Clear lump of mucus. clear discharge in women

Quite often, by the color of their waste products, a person may suspect that something is not going quite smoothly in the work of his body or that he is sick. People daily pay attention to and feces. Women, on the other hand, can tell if there is any abnormality in their reproductive system by the color, intensity, and consistency of their pathways.

Female vaginal discharge

Changes occur in a woman's body during the entire menstrual cycle. Hormones play a major role in this. The sensitivity of the mammary glands and nipples, sexual desire and attraction, as well as the color of the cervical mucus that is secreted, change.

Immediately after the end of menstruation, a woman may feel a dry vagina. Closer to the time the egg is released from the ovary, the lady notes that the discharge has become more mucous and plentiful. After ovulation, hormones begin to work actively, under the influence of which cervical mucus resembles a thick cream. In the event of pregnancy, the fairer sex observes abundant watery discharge.

Discharge in the form of white clots

Some women may be disturbed. Its production can be very plentiful, cause discomfort or itching to the fairer sex. Also, discharge in the form of white clots can be large and constantly stain underwear.

Some women in this case go to the doctor. Others prefer to self-medicate or let things take their course. It is worth figuring out where the discharge in the form of white clots comes from. Is this the norm? And what can cause them to appear?


One of the most common causes of such cervical mucus is the appearance of a fungus. In this case, the fairer sex has discharge in the form of white clots and itching. Also, a woman can feel which simply prevents her from living a normal life. Among other things, a lady can detect a white coating between the labia. A distinctive feature of thrush is the appearance of a peculiar smell. Discharge in the form of white clots smells like bread or sour-milk products.

If such a pathology is detected, it is imperative to see a gynecologist. After a series of tests, the specialist will prescribe the necessary antifungal drugs that will help eliminate the discharge in the form of white clots, itching, burning and discomfort. The treatment does not take much time, in some cases it is enough to take one tablet.

Recent unprotected sex

Allocations in the form of odorless white clots can be after another unprotected contact with a partner. This is a normal variant and does not require treatment. This happens due to the ingress of sperm into the vagina, which itself has a whitish color. Mixing with the female cervical mucus, semen comes out of the vagina, and the woman may find discharge in the form of white clots.

It is worth noting that a similar picture can be observed only after sexual contact. If such cervical mucus is found after one day or more, then this is no longer a normal condition. In this case, the lady should contact the doctor as soon as possible and pass the necessary tests.

Cork discharge before childbirth

Discharge in the form of white clots during pregnancy, a woman can observe shortly before childbirth. This is the norm when the pregnancy is full-term, and the child is ready to meet the outside world.

During the passage of the cork, the fair sex may find one large clot or several small ones. The cork can come out both at once and in parts within one or two weeks. A large amount of the released substance should not frighten. Normally, you can find up to two tablespoons of such secretions.

It is worth noting that the cork is not always white. Sometimes there may be discharge in the form of white clots with blood. Also, the cork can be brownish, beige or completely transparent. All this is normal and does not require any treatment. However, it must be remembered that if the cork is bright red and bleeding occurs, then this is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor.

Infections that affect the genitals

In some cases, a representative of the weaker sex may detect discharge in the form of white clots with impurities of a strange shade and an unpleasant odor. In this case, most likely, an infection of the genital tract develops. It can be obtained through sexual contact, as well as through ordinary personal hygiene items.

This state of affairs must be corrected. Otherwise, you risk earning big health problems in the future, which can threaten infertility.

Elimination of sexually transmitted infections should be mandatory. Treatment must be carried out together with a partner. If you decide to conduct a course of correction alone, then at the very first sexual intercourse without protection, you will again receive a portion of pathogenic bacteria. The only way to avoid this is to use a condom.

If you do not have a permanent partner, then you must definitely protect yourself from unwanted conception and various infections that can be sexually transmitted.

Hormonal disorders

As you know, in the second phase of the cycle, a woman can observe They are a variant of the norm and do not require treatment. However, in some cases, such cervical mucus is not cyclical, but is constantly present. What can cause this?

Most likely, a woman has. In this case, an irregular cycle, fatigue, irritability, and poor health are added to such secretions. In this case, it is necessary to visit a qualified specialist as soon as possible to carry out the appropriate correction.

Discharge in the form of white clots: how to treat?

