Examples of lexico-stylistic errors. Stylistic norms and stylistic errors

Modern Russian language is developing very quickly. Speech norms evolve. What was previously a serious stylistic violation is now either within the norm or the norm. However, we must not forget about the stylistic foundations of the Russian language. They are unchangeable. Ignorance of the basics of the Russian language leads to stylistic errors.

Concepts of stylistic error

Text stylistics is a complex and diverse phenomenon. Of course, creating a stylistically correct and literate text is a complex, time-consuming process and requires good command of the rules of the Russian language. When creating any text it is very difficult to avoid stylistic errors, since some functional styles overlap and are similar in syntax and vocabulary.

The ability to write and speak Russian correctly is hard work, requiring not only erudition, but also constant self-development. The fight against stylistic errors in speech and texts requires a clear understanding of the term “stylistic error” itself.

Modern linguists point out that until recently the term "stylistic error" was used too often. For this reason conceptual apparatus the term has become too vague. The problem is that stylistic mistake they named any awkwardness of expression, any speech irregularity, i.e., all speech and grammatical errors.

Repeated attempts have been made in modern style systematize stylistic errors. The following domestic linguists addressed this problem: A.D. Alferov, V.A. Dobromyslov, K.B. Barkhin, N.N. Algazina, N. Zhdanov, A.V. Klevtsova, L.M. Kuznetsova, N. Kanonykin, V.N. Peretrukhin, E.A. Golushkova, A.N. Nazarov, E.P. Khvorostukhina, M.M. Mikhailov, A.P. Sokolov, L.F. Zakharchenko.

Along with the term stylistic error, the concept of stylistic confusion is often encountered, which is erroneously distinguished separately from a stylistic error. At the same time, a number of authoritative scientists consider stylistic mixtures not to mistakes, but to speech defects. This perception of stylistic confusion is relevant and recognized by stylistics as correct. In this regard, interpretations of the concept of “stylistic mixtures” are of particular interest.

Stylistic mixtures include everything that destroys the unity of the style of expression:

  • the use of foreign words and expressions,
  • unsuccessful use of expressive, emotionally charged means,
  • unmotivated use of dialect and colloquial words and expressions,
  • a mixture of vocabulary from different historical eras.
Stylistic mixtures constitute a variety speech disorders, combining the most subtle cases. Therefore, it is better to call them stylistic flaws rather than errors.

Features of stylistic errors

Stylistic errors there are different types, each of which has a number of features. Thanks to these features, stylistic errors in the text can be found and corrected.

Before listing the most common stylistic errors, let us highlight their main peculiarities:

  1. They have a negative impact on the readability of the text.
  2. Stylistic errors can disrupt the structure of the text.
  3. Reduce the effect of reading the text.

10 most common stylistic mistakes

The most common stylistic mistakes

Name of stylistic error


An example of a stylistic error


A stylistic and rhetorical figure that represents the deliberate use of the same root or the same words. However, in most cases, the tautology is a gross stylistic error.

Today we turn to problems in forestry. Problematic the issue is financing forestry.

Passion for speech cliches

Widespread words and expressions with erased semantics and faded emotional overtones become speech cliches. Speech cliches make speech inaccurate.

Very important apply your persuasion skills to a problem child.

Mixing styles

Inappropriate use of scientific terminology and clerical vocabulary in text related to other functional styles

The stupidity of students is at depth gene.

Briefly speaking, go here. Lecture type ended.


Stylistic errors include such verbosity, which is caused by the use of universal words, that is, words that are used in the most general and vague meanings.

Revealing the semantic characteristics of the proposed literary text is an extremely important and lengthy undertaking.

Inappropriate use of non-literary speech

Violation of style integrity

Raskolnikov hacked granny to death and suffered from torment of conscience.

Excessive expressiveness

Stylistically unmotivated use expressive means, such as epithets, metaphors, comparisons.

Prime Minister's words on salary increases sound like a bell.

Use of anachronisms

Using words in speech that do not correspond to the time and place described in the text, or overloading speech with newfangled words.

Pechorin appreciated the onion princesses.

Excessive abuse of foreign words

Oversaturation of speech and texts with foreign words.

This performance made a strong impression on public. Sound was great.

Poverty and monotony of syntactic structures

Use of the same syntactic structures in the text.

