Surviving a divorce, or my big little miracle. Prayer for the preservation of the family to the Blessed Virgin Mary

How to pray to get through a breakup or divorce

(If you don't know how to pray)

Here we have tried to talk about the main points that need to be taken into account so that your prayers are beneficial. But if you want to learn how to pray really well, the best way to do this is our online course "The Art of Personal Prayer."

1. Remember who the God you are praying to is.

For a non-church person, God is, as a rule, something abstract, a “higher mind.” But in reality, intelligence is not the main quality of God. One preacher noted that Satan fits the definition of “higher intelligence.” And the main quality of God is LOVE. Therefore, in order not to “mistake the address” of your prayers, you must try to learn as much as possible about the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ. The best source for this is the Gospel.

2. Remember who you are.

You are God's creation, loved by the Creator. Endowed with an immortal soul, which is more valuable than the entire material world. But you, like all people, are a creation that has lost its way, makes mistakes, and is unable, without God’s help, to even pray to Him correctly. Unable to bring anything good into this world on his own, without the help of the Father. Realize your sinfulness, poverty and ask God to help you pray.

You cannot deceive God. You cannot give anything to God. The only thing He wants from you is repentance and a sincere intention to improve.

3. Pray humbly.

It's very difficult for you. But God is not to blame for this. He did something for you that is hard to imagine - He allowed people to crucify Himself on the cross. Therefore, do not complain, do not feel sorry for yourself. Ask God not sadly and not demandingly; in both of these there is pride. He Himself wants to give everything you need; all that is required from you is humility. That is, readiness to accept any will of God with trust, the consciousness that it is good for us.

4. Pray in faith.

Praying without faith that what you ask for will be fulfilled is useless. If you pray with faith, not a single word of prayer is wasted. It is just as easy for God to fulfill every word of your prayer as it is for you to say it. If faith is still small, ask the Father for faith.

5. For God to listen to you, you must obey Him.

Christ is disgusted with any of our evil. Our evil is His wounds of the cross. Therefore, if we do not try to be kind and fulfill His commandments, our requests will be unjustified impudence. And especially we must get rid of all evil before and at the beginning of prayer. If we are angry with a person, forgive. If we murmur against God, we must resign ourselves to fate. Cleanse yourself of everything that weighs on your conscience. And we will immediately feel how our prayer grows wings.

6. You can ask God for everything that is definitely good.

If we ask for something that may not be pleasing to God (and therefore not useful to us), then each request must be ended with the words “But let it be not as I want, but as You please.” But if you only ask for this, your prayers will bring you little benefit.

7. Be respectful.

If you were to attend a reception with the president of your country or another influential person, most likely you would be respectful. During prayer, you communicate with the One who is immeasurably more influential than any earthly ruler. Therefore, if you pray in solitude, you need to stand respectfully. If you are in public, just avoid vulgar, too free poses, and be respectful within yourself.

8. When praying, do not intentionally draw visual images of God in front of you.

Is it dangerous. (Looking at an icon of Jesus Christ does not mean imagining God in front of you.)

9. What words to pray?

Long prayers, prayer rules, are good when there is no pain expressed by a specific thought. If there is such a wounding thought, it will distract you from the words of the prayer. Therefore, in this case it is better to pray with short prayers directed against this thought. Almost every painful thought is a lie thrown at you by demons, and only with God's help can you overcome it.

Rule read during mourning
(Reverend Ambrose of Optina, based on the psalms) The psalms were written by the king and prophet David, the one who, while still an unknown youth, defeated the giant Goliath. The Psalms of David are the most read part of the Old Testament by Orthodox Christians. There is also a Russian translation of them, but they are usually read in Slavic. You don't need to know the Slavic language to read them.

Buy fish on Thursday without haggling or taking change from your purchase. When the ear is ready, lower the knife into the ear with your left hand and read the plot. Do not remove the knife from the pan until you have poured the fish soup into your husband’s plate. They read this: The servant of God (name) has a fish, it does not swim, does not hit the water with its tail, does not eat underwater bushes, does not spawn or throw eggs. Just as it is true that my husband will eat this fish, and just as it is true that this fish will never swim, so in the name of Christ the servant of God (name) will never go anywhere. My word shall stand strong for the sake of Jesus Christ all days, for all times. Amen.

How to resurrect lost love

They read it loudly in the presence of a strong wind: As you, the wind, draw smoke from the furnace, you fan the fire with your power, fan it, and heat three furnaces with a bright flame. One oven is sadness, another oven is melancholy, the third oven is to kindle the heart of the servant of God (name). Take the soul from the baptized servant of God (name), bring the soul and bring his soul to my soul, body to body, and flesh to flesh. Send a fierce, merciless, incurable drought upon him. So that it dries for me, God's servant (name), dryer than dry grass in the field. Take away his will, without locks, without doors, so that he can stand next to me, miss me and suffer, and know no peace day or night. My molded words cannot be spoken, cannot be interrupted, cannot be soaked in water, cannot be steamed in a bathhouse. Be, my words, strong, sculpting. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

To return love

They commemorate her in two churches for her repose: in one her rival, in the other her husband, and in the third they commemorate her health. They take a candle from the church, go with this candle to a field where there are no trees, and speak with a lit candle, bowing to four sides. The conspiracy is spoken loudly. You cannot take either strangers or relatives with you. There is a mountain in the city of Jerusalem, on the mountain there are three coffins, three torches lie in them, aspen splinters are in their hands. The wind blows from those graves, bringing melancholy to the servant of God (name). Satan commemorates every grave. Get up, melancholy, light your torch so that it glows and burns, the heart of the servant of God (name) aches for the servant of God (name). My tooth ached and ached, but God’s servant (name) did not dare forget me. He would have forgotten the servant of God (name), he had no thoughts, he would not have remembered the journey without washing his heart. Just as people forget that they dreamed a year ago, they don’t know, so if he forgot the servant of God (name), he wouldn’t remember her name. If only I were more blood than his blood, more sick than the sick. There was torment and boredom, he would be bored, grieve, and would not rest for a minute. I gave him bread and salt and water, he would never forget me. I wouldn’t sit with my friends, I wouldn’t stay with my mother, I wouldn’t eat at the table, I wouldn’t wash it down with water or wine. Wherever I am, there you should be too. My words cannot be interrupted, they cannot be dried, they cannot be poured out, they cannot be swept away with a broom, they cannot be shoveled away with a poker. Not with smoke, not with fire, my seal is on him from now on. The key to my words is the sky, the castle is the earth. Until I die, his destiny is me! Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prevent divorce

Boil the rooster's heart and feed it to the wife, and give the husband the boiled chicken heart to eat at the same table.

They tear off the shreds from the underpants of the husband and wife and twist them together. They hang it on a double tree and say: Just as you are together in this place, so we are together in ours.

Two more ways to save a divorcing family

They make jelly from two berries, for example currants and raspberries, and while the jelly is boiling, they have time to say twice: We grew up apart, but now together.
Kissel is given to the spouses to eat.

Prayer to unite the fate of unfaithful spouses

This is a very good way to bring spouses together. Come out of your kingdom, come from a dead state, count the stone tables, iron trunks, mileposts. Thirteen stand, thirteen lie, thirteen guard in the name of the kingdom. So that the spouses do not stand apart, but lie in bed, and do not offend each other. Whoever bends a stone table and an iron trunk, drinks water from the pillar, only he will divorce the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name).

Well water spell (to return love)

Just as people drink and never get drunk their entire lives, so the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) will never divorce. As strong as water is, their love will always be true. Amen.

If it's heading towards divorce

Take out the towel on which the married couple stood, rinse it in water and wipe the husband and wife with this towel. They won't separate.

Chapel to the matrimonial threshold

If your husband begins to hang out, does not sit at home, and there is talk that he has started another woman, you should not waste time. The simplest remedy is this: while in another room, call your husband by name. When he responds, tie a knot in the string and repeat this three times. It can be done on one day, or on subsequent days. When the tie with three knots is ready, tie it on a fence, maybe on someone else’s, but definitely on the fence of the last hut and on the corner board of the fence, saying: While the fence is on the knot, until that time you, servant of God (name), you will be with me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If the husband left (to come back)

Take your wedding ring, put it in holy water and drink. There must be forty sips. Before this, they recite a conspiracy: Just as you, water, entered from the wedding ring above, you will come out below, so that my husband (name) leaves the servant of God (name of his rival) and enters my house. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To make the husband miss his wife

Talk about some gift or thing that your husband will use. The saying goes like this: You take a thing from me, you give me your peace. Not in the middle of the day, not in the middle of the night, you would not have peace and urine without the servant of God (name of your wife). Amen.

To make the husband think more about his wife

Keep the new pin pinned on yourself for three days, then, having talked about it, fasten it in an inconspicuous place on your husband’s clothes. They read it like this: Carry it, don’t lose it, don’t forget the servant of God (wife’s name). Amen.

So that husband and wife live well

Take two candles, twist them into one, before doing this, let them lie in a warm place so that the wax becomes soft. When lighting, say the words: I am not burning candles, but connecting two hearts for bread and salt at the table, for a good life, for family happiness. Amen.

For spouses to love each other

If this conspiracy is read at the wedding table, then not a single separation curse will break the newlyweds. They read at the moment when the young people kiss. Just as they look at crosses on the Feast of Christ, so young people would look at each other - they couldn’t see enough. Just as Christ loved His Mother of God, so a husband would love his wife, and a wife would love her husband. Amen.

So that the husband does not get jealous

Some are so tormented by jealousy that life seems unpleasant. Speak to the water and let's drink three times. Where are you, dog tooth? - In the mouth. - Where are you, jealous husband? - In trouble. So the husband would not be jealous, would not grind his teeth and yell, and would not wave his hands. The word is strong and molding. Amen.

Spell on the castle

Buy a new lock, lock it with the key, while saying a spell, throw away the key.
Just as no one will open this lock without a key, no one will separate you and me. Amen.

