Alkaline water for drinking at home. Alkaline inhalations for children and adults using a nebulizer; composition and methods of use at home

Water is the juice of life and a component of all living things. Human body consists of at least 60% water. It is necessary for everyone life processes on the ground.

Man and all living creatures on earth cannot live without water. Ideally, each of us should consume 1-1.5 liters of water good quality daily.

Not every liquid that looks drinkable is healthy. It may contain a lot of impurities chemical substances which negatively affect the immune system and impair the functioning of gastrointestinal tract, cause allergic manifestations etc. Moreover, healthy drinking water plays a big role in maintaining acid-base balance in our body.

Acid-base balance: what is it?

The ratio of acid and alkali in the human body is determined by the pH indicator (its value ranges from 0 to 14). The level of acid-base balance is determined by special tests of urine and saliva. With an increase in the concentration of positive ions, an acidic shift occurs, the pH value tends to 0. With an alkaline shift, the number of hydroxyl ions increases, the pH value increases to 14. A pH of 7 indicates a neutral acid-base balance.

A healthy body should have a pH ranging from 7.35 to 7.45. Violation of the acid-base balance in one direction or another contributes to the development of various diseases.

Acid-base balance: impact on health

For the normal functioning of all body systems, balance is necessary.

When the body is acidic:

  • body weight increases;
  • provokes an increase in sugar in the blood and urine;
  • urolithiasis occurs;
  • immunity is weakened;
  • joints and muscles hurt;
  • suffers greatly the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal mechanism.

Food significantly affects the acid-base ratio. To reduce acidity, your diet should include (vegetables, fruits, clean water), to increase acid levels, you should consume more oxidizing foods (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, sugar, etc.).

In order to maintain a normal acid-base balance, it is recommended to drink “proper water” (alkaline).

How to make alkaline water at home? The methods are presented below.

Alkaline water: lemon and Himalayan salt

One of the most common ways in the world to make drinking water alkaline requires the following ingredients:

  • drinking water - 0.5 liters;
  • Himalayan salt - 0.5 tablespoons (teaspoon);
  • lemon - 1/2 piece.

For information: Himalayan salt is produced in Pakistan and contains more than 80 useful minerals and does not contain toxins, in our country it is sold in large supermarkets.

So, how to make water alkaline at home:

  • cut the lemon into four parts;
  • V glass jar pour water, dissolve salt, add lemon;
  • Close the jar with a lid and leave to infuse for 12 hours at room temperature;
  • It is recommended to drink water in the morning on an empty stomach.

The easiest way to alkalize water

For getting alkaline water It is enough to boil drinking water for five minutes.

Drinking water typically has a pH between 7 and 7.2. If you boil it for five minutes and cool, the pH will increase to 8.3. This allows you to use boiled water to regulate the acid-base balance of the body.

Water prepared in this way is stored in a tightly closed glass container.

Alkaline water: soda, ammonia, eggshells

To artificially increase pH drinking water, you can use improvised means, which, as a rule, are available in any home.

Method one: how to make alkaline water using ammonia:

You need to add it to the water ammonia(per 10 liters take one or two drops of alcohol). Then it is advisable to measure the pH of the resulting water; if it approaches 14, then the water should be boiled.

Method two: get alkaline water using baking soda.

Required components:

  • drinking water - 1 liter;
  • baking soda - 0.5 spoons (teaspoon);
  • table salt - 0.5 tablespoons (teaspoon);
  • - taste.

Dissolve soda and salt in water, you can add a little sugar (to improve the taste).

Pour the resulting solution into a bottle and shake well. Alkaline water is ready to drink.

Method three: how to make alkaline drinking water the old-fashioned way:

In ancient times, water was alkalized using ash. To do this, you need to pour it into a canvas bag. Then rinse the ash in a bag under running water and put it in a container with water to prepare the desired solution.

Also, to obtain alkaline water, crushed eggshells, which was first thoroughly washed, then ground into dust. The water should have been left on the shell for about a day.

Melt water: method of production

Also known original way obtaining alkaline water at home.

It has been noticed that the water obtained by melting snow is alkaline in its characteristics. If you live in an ecologically clean place where snow falls without impurities harmful substances, then it is enough to melt it to obtain " the right water"However, most of us live in a city where the snow is polluted.

Therefore, to obtain melt water you should:

  • filter drinking water and leave it in an open container to allow the chlorine to evaporate;
  • pour the prepared water into containers intended for freezing food;
  • put water in the freezer;
  • wait until 3/4 of the water freezes;
  • remove containers with ice and water from the freezer;
  • take out the ice and pour out the rest of the water;
  • melt the ice, the resulting melt water is alkaline.

Melt water the best way meets our body's needs for "correct" water.


This article tells you how to make alkaline water at home. It's very easy and inexpensive.