The sun rose two hours ago. The sky was gloomy. The mood soured. I didn't want to work.

How to avoid stylistic mistakes

In order to avoid stylistic mistakes, it is recommended to expand lexicon, read fiction. Blogs and popular articles do not apply fiction and often represent shining example"how not to write or speak."

Hello, dear students!

It is very nice to see your young and beautiful faces in this audience. To begin with, I would like to thank all those who sent me their essays for the first lecture. It was very nice to realize that you (unlike the second year) prefer dialogue rather than my forced monologue. In general, I am very pleased with your works, despite the abundance of stylistic errors in them. I’ve already said that the teapot sounds proud, so don’t be ashamed of your mistakes. They must be eradicated! I would also like to thank everyone for the kind words addressed to me in your letters.

Now about our plans with you. Surely, many of you, going to my lecture, expected the most boring pastime of your life. Some were pleasantly surprised to see the opposite, some took it for granted. Be that as it may, our main task for this semester is to learn the basics literary analysis. Now many of you will exclaim: “This is where the boring stuff begins!” Here you, my friends, are making a significant mistake. It was no accident that I began my studies with film analysis. The fact is that literary analysis is practically no different from your previous work. Many people think that reading classics is boring. This misconception occurs, first of all, because you do not know how to “feel the work.” If in a film you perceive everything with your eyes, there is a certain intonation, gestures, and so on, then in a printed text you simply do not see this, hence all your problems. Of course, everyone has their own preferences in literature, but you should still be able to respect someone else's point of view, no matter how absurd it may seem to you. Lectures on the basics of literary analysis will undoubtedly seem more boring to you than Titanic, but they will become the very baggage with which all boring literature will turn into something more interesting and exciting. Knowing such concepts as style, literary direction, you will see all the beauty of Pushkin’s poetry, Tolstoy’s prose, you will understand that vulgarisms (rude and slang words) in Mayakovsky’s poetry are nothing more than aesthetic rudeness. The most important rule of literature is that no matter how absurd a point of view on a particular work has the right to exist.

However, let's get back to your writings. I liked most of the works, it is quite obvious that you have a certain base, however, for a beautiful and competent speech This is not enough. I believe that many of you still cannot explain to yourself the presence of my subjects at the magical university. I'll tell you this secret. The fact is that there is a magic word that you use all the time. Each of you probably had to prove something, explain something, but none of you practically thought about the fact that in many ways the outcome of your conversations depends on the literacy of speech, both stylistically and grammatically. The ancient Greeks felt the magic of words especially keenly; they taught a subject such as rhetoric in their academies. The science of eloquence, somewhat exaggerated, but still correct. Agree that it is much more pleasant to listen to a person who coherently expresses his thoughts, rather than muttering something unintelligible. In addition, as you know, most spells have a verbal formulation (either in the form of a poem or in the form of thoughtful prose). In senior years you will be taught to compose spells, therefore, the more successfully you comprehend literature, the easier it will be for you later.

A little earlier I mentioned stylistic errors in your writings. Let's take them apart. What is a stylistic or speech error? Somebody knows? Yes, Tinka, I’m listening to you carefully.

Stylistic errors called a violation of the laws of use of lexical units in speech, as well as shortcomings in the formation of syntactic structures.

Yep, that's absolutely right. Well done. So, a stylistic error is the incorrect use of a word and (or) incorrect construction of a sentence. Look at the blackboard. There is a summary table of the main errors with examples. Let's look at it (read the table and try to figure it out).

Main types of stylistic errors

Nature of the error Example Which is correct? A comment
Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it Along with Pavel and Nilovna’s spiritual growth, their speech grows. Simultaneously with the spiritual growth of Pavel and Nilovna, their speech develops. Have you heard of speech growing? If yes, then tell me how to plant it, what to feed it and how its growth is measured? A ruler or what? Exactly. Thus, in this case, the word “grow” is used in an unusual meaning, since it is not applicable to speech.
Violation of lexical compatibility Comparisons play a special role in Yesenin’s poems. Comparisons play a special role in Yesenin’s poems. I know that you can play a role, get a role in a play, but I don’t know what it means to “have a role.” Like this? Besides, forgive me, but in such cases I like to ask my students a somewhat vulgar question: what and how do you have it?
Pleonasm or using an extra word He was indignant with indignation. He was indignant.

He was indignant.