So that the husband sleeps only with his wife

When the meat is fried, look at the blood and say: I am my husband’s queen, I am his night lioness and bird, I am his salt, I am his food. He never cheated on me and never wanted other women in bed. They would seem to him like frogs, gray-haired, shaggy old women, and for him I would be a queen, a beauty, a written firebird. Blood, go into the blood, put in place all my words, every letter, every word of mine, so that he does not have a desire for another. Only me, his wife, before his eyes, before his lips. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If the husband was avoided

I lock the servant of God (name) in a dead lock so that the servant of God (name) does not leave the threshold. The castle is silent, does not whine, does not squeal. I put him on a chain with a word, and fence him with five candles. There is no way for him to get away from me anymore. You can't escape me forever and ever. I close my word, I close my business. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

If you spoiled your husband

You need to go to a swamp hummock, pray on it, and then hang a red cloth on three aspen trees, tightening it so that the wind does not blow it away. When tying, they say this: Hello, queen toad. The hummock is your throne, the aspen is your mother, and you must suffer. On a clear Sun, on a full Moon, 12 times a year: on Mondays and Tuesdays, on Wednesdays and Thursdays, on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, Christ rose again, go, the toad, onto the forest, onto the swamp hummock, onto the queen toad’s daughter. My word is clear, my sword is red. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. There is also a similar conspiracy, but first it is better to read the prayer: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. God, be merciful to me, a sinner. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. And now the plot: Lord, you gave me a body, and it didn’t ache, didn’t hurt, didn’t shoot like a bullet, didn’t rot with pus. Whoever imposed this damage took it for himself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I hope that these conspiracies will help you remove this terrible spell.

Spoiled Husband (Another Case)

They make a fire from aspen and draw a circle around the fire. Then the patient must jump over it three times. At the same time, the master reads: Furious fire, go with smoke, with illnesses, lessons, with leaps from the servant of God (name). Evil spells and all diseases: knowledge, loads, stitching, patterns, lessons, roll off, fall off: from the neck, spinal bone, from the head, eyes, from speeches. I pray to the Heavenly King, I bow to Mother Theotokos. Century after century, now and forever, forever and ever. Amen.
Then wash the patient, and after that he will sleep for a long time, and then go to recovery. It is also good in such cases to wipe the sleeping person with your underpants.
When the sick person is sleeping, read the prayer “For the increase of love...” By the union of love, Thy apostles bound, O Christ, and us, Thy faithful servants, thus tightly bound to Thyself, keep Thy Commandments and love each other unfeignedly, through the prayers of the Mother of God, the One Lover of Mankind.

So that the husband does not leave his wife

Enter the temple first of the parishioners, go to the icon of St. George the Victorious, cross yourself and say: Lord, bless me to reach the power of heaven, to Yegor the Brave. Amen. Holy Father Yegor, I stand, the servant of God (name), before you. Just as you pinned the asp snake with your sharp rod to the damp earth, to Mount Zion, so pin my husband (name) to me, to God’s servant (name), forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. You cannot ask the servants where this icon is located. You need to find her yourself, without talking to anyone. You can recognize this icon by the image of St. George sitting on a horse and piercing a serpent with a spear. If you do everything right, your husband will never leave you.

How to bring a lascivious husband to reason

This plot is read at a time when the husband has gone to his mistress. Go to the bridge that connects the two banks. Stand in the middle of the bridge and say: The Mother of God walked across the bridge, Nikolai the Pleasant carried the cross towards Her, Elijah the Prophet walked next to him, and John the Theologian followed Elijah the Prophet. Where, Mother of God, are you going, who, Mother of God, are you calling? I go to the servant of God (name), I hasten, I call him to the servant of God (name), I return, and my only Son calls him with Me. My Son, Lord, take the servant (name) by the hands, My Son, Lord, take away the torments of fornication from him, correct his mind, correct his mind and send him to his married wife on the threshold. And you, prodigal and revolting spirit, get out of my husband, out of his body, from my holy prayer and from my work. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Tie about the prodigal husband

Find a dry stump in the field and tie it with a belt from your clothes. Tighten the ends of the belt with a knot. Before you tie the knot, say: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Water to the river, stump to the ground, husband’s hand to my hand. When only my husband comes to this stump, when he unties and tears my knot, then only my husband, the servant of God (name), will leave me, the servant of God (name), for another woman. My work is strong, my word is molded. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that the husband is afraid of intimacy with another

I am passing on this conspiracy to you and I sincerely want women to be able to use this prayer to calm down their prodigal husband and the father of their children. They read the plot late in the evening. Place a bowl with a dozen eggs in the center of the table. Hold each egg with the sharp end towards you and press it so that its contents, i.e. the white and the yolk, flow between your fingers. At the same time, you need to pronounce the spell words: There are thirteen eggs, twelve saints. Just as the saints destroyed evil, so my husband (name) would be seen off by girls, women, widows, gray-haired women and young women. He will be a stallion with me, and a gelding with everyone else. A dozen eggs are broken, a ring is put on my soul, and my word and deed come true. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

To return my husband

We don't always value what we have. Old people say: “If we have it, we don’t keep it; if we lose it, we cry.” Most often in your letters there are requests: help me get my health back, help me get my son back, help me get my husband’s love back. Why does our heart begin to ache and suffer so much when we lose? Why, in order to understand how dear someone or something is to us, do we have to lose it, and often forever? Everyone has their own destiny and their own life trials. And each of your letters has its own pain and its own tragedy. Read the plot at sunrise and sunset. There should be no pins, hairpins or underwear on a woman's body. The head should be unkempt. The conspiracy is this: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The human soul conjures, calls on the Mother of God and Christ. Mother of God, help, Lord Jesus Christ, bless. There is no malice of Satan in the servant of God (name), there is only one Throne and that of Christ. O Lord, pour into Your servant (name) zealous love for me, for God’s servant (name). Let love and pity torment him, they send him to me - the married wife - in the morning at dawn, in the evening during the moon, from sunrise to sunset. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to get your husband back

Read to a strong wind and then call him by name from the window: This spell is not for an hour, not for a day, not for a month, not for a year, but for the whole century and for the whole life. Amen. Amen. Amen. The firmament of the earth is splitting apart, there is a large gap in it. From that crack there is a cry and a howl, the children of Satan, unclean and broad-shouldered spirits, are knocking and screaming. Oh, you, broad-shouldered and unclean, how loudly you know how to knock, shout, give no rest, give no rest, shout, call out to the servant of God (name). Call him, lead him to me, God’s servant (name). Let the servant of God (name) passionately love me, dove, cry, suffer and miss me, his wife, God's servant (name), cry without me and suffer, not notice anyone but me. Just as guys love white breasts, so do you, servant of God (name), do not forget me. Mother Earth, close your circle, and let every single one of my words come true. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy of fidelity in love

On even days, food or drink is spoken for the husband. Then he will never cheat on you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I don’t count my husband’s curls, but I count, I read his blood. Enter into it, remarkable love. Shake yourself, move, so that he, my dear husband, neither walks, nor eats, nor sleeps, nor remembers his father or mother, and does not forget me, the servant of God (name). Just as people cannot live without air, without rest and food, so the servant of God (name) could not live without me; to the redhead, nor to the shameless one. He didn’t go to bed with his lovers, didn’t strive for any woman, but called me and waited, suffered for me and suffered now, forever and endlessly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Love spell at mealtime

When you eat, before you bite off a piece of bread, cross yourself and say:
Just as it is not easy for people to live without a piece of bread, so even the servant of God (name) cannot live without me, from dawn to dawn he thinks and grieves about me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Very strong love spell

On the eve of Peter's Day, get up before sunrise. With one blow of a knife, break a chicken egg and, looking at the yolk and white, say: How this yolk and this white were born together, so that God’s servant (name) and I got married. Easter glorified the egg, so that the love for me of God’s servant (name) would not leave. And just as there is no Easter without an egg, so the servant of God could not live his life without me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

How to restore family well-being

Love spell on Christmas night Break the butter bread into 77 pieces, sprinkle them with sugar and say: Spirits, there are 77 of you, I will give you something to drink, I will feed you, I will put you to bed on the feather bed. And you, spirits, spread flattering rumors about me, so that these rumors reach my husband, enter his zealous heart with a sharp knife, through the veins, throughout the blood, straight to his violent little head. He would think about me and dream, keep all the hours, all the minutes on his mind, tie fetters on his legs, on his arms. All the way he cries, grieves from boredom for me, for his wife, for God’s servant (name). 77 spirits, go, catch and lead him, my dear. Whatever word I didn’t say, whatever word I kept silent, everything would come true, grow together now, forever and indefinitely. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Spells for love to the wind

Go outside and look in the direction where your husband lives with his mistress. You need to determine whether the wind is blowing in the right direction. The wind should blow in the direction where your husband is. Take the dust, sand or stone from under your feet with your right hand and throw it with all your might in the direction the wind is blowing. At the same time you need to say: Kulla, Kulla! Go with the wind, find the servants of God (names). Twist them, turn them, and bring my husband (name) home. Feverish woman, dance, dance, take my husband by the x... Lead me, pull me, and drive my rival away from him. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Whoever drinks all the water from the sea, gathers all the grass from a free field, even that cunning sage will not interrupt my plot. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love spell for hops

Find a place where hops are growing. Pick 12 leaves from it and brew them along with tea leaves. Before brewing hop tea for your husband, read this plot:
How this hop grew, curled, swayed, clung tightly to the fence, so that my husband would hold on to me, grab hold of me and never part with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. You can speak hops only on men's days of the week, i.e. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. A woman should not drink this charmed tea.

How to remove a wife's hatred of her husband

Stick three needles into the wax and place the bowl of wax on the fire. Say 77 times:
I release God’s servant (name) from all evil and villainy. Just as the wax of a candle needle melts, flows out, melts, flows out and disappears, so let all evil and villainy melt and disappear from the servant of God (name). The key is in the sea, the tongue is in the mouth, that word has no end and no end, just like a wedding ring has no end. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Wait until the wax is completely poured into the bowl, and then let the wax harden again. Spread the frozen wax into two halves and take it to two banks of the same river. When you hide the halves, say: Until these two halves come together from the two banks, until then the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) will never quarrel or separate. Amen.