If you are concerned about such cervical mucus, then first you need to contact a good specialist. Depending on what caused the appearance of white clots released from the genital tract, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

To begin with, you will need to pass some tests. They will help determine the state of the microflora and detect the presence of infections transmitted through sexual contact.

If you have thrush, the doctor will prescribe a course of antifungal drugs, for example, Flucostat, Fluconazole. The use of drugs that increase immunity will also be recommended. After all, it is during a decrease in the immune defense of the body that various pathological phenomena occur.

In the event that there are some infections, you will be prescribed a course of taking antibacterial drugs. After that, the doctor will prescribe the intake of beneficial bacteria that will help normalize the microflora of the vagina and increase immunity.

If a woman has a suspicion of hormonal imbalance, then treatment can be delayed for a long time. In this case, the lady first needs to be tested to determine the level of certain hormones. After the study and evaluation of the results, the doctor chooses the appropriate treatment method and prescribes a course of medication.


If you are concerned about discharge in the form of white clots of unknown origin, visit a doctor. The specialist will determine if you need treatment and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate medications. Do not pull with a visit to the gynecologist. Otherwise, you may get complications. Watch the color and consistency of your secretions from the genital tract and be healthy!

The mucus released from the cervix is ​​​​normally designed to protect the organ from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into it. The secretions usually contain lactobacilli, lymph, plasma, epithelium, traces of blood. Depending on the state of health of a woman, the discharge periodically changes its composition. This can happen during pregnancy, hormonal treatment or birth control pills, allergic reactions to lubricant, intimate hygiene gel or underwear, and when changing sexual partners.

What kind of mucus is normal?

Mucus is secreted by secretory cells that line the inside of the uterus. The amount and consistency of discharge depends on the menstrual phase. In the first half of the cycle, the discharge resembles raw egg white in appearance and is an ideal environment for spermatozoa, which are able to move through the tubes with the help of this fluid. The largest amount of mucus occurs during and after ovulation, which contributes to the entry of the egg after conception into the uterine cavity for implantation. In the second half of the cycle, under the influence of progesterone, the discharge becomes thick and viscous.

Mucus begins to be secreted a year before the onset of puberty, so girls under 10 years old cannot have it. Normally, the mucus does not have an unpleasant odor and does not bother the woman in any way.

During intercourse, abundant secretion indicates arousal and readiness for intercourse. After intercourse, as a result of sperm getting on the walls of the vagina, the discharge takes the form of clots, and after a few hours they again become liquid and plentiful.

With protected intercourse, the secret after it has a thick creamy consistency.

What properties of mucus should be considered pathological?

Anxiety can be caused by the following symptoms:

  • Thick consistency of mucus;
  • Separated in appearance resembles cottage cheese;
  • Leucorrhea have a disgusting smell;
  • There is itching and burning in the vagina;
  • Pus is visualized in the mucus;
  • The discharge has a greenish, yellowish or brownish color;
  • White cloudy;
  • Sexual intercourse is accompanied by pain or burning.

All these symptoms are characteristic of diseases such as vaginitis, colpitis, ectopia, endometritis or adnexitis. As well as sexually transmitted diseases: gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis. Curdled discharge indicates the presence of a fungal infection.

It should be remembered! Normal physiological discharge from the uterus is never offensive and is not accompanied by itching and burning.

Sometimes venereal diseases can be asymptomatic and a copious discharge that does not change its consistency throughout the cycle should suggest the possibility of infection.

This video talks about vaginal discharge:

Mucus from the uterus during pregnancy

In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman has a milky-white discharge with a specific odor. Such a discharge does not cause discomfort and is not plentiful and fetid. After 14 weeks of pregnancy, the mucous secretion becomes transparent and viscous. All these changes in the composition of mucus are the result of the production of appropriate hormones.

If, during gestation, transparent discharge is not accompanied by discomfort and an unpleasant odor, and their consistency does not change, then we can assume that everything is in order. The mucous secretion from the uterus during pregnancy is viscous in consistency, transparent and not abundant. In this, it is similar to the discharge in the second half of the cycle in a non-pregnant woman. This condition is caused by the presence of the hormone progesterone in the body. In the case of heavy discharge, pregnant women can use pads; it is unacceptable to use tampons during this period.

Attention! During the gestation period, it is necessary to use the correct means for intimate hygiene. It is good if they have lactic acid in their composition.

2 weeks before delivery, the release of a large amount of mucus from the vagina is a harbinger of childbirth. Mucus can be separated gradually and amount to about 20 ml.

Bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women is accompanied by abundant watery leucorrhea with an unpleasant odor, and thrush is characterized by cheesy leucorrhoea, itching and burning in the vagina.

Thrush is caused by a decrease in the immunity of a pregnant woman, as well as a change in the acidity of the vagina. Sometimes thrush appears again after treatment and haunts the pregnant woman all the time of gestation.

Bacterial vaginosis occurs as a result of a massive overgrowth of bacteria on the walls of the vagina. With this disease, whites acquire an unpleasant fishy smell. Vaginosis needs mandatory treatment.

Careful hygiene of the genitals, regular medical examinations, as well as a permanent sexual partner are the main preventive measures that ensure the healthy state of the gynecological organs.


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Many women notice clear discharge in themselves, which should be considered the norm, if the menstrual cycle is not disturbed and there is no discomfort. If transparent mucous discharge has an unpleasant odor and itching, burning or pain is observed, then this condition should be regarded as a symptom of a developing pathology. Some women have discharge that is transparent like snot, which may indicate pregnancy or the onset of menopause. To prevent the development of serious complications, with discharge in the form of snot, women need medical advice.

Before menstruation

Some women complain about the appearance of abundant clear discharge before menstruation. In most cases, clear discharge before menstruation does not pose any threat to the female body, in particular to the reproductive system.

They may appear before menstruation for the following reasons:

  1. The maturation of the egg occurred, and the body began to prepare for pregnancy.
  2. Delay and clear discharge may indicate pregnancy.
  3. Mucous discharge before menstruation may indicate the presence of genital infections.
  4. A week before menstruation often indicate the development of inflammatory processes.
  5. If, instead of menstruation, transparent discharge appeared, then the woman could have menopause.

In some cases, watery clear discharge before menstruation may indicate the development of serious pathologies that require immediate medical or surgical treatment. That is why it is necessary to contact gynecologists in a timely manner, who will tell the patients whether there can be transparent discharge before menstruation, and in what cases they will be considered the norm.

After ovulation

If there is a clear discharge after menstruation, then in most cases this indicates that the woman's uterus is self-cleaning. Abundant clear discharge after menstruation may appear due to the passage of a gynecological or ultrasound examination. This condition is due to the fact that during the examination there is an insignificant damage to the mucous membranes of the vagina with medical instruments. As a rule, discomfort disappears on its own after a few days, and the patient does not need to undergo a medical course of therapy.

If a clear discharge appears after ovulation, then the female egg is fully mature and ready for fertilization. Thanks to this symptom, most women who do not experience menstrual irregularities independently determine favorable days for conception. In the event that a couple is not ready for the birth of heirs, they should be more carefully protected during these days from the onset of unwanted pregnancy.

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After the ovulation period is over, the transparent masses will change their consistency and color. They will become whitish in color and have a creamy texture, and when dried, they may leave traces on the underwear of a yellowish tint. Modern medicine explains such a physiological phenomenon by fluctuations in the hormonal background. Women who do not have mucous masses throughout the entire menstrual cycle should contact a gynecologist for examination. Most likely they have an estrogen deficiency, or ovulation does not occur.

Questions of physiology

Mucous discharge, like snot, is considered by modern medicine as a normal physiological phenomenon. The secretions are mucous, transparent, like snot, and perform an important function in the female body. Their task is to moisturize the vagina from damage that can occur during sexual intercourse.

In a healthy female body, the released masses should have the following indicators:

  • transparent structure, whitish or beige shade;
  • absence of unpleasant odors;
  • should not foam;
  • no blood impurities.

The female audience often asks the question: why are there transparent discharges instead of menstruation? If there was a delay and transparent discharge appeared, then the following factors could provoke this condition:

    1. Transparent discharge instead of menstruation appears in the category of women who are experiencing depression or have been subjected to severe stress.
    2. Delayed menstruation and clear discharge can be observed in women who are overweight. This condition leads to malnutrition, lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle.
    3. If a transparent discharge appears during a delay in menstruation, then this may indicate systematic lack of sleep.
    4. The abuse of alcohol-containing drinks often causes changes in the body.
    5. If a woman who moved to another region began to discharge like snot before ovulation, then this condition can be explained by a change in climatic conditions.
    6. Also, long-term use of medications, in particular hormone-containing contraceptives, should be indicated as reasons.