And although the benefits of alkaline water are undeniable, it should only be consumed if the body is acidified. Only a doctor can determine this by conducting a comprehensive examination.

Alkaline water is contraindicated if serious illnesses kidney, pathological manifestations V urinary system, diabetes, urolithiasis.

If the body contains sufficient quantity alkali, then drinking the “correct” water can be harmful to health.

Remember: everything is good in moderation. Your health is in your hands.

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Alkaline solutions also dissolve the oxide film, form aluminates (for example, NaAlO2), and aluminum loses its protective properties.

An alkaline solution of Na2S2O4 is less active than a solution of pyrogallol, but it can be worked with at temperatures below 15 C.

An alkaline solution containing aluminum in the form of aluminate is saturated with a concentrated solution of ammonium chloride. The resulting solution is heated in a water bath until it becomes neutral (at least 1 hour); In this case, a precipitate of aluminum hydroxide precipitates. The precipitate is decanted, filtered, washed, calcined and weighed.

An alkaline solution (NaOH, pH 12 - 13) of calcium is blue in color, and in the presence of excess calcium it is bright pink. Neither of large number the studied elements (including Ba, Sr, Mg) do not form a similar color.

Alkaline solutions quickly turn brown in air.

The alkaline solution obtained by solid cathode electrolysis contains 100 - 140 g/l sodium hydroxide and 160 - 180 g/l sodium chloride. To separate commercial caustic soda from it (420 - 500 g/l NaOH and 40 g/l Nad), the solution is evaporated. In this case, the solubility of sodium chloride decreases and it is released from the solution in the form of a solid precipitate. Typically, alkali evaporation is carried out in two stages. The first stage, evaporation to a content of 350 g/l NaOH, is carried out in a conventional sin-shell evaporation unit. The removal of falling salt from each evaporator is mechanized. The brine is pumped out by membrane pumps and supplied for filtration to continuous filters or centrifuges.

The alkaline solution along with the precipitate is transferred to a 250 ml volumetric flask, diluted to the mark with water, mixed and allowed to settle. After settling, part of the liquid is filtered, discarding the first portions of the filtrate, and aliquots of the filtered solution are taken into 100 ml volumetric flasks: when determining thousandths of a percent, 25 ml are taken, hundredths of a percent - 5 ml and tenths of a percent - 1 ml.

The alkaline solution is extracted with ether.

The alkaline solution is shaken with ether and the layers are separated.

The alkaline solution is heated to 80 - 90Q G and directed to the parts under a pressure of 2 - 3 kgf/cm2. After cleaning, wash with sodium nitrate to avoid rapid corrosion. An aqueous solution with the substances Novost, Astra, Progress, OP-7 or OP-10 with the addition of alkaline salts is also used as washing solutions.

An alkaline solution of 4 4-dimethoxydiquinone, when standing, absorbs oxygen and turns into amorphous substance brown color - humic acids.

This type of activity, such as beekeeping, has been revered by people since ancient times and has not lost its relevance. long years. In order for the apiary to bring not only income, but also pleasure, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness and order there. To reduce the risk of diseases in bees, it is necessary to periodically disinfect equipment. Alkalis are the most effective means, designed to disinfect equipment in your apiary. Also, using an alkaline solution, you can disinfect working materials: hives, frames, feeders, insulating pillows. Prepare alkaline solution you can even do it at home.

You will need

  • - wooden barrel;
  • - wooden stick;
  • - lime;
  • - ash;
  • - water;
  • - caustic soda(sodium hydroxide);
  • - goat milk;
  • - formic acid/acetic;
  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - iodine.


  • To prepare an alkaline solution, you need to extinguish 1 kg of lime in advance. Then take 6 kg of ash, place it in a barrel and carefully mix with freshly slaked lime. Add 10 liters to the barrel with lime and ash cold water and mix everything again. The solution should remain in a covered barrel for 24 hours, during which time it should be thoroughly mixed 3-4 times. Please note that the barrel must be wooden. Only the settled top layer of alkaline solution can be used for disinfection.
  • You can prepare an alkaline solution from caustic soda, but it will be more toxic than one made from ash. Technical caustic soda (caustic soda) is often used for disinfection. To prepare a 2% disinfectant solution, take 2 parts caustic soda to 98 parts water. For a 10% solution, you need to take 10 parts of sodium and dissolve them in 90 parts of water. You need to stand for at least two days.
  • To disinfect honeycombs, it is better to use an alkaline solution prepared using goat milk. You need to freeze the milk first. Then add alkali to the frozen milk at a rate of 1 to 1. Depending on the reason for which you are processing - for the purpose of prevention or as a fight against a certain type illnesses are possible different kinds cell disinfection For example, when fighting American foulbrood, honeycombs are irrigated with a solution of 2% hydrogen peroxide and 1% formic acid, which can also be replaced with acetic acid, then treated with a 5% solution of iodine monochloride, left for 24 hours and washed with water.
  • If you want to disinfect work equipment or honeycomb storage facilities, winter huts, beekeeping houses, then a soap-soda alkaline solution is better. To prepare it, take 2% soda ash and mix it with a soap solution at a temperature of at least 300C. After you have added soda ash to the soap solution, you need to mix everything with a wooden stick. To prepare the soap solution necessary to obtain disinfectant alkali, you need to take 1 bucket of water and dissolve 1.5 ml of soap (liquid) and 200 g of laundry (bar) soap in it. Please note: the soap used in preparing the soap solution should not have any fragrances.