How to stop a husband's hatred of his wife

To remove hatred from a husband, you need to speak holy water, soak your husband’s shirt in it and, after drying it in the wind, let your spouse wear it. Do this three times and your husband's hatred will disappear. They chant the water like this: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Saints! Saints of help! Holy relics! The seal of Christ, the hand of Jesus, remove all evil from God’s servant (name), go, evil, into the mud, into the quagmire, into the dried-out lowland, into the mosses, into the swamp, into dry trees, into distant forests. I, (name), God’s servant, will approach God’s servant (name), and remove all evil from him with God’s word. From now on, forever and ever. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From the hatred of the husband (very strong conspiracy)

On Wednesday, bring holy water from church. Place a tablecloth on the table that no one has used before. Place holy water on the tablecloth and light 12 candles around the bowl of water. When you read the prayer, take the candles one by one and drip wax from them into this bowl. After reading the prayer, strain the water from the wax drops. Give your husband this water to drink, and roll the wax into a ball and put it in the pillow (feathers) on which your husband sleeps. They read it like this: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The star of Bethlehem lights up in the sky, the Magi gather around the baby Christ, they stand quietly and meekly, looking tenderly at the baby Christ, their lips speak meekly and tenderly. So my husband would stand quietly and meekly next to me, would not raise his hands against me, his married wife, would not speak a threatening word, would not open his mouth against me. He would look at me meekly with loving longing, I would be for him the Star of Bethlehem, more beautiful than beauty, dearer than sweetness. If only he would take care of me the way a miser takes care of his last penny. If only he could look into my eyes, the way people look at images. He would spoil me and love me, he would not scold me or beat me. I speak to God’s servant (name) from evil and dashing thoughts. Let him love me as a gypsy loves a horse, a mother loves her child, a mare loves her foal, a sheep loves her lambs, a boy loves his maiden breast. Servant of God (name), forget all women except me! I am clean water for you, I am food for you in hunger, I am clear light for you, and from now on you have no one. For now, forever and indefinitely. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Bring melancholy and love to your husband

You know that the moon is divided into quarters, waxing and waning.
So here is the conspiracy that I am passing on to you, read it by quarter of the month, from the first quarter to the last. Usually the quarters of the moon are indicated in the calendar, so buy yourself a desk calendar and it will be easier for you to navigate when to read this plot. They read it like this: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Four months, four brothers, be my good matchmaker. Come to me, the servant of God (name), to serve, help the servant of God (name) to bewitch. Take away all the sadness: steep mountains, bitter widows, mothers who buried their children. Send them to the mind, to the mind, to the bloody liver, to the zealous heart of the servant of God (name), born by his mother, baptized by the church. Longing, melancholy, dry dryness, sit on him, on my husband. Drive him, like a horse is driven, to my doorstep, before me. And whoever breaks my business, whoever invites my husband to his place, he will forget him even more violently. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Remove hatred from spouses

Find a grave with the same name as your husband. Bow to her and say: Just as you, a dead body, cannot live without earth, so a living body cannot live without water and food, so my husband could not live and be without me, he could not say nasty things to me. He would fawn on me, his married wife. He would press me to his heart and call me a kind word. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy against an insidious traitor

Lord, help, Lord, bless. There is a bone mountain on the sea, on that mountain there is a bone chair, on the chair sits melancholy - terrible, like grief, dry, like a board. That mountain cries, creaks, cracks, melancholy howls and screams. So God’s servant (name) would have yearned for me, God’s servant, cried and screamed, and didn’t know peace or rest. Crack, his soul, like a mountain of bones, suffer, his soul, like melancholy suffers. The river will not wash away, will not drain, no one will interrupt my plot. Get off the mountain, melancholy, go to the young man, to God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Lapel conspiracies

To stop loving someone forever, you need to go to someone's funeral. Place a spruce branch along the funeral route, and when the funeral procession passes along it, this branch must be picked up and taken to where the person who dried you lives. Having thrown a spruce branch there, you should say: Just as the deceased moved this spruce for the last time, so I came here for the last time. Just as a dead man’s body has grown cold, so should I go to the servant of God (name) and forget her name forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Charms against infidelity

Remove a knot from the floorboards in your home. Burn it with the words: The knot was dry, burned and went out. So the servant of God would also fade away and cool down towards all women except me, the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

If a wife can't please her husband

Take a glass of goat milk and boil it overnight (after 12 hours). Place a glass of milk so that its edge is at the level of your lips. Blow on the steam from the milk and whisper three times: Horns of the devil, horns of the goat, horns of the cow, horns of the bull, steam from the milk, go to the servant of God (name). Just as you, milk, will cool down by the morning dawn, you will not raise your parka, so you, servant of God (name), cool down from evil, do not raise your hands against me. Don't drink on Sunday, don't hit on Monday, don't shout on Tuesday, keep quiet on Wednesday, shut your mouth on Thursday, give peace on Friday, don't make noise on Saturday, accept my conspiracy to your soul. Devil horns, goat horns, cow horns, bull horns. Go, steam, from the milk to God's servant (name). Amen.

If your husband is abusive

Spell (read for water or food to an angry husband): Mother Theotokos lit a candle, wiped her face with a handkerchief, worked with fasting, prayed with her holy little hand. The handkerchief covered the servant of God (name), the servant of God scolded her husband. The fish does not speak, does not scream, the white fish is silent. So you, servant of God (name), would not scream like that white fish, and remain silent in front of your wife. Let it become dear to you, like the icon that the Mother of God gave to people. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Help with cheating

A good conspiracy against treason. It is done on October 21, except for leap years. Use an ax to chop off wood chips from a dry stump and add moss and dead fern leaves (find a dry one) along with the wood chips. They light a fire, throw the man’s shirt into the fire and read the smoke 7 times. Lips are my lock, tongue is my key. I speak to the servant of God (name): from treason and from fornication against all kinds of young women, married and widowed, from gentle hands, from greedy lips, from their little eyes and love spells, from invitations and appeals, from downy beds, feather pillows, from goblets with wine, from women's blood, from Thursday's ash, from all treason, from all fornication. My work is a lock, my tongue is a key, a stone is a flammable altar. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If a man picks up women

To do this work, take a horse bridle, lower the bit into the water and recite three times:
Bay horse, black horse, old horse, young horse, piebald horse and gray horse, do not bite the bit. God's servant (name) took the bridle, locked it in the stall, and buried the key. You, servant of God (name), stand upright, lie down. Just as a gelding shouldn’t go to a mare, it’s not free to wander in the field. So the servant of God (name) should be near his wife (name) and should not go to other people’s women. Word, deed, key. Amen. You need to wash the clothes of your walking husband with this water, and pour the water over the fence.

If your husband has lost interest in you

This is how they correct their family. They break seven branches from a female tree and seven from a male tree, saying at the same time: On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a tree, on that tree sat 77 birds, gray maidens, they plucked the branches and threw mother earth on the cheese. The devil began to grab these branches and take them to the black pine tree, to Satan himself, to Satan Satanovich and to Satan Satanovna. I extinguish three black candles and ask the devilish couple: “Do me a favor, kindle the heart of God’s servant (name) with unquenchable love for me, an unquenchable thirst, an invincible longing.” And let my word become stronger than steel and become eternal. Amen. Amen. Amen. On Friday they take a new broom, place it with the broom up and the stick in the basin. For stability, lean against a corner. For three days you need to water the broom at dawn so that the water flows from it into the basin. Then, while washing your face, you need to say: Lord, I call on You for help. And you - Friday, Saturday, Sunday - I also call on you. Let love for me flow in the same drops as water from this broom. Amen. The water used to pour on the broom must be collected at sunrise.

To prevent my husband from cheating

Oh, mother of the first star, high in the sky, far from me, see the servant of God (name), meet him on the road, in someone else’s garden, on a changeable threshold, in a house, in a field, on dry land and in the sea. Make him sad so that he doesn’t sit with other people’s girls, doesn’t take bread and salt from someone else’s hands, doesn’t fall asleep in someone else’s bed, doesn’t forget about me, his wife (name), for an hour. Take him, star, under the bridle, bring him here, to me, God’s servant (name). A bird flies to its nest, a cattle to its meadow, a horse to its foal, a sheep to its lamb, a mother to its child. So that the servant of God (name) runs to me, to the servant of God (name), to my black eyebrows, to my clear eyes, to my scarlet lips, to my white face, to my zealous heart, to my home, to my marital threshold. Amen. This is a strong curse. My grandmother said about him: “A fierce slander against prodigal husbands.” They read it at sunset three times.

They read it cold and give it to the infidel to drink at the beginning, middle and end of the month.
Just as a brownie cannot cheat on his house, his gender, his wall, so with not a single servant of God - neither a beauty nor a pockmarked one - my dear will not cheat on me, God's servant (name). Amen.

If a wife is not needed for spirit

My husband has become so distant from me that he doesn’t really need me. If he doesn’t see it, he seems bored, but when he comes, he hates it again. And all this after one woman from our village.
What can be done?" Go to the river with his shirt (with sleeves). Take it by the sleeve, rinse it in the water, saying at the same time: The river is damp water, the creeping banks, wash it off, rinse the back of the mouth of the servant of God (name) with a woman’s tickle. Her kisses, all kinds of hugs, her whispers, beckons, calls, washes, baits and baits. If he were going home, he would be with me, with God’s servant (name). Amen.

Remove your husband's ridicule

If a husband mocks his wife, shames and insults her in public, as people say, makes a fool out of her, speak on the towel and hang it where it usually hangs so that he can dry himself with it. Or serve after the bath. It will be like silk.
Hex on the towel: I'm going through the chimney. Mother oven, drown, brownie father, turn around. I will stand on my porch, turn my wedding ring, so that my husband does not mock me, does not mock me in public, does not mock me. A fish dies without water, my husband dies without me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If the husband is younger than his wife (so as not to cheat)

They buy three silver spoons, cook the kutya, stirring it with three spoons at once, reciting a love spell. The finished kutya is left on the grave with the husband’s name in a spoon and, having done this on three graves, they leave without looking back. The love spell is like this: Lord, my God, I have a young husband. Don’t let him laugh at me, God don’t let him mock me, show mercy to girls and women. Just as you, Lord, blinded Adam and Eve, so you, Lord, would have blessed me and my husband. So that my husband doesn’t cheat on me, he doesn’t go out with girls and women: neither with black, nor with gray hair, nor with old, nor with young. Just as the moon does not cling to the Sun, so my husband (name) will not leave me for anyone: neither black, nor gray, nor old, nor young. I cover myself with the Mother of God’s veil, God’s servant (name) is forever with me, with God’s servant (name). Amen.