Discharge in women and girls should always be - this is the natural state of the vaginal mucosa. Moreover, thanks to the secretions, the vagina is independently cleansed of various bacteria, dead cells, menstrual blood, and mucus. Most often, natural discharge does not have a color, but sometimes the appearance of white discharge in girls and women can raise a question - is this normal or are they pathological, indicating a disease.

When is white discharge considered normal?

Often, white discharge in girls is somewhat more abundant than in women of reproductive, middle age, or women during menopause. This is explained by the fact that the hormonal background is just being formed in girls, the hormonal background is beginning to stabilize, and in middle-aged women this process has already been completed and is more permanent. Normally, both in girls and in women before menopause, the vagina has a slightly acidic environment, due to the presence of lactobacilli, which form lactic acid. This environment is detrimental to pathogenic microorganisms, it is unfavorable for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. So, what kind of discharge can be considered the norm?

Why does a girl have white discharge with a sour smell?

White mucous discharge in girls and women is commonly called whites. They are a natural waste product of the body, since the cells that cover the walls of the vagina are constantly being updated. Dead cells are constantly sloughed off, mixed with mucus. In addition, the discharge from the cervix is ​​also part of the whites, therefore, physiologically during ovulation, the amount of discharge from the cervix increases, they become more stretchy, mucous. Therefore, it is normal if the discharge is transparent or white, while nothing else worries the woman, neither, nor burning, nor pain.

However, if a white discharge with a sour smell appears, while the itching or discomfort is either significant or only intermittent, this may be a symptom of vaginal candidiasis. a lot - these are hormonal changes, failures, taking hormonal contraceptives, during pregnancy there is very often thrush, hygiene disorders, abuse of flavored and antibacterial intimate hygiene products, colored toilet paper, taking antibiotics, stressful situations, climate change, nutritional errors - abuse sweets, diets, synthetic underwear, douching too often ()

What discharge may indicate a disease?

With a decrease in local or general immunity, with a violation of hygiene, taking antibiotics, with hormonal failures, opportunistic organisms that are normal in the vagina, without causing harm, can begin to multiply and lead to an inflammatory process. If a girl has the following discharge pattern, this is a symptom of any diseases or disorders and requires examination and a thorough examination by a gynecologist:

  • Very profuse, white thick curdled discharge in girls. If the discharge resembles cottage cheese, while the woman experiences itching and burning in the vagina, especially sitting cross-legged, this is bright and girls. Moreover, thrush or vaginal candidiasis does not depend on whether the girl is sexually active or not.
  • Foamy, profuse discharge - more than 1 teaspoon per day.
  • Discharge of any pronounced color - brown discharge, yellow, green or other noticeable shades.
  • Unpleasant smell - putrid smell, sour, onion smell and others.
  • Any suspicious discharge, especially when accompanied by itching, dryness, or discomfort during intercourse, redness of the vulva, pain in the lower abdomen (on one side or both sides just below the navel), fever, or persistent pain during and after intercourse .

If whites began to change color, smell, quantity, and irritation and discomfort appear in the genital area, this is considered pathological changes and discharge, and the cause of their appearance should be determined. Also, the discharge can be of different origin, that is, come from different parts of the female reproductive system. The classification of secretions by origin is as follows:

  • Tube whites- appear with inflammation of the fallopian tubes, while fluid accumulates in the tubes, which first enters the uterus, then exits through the cervix into the vagina.
  • Vaginal leucorrhea- this is the most harmless discharge, when, with inflammatory diseases of the vagina, various white, yellow discharges appear, most often with an unpleasant odor - this can be trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, thrush, etc.
  • Cervical leucorrhea- appear with inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis) of any etiology. The cause may be mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, etc.
  • Uterine leucorrhea- with endometritis of any etiology. In this case, the inflammatory exudate drains through the cervical canal into the vagina and mixes with the vaginal secretions.

Is it possible to determine the disease by the color of the discharge?