Alkalis are water-soluble strong bases. Currently, the Brønsted-Lowry and Lewis theory is accepted in chemistry, which determines acids and bases. According to this theory, acids are substances capable of removing a proton, and bases are capable of donating an electron pair OH−. We can say that bases mean compounds that, when dissociated in water, form only anions of the OH − type. To put it simply, alkalis are compounds consisting of a metal and the hydroxide ion OH − .

Alkalies usually include hydroxides of alkali and alkaline earth metals.

All alkalis are bases, but not vice versa; the definitions “base” and “alkali” cannot be considered synonymous.

The correct chemical name for alkalis is hydroxide (hydroxide), for example, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide. Names that have developed historically are also often used. Due to the fact that alkalis destroy materials of organic origin - leather, fabrics, paper, wood, they are called caustic: for example, caustic soda, caustic barium. However, chemists use the term “caustic alkalis” to define hydroxides of alkali metals - lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium.

Properties of alkalis

Alkalis - solids white; hygroscopic, water soluble. Dissolution in water is accompanied by active release of heat. They react with acids to form salt and water. This neutralization reaction is the most important of all the properties of alkalis. In addition, hydroxides react with acidic oxides (forming oxygen-containing acids), with transition metals and their oxides, and with salt solutions.

Alkali metal hydroxides dissolve in methyl and ethyl alcohols, are able to withstand temperatures up to +1000 °C (with the exception of lithium hydroxide).

Alkalis are active chemical reagents that absorb from the air not only water vapor, but also molecules of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and nitrogen dioxide. Therefore, hydroxides should be stored in a sealed container or, for example, air access to a vessel with alkali should be organized through a calcium chloride tube. Otherwise, the chemical reagent after storage in air will be contaminated with carbonates, sulfates, sulfides, nitrates and nitrites.

If we compare alkalis by chemical activity, it increases as we move along the column of the periodic table from top to bottom.

Concentrated alkalis destroy glass, and molten alkalis even destroy porcelain and platinum, so it is not recommended to store alkali solutions in vessels with ground glass stoppers and taps, as the plugs and taps may jam. Alkalies are usually stored in plastic containers.

It is alkalis, not acids, that cause more severe burns, since they are more difficult to wash off from the skin and penetrate deep into the tissue. The alkali should be washed off with a non-concentrated solution of acetic acid. It is necessary to work with them wearing protective equipment. An alkaline burn requires immediate medical attention!

Application of alkalis

- As electrolytes.
— For the production of fertilizers.
— In medicine, chemical, cosmetic production.
— In fish farming for sterilization of ponds.

In the Prime Chemicals Group store you will find the most popular alkalis at competitive prices.

Sodium hydroxide

The most popular and in demand alkali in the world.

Used for saponification of fats in the production of cosmetics and detergents, for the production of oils during oil refining, as a catalyst and reagent in chemical reactions; in the food industry.

Caustic potassium

It is used for the production of soap, potash fertilizers, electrolytes for batteries and accumulators, and synthetic rubber. Also - as a food additive; for professional cleaning of stainless steel products.

Aluminum hydroxide

Demanded in medicine as an excellent adsorbent, antacid, coating agent; vaccine ingredient in pharmaceuticals. In addition, the substance is used in wastewater treatment plants and in processes for producing pure aluminum.

Calcium hydroxide

Popular alkali with very wide range application, which is known in everyday life as “slaked lime”. Used for disinfection, water softening, in the production of fertilizers, caustic soda, bleach, building materials. Used to protect trees and wooden structures from pests and fire; in the food industry as food supplement and a reagent in the production of sugar.

Alkalis are bases that are highly soluble in water. The following alkalis are widely used in clinical and sanitary laboratories: caustic ammonium - a solution of ammonia in water (see Ammonia), (see), caustic potassium (see).

Contact of workers with alkalis is possible when performing such production operations as crushing and transporting solid alkalis, loading into and unloading devices, packaging the finished product, cleaning and repairing equipment, etc.

