White, odorless flakes in women. Vaginal Discharge Options

Throughout life, white discharge in women appears very often, normally they are always there, respectively, in medicine they are divided into physiological and pathological, the last discharge is called white. Vaginal discharge depends on many physiological factors, but they can also be a signal of trouble in the body. How to figure it out, and what you need to know? First of all, the amount of vaginal discharge is necessarily associated with age. In different periods, women have a different hormonal state.

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    Physiological causes

    Even newborn girls have the first mucous secretions, their presence is explained by the remnants of maternal hormones, they disappear on their own after a month, and the next time they normally appear already at 8-11 years old, at which time the girl’s body is just beginning to produce its own female hormones - estrogen. Usually this mucus has a pleasant lactic odor, resembles rice water or liquid protein, is released intermittently, periodically, has a white color, sometimes with a yellowish tint. In the prepubertal period, the first leucorrhea occurs in girls aged 12-13 years in connection with the onset of sexual development, then they indicate the approach of menarche; in girls, puberty is being formed, significant hormonal changes occur, all processes are more active than in a woman in the period of maturity and menopause. Depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle, on sexual arousal, after intimacy, during pregnancy, the consistency of the discharge may vary somewhat.

    When menstruation comes in the puberty period, the discharge changes depending on the stage of the cycle: it may increase before menstruation, then in its first half there is less discharge, they are often watery, may be mucous, with white lumps; from 13-14 days of the menstrual cycle, i.e. in its second half, whites become plentiful, viscous, transparent, more mucous, sometimes whitish, similar to egg white, more sticky, they have a sour-milk smell, because lactobacilli produce more lactic acid during this period. This is provided by nature, because the walls of the vagina loosen after ovulation, become more vulnerable to microbes, and an increased amount of acid serves as a barrier from them in these cases, this usually lasts up to 3 days and is also the norm.

    Before the next menstruation, the volume of discharge increases again. Girls have large amounts of discharge, this is due to the formation of hormonal balance, with age, and by maturity, when there are no hormone failures, the body is stabilized, the hormonal system functions differently, and the substance released from the vagina will be noticeably smaller in volume. With the onset of sexual activity, the nature of the vaginal discharge will change due to the addition of the contents of the urethra of the male partner, it differs from the mucus of the vagina, for some time the vagina will adapt. At the same time, the volume of secretions may increase, the discharge not only increases, it becomes watery, pale yellow in color.

    With unprotected sex and a few hours later, the volume of secretions increases several times, they become like white clots, and after a few hours everything goes away, normalizes, the secret liquefies again, becomes abundant, you don’t need to get rid of it with douching, because. this is the norm. If sex is protected, then the subsequent reaction will resemble white grease. If the menstruation is delayed, and instead of it a white discharge appears in a woman, this will indicate the onset of pregnancy; in the first trimester of pregnancy, the whites also increase, they are liquid, whitish or transparent, stretch, while there is no smell, no pain, this is the result of hormonal changes.

    In the last trimester of pregnancy, the discharge increases again, and this indicates the approach of childbirth, usually a week before them. Before childbirth, the cervix expands, a thick large lump or clot of mucus comes out of it, this coincides with the onset of contractions. If the lump is large and liquid, perhaps the amniotic fluid is leaving or starting to leave, then you need to urgently go to the doctor. If blood impurities are present in the whites, this may indicate the onset of a miscarriage, premature birth, or an ectopic pregnancy, then you should urgently call an ambulance.

    After the completion of labor, while breastfeeding, a woman can take contraceptives, in these cases there are scanty, thick white discharge in women - leucorrhoea. Vaginal discharge should always be, this is the norm. From the inside, the vagina is covered with mucous, which produces this mucus. In the vagina, lactic acid bacteria are constantly living normally, which also produce their own secret, they prevail in the microflora of the vagina and benefit by creating a protective environment for the vagina and genitals. The reaction of the vagina is normally always slightly acidic, pH does not exceed 4.5.

    Such a reaction of the vagina has a detrimental effect on the pathogenic flora. In addition, the vagina is constantly self-cleansing, with mucus, dead cells of the uterus and vagina, bacteria, remnants of menstrual blood and mucus secreted by the cervix, the spent secret of the Bartholin glands from the vestibule of the vagina, and dead white blood cells come out of it. At the same time, normal secretions are often white in color, can be transparent, odorless, never remain on linen and do not stain it, they are liquid, watery, do not cause inconvenience, their volume is not more than 1 tsp, then in this case we are talking about about the norm, it should be so, there is no unpleasant smell, the microflora is healthy. During menopause, there are very few of them, gynecologists then talk about a dry vagina.

    Possible risk factors

    Any deviation from the specified parameters is a pathology. According to experts, there are more than 100 factors due to which leucorrhoea can change its color, smell, texture, so no gynecologist will tell you the exact cause of the changes by color alone. In any case, a full examination is necessary. Normally, in addition to lactobacilli, the so-called conditionally pathogenic flora also lives in the vagina. These are the pathogens that, with good immunity, cannot begin to multiply and cause various diseases, while they cannot bring harm either, but if for some reason the immunity has decreased, the body has weakened, then these hidden conductors appear on the stage and begin to lead the orchestra .