Unfortunately, there can be more than 100 reasons that cause a change in the color and nature of the discharge, based on the external description of the discharge, not a single gynecologist can establish a diagnosis without laboratory diagnostics. Theoretically, only abundant, strong white curd discharge in girls and women can be an unmistakable diagnosis of vaginal candidiasis. However, thrush is often combined with other sexually transmitted infections, so only smear and bacterial culture tests, as well as tests for STIs, can establish the true cause of a change in a woman's discharge. The color of the discharge can only give a little hint in which direction the research should be carried out more thoroughly:

  • Transparent whites, foaming can be .
  • Gray shade of white with a characteristic fishy smell, most often occurs with gardnerellosis,.
  • Greenish discharge- discharge with such a shade speaks of a purulent process, since a large number of leukocytes give the discharge a green color. The stronger the inflammatory process, the more leukocytes, and, accordingly, the more green tint in the discharge.
  • yellow discharge- this may be one of the symptoms of trichomoniasis, since inflammation in trichomoniasis is most often localized in the vagina, in which the concentration of leukocytes is lower.
  • Discharge in girls white color- can both be a symptom of thrush, and be the norm. Since, with a mild degree of vaginal candidiasis, there may not be significant itching and burning, only occasionally and slightly, therefore, if more abundant, too white, thick, curdled discharge appears, you should visit a gynecologist and find out whether it is thrush or not.

However, it is not necessary to unequivocally regard the color of the whites as a diagnosis of the disease, only tests are able to establish an accurate diagnosis in pathological discharges.

When to see a doctor for white discharge?

If the white discharge from a girl or woman is not more than a teaspoon a day, is not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, then you should not worry. However, if the discharge becomes very abundant, curdled, frothy, thick, appears, changes color to yellow, green, gray, any unpleasant odor appears, especially if any of the above is supplemented by itching, burning, pain, even not high, subfebrile temperature is a reason to see a doctor:

  • First, the gynecologist conducts an examination on the chair. In the mirrors, you can see the walls of the vagina and the cervix - in what condition they are, inflamed or not, whether there are pathological discharges from the cervix and what they are.
  • In some cases, a doctor may perform a colposcopy to rule out or confirm cervical dysplasia or erosion.
  • If an STI is suspected, in addition to the usual smear for flora and bacteriological culture, the gynecologist can send a PCR smear for analysis.
  • If the patient complains of pain, menstrual irregularities, etc., if inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages or the uterus itself are suspected, a transvaginal ultrasound is indicated, which can help in establishing a complete clinical picture.

Allocations- a common occurrence, but they are signals about the presence of a disease. It is necessary not only to know what the selections are and how they differ from each other, but also to be able to identify them.

What are the discharges? They are not only transparent in color, but also in different shades with a different smell. What is the norm, and what can cause cause for concern?

Mucous discharge in women

Mucus secretions are among the natural secretions produced by a woman's body. Allocations refer to a protective reaction on the part of the body, providing moisture and the necessary environment for the hormonal system of a woman. Most women in a certain period of time observe a large amount of mucus.

If the mucus is transparent in color, and is not accompanied by a sharp and unpleasant odor, and also does not cause discomfort for a woman, then this is a sign of the working capacity of a normal and healthy reproduction, namely the functioning of the ovaries.

To be more precise, a woman can produce up to two milliliters of discharge per day. The formation of secretions of this type is not a sign of the formation of pathology. Such a process, in other words, is called the process of cleansing the vaginal environment.

How to get rid of female disease? Irina Kravtsova shared her story of curing thrush in 14 days. In her blog, she told what drugs she took, whether traditional medicine is effective, what helped and what did not.

It should also be noted that the volume of mucus and its structure depends primarily on the phase in which the menstrual cycle is located:

Cause of mucus

The production of secretions can proceed normally, or it can occur absolutely suddenly and cause discomfort for the woman's body. What contributes to this and why is the production of secretions carried out?

In fact, discharge can normally be produced for several reasons:

In addition, in an excited state, the volume of mucus increases. This is the norm and a sign of the work of the ovaries.

Causes of white mucus

Mucus discharge of a white transparent color is one of the most common types of discharge that can cause misunderstanding in women. The presence of leucorrhoea in the discharge in certain cases can become a “bell” about the presence of health problems, and in some cases it can even indicate the functioning of the reproductive system.

In fact, this color of discharge is a characteristic sign of diseases of the following type:

  • vaginitis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • and others.

However, before drawing conclusions, you need to monitor the state of health.

If the whites stand out without any characteristic odors, there is nothing to worry about. If there are such symptoms as itching and burning sensation, then this is an indicator of disease.

The reasons for the formation of secretions of the mucous type of white color can be the following:

  • sexually transmitted diseases such as:,;
  • bearing a child;
  • change in the functioning of the hormonal background;
  • during sexual intercourse.

