Which water is healthier, with or without gas? Alkaline mineral water with and without gas: names, list

Sparkling water is a drink loved by all generations, from kids to grandmothers. Spiny bubbles carbon dioxide no one has yet been left indifferent. But is carbonated water so harmless or should its consumption be limited?

What does it consist of?

The composition is very simple. It contains directly water and carbon dioxide. This is the composition of simple sparkling water. Whether it will harm or benefit the body is the subject of ongoing debate between supporters and opponents proper nutrition. It all depends on what kind of water is in the composition. It can be simple, mineral or sweet with the addition of dyes and flavors.

Depending on the level of carbon dioxide saturation, water comes in three types. These are lightly carbonated, medium carbonated and highly carbonated water. The level of carbon dioxide in it ranges from 0.2 to 0.4 percent, respectively.

Beneficial features

Natural carbonated water has been known to man since ancient times. Initially, it was used only as a remedy. Everyone could come to the natural spring, draw water and even swim in it. In the 18th century, water began to be bottled on an industrial scale. But since such an enterprise turned out to be unprofitable, since the liquid quickly fizzled out and lost most of its beneficial properties, it was decided to carbonate it artificially.

Only carbonated drinks can have a positive effect on the body. mineral water. The harm or benefit of this product will depend on the quantity and quality of the drink consumed. In general, natural medicine is prescribed by a doctor in medicinal purposes. It is not recommended to abuse this drink, despite the fact that it promotes the production of gastric juice during low acidity, supports alkaline balance, activates the work of enzymes, prevents the leaching of calcium from the body.

In addition to natural carbonated water, sweet drinks based on medicinal “Baikal” and “Sayan” can also be beneficial for the body.

Negative effects and contraindications

Water that has artificially become carbonated due to the addition of carbon dioxide is of synthetic origin and does not contain any nutritional value. This is especially true for sweet drinks.

The harm of carbonated water to the human body lies in the fact that carbon dioxide, which is present in this product, causes flatulence, belching and bloating.

Sugary carbonated drinks are especially harmful to humans. They contribute to disruption of the pancreas and liver, cause disruptions in the endocrine system, and provoke the development of diabetes and other serious diseases.

Carbonated water, the harm or benefit of which lies in its composition, can either restore and support water-salt balance, or break it.

Mineral sparkling water

Useful micro- and macroelements, as well as mineral compounds, make the product beneficial for the body. It should be noted that, in addition to the level of carbonation, such water has different mineralization. Weak and medium mineral water is suitable for daily use. It will not only perfectly quench your thirst, but also saturate the body with useful compounds. But sparkling water with high degree mineralization is intended for use for medicinal purposes. It should be consumed only in limited quantities, since the content useful elements It's large enough for everyday use.

Carbonated mineral water, the harm or benefit of which depends on the amount of important compounds in it, is certainly of higher quality than sweet drinks. But every rule has exceptions.

Sweet sparkling water

Carbonated drinks can be beneficial. It all depends on the contents of the bottle. Sweet carbonated water, the harm or benefit of which is the subject of debate among doctors, nutritionists and manufacturers, may contain artificial food additives or extracts of medicinal herbs.

"Duchess" and "Tarragon" contain tarragon, which is effective vasoconstrictor, improves the functioning of the digestive system and increases appetite. Carbonated water "Sayany" and "Baikal" contains an extract of the Leuzea plant, which helps relieve fatigue, increase muscle activity and normalize the nervous system.

In addition to natural ingredients, water may also contain harmful food additives: dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers. These carbonated drinks can cause addiction, rashes and allergic reactions, damage to the gastric mucosa, damage to tooth enamel.

The dangers of "fizzy" water for a child

In recent years, nutritionists and pediatricians have been sounding the alarm. Parents increasingly began to buy food for their young children. The consequences of such unreasonable actions are obvious: the number of boys and girls who are obese is steadily growing every year. What can abuse of soda lead to? Increased nervous excitability, problems with bone and endocrine systems, bad teeth. All this is just a small part of the harm that sweet carbonated water can have on the body.

In addition to children, sweet soda should be avoided by pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as people who are struggling with overweight, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and allergies.

Carbonated water: harm or benefit for weight loss

Everyone knows that any diet is based on sufficient fluid intake, namely clean water. Otherwise the weight will stand still. Carbonated water does not provide any nutritional or energy value. It does not contain proteins, fats or carbohydrates, and its calorie content is also zero.

It will promote weight loss in the same way as plain water. It is known that liquid in the stomach gives a feeling of fullness. Therefore, it is a must for those who are actively fighting excess weight. At the same time, the harm of carbonated water can manifest itself in the fact that it causes bloating and flatulence, that is, some discomfort in the intestines. But if this does not cause inconvenience, then you can lose weight with any water, including carbonated water.

It should be noted that we're talking about only about plain sparkling water, without food additives: sweeteners, preservatives, flavorings, colorings. Otherwise, instead of losing weight, you may gain a few extra pounds.


It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of what sparkling water will bring to the body, whether its consumption will be harmful or beneficial. First of all, when choosing this drink, you should pay attention to its origin: natural or synthetic. Natural mineral water contains useful microelements which contribute to the health of the body. Soda, especially sweet soda produced artificially, cannot be healthy. One should expect only negative consequences, deterioration of the body's functioning.

The best mineral water in Russia, the rating of which is presented below, has healing properties and is very good for health. Drinks with low mineral content can be consumed daily to maintain good health and remove harmful substances from the body. But with the use of waters classified as medicinal table waters, you need to be careful, since their irrational use can lead to the deposition of salts. That is why you should consult a specialist before taking them.

Opens the rating of the best Russian mineral waters. Belongs to a series of sulfate-hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium medicinal table mineral waters with high content organic substances of the Undorovsky mineral spring, which is No. 1 in Russia. Volzhanka is bottled at the Undorovsky Mineral Water Plant. Total mineralization is 800-1200 mg/l. Low mineralization is a guarantee that salt deposition will not occur in the body. Volzhanka is enriched with more than twenty micro- and macrocomponents. It is able to eliminate inflammatory processes in the body, activates the process of removing small stones from the genitourinary system and biliary tract, and helps restore metabolism. Volzhanka improves the functioning of the digestive system and intestinal motility. It also has a diuretic and choleretic effect. Truskavets water Naftusya is considered its analogue.

