Causes of discharge after menstruation. Discharge after menstruation

Women need to learn to recognize physiological and pathological discharge. For example, the first type of discharge includes menstruation, during which a woman should lose about 80 ml of blood. If menstruation is heavy, clots come out along with blood, or discharge appears after menstruation, then this may indicate the development of pathological processes. Let's figure out why discharge may appear after menstruation.

Discharge after menstruation

So, discharge after menstruation often indicates a hyperplastic process in the endometrium, fibroids that deform the uterine cavity, etc. Such processes can provoke difficulties in conceiving a child. They also often cause infertility.

If you notice the appearance of discharge a week after your period, be sure to tell your gynecologist about it, who will determine the nature of the pathological processes and prescribe appropriate treatment. For example, if you went to the doctor with brown discharge after menstruation, then his task is to exclude or confirm the possibility of developing internal endometriosis, the treatment of which is prescribed based on the severity of the abnormal process, determining the degree of endometrial growth. If endometriosis is not eliminated, a woman risks becoming infertile. In addition, she will have to deal with pain during intercourse, defecation and urination.

Discharge after menstruation can also be inflammatory in nature. They are usually accompanied by a burning sensation and itching in the external genital area. Such discharge appears with gonorrhea, chlamydia, thrush, trichomoniasis, and bacterial vaginosis. As the pH of the vagina changes and bacterial vaginosis develops, a creamy white discharge that smells fishy and may have a grayish tint appears. If you experience discharge after menstruation indicating bacterial vaginosis, go to the doctor who can cure your illness within a week.

White cheesy discharge, itching, swelling of the external genitalia indicate vulvovaginal candidiasis (thrush). This disease is treated with medication in a fairly short period. Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis after adequate treatment occurs in no more than five percent of women.

For information: both described diseases usually arise due to a violation of the vaginal flora and appear after uncontrolled use of antibiotics, due to poor hygiene, decreased immunity, and from wearing synthetic, non-breathable and too tight underwear.

Attention: a woman with recurrent thrush should be observed not only by a gynecologist, but also by an endocrinologist. After all, such conditions may indicate the development of diabetes.

White, foamy and watery discharge is the main sign of the development of trichomoniasis. Such a sexually transmitted disease is quite difficult to diagnose. The diagnosis is often made precisely by the nature of the discharge. If trichomoniasis is detected, it is necessary to conduct an examination for gonorrhea and chlamydia.

But still, it is normal for a woman to have discharge after menstruation. They may vary depending on the phase of the cycle. In healthy women with a regular menstrual cycle, there are two types of discharge after menstruation. In the first phase of the cycle, the discharge is white and transparent, in the second phase it is less transparent and more white. Just before menstruation, physiological discharge sometimes acquires a certain lumpiness and a sour smell. In most cases, post-menstrual discharge does not smell, and its color should not be anything other than white.

Brown discharge after menstruation

Brown discharge can appear not only after menstruation, but also during menstruation. If you notice brown discharge during menstruation, there is no need to worry. The secreted substance is ordinary menstrual blood, which, interacting with oxygen, oxidizes and acquires a brown color. Such discharge is typical for women with scanty periods. But if a woman has a small amount of brown discharge after menstruation, as well as before the onset of heavy menstruation, then this may indicate insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle caused by low progesterone. To confirm that brown discharge appears for this reason, on days 21-23 you need to donate blood for progesterone.

Low progesterone is not able to prepare a woman for normal periods. After all, if progesterone is low, it means that a woman develops a thin endometrium, which is underdeveloped. This endometrium is shed in a thin layer. At the same time, he can either move away or not do so. In this case, the girl thinks that her menstruation has already ended, and then she wonders why brown discharge appeared after menstruation. But in fact, this brown discharge after menstruation is normal menstrual blood, which is secreted by the body of a woman who has low progesterone levels.