Has your husband taken away your luck?

Let your husband go to the bathhouse at three in the morning on a full moon. You need to go alone, preferably so that no one but you knows about it. The stove must be heated with aspen and birch, you cannot add coniferous wood, and you need to wash it nine times. And every time let him wash his body and head, just like the first time. He washes himself and starts again. Before pouring the last water on himself, let him say: Whoever sat on my withers drank my dirt and ate my failure. After this, you need to immediately wash yourself and leave. You can't talk to anyone, eat or drink until the morning.

So that the wife is the head of the house

Like a blowjob exactly one month from the wedding day, let the bride wait for the hour when her husband is not in the house. He will dress again, as if for an aisle (veil, dress, etc.), bow 33 times and say: Eternal glory to our Lord, and with me is my husband, servant of God (name).
Then he will approach the marital bed and, without taking off his wedding attire, fluff up the pillows and featherbed with his hands. The husband will always be with his wife until death. If someone knocks on the door at that hour, you cannot open it. A sure sign - the young will not live.

A conspiracy for a deceived wife to return her husband to the house

Kneel in the corner with your face, read with a bow the love spell plot: On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, there lies a white-flammable stone, white as a wife’s breast, the name of the stone is Alatyr, Alatyr, unknown to anyone. I will rise, servant of God (name), bless myself with the cross, wash myself with spring water from motley leaves, from trade guests, from priests, from clerks, from young men, from red maidens, young women, from white breasts, from husbands, from blood human. From under that Alatyr stone I will release the power for a love spell and send that mighty power to my dear servant of God (name) to all joints, half-joints, all bones and half-bones, all veins and half-veins, clear eyes, rosy cheeks, chest his, zealous heart, into the womb, into the black liver, into the violent head, into strong hands, into quick legs, hot blood. So that his blood boils and hisses, his heart jumps out at the thought of me, I would blind the white light to his eyes. So that the servant of God (name) would yearn, grieve, not see peace at night, search among people during the day, whether he could live, be, an hour, a minute pass without me, the servant of God (name). A sadness would arise from the depths of the sea, from the sea grass-ants, grief would arise from behind the blue mountains, from the dark forests, from the frequent branches, rise up, sadness-dryness, unquenchable passion, unquenchable love, pounce, pounce on the slave God (name), strike him, like a robber’s victim, with a sharp knife, so that neither the doctor, nor the sorcerer, the strong master sorcerer will raise him from this illness, they will not take him away from my chest, so that the servant of God (name) will yearn and grieve for To me, God's servant (name), is like a mother for her child, a sheep for her lamb, a mare for her foals. I lock the love spell three nine with three locks, three nine with three keys. My word is strong and molding, like a flammable stone Alatyr. Amen.

Severe dryness

Slander about drinking, about food, so that the young man will fall in love: Ancient Beelzebub, give me the key ring to open the door where the terrible beast lies. His name is melancholy. I will release him and send him against the servant of God (name). Let him follow him around, tormenting him with heavy melancholy. Horned Beelzebub, you are the main Satan, the power to do evil has been given to you, I will bend my relics to you, I will ask you for help, give me the heart of God’s servant (name). Amen.

To turn your husband away from his mistress forever

Wash his things, and speak the last water, wash your feet with this water and pour it under the woman’s tree. They read like this: I will get up, blessing myself, and cross myself, I will go out of my house, from all the doors, from the last door to the gate and from all the gates to the blue sea, wide open spaces. There are 12 brothers standing there, all of whom have 12 wives. I will shout out and call their names: one is melancholy, the second is dryness, the third wife is heartache, the fourth is headache, the fifth is mental illness, the sixth is desire, the seventh is torment, the eighth is hard-on, the ninth is sleeplessness, the tenth is boredom, the eleventh is hot blood, the twelfth is ardent love. Oh, you demonic 12 wives, may the servant of God (name) be surprised by my article, wounded by my mind, subdued by this conspiracy word, captivated for now, forever and endlessly. You, wives, give him sadness and melancholy, so that he yearns for me, God's servant (name), misses me, screams in a loud voice, cannot live without me for a minute, a second, not a day to pass, not a single night to pass by: not at all. The moon is clear, nor when the sun is red. As soon as the light rose in the morning, my name would come to mind, he would be bored, sad, and scream in a bad voice. Let the other girl seem to him like a terrible tigress, like a fiery part of the tree, like a tadpole owl, and I would be like water to him on a hot afternoon, and food on a severe hunger. Be, all my words, strong, strong, sticky. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A conspiracy to make your husband change his mind about divorcing you

Read the following plot in the morning and evening for seven days in a row:

Our Most Holy Lady!
Blessed Virgin Mary!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You fell asleep, Most Holy Theotokos,
In the holy city of Bethlehem of Judea,
I saw a dream about my beloved Son.
She came to the Son Jesus Christ and said:
- Oh, Son of God,
My beloved and sweet Jesus Christ.
I saw a terrible and terrible dream.
My heart beats with fear,
Sweat pours drop by drop from my forehead,
Tears are flowing from my eyes,
Bad thoughts give me no peace.
I saw Pontius Pilate in a dream,
His palace and his palace.
You, My Son, were caught, tied up,
They tied their arms and legs to the big Cross.
They beat you, tortured you, crown of thorns
They put it on your holy head.
I looked at Your torment,
I myself endured these torments with You.
Looking at You, my Son, I suffered,
I disappeared with You, my Son.
Tell me your word about all this, my son
And the Lord says:
- Here you are, My Mother, My word!
Your dream is true, it is holy,
Pilate's guards will soon come for me,
And you tell your dream to the apostles,
Rewrite it ninety-nine times.
Distribute your holy dream to people,
Solve this dream yourself together with people.
Let's write off the house from the house.
And even though they have so many sins on them,
How much sand is there in the sea,
Frequent stars in the sky,
At the exodus of the soul there will be angels
Pray for that person -
All sins will be forgiven,
He will get rid of eternal torment,
In a terrible illness, the patient will recover,
He won't burn in the fire, he'll win the war,
It will not perish in stormy water, it will float,
He will survive and live
Who will carry this prayer with him everywhere.
Who will count and read these words,
He will never die from murder before his time.
Whatever he asks of God, he will receive,
He will never be tormented by trouble and sadness.
And when he dies, God’s angels will take his soul,
They will bring it to God's Kingdom of Heaven.
They will hand it over, give it to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.
The soul will have fun in a bright paradise,
Rejoice and pray to God.
Lord, remember these words.
I ask, I pray to you, God's army,
Let my husband, the servant of God (name), not leave me,
Let him not find sleep or peace anywhere without me,
Let him love me more than ever,
With another woman, me, my wife,
He will not forget the servant of God (name).
I believe in one God the Father, in Jesus Christ
And Mother Theotokos.
And may Her holy wonderful dream help,
My husband won’t let me go.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

How to protect your family from divorce

It has long been believed that the Slavs are very attached to their family nest, their wives and children. However, in our time, strong and happy families are quite rare. First, love and affection for each other fades away, and then people can no longer be under the same roof. For scientists, the ratio of the number of divorces to the number of marriages is just statistics, but for the average person it is always his individual tragedy. From the practice of magicians on our site, it is known that even “wedded” marriages break up (this is when people not only sign at the registry office, but also get married in a church). As a rule, such a sad ending is the result of the magical influence of a third party (lapels, love spells, sugar spells, etc.). Let's give some very real life examples. Imagine young people traveling on public transport and kissing. An elderly woman stands next to them, but the young people are in no hurry to give up their place. The woman sends a stream of negative thoughts and emotions towards them like: “so that you break up.” What do the guy and the girl experience in this case? And it’s approximately the same as what a hot piece of metal “feels” immersed in cold water. Each of the young people will try to find a new partner in the future.

How to get back your old feelings?

Of course, in magical practice there are rituals that can help in a critical situation and save a family from a seemingly inevitable divorce. However, there is one “but”: you can help people only if neither the husband nor the wife has remarried. The very first thing to do is go to church, repent of your sins, take communion. In seven different churches, order a magpie for the health of yourself and your partner, and in one church - a prayer service for the health of the one who performed the “love spell” or “drying”. Light a candle in church for the health of your enemy, and with all your heart, completely sincerely, forgive him. Here, in the church, order a prayer service with the blessing of water to Justinia and Cyprian - the saints and great martyrs. Take water from the temple - the magician will need it to perform the ritual. In addition, you will need a photograph of your spouse, blessed candles and salt. To counteract other people's witchcraft, you need to use various rituals and read conspiracies. Let's give an example of one of these conspiracies: “Just as people drink and never get drunk all their lives, so a slave (name) and a slave (name) will never divorce. Just as water is strong, love will always be true. Amen". The magician and his client mentally imagine a sea knot consisting of silver and pink fibers. At the ends of this knot there are 2 golden keys attached to one ring.

A conspiracy to attract a husband to his wife

In magical literature there are many conspiracies aimed at attracting a husband to his wife. Use them if you don't want to be cheated on or treated badly. Here is a spell that needs to be read on the new moon for food intended for the husband. Bend as low as possible over this food and say the following words: “The moon is above the water, the water is under the earth, so that I, (my name), will be the mistress of (my husband’s name), and over the whole family, so that (my husband’s name) will kissed, hugged, never forgot. Amen". When you cast a spell, you need to imagine your house (apartment) with magical frosted glass in the windows. Glass tends to let the sun's rays in, but it is absolutely impenetrable to external negativity. When damage attempts to enter the apartment, the glass turns into mirrors, with the reflective side directed outward.

Conspiracy to return love

If you want your old love to flare up with renewed vigor, try reading this spell: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Lord our God Almighty, and You, the true Christ, and You, the Most Holy Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos, and you, holy saints, and you, the great apostles Peter and Paul, hear my prayer and do not abandon my request. Return to me the love of the servant of God (name), introduce him to the truth, unite me, the servant of God (name) forever, forever with the servant of God (name), so that we are welded and inseparable, like earth and sky, like a tree and roots, like water and shore. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Everything about religion and faith - “prayer to prevent divorce” with detailed descriptions and photographs.

