrap the ends with a plaster. For therapy, a diseased joint is wrapped with copper wire, forming a closed shape. Thanks to similar form and going on healing effect due to circular microcurrents. The method of cupping therapy treats sciatica, spinal hernia and osteochondrosis. Copper cups are placed on paravertebral lines parallel to the spine.

Copper bracelets

A copper bracelet will help eliminate joint ailments.

The decoration will benefit when all the elements are made of MV vacuum copper with a metal content of 99.9%. The bracelet must be polished. It is necessary that the product forms a contour and can close. To provide treatment, one bracelet is simultaneously put on the arm: if the pressure is increased - on the right, and if it is lowered - on the left. The product should fit snugly to the hand. The bracelet has the following effect:

  • improves the condition with radiculitis and arthritis;
  • normalizes the processes of blood circulation and metabolism;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Copper plates and copper coins

The plates should be well polished, in the form of thin circles. Suitable material with a diameter of 1-8 cm and a thickness of 1-3 mm. To increase the effect of the product, it is recommended to hold it over the fire, cool and clean. Coins made of copper can also be treated. The healing properties of the coins of 1930-1957 are especially strong. release. Also, 2, 5 kopeck coins produced before 1961 have such properties.

Treatment algorithm

AT medicinal purposes a rug made from coins can be used.
  1. Copper products are placed on the bedspread in several rows. They should be near each other. The width of such an application depends on the distance between the shoulder blades, and the height corresponds to the distance from 7 cervical vertebra to the bottom of the waist.
  2. Gently lie down on a copper “mat” and lie motionless for 40 minutes.
  3. Get up. During the ascent, a lot of coins will fall off, and some will stick to your back. They need to be fixed with a band-aid for 4-5 days.
  4. At the end of the period, the skin must be washed with warm soapy water and smear with cream.
  5. If greenish spots remain on the back, it is a sign that therapy is underway. The procedure is repeated every 2-3 days. The course of treatment is 12-15 procedures.


Copper therapy can exacerbate the disease. Before carrying out such procedures, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

To determine whether copper will help for treatment, a copper coin is used, which is placed on the hand. If it is well kept on the skin, and under it the color gradually changes, then copper therapy will bring effective result. If an object falls, then therapeutic result will not happen. It is important to do the procedure on all problem areas, if the coin is stuck, it is worth carrying out copper therapy there, if not - similar procedures should not be carried out.

Hello dear friends!

I first learned about the treatment with copper coins from the book of Valentina Travinka and applied this method myself in practice. I want to tell you about this, because not everyone has a book, probably, and not everyone knows that copper coins are successfully used to treat many ailments.

The book is about coins issued before 1961. But already after the publication of this article, critical remarks of experts appeared. Let's see what coins still work and how to use them correctly.

Copper treatment. A bit of history

Copper treatment is, in principle, a very old method. Also in Ancient Greece copper plates helped with bruises, tumors, diseases of the throat, joints.

Yes and in Soviet time all the boys knew that they needed to attach a nickel so that there would be no bruising.

In the 19th century, during the terrible cholera in Paris, half of the population died out, while historians note a strange phenomenon: not a single person died in the area where the copper smelters were located.

The healer Nina Mikhailovna Safonova found out about this case, who for a long time searched the libraries for at least some information about copper treatment. Later, she conducted a study, developed her own methodology, and in more than 40 years of her healing, she cured a huge number of people, many of whom medicine was already powerless to help.

It all started with the case when, in her youth, Nina Mikhailovna, having fallen from a bicycle, became covered with terrible purple bruises, which a casual acquaintance quickly helped her get rid of, advising her to attach copper coins. Huge blue and yellow spots on the chest were gone in a day.

Since then, Nina Mikhailovna has become interested in miraculous coins.

In her book, Valentina Travinka tells about the cases of her healing people with copper coins, as well as about how to properly treat people with copper coins and what diseases can be treated.

I will not retell all the stories, let's go straight to practice.

What coins heal

According to the source, old coins issued before 1961 have the greatest healing power. In their production, by someone's mistake, vacuum copper MV-1 was used, which even has healing properties. Although other copper coins are also used for treatment, as well as copper plates. But Nina Mikhailovna, from her many years of experience, insists on coins until 1961.