If you have insufficiency in the second phase of your cycle and you are planning to get pregnant, then you need to run to the doctor if you see brown discharge after your period. Why is this necessary? Progesterone does more than just prepare the endometrium for the onset of menstruation. It also prepares the endometrium to receive a fertilized gamete (egg). But the thin endometrium, which is underdeveloped due to low progesterone, is not the best basis for a fertilized egg.

Brown discharge that appears from the genital tract after menstruation may indicate endometriosis. To confirm this pathological phenomenon, the patient must undergo hysteroscopy. Such an examination of the uterine cavity and its cervical canal using an optical system will help assess the severity of the pathology of the uterine cavity, tubal orifices and endometrium. This examination method is minimally invasive. During the examination, it is possible to carry out surgical intervention aimed at eliminating endometrial polyps and hyperplastic foci of the endometrium. Hysteroscopy is usually performed on days 5-13 of the menstrual cycle.

Brown discharge after menstruation can also occur due to the development of trophoblastic disease. It often manifests itself in the form of syncytial endometritis or hydatidiform mole. Trophoblastic disease is treated surgically.

There is discharge after menstruation

We have already mentioned that if you have bleeding after your period, then this may indicate endometriosis, fibroids, low progesterone levels, inflammatory diseases, etc. But what does it mean if some time after your period you experience bleeding and you are a woman? found out that she was pregnant. First of all, she needs to see a doctor, describing in detail the signs of bleeding (duration, abundance, color of discharge), not forgetting to mention other accompanying manifestations.

If there is discharge after menstruation, and the woman is already carrying a child, then this may be quite normal. Pregnancy after menstruation occurs in girls with early ovulation or in those women who were fertilized by tenacious and expectant sperm that got inside during sex during menstruation. But a common cause of short-term and low-volume bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy is the usual nesting of a fertilized egg. But in any case, be sure to go to the doctor to be on the safe side and make sure that there is nothing dangerous when you have discharge after your period, which even an unplanned pregnancy could not stop.

Bloody discharge after menstruation

Every woman should be wary of spotting after menstruation, which inappropriately can appear in the middle of the cycle, when blood should not be released. This may indicate that benign or malignant neoplasms have arisen in the uterus. Often women are diagnosed with fibroids, which lead to prolonged bleeding during menstruation and often cause spotting after menstruation. Discharge appears when tumor cells begin to bleed. Women who have frequent bleeding after menstruation should go to the doctor without any excuses.

Heavy bleeding after menstruation or slight bleeding from the vagina during the same period may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. In such a situation, in addition to discharge, severe pain is often a concern, which can spread to the entire peritoneum and intensify during movement, coughing, etc. Other symptoms of ectopic pregnancy include: vomiting, weakness, dizziness, a feeling of pressure on the sacrum, pain in the shoulders.

To prevent a rupture of the oviduct and, as a result, severe bleeding, it is necessary to determine the nesting of the fertilized egg in time. If the position of the fertilized egg is incorrect, measures should be taken to get rid of the ectopic pregnancy. There are two ways to recognize an ectopic pregnancy: by monitoring the level of the hGG hormone, the growth of which, if nesting is incorrect, will either decrease or even stop altogether; by examining the uterus and oviduct using ultrasound equipment.

Attention: with an ectopic pregnancy, instead of heavy bleeding, brownish discharge may come out of the vagina.

Girls who become pregnant due to early ovulation, having sex during menstruation, and who for some reason, on top of everything else, have spotting, are prone to panic after menstruation. But those who know that such discharge sometimes appears during the implantation of a fertilized egg and are considered relatively normal, they lull their fear, which is not always good. Why? Bloody discharge after menstruation in early pregnancy may indicate a miscarriage or appear due to improper nesting of the fertilized egg (already mentioned more than once today). When the latter case occurs, the patient requires surgical treatment. If laparoscopic surgery is not performed, during which the fertilized egg or the entire fallopian tube is removed, the likelihood of death increases.

Important: Some specialists, in order to stop the development of the fertilized egg and its resorption when an ectopic pregnancy occurs, used special medications that have terotogenic and embryotoxic effects.