    In addition to immunity, risk factors may be the following: douching, especially those antiseptics that contain chlorine and other aggressive elements; the use of contraceptives in the form of suppositories, tablets, spermicidal lubricants and lubricants containing 9-nonoxynol; prolonged uncontrolled use of various antibiotics; the use of complex preparations Polizhinaks, Terzhinan; sedentary unhealthy lifestyle and physical inactivity, which contribute to the stagnation of venous blood in the pelvis; variety of sexual partners; violations and non-compliance with the rules of hygiene of intimate areas; synthetic low-quality underwear, chemically aggressive means for hygiene of intimate areas; the use of latex condoms - for women they are often allergenic; too intense sex is fraught with microtrauma of the genitals.

    Signs of pathology

    First you need to say the classification of the secretions themselves. According to the origin of the discharge are:

    1. 1. Tubal - with inflammation of the uterine, fallopian tubes; when inflamed, fluid accumulates in them, which descends through the uterus into the vagina, causing the appearance of leucorrhoea - they are watery, large in volume.
    2. 2. Uterine - secretions are formed in the uterine cavity, for example, with endometritis, colpitis, endometritis, then descend through the cervix into the vagina;
    3. 3. Vaginal - appear with vaginitis, have an unpleasant odor. Vaginal leucorrhea occurs with thrush, gardnerellosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.
    4. 4. Cervical - thick and scanty, appear with cervicitis, the causative agents of which can be mycoplasmas, chlamydia, gonococci, ureaplasmas, etc.

    You should know that in order to treat and raise the question of pathology, you must have 3 points:

    1. 1. There are symptoms of the disease.
    2. 2. There are a lot of leukocytes in the smear.
    3. 3. There is a pathogen in the smear.

    Signs of pathology:

    1. 1. Pathological leucorrhea is distinguished by its volume, it is always large.
    2. 2. The consistency of the whites is not similar to the physiological causes: the discharge is either thick, white, or watery, frothy.
    3. 3. Often, the discharge has its own color with different pathogens - pronounced gray with gardnerellosis, curdled with thrush, yellow and green with trichomoniasis, transparent foamy with chlamydia, brown or bloody with oncology.
    4. 4. The appearance and presence of a smell, often unpleasant: putrid, onion, rotten fish, acid.
    5. 5. A combination of discharge and burning, itching, soreness, increased humidity of the genitals, dyspareunia, fever, soreness of micturition, pain in the lower abdomen, redness of the vulva, dryness, vaginal itching.
    6. 6. The presence of an infection will be indicated by the fact that the discharge suddenly changed after 1-2 days, a week or half a month after intercourse.

    With staphylococcus, the discharge is always liquid and sticky; gonorrhea is accompanied by yellowish or greenish, frothy discharge, with fungal etiology, leucorrhoea always looks like cottage cheese, flakes, lumps, accompanied by itching. If there are blood impurities, oncology is possible. No doctor will be satisfied with even the most characteristic discharge in a patient with just an examination, the fact is that many diseases have similar symptoms, so a detailed examination is always necessary.

    Diagnostic measures

    Self-diagnosis is excluded. First, the collection of a detailed history, then the most common research methods: a gynecological examination with the help of mirrors, which will reveal the presence of inflammation and discharge on the walls of the vagina, cervix, it is possible to study the nature of the discharge. Then a bimanual examination is carried out - a digital examination of the vagina, uterus and ovaries, the second hand presses on the abdominal wall - this is how the structure and size of the palpated organs are determined.

    A smear is taken for bacteriological examination, a smear analysis by PCR for suspected STIs, colposcopy to exclude cervical dysplasia and erosion, a smear for flora and its microscopic examination. Transvaginal ultrasound is prescribed for cervical erosion, inflammation of the uterine appendages and the uterus itself. Carrying out the cultural method of research (bakposev), although it takes a long time, is accurate, reliable, and besides, it reveals the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics.

    Methods for the treatment of diseases

    These include candidiasis, gardnerellosis, bacterial vaginitis. The causative agents of these pathologies are the conditionally pathogenic microflora of the vagina (fungi and bacteria), which is activated and multiplies when the immune system decreases, the body is weakened, etc. These pathogens do not just multiply, they destroy the beneficial microflora. The microflora of the vagina is disturbed by hormonal disorders, malnutrition with a predominance of sweet, spicy foods, endocrine disorders, insufficient intimate hygiene, and stress.

    Therapy for thrush

    The causes of thrush, or candidiasis, are: reduced immunity, taking antibiotics, frequent douching, and the use of chamomile, soda and potassium permanganate during douching during thrush is generally unacceptable, untimely change of tampons during menstruation, various diets, the predominance of sweet and starchy foods, spicy foods in the diet and sour sauces, stress, pregnancy, aggressive sexual intercourse, prolonged use of an intrauterine device, use of colored scented toilet paper, use of aggressive intimate hygiene products, oral contraceptives, hormone disruptions. Any disease accompanied by a decrease in immunity can provoke thrush: HIV, tuberculosis, diabetes, STIs.

