Profuse brown coloration. Determination of the norm in healthy women

If there are discharges Brown in women, then, as soon as possible, you need to contact a gynecologist. There are many diseases that are characterized by the appearance of brown discharge in women.

The first thing to do is to figure out why a woman's brown discharge began at one time or another. After that, it will be possible to decide on effective therapeutic measures.


That vaginal discharge is normal phenomenon every woman knows. However, brown discharge in women indicates that there is an ichorus or bloody inclusions in the whites, which means that there is a dysfunction in the reproductive system.

Below are all possible reasons such a phenomenon, for clarity, you can see the photo of each manifestation, characteristic for each of the reasons.


First of all, it is worth paying attention to several diseases, which are characterized by the appearance of an atypical secret from the vagina:

  • endometritis. The disease is characterized by the appearance of a strong focus of inflammation on the uterine mucosa. You can observe the appearance of brown discharge with an unpleasant odor shortly before or after menstruation. In some cases, brown mucus appears in the middle of the cycle. If the patient has a disease with chronic endometritis, and she plans to become pregnant, then you should initially get rid of the disease, since there is a risk of miscarriage, regardless of the gestational age;
  • endometriosis. If endometriosis is localized on the cervix or body of the uterus, then one of the symptoms is dark brown discharge. At its core, the development of the disease on the cervix is ​​the formation of nodular, cystic seals, which over time grow and take the form of stripes. You can notice an atypical secret. In some cases, their color becomes light brown;
  • endometrial hyperplasia. If atypical pathological secret with bloody inclusions of a brown color of a smearing nature went after menstruation or began shortly before menstruation and continued after it, then, most likely, the reason is endometrial hyperplasia. Any disease can cause gynecological disease, abortion or surgical intervention in reproductive system, as well as predisposition to this disease;
  • polyps. Because of hormonal disorders there is a possibility that a polyp is formed in the uterine mucosa. Additionally, an inflammatory process can provoke such a phenomenon;
  • detachment gestational sac. If a woman encountered brown discharge during pregnancy, while their character is smearing or simply clear slime there are blood inclusions, then, most likely, the cause of this is detachment of the fetal egg. At the same time, the woman has a severe stomach ache in its lower part. Pain can also radiate to the lower back. The nature of the pain is cramping;
  • ectopic pregnancy. If there is the appearance of transparent mucus, in which blood inclusions are clearly visible, then this is probably a sign ectopic pregnancy. At the same time, the patient's blood pressure. Sometimes the stomach hurts, the pulse quickens and dizziness is present;
  • any disease characterized by the appearance of an inflammatory process. Such diseases include thrush, bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea and others. Any and diseases are characterized by the appearance of brown discharge with a smell, there may also be itching and brown discharge and other manifestations. The discharge varies in color, from dark brown to yellow-brown or very light with a slight brown tint.

If a woman has started taking contraceptives, which include hormonal substances, then the first 3 months from the start of the intake, the appearance of brown discharge in odorless women may be observed.

brown discharge- an occasion to pay attention to the health of the reproductive system and understand the nature of the phenomenon. It is important to do this as soon as possible, because in most cases brown discharge is a symptom. dangerous disease. It is not recommended to postpone a visit to the gynecologist in such a situation.

This time on the website, we will consider the question that most women face: what to do, if there is brown discharge is a natural or serious cause for concern.

From elementary to complex

Daily vaginal discharge is normal. For menstrual cycle their appearance, texture, quantity and smell change. It is associated with the formation and release of the egg.

If you have spotting brown discharge during pregnancy

If you have brown discharge on early stage pregnancy, do not immediately be afraid. This is the final stage in the restructuring of the body. Such discharge, as a rule, is insignificant, appear at the moment when menstruation was supposed to go. If the discharge continues for more than three months, contact a specialist.

The light brown discharge that appeared after the examination is the result of damage to the mucous membrane, which is very sensitive during this period.