It happens that the reason for the appearance of bloody discharge after menstruation for women who become pregnant during menstruation cannot be established, but the whole story ends with a successful delivery. But it’s better not to self-diagnose and go to the gynecologist immediately when you experience spotting after your period. This is especially true for those ladies who unexpectedly conceived a new life and already know about it.

Pink discharge after period

Most women are sure that pink discharge after menstruation is quite rare. Ladies are accustomed to believing that pink discharge indicates a late miscarriage. Since spontaneous removal of the fetus, which is called late miscarriage, does not occur before the end of the first trimester, the expression “discharge after menstruation” becomes irrelevant. Usually, false periods can occur for the first few weeks after fertilization.

But, as those women who experienced pink discharge after menstruation prove, this is not a matter of miscarriages at all. Discharge appears when there is a slight leakage of blood. It mixes with natural white and transparent secretions and turns them pink. Such slight bleeding can occur due to rough sexual intercourse, careless medical examination, as a result of which microcracks appear.

Also, pink discharge after menstruation may indicate that a woman needs to change the intrauterine device that is not suitable for her or stop taking oral contraceptives. But since pink discharge sometimes indicates the development of infectious processes, serious diseases of a different nature, endocrine disorders, it is definitely worth telling your doctor about them and undergoing a gynecological examination. Pink discharge after menstruation often appears before early ovulation.

Vaginal discharge appears as a result of biochemical processes occurring in the reproductive system. Normally, their character changes regularly at different periods of the cycle. This is due to changes in hormonal levels. Every woman knows what discharge is like if she is healthy. Deviations always cause concern, as the cause may be serious pathologies. It is known, for example, that after menstruation normal discharge is very scanty and slightly yellowish. But if they look unusual, you should pay special attention to this and consult a doctor.


What should the discharge be like after menstruation?

The processes of the menstrual cycle, including the production of mucus in the cervix, are associated with changes in the levels of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. It is this mucus that is the main component of the discharge. Immediately after menstruation, the mucus is dense and thick, forming a protective plug that prevents the passage of sperm, as well as the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterus.

As a result of this, discharge after menstruation is normally very scanty, thick, yellowish-white due to the particles of vaginal epithelium and leukocytes it contains. Until the moment of ovulation, a slightly acidic environment is maintained in the vagina due to the increased content of beneficial lactobacilli. Therefore, the discharge has a barely noticeable sour odor. Closer to ovulation, the mucus thins, reaching the consistency of egg white.

After ovulation, vaginal contents become abundant, liquid and have a slightly alkaline environment. All these conditions are necessary for sperm to penetrate into the tubes and fertilization to occur. If it does not occur, the mucus thickens, becomes scarcer, and then menstruation appears, the processes are repeated.

Signs of normal discharge after menstruation are:

  • volume 1-4 ml per day;
  • color – transparent white with a faint yellowish or creamy tint;
  • the smell is almost imperceptible, sour;
  • consistency and structure - like thick jelly.

The woman does not feel any discomfort, since leucorrhoea does not cause irritation or itching in the genitals. Each organism has its own individual physiological characteristics (blood clotting and composition, metabolic rate, state of various systems). This may, to some extent, affect the nature of the discharge (in different women it may have subtle shades and vary slightly in volume).

Permissible deviations

In some cases, it is considered acceptable for brown, spotting discharge to appear after menstruation for 2-4 days. This phenomenon is observed if a woman starts using hormonal contraceptives (takes pills or has an intrauterine device installed). Spotting brown discharge appears after menstruation for 2-3 cycles. This is caused by hormonal changes. If the remedy is chosen correctly, everything returns to normal. If the “daub” continues to appear, it is necessary, with the help of a doctor, to choose another method of contraception.

The appearance of minor impurities of blood in the discharge approximately a week or two after menstruation is also not a pathology. They are called ovulatory. Droplets of blood enter the vaginal contents from the ruptured follicle. There is no danger in this.