How to pray to get through a breakup or divorce

(If you don't know how to pray)

Here we have tried to talk about the main points that need to be taken into account so that your prayers are beneficial. But if you want to learn how to pray really well, the best way to do this is our online course “The Art of Personal Prayer.”

1. Remember who the God you are praying to is.

For a non-church person, God is, as a rule, something abstract, a “higher mind.” But in reality, intelligence is not the main quality of God. One preacher noted that Satan fits the definition of “higher intelligence.” And the main quality of God is LOVE. Therefore, in order not to “mistake the address” of your prayers, you must try to learn as much as possible about the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ. The best source for this is the Gospel.

You are a creation of God, loved by the Creator. Endowed with an immortal soul, which is more valuable than the entire material world. But you, like all people, are a creation that has lost its way, makes mistakes, and is unable, without God’s help, to even pray to Him correctly. Unable to bring anything good into this world on his own, without the help of the Father. Realize your sinfulness, poverty and ask God to help you pray.

You cannot deceive God. You cannot give anything to God. The only thing He wants from you is repentance and a sincere intention to improve.

It's very difficult for you. But God is not to blame for this. He did something for you that is hard to imagine - He allowed people to crucify Himself on the cross. Therefore, do not complain, do not feel sorry for yourself. Ask God not sadly and not demandingly; in both of these there is pride. He Himself wants to give everything you need; all that is required from you is humility. That is, readiness to accept any will of God with trust, the consciousness that it is good for us.

Praying without faith that what you ask for will be fulfilled is useless. If you pray with faith, not a single word of prayer is wasted. It is just as easy for God to fulfill every word of your prayer as it is for you to say it. If faith is still small, ask the Father for faith.

5. For God to listen to you, you must obey Him.

Christ is disgusted with any of our evil. Our evil is His wounds of the cross. Therefore, if we do not try to be kind and fulfill His commandments, our requests will be unjustified impudence. And especially we must get rid of all evil before and at the beginning of prayer. If we are angry with a person, forgive. If we murmur against God, we must resign ourselves to fate. Cleanse yourself of everything that weighs on your conscience. And we will immediately feel how our prayer grows wings.

6. You can ask God for everything that is definitely good.

If we ask for something that may not be pleasing to God (and therefore not useful to us), then each request must be ended with the words “But let it be not as I want, but as You please.” But if you only ask for this, your prayers will bring you little benefit.

7. Be respectful.

If you were to attend a reception with the president of your country or another influential person, most likely you would be respectful. During prayer, you communicate with the One who is immeasurably more influential than any earthly ruler. Therefore, if you pray in solitude, you need to stand respectfully. If you are in public, just avoid vulgar, too free poses, and be respectful within yourself.

8. When praying, do not intentionally draw visual images of God in front of you.

Is it dangerous. (Looking at an icon of Jesus Christ does not mean imagining God in front of you.)

Long prayers, prayer rules, are good when there is no pain expressed by a specific thought. If there is such a wounding thought, it will distract you from the words of the prayer. Therefore, in this case it is better to pray with short prayers directed against this thought. Almost every painful thought is a lie thrown at you by demons, and only with God’s help can you overcome it.

(Here are some short prayers appropriate to specific tasks.)

10. Should prayer be emotional?

We pray with our hearts. If you pray out loud, avoid paying attention to the voice and intonation. Otherwise, your prayer will be heard only by you. The monotonous reading accepted in the Church, strange for beginners, is used to direct your message, your power to a higher, spiritual level. Soon you will clearly feel the difference in the power of prayer between these two methods - acting and spiritual, superficial and deep. When reading silently, you should also avoid this mistake.

At least until you feel better. In a situation of separation, the pain can be so persistent that you will have to pray almost continuously, if circumstances permit.

12. How can you evaluate whether you are praying correctly?

The fruits of correct prayer are peace of mind, peace of mind for one’s future, a kind attitude towards everyone, and gratitude to God. If prayer doesn't bring you this, then you are doing something wrong. Read more about God and Prayer, for example, on the “John” website.

The main problem in a breakup situation is obsessive thoughts. The most effective way to combat such thoughts is short prayers. Short prayers are repeated many times until we feel better. Their meaning, as a rule, is the opposite of the evil feeling that torments us, so prayer requires effort on oneself.

(Reverend Ambrose of Optina, based on the psalms) The psalms were written by the king and prophet David, the one who, while still an unknown youth, defeated the giant Goliath. The Psalms of David are the most read part of the Old Testament by Orthodox Christians. There is also a Russian translation of them, but they are usually read in Slavic. You don't need to know the Slavic language to read them.

(Reverend Ambrose of Optina, based on the psalms)

Based on the book “O Heron Paisios” by Hieromonk Christodoulos, Holy Mount Athos, 1994.

The image of Jesus Christ, according to some of His icons.

Anthony, Metropolitan of Sourozh

The experience of separation is similar to the experience of death for us. How to survive this, how to pray during this - and here we must learn from Christ. For our sake, he endured the greatest pain and even death. Let us listen to Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh about how the Savior prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, awaiting His grave death.

© Perezhit.Ru. 2006-2017. Group of sites "Perezhit.Ru".

Prayer for divorce

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Lord, help me protect God’s servant Anatoly and God’s servant Marina from divorce. Help save our family. God, please don’t let our family be destroyed. Lord, don't allow divorce. Forgive us sinners for our sins and guide us on the true path. Grant us faith, love and respect for each other. Help us, Lord God, to forgive each other and all our offenses. Grant us reconciliation. Do not deprive our children of the servant of God Andrei and the servant of God Anna of a family and a happy childhood. I pray to You, Lord God, that our children will live in a complete and fulfilling family. God, I beg you, help save our family. Lord, help Your servant Anatoly to spend more time with his wife and children, protect him from addiction to other temptations. God grant your servant Marina wisdom and strength to withstand all this. And help her take the right path and forgive all insults. Resurrect, Lord, our love. Lord, I pray to You, do not take my family away from me, this is all I have! Lord God, help, I ask you! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Author of the publication

that is, you seriously scribbled all this crap here instead of tearing your ass off the chair, talking to your wife and at least trying to somehow solve the problem?

Prayer for there to be no divorces and destruction of families.

Prayer for there to be no divorces and destruction of families.

It will give men more wisdom, patience and understanding, women

peace, tranquility and everything that adorns them before God.

Will give peace harmony and love, heal broken hearts, save

the lives of children and caregivers and will heal human relationships in broken families. In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen.

bless and heal, restore all who suffered and wounded

feelings and broken hearts, heal us, remove all pain.

I also ask you to bring some sense to everyone in this situation.

and look upon the defeated souls and cast Satan away from broken families in the name of Jesus Christ. May Your love abide

light and understanding among all. Amen.

Sometimes divorce is a blessing for both spouses.

Sometimes divorce is a blessing for both spouses.

Sometimes divorce is a blessing for both spouses.

Strong, friendly, happy families are an illusion, a dream of young people who do not know the truth of life.

Family is a school of true, sacrificial love, and sacrifice is always pain, suffering, dying for oneself and life for another (others). And divorce is a solution for selfish people who cannot and do not want to sacrifice themselves even for the sake of a loved one.

After all, Jesus showed us exactly this kind of Love - He gave Himself and suffered for other people, sinners and unworthy of love.

Copyright © vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

How to avoid divorce. How to save a family from divorce

Probably everyone has already heard about the crises in family life that every married couple experiences. But it’s one thing to hear about it, and quite another to experience it yourself. If you do not pay attention in time to the growing cooling and the number of claims against each other, then matters may lead to divorce. Therefore, you should not accumulate irritation and throw it out on your beloved husband, but rather think about how to avoid divorce and save your family from divorce. And you need to start by looking for reasons that may make not only your husband, but also you, want to divorce.

How to prevent divorce

First, try to calm down and not show irritation. When you feel that you have been able to forget about your complaints, remember all the joyful and happiest events that unite you with your husband. Think about the first meeting, dating, kissing, marriage proposal, wedding day and the birth of children. Don't forget about the difficulties you have already experienced. All positive memories will make you look at what is happening differently, at a changed attitude towards your husband, and will give you strength to correct the urgent crisis.

Do not allow yourself to express complaints or reproaches to your husband when you feel that your emotions are overwhelming you. No problem can be solved in a positive way if a person cannot think calmly. Therefore, before you talk to your husband about a painful issue or ask him to correct his behavior, calm down. Experiences, resentment and anger will not help resolve the conflict, but, on the contrary, will force you to say unnecessary words that will further aggravate the problem.

To prevent divorce, be sure to discuss the issues that cause complaints on both sides. Your task is to find the reasons that led to such a sad state when thoughts of divorce appeared in your husband or you. Do not interrupt your husband under any circumstances, but listen to him calmly and also calmly explain your point of view on the events taking place. The main thing is to restrain yourself, even if what you hear from your husband will cause anger and complete rejection of his point of view. Don’t try to hide the feelings that torment you, tell them honestly, but do it not just to make another complaint, but expressing a sincere desire to come to a mutual compromise.

To save a family from divorce, the efforts of both spouses are necessary. If one person is fighting for the family, then there is very little chance of avoiding divorce. Only a joint interest in improving marital relations can help find a compromise and return them to normal, and with the right approach, even passionate love.

If even talking doesn’t help, then there is a more radical method, just take a little break from each other. There is no need to move to live with your parents, try to go on vacation or just to the country, where you can live alone or with children for a while. This will help protect your children from unnecessary stress that provokes your quarrels, and will allow you to cool down a little and look at the situation from the outside. A detached look at what is happening can help you see a way out of the current impasse that you were unable to notice before.

And yet, when the situation has reached its boiling point and there is only one step left before divorce, seek help from a family psychologist. Of course, it is better to contact him earlier, without taking the situation to the limit, but men do not always agree to tell a doctor who is incomprehensible to them about the problems that have arisen in the family. A professional will help you understand what caused the deterioration of the relationship and suggest ways out of the current situation. Sometimes only the recommendations of an experienced specialist who can objectively assess the situation in the family can save the family from divorce, so do not be afraid to ask for help.