More serious reason, the appearance of such secretions, is a frozen pregnancy (fetal death).

The threat of miscarriage can also cause brown discharge. If the bleeding increases and blood clots begin to come out, then the rejection of the fetus has begun. In such a situation, it is impossible to keep the pregnancy.

For more later dates, such discharge indicates placental abruption. To keep the pregnancy, bed rest is recommended until the end of the term. Otherwise, there is a chance of losing not only the child, but also the mother due to severe internal bleeding.

We hope that our article helped you understand how to be, if there are spotting, brown discharge.. advises to address to the gynecologist to completely understand and find out the reason.

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Vaginal discharge is a secret produced by the glands of the vagina and uterus, characterized by the absence of smell, mucous consistency and lack of color (a whitish color of the secret is also considered the norm). The secret contains mucus secreted by the cervical canal of the cervix, dead epithelial cells cervical canal and vagina, bacteria that provide an acidic environment for the vagina and excreted secretions, which in some cases causes sour smell secretions. The amount, texture, color and smell of vaginal discharge varies according to the phase of the cycle, due to changes in hormone levels. Vaginal discharge– natural physiological process female body. Normally, vaginal discharge is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations: itching, burning, vaginal dryness and irritation of the external genital organs. The acquisition of secretions of an uncharacteristic color, smell, consistency and the appearance of concomitant symptoms indicate the development of pathological processes in the uterus and vagina.

The nature of brown discharge

Brown discharge is a natural secret with blood impurities, which indicates the pathological nature of the discharge. Bloody periodic discharge is the norm for a healthy woman reproductive age. Normally, the color of menstrual flow varies from bright red to dark, due to the presence of enzymes in it. Menstrual bleeding lasts for a healthy woman from 3 to 8 days. Appearance spotting(brown discharge) in any other phase of the cycle is a deviation from the norm. Brown discharge appears in 80% of women. Depending on the causes that cause uncharacteristic discharge, they talk about physiological norm or a pathological disorder.

Brown discharge in women: norm and pathology

Brown discharge in girls in the middle of the menstrual cycle is considered the norm in the following cases:

  • Applications of various hormonal contraceptives(oral, intrauterine devices, patches);
  • Possible injuries to the walls of the vagina or cervix (with personal hygiene, aggressive sexual intercourse);
  • At the first sexual intercourse;
  • In anticipation menstrual bleeding(in some cases, brown discharge appears a few days before the expected menstruation, which indicates only the scarcity of menstrual flow, in which the blood has time to clot);
  • After the end of menstrual bleeding for several days.

Brown discharge in girls in these cases is a variant of the norm due to hormonal changes, but the amount of discharge, their consistency, and smell should also be taken into account. If the discharge becomes brown, becomes abundant, has a heterogeneous consistency, and is characterized by an unpleasant odor, then in such cases a pathological process takes place. Brown discharge that appears during the period of ovulation (usually between the 11th and 19th day of the cycle) is also considered a normal variant. Discharge may appear during implantation of the egg, while the discharge may be accompanied by stabbing pain lower abdomen. Such discharges are short-term, spotting. In this case, we speak of implantation bleeding.

Brown discharge in women is a sign of pathology in the following cases:

  • Appearance pathological discharge in the middle of the cycle, if the woman does not take hormonal contraceptives;
  • Brown discharge in menopause in the absence of normal menstrual bleeding for 1 year or more;
  • Regular bleeding after intercourse;
  • Discharge, accompanied by pain, itching, burning, fever.

In case of any pathological discharge, it is necessary to consult a doctor for a complete examination, since brown discharge in women is a symptom of various gynecological diseases, which, if not properly treated, can result in infertility, the development of benign and malignant neoplasms.

Brown discharge: causes of appearance at different stages of the cycle

Brown secretions that are essentially natural vaginal discharge with blood impurities, gynecologists are divided into the following types:

  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • Uterine bleeding.