It is considered normal if spotting after menstruation appears in teenage girls (these are so-called juvenile bleeding). The cycle is not established immediately after the onset of puberty, but within 1-2 years. The reason for the appearance of such discharge is hormonal fluctuations. Light spotting can turn into heavy intermenstrual bleeding, resulting in anemia. In this condition, medical attention is already required.

Note: Similar discharge after menstruation can also appear in women over 40 years of age who have entered premenopause. The reason is hormonal changes associated with a decrease in hormone production in the ovaries. However, in this case, such a sign should not be ignored, since hormonal imbalance can cause serious diseases of the uterus and appendages, which are also characterized by changes in leucorrhoea.

Video: Normal and pathological discharge, their causes and signs

Pathological discharge and its causes

Signs of pathology are:

  • the appearance of unusual consistency in discharge after menstruation (liquid foamy or curdled);
  • change in volume compared to normal;
  • presence of a strong unpleasant odor;
  • the appearance of unusual colors (yellow, green, red, brown, grayish-white);
  • an irritant effect that causes burning and itching in the genitals and perineum.

Such discharge appears immediately or some time after menstruation without any connection with the processes of the cycle and bothers the woman throughout its entire duration. The causes of pathological leucorrhoea can be hormonal disorders, various diseases of the endocrine and reproductive systems, injuries, and stress that a woman experiences.

Hormonal disorders often occur in women after hormone replacement therapy in connection with the treatment of infertility, menstrual disorders, and complications of menopause. The cause of the failure is diseases of the endocrine organs (thyroid gland, pituitary gland and others).

The cause of inflammatory diseases is infection and injury to the internal genital organs during abortion or childbirth, as well as operations and diagnostic procedures. Inflammatory processes also occur when infected with sexually transmitted infections. A sign of the occurrence of such processes in the organs of the reproductive system is the appearance of characteristic changes in the discharge after menstruation.

Bloody issues

The pathology may be the appearance of bloody discharge a few days after menstruation. If a woman conceives at the very end of the cycle, then she may experience scanty periods, since hormonal changes do not occur immediately; partial detachment of the endometrium in the uterus has already begun. In some women, a similar phenomenon occurs within 3-4 months.

If some time after such menstruation bloody discharge appears, this indicates placental abruption and the threat of miscarriage. A woman for whom pregnancy is desired should immediately go to the doctor if this symptom is present. If her pregnancy is confirmed, then with the help of timely treatment it will be possible to save it.

Bloody discharge after such periods, which appears after 2-3 weeks, indicates an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the woman usually feels pain in the lower abdomen on the side where the embryo is attached. It is also possible that fetal death occurred at a very early stage (frozen pregnancy). The discharge acquires a foul odor. It is important to detect pathology as early as possible in order to provide medical assistance.

“Spotting” before and after menstruation can be a sign of such serious diseases as cervical erosion, fibroids, ovarian cysts, polyposis, endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis and, finally, uterine cancer. In this case, the appearance of ichor, leucorrhoea with blood clots, and real bleeding that is not menstruation is possible. As a rule, such ailments are manifested by abdominal pain and various cycle disorders.


Occurs with the following pathologies:

  1. Thrush (vaginal candidiasis). The proliferation of a fungal infection in the body causes a sharp change in the nature of the discharge both after menstruation and throughout the entire cycle. They become liquid, similar to a curdled mass, have the smell of sour milk, and cause severe itching and burning in the vagina.
  2. Vaginal dysbiosis. There is a disturbance in the composition of the microflora. As a result of taking antibiotics, improper douching or care of the genitals, beneficial bacteria in the vagina die and pathogenic microorganisms begin to develop. The leucorrhoea becomes liquid, foamy, has a grayish tint and a characteristic smell of rotten fish.
  3. Diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, diabetes. Hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders lead to the appearance of white, sticky discharge that irritates the external genitalia.
  4. Stagnant processes in the uterus, arising due to the formation of adhesions in it, bending of the cervix. At the same time, mucus accumulates, harmful bacteria begin to multiply in it, and the content of leukocytes increases. Due to this, the discharge after menstruation and in the middle of the cycle becomes abundant, cloudy white, and has a foul odor.