    Men can also get sick with thrush, their symptoms are not pronounced, and children and adolescents can also get sick. Thrush occurs regardless of whether a woman is sexually active.

    Symptoms of thrush: abundant white mucous, but more often curdled discharge and itching, sometimes there may be white flakes and yellowish curd lumps, burning in the vagina, especially when a woman sits cross-legged, often pain during sex, pain in the lower abdomen. There is a lactic odor. The genitals are hyperemic, edematous, there are cracks, soreness. Whites usually increase before menstruation, itching and burning do not go away even after a shower, on the contrary, they only increase. These secretions last 4-5 days, then they pass if there are no provoking factors. But this does not mean recovery, the disease becomes simply chronic, its symptoms appear again and again at the slightest provoking factors, it is difficult to treat.

    If you are trying to treat candidiasis on your own and insert suppositories without first passing tests, such treatment is irrational, by this you will contribute to the transition of thrush into a chronic form. The fact is that thrush rarely occurs on its own, it is always combined with STIs, diabetes, HIV, and tumors. To clarify the diagnosis, a smear is taken for the microflora, there will be a large number of leukocytes and fungi. For treatment, antifungal drugs are used, complex drugs are not effective.

    Gardnerellosis disease

    Gardnerellosis is caused by gardnerella vaginalis, which is activated when factors favorable for it. Often in diagnoses next to gardnerellosis, bacterial vaginosis is diagnosed, the fact is that vaginosis is devoid of the presence of an inflammatory component, with vaginosis there is simply a decrease in lactobacilli, they are replaced by polymicrobial groups - gardnerella, anaerobes, which in this case are diverse, but in vaginal secretions with there are no white blood cells, so the term vaginitis is not used here. Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant smell of rotten fish, and this smell is heard at a distance, the discharge is strong, at first white, grayish, then may become greenish or orange with the development of inflammation; there is always itching, burning, as you can see, the symptoms at first are similar to thrush, to clarify the diagnosis, a smear on the flora is required, especially since the treatment for these diseases is different: gardnerella are resistant to tetracyclines, sulfonamides, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, they work very well Metronidazole, Isoconazole, Clotrimazole, etc., slightly less Clindamycin and Ampicillin.

    Bacterial vaginitis

    Bacterial vaginitis develops with violations of the vaginal microflora, more often after taking antibiotics, develops with candidiasis and trichomoniasis. Nonspecific vaginitis has similar symptoms to the above pathologies: itching, burning, white discharge, pain when urinating. The treatment is complex, it is also aimed at the infection, the removal of inflammation and restorative therapy. Hexicon suppositories are especially effective, Tinidazole, Ornidazole, Metronidazole are used from tableted forms of antimicrobial agents, in recent years Ginalgin, Polizhinaks, Terzhinan. To restore beneficial microflora, suppositories with probiotics are prescribed.

    Preventive actions

    Carrying out preventive treatment does not give an effect, relapses from it do not decrease. Both diseases are not considered purely STIs, but can be sexually transmitted, especially during exacerbations, moreover, given their appearance not in mono-, but in poly-infection, they must be examined. Prevention will consist in the control of their secretions, a mandatory examination if a pathology is suspected, and proper intimate hygiene.

White discharge from the vagina does not always indicate a disease. All women should learn to distinguish between normal and abnormal vaginal discharge. We will consider the situations and reasons due to which white vaginal discharge appears and write out an approximate instruction for action.

When white is the norm

Normally, a woman always has discharge, but in most cases they are so not plentiful and invisible that she does not pay attention to them. In some cases, whites become more pronounced.

1. During sexual arousal and after intercourse. Isolation of whites from the vagina after intimacy can last about a day. If nothing else bothers you, it is not necessary to consult a doctor, especially since a gynecological examination in this case will not be very informative.

2. White-yellow discharge from the vagina appears in large quantities in the second phase of the cycle, closer to ovulation. During the very ovulation, the discharge becomes abundant, watery, mucous. This lasts 1-2 days and does not require any treatment, as it is due to normal cyclic hormonal changes in the body.

3. During pregnancy. Especially in the first trimester. Due to changes in the hormonal background, the amount of whiteness in expectant mothers increases dramatically. Many of them cannot do without daily pads. This shouldn't be a cause for concern and will go away on its own. Only the appearance of blood impurities or brown streaks in the whites is dangerous.

When to see a doctor:

  • white discharge from the vagina, an unpleasant odor accompanies;
  • against the background of leucorrhoea, itching appeared;
  • sores appeared on the mucous membrane of the labia.

How to help yourself before consulting a doctor, preventive measures

The female reproductive organs require careful care. Many of us make the toilet of the genital organs incorrectly, which is why various kinds of inflammatory processes occur. First, about washing. You need to wash from front to back and nothing else, otherwise you risk bringing discharge from the rectum into the vagina.

Wash off with plain water. Soap can only be used for children. No business! As an option - special means for intimate care, which can be purchased at pharmacies.