To be indignant and indignant are synonyms, so why use several synonyms in a row at once? Brevity is the soul of wit.
Tautology - the use of words with the same root nearby or closely The story "Mumu" tells... The story “Mumu” ​​tells... In my opinion, there is nothing to comment on here.
Replays I recently read a book. This book is called "Heart of a Dog". This book tells an interesting story... I recently read one interesting book, which is called “Heart of a Dog.” This book tells an interesting story... Take a look for yourself! Book, book, in a book? Is it beautiful?
Use of a word (expression) of a different stylistic connotation The trustee of charitable institutions sucks up to the auditor. The trustee of charitable institutions curries favor with the auditor. I think everything is clear here. In analytical literary work, it is not recommended to use words of a colloquial nature. That is, it is better to use the word degenerate than fool, although the meaning is the same. Unity of style - important component any work. If you neglect style, you will end up with a “leopard-print” essay, spot on, so to speak. Here there will be an analytical approach, and there - a tavern approach. Is it good?
A mixture of styles from different historical eras The heroes wore chain mail, trousers and mittens. The heroes wore chain mail, armor, and mittens. No comments.
Poverty and monotony of syntactic structures The man was dressed in a burnt-out quilted jacket. The padded jacket was roughly mended. The boots were almost new. The socks are moth-eaten. The man was dressed in a roughly darned, burnt padded jacket, although the boots were almost new, the socks were moth-eaten. This mistake is the scourge of all students who do not want to use phrases and complex syntactic structures, preferring simple three-word sentences to them. For an essay written in this style, any university in Russia will give you two marks, without reading the work to the end.
Bad word order There are many works telling about the author’s childhood in world literature. In world literature there are many works telling about the author’s childhood. Despite the comma, when reading the first version you get the feeling that the author spent his childhood in world literature. To be honest, it’s quite difficult for me to imagine this. As you can see, the meaning of a statement sometimes depends on the order of words.
Stylistic and semantic inconsistency between parts of a sentence Red-haired, fat, healthy, with a shiny face, the singer Tamagno attracted Serov as a person of enormous internal energy. The enormous internal energy that attracted Serov to the singer Tamagno was also reflected in his appearance: massive, with wild red hair, and a face bursting with health.

Which are regularly repeated in people’s speech and are recognized as correct at this stage of development of the literary form of the language. As a rule, norms are enshrined in various textbooks and dictionaries.

Stylistic norms regulate the correct selection of certain words and their forms, as well as sentences, depending on the specific communication situation and the attitude of the writer or speaker to the subject of the message. Stylistic norms concern selection linguistic means, rules for combining these means with each other and the relationship of stylistic linguistic phenomena.

Stylistic errors- errors that arise as a result of deviations from existing stylistic norms, if such deviations are not intentional and do not pursue any stylistic or aesthetic goals. For example, you can find many deviations from the norms, but they all pursue some purpose and express the intention of the author of the text.

Thus, stylistic errors are speech errors that consist in the use of words, phrases and sentences that do not fit into the style of this text. Deviation from norms and violation of stylistic unity can weaken the expressiveness of the text and its meaning.

There are several groups of errors. First - lexico-stylistic errors. They are associated with the unjustified use of jargon, dialectisms, archaisms and other marked words. This also includes errors of an anorthemic-stylistic nature, which are associated with misuse words with diminutive suffixes; syntactic and stylistic errors (not correct usage participial phrases in a sentence); logical and stylistic errors.

The next group of errors is related to insufficient knowledge of language resources. Such errors include:

1. Inappropriate repetition of a word or cognates in a narrow context.

2. The use of pleonasms - phrases with an excessive semantic component.

6. The use of speech cliches - hackneyed expressions with blurred lexical meaning and faded expressiveness.

8. Inappropriate use of non-literary words.

9. Monotonous construction of sentences.

10. Lack of figurative means in the text where they are necessary.

There is also a group of errors that are associated with insufficiently developed stylistic sense. These errors include the following:

1. Inappropriate use of epithets, metaphors, comparisons and others

2. Mixing vocabulary related to different styles.

3. Dissonance caused by excessive concentration of vowels or consonants.

4. Violation of the overall integrity of the text.

5. Incorrect word order.

Compliance with stylistic norms is very important, since it is the correct use of words and the construction of sentences that shows the level of education of a person, as well as the level of his knowledge of native or foreign language. It is stylistic errors or their absence that indicate whether a person has sufficient command of the resources of the language and whether he has a developed stylistic sense.