They are among the ten best mineral waters in Russia. It is bottled by the food company Wim-Bill-Dann in the city of Esntuki. The springs of Russia are extremely different low content minerals and salts, which allows daily use this water. The sources for its production are Caucasian mineral waters. The production of this product complies with all Russian and European quality standards.

Refers to medicinal table waters, which have been on sale since 1955. It is extracted in the Stavropol Territory from a hydrocarbonate-sulfate mineral spring located near the village of Novotersky. Its mineralization is approximately 4-5.3 grams per liter, which is a relatively low figure. Novoterskaya helps replenish mineral reserves in the body and helps strengthen it protective functions. The drink is intended for both preventive and therapeutic purposes of diseases such as high acidity of the stomach, gastritis, and ulcers. It is able to reduce acidity and eliminate cramps.

refers to the mineral waters of the popular Russian enterprise Zheleznovodsk. This medicinal drink is often prescribed for treatment overweight. In addition, it is taken when chronic pathologies gastrointestinal tract, including constipation, chronic colitis, dysfunction of the large intestine, etc. During the treatment period, limit intake of other liquids, as well as table salt. Lysogorskaya helps restore metabolism and improve intestinal motility. She also provides diuretic effect and removes all toxins from the body.

It is one of the ten best mineral waters in Russia. It is extracted from several wells located in the city of Lipetsk. It is bottled in two versions, one of which is represented by mineral waters extracted from a depth of 480 meters, and the other from a 100-meter artesian well. This drink meets all quality standards. Lipetsk Pump Room is famous for its lower chloride content than other waters. Low mineralization and mild taste allow you to drink this drink daily to maintain good health and well-being.

It is one of the best mineral medicinal table waters produced in Russia. It is produced by Zheleznovodsk Mineral Waters. In its properties and composition, the drink is similar to Slavyanovskaya water. It is used in the treatment of most pathologies associated with the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary area. Smirnovskaya is also prescribed for diabetes mellitus and metabolic disorders. If you have low stomach acidity, water is contraindicated for consumption. The total mineralization of this natural drink is 3-4 grams per liter.

Belongs to mineral table medicinal waters, produced by the Zheleznovodsk Mineral Waters enterprise. She is providing therapeutic effect stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, as well as the urinary and biliary tract. It is used for the prevention and treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, obesity and genitourinary diseases. Water mainly contains calcium, magnesium salts, sulfates, chlorides and bicarbonates. Total mineralization is 3-4 grams per liter. The drink can also be used to relieve hangover syndrome.

Opens the top three best mineral waters in Russia. A sodium bicarbonate drink is used in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system. It is also used for impaired metabolism and obesity in order to reduce weight and cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Water is obtained from nine healing springs, which are located on the territory of the Borjomovsky Nature Reserve. The total mineralization of Borjomi is 5-7.5 mg per liter. Borjomov waters contain a large number of useful micro- and macroelements.

They are one of the best mineral waters produced in Russia. Underneath this common name Over 20 carbonated hydrochloric-alkaline mineral waters are produced, which are extracted from various sources. Essentuki is used not only for drinking, but also for inhalation and medicinal baths. The most famous are Essentuki, produced under numbers No. 1, No. 2, No. 4, No. 17 and No. 20. Mineral water is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of impaired metabolism, obesity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Tops the ranking of the best mineral waters in Russia. Translated into Russian, the name of the water is translated as “drink of heroes.” The uniqueness of this product is that it has natural carbonation. Narzan has a low total mineralization, which is 2-3 grams per liter. The drink is bottled in the city of Kislovodsk. The water is formed from the melting of glaciers on the Elbrus peak, which penetrate deep into the soil. After this, it accumulates in underground lakes, on the way to which it is subjected to chemical processes, and goes outside. The drink is prescribed for diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders. Water can also be consumed for preventive purposes.

Cool mineral water is so pleasantly refreshing on a hot day, and it is also believed to be beneficial. Thousands of bottles are sold out in supermarkets every day by those who care about their health. Is every mineral water useful and in what cases? This will be discussed in this article, where we will look at the five most popular and healthy brands of mineral water in Russia.

Borjomi is one of the most recognizable mineral water brands in Russia. It is mined from the sources of the Borjomi deposit, located in Georgia. “Borjomi” is not in vain popular, chemical composition This drinking water is unique and has not changed for more than a hundred years. We can say that the benefits of Borjomi mineral water have been tested by time.

Doctors recommend drinking Borjomi to all people, because it has a beneficial effect on digestion. This mineral water is able to remove toxins and cleanse the intestines. Borjomi helps with many diseases of the stomach and kidneys, including very serious ones. It is not recommended only in case of pronounced flatulence, but in such a situation there is a way out. Before drinking Borjomi, you need to pour it into a glass and stir with a spoon, this will remove some of the gases. Doctors recommend drinking a glass of mineral water before meals, 3 times a day, about half an hour before meals.

Borjomi is also useful for diseases respiratory tract. It treats bronchitis and pneumonia; usually doctors do not prescribe acute period diseases, but in rehabilitation. And the water should not be drunk, but inhaled using special inhalers and nebulizers.

The scandal associated with the Borjomi brand is widely known. From 2006 to 2013, this mineral water was not supplied to Russia, allegedly due to sanitary control. But, most likely, the matter was the deterioration of political relations between Georgia and Russia. And now that water supplies have resumed, Russian consumers are happy to look for glass bottles with a familiar label on the shelves.


Drinking mineral water "Essentuki" is produced at several factories in the resort city of the same name. And it is extracted from 20 sources, so there are several types of drinking water of this brand. But only two of them made it into the top 5: “Essentuki-4” and “Essentuki-17”.