Frequent unreasonable douching. Douching will not protect against pregnancy and is completely unnecessary for a healthy woman. Thus, you can only harm the microflora of the vagina.

However, if white curdled discharge from the vagina appears, severe itching, and you cannot immediately get to the doctor, douching with solutions to normalize the vaginal microflora can be used as an emergency measure, they are also sold in a pharmacy. But you can use different herbs only at your own peril and risk, since it is the herbs that are the strongest allergens.

Let's talk more about allergens. Lubricants can be a strong allergen - products that are used to moisturize the labia before intercourse. Even those water-based lubricants can cause white, thick discharge and itching.

Another common allergen is the condom. Allergy to latex is not uncommon.

And another provocateur of allergic reactions is soap and other products that are used for intimate care, but are not intended for this.

If you have a regular partner, you are confident in your health and in his, then you might think what could cause such a reaction and exclude the influence of the allergen.

But in any case, a doctor's consultation will not hurt, since the causes of white discharge are most often candidiasis and gardnerellosis, which need treatment.

Pathogenic microflora of the vagina

Candida and gardnerella - the causative agents of candidiasis (thrush) and gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis) are normally present in the vaginal microflora. They are opportunistic pathogens. However, under certain conditions, their number begins to increase sharply, and then the woman has unpleasant symptoms in the form of profuse discharge and itching. Douching, taking antibiotics, sexually transmitted infections, various conditions in which there is a decrease in immunity can provoke the development of both the first disease and the second.

Candidiasis and gardnerellosis are similar in symptoms but require different treatments, so it's important not to try to self-diagnose. Even a doctor will not be able to say “by eye” what is wrong with you, only according to the results of a smear on the flora. By the way about results of analyses. It often happens that women come to the gynecologist with one problem, while the doctor notices “pathological” discharge during the examination, takes a smear, which, in the end, turns out to be normal, but still prescribes treatment. It is not right. The disease needs to be treated. The diagnosis of candidiasis and gardnerellosis is made only on the basis of positive symptoms and deviations as a result of a smear on the flora.

If we talk about external differences in the course of these two pathologies, then they consist in differences in the consistency of secretions, color and smell. With candidiasis, the discharge is similar to cottage cheese, snow-white in color with a sour smell. With gardnerellosis, the discharge is thick, very plentiful, with a greenish tint and the smell of rotten fish.

If you want to get reliable information about your health, before going to the doctor, do not douche, do not treat with suppositories and vaginal pills, do not have sex. Gynecological examination and sampling should be carried out outside of menstruation. By the way, about menstruation. It helps to temporarily get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but the relief is usually temporary, and very soon, if the treatment is not carried out and the cause of the growth of the pathogenic microflora of the vagina is not identified, itching and discharge return.

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Probably, every woman sooner or later faces a problem when not everything is in order in the most intimate place. Discharges of different strength and consistency begin. Knowing exactly which discharges can appear in certain diseases is very important, because just such manifestations can tell a woman whether everything is in order with her health.

Characteristics of different secretions

As such, vaginal discharge is normal for any healthy woman. But the changes that have arisen in their color, smell and consistency may indicate the presence of various kinds of problems or simply changes in the body itself.

For example, when the hormonal status changes, the intensity of the discharge may change. This often occurs during pregnancy and shortly before the onset of menstruation. But a decrease in the intensity of secretions is a harbinger of menopause.

If the mucous secretions have increased, then this may indicate problems that have arisen in the cervix. And in the presence of a sour smell and white lumps, most likely, the body was affected by a fungal infection. Symptoms of a bacterial infection will be greenish or yellowish discharge.

Discharge during pregnancy

White discharge in the form of lumps often appears. As practice shows, 95 percent of pregnant women suffer from heavy discharge. While the discharge may sometimes be thin and sparse, it is often thick, white, and copious. And in the case of lumps, there is a possibility that the disease has some advanced form.

That is why many pregnant women are forced to be treated so as not to harm their child during childbirth, since passing through the birth canal, the child can become infected. Therefore, it is impossible for such an important event as pregnancy to ignore the advice of a doctor regarding treatment.

Allocations with thrush

Discharge can also be a signal that a woman has gynecological diseases that can lead to and even disability.

White discharge in lumps can be triggered by the disease candidiasis (). This is an infectious, fungal disease that manifests itself both on the outer and inner surface of the vagina. It can spread over fairly large areas. With this disease, the discharge may have a different appearance. Usually it is white discharge in lumps (curdled), itching in the genital area, microcracks in the vaginal mucosa, an unpleasant sour smell, pain during urination.

The cause of the disease can be:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • antibiotics taken by a woman;
  • vaginal douching;
  • contraceptives;
  • infection from a sexual partner;
  • violation of the diet, malnutrition;
  • excess weight;

Those who, due to certain circumstances, have permanently reduced immunity, for example, those who have diabetes or an HIV-infected person, are also most likely to develop thrush.

The difference between normal discharge and thrush

If the lumps are large, flakes and plates are observed in the discharge, a white coating appears on the labia, and itching and irritation are observed, then most likely it is thrush.