When constantly working with alkalis, chronic skin lesions are possible - swelling and softening of the skin, ulcers, etc. Inhalation of alkali in the form of dust or mist causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Prevention: mechanization of crushing processes and sealing of devices, equipment of ventilated shelters over places possible allocation alkalis, the use of protective clothing, rubber gloves, glasses, respirators, etc. The maximum permissible concentration of alkali aerosol in the air of production premises in terms of caustic soda is 0.5 mg/m 3 .

First aid: abundant rinsing of the affected parts of the body with water, for which special hydrants should be installed in the work areas, then with a 5% solution of vinegar, saline or citric acid. If alkali gets into the eyes, rinse for a long time with a stream of water, then drip a 2% solution of novocaine or 0.5% solution of dicaine.

See also Burns (chemical), Poisoning (alkali).

Alkalis (caustic alkalis) are bases that are highly soluble in water. Found in practice wide application the following alkalis: sodium hydroxide (caustic soda, caustic soda; NaOH), potassium hydroxide (caustic potassium, caustic potash; KOH), barium hydroxide [caustic barium; Ba(OH) 2 ], ammonium hydroxide (ammonium hydroxide, ammonia, volatile alkali; NH 4 OH).

IN pure form alkalis are solid substances that are highly soluble in water. In aqueous solutions, alkalis almost completely disintegrate into ions, as a result of which they are classified as strong bases. Only ammonium hydroxide, which is not obtained in a free state and exists only in solutions, is a weak base; It is formed when ammonia is dissolved in water.

Aqueous solutions of alkalis have all the properties inherent in solutions of bases. The table shows the relationship between density, percentage and molar concentrations aqueous solutions alkalis, most widely used in biochemical, sanitary and hygienic and clinical laboratories.

See also Acids and bases.

Occupational hazards in the production of alkalis. The effect of alkalis on the body is due to the ability to remove water from tissues and destroy proteins, forming alkaline albuminates, as well as saponify fats. Under the influence of alkali, soft, easily removable scabs are formed on the skin, which do not prevent the alkali from penetrating into the deeper layers of tissue.

With constant contact with alkali, even moderate concentrations, chronic skin damage, painful ulcers and limited dermatitis are observed. Eczema is observed less frequently. The reason for their occurrence, apparently, is the combined effect of alkalis and other harmful factors, since degreasing the skin and damaging the epidermis disrupts barrier functions skin, facilitating the penetration of infection and the impact of other (physical and chemical) factors.

Under the influence of alkali, nails become thinner, become brittle, and become covered with longitudinal grooves that turn into cracks. With prolonged exposure to alkali, these changes can become permanent.

Getting even small amounts of alkali into the eye is especially dangerous, as it causes damage not only to the mucous membrane and cornea, but also to its deeper environments. As a result, vision loss may occur. The effect of alkalis on the respiratory system causes irritation of the mucous membranes varying degrees gravity.

Severe poisoning with a burn of the mucous membrane and subsequent scarring, leading to esophageal obstruction, is observed with accidental ingestion of concentrated alkali solutions.

Contact of workers with alkalis is possible during crushing and transportation of solid alkalis, during loading them into devices for preparing solutions, during filtration of solutions, melting alkalis, especially in the production of metal sodium and potassium, during unloading and packaging of finished products in bulk, liquid and molten form (in the production of caustic alkalis and alkali metals). Equipment cleaning and repair operations are especially dangerous in this regard.

The concentration of alkaline substances in the air of industrial premises varies.

The maximum permissible concentration of alkaline aerosol in terms of caustic soda is 0.5 mg/m 3 .

First aid for alkali poisoning - see Poisoning, Antidotes.

Prevention. In order to prevent industrial alkali poisoning, it is necessary to carry out continuous, sealed production process, with exception if possible manual operations, mechanization of labor-intensive processes. Great importance To improve working conditions, there is rational ventilation with covering of equipment and installation of suction at places where dust and gases may be released.

Workers must be provided with protective clothing, rubber gloves and safety glasses in a leather frame. It is advisable to use respirators or cotton gauze dressings. Exposed parts of the body are lubricated with Vaseline or special pastes. After work, alkaline dust should be washed off with oil, then rinsing the skin warm water. At the end of work, work clothes and underwear are cleaned and washed. In work areas, special eye hydrants with a lever tap for quick water release, hydrants with a flexible hose designed for washing affected parts of the body, as well as sinks with cold and hot water for washing hands.

If quicklime gets into your eyes, wash them immediately and treat the mucous membrane with a 15% solution of neutral tartaric ammonium. At sharp pain a 2% solution of novocaine with adrenaline is introduced dropwise.

In case of a burn with quicklime, you should immediately remove traces of lime with vegetable or mineral oil, and then apply lotions from a 5% solution of citric, tartaric, acetic or hydrochloric acids.

Workers must be aware of basic safety regulations. At the place of work you should have first aid kits with a set of emergency medical supplies.

Each shift must have people who know how to provide first aid.