Perhaps she was wrong. I am not an expert in this matter and will not claim that this is the case.

She herself used coins of the 1961 issue.

The denomination of coins can be any - from one penny to a nickel.

Now, unfortunately, such coins are not issued. And they say that even among collectors it is difficult to find them. Maybe your relatives or friends have kept these coins. I was lucky, my friend gave me some coins.

The coins of the Nikolaev era are of no interest to us, since they contain bronze. Such coins will not provide any help.

To use for treatment, of course, you need clean coins. It is not necessary to scrape and burn them, it is enough to brush them with tooth powder, or toothpaste, or saline solution, rinse with water and dry.

After even a single use, the coins may darken and lose their healing power. But this matter is fixable, it is enough just to clean the coins again.

How to treat with copper coins

Treatment with copper coins is usually carried out on a painful basis, i.e., where it hurts, a coin is applied to that place. At the same time, the coin adheres to the skin, it cannot be torn off! So the place is right. If there is no adhesion, then there will be no treatment. In this case, this method simply does not suit you.

And it should also be borne in mind that the coin should not be placed on oily or sweaty and wet skin, otherwise irritation may occur.

Well, if the coin has taken root, leave it there. Only for reliability in some places it is required to fix it with a strip of adhesive tape so that it does not fall off when moving.

Adhesive plaster should always be stuck to the same side of the coin, because it will be quite difficult to peel off.

If the sore spot big size, attach a few coins in a checkerboard pattern as chain mail or along the seam.

Coins should be left on the body until they themselves begin to fall behind. And this happens when the coins finish their treatment. And, quite quickly. Sometimes in one day, sometimes in 7. In each case individually. After treatment under a coin on the body may remain black spot and this is very good, the coin did a good job!

In chronic and severe diseases, the course of treatment should be repeated as many times as needed until a complete cure.

The coins fell off, they were removed, washed, rested for 2-3 days and the treatment can be repeated.

Copper treatment - ancient way treatment of diseases, which has been undeservedly forgotten in the modern world.

Copper is a well-known remedy used by the ancient Hindus. Greek healers used copper as a cure for inflammation of the tonsils and hearing problems, and the philosopher Empedocles even appeared in society in copper sandals. The soldiers of that time wore copper armor, which allowed them to be in good shape during long marches. Copper was applied to severe wounds and pustules.

Russian healers could not do without treatment with copper coins. Peasants used copper to get rid of back problems, polyarthritis and infectious diseases. The villagers knew firsthand about the miraculous properties of the metal. Thus, domestic rural healers have long found medicinal use copper, but secular medicine and government officials did not trust such methods of treatment, considering them "witchcraft".


Enzymes with copper properties are present in the body of every person. Copper deficiency can lead to pathogenic development. Due to its characteristics, copper is capable of:

  • kill bacteria;
  • relieve pain;
  • clog bleeding wounds;
  • lower fever;
  • have a positive effect on the central nervous system;
  • act as a sleeping pill.

Usually copper is used externally. The properties of the metal are able to dissolve small tumors, swelling and suppuration. From useful characteristics copper restores the heart muscle. Copper eliminates skin types of bacteria.

Copper has its own medicinal characteristics: MOO, MOB, MG and MB brands are therapeutic. Some authors write that treatment should be carried out only when using the MB brand (lack of oxygen). In addition to the copper itself, the grades also contain impurities. These grades have a significant superiority of copper structures. That is why they are suitable for medical procedures better than others.

How to check the healing properties of copper? Apply a copper plate to the affected area on the body, and leave it in this position all night. A plate adhering to the skin will indicate the course of the medical procedure. As soon as you remove the plate from the skin, you will notice a greenish tint at the base of the leaf. This is a clear presence of a sign of therapeutic cleansing. If there is no greenish tint, select a different brand of copper plate. It is also possible that the treatment of the affected area was not performed correctly.

You may be surprised, but copper itself is able to find painful areas on the skin. A number of authors in their writings told that under bandage copper, "slid" to the problem area of ​​the skin, despite its original location in another place. Such a "search" for metal was subjected to bedridden patients. This only increases the healing properties of copper.