When diagnosing intermenstrual brown discharge, the reasons may be:

  • The use of hormone-containing medications that affect the menstrual cycle;
  • Mental shock (emotional outbursts, shock, states of constant stress);
  • Violations hormonal background various etiologies;
  • Genital injuries, some types of gynecological procedures;
  • Inflammatory processes, gynecological diseases, STDs;
  • Intrauterine device.

Determination of the causes of the appearance of pathological secretions is necessary for the appointment of effective therapy.

When diagnosing uterine brown discharge, the reasons may be:

  • Tumor processes of the uterus and appendages;
  • Pathological processes of the endometrium (endometritis, endometriosis);
  • Cervical erosion;
  • Cystic formations of the ovaries.

Brown discharge after menstruation: when to see a doctor

Brown discharge after menstruation is a variant of the norm in the following cases:

  • Scanty spotting discharge, not accompanied by itching, burning;
  • Absence of pain, symptoms of the inflammatory process, fever;
  • The amount of discharge gradually decreases;
  • The duration of such discharge does not exceed 3 days, and in total with the period of menstrual bleeding, menstruation lasts no more than 8 days.

Brown discharge after period residual effect removal of excess blood from the uterus. The discharge becomes brown due to the fact that at the end of menstruation, blood clotting increases.

If brown discharge after menstruation appears a few days after the menstrual bleeding has completely stopped, then the following examinations should be carried out:

  • Pregnancy test, ultrasound to exclude ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage;
  • Smear, PCR analysis for the presence of chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, gardnerella, CMV, herpes virus.

Brown discharge during pregnancy: norm and pathology

Brown discharge during pregnancy is considered a pathology. Normally, discharge may appear during implantation of the fetal egg, when the integrity of the endometrium is violated for a period of 1-2 weeks. There may also be spotting brown discharge during pregnancy in the first trimester on the days of the expected menstruation. For any brown discharge, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of brown discharge during pregnancy:

  • Low levels of progesterone, which provokes rejection of the endometrium and carries the threat of miscarriage;
  • Ectopic (tubal) pregnancy;
  • Placental abruption, previa.

Any brown discharge during later pregnancy poses a threat of miscarriage.

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Gynecologists distinguish a category of patients who panic at the slightest change in the color and consistency of vaginal discharge. The trouble is that frightened women themselves prescribe a course of treatment. Meanwhile, the mucous membranes themselves are not a symptom of the disease.

The era of total medical intervention in human life. In this regard, treat a healthy vagina powerful drugs would be a crime.

Each produces its own physiological secret.

What is the mucous secretion in women?

The cervix has glands. Canal glands actively produce mucus. The epithelium of the vagina and cervix regularly self-cleansing, and the fallen cells need to leave the organ along with the mucus.

The average disciplined patient who is interested in the condition reproductive system, will name without hesitation 1-2 bacteria from the category of vaginal flora. In fact, sterile microorganisms inhabit the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. They are represented by 5-12 species and are always present in the mucus, thereby maintaining optimal healthy environment.

What are women

Appearance secretions depends on the hormonal background of the body, on the age of the woman, on the intensity of sexual intercourse and on other important factors.

A year before the onset of menstruation, girls notice white mucous discharge. In women, this is how nature warns of the transition to the “girl” state. Sometimes the discharge has a liquid consistency, a yellow tint, and a sour smell. This means that the mucous membrane is ready to protect the genital organs from infection and is actively moistened. With pathogenic changes, white mucous discharge in women and girls is accompanied by itching, pain, burning, redness and swelling of the external genital organs.

I started having regular menstrual cycles. Vaginal discharge will now change depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

The cycle starts on the first day of menstruation. The first phase with a cycle of 28 days ends on the 12th or 13th day. After menstruation, mild watery or mucous discharge is observed.