The mineralization of water plays an important role in the therapeutic effect. “Essentuki-4” is low mineralization water. It stays in the stomach longer, gives a good diuretic effect and perfectly removes toxins and salts. This water is called medicinal table water, you can drink enough of it for a long time, but constant use is not advisable. Not all mineral water is useful for pancreatitis and ulcers, but doctors allow you to drink Essentuki-4, since low-mineralization water does not irritate the mucous membranes.


“Essentuki-17” is water with high mineralization, it gives a slight diuretic effect, but enhances the activity of the pancreas and intestines. In addition, high mineralization allows you to quickly saturate the body with salts. That is why such water is considered medicinal, and it should be consumed for a strictly limited time. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences may occur in the form of swelling or changes in blood composition. But when correct use"Essentuki-17" is good for treating gastritis and liver diseases.


Another brand, Narzan, has been familiar to Russian customers since childhood. The mineral water bottling plant is located in the city of Kislovodsk, Stavropol Territory. The first mentions of the found sources date back to the 14th century; even then their unique and healthy waters. No wonder the name “Narzan” comes from the Kabardian expression “drink of heroes.”

The springs from which this mineral water is extracted are quite deep. The water passes through the rock strata of the Caucasus Mountains, being purified and saturated with useful minerals and carbon dioxide. It is the large amount of carbon dioxide that has become a unique component in the composition of Narzan; this distinguishes it from other types of drinking mineral water.

"Narzan" refers to medicinal table waters and helps with various diseases internal organs. Gastritis, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, diabetes and other diseases are treated with this water. It is usually recommended to take it half an hour before meals, 3 times a day. The high saturation of Narzan gases is not always beneficial for patients. If carbon dioxide interferes with the proper absorption of water, you should pour it into a glass in advance and stir to remove excess gas.


The top 5 popular brands of drinking mineral water “Slavyanovskaya”, produced in Zheleznovodsk, closes the top. The source, located near Mount Zheleznaya, was discovered by the researcher Slavyanov Nikolai Nikolaevich, his surname gave the name to the famous drink. Experts believe that in its composition “Slavyanovskaya” is very similar to the mineral waters of the famous Czech resort of Karlovy Vary and even surpasses them in some respects.

Like other medicinal table waters, “Slavyanovskaya” is used for many diseases of internal organs: kidneys, liver, stomach, intestines. Take it as prescribed by a doctor, most often 1 glass is prescribed before meals, about half an hour. But for some diseases, the regime of water intake changes, for example, with gout, the time before meals is increased to 1 hour, and the amount, depending on the patient’s weight, is increased to 2 glasses.

Any mineral water perfectly quenches thirst and saturates the body with useful compounds. But uncontrolled reception water can also lead to sad consequences. Drink mineral water wisely, listening to the advice of experts, and it will bring you a lot of benefits!


It is no secret that mineral water is healthy and even has healing properties. This is due to the presence in its composition large number minerals, each of which has a specific effect on the body. Let's consider the main types and brands of water, as well as the degree of their influence on the functioning of internal organs.

Mineral water obtained from natural source certainly has best qualities than regular drinking water, artificially saturated with minerals. But each source is unique, and therefore the water differs in taste and chemical composition. Which mineral water is the healthiest can be determined by its type:

  • sulfate: recommended for problems with gallbladder and liver;
  • chloride: improves digestion, useful for low acidity;
  • hydrocarbonate: prescribed for the treatment of ulcers, gastritis and other stomach diseases caused by high acidity;
  • mixed: a combination of two types (sulfate-chloride, chloride-bicarbonate).

Medicinal water should not be drunk haphazardly without obtaining the recommendations of a doctor.. And constant use is more likely to cause harm than benefit. In case of diseases of internal organs, it is worth contacting a specialist who will determine the required brand of water, dosage and order of administration.

Mineral water is presented on the market in a wide range. Let's consider the characteristics and properties of the most famous brands:

Whether the water is natural or artificially saturated can be determined by studying the label. It should contain the following information: well number, level of mineralization, type (therapeutic, medical-canteen). It is also worth paying attention to the bottling date and expiration date. It varies significantly depending on the type of container: from 3 months for storage in plastic bottle, up to 24 months - in glass.

Artificially saturated drinking water is also beneficial. You can purchase it in stores or enrich it yourself with minerals by installing a special filter at home that works on the principle of reverse osmosis. It purifies incoming water from all impurities and saturates it with calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and copper. But whether the body requires these components and in what volumes to consume water, the doctor will tell you. Only after conducting an examination will he be able to determine which mineral water is the most beneficial for a particular person.

Write in the comments about which mineral water seems most beneficial to you!


Mineral water: composition and types

The chemical composition of mineral water is primarily a variety of combinations of six main components: sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), chlorine (Cl), sulfate (SO4) and bicarbonate (HCO3). Thus, they distinguish between hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate and other mineral waters.

Carbon dioxide (carbonic anhydride) is also an important component of mineral water, since due to the interaction of carbon dioxide with underground rocks, medicinal properties water. Carbon dioxide, in addition, softens the taste of the drink and helps to better quench thirst. It also stabilizes the chemical composition of mineral water, so to preserve all its beneficial properties, it is additionally saturated with carbon dioxide before bottling.

In small quantities, mineral water contains almost the entire periodic table in micro- and ultramicrodoses. IN the greatest number it contains: iron, iodine, fluorine, bromine, arsenic, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, manganese and lithium.

In addition to its composition, mineral water also differs in its temperature. It can be cold (less than 20°C), subthermal (from 20 to 37°C), thermal (from 37 to 42°C) and hyperthermal (over 42°C).

And finally, according to the degree of concentration mineral salts it is divided into: dining room, medical dining room and medical room. The salt content in table mineral water does not exceed 1 gram per liter of water. This water is suitable for daily use, it tastes good and does not have a pronounced smell or taste; it is even recommended to use it for cooking. Medicinal table water contains from 1 to 10 grams of salts and is considered a universal drink, since it can be used as a table drink, and, if necessary, as a medicinal one, but it absolutely cannot be subjected to thermal treatment to avoid loss of beneficial properties. Mineral water with a maximum degree of mineralization (more than 10 grams per liter of water) or with a high content of any active components is medicinal water, it is recommended to drink it in strictly dosed quantities and only as prescribed by your doctor.