Excreted with human sweat great amount salts are an excellent electrolyte. A copper plate is applied to the skin, impregnating the electrolyte with healing ions. Making my way in subcutaneous fat they have a healing effect. Annihilation occurs harmful microorganisms and physical diseases.

The acidic bacteria fighting environment leaves a greenish tint on the plate and on the body. Oxidation of the metal leads to an increase in the ionic bond. Copper has a positive effect not only on the damaged area of ​​the skin, but also on the adjacent areas of the body.

The contact of a copper, lead, or gold plate applies a metallic current to the skin. The bonding of the pewter and silver plate draws current from the skin to the metal. Thus, there is both attraction and repulsion of metallic elements.


The use of copper is reflected in the plates. Thin edges and a carefully polished surface of red copper circular objects make it possible to consider them as medical plates. They are applied to problem areas on human skin. It is advisable to heat it on fire, cool it and pass the plate through several handfuls of granular sand.

Copper coins do not create age barriers and do not interfere with treatment. Note that the coins put into circulation under Stalin give the most useful result. Royal coins or kopecks before 1961 are also suitable. This is explained simply: in past centuries, a high-quality grade of copper was used - MV-1. Her miraculous powers appreciated by many people across the country.

How to heal with copper plates and coins

Form a section on the sheet of lined copper coins and plates in parallel rows. A prerequisite is close proximity to each other. The dimensions of such an application should be the area between the shoulder blades and the surface along the length of the entire back. Lie on the formed application with your back on the sheet. The treatment session lasts at least 40 minutes, after which you can rise. The most persistent, i.e. Coins firmly stuck to the back are fixed with an adhesive plaster for 4-5 days.

At the end of the full treatment session, peel off the copper coin patch and wash the affected skin areas. It is recommended to lubricate them with a moisturizer. If you find greenish spots on the body, then the therapeutic effect occurred according to the scenario. After waiting 2 days, repeat the procedure with a set of copper coins and plates.

Thoroughly wipe the skin before the session: the epidermis should not be sweaty and greasy. Stick the coins on the same side, as then you will still have to fix them with a hard-to-wash-off patch. When removing coins, take your time, peel them off slowly and carefully so as not to damage the skin.

When choosing copper coins and plates, favor medium over large pieces. Too voluminous models of coins lead to poisoning, the appearance of signs of nausea and vomiting. Be sure to boil copper objects, roast them on fire and sandpaper. So you save the healing properties of the metal, preventing it from wasting energy ahead of time.


Stock up on wire with several veins, it is advisable to use a specific brand - M-1. Remove it from the electrical wire, and then remove the remaining insulation. After removing the insulation, look at the surface of the wire - it contains a barely visible film. Heat an area of ​​wire on fire, and then lower it into a container of vinegar for 1.5 hours. As soon as the film comes off, wash the wire with soap and dry the ends thoroughly. It is best to wrap them with adhesive tape.

The first wire option is the applicator. We wrote about its action a little higher. The second possibility is the launch of circular microcurrents through a closed structure, a coiled O-shaped wire. Wrap the problem areas on the body with copper "medicine" or apply the wire to the skin. This is a great way to organize independent treatment procedures at home.


Another method of treatment is the use of copper bracelets. The main note: the bracelet used in the treatment must be made of a specific brand of copper, namely vacuum MB. Make sure that the bracelet is carefully polished at both ends. If at least one part of it contains impurities, then there can be no talk of any copper bracelet. A high-quality and healing copper accessory should be closed, forming a continuous section.

The bracelet is selected depending on blood pressure. Excessive pressure levels require the bracelet to be worn on the right wrist, and low pressure on the left. The accessory should be located on the pulse area of ​​the arm. In this case, the bracelet should not fall to the wrist. The main requirement is a tight application of a medical accessory.

A copper bracelet normalizes blood circulation, improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and increases hormone levels. Bracelets help in healing high blood pressure, back problems, heart disease, headaches, sleep disturbances and fainting. Copper bracelets are recommended for pregnant women - the accessory has a positive effect on future fetus.

Copper bracelets are allowed at the legislative level, they are recommended to be worn by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Wearing the same bracelet for a long time leads to the formation of a film. You can remove it with regular toothpaste. The bracelet will be like new again and can be worn in public places.