How to avoid divorce and save your family

  • Psychologists, first of all, advise taking a short break to make a final decision whether to file for divorce or not. After all, it’s not just men who talk about wanting to file for divorce. Therefore, if such thoughts torment you, it’s time to abstract yourself from the situation and look at it objectively. At first this will cause some difficulties, but do not give up trying to achieve a calm attitude towards what is happening. Remember that your future life is at stake and if the decision to divorce becomes a mistake, you will have to suffer for the rest of your life. Your task is to understand what makes you want to part with the once dearly beloved man who called you his wife, when your attitude towards him changed, what words and actions provoked a cooling between you.

Any relationship, let alone a family one, is a very difficult thing. Each person is individual and unique. And even after marrying for love, you need to adapt and change so that life with your beloved man does not turn into a series of constant quarrels and conflicts. Family is not only gifts, words of love and passion, it is everyday work on oneself and the ability to find a way out in any situation together.

Prayers to save the family

We inevitably bring quarrels with friends, troubles at work, extraneous insults and deprivations into the house, although we always vow not to do this again. The family will support, reassure and set you in a good mood. Even in the most difficult situation, loved ones can bring you back to life and restore well-being in your family. Prayers and icons will help with this. What if there is no peace and silence in the family? A person’s whole life collapses, because his strong rear has cracked or his loved one leaves you. All problems fade into the background; they no longer worry if difficulties arise in the family. Without restoring relationships, nothing good will come into life. But there is one working and proven option - prayer for the preservation of the family. If your husband respected and loved you for many years, and then simply stopped noticing, there may even be black magic at work. Only the power of Orthodox prayer for the family can fight it. It helps you come to terms with and take a step towards reconciliation, and realize your mistakes if you are to blame for the current situation. The Lord has the power to put you and your family members on the right path, you just need to turn to him with the right words, with prayer for a prosperous family. Start thanking God for everything he has given you now. Ask him to strengthen the relationship. The icon of the holy martyr Matrona of Moscow, the Mother of God, Christ, and Nicholas the Pleasant will help you convey your request to God.

Prayer for the family is a means that is resorted to in extreme cases, although one should turn to the Lord more often and not for vain trifles. It reads like a conspiracy and each of its implementation returns happiness and love to your heart drop by drop. Family quarrels very often have a simple reason - the husband began to look at other women. It doesn’t matter why this happened: due to the fact that the wife lost her former attractiveness after the birth of children, she was simply tired of the relationship, fatigue had accumulated or they were “nagging” at home, faith had weakened... None of these reasons should be the basis of family discord and divorce . For a non-church person, God is, as a rule, something abstract, a “higher mind.” But in reality, intelligence is not the main quality of God. One preacher noted that Satan fits the definition of “higher intelligence.” And the main quality of God is LOVE. Therefore, in order not to “mistake the address” of your prayers, you must try to learn as much as possible about the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ.

How to use a conspiracy to get your husband back

One day, in a once strong and friendly family, discord may occur. Often, this happens because your husband has a mistress. In such a situation, many wives think about how to return their soulmate to the family and get the homewrecker away from him. Of course, one cannot do without conspiracies here. A divorce conspiracy is an alternative solution to divorce. With its help, you can not only separate your husband from his mistress, but also restore your previous love relationship, as well as make your family happy again. Currently, women for the most part do not strive to preserve their family.

Prayer for the love of a wife, husband

O great archangel of God, Archangel Barachiel! Standing before the Throne of God and bringing the blessings of God into the homes of the faithful servants of God, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings on our homes, may the Lord God bless us and increase the abundance of the fruits of the earth, and give us health and salvation, good haste in everything, and victory and defeat of enemies, and will preserve us for many years, always.

Prayer for the family, prayer to Matrona for the preservation of well-being in the family

Additionally, buy 3 more candles. Take holy water into a pre-prepared container. If the icons listed above are not available, purchase them at the Temple. You read the Lord’s Prayer “Our Father” many times, fervently crossing yourself and believing without complaint. I never tire of reminding you that this is the most important condition for any prayer. Drink the holy water in small sips. When your thoughts reject sinful things, begin reading the prayer for the preservation of well-being in the family, addressed to the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow.

Oh, Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow.

Prayer for the preservation and salvation of the family

A strong, happy family is what a self-respecting person should strive for. When everything is fine at home, your beloved other half and children are waiting - it’s unlikely that anything can interfere with the mood. The biggest problem of Orthodox families, especially young ones, is the lack of patience and humility. The family life of any couple should be based on these principles. It is hardly possible to find at least one couple that would initially be ideal for each other.

In difficult moments, prayer for the preservation of the family will help to avoid the collapse of the family.

Prayer for the preservation of the family to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Family is the most valuable thing in the life of any person. It is she who becomes a reliable refuge and a source of peace in times of any troubles: be it problems at work, in her personal life, difficult situations. However, like any relationship dear to the heart, it must be valued and protected, keeping grains of goodness and sweeping away everything bad. Prayer for the preservation of your family can help you with this.

Before answering a number of questions regarding the preservation of the family hearth, let's clarify the very concept of prayer.

Prayer to save the family

So far in our articles we have talked about individual prayer, when one person prays in complete silence at home or in front of icons in church, but today we want to talk about family prayer, which should be performed by members of the entire family. Of course, a prayer for the preservation of the family can be performed by one person, for example, a wife or husband, but it is much more effective when all family members, or at least the husband and wife, say it, but let’s talk about everything in more detail. In the life of almost every family there come moments when It seems that the relationship is on the brink of an abyss, and if one of the spouses does something wrong, says something inappropriate or offensive, the once loving couple will break up. Such a breakup can occur for various reasons, for example, due to the betrayal of one of the spouses, due to constant quarrels and reproaches; often the parents of one of the partners or even friends contribute to the divorce of a couple.

Most Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill in the hearts of my husband and our children peace, love and non-questioning of all that is good; Do not allow anyone from my family to experience separation and difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance. And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves' attacks, every evil of the situation, various types of insurance and devilish obsession. O all-praised and all-pious bishop, great Wonderworker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas, man of God and faithful servant, man of desires, chosen vessel, strong pillar of the church, bright lamp, shining star and illuminating the whole universe: you are a righteous man, like a blossoming date planted in the courts of your Lord, living in Myra, you were fragrant with the world, and the myrrh flowed with the ever-flowing grace of God.

Prayers for divorce

Dear Elena! I understand your problem very well. And the dead end in which you find yourself. I don’t know whether you are a believer or not, but without God it is simply impossible to solve this situation. If you are a believer, then put God at the head of your family and start spending time with Him, turning to Him in prayer with this problem, telling Him everything down to the smallest detail and listening to Him through His Word. Do whatever the Lord tells you, even if it seems illogical to you (John 2:5).

Orthodox prayer for family

Most Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill in the hearts of my husband and our children peace, love and non-questioning of all that is good; Do not allow anyone from my family to experience separation and difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance.

And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves' attacks, every evil of the situation, various types of insurance and devilish obsession. Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray to You for my family happiness.

Orthodox prayer for the preservation of the family to Matrona of Moscow

“Oh, glorious martyrs Guria, Samona and Aviva! To you, as quick helpers and warm prayer books, we, weak and unworthy, come running, fervently pleading: do not despise us, who have fallen into many iniquities and are sinning all the days and hours; guide the lost on the right path, heal the suffering and mourning; keep us in a blameless and chaste life; and as in ancient times, so now remain the patrons of marriages, in love and like-mindedness this affirms and delivers from all evil and calamity.

Jesus Christ, son of God, and Ever-Virgin Mary, our mother and intercessor! You live in heaven, you watch over us, help us in our hardships. You have made us husband and wife, uniting us as a crown, loving people, and commanding us to live with each other in sorrow and in joy, just as Your heavenly angels live in heaven, they glorify You, but they do not quarrel with each other and do not use abusive words. We are comforted by Your grace, we delight in the intercession of the Ever-Virgin Mary, we are touched by the singing of Your angels! Give us peace and tranquility forever and ever, give us a long life and dove-like loyalty, so that there will be love between us and no resentment and cold, and no discord and filth.

Strong prayer for quarrels and insults with your husband or wife

Read this prayer every time something goes wrong in the house. It will help smooth out all the rough edges and cool down the brawlers. The prayer is: Jesus Christ, son of God, and Ever-Virgin Mary, our mother and intercessor! You live in heaven, you watch over us, help us in our hardships. You have made us husband and wife, uniting us as a crown, loving people, and commanding us to live with each other in sorrow and in joy, just as Your heavenly angels live in heaven, they glorify You, but they do not quarrel with each other and do not use abusive words. We are comforted by Your grace, we delight in the intercession of the Ever-Virgin Mary, we are touched by the singing of Your angels! Give us peace and tranquility forever and ever, give us a long life and dove-like loyalty, so that there will be love between us and no resentment and cold, and no discord and filth. Have mercy on our children and give them peace and tranquility forever and ever and extend their years to deep old age and do not punish them for their foolishness. Calm their hearts and guide them along the true path, not false, for the Lord is our souls. And give our home peace and tranquility forever and ever. And protect us from the thieves of the night, day, morning and evening, and from the evil of man, and from the evil eye, and from heavy thoughts. Do not, Lord, bring the lightning of heaven or the fire of earth into our house. Save and preserve, protect from sorrows and misfortunes.

- a real natural disaster of our time. According to statistics, every second marriage breaks up, despite the fact that 10 years ago every third marriage broke up. Divorces of married people have become more frequent. A broken life, lost hope for many to build personal happiness, unhappy children who are likely to adopt a similar model of adult behavior, the inevitable diminishment of the role of family and family values ​​in society - these are just the most obvious consequences of divorce.

Priest Pavel Gumerov, rector of the Moscow church in honor of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, Nadezhda Grigorievna Khramova, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the department of social anthropology and psychology of the Ural State Technical University, gathered to find out the main reasons for the destruction of the family, and most importantly, to advise how to preserve it. , and Farida Nutfullovna Savelyeva, candidate of technical sciences, school teacher and president of the public organization “Parents, teachers and scientists for a moral traditional Russian school.” In an abbreviated form, this conversation was included in the latest issue of the magazine for parents “Grapes”, and in full - on the website, with the kind permission of the magazine’s editors.

