CT Russian language collection of tests. Word with a vowel and after a prefix

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Option 1

Part B

Task B1.It is planned to purchase paint to paint walls with a total area of ​​175 m2. The volume and cost of paint cans are shown in the table.

What is the minimum amount (in rubles) that will be spent on purchasing the required amount of paint if its consumption is 0.2 l/m2?


Since at 1 m 2 requires 0.2 liters of paint, then for 175 m 2 a volume of paint equal to 175·0.2 = 35 liters will be required.

Thus, the task is to find the minimum purchase price for 35 or more liters of paint.

Let's determine the cost of 1 liter of paint in each can.

The price of a liter in a 2.5 liter jar is: 75,000:2.5 = 30,000 rubles, and the price of a liter in a 10 liter jar is 270,000:10 = 2,700 rubles.

Since paint is cheaper in large cans, it is advisable to collect 35 liters of paint using only large cans. However, you can’t get exactly 35 liters with large cans, since each can has a volume of 10 liters. There are two options here:

1. Buy 4 cans of paint, 10 liters each. As a result, we have 40 liters of paint, which exceeds the 35 liters we need. The price of paint in this case: 270,000·4 = 1,080,000 rubles.

2. We buy 3 cans of paint, 10 liters each, and 2 cans of paint, 2.5 liters each. As a result, we have exactly 35 liters of paint. The price of paint in this case: 3·270,000 + 2·75,000 = .960,000 rubles.

Since the second option is cheaper than the first, the minimum amount required to purchase the required amount of paint is 960,000 rubles.

Answer: 960 000.

Do you have any questions or comments regarding the solution to the problem? Ask them to the author, Anton Lebedev.

Task B2.Find the sum of the roots (root, e c is he the only one) equations


First, note that squaring both sides of the equation is not a very good idea in this problem, since the result will be an equation of degree 4, which in general cannot be solved

In such situations, you should look for workarounds.

First, let's define the ODZ equation:

The resulting equation is equivalent to the system:

Comment.The first inequality of the system is necessary in order to avoid the appearance of unnecessary roots: if we simply square both sides, then the roots of the equation will also be added to the roots of the equation.

So, we solve the equation from the written system:

Obviously, only the second of the found roots satisfies the inequality in the system.

Thus, the original equation has only one root, equal to 9.

Answer: 9.

Task B3.A circle is inscribed in an isosceles trapezoid with area equal to . The sum of two angles of a trapezoid is 60°. Find the perimeter of the trapezoid.


Let ABCD – a given trapezoid.

Since the trapezoid is isosceles, the angles at the base of the trapezoid are equal:


By condition, the sum of two angles of a trapezoid is 60°. Obviously, we are talking about two acute angles, since 60°< 9, which means that in our notation we are talking about angles BAD and CDA . Since they are equal, and their sum is 60°, then each of them is equal to 30°.

As you know, not every trapezoid (and not every isosceles trapezoid) can have a circle inscribed in it, which means that the fact that a circle is inscribed in our trapezoid gives us some additional information. A circle can only be inscribed in a trapezoid whose sum of bases is equal to the sum of its sides. In our case it should be:

Since the trapezoid is isosceles, then AB = CD. Let us denote the sides by x.

Then we get

where MN – midline of the trapezoid.

We can also express the height of the trapezoid VK through x. To do this, consider a right triangle ABK.


Then the sum of the sides is 2 x = 17, and the perimeter of the trapezoid is 34 (the sum of the bases is equal to the sum of the sides).

Answer: 34.

Task B4.Let (x, y)- solution of a system of equations

Find the meaning of the expression 5y - x.


Let us transform the second equation of the system:

Taking into account the first equation we get:

We calculate the value of the expression:

Answer: 23.

Task B5.Find the meaning of the expression


Comment.The most common problems that applicants have when solving such examples are the inability to get rid of irrationality in the denominator by multiplying by the conjugate and ignorance that the order in which successive roots are calculated does not matter (for example, ).


Task B6.Find the sum of the roots of the equation.


Before starting the solution, we say the magic phrase: “The product is equal to zero if at least one of the factors is equal to zero.” After this, the equation miraculously breaks down into a set:

The first equation of the population has a single root x = 81.

Let's transform the second equation:

The further solution is carried out using a change of variable:

We get

(the roots were found using the inverse Vieta theorem).

The negative root does not suit us, so we get

This means that the original equation has two roots: 1 and 81.

Their sum is 82.

Answer: 82.

Problem B7.Find the lateral surface area of ​​a regular triangular pyramid if the length of the bisector of its base is equal and the plane angle at the apex is equal to .


Let the SABC - regular triangular pyramid.

Triangle ABC - the base of the pyramid, and this triangle is regular.

The bisector is also the altitude of triangle ABC, therefore

The lateral surface area of ​​a regular pyramid is equal to S = SK· p,


- semi-perimeter of the base;



S = 12·5 = 60.