Mineral water: health benefits

Each type of mineral water has its own healing properties. Hydrocarbonate water is effective for the treatment of urolithiasis and for normalizing the secretion of gastric juice. Chloride water also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and generally stimulates metabolic processes in the human body. It is recommended for problems with the digestive system. Sulfate water favors the functioning of the liver and gall bladder. It is useful for chronic hepatitis, diseases biliary tract, diabetes and obesity.

In most cases, mineral water has a mixed structure, which, together with biological active substances significantly enhances it healing effect. These include:

  • iron - prevents anemia;
  • iodine – normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • calcium – maintains ionic balance in the body, affects the process of blood clotting, is useful for bones, teeth, muscles and the cardiovascular system;
  • magnesium – regulates carbohydrate and energy metabolism, helps the functioning of the nervous system;
  • sodium – normalizes blood pressure, good for the muscular system;
  • potassium – necessary for the kidneys and heart;
  • fluorine – important element teeth and bone tissue, recommended for pregnant women. Using beneficial features mineral water, remember that it, like most other products, has a limited shelf life, so be sure to pay attention to the bottling date. For reference: the shelf life of water in a glass container is limited to one year, and in a plastic container - only six months.

How to choose mineral water and which is better

When purchasing mineral water, there is a possibility of purchasing a counterfeit product. To avoid such a misunderstanding, you should buy water from reputable suppliers, in trusted pharmacies (stores) or directly from the manufacturer. In addition, you should always pay attention to the label and appearance of the container, since in many cases, a number of signs can indicate that the product is falsified. Original mineral water usually contains a label with detailed information about the manufacturing company, its location, terms and conditions of storage, well number, as well as time and date of storage. Conscientious manufacturers even indicate on the labels a list of diseases for which this category of water is indicated. There may also be a company logo on the container or lid.

Counterfeit products often contain grammatical or stylistic errors, blurry and hard to read inscriptions. It does not contain GOST standards or information about certification.

There are mineral springs in almost every region of our country, so it is not necessary to buy expensive water brought from afar, since it is easier to fake. On the other hand, giving preference to famous brands such as “Essentuki”, “Borjomi”, “Arkhyz”, “Narzan” and so on, one can hope for its authenticity, thanks to the complex anti-counterfeit protection system created by each such manufacturer.


Treatment of increased stomach acidity, ulcers and gastritis with silver water

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are perhaps the most common. This is due to the fact that most of people neglect nutrition rules for whatever reason. At the same time, we should not forget about a number of unfavorable environmental factors that affect the quality of food and water. Significant role the development of these diseases also plays a role in the neuropsychic state, physical and mental overload, stress, etc. The human digestive system consists of many organs, therefore the diseases of this system are very diverse, often interconnected.

The most common are chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenum, chronic diseases of the biliary tract, hiatal hernia, chronic liver diseases, pancreatitis, diseases of the small, large and rectal intestines.

Stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis, accompanied by neurosis with increased acidity of gastric juice, enteritis, colitis can be cured with silver water. To treat high acidity of the stomach with silver water, you need to dissolve 20 mg of silver in 1 liter of water, take 2 tablespoons of the solution 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals for 1-3 months.

Indigestion and intestinal colic can be cured with a cleansing enema followed by drinking acidified water lemon juice. Colic is always accompanied by sharp, unpleasant pain in the abdomen. It can be removed if you put it on your stomach warm compress. When the pain goes away, it should be replaced cold compress, which is kept until warm.

Treatment of heartburn and obesity with water

Heartburn is treated alkaline water, mixing water (100 ml) with baking soda (0.3 teaspoon) or burnt magnesia (0.25-1 g). You can also take mint water or alkaline mineral waters such as Borjomi. It is useful to simply drink clean water.

Healers even treat obesity with the help of water. To reset overweight, take baths with an infusion of oregano, pine buds, needles and twigs. Similar water procedure Always finish by pouring cold water acidified with vinegar, or taking a cold shower.

Soda baths are useful in the fight against fat deposits, especially on the stomach.

Traditional healers offer next recipe such a bath: add 150 g of baking soda and sea (at least table) salt, a little lavender or camphor alcohol to the water. Take a bath for 20-30 minutes at a water temperature of 36-38 °C. After this, wrap yourself up well and go to bed for 15-20 minutes.

People who are obese may benefit from pouring cold water over their hands and feet several times a day.

You can lose extra pounds by cleansing the intestines with a boiled water enema.

Which mineral water is best for the stomach with ulcers, gastritis and high acidity?

Mineral waters have long been widely used to treat diseases of the digestive system. They are sold in pharmacies in glass bottles.

Mineral water for gastritis of the stomach with secretory insufficiency is prescribed mainly carbon dioxide, it has a stimulating effect on gastric secretion: sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate containing carbon dioxide. Which mineral water is better for the stomach if secretory insufficiency is pronounced? In this case, it is recommended to use “Essentuki” No. 4 and No. 17, Pyatigorsk warm “Narzan” drilling site No. 14, mineral waters of Staraya Russa, the resorts of Morshin, Truskavets, Krainka, etc. Drink water 3 times a day, 1 glass for 15-30 minutes before eating.

Mineral water for increased stomach acidity is prescribed the same as for treatment peptic ulcer. Its use in this case is indicated only in the remission stage. Mineral water for stomach ulcers and high acidity should be of low and medium mineralization.