The method of treatment with copper cups came to us from Tibet. Banks are used as therapeutic lotions on the back for diseases of the spine and internal organs. Osteochondrosis, spinal hernia, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, lung problems - all this is treated with copper cans. ethnoscience involves the use of cups as a treatment for the abdominal area. Accordingly, lotions are placed not on the back, but on the stomach.


Cooking method: prepare 3 copper plates of 10 grams or several royal coins. Rinse them in water, put in a container, pour boiling water and put on fire. About half of the water should boil away, and the rest will be ready.

According to some reports, copper water is able to improve circulatory work, the activity of the liver and spleen. Water effectively resists fatty deposits. However, these data have not yet been found scientific justification. Their effectiveness has not been confirmed and medical point vision.


The first stage of copper preparation is boiling: prepare brine from 1 teaspoon of salt and a glass of water. Having lowered copper plates and coins into the liquid, wait until they are “washed off” from previous ailments. Drain the used saline solution into the ground. Clean plates and coins from residual parts of salt: suitable ordinary water from the tap. Thoroughly washed coins are subjected to additional processing - calcination on fire. Go over the surface of the coins and plates with sandpaper. Carry out the procedure after at least 5 days of using copper for medicinal purposes.


As we have already found out, copper copes well with diseases. However, it is by no means certain that it is right for you. We'll have to check the copper: put a plate on the affected area of ​​the skin, and if the metal "sticks" and does not fall off, then the treatment is very possible! In this case, you will need to stock up on copper plates and coins. In the absence of adhesion to the skin, copper will not suit you.

There are moments when copper selectively clings to some areas of the skin, and falls off from others. This indicates that the treatment will be possible only on areas of the skin that are “magnetic” for copper. But the procedure certainly will not cause discomfort.

  • Copper against sore throat. Put the coins on the tonsils, and tightly wrap the throat with a knitted scarf. It is advisable to carry out applications at night.
  • Copper against arthritis. Prepare a compress of copper water, apply it to the affected areas for several hours.
  • Copper against varicose veins. Firmly fix copper plates (royal coins) on the affected areas of the legs. Do not remove the copper until the period of free fall of the coin from the foot.
  • Copper against sinusitis. Place copper plates in the area of ​​the sinuses and eye sockets.
  • Copper against hemorrhoids. On the initial stages hemorrhoids, it is advisable to use coins or copper plates. Attach them to the anus and to the buttocks. The properties of copper allow you to normalize blood circulation and accelerate the outflow of fluid from problem areas. The coins should adhere tightly to the skin, and then the healing effect will begin.
  • Copper against headaches. Take a supine position and attach copper elements to the frontal, occipital or temporal parts of the head. Hold this position for 30 minutes, then wipe the skin. The properties of copper improve blood circulation, thereby preventing dizziness from excessive pressure.
  • Copper against benign tumor. Healing applications of copper objects can stop the development of benign tumors, as well as completely eliminate neoplasms. The secret is very simple: apply copper to the tumors, fix them with a bandage, and wear this for a week. Let the body recover, and after a couple of days, conduct another course of treatment. Visit the oncology dispensary and the therapist regularly. It is possible to treat benign tumors only after an accurate identification of the problem. Only specialists can install it.
  • Copper against troubles in the female line. Problems with the menstrual cycle, fibroids and others gynecological diseases are treated by applying coins to the genitals for 30 minutes.
  • Copper against knee pain . Attach a few coins around the knee joint, securing them with a knitted scarf. The duration of treatment is from 2 to 7 days.
  • Copper against eye diseases. Attach a copper coin to the areas between the edges of the eyes and temples. Wait for the coin to stick to the skin, and fix it with adhesive tape. The fall of the coin will tell you about the completion of the treatment. A black area in the treatment area will be evidence of glaucoma extension.
  • Copper against damage and fractures. Prepare a copper application: place it around the entire perimeter of the body on the problem area - the plate should close tightly with the skin. Wait 7 days, then fix the result - if it is weak, change the location of the coin. Copper treatment can be deceiving: at first, you will feel increased pain and increased swelling. But over time, these symptoms will subside, and treatment will benefit. The main thing is not to stop the procedures, because. the skin gets used to the copper plates and perceives their attraction better.
  • Copper against scar marks. Such scars occur after operations. Apply copper plates to the location of the seams, and fix them with a tight bandage. Don't forget to check skin. They should not be broken, especially in the area of ​​tightening seams.
  • Copper against diabetes . Take 2 tablespoons of copper water by mouth. The course of treatment is 30 days.
  • Copper against diseases of the heart muscle. Apply a copper coin to the area under the collarbone. It is advisable to find the perfect "magnetic" place on the skin so that the coin does not fall off. Fix the copper with adhesive tape and wear it for a week.
  • Copper against hearing problems. Apply copper coins to the bony bulge of the ear. Place the same coin in the opposite direction. Are you suffering from tinnitus? Apply the plates in the back of the neck. Make sure that the coins are firmly attached to the skin.