Today, such errors occur very often: both in official speech and in informal discourse. Some mistakes have become so common that people hardly notice them. However, it is very important to carefully monitor your speech and do everything possible to ensure that it is competent and motivated.

Particular attention should be paid to numerous stylistic errors: repetitions, incorrect word usage, tautology, poor sentence construction, etc.

Excessive repetitions of identical words with the same root lead to a violation of the logic of the statement:
Document execution form (document form); bring the defendant to justice (hold the enterprise accountable); disproportionality of the amount of accrued interest (disproportionality of accrued interest); taxation with tax (taxation, collection of tax); investment project for design and construction (investment in design and construction); manufacturing finished products(product manufacturing); therefore, it follows from the materials of the case (thus, it follows from the materials of the case); indexation of wages to the price increase index (indexation taking into account, using the price increase index).
Misuse of words
These circumstances cannot serve as a basis for exempting the defendant from paying ( Right — payment) for services.
Pay ( Right — pay) the bill; payment ( Right - payment) of a sum of money.
In the examples given, the peculiarities of word formation become clear when a word with a new meaning is created with the help of a new prefix. It should be distinguished by meaning: to pay (rent, work, services) - to give money for something;
pay (amount, penalty, tax, state duty) - make a payment in compensation for something;
pay (fee, advance) - give payment for something to someone;
pay - on a bill, for something (for a product).
In addition to the incorrect use of words (not according to the concept, but according to the definition), there is another common error in the sentence.
A subordinate clause with the conjunction WHICH must stand immediately after the word to which it refers (not the account, according to which, but the definition, according to which), therefore in this case it is advisable to break the complex sentence into two simple ones:
Paragraph 6 of Article 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation contains a definition of the concept of “account”. According to this definition...
IN court hearing The representative of the plaintiff supported the arguments of the complaint for the reasons set out in it, and the representative of the defendant asked to leave them in force, pointing out the legality and validity of the court's decision.
The meaning of the proposal is completely distorted: the representative asked to leave the arguments of the complaint in force... You should be especially careful when constructing complex sentences with adverbial and other phrases. The author of the text meant to leave the decision in force:
At the court hearing, the representative of the plaintiff supported the arguments of the complaint for the reasons set out in it, and the representative of the defendant, pointing out the legality and validity of the court decision, asked to leave it in force.
She also supported O.P. Ivanov’s claim to determine the procedure for communicating with children, considering it optimal and respecting the rights and interests of children.
Order cannot respect or disobey rights, since it is an inanimate noun. Among other things, the author unjustifiably applied reverse order words, which also led to a breakdown in semantic connections.
Possible variant:
Ivanova O.P. also supported the claim to determine the order of communication with children. In her opinion, this order is optimal and meets the interests of children.
Otherwise, additional leave does not achieve its significance, and the meaning of providing additional leave is lost.
It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of having no meaning (meaning) and not achieving the goal.
Possible variant:
Otherwise, providing additional leave does not make sense.
The foregoing allows the court to come to the conclusion that it is possible to correct Petrov I.P. without isolation from society with the imposition of punishment in the form of correctional labor.
One of the possible options: Based on the foregoing, the court came to the conclusion that it was possible to correct Petrov I.P. without isolation from society and to impose a punishment in the form of correctional labor.