Farida Savelyeva: Today we can talk about divorce as an epidemic that is raging not only in our country, but throughout the world. I wanted to start the conversation by considering the reasons for this phenomenon, leaving the lion's share of time for discussing issues of divorce prevention.

The institution of marriage is strong where religious and national traditions are preserved or where state ideology is strong. For example, in Europe, which has lost faith, where, say, in England, Christian holidays are already being cancelled, the family almost died. And in Muslim countries, young people create families and give birth to children. In Soviet times, faith was persecuted in our country, but the state sovereign ideology was strong, which also protected family values.

In modern Russia, the highest birth rate is in the Caucasus regions and... in. Well, with the Caucasus everything is clear, family traditions are strong there, but in the northern reaches, where I have been, this is mainly the merit of the local authorities. They carefully monitor what is shown on TV. There are a lot of pro-family social advertising, programs and videos about family, marriage and large families. Many schools have special programs that teach about family life. I visited one of these schools when I gave lectures in the city of Nyagan.

Families are also provided with other assistance. Of course, both the standard of living and the percentage of young people in the total population of this autonomous region are higher than in other regions. But this is not the most important thing.

The question arises: what prevents us from carrying out the same preaching of family values ​​and pursuing a pro-family policy in other regions of Russia? We cannot formulate our national idea in any way. So here it is: the revival of faith, morality and family. Only this can save the country.

Our current Constitution states that the Russian Federation is a de-ideologized state, but, unfortunately, in fact it allows certain groups to promote programs that increase vice and rampant passions in society. As a result, the status of family and marriage in people's minds is gradually decreasing: if a person is determined to enjoy marriage, a change of partners is inevitable. Today we are dealing with a whole generation of young people who have been brought up in such a way that they perceive marriage and family life as legal possession of each other, which gives rise to many mutual claims among spouses.

: We have come to what is, perhaps, the main reason for this state of affairs: the whole world is now dominated by a family that is aimed precisely at reducing the size of the family. The more lonely, isolated members of a society, the more such society consumes computers, phones, cars, apartments, etc. It is generally focused on disposability - of everything, including human relationships: I didn’t like my wife or husband, that’s okay, I’ll find another one - I’ll change it, like a car, refrigerator or other thing!

There has been a revaluation of values, their replacement with surrogates, people cease to see value in what previously, even in the recent past, was the meaning of life and happiness for a person: a strong family, children, loyalty, love, friendship, an interesting job that does not just feed you , but you also need people who like you. There is a great deficit of love in our society - we are selfish, scattered, and in the family we are the same: far from patience, humility, compassion, and are not able to “bear each other’s burdens.”

When they say that people get divorced because of infidelity, drunkenness, incompatibility of characters, and other things, they actually name the consequences of the above reasons, and not the reasons themselves. Today, when people create a marriage, they do not know why they are doing it; they have a very poor idea of ​​what a family is, how to build relationships, raise children, etc.

However, father, very often divorces occur precisely for trivial reasons: mutual insults, misunderstandings, rudeness, barbs, lack of attention. Negligence, indelicacy, and disrespect in relationships are destructive to marriage when spouses do not know how to see value in each other and for each other. It is very offensive to devalue the work of a spouse; ridicule and familiarity in relationships can sooner or later lead first to coldness and closedness in the relationship, and then to their final break. For some reason, we tend to behave respectfully only with others, especially with bosses.

Young people often do not understand that they are inevitable - they arise a priori due to the imperfection of each of the spouses. In addition, young spouses are often not ready for parenthood; There are more and more families in which women do not want to have children. Infertility and the birth of sick children also turn out to be tests that not every family can withstand.

Despite the apparent subjectivity and even far-fetchedness of the motives for divorce, they are often not unfounded: unfortunately, there are increasingly families in which one of the spouses likes such a vice as drug addiction or heavy drinking, and he does not want to change. Another, and sometimes the whole family, is immersed in servicing this vice. Then, it seems to me, marriage becomes no longer saving for the other spouse and children. Pain, experiencing insults, insults and beatings can lead to a dead end - and divorce or at least separation can help sober up the marriage!

In the case when a drunken husband swings an ax at his wife and children, divorce is apparently inevitable: there is a threat to life. But if you “want” to find a reason for divorce, then you can see an alcoholic in every second man! We need to pray for our husbands, help them cope with passions, and understand the reasons for drunkenness.

: For any person, divorce is always a tragedy in every sense. If it happens at a young age, the tragedy lies, first of all, in the fundamental loss of faith in another person, in the very possibility of the presence of love between people, trust in them - for the rest of your life, a scar of anxiety, distrust, and sometimes even bitterness remains in the soul. A second marriage, as a rule, is accompanied by suspicion, claims, and reproaches, because it carries within itself, to a large extent, an element of fear of marriage and distrust of the next spouse.

If divorce occurs in middle and adulthood, this is an even greater tragedy, especially for a woman, although a man, despite his less responsive psychophysics, often loses his creative power, his life becomes schematized.

One psychotherapist who worked in a crisis center in St. Petersburg, where people end up after very difficult events: accidents, disasters, etc., said that the majority of patients there are women who have gone through a divorce - this does not go away without a trace. Divorce is a big shock and tragedy.

Divorce is a very individual situation; you need to think a lot here, and be sure to consult with a priest and specialists. You can't make hasty decisions. The Lord Himself tells us: “Whoever divorces his wife, except for the guilt of adultery, gives her a reason to commit adultery” (Matthew 5:32). It’s terrible when treason and betrayal occur, but, as a rule, people, without realizing it, create the conditions that accompany it. I have seen this in practice: when you start, together with the person who came with this misfortune, to unwind the chain of events and relationships, it turns out that many mistakes were made by those who were left behind. By the way, it is impossible to return a husband or wife to the family if you do not see and realize your own mistakes and blunders in marital relationships! Even divorce is not always the death of a marriage. It has happened that people, having re-evaluated each other, understanding, forgiving and accepting the other, literally falling in love again, reconcile after a divorce and live even better than before the divorce.

The modern woman has forgotten how to console her husband, and the man has forgotten how to support his wife. All this prevents relationships from growing into a single family structure! We must always remember to treat each other with respect: there is nothing more valuable than a husband to a wife, and a wife to a husband, these are the closest people who can support like no one else, but also hurt with the same force! And there is no greater task here than teaching people to live together!

Farida Savelyeva: Are there rules for the relationship between spouses that ensure a stable, happy marriage?

: First of all, this is a family tradition known from time immemorial: the daily meeting and farewell of spouses: the person leaving home was never left unattended, without a kiss, without agreements for the evening, how long and where to go, etc. In this way, they seemed to calculate the spiritual-physical distance that needed to be covered by prayer for another. Saying goodbye when leaving home also means “forgive”: we seem to admit our imperfection, ask for forgiveness for all our sins; but the most important thing is confirmation of our unity. If a wife asks where and how long her husband goes, this does not mean that she controls her husband - she wants to always be mentally close to her husband!

It would be good if spouses introduce this rule into their relationship - it greatly brings the family together. For example, when I leave the house on business, my wife gathers the children and says: “We say goodbye to dad, take a blessing!” When I arrive, everyone also greets me and greets me. This is the merit of my wife.

Another wonderful tradition that should be revived in families is eating together, at least in the evening! This also works for the unity of spouses and families.

By the way, the 16th-century writer Archpriest Sylvester, a bright and educated man, writes in the famous “Domostroy”: “But it is not good for husband and wife to have breakfast separately, unless someone is sick; always eat and drink at the appointed time.” A meal is a time when the family gets together, they can chat and discuss current affairs. Elsewhere in this book it is also said: “The master should consult his wife about all household matters.”

Another important thing is to discuss parenting problems together. True, it is especially important to find the right time for this, and not immediately pour out the problems of the day on your tired husband returning from work!

It is very important to remember that you need to discuss family problems with your spouse when you have a very good, friendly relationship, when they are well disposed toward you, otherwise the words will be interpreted incorrectly. How does it usually happen with us? The spouses are silent and patient until the last moment, and they start talking about serious issues when it’s already really “hot.” And, of course, nothing good comes of it. Everything happens in a raised voice, is perceived as a personal insult and ends in a quarrel.

In order for our words to be better received and not to be offended, we must remember that there is also such a thing as “I-message”, that is, to say to another not “You have to do your homework with the child, because I’m breaking up with three children” or “You have “It must be clean, everything is prepared”, etc., and “I would be pleased if...”, “I will ask you...”, “I would like...”, “I am worried about such and such...” Voice your own wishes without pretensions, without categoricalness, thereby not offending or offending anyone. Believe me, this is much more effective than making a demanding remark ten times with reproach and irritation. It is necessary for the other to feel your disposition towards him - you cannot reproachfully impose even his direct family responsibilities on the other spouse! And, of course, do not forget to thank for what you have done, even if it is a very simple and ordinary thing, because family happiness and joy consists of good, pleasant moments and words.

It is necessary to resolve minor disagreements in time, discuss them, not save them up, and not leave them for later. It is also important to understand that men’s and women’s perceptions of problems are completely different. Of course, mastery comes with age, but of course, nothing comes without effort - you have to work on it all!

: When we were in love, we could do anything for the sake of our loved ones, said pleasant words to each other, gave gifts, devoted a lot of attention and time to each other - who is stopping us from doing this now, in family life?! Before marriage, did we expect barbs, causticity, and reproaches from another? - No, they expected the joy that they felt during the period of falling in love, only to the superlative degree. So “let’s compliment each other, because these are all happy moments of love,” - remember Okudzhava’s song?

It is important not to forget that we got married to serve each other, to please the other person and to receive joy from family life ourselves. And the global task is to learn to receive joy not from the fact that someone did something to you, but from what you did for the sake of another person! When you learn this, you will have a joy that nothing can compare with, and you will not need anything else: no gifts, no praise! But in fact, this is the fulfillment of God’s commandment that you serve God by serving your neighbor. Why did the Lord create Eve for Adam? After all, he was in paradise, the Lord took care of him, fed him, communicated directly with him, why is it not good for a person to be alone? Why does he need another wife? - I would live for myself, communicate with the Lord, what else is higher?! No, the Lord gives Adam a wife because a man alone turns into an egoist, begins to live only for himself - that is, turns into a consumer. When another is nearby, serving him, we serve God, Who needs nothing from us except our humble and contrite heart! God needs the expression of this love for Him through love for our neighbor - and this is our spouse, children, mother, father... And the main thing is to preserve this ability to give joy amid the difficulties in building a family hearth, which begins after the candy-bouquet period. It’s very good to start every morning with a prayer: “Lord, help me give this person more joy and upset him less.” It fills your life and the lives of your loved ones with meaning and happiness!