Caution: Excessive amounts of copper can harm the body. Copper poisoning leads to the development of a number of diseases. Please visit your physician for safety advice before undertaking any copper plate treatment.

Copper is suitable for approximately 90% of people affected by diseases. The organisms of the remaining 10% of patients, on the contrary, repel copper particles. In this case, it is possible to replace copper with silver. As a rule, the effect of such treatment should be no worse.

Copper treatment is carried out in 2 main areas:

  • Wearing a copper bracelet- the accessory should fit snugly to the wrist and not move below it.
  • Use of copper plates and coins- Elements attached to the skin are fixed with bandages made of fabrics or scarves.

Copper does not need to be replaced, because suitable for long-term medicinal use. The only thing required of you is regular care behind a copper object.

The last years of the 20th century are characterized by the search for specific methods of treatment. Modern drug therapy led to new diseases. One of the non-specific treatments is copper treatment.

People have known about the healing properties of copper for a very long time. In ancient India, it was used to treat diseases of the skin and eyes. Recipes for various "copper medicines" were in the arsenal of doctors around the world. Even Aristotle and Galen knew about metal therapy. Aristotle wrote that applying copper to a bruise prevents a bruise, and that "something" is acting here besides the cold of copper, that copper cures swelling, and that when treating ulcers, copper plates are placed on them.

In ancient Greece, copper was used to treat deafness and inflammation of the tonsils. Great Avicenna after surgical removal purulent tonsils recommended rinsing the mouth with cooled water and vinegar, and then applying blue vitriol to the wound. Doctors ancient east treated bone fractures with red copper powder, which was taken orally and washed down with water or milk.

In Russia, copper has also long been used for treatment. She treated radiculitis, polyarthritis, bruises and bone fractures, epilepsy and many other diseases, even cholera. And not in vain. It was noticed that in the terrible years of cholera, workers in copper foundries, as well as those living near warehouses with copper, did not get sick with cholera. Barge haulers on the Volga, in order not to get sick with cholera, put copper nickels under their heels and wore copper crosses.

Copper takes off inflammatory processes, soothes pain, accelerates the maturation of boils, helps to avoid infectious diseases, stimulates defensive forces organism. In contact with the skin, it has a local bactericidal effect.

When exposed to copper discs, leukocyte activity increases. Copper heals quickly. If in the evening with pneumonia heat, then after the imposition of copper coins, the temperature returns to normal by morning.

Copper dissolves everything benign tumors. Many sick women with fibromas, tumors of the breast recovered after applying the coins.

Copper has a good effect on the cardiovascular system: if the heart hurts, then the coins are placed in the subclavian fossa. Attach plates and wear around the clock throughout the day. After 10 days, the pain may stop.

As a result of bruising of the legs, thrombophlebitis often occurs. To warn him, copper coins are placed in a shoe, under a stocking.

Copper coins cure hemorrhoids and stop hemorrhoidal bleeding, because they have a good effect on the veins around anus. One coin must be placed edge-on directly on anus, and hold the second coin higher between the gluteal muscles, but so that they do not touch each other. At chronic disease need to repeat courses at night.

Copper heals well chronic diseases: otitis media, sinusitis, tracheobronchitis. With sinusitis, you need to apply penny coins (sometimes they are even large). When tracheobronchitis is applied to the neck (copper should not be used before the doctor's diagnosis, because the picture of the disease changes very quickly and the doctor cannot establish the correct diagnosis).

To cure deafness, one 3-kopeck coin is applied to the bulge of the bone behind the ear, and the other to the ear from the side of the face.