The second phase lasts a couple of days in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when ovulation occurs. The volume of secretions increases, the color may change to a beige tint.

Mucous brown discharge

The presence of a brown tint in the discharge indicates bloody additions to the mucus. It is noticed that cinnamon discharge appears in the first months of the course of taking hormonal contraceptives. One to two days before or after a period, brown discharge is not alarming unless there is pain, itching, and bad smell. Otherwise we are talking about pathology.

Chronic endometritis mark mucous brown discharge, usually with an unpleasant odor. It happens that bloody mucus appears on the days of ovulation against the background of pain in the lower abdomen.

Dark bloody discharge is associated with endometriosis. The smearing nature of the discharge is acquired at the end of the cycle before the onset of menstruation or after it with endometrial hyperplasia. The appearance of hyperplasia is more likely after suffering gynecological diseases, abortions, and operations.

Brown mucous discharge in women may be a sign of a polyp in the uterus. The formation of a polyp contributes to the pathology of the uterine mucosa. Negative changes occur against the background of chronic inflammatory processes or hormonal disorders.

Of particular danger are the brown discharge that appeared during pregnancy, as a sign of placental abruption, even the fetal egg.

So, brown discharge warns of danger, only an examination by a qualified doctor will help establish a diagnosis.

Changes in the nature of sexual secretion can mean the occurrence of both physiological and pathological process in the body. Observing brown discharge without smell and pain, one should not assume the harmlessness of the sign, even in the absence of additional symptoms. This article will tell you what the described discharge may indicate.

General characteristics of the symptom

The brown shade of mucus has a collective concept: this is how dark yellow, black, brown, dark and are characterized. The basis of this fluid is a mucous secretion produced by the glands of the female genital organs and cervical fluid. A similar color is given to it by coagulated and oxidized blood, which has entered the composition of the certain reasons. Such secretion may not smell of anything and does not cause discomfort in the form of pain.

Often this symptom is a normal sign of a certain period of the menstrual cycle or physiological state female body.

Studying the comments on gynecological forums, one can come to the conclusion that many of the fair sex mistakenly believe that the absence of an unpleasant odor and pain excludes the disease. This is what it consists hidden threat brown vaginal discharge.

Why might such a secretion appear? Its main reasons include:

  1. Flow menstrual cycle. Brown discharge after menstruation without smell is most often the end of menstruation.
  2. Completed ovulation.
  3. Climax.
  4. Application hormonal drugs.
  5. Installation intrauterine device.
  6. Postoperative period.
  7. Allergic reaction.
  8. Mechanical microtrauma of the vaginal walls during sex.
  9. The introduction of the fetal egg into the uterus.
  10. Risk of miscarriage.
  11. Cervical erosion.
  12. Endometriosis.
  13. hyperplasia of the endometrium.
  14. Polyps.
  15. Neoplasms.

Relatively safe causes of brown discharge without smell and pain

Before menstruation

Designation light and dark brown discharge without smell and pain is possible even a day or two before menstruation. They appear from hormonal changes or because the uterus is preparing to reject the swollen endometrium. If this phenomenon manifested itself earlier than two days, then everything indicates the presence of a violation in the reproductive system.

From the onset of menopause to menopause, brown mucus is a common sign of the end of the reproductive period. They occur before menstruation and instead of them.

After menstruation


The presence of copious dark brown discharge after menstruation without odor (a week after them) often indicates polyps. If you find such signs, you need to urgently make an appointment with a gynecologist. Polyps of the cervix and body of the uterus are growths on the tissues of this organ. In addition to spotting intermenstrual discharge, they are able to delay critical days. When the polyp has big size or several of them, pain may be felt and purulent mucus may be indicated.


Both benign and malignant neoplasms often produce dark colored mucus, regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle. The women who entered menopause, are most susceptible to their formation. Therefore, if you find the described symptom after 45 years, you should consult a doctor so as not to miss the disease or get proper treatment.