What kind of mineral water for the stomach is recommended for consumption? These are calcium bicarbonate sodium-magnesium water (Berezovsky mineral waters), sodium chloride water (Birštonas), sodium bicarbonate water (Borjomi), sodium bicarbonate water (Dzhava), bicarbonate carbonate water. sulfate-sodium water ("Jermuk"), carbonic hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium waters ("Essentuki" No. 4 and No. 17, as well as water from drilling site No. 1 - "Essentuki Narzan"), carbonic hydrocarbonate-sulfate-sodium-calcium water (hot and cold) waters (Zheleznovodsk mineral waters), etc.

Drink water 45-60 minutes before meals. When setting the time for drinking water, you should take into account its chemical composition and mineralization. So, the higher the mineralization of water and the content of carbon dioxide, chlorine, sodium in it, the shorter the time interval between the intake of water and food should be, and vice versa. When treating chronic gastritis with increased secretion and peptic ulcer disease, it is advisable to begin drinking treatment gradually, with small doses of mineral water (100 ml), increasing them over 3-4 days to 200-250 ml, 3 times a day. Water should be drunk only when warm (38-40 °C), thereby providing a more pronounced antispastic (relieving spasms) effect.

For stomach treatment mineral water patients are recommended to drink 30-50 ml of it as heartburn appears and regardless of food intake.

As an additional treatment for hiatal hernia, mineral water is prescribed to reduce the acid-peptic factor and normalize motility of the esophagus and stomach, as well as to reduce inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of these organs. More often, mineral water of the Essentuki type No. 4 and No. 17 is prescribed. A glass of warm (38-40 ° C) mineral water should be taken 45-60 minutes after meals 3 times a day.

Which healing mineral water is best for diseases of the liver and pancreas?

In the treatment of chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, taking mineral waters is also indicated. They help normalize carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, relieve spasms of the biliary tract, improve the bile-forming function of the liver, motility of the gallbladder, etc. To treat the liver with mineral water, you need to drink them warm, and often enough high temperature- up to 40-50 °C, since warm and hot water have an antispasmodic and analgesic effect. Drinking cold mineral water can cause spasm of the biliary tract and pain.

Mineral water for the liver is prescribed 30-45 minutes before meals, 200-250 ml 3 times a day. In some cases, to enhance the formation and outflow of bile, a single dose of water is increased to 300-400 ml and it is recommended to drink it in 2 doses over 30-45 minutes. If the patient has a tendency to diarrhea, then the amount of mineral water for treating the liver at one time is reduced to 100-150 ml, and it should be hot and slightly mineralized.

Which mineral water for the liver is indicated for patients with chronic pancreatitis? For this liver disease, mineral water from the Essentuki resort is indicated, and its use is recommended only in the phase complete remission. These mineral waters for the liver and pancreas most fully have an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect, stimulate the production of pancreatic enzymes, activate them and promote the removal of inflammatory products from the body.

Which mineral water is better for the liver with concomitant exocrine pancreatic insufficiency? In this case, prescribe water from source No. 17, 100-200 ml 30-45 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. In the phase of incomplete remission, water from source No. 4 is useful.

Taking medicinal mineral water for the liver from spring No. 20 is advisable if a patient with chronic pancreatitis has pathology of the circulatory system and kidneys. For constipation, water from source No. 1 will be more useful.

Mineral water for diseases of the intestines and stomach

Mineral water for intestinal diseases, namely, for chronic enteritis with dyskinesia of the hypotonic (less often normal) type, is prescribed low-mineralized. At the beginning of treatment, the state of evacuation and motor activity of the stomach is taken into account. If the evacuation function of the stomach is reduced, you should take only 0.3-0.5 glasses of warm water.

It is especially useful to treat the intestines with mineral water if the diseases occur with a pronounced tendency to increase loose stools, with painful spasms. In this case, it is better to take even hot mineral water, as it has a reflex antispastic effect on the smooth muscles of the digestive organs, relieving pain.

As a rule, chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines accompany each other. For patients with reduced secretion of gastric juice, mineral water is prescribed 15-20 minutes or immediately before meals; with increased secretion and acidity of gastric juice - 1.5 hours before meals; with normal secretion and acidity of gastric juice - 45-60 minutes before meals. But if during treatment with mineral waters of the stomach and intestines the patient’s health deteriorates, then they are immediately canceled until the condition improves. After this, you can resume taking mineral waters, but be very careful in the dosage and time of intake.

If there are strong pronounced violation evacuation activity and gastric atony, then drinking treatment with mineral waters is not prescribed.

In case of chronic colitis, mineral water for the intestines during the acute and subacute course of the disease is contraindicated. In all cases, if there is a tendency to diarrhea, low-mineralized water can be prescribed in an amount of no more than 0.5-0.7 glasses per dose, always heated.

At chronic constipation Prescribe mineral waters containing sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, sodium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate. These compounds increase motor function intestines and promote bowel movement. For hypo- and atonic conditions of the intestines, low-temperature water with increased mineralization is prescribed. Warm water drink for intestinal dyskinesia and spasms.

In the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, mineral water is used not only in the form of drinking, but also in baths, enemas, compresses and lotions. In this case, the same type of water is prescribed as for oral administration. But such types of treatment are quite difficult to carry out at home. They are most fully represented in spa treatment.

Medicinal mineral water should only be purchased at a pharmacy.

There, the rules for its storage are more conscientiously observed, and what is especially important, for each batch of mineral water in the pharmacy there is always a quality certificate with information about the manufacturer, which you can always ask and verify the authenticity of the product.


The benefits of mineral water for the liver

For diseases of the organ, you need to drink medicinal waters containing moderate amounts of minerals. Doctors advise choosing drinks that contain bicarbonate, calcium and other components. They enhance bile formation and excretion of bile, normalize metabolism in the liver, reduce or eliminate inflammation, normalize the functions of these organs, reduce spasms and pain. In addition, mineral water helps to produce more hormones in the organs of the digestive system.

Which one is useful?