Copper activates the action of insulin in the blood. Therefore, using slow therapy, you can reduce insulin or completely abandon it.

When using copper, the nervous system calms down, insomnia disappears. Copper invigorates the body. Copper reduces headaches if it is applied to sore spots (forehead, temples, back of the head) for 15-20 minutes.

Treatment with copper facilitates the post-infarction condition, and in case of a heart attack, copper is applied to the subclavian region.

The treatment uses the application of copper plates. The plates are made of red copper. These are thin, well-polished copper circles of various diameters, superimposed when various diseases on the corresponding BAP (biologically active points).

You can use plates or coins ranging in size from 1 to 8 cm in diameter, 1-3 mm thick. To obtain a greater effect, before use, they must be calcined on fire, cooled and cleaned with sandpaper. Disks prepared in this way are superimposed on painful areas for a period of 6 hours to 3 days. The disks are fixed on the skin with adhesive tape. After crushing the plates, the skin under them is washed warm water with soap. Usually the course of medetherapy lasts from 3 to 20 days. It is noticed that the effect is higher when the plate is attracted by the skin, which becomes greenish under the plate. Folk healers It is believed that if there is adhesion of the skin to copper, copper can be used for treatment, if not, copper is useless.

In everyday life, copper can be applied to a sore spot and simply bandaged. If the overlay is not chosen accurately, the copper under the bandage will move itself to the right place. (Chemists explain this by a violation of the biological potential under the influence of the disease, which levels out under the influence of copper.)
According to the observations of Professor F. N. Romashov, carried out in 760 patients with various diseases, applications of copper discs and plates had analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. Copper salts formed in the body are extremely toxic to fungi, cholera bacteria, and some viruses. The bacteriological effect of copper is widely used for water sterilization, treatment of inflammatory processes of the oral mucosa and eyes.

No need to try to take copper plates larger and thicker. They can accidentally get poisoned. In this case, vomiting, convulsions and general weakness occur. Be attentive to the recommendations. If possible, consult with your doctor.

Treated with copper and bone fractures, bruises, abscesses.

Traditional medicine recommends using copper sulfate as part of an ointment prepared as follows: 20 g of spruce resin, one mashed onion, 15 g blue vitriol, 50 g vegetable oil(preferably olive). Mix everything, grind thoroughly and heat to a boil. The resulting ointment has a burning effect and heals well.

It's hard to find the best and absolutely harmless remedy than copper - the metal of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. She doesn't take pictures of everyone. pain syndrome, but where by nature itself it is intended to heal, it has no rivals. Radiculitis, lumbago, backache, sciatica - these diseases are healed by copper atoms penetrating into the skin.

The ancient Greek scholar Aristotle wrote that applying copper to a bruise prevents a bruise. Copper relieves puffiness, and copper plates help in the treatment of ulcers.

In ancient Greece, copper was used to treat deafness and inflammation of the tonsils. In France, in our time, hearing disorders are treated with copper.

Copper, according to the peasants, helps with fractures. For this, shavings from old copper coins were eaten with bread.

In the Vologda province, copper filings were taken orally with bread for the speedy fusion of broken bones; in addition, copper scraped with a knife was drunk from a hernia.

In medical treatment, coins issued before 1961 are used, copper plates 50–60 mm wide and thick in a ratio of 1:10. Copper is applied vacuum MV, MOV, MOO, MG. Best of all MV, but sheet, not a bar. The size of the coin or plate is taken such that the metal fits snugly against the skin. Using metal for medicinal purposes, it is periodically burned or moistened with saline.

About copper bracelets, facilitating articular and muscle pain in the hands, many have heard. They are easy to make according to your own measurements from sheet copper (thickness 0.5 - 1 mm). Anklets also give good results. Pure electrolytic copper is especially suitable for this purpose, but ordinary wire is also suitable, and the thicker the better. Wrapped in one or two turns around the chest or lower back, it will relieve the suffering caused by intercostal neuralgia and sciatica.

It has been established that the application of copper lowers the temperature, relieves pain, has a hemostatic effect, and is a strong bactericidal agent, activates water and mineral metabolism, improves sleep, calms the central nervous system, activates the action of insulin in the blood.