Many spouses do not live a full, joyful life in the family, but somehow exist sluggishly, go with the flow, or are always waiting for something. I remember in one modern film the main character, a policeman, says bitterly: “My wife and I didn’t live, but we were always waiting for something. First we waited until we could earn money for an apartment, then for a car, then we waited with fasting for the child to be born: we didn’t have children for five years; Then we waited for our daughter to grow up. Or maybe we shouldn’t have waited, but lived?” That is, to receive joy from every day of family life.

This is precisely the main condition for the union of husband and wife “into one flesh, into one soul”! There are known cases when, with acquired wealth and luxury, distortions appear in family life, but while they overcame difficulties together, the spouses had a healthy relationship.

If a person does not have selfless joy in what he gives to another, sooner or later he will begin to consider: you to me, I to you. And then resentment and dissatisfaction with your family life and your soul mate are inevitable.

Farida Savelyeva: What can you advise to those who are already thinking about divorce?

The search for the best partner in life, as a result of which the spouse betrays him, gives one result: the loss of oneself. In our time, family (one and for life) is an eternal reminder of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who, calling us to perfection, called monogamy the ideal. If the situation is not burdened by problems incompatible with life, then the marriage can always be saved. I would tell them: “If you get a divorce, your life will not get better. Don't think that the second attempt will be more successful. Because if you have not solved the problems of the trials you are undergoing in the first family, you will definitely meet them in the second, only in double the version! If you have brought yourself to the extreme question of divorce, remember that this is not the end, but a temporary difficulty that can and must be overcome!”

For those who are on the verge of divorce, I would advise them to seek understanding of how they got to this crisis point, to comprehend their mistakes, and in particular their own, then it will be possible to get out of the point of misunderstanding and hostility towards each other. In family life, as in spiritual life, everything is not smooth sailing. Sometimes we go uphill, then downhill. The most important thing is not to bring the situation at the lowest point to the limit, not to make rash, hasty decisions at this time, not to think that this is all - the end of life. And such thoughts sooner or later occur to almost all spouses. And you need to know that this is a devilish temptation. If you get divorced, you will bitterly regret it, then you will understand that there were no good reasons for the divorce. Disputes and misunderstandings are almost inevitable in marriage, but we must remember that anger can be overcome by starting with irritation - such rash decisions, as a rule, come in irritation and anger. It is necessary to renounce emotions, anger, jealousy - these are very bad advisers. We need to calm down. You need to turn to specialists, because the pre-divorce state is already a disease that needs to be treated! Of course, nothing will happen on its own. Memories of what it was like at the beginning of the marriage help a lot. What, we lived for 15 years, and all this time it was so terrible and bad?! Alexander Prokhanov has a story “A Multi-Colored Dress”. A man's wife leaves him. This man constantly changed jobs: he drilled wells, built an oil pipeline, worked on a truck, or fished. They constantly moved with their wife all over the country, moving without having their own home, without home comfort, without having children. Finally, the wife leaves, she wants simple happiness, her own home, a real family. At first, the abandoned husband is not very worried, they say: “Well, let it roll! And there are many other women...” But after a while he begins to remember the time when they were young, beautiful and loved each other and enjoyed life. He remembers the sorrows and joys they experienced together. He remembers how he once gave his wife a multi-colored dress and how beautiful she looked in it. He finds this already old and tattered dress and very acutely and clearly realizes: everything that he did all these years: his work, searches and aspirations - all this was in the name of his wife and together with her - without her everything is meaningless. And he decides to find her at any cost, because without her he has no life.

If you cannot change the situation, find a solution now, do not rush to take sudden, rash actions - give space to God and time, and the Lord will put you in new conditions that will show the way.

But in any case, try to delay the divorce: this is a tragedy for you, for your spouse, for your children - for absolutely everyone! The children’s lives will become completely different, and they will definitely build their own family taking into account the tragedy they experienced.

Spouses quarrel and make peace, but what is their fault?! It turns out that they are taking hostage a completely innocent, unprotected creature - a child.

St. Augustine said: “The family is the remnant of heaven on earth.” A person creates a family for happiness and builds paradise in his family with his own hands. Every day you need to give joy to your loved ones: say good words, praise, thank, help each other, forgive. On the contrary, during the day you need to avoid in every possible way bad, unkind words, coldness, inattention, insults, empty remarks, irritation and anger. The third important rule is the ability to see as many good sides as possible in your loved ones and your family life, appreciate them and not try to remake everyone according to your own understanding and desire. Also be able to forgive the shortcomings of your neighbors, and not make a tragedy out of them. And one last thing. Do a common family business. is a single organism living a single life, where all members help each other.

And one more parting word for those who are going to get married: you need to enter into marriage with the feeling that it is forever, and accept your chosen one as a person given to us by God, including to correct your own shortcomings.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 37 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To avoid divorce

To avoid divorce

From the letter:

“My husband filed for divorce. This is impossible, because I love him very much and cannot live without him. We lived in marriage for seven years and never quarreled. All our friends and acquaintances do not believe this, because our marriage was considered ideal. Believe me, I’m a good housewife, I cook a variety of foods, and the house is in exemplary order. I look after myself, in general, I don’t know what to think. The husband does not want to explain himself, does not say the reason why he filed for divorce, and answers in monosyllables: “Accept this as a fact.” We're getting a divorce!“

Dear Natalya Ivanovna, what should I do? We have a small son and he is very attached to his father. And in general, I can’t imagine how I will live without my beloved. I heard that there is a prayer that prevents something planned (a trip or a decision made). I beg you very much, give me this prayer!”

Get up at three in the morning and go out into the open sky - onto the street, outside the gate, or even onto the balcony. Raise your hands to the sky, look at it and say:

You, heaven, hear

You, the sky, see

You accept my prayers

And you control my life.

You, heavenly powers, help,

Stick (such and such) to me.

Mold and mold,

Attach tightly.

He would be afraid to leave me,

He never broke up with me.

Without me he would suffer from melancholy,

I would love you to death.

Fate wouldn't separate us

She didn’t separate our paths.

How does meat stick to bones?

So he won't leave me anywhere.

My words are strong, my deeds are sculpted.

For now, for centuries, for all time.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Do this every ninth day.

From the book The strongest conspiracies and spells for love, sex, family relationships author Estrin Anatoly Mikhailovich

To avoid drawing up a marriage contract, God Vizardas opened my eyes to the world: he explained that there is love in the world and that people need to be trusted; explained to me that a person creates his grace with his heart, and those who do not have a heart will not receive grace. It won't work

From the book Practical Magic of the Modern Witch. Rituals, rituals, prophecies author Mironova Daria

To relieve melancholy after divorce (2) I got ready to go into the forest, on a long journey. I went far to visit the Master of our land. I walked towards him for a long time, slowly: I swam across rivers, climbed hills, climbed mountain tops, walked through fields, and trampled a path across plains. I went out to

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 28 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy to prevent divorce If scandals, squabbles, quarrels reign in your family and things are already heading towards divorce, read the following conspiracy in a whisper three times in a row: “The crown of the Tsar and the Queen, the wedding of a fable, whatever I say will be done. Two hearts, souls of the servant of God (name) and the servant of God

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 30 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To avoid fractures From a letter: “My mother is seventy-eight years old. She falls often and has already broken bones twice. I heard that there are prayers that preserve a person when he falls. I beg you to teach me this prayer.” If a person is susceptible to bruises, often falls in old age,

From the book What to do if you have lost your loved one author Garifzyanov Renat Ildarovich

Prayer to avoid painful childbirth Most beautiful, wise, wonderful Virgin, Holy Great Martyr Catherine! Having completely studied all Hellenic wisdom, oratory and philosophy, and the science of medicine, having learned well, you desired more enlightenment, having believed

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 06 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

The meaning of life is not to avoid death. I asked a question that had been bothering me for a long time. Each person makes his own destiny. To the best of your ability, some are successful, some are not. When stupid people make mistakes, then everything is clear. But how is it that even the smartest and wisest

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 22 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To get married after divorce From a letter:

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To avoid death for a soldier

From the book It's all up to you. Reality Perception Matrix by Carroll Lee

In order for a pregnant woman to avoid bruises and wounds. If a pregnant woman reads this amulet for the new month, during the time she is carrying a child, nothing will happen to her. Mother Intercessor, intercede for my belly, for my child, save, preserve and protect me. In the name of the Father and the Son and

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To avoid death for a soldier in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. My thought, my thought, bad thoughts. As you come to the bone-head, so you leave. And I, the servant of God (name), would shield myself with the Word of God and lean on the Mother of God’s shoulder. Don't touch the bullets, my blood, my

From the book The Secret of Slanders and Attitudes of Sister Stephanie. Hidden words of light and words of power author Stefania Sister

Divorce Matrix Personal relationships are the most cherished thing we have in life. Two people come together, having different upbringing environments, different life experiences, different temperaments, tastes, perceptions of life, and try to “become one.” It is not simple. If

From the book Little well as their parents! Buddhist Secrets of Raising Children by Claridge Seale

From the book Flame of Yahweh. Sexuality in the Bible author Davidson Richard

From the author's book

To avoid a stroke, I calm down and relax. I am absolutely confident in myself and that life brings me only good things. I now see a higher meaning in everything - and this meaning is to extract something good and useful for yourself from any situation! All goes to good. Now I

From the author's book

How to avoid these habitual actions to improve the situation? We can take the approach of some psychologists and find names for all participants in the conflict, identifying the “problem owner”, “problem identifier” and so on - but we can get confused in these

From the author's book

Consistency versus divorce The NT places great emphasis on the inviolability of the marriage bond: the end of a marriage is determined either by the death of one of the spouses (Rom 7:1–3) or by porneia on the part of one of the spouses (Matt 5:31–32; 19:3, 8–9 ). We have already discussed the meaning of the word porneia (without qualifiers) above.