Before starting treatment for a particular disease, you must visit a doctor. A specialist will help determine which mineral water is suitable for therapeutic purposes, taking into account individual characteristics the patient's body. Conventionally, drinks are divided into 3 types: medicinal, medicinal-table and table. The mineralization of the latter is no more than a gram per 1 liter. Medicinal-table ones contain about 10 grams of minerals, and medicinal ones contain the highest percentage of useful components. For the purification procedure, doctors advise selecting medicinal waters, which are known for their unique properties. First of all, we are talking about famous Caucasian drinks, including:

  • “Essentuki” (No. 4 and No. 17);
  • "Narzan".

Similar therapeutic effect have waters that are produced in other regions and are useful for treating the liver, pancreas, gall bladder, etc. Doctors often recommend that patients drink drinks such as “Sairme”, “Badakhshon”, “Arzni”, “Jermuk”, “Smolenskaya” ", "Zaramag", "Badamly", "Varnitsa", Nartan, "Nukusskaya". Among the Baltic waters, Birute and Vytautas are popular. You can prescribe “Mirgorodskaya”, “Truskavetskaya”, etc. Only a doctor can tell which product is best suited for the treatment of a particular ailment.

Liver cleansing: rules

You can activate the process of bile excretion and help restore the functions of the organ through mineral water. Provided you follow the recommendations, this cleansing method is safe and at the same time highly effective. Experts advise performing procedures on a day off, when a person is free from important matters. In addition, it is better to cleanse the structures of the liver and the body as a whole in the evening, so that complete cleansing occurs in the morning. The following rules must be adhered to:

Cleansing the liver with water is prohibited if you have gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Indications for cleaning. Doctors believe that this procedure has a positive effect on the well-being of most adults, but people who have been diagnosed with diseases of the digestive system - biliary dyskinesia, duodenitis, chronic pancreatitis etc. At the same time, it is extremely undesirable to use the technique in case of exacerbation of the above pathological processes.
  • Preparation. Before the procedure, mineral water is left open overnight to allow gases to escape. The next day you should warm it slightly in a water bath. Some doctors advise starting the diet a few days before the cleanse. Cleansing should be done on an empty stomach.
  • A gentle way to cleanse. Drinking water is the most gentle of all the methods used to cleanse the liver and body at home. This technique is as simple as possible to perform. You should choose medicinal water with a specialist, since the products have different indications and contraindications that must be taken into account before treatment. Mineral water should be drunk 3 times a day before each meal, about 20 minutes before. The dosage of liquid should be calculated taking into account individual characteristics. Approximate calculation: per kilogram of body weight there are 6-8 milliliters of water. The beginning of a therapeutic course may be accompanied by some discomfort, since the drink has a laxative effect. When this effect is no longer felt, the dose should be reduced by half. The course of treatment is a month. After completion, it is advised to drink table mineralized water - it is consumed 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after (dosage - 200 milliliters).

Two-stage cleansing (tubage)

Cleansing with probing with mineral water is also used for manipulations with the liver.

The therapeutic procedure, intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases, is carried out using a special probe or by taking bile-excreting agents followed by heating.

  • 1st stage. It is necessary to heat the medicinal water (10 glasses) to 40 degrees Celsius, then add sea (food) or table salt(teaspoon per 1 liter). The heated water is drunk and distributed in advance for 1.5 hours (500 milliliters should be drunk immediately, and the rest of the water after 40 minutes). The procedure begins in the morning, before meals. Cleansing is done on a day off, since doing it has a laxative effect. If cleaning is carried out correctly, the liquid flows out in its pure form at the end. Then doctors advise having breakfast with oatmeal. It is generally accepted that if there is a lot of toxins in the patient’s body, then cleansing should be repeated 4 more times with a break of a couple of days. Then it can be done four times a year.
  • 2nd stage. This stage involves cleaning the liver. In the evening, it is advised to open a bottle of carbonated medicinal water so that the gas comes out before starting the cleansing procedure. In the morning, it is recommended to drink a glass of this water with 5 grams of sorbitol. This medication will free the body from stagnation of bile, toxins and waste. 20 minutes later you need to take a second portion of the drink. Afterwards you should lie down for 2 hours with a warm heating pad, which must be applied to the hypochondrium on the right side. During cleansing, experts recommend creating a vegetarian diet. Initially, the procedure should be repeated 4 times throughout the year (1 cleaning every 3 months). IN next year You can cleanse once every 6 months. It must be remembered that cleaning the liver with mineral water has contraindications. Consult your doctor in advance to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Effect of water and cleaning results

Water containing a small or medium percentage of mineralization helps thin bile, improve organ function, and cleans the bile ducts. This allows you to restore the basic functions of the liver, establish filtration and purification of blood in the body, and give the skin healthy color. Some patients claim that after the 1st procedure they experience a feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium on the right side, belching, and a feeling of bitterness in the oral cavity. Regular implementation of such procedures guarantees the restoration of liver function (if the organ was relatively healthy to begin with). Patients suffering from hepatitis and other severe liver diseases are unlikely to be able to successful treatment water, but some dysfunctions of the organ are eliminated through periodic cleaning.


The treatment of ailments using tubage must be treated responsibly, since, like any method, it has contraindications that must be taken into account. Thus, the main contraindications include: influenza, colds, infectious diseases, exacerbation of various chronic diseases, pregnancy, onset menstrual cycle, breast-feeding. If in doubt, it is better to consult with your treating specialist before starting therapy.

Probing with mineral water for the liver should not be performed on people with gastrointestinal problems, mental problems, or a weakened cardiovascular system.

In addition, liver tubing is contraindicated for people suffering from exacerbations of ailments of the digestive system, mental disorders, weakness and malaise, diseases of the cardiovascular system, bleeding. Doctors prohibit drinking mineral water for cleansing after surgical intervention. In addition, it should be borne in mind that this procedure is contraindicated in patients who have cholelithiasis. And although there is an opinion that cleaning the gastrointestinal tract will help get rid of microliths, tubage in best case scenario will make education more mobile. But more serious consequences are also possible.

Therefore, people with gallstone disease should remember that such cleaning in the presence of stones can lead to an urgent need for surgical intervention. It is better to carry out cleansing in a hospital setting under the supervision of a doctor. Thus, before tubing, it is better to take into account the indications and contraindications in order to reduce the possible risks. It is better to conduct a comprehensive examination or therapy before prescribing the procedure. By at least, it will not be superfluous.