In addition, if we talk about the different phases of the menstrual cycle, then with normal discharge, they will differ depending on the period. But the discharge characteristic of thrush will always be the same.

Treatment for white discharge lumps

If symptoms are detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor and take tests. Only after that the doctor prescribes treatment. These are often medications in the form of suppositories that need to be placed in the vagina for 5-10 days. This period is usually enough to eliminate the problem in both pregnant and non-pregnant women.

As a treatment for thrush, antifungal drugs are used, with which you can neutralize and destroy the disease. It is most effective when both sexual partners are treated to help avoid re-infection. There are quite a few methods for treating candidiasis: in addition to vaginal suppositories, these can be ointments, and.

Any woman should always be attentive to all the processes that occur with her body. It is important to closely monitor any changes, especially if it concerns suspicious discharges, and seek qualified help with the slightest problem.

As the main indicators of the health and well-being of the female reproductive system, are vaginal discharge. In the absence of infectious and inflammatory diseases and the normal functioning of the pelvic organs, the woman does not experience discomfort associated with the separation of the vaginal secretion. If we are talking about white discharge and itching in the vagina, then the woman is recommended to contact a gynecologist and a dermatovenereologist. Only the passage of a comprehensive examination will reveal the true cause of itching, burning and discharge from the genital tract.

Natural secretions

With the appearance of white discharge and itching in women, the causes of which are little known, female representatives experience bewilderment and anxiety. It is important to understand that the feeling of itching in the vagina and the presence of white discharge is not the norm. Before finding out the cause of this condition, it is necessary to plunge into physiology.

One of the structural units of the uterine cervix are specific glands responsible for the secretion of cervical fluid, which protects the internal genital organs from pathogens and traumatic injuries. In addition, lactobacilli that produce lactic acid live on the walls of the vagina. This chemical compound creates protection against bacteria, viruses and fungi. If a woman is healthy, then she can observe the daily discharge of a small amount of clear cervical fluid that is odorless. If the vaginal discharge acquires a thick consistency and white color, then this indicates the renewal of the vaginal epithelium.

The consistency and color of vaginal discharge is influenced by hormonal changes in a woman's body, they can also cause itching. The most striking hormonal changes are observed during puberty, as well as during the period of bearing a child. That is why, young girls and pregnant women are faced with a copious secretion of cervical fluid.

If the vaginal discharge has become thick and viscous, then this indicates the beginning of ovulation. This is due to the process of liquefaction of the so-called mucous plug, which was in the cervical canal.

If a woman of childbearing age is faced with the problem of delayed menstruation, and at the same time she observes homogeneous thick leucorrhoea, then she is recommended to take a pregnancy test. A similar sign may indicate its onset.

Causes of pathological discharge

You can talk about the presence of pathological whites if these discharges are accompanied by an unpleasant odor and irritate the mucous membrane of the external genital organs, causing itching and redness. This condition is characterized by spontaneous onset and rapid progression. Pathological white discharge and itching may be cheesy, liquid or foamy.

The following factors can serve as the cause of this pathological phenomenon:

  • Hormonal disorders in a woman's body that occur as a result of taking oral hormonal contraceptives, thyroid disease, as well as against the background of medical and mechanical abortions. Women with this problem complain that they constantly itch the area of ​​​​the external genital organs;
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system and small pelvis. This category of diseases includes sexually transmitted pathologies (salpingitis, endometritis, oophoritis);
  • Hypersensitivity reaction to the effects of hygiene and cosmetic products. Many personal and intimate hygiene products contain alkaline ingredients that disrupt the natural environment of the vagina. This process entails the entry and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

If an infectious-inflammatory process has developed in the female body, then pathological discharge may be accompanied by such symptoms

  • Rezi and burning sensation when urinating. In addition, the vulva and perineum may itch;
  • Increase in body temperature;
  • Discomfort and pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

In some sexually transmitted diseases, vaginal leucorrhoea becomes frothy and greenish-yellow. A characteristic itching occurs against the background of irritation of small nerve endings, which are located in the mucous membrane of the walls of the vagina.

Special attention should be paid to such a disease as candidiasis. The second name of this disease is thrush. This pathological condition is characterized by a fungal infection of the vaginal mucosa. Candidiasis is characterized by itching and white curdled discharge. In addition to symptoms such as white vaginal discharge, a woman is worried about intense itching in the vulva. This phenomenon occurs as a result of intensive growth and reproduction of the fungus of the genus Candida. This microorganism is able to be transmitted sexually and through any contact of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs with infected objects (soap, towel). An exacerbation of candidiasis is observed with a decrease in the immune status and a shift in the pH of the vaginal environment to the alkaline side.

With the development of sexually transmitted diseases, a woman begins to be disturbed by symptoms such as redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs, itching and burning during urination, as well as pain during intimacy.

A fairly common disease is papillomavirus vulvovaginitis. This pathology is characterized by the formation of genital warts in the mucous membrane of the anus and vulva. These warts can be either single or multiple. Such a condition significantly impairs the quality of life of a woman, preventing a normal sexual life.