Video: Dysbacteriosis, its causes and manifestations

Yellow and green

This color of secreted mucus indicates the appearance of a purulent inflammatory process in the vagina, cervix, uterine cavity, tubes and ovaries, the occurrence of diseases such as colpitis, cervicitis, endometritis, salpingoophoritis.

Signs include aching pain in the area where these organs are located and increased temperature. The cause of the pathology is infection with sexually transmitted infections (Trichomonas, pathogens of mycoplasmosis, syphilis, gonorrhea), which are characterized by the appearance of copious, foul-smelling, foaming, purulent discharge.

When to see a doctor

You should definitely contact a gynecologist if, after menstruation, instead of discharge of a dense consistency and scanty volume, a woman develops copious liquid mucus, which usually has an unusual color and smell. A sign of pathology may be the presence of clots, lumps, foam, or purulent mucus in the discharge. It is especially important to pay attention to them if the nature of the discharge does not change throughout the current and subsequent cycle.

Emergency help is required if real bleeding occurs after some time after menstruation. Blood loss is dangerous to health, and sometimes even to life. You should consult a doctor if you experience any spotting that is not menstruation.

It is necessary to find out the cause of the discharge by consulting a doctor in any case if it is accompanied by pain or discomfort.

All girls are interested in the question of what kind of discharge may occur after menstruation. Every woman should know what is normal for the body and what poses a threat to her health.

The menstrual cycle is a complex process during which irregularities can occur, often indicated by unusual discharge. In order to distinguish normal from pathological processes, you need to observe yourself for some time and pay attention to color, smell and other features.

A healthy woman should have the following discharge after the end of her period:

  • Mucous, sometimes similar to egg white;
  • With yellowness (due to wearing panty liners);
  • After ovulation, they may be creamy, thin with a white tint.

You should know that every girl has discharge that helps cleanse the genitals and prevent infections from progressing. They can be a protective function for the body.

Deviation from the norm

An alarm bell that may indicate disorders of the female body should be discharge:

There should be no self-medication under such circumstances. Unusual discharge is a serious cause for concern, so it is recommended to immediately consult a gynecologist. After all, such signs most often hide serious diseases that require immediate treatment.


A woman’s body is not simple, so it is important to know which signs and discharge are normal after menstruation and which are not. Today, many girls and women use contraceptives, but not everyone knows what consequences they entail. Very often, when using hormonal drugs, patients experience a brown spot after the end of menstruation. Girls with Bloody or spotting discharge may also occur. It's no secret that after ovulation you may bleed a little and for many this is the norm.

Thus, we can say that the composition of discharge and its quantity after menstruation can be influenced not only by psychogenic factors (for example, excitement), but also by the presence of infections, diseases and contraceptive methods.

Diseases of the reproductive system in girls are quite common, unfortunately. But most women try to cope with the disease on their own, sometimes even with the help of traditional medicine. Many refer to the lack of funds and time to go to a medical facility, while others simply ignore what is happening, not suspecting that they may be hiding discharge that is harmless at first glance.

Reason to see a doctor

Very often, women experience brown discharge after their period ends. This is possible if you use hormonal drugs, so the body is rebuilt. But there is a possibility that the drug is simply not suitable for the person. Therefore, it is important not to use such potent medications on your own without consulting a gynecologist.

There are also cases when, after the end of menstruation, instead of clear discharge, it continues to smear . This is a reason to consult a doctor. Sometimes such bleeding is stopped with droppers, in other cases hormonal contraceptives are prescribed. After starting to use these medications, spotting goes away within a couple of days, but this treatment with tablets will need to be continued for at least three months to get results and normalize the cycle.