Treatment and prevention of liver diseases

Drinking therapy is indicated for people who suffer from chronic infectious hepatitis and with residual manifestations of Botkin's disease (during the passive phase). For such ailments, it is recommended to drink water containing a low and medium percentage of mineralization, which mainly contains calcium sulfate and other useful components (for example, “Essentuki” number 4, 17, “Naftusya”, “Vytautas”). Drinks are consumed heated to 45 degrees Celsius in a glass three times a day before meals. Admission is determined depending on current state secretory gastric function.

If there is a violation of the outflow of bile secretions, hepatitis and cholecystitis, Borjomi water is prescribed. 1.5 glasses of heated liquid should be taken 1.5 hours before a meal - this helps alleviate the patient’s condition. If gallstone disease has worsened, the dosage is determined by the doctor. If a person has had jaundice (a disease that causes yellowing of the whites of the eyeballs, skin, mucous membranes due to high level bilirubin in the blood), hepatitis A, should be restored protective forces liver, improve its functioning.

In these cases, Borjomi is prescribed for therapeutic purposes and maintaining liver function. To do this, you need to drink a glass of warm medicinal water 3 times a day. The duration of the course is one month. Cirrhosis of the liver allows the use of this drink. The heated liquid is taken in the amount of 100 grams per day. In this case, the drink must be non-carbonated. It is consumed 30 minutes before a meal. The therapeutic course can improve the condition of a patient suffering from cirrhosis. However this tool not enough - you need to use it besides medications. Mineral water "Slavyanovskaya", in turn, will help cleanse the diseased liver, eliminate stagnation, and relieve inflammation. 3 months later previous jaundice The functioning of the organ is restored with the help of a medicinal drink heated to 55 degrees Celsius. It should be taken 1 glass three times during the day, 30 minutes before meals.

Contraindications to drinking therapy

Liver cleansing is not recommended in the presence of acute illnesses or exacerbations of chronic pathological processes (cholecystitis, hepatitis, erosive duodenitis, ulcers). The presence of gallstone disease (especially when large stones or large quantity microlites) can provoke acute colic in the liver during cleansing, lead to severe blockage of the ducts. Proper cleansing should result in the patient having pasty bowel movements in the late afternoon. This indicates that bile is released into the intestines naturally.


All the doctors and fitness instructors talk loudly and in unison about what you need to drink more water. In addition, it will be nice if daily drinking mineral water becomes a habit.

If the body does not have enough fluid, metabolic processes slow down and metabolic products are eliminated worse. And this leads to a variety of nightmares ranging from flaky skin to severe digestive problems. A lack of fluid can even be the cause of edema - the cells “store” it. Therefore, general recommendations, especially relevant for those who want to deal with disordered eating, systematic overeating and excess weight, are as follows: drink 30 grams of water per day per kilogram of body weight (but no more than 2 liters). There is a nuance: we are talking specifically about water (juices, teas, broths, etc. for the body, this is not drink, but food). The only problem is to choose what exactly to drink, since along with toxins and other garbage, the legendary “2 liters per day” flushes out of the body not at all unnecessary minerals. The logical solution is to drink mineral water, giving the body what it needs.

Salt to taste

Mineral water has the right to be called a liquid extracted from an officially registered underground source, with the original set of salts preserved. What kind of water is in the bottle should be written on the label. Look for the words "sediment at 180 degrees", "total salinity" or "total salinity" - they all mean the same thing.

Depending on how much chemical elements and other substances managed to be dissolved in water, it is declared medicinal (10-15 g of salts per liter, drunk only as prescribed by a doctor). Abuse healing waters it’s not worth it - it threatens with the deposition of salts and other quite unpleasant consequences. Medicinal table mineral waters contain 1-10 g of salts per liter, are used for preventive purposes and for permanent use also not suitable.

IN table mineral water no more than 1 gram of salts per liter, it can be drunk at any time. And it would be nice if half of those “daily 2 liters” were just such water. You don’t have to worry too much about your choice and focus on your own taste - just drink the mineral water that you find especially pleasant. But if you intend to select a certain pool of mineral waters for constant use, for example, as part of a weight loss program or a maintenance course for any chronic disease, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Classification of mineral waters according to the salts they contain:

  • Bicarbonate mineral water ("Arkhyz"). Recommended for people leading active image life, infants and patients with cystitis. Harmful for gastritis.
  • Sulphate mineral water ("Essentuki No. 20"). Recommended for liver problems, has mild laxative effect. Contraindicated in children and adolescents, since sulfates can interfere with calcium absorption, which means bone formation. For the same reason, women over 50 who are at risk for osteoparosis should not drink it.
  • Chloride mineral water ("Essentuki No. 4", "Aksu"). Regulates the functioning of the intestines, bile ducts and liver. Harmful for high blood pressure.
  • Magnesium mineral water ("Narzan", "Erinskaya"). Helps with constipation and stress, not recommended for people prone to stomach upsets.
  • Fluoride mineral water ("Lazarevskaya", "Sochinskaya"). Recommended for pregnant women and people suffering from osteoporosis. Contraindicated for those who have fluoridated tap water at home.
  • Ferrous mineral water ("Martialnaya", "Polyustrovskaya"). Shown when iron deficiency anemia. Contraindicated for peptic ulcers.
  • Sour mineral water ("Shmakovskaya"). Recommended for low acidity of gastric juice. Harmful for ulcers.
  • Sodium mineral water ("Smirnovskaya", "Narzan"). Helps with constipation and poor digestion, not recommended for hypertensive patients and those prescribed a low-salt diet.
  • Calcium mineral water ("Smirnovskaya", "Slavyanovskaya"). Recommended for milk intolerance, pregnant women, children and adolescents. May reduce blood pressure. It has no strict contraindications.