The plaintiff believes that the court, having examined the case materials, rightfully established that the amount of the debt is 200,000 rubles.
In this sentence we are dealing not only with a repetition of the subordinating conjunction that, connecting parts of a complex sentence, but also, as a consequence, with an unsuccessful syntactic construction that is easy to correct:
According to the plaintiff, the court, having examined the case materials, lawfully established the amount of debt, which is 200,000 rubles.
The letter addressed to the chairman directly states a request to give instructions on the execution of contracts for the above-mentioned persons.
One of the acceptable options :
In the letter addressed to the chairman, a direct request was made to give instructions to draw up contracts for the above-mentioned persons.
In the agreements in question, the named persons are not named as parties.
In the agreements under consideration, the persons mentioned (indicated) are not named as parties. Paragraph 4 of Article 176 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for the right of the taxpayer to reimburse the amounts of value added tax provided for in Article 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation no later than three months from the date of submission of the tax return... and documents provided for in Article 165 of the Code.
Paragraph 4 of Article 176 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes the right of the taxpayer to reimburse the amounts of value added tax provided for in Article 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation no later than three months from the date of submission of the tax return... and the documents listed in Article 165 of the Code.
Paragraph 3 of this article establishes that the use of a simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting individual entrepreneurs provides for replacement of payment established by law income tax... payment of the cost of the patent...
The word established is used a second time due to the fact that the author sought to reproduce the text of the law as completely as possible. Therefore, it is advisable to replace this word where it appears for the first time:
Paragraph 3 of this article defines...
By virtue of paragraph 3 of this article...
According to paragraph 3 of this article...
The enterprise filed a petition to change the subject of the claim and asked to oblige the Internal Revenue Service to credit the enterprise for VAT for December.
If the word enterprise is not used at the end of the sentence, the meaning will not change:
The enterprise filed a petition to change the subject of the claim and asked to oblige the Internal Revenue Service to offset VAT for December.
Repetitions of words are undesirable within not only a sentence, but also a paragraph. Exceptions are keywords, on which the meaning of the statement directly depends.
This delay forced the plaintiff to turn to the services of a pawnshop, in connection with which he also asked to recover the damages caused. He also made demands for interest.

Possible variant:
This delay forced the plaintiff to turn to the services of a pawnshop, in connection with which he also asked to recover corresponding damages. In addition, Petrov I.P. filed a demand for the collection of interest. The court reasonably rejected the Internal Revenue Service's claim for the collection of a fine for committing administrative offense. In violation of the requirements of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the RSFSR, the inspection report does not contain a note explaining to the defendant his rights and obligations. These violations indicate that the plaintiff, when considering the materials of the case of an administrative offense, violated the procedure for bringing to justice, which resulted in a violation of the rights of the person brought to justice administrative responsibility.
Numerous repetitions of cognate words within a paragraph and a separate sentence make it difficult to perceive the text. Since the phrase administrative offense refers to legal terms, you should look for options for replacing other words, as well as rebuild the last sentence:
The court justifiably refused to satisfy the Inspectorate of Taxation's claim for the collection of a fine for committing an administrative offense. Contrary to the requirements of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the RSFSR, the inspection report does not contain a note explaining to the defendant his rights and obligations. The plaintiff's failure to comply with the procedure for bringing to administrative liability when considering the case materials led to a violation of the rights of the entrepreneur.
The amount was debited from a current account opened in an open joint stock company"Inkombank".

One of the acceptable options:
The amount was debited from the current account in the open joint-stock company Inkombank.
During judicial trial It was established that during the period of work of the plaintiff, there was a delay in the payment of wages on the part of the defendant, and upon dismissal, payment was not made in a timely manner.
Sometimes, to eliminate such errors, it is enough to get rid of unnecessary words, but the meaning of the sentence will not change:
During the trial, it was established that the defendant delayed the wages due to the plaintiff, and upon his dismissal, did not make payments on time.
To avoid repetitions, you should not overload sentences with unnecessary words that do not contain information and are not important for the perception of meaning.
The criminal case was initiated on August 3, 2002.
Right: The criminal case was initiated on August 3, 2002.
From the documents available in the case, as well as the testimony of a witness - the former chief accountant of the defendant, it is clear that the enterprise worked only to fulfill government orders, in particular the Ministry of Defense, had no other income, and was financed only from the budget.
In addition to repeating a word only in a sentence, there is another common error. The words work and fulfill are synonyms, they are close in meaning, so their simultaneous use leads to a violation of the logic of the statement. The proposal should be restructured:
From the documents available in the case, as well as the testimony of a witness - the former chief accountant of the defendant, it is clear that the company only carried out government orders, in particular the Ministry of Defense, did not have any other income, it was financed only from the budget.
The plaintiff filed a lawsuit against the defendant for divorce.
This sentence also violates the logic of the statement - of course, a claim can only be addressed to the defendant. In addition, the words plaintiff and lawsuit have the same root. In such cases, instead of the words plaintiff, defendant, the names of the parties should be used, for example:
E.T. Petrov filed a lawsuit against SV. Petrova about divorce.
At the same time, the court was not provided with evidence that Ivanov S.A. left the scene of an accident, and therefore there are no signs of an offense in his actions.
The sentence is overloaded with complex conjunctions.
One of the possible options:
The court was not provided with evidence that Ivanov S.A. left the scene of an accident, so there are no signs of an offense in his actions.