And the most likely cause of unusual discharge that bothers a woman after her period is genital infections. In any case, you won’t be able to get rid of the problem on your own, so you shouldn’t waste precious time. The best and only correct option is to consult a doctor. He will conduct an examination, if necessary, refer you for further examination, and refer you for smears and tests in order to find the source of all diseases and problems. After all, one infection can cause more severe illness and poor health of a woman. Pregnant or planning girls should be wary of these problems. After all, if you do not undergo treatment on time, this can have a disastrous effect on both the mother and the child. Everyone knows that this disease is transmitted sexually.

It would seem that there is such a terrible thing about the discharge after finishing , and as a result, they may be behind a number of diseases of the reproductive system. Therefore, it is believed that after menstruation in a healthy girl, they should be transparent, not cause discomfort and not smell. Otherwise, only a gynecologist can help her.


Often, brown, bloody or other discharge that suddenly appears 10 days after menstruation frightens a woman. However, when faced with this, you should not immediately panic. They do not always indicate problems or diseases and do not require medical intervention.

The discharge may or may not have an unpleasant odor. They differ in consistency and color. According to the first sign, they are divided into foamy, curd or jelly-like. By shade:

  • brown;
  • red;
  • pink;
  • greenish;
  • whitish, etc.

They can be spotting or abundant
During the period close to ovulation, the appearance of stretchy, transparent, egg white-like mucus is normal. While it is fresh, there should be no smell. It appears as a result of bacterial growth. An unpleasant “aroma”, itching, burning, unnatural – these are symptoms indicating the need to consult a doctor.

Main reasons

Bleeding and other similar manifestations after the end of menstruation are not uncommon. One of the common reasons is surges in estrogen levels in the blood, this is especially true during the period of ovulation. To eliminate the problem, the doctor prescribes special hormonal drugs. It is not uncommon for spotting dark or light brown discharge to be one of the body’s reactions to stress.

Minor bleeding a few days after your period is possible due to taking a new hormonal contraceptive. This is natural as long as the female body adapts to it. However, if the situation does not change within several months, you should consult a gynecologist. Another possible cause is internal trauma to the genital organs as a result of:

  • incompetent examination by a doctor;
  • excessively “hard” sex, etc.

Most often, the mucous membranes are injured due to a lack of estrogen during lactation and menopause. In this case, the color of the discharge is predominantly bloody, bright red, although it can also be brown, and if sexual rest is observed for several days, it ends.
If new bloody periods began during the second week or a little earlier and the woman does not feel well, she experiences dizziness, decreased blood pressure, and pain in the lower abdomen, then the cause of these symptoms may be an ectopic pregnancy. Only a gynecologist can accurately diagnose the development of an embryo outside the uterus. Moreover, you should contact him as soon as possible.

Be careful, possible illness

Bloody, brown or other discharge that appears 7-16 days after menstruation is often a signal of the presence of inflammatory processes and various diseases. Fungal and bacterial infections cause inflammation of the uterine mucosa - endometritis. They are transmitted sexually and can occur after diagnostic curettages, abortions, and other similar interventions. Among the local symptoms most often noted:

Pain when pressing in the uterine area;
pus-like, brown discharge a week or more after your period.

However, it should be remembered that the disease can also be asymptomatic.

When there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland, hypothyroidism develops. In women, one of its manifestations is disruption of the menstrual cycle. Towards the end of 2 weeks after your period ends, new bloody or brown discharge may begin.
Another pathology associated with the unexpected appearance of bloody spots on underwear during this period is endometriosis. It is associated with the proliferation of uterine tissue in other organs. The exact causes of the disease have not been established; some of them are considered to be hereditary predisposition and disorders in the immune system. For many women, the most unpleasant consequence is infertility.

As a result of hormonal imbalance, benign tumors – uterine fibroids – can form.

They appear:

  • heavy menstruation;
  • a feeling of compression of the pelvic organs;
  • brown, bloody discharge after the end of menstruation.

Most often they are found in women 25-35 years old; in most cases they do not require surgical intervention, with the exception of cases of fibroids on the “pedicle” or with a significant tumor size.