Also, as noted earlier, white discharge can characterize the presence of pathologies such as thrush, chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis, adnexitis and vaginitis.

Stories from our readers!
“The gynecologist advised me to take natural remedies. We opted for one drug - which helped to cope with hot flashes. It’s such a nightmare that sometimes you don’t even want to leave the house for work, but you have to ... As soon as I started taking it, it became much easier, you even feel that some kind of internal energy appeared. And I even wanted to have sexual relations with my husband again, otherwise everything was without much desire. "

Brown discharge with mucus

Often, women are worried about the brown discharge produced from the vagina along with mucus. The occurrence of this type of discharge indicates bleeding inside. That is, the process of oxidizing the blood, which later goes outside, is carried out.

Causes of thick brown discharge:

Yellow mucous discharge

In addition to discharge of brown, white and transparent shades, women often meet with discharge of yellow color.

The norm includes those secretions that stand out:

Yellowish mucus can also be in the formation of some kind of disease:

My personal history

With premenstrual pain and unpleasant discharge, it's over!

Our reader Egorova M.A. shared experience:

It is scary when women do not know the true cause of their illnesses, because problems with the menstrual cycle can be harbingers of serious gynecological diseases!

The norm is a cycle lasting 21-35 days (usually 28 days), accompanied by menstruation lasting 3-7 days with moderate blood loss without clots. Alas, the state of gynecological health of our women is simply catastrophic, every second woman has some kind of problem.

Today we will talk about a new natural remedy that kills pathogenic bacteria and infections, restores immunity, which simply restarts the body and includes the regeneration of damaged cells and eliminates the cause of diseases...

Mucus with blood

During menstruation

As mentioned earlier, the period of menstruation is a rather important period for women's health. It is during this period that discharges of various types can appear. Perhaps the appearance of mucus, as well as discharge of a brown tint.

Usually, brown discharge is formed at the end of critical days. Of course, during menstruation, the discharge becomes red. That is, during this period, blood is released due to the circumstances that the process of rejection of the endometrium is carried out.

In the middle of a cycle

In the middle of the cycle, there may also be a discharge in a large amount of transparent color. The formation of such secretions indicates, first of all, the period of ovulation in which an increased volume of mucous secretions is released.

Such allocations should not raise questions and scare away a woman. There is no reason for concern at all. However, as mentioned earlier, this should not frighten and alarm a woman if there is no characteristic odor, as well as symptoms indicating the presence of a pathology.

With menopause

- this is also an equally important period in the life of every woman, like the period of bearing a child and the reproductive system as a whole.

In menopause, the body also produces excretions.

This is due primarily to the fact that during such a period, the hormonal system undergoes changes.

Due to changes in hormones, secretions resembling mucus are produced.

When taking hormonal drugs

Often, women neglect taking hormonal drugs as a contraceptive. It is hormonal drugs that can provoke an increased volume of secretions. Why is this happening?

All this is explained, first of all, by the fact that the hormonal drug affects the hormonal background and the reproductive system of a woman. This is the reason. Vaginal discharge can be one of the indicators of hormonal changes.

Age highlights

With age, women have an increased volume of secretions.

This may be due to the aging of the woman and her body as well.

The older a woman becomes, the more the hormonal system undergoes changes.

As a rule, with age, menstruation begins to disappear due to the onset of menopause.

During this period, menstruation proceeds with spotting.

Due to stress

Stressful situations quite often affect the state of women's health. Such situations can cause a number of diseases, as well as cause discharge.

On a nervous basis, women can secrete mucus in an increased volume. The appearance of discharge is not explained by anything other than the appearance of stressful events in a woman's life.

During pregnancy

The process of pregnancy is extremely important for any woman and for her health. Very often during this period, the hormonal system of a woman undergoes changes.

In such cases, the appearance of mucus is not surprising. Often, the appearance of discharge can be caused due to changes in hormonal levels.

After childbirth

After the birth of a child, the hormonal background changes in women and the body needs time to recover to its previous state, which was before childbirth. During this period, discharges of a completely different nature can be observed. If there are no infectious diseases, there is no reason for concern at all.

With lactation

The lactation period is also important no less than other periods in a woman's life. During lactation, a woman gives all of herself to feeding the child. The hormonal system is subject to change during this period and the appearance of secretions cannot cause any confusion.