The human papillomavirus, transmitted both by contact and sexually, can provoke this disease. This disease is characterized by profuse vaginal discharge that is white in color and is accompanied by symptoms such as swelling and redness of the external genital organs, as well as itching.

Another prominent representative of sexually transmitted diseases is bacterial vaginosis. This phenomenon occurs against the background of an imbalance in the microflora of the vagina, when there is a predominance of pathogenic microorganisms over lactobacilli.

Bacterial vaginosis most often occurs in immunocompromised women, as well as in those who suffer from colon dysbacteriosis and prefer synthetic underwear. Insufficient consumption of fermented milk products is an important provoking factor in vaginal dysbacteriosis. You can recognize bacterial vaginosis by such characteristic signs as intense itching and discharge in women of different ages.

Discharge classification

Separation of vaginal whites is carried out in accordance with the location of the pathological process that caused this condition. In medical practice, the following types of whites are distinguished:

  • Royal. Provoke white discharge in women from the vagina can be pathological formations in the uterus, such as fibroids, polyps, as well as a malignant tumor;
  • Pipe secretions. The cause of tubal discharge is an inflammatory process in the area of ​​​​the uterine appendages. This disease is called salpingitis. In addition, malignant neoplasms located in the fallopian tubes can provoke whites;
  • Vaginal discharge. In this case, we are talking about whites, accompanied by tingling, provoked by traumatic injuries of the vaginal mucosa during medical procedures or improper douching.
  • Neck discharge. In some diseases of the endocrine system, there is a failure in the mechanism of formation of the secreted cervical canal. Cervical scarring, its rupture and the presence of congestion can contribute to this process.
  • vestibular discharge. Women with diabetes may experience profuse vaginal discharge that is white in color and is accompanied by itching in an intimate area. This condition is due to overproduction of the sebaceous glands. Another commonplace factor in the appearance of painful discharge is non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

The absence of any vaginal discharge is also not a normal option. This symptom indicates the development of certain diseases of the reproductive system. The only time when this condition can be considered the norm is the period of menopause. At menopausal age, the walls of the vagina become thinner and produce a minimal amount of fluid. Pathological dryness occurs with the so-called atrophic vaginitis, which is characteristic of women with a lack of estrogen. This condition does not pose a danger to the female body, but makes it more vulnerable to pathogens of infectious and inflammatory diseases.


An important task for medical professionals and the woman herself is to establish the root cause of painful discharge from the genital tract and itching. For diagnostic purposes, each woman with such complaints is assigned a list of such examinations:

  • Gynecological examination, which includes a bimanual examination of a woman and examination in mirrors;
  • Colposcopy;
  • Bacteriological examination of smears from the cervical canal and vagina;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • Bacteriological examination of blood;
  • Analysis for the content of sex hormones, and thyroid hormones;
  • Blood test for sugar;
  • Consultation with a gynecologist, endocrinologist and dermatovenereologist.

After clarifying the diagnosis, such an intimate problem undergoes conservative treatment.


Drug therapy for abnormal discharge and itching from the vagina depends on the cause of the formation of this condition. The reason for seeking medical advice is the appearance of profuse vaginal discharge that is too thick or too watery in consistency and has an unpleasant odor.

Therapy of pathological secretions includes the use of drugs for external and internal use, as well as alternative medicine techniques.

Medical therapy

For the treatment of pathological vaginal discharge and itching, medicated solutions for douching, tablet forms of drugs, and vaginal suppositories are used. The selection of the name and dosage of the drug is carried out on an individual basis, taking into account the diagnosis and characteristics of the clinical case. Depending on the diagnosis, it is customary to distinguish 3 options for drug treatment:

  • In the case of a fungal infection of the vaginal mucosa, a woman is recommended to use antifungal drugs such as Clotrimazole and Nystatin. These drugs are available in the form of vaginal suppositories. During pregnancy and lactation, it is treated with less toxic drugs. Such medicines include vaginal suppositories Pimafucin and Polygynax;
  • If a woman is prone to frequent exacerbations of candidiasis, she is recommended to undergo treatment with tableted antifungal agents. Such funds include Flucostat and Orungal;
  • If the cause of pathological leucorrhoea was sexually transmitted diseases or other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, then the woman is shown a combined course of treatment, including antibacterial agents for internal and external use, bactericidal vaginal suppositories, and a solution for douching Miramistin;
  • If the cause of discharge and itching is bacterial vaginosis, then along with therapeutic douching, a woman is prescribed a course of treatment with probiotics. These preparations of natural origin contain live lactobacilli that normalize the microflora not only of the vagina, but also of the large intestine.

With the appearance of brown and spotting discharge in the middle of the cycle, gynecologists recommend paying attention to the state of the hormonal background. In this case, a woman needs therapy with hormonal preparations containing progesterone.

Traditional medicine methods

If the cause of such an unpleasant problem was a bacterial, fungal or viral infection, then alternative medicine techniques can help to cope with it. These recipes will be an effective addition to drug treatment.

It is important to remember that if there is a tendency to develop allergic reactions, it is recommended that a woman consult a medical specialist before using each prescription.