Stringing cases
Cluster of identical case forms makes it difficult to understand the text. In such cases, verbal nouns are replaced by infinitive or other constructions; common phrases are subordinate clauses, unnecessary words are eliminated.
The fact is confirmed by the pledge agreement reviewed by the court.
In addition to stringing instrumental cases, an error was made in word formation (reviewed).
Possible variant:
The fact is confirmed by the pledge agreement examined at the court hearing.
Taking into account the court’s acceptance of this claim by the defendant, O.P. Ivanova’s demands to determine the children’s place of residence must be satisfied.
This sentence is a rare example of alternating five words in a row in the genitive and instrumental cases, which makes the text difficult to understand.
Possible variant:
Taking into account the fact that the court accepts the recognition of the claim by the defendant, the requirements of Ivanova O.P. on determining the place of residence of children are subject to satisfaction.
The fact of using a faulty one cash register when making monetary settlements with the population, the entrepreneur is established by the court and confirmed by the case materials.
In this sentence three words are used in a row in instrumental case. It is preferable to change it to the following:
The fact that an entrepreneur used a faulty cash register when making cash payments to the population was established by the court and confirmed by the case materials.
This act cannot be considered as evidence of a change in the will of the lessor in relation to the agreement within the framework of the brought claim.
The meaning of a sentence in which five words are used in a row in genitive case, is practically not perceived. It is unclear what exactly the author of this text wanted to say.
One of the options:
This act cannot serve as evidence that, within the framework of the brought claim, the lessor’s intentions regarding the contract have changed.
Violation of the word order in a sentence can lead to double interpretation of the meaning
The court ordered the tax inspectorate to return from the budget of the Moscow Industrial Bank JSCB 850 rubles of unjustifiably written off penalties.
In this case, the word order should be changed:
The court ordered the tax inspectorate to return to JSCB Moscow Industrial Bank 850 rubles of unjustifiably written off penalties from the budget.
The buyer must enter into a purchase and sale agreement for premises with an organization as directed by the seller.
In this case, it is unclear what exactly the seller is pointing at:
The buyer must enter into a contract for the purchase and sale of premises with the organization specified by the seller.
Or the Buyer must enter into a purchase and sale agreement with the organization for the premises specified by the seller.
Violation of the order of words in a sentence leads to a breakdown of semantic connections between words
The representative of the enterprise asked to leave the appealed judicial acts without change, and the cassation appeal was not satisfied, indicating their legality and validity.
Due to the incorrect order of words in a sentence, its meaning is completely distorted. Isolated circumstance, expressed participial phrase, must come after the words to which it refers:
The representative of the enterprise, pointing out the legality and validity of the appealed judicial acts, asked that they be left unchanged and the cassation appeal not satisfied.
Information in tax authority received from the taxpayer about opening an account...
Possible variant:
Information about opening an account was received from the taxpayer to the tax authority...
This violation resulted in incorrect reflection in the accounts accounting value added tax and reporting.
Possible variant:
This violation resulted in incorrect reflection of value added tax in accounting accounts and reporting.
Tax office filed a claim for the recovery of 650 rubles. fine for failure to submit income certificates for 2001 individuals.
Possible variant:
The tax inspectorate filed a claim for the recovery of 650 rubles. fine for failure to provide certificates of income of individuals for 2001.
From the content of this norm it follows that the missed procedural deadline can be restored arbitration court only upon the application of a person participating in the case to restore the specified period.
Possible variant:
From the content of this norm it follows that a missed procedural period can be restored by an arbitration court only upon the application of a person participating in the case.
The court found that the plaintiffs have the right to additional leave as workers engaged in work with harmful conditions labor, in the amount of 12 days.
In addition to breaking semantic connections, there are other errors in the sentence, in particular repetition of cognate words (workers, work) and incorrect use of words (vacation... in quantity).
Possible variant:
The court found that due to harmful working conditions, the plaintiffs have the right to additional leave of 12 days.
The suspect purchased at least 12.536 grams of heroin, which is a narcotic drug in especially large quantities.
Possible variant:
The suspect purchased heroin, which is a narcotic drug, in a particularly large amount - 12.536 grams.