The application of copper dissolves benign tumors (hardening mammary gland, uterine fibroids, mastitis, etc.), cures tuberculosis, all inflammatory processes in the body ( chronic otitis media, Chronical bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, inflammation Bladder, inflammation of the kidneys and lungs, cholecystitis, diabetes, skin diseases, etc.). It cures sciatica, injuries of various origins, improves post-infarction conditions.

Copper discs are placed on the projection of the diseased organ on the skin.

In case of a heart attack, copper coins should be placed in the subclavian region (fossa) and checked for adhesion. If there is a clutch, you need to wear it around the clock (covered with a plaster) for 10 days. The pain disappears. At coronary disease hearts, you can do copper applications on the collar area for 4 days.

If your hands often hurt, at night you need to put on thin mittens, putting in them a piece of real copper, or a copper wire compressed into a lump. Already on the second day the pain subsides.

If, during pneumonia at night, coins are applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lungs, the temperature will drop by morning.

As a result of bruising of the legs, thrombophlebitis often occurs. To warn him, you need to put a copper coin in the shoes under the stocking.

Copper is good for treating varicose veins. The coin should stick to the leg, as it were, and you need to wear it until it rolls under the heel.

To cure uterine fibroids, coins should be applied to the lower abdomen.

Copper coins cure hemorrhoids. In this case, the coin should be placed with an edge directly on the anus, and the second coin should be clamped higher by the gluteal muscles, but so that they do not touch each other.

With sinusitis, you need to put penny coins on your eyes at night.

Copper cures deafness. To do this, one 2-kopeck coin must be attached to the convex bone behind the ear, and the other to the ear from the side of the face. During the treatment, the coins are applied as they adhere to the skin.

When knocking in the ears, a coin is applied to the back of the neck.

Since copper enhances the action of insulin, in the treatment of diabetes, you can reduce the dose of insulin.

For pain after a broken bone, you can attach a copper coin of the 1961 issue, in which there is aluminum involved in the construction of the connective and bone tissue. This will lessen the pain.

If you apply copper to the site of injury, the pain may temporarily increase, but then everything goes away.

The headache goes away in 15-20 minutes. after application to the forehead, temples, back of the head, 5-kopeck coins, depending on where it hurts.

In the old days, an ointment was used to treat corns, for the preparation of which one should drip candle fat on old copper nickels and leave for three days. During this time, a green ointment is formed on the nickels. It is applied to the calluses and a bandage is made.


Once I had a grain-sized lump in the lower eyelid of my left eye. I was very afraid of the operation. While contemplating what to do, the induration reached the size of a lentil and became very painful. I decided to try copper treatment.

In the first week I did 5 procedures (2 days of procedures, 1 day of rest, 3 days of procedures), in the second - 3 procedures (they were done every other day), in the third week - 6 procedures (3 days of procedures, 1 day of rest, 3 days of procedures ). Every time at ten o'clock in the evening I applied a copper plate (the diameter of a two-ruble coin and a thickness of 0.5 mm) to the sore spot of the lower eyelid and glued it with a bactericidal plaster, and in the morning I removed the plate. A hole formed in the eyelid through which the copper pulled the contents of the seal. And there were no traces left on the eyelid! Joy great, joy immeasurable! After all, I was so afraid of the operation!

I will tell you a few more stories of copper treatment. When barley appeared near my eye, before going to bed I put a copper plate on it, held it with my finger for thirty minutes. Then he removed the plate and went to bed. After waking up, there was still a slight swelling and redness on the eyelid. Once again I applied the copper plate for thirty minutes. And that's it - the barley has disappeared!

Once there was swelling and soreness of the wrist joint of the hand, movements became limited. I decided to treat with copper foil.
In the evening, I wrapped the joint with copper foil and secured it with a bandage. Removed the bandage in the morning. The course of treatment is as follows: I performed the procedure for 3 days, then - 1 day of rest and three more days of procedures.

The function of the joint was restored. In the same way, he cured his knee, which hurt so much that he could not move! Saved copper from osteochondrosis. And the pain in the lower back was such that it was impossible to fall asleep, and even at night he often woke up. Now I am writing and crying with happiness that everything ended well. The effect of copper treatment is simply amazing! Feel free to use it for treatment!

Gorokhov Vasily Petrovich,