The experience of folk healers has collected the most effective ways to treat leucorrhoea. Among them are:

Herbal decoction for douching. Chamomile extract has an effective anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent. A decoction of the flowers of this plant is widely used in gynecological practice. To prepare a remedy, you need to take 30 g of dry raw materials and pour 250 ml of hot water. The resulting mixture must be kept in a water bath for 20 minutes. The resulting product must be filtered and used warm for douching. The multiplicity of the mentioned procedures is 1 time per day. In the presence of an infectious-inflammatory focus in the body, the resulting decoction can be taken orally 100 ml 2 times a day;

Eucalyptus douches. By analogy with chamomile, eucalyptus leaves have a powerful antiseptic effect. To prepare a decoction, it is recommended to take 50 g of dried raw materials and pour 450 ml of hot water into it. This mixture must be simmered for 5 minutes. Strained and warm decoction is recommended for douching and washing the external genitalia.

The genitourinary system is represented in the body by a group of organs whose health is very important for a woman. Their condition is not only a physical indicator, but also an important point in the psychological state of the beautiful half of humanity.

The woman's vagina is a special organ, with its own microflora and environment. One of its main functions is protective. That is why the inner walls of the vagina are kept moist. They are covered with a substance consisting of epithelial cells. This substance is called vaginal discharge and plays a very important role - it does not allow pathogenic bacteria to multiply or enter the body. This substance has the following chemical composition:

Mucus produced by the vaginal glands;

Epithelium of the vagina and cervix;

Leukocytes (white blood cells);


The production of this substance occurs as follows: the ovaries of a woman secrete special hormones, under their influence, the cells of the vaginal tissue (epithelium) secrete glycogen. After the interaction of these substances, the formation of lactic acid occurs. It creates an acidic environment in the vagina that prevents harmful bacteria from multiplying (causative agents of gonorrhea or trichomoniasis).

What they should be: normal white discharge in women

Vaginal discharge, as already mentioned, is normal. But, what are they? Characteristics of healthy secretions:

They have a white, almost transparent color, sometimes a cream or yellowish tint;

Odor is neutral or non-existent

The consistency is watery, not thick (the period of ovulation is thickened, slimy);

The amount of discharge is 2-5 mg per day (may increase during or before sexual intercourse).

If the selections have the listed parameters, then there is no reason to worry. Yellowish discharge is also considered a slight deviation from the norm. Excessive, white, odorless discharge in women can characterize many bodily processes. For example, before the onset of menstruation, their number increases. Also, it can happen during arousal.

Lack of discharge in women: norm or deviation

If there is no discharge at all, this may be a harbinger of a serious illness.

Also, when characterizing discharges, age should be taken into account. The fact is that the older the woman, the thinner and drier the walls of her vagina become. During menopause, the discharge may disappear altogether. Another reason for the lack of discharge may be atrophic vaginitis. These are not infectious diseases that appear due to a lack of the hormone estrogen in the body of a woman. Diseases of this kind can make a woman vulnerable to injury and infection. Therefore, do not ignore the lack of secretions.

When to sound the alarm? When is copious white discharge not the norm?

In order to understand whether vaginal discharge is a harbinger of the disease, it is worth considering a number of the following factors: color, texture, smell and quantity.

So, the following types of white discharge are abnormal:

Curdled (thick);


With the presence of a specific smell (rotten, sour, fishy, ​​etc.);

peeling (flakes);

Accompanied by itching and burning.

If the discharge has changed, then this indicates some violations in the body. Often this is a reaction to some infection or disease.

Curdled, thick white discharge in women. What are they talking about?

The most common cause of such discharge is thrush (genital candidiasis). Almost two thirds of all women suffer from this problem. This disease is fungal in nature, caused by the reproduction of organisms of the Candida class. A certain amount of them exists in the vagina of every woman and is the norm. But under certain factors, their excessive reproduction occurs, which leads to thrush.

This happens in the following cases:

Excessive douching (introduction of various substances into the vagina);

The use of hormonal drugs;

Constant presence in rooms with a damp environment;

General decrease in immunity;

Wearing uncomfortable underwear, using synthetic fabrics;

Dysbacteriosis (microbial imbalance of the body).

This disease is not a threat to the whole body, but brings general discomfort. Often it can be accompanied by burning and pain during sex. But in rare cases, thrush can warn of more serious diseases (HIV, diabetes, and others). Therefore, it should not be ignored.

You can get rid of thrush in a very short time. There is a huge selection of different drugs. But, you should not choose something on your own - it is better to consult a specialist. A quick recovery will be facilitated by a diet that excludes products that promote the reproduction of fungi (yeast, carbonated drinks, sugar, etc.).

White frothy discharge in women. What diseases do they warn about?

Foamy discharge is the body's reaction to infection with an infection. They may indicate trichomoniasis or vaginosis. Trichomoniasis is the most common disease of the genitourinary system. An important feature of this disease is that in men it practically does not manifest itself. Therefore, without suspecting it, many men are its carrier. Whereas in women it causes very unpleasant symptoms. In addition to foamy discharge, trichomoniasis may be accompanied by:

burning sensation;

Frequent and painful urge to urinate;

Discomfort during sex;

The presence of gray-green discharge;

Swelling and redness of the vulva (external female genital organs);

Aching pains in the lower abdomen.