What to do

If unscheduled brown, bloody or other discharge is accompanied by discomfort, pain or odor, then you should see a gynecologist. It is better to do this immediately after their completion. In case of prolonged manifestations, a visit to the doctor is allowed at any time. Based on the results of the initial examination, the doctor, if necessary, prescribes tests, possibly an ultrasound. When you visit again, the course of treatment is written down.

Today, menstrual irregularities are not uncommon. The appearance of brown, bloody spots on the pad after 1.5-2 weeks after the end of menstruation may indicate damage to the inner membranes of the genital organs, hormonal imbalances, or the development of serious diseases. Therefore, if you have any concerns, it is better to consult a doctor.

What should the discharge be like after menstruation? How to distinguish normality from pathology? Almost every woman asks these questions. But without certain knowledge, not everyone is able to suspect something is wrong in their body. Vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) is one of the main signs of any gynecological pathology, and often the only complaint. Menstruation, as a rule, is a provoking factor for inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, which is why it is necessary to be able to distinguish between pathological and normal vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge after menstruation.

Sources of emissions

The main source of discharge is undoubtedly the vagina. The vagina cleans itself daily, including from pathogenic microorganisms. The secretion of vaginal leucorrhoea consists of desquamated epithelial cells, mucus and microflora, the main representative of which is the Doderlein bacillus (lactic acid bacteria). Normally, after menstruation and before the 7-8th day of the cycle, the volume of discharge is about 0.06–0.08 grams per day. In appearance, vaginal leucorrhoea is transparent and mucous, without a distinct odor and does not cause concern. In case of infection (thrush, trichomoniasis and others), vaginal discharge changes dramatically both in color and consistency, and in quantity.

In addition, the large and small glands of the vestibule of the vagina, the glands of the cervix and the body of the uterus play a role in the production of secretions. The discharge also includes continuously renewed epithelium, microflora and a small number of leukocytes. If there is inflammation in the fallopian tubes, they talk about the so-called “tubal” discharge, which also contributes to the composition of the vaginal secretion.

The composition and amount of discharge is influenced by the general condition of the body, psychogenic factors (excitement), the presence of diseases and the use of contraceptive methods.

Pathological discharge after menstruation

Pathological discharge after menstruation is indicated when it has an uncharacteristic color (bloody, yellowish, green), consistency and unpleasant odor. In parallel with leucorrhoea, itching and burning in the area of ​​the external genitalia, pain after sexual intercourse and urination may occur. Possible options:

Constant, transparent mucous dischargeMucous discharge - what is the norm for a healthy woman, which does not change during the cycle, is typical for women suffering from infertility or taking hormonal birth control pills.
Bright red discharge immediately after the cessation of menstruation or after sexual intercourse indicates the presence of cervical erosion or endocervicitis.
White curdled or kefir-like discharge, in combination with white films or plaque between the labia majora and minora, the appearance of a bready or sour milk smell is a sign of urogenital candidiasis (thrush).
White or slightly greenish, grayish discharge that peels off in films, often combined with a fishy odor - bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbiosis).
Sexually transmitted infections (Trichomonas colpitis, gonorrhea and others) are accompanied by bubbling yellow or green discharge with an unpleasant odor.
Acute inflammation of the appendages, acute bacterial infection in the vagina, are characterized by yellowish or greenish discharge.
Cervical erosion, colpitis, chronic adnexitis Chronic adnexitis: dangerous consequences - scanty greenish or yellowish discharge.
Green, thick and purulent discharge in combination with mucus, which intensifies after straining, after defecation occurs with purulent cervicitis.
Spotting bloody discharge Bloody discharge - it is important to exclude a brownish-colored pathology that continues for a long time after menstruation indicates the presence of a pathological process in the uterus (endometriosis, polyp or endometrial hyperplasia).
Bloody discharge, pinkish, “meat slop” type, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, occurring before and after menstruation indicates chronic endometritis or chronic endocervicitis.