IN official documents, which include court documents, inversion is inappropriate - the reverse order of words in a sentence. This technique is used in fiction (in author’s remarks, descriptions, etc.), as well as in colloquial speech. Unjustified inversion is a stylistic error common in court documents.
The dismissal of workers was carried out due to staff reduction; the witness was among the last to quit. The defendant did not have any property; he rented the premises. For a long time, wages were not indexed; only the established salary and bonuses were paid based on the employee’s contribution and the availability of money in the current account.
It is recommended to use direct word order, when the subject (who, what?) precedes the predicate (what is doing, what will he do?), and the main members of the sentence are secondary:
The dismissal of workers was carried out due to staff reduction, and the witness was among the last to quit. The defendant did not have his own property, so he rented premises. Wage long time was not indexed, employees were paid only the established salary and bonuses depending on their labor contribution and the availability of money in the organization’s current account.

Many novice writers, copywriters, journalists, and PR specialists are faced with the problem of stylistic errors. It happens like this: I wrote a text, read it, checked it, and everything seems logical, moreover, it’s easy and interesting to read. But once you let other people evaluate what you’ve written, some difficulties arise. In one place there is a thematic gap and it is not entirely clear what the author wanted to say; in another, there was a strong fascination with details and a departure from the main topic; in the third, when trying to give the text artistic beauty, complex phrases are used, and therefore logic and consistency are lost. Often these and other stylistic errors arise due to inattention and ignorance of certain rules.

Tautology (identity)

Tautology is semantic redundancy, manifested in duplication within the utterance of the same or related words. These are cases of using unnecessary words and entire sentences that do not convey anything new about the subject of the text, but only repeat what has already been said.


In their stories N. Nosov told about school life.

He walked towards and smiled wide smile.

The antique furniture department sold excellent wood red table tree.

How to avoid? Read the written text out loud, let other people listen to it, since words that sound the same are easier to identify by ear. Check yourself carefully, trying to eliminate repetitions or replace them with synonyms.

Violation of lexical compatibility

When choosing a word, you should take into account not only its meaning, but also lexical compatibility. Not all words “suit” each other. The boundaries of lexical compatibility are determined by the meaning of words, their stylistic affiliation, emotional coloring, and grammatical properties.


The Sunday sale had cheap prices. Price is determined by the adjectives “high”, “low”, while only a product can be described as “expensive” or “cheap”.

He took care of her. You can pay attention, but they show care.

Sasha read the site materials and broadened my horizons. You can broaden your horizons, but not improve them.

Incorrect use of ambiguous words

Another type of lexical compatibility errors is misuse polysemantic words. Despite the fact that, thanks to the context, they are generally understood correctly, in some cases they can form incorrect constructions.


Deep after midnight- Right. But you can't tell late afternoon.

Blind wall- Right. Blind door- No.

How to avoid? In order to avoid making lexical compatibility errors, you need to use the “Russian Word Compatibility Dictionary”.

Poverty and monotony in the construction of sentences and the choice of constructions

This often happens when a novice author, trying not to make mistakes in complex sentences, writes text as much as possible simple sentences. This case cannot be called a complete mistake, but how many people will want to read this poor presentation?


An ordinary apartment. There is a window to the left of the entrance. On the right is a closet. In the center there is a table and a couple of chairs. There is a bedside table in the far corner with a TV on it.

How to avoid? If this is not the author’s technique, you can “decorate” the text by using various artistic means - epithets, allegories, comparisons, metaphors, hyperboles, etc.

Illogical word order

The order of words in Russian depends on the position of the subject and predicate in a sentence and can be direct or reverse. Minor members and function words are consistent with those words on which they depend in meaning. If this rule is not followed, the word order will be disrupted and the sentence will either become more difficult to understand or will change the meaning.


I walked along the main street and along a couple of small alleys. The wrong meaning is created by the phrase “a couple more,” you need “a couple more,” because we're talking about about continuation of action.

The difficult fate and ups and downs of life are described here. Possible, but not the best option construction of the text. Better: The difficult fate and ups and downs of life are described here.

How to avoid? Follow the rules for constructing sentences. To emphasize intonation, it is better to use other artistic means, since incorrect word order does not always guarantee correct understanding of what is written.

Be careful and write correctly!