Most often, trichomoniasis is transmitted sexually, but there are also cases of diseases from non-compliance with basic hygiene. It is not easy to treat trichomoniasis, since Trichomonas (the causative agent of this disease) is not a bacterium. And antibacterial drugs are absolutely harmless to her. But you can get rid of it, for this there is a narrow range of drugs (antitrichomonas). But the treatment of this disease is extremely individual. Therefore, it requires the supervision of a specialist and a complex of other procedures.

It is important not to be afraid to seek help from a specialist. Otherwise, it can lead to undesirable consequences not only for you, but also for your partner.

White discharge and itching in women

Such symptoms can be with a wide range of diseases. The most common and likely is bacterial vaginosis. In addition to itching, the vagina may exude unpleasant odors that have not been observed before. There are also cases of thickening or discoloration of the vaginal discharge to grayish-green. The symptoms of this disease are similar to other diseases, so the right decision would be to do a smear test. It is important to remember that before going to the gynecologist, in any case, you should not do the needlework. Otherwise, the results of the analysis will be unreliable.

White discharge from the vagina with an odor in women. Where does it come from?

The unpleasant smell of the vagina is a very clear sign of the presence of an infectious disease. The smell is the result of bacteria such as Gardnerella Vaginalis living in the vagina. In normal quantities, they do not cause discomfort. But under the influence of special factors, they can cause inconvenience in the form of an unpleasant odor, itching or burning. The causes that caused Gardnerellosis may be unprotected intercourse or poor hygiene.

An unpleasant odor in the vagina may increase due to exposure to an alkaline environment. Ordinary soap can aggravate the situation, as it also contains alkali. Therefore, often after having sex, the smell intensifies, since male lubricant and sperm have an alkaline environment. So the disease does not cause so much physical inconvenience as it brings psychological uncertainty.

This disease should not be ignored. Since it is not always simply expressed by an unpleasant odor. This symptom is characteristic of a mild form of its course - vaginosis. But, when a complex form of the disease occurs - vaginitis - this can be accompanied by itching, burning and inflammation of the walls of the vagina.

What to do when white discharge appears in women: diagnosis

If you find yourself with unhealthy white discharge, do not fall into despair.

Do not rely on your own assumptions and self-medicate. It is absolutely impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis in the case of vaginal infections at home. The main thing is to overcome any embarrassment and fear and immediately go to a specialist.

Before going to him, you should not make alcohol or self-administration of any drugs. Firstly, it can aggravate the situation, and secondly, it can be the cause of an incorrect diagnosis. It is also worth a few days to give up any sexual contact.

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases that cause unhealthy white discharge in women is individual. It depends on the nature of the alleged disease. Diseases of a bacterial nature are most often detected by pH-metry (measuring the acidity of the vagina). For other disorders, the PCR method (polymerase chain reaction) is used. Its essence lies in the direct study of the genetic material, which allows you to accurately determine the type of disease.

Features of getting rid of white discharge in women. How is treatment and rehabilitation

Treatment of diseases that cause unhealthy vaginal discharge is a purely individual thing. Even if one of your friends suffered from such an ailment or you learned information about treatment methods. In no case do not try to experience the same for yourself. First, you cannot know at what stage your disease proceeds. Secondly, each organism has its own peculiarities. Thirdly, you can only aggravate the situation. And, fourthly, taking certain drugs - there is a risk of an allergic reaction, which you had no idea about. Therefore, as soon as you find strange discharge, immediately go to the doctor. He will prescribe the most effective treatment for you.

Can white discharge reappear after treatment?

In each treatment, rehabilitation plays an important stage, sometimes exceeding the process of getting rid of the disease in duration. In diseases of the genitourinary system, this process should be given special attention. Most often, these ailments are sexually transmitted, so you should make sure that your partner is recovering. Also, often getting rid of these diseases involves a violation of the microflora of the genital organs. Therefore, do not ignore subsequent visits to a specialist, otherwise the disease will resume with renewed vigor. Also, in subsequent years of life, it is worth paying attention to the processes that could lead to the ailment you have identified (sex life, hygiene, nutrition, physical activity, etc.).

Prevention. What to do to prevent the appearance of unhealthy white discharge?

Going to the gynecologist is not the most favorite activity among women. And most often, it is visited only when the disease has already begun. And often, a specialist is addressed already at the extreme stages of the disease. That is why prevention is so important. A neglected disease is very difficult to treat, requires much more time and money. Therefore, in order to avoid any ailments, every woman is recommended to perform the following actions:

Regular examination by a gynecologist (at least once every six months);

Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet;

Constant physical activity;

Compliance with basic hygiene;

Regular protected sex life;

Wearing underwear made from natural fabrics;

Being in favorable climatic conditions (you should avoid hypothermia, high humidity, etc.).

If you value your time, money, and most importantly, health, it will not be difficult for you to follow these simple rules.