Most mineral waters contain a large range of salts and therefore belong to several classes at the same time. For example, “Smirnovskaya” is sodium-calcium, “Narzan” is sodium-magnesium, etc. By the way, there is no need to cook in a “mineral water”, even a dining room one - when boiling, the salts give sediment and can form compounds that are not absorbed by the body.

With or without bubbles?

Mineral water can be carbonated or without gas. If for medical reasons you drink, for example, Essentuki 17, which can only be carbonated, you have no choice. If there are no such strict frameworks, decide for yourself - water “with bubbles” or without. First of all, the gas can be natural or artificially added. The second option seems dubious to gastroenterologists: the “non-native” gas can interfere with the absorption of mineral substances in the water itself. In addition, there is an opinion that in general any carbonated liquid contributes to the appearance of cellulite. By the way, it happens that gas naturally disappears from natural carbonated water. And before bottling it is again, artificially, added to the water. Taking into account all of the above, I would like to stick to water without gas - sin gas or eau naturelle.

If you still choose soda, keep in mind: firstly, no more than 2 glasses a day (otherwise the main effect of use will be a bloated belly). Secondly, when chronic gastritis with high acidity and ulcers, drink mineral water quickly, almost in one gulp, and with normal and low acidity - slowly, in small sips.

Complex issue

Real natural mineral water requires delicate handling from those who bottle it. Of course, the ideal option is to drink water directly from the source. But, since “Narzan” does not flow from every tap, let’s return to bottled mineral water.

Most liquids that are declared “mineral water” are born like this: first, water from an artesian well (well, if not from a water supply) undergoes deep purification. Such filtration not only removes all harmful impurities, but at the same time rids the water of everything useful that accidentally ended up in it. At the second stage, salts and other minerals are added to the water, bringing the chemical composition to any desired state. Of course, with this approach there may be more or less salts than we would like. And even if there is exactly as much “filling” as is needed, for example, for “Essentuki”, it will still not be a “living” environment, but simply a solution of salts. Of course, there is no need to expect a therapeutic effect from drinking such a liquid.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine what kind of water is standing in front of you on the supermarket shelf. It is worth focusing on well-known manufacturers and famous sources, glass containers, which better preserves the properties of water, and a fairly high price. Another fairly safe option is local mineral water, which is simply not economically profitable to counterfeit. By the way, in the Moscow region there are quite enough decent sources - in Dorokhovo, Monino, Tishkovo, Zvenigorod, Arkhangelsk, Erin, Istra and so on.

If we are talking about a complete (at least safe) product, the following information must be indicated on the label:

  • Name of water
  • Name and contacts of the manufacturer
  • Chemical composition
  • Degree and method of mineralization
  • Source name
  • Storage rules
  • Best before date


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Bottled mineral water can be highly carbonated, carbonated, and still mineral water is also available. There is a constant debate about which mineral water is the best. A lot of copies on this topic have been broken. However, the correct choice of sparkling mineral water or still mineral water can only be made after comprehensive assessment, choice maximum quantity positive properties that it can give specifically for you.

Carbonated mineral water and still mineral water have a small but significant difference. Carbon dioxide. But if you remember that carbon dioxide is a weak preservative. So, in order for carbonated mineral water to be stored longer, you can add less preservatives to it than mineral water without gas would have. In this case, carbonated mineral water wins, and still mineral water loses.
It is necessary for ulcer sufferers to beware of carbon dioxide, but not for everyone. Carbon dioxide is a natural irritant for the stomach. Under the influence of carbon dioxide, the production of gastric juice increases and the content of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice increases. In case of duodenal ulcer, erosive gastroduodenitis, increased secretion of gastric juice, carbonated mineral water loses, and still mineral water receives a bonus.
However, with gastric ulcer, the secretion of gastric juice is most often reduced. And healing ulcerative defect, preventing the appearance of stomach cancer depends on dosed irritation of the gastric mucosa. One of the mild irritants can be carbon dioxide. And in case of gastric ulcer, carbonated mineral water significantly benefits; mineral water without gas again remains out of use.
Dosed irritation of the gastric mucosa and increased secretion of gastric juice is very useful not only for various disorders of the digestive system, but also for elderly people. In this case, carbonated mineral water again receives an additional bonus, and still mineral water remains on the shelf in the store.
There is a common misconception that if you have problems with the cardiovascular or respiratory system, or with anemia, carbonated mineral water is dangerous, and still mineral water should be consumed. But this is a misconception. Carbon dioxide is always present in the inhaled air and enters the respiratory system. At the same time, it is very difficult for carbon dioxide to enter the blood from the lumen of the digestive system. Therefore, in these cases, it practically does not matter whether carbonated mineral water or still mineral water is consumed.
Another circumstance is more important. Excessive consumption of carbonated mineral water can lead to expansion of the stomach and reflexively disrupt the functioning of the heart. But for this it is important to maintain a sense of proportion. If we take into account that carbonated mineral water improves the digestion process to a greater extent than still mineral water. This potentially reduces bloating. And complications from the cardiovascular system when carbonated mineral water is consumed become less likely. Compared to when drinking mineral water without gas.
Carbonated mineral water is easily modified. If bottled mineral water is opened for some time, then carbonated mineral water easily and simply disappears, and still mineral water appears. The reverse transformation is much more difficult to do. In order for mineral water without gas to become carbonated mineral water again, special equipment is needed.
Which water suits you best: sparkling mineral water or still mineral water is decided individually. Taking into account the complex effect it has on your body. In which, in addition to carbon dioxide, it is necessary to take into account the chemical composition. It is the chemical composition, as well as the concentration of mineral salts, that determines whether the mineral water you have chosen can be used as drinking water. It is equally important that it be natural mineral water. Which will allow for a complete renewal of water in the body.
What should happen after choosing mineral water for drinking? It is necessary to include water in the individual health system. Because chronic water starvation is manifested not only by the accumulation of salts in the renal pelvis uric acid, oxalic acid. But also the need to treat salt diathesis of the kidneys. Often, chronic cystopyelitis and pyelonephritis are present in the kidneys, culminating in chronic renal failure. With time