Answer: 60.

Problem B8.Find the sum of the smallest and largest integer solutions to the inequality


Considering that the logarithm is an increasing function if its base is greater than 1 and a decreasing function if its base is less than 1, and also that the sublogarithmic expression must be positive, we obtain:

The smallest integer solution is the number -5, and the largest is the number 65. Their sum is 60.

Answer: 60.

Problem B9.Find (in degrees) the sum of the roots of the equation 10sin5 x cos5 x+5sin10 x co18 x= 0 on the interval (110°; 170°).


Using the double argument formula, we transform the first term on the left side:

Since from all the roots found, you need to select those that lie on the interval (110 °; 170 °), then

We write down the corresponding roots:

126°; 144°; 162°

130°; 150°.

The sum of the solutions found is 712.

Answer: 712.

Problem B10.Find the product of the smallest and largest integer solutions to the inequality


Let's transform the original inequality:

The resulting inequality can be solved, for example, using the interval method. To do this, we first find the roots of the corresponding equation:

We plot the found roots on the number axis. These roots break the expression (| x + 5| - 4)(|x- 3| - 1) for intervals of constant sign. Let's determine the sign of the written expression on each of the intervals by substituting any point from a given interval into the expression. For example, to determine the sign of an expression on the rightmost interval, take a point x= 5 and we find that the value of the expression at this point is positive, which means that the expression will be positive throughout the entire interval.

Now we can write the solution to the inequality (the corresponding area is shaded in the figure):


Smallest integer from this region: x min = -8, and the largest integer x max = 3. The product of these numbers is -8·3 = -24. This number should be written down in the answer.


Problem B11.Point A moves along the perimeter of the triangle KMP. Points K1 , M 1, P 1 lie on the medians of the triangle KMP and divide them in the ratio 11:3, counting from the tops. Along the perimeter of the triangle K 1 M 1 P 1 point B moves at a speed five times greater than the speed of point A. How many times will point B go around the perimeter of the triangle K 1 M 1 P 1 for the time during which point A will go around the triangle twice around the perimeter KMP.


Let's make a drawing for the problem. O is the point of intersection of the medians of the original triangle.

Intuitively, it is clear that triangles KMP And K 1 M 1 P 1 must be similar. However, intuition only suggests a way to solve the problem, so the similarity of these triangles still needs to be proven.

To prove similarity, consider triangles KOM And K 1 OM 1 .

MM' – median of the triangle KMP , therefore, since the medians of a triangle are divided in the ratio of 2 to 1, counting from the vertex.

From the problem conditions it follows that , since the point M 1 divides the mediant MM' in the ratio of 11 to 3, counting from the vertex.




Similarly, it can be shown that

Besides, like vertical.

So triangles KOM And K 1 OM 1 are similar on two sides and the angle between them with a similarity coefficient.




This means that triangles KMP And K 1 M 1 P 1 are similar with the similarity coefficient and the perimeter of the triangle KMP times the perimeter of the triangle K 1 M 1 P 1 .

Since point B moves at a speed 5 times greater than the speed of point A along a triangle, the perimeter of which is one time smaller than the perimeter of the triangle KMP, then during one revolution of point A, point B makes revolutions, and during two revolutions of point A, point B makes 56 revolutions.

Answer: 56.

Problem B12.Volume of a rectangular parallelepiped ABCDA 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 is equal to 1728. Point P lies on the side edge CC 1 so that C.P.:PC 1 = 2:1. Through point P, vertex D and the middle of the side rib A.A. 1, a cutting plane is drawn that divides the rectangular parallelepiped into two parts. Find the volume of the smaller part.


Let us draw a parallelepiped in the drawing and construct the described section PDKEF. K – mid-rib A.A. 1 .

Let us depict in the drawing the lines along which the section plane intersects the planes of the three faces of the parallelepiped. Points at which the cutting plane intersects straight lines B.A., B.C. And BB 1 will be denoted by Z, Q, S.

Body SZBQ- a pyramid with a right triangle at its base ZBQ . This pyramid includes the volume of the lower part of the parallelepiped and the volumes of three pyramids SEB 1 F, QPCD, ZKAD.

To find the volume of the lower part of the parallelepiped, we find the volumes of the indicated pyramids.

For ease of calculation, let us denote the sides of the parallelepiped by x, y And z, then the volume of the parallelepiped V = xyz = 1728.



The task is to express the dimensions of these four pyramids in terms of x, y And z.

Triangles F.C. 1 P And DAK are similar in two angles (all sides of these triangles are pairwise parallel).



Triangles PCD And K.A. 1 E are also similar, therefore


From the similarity of triangles S.B. 1 F and PC1 F follows:


Volume of the pyramid SEB 1 F equal to:

Pyramid QPCD like a pyramid SEB 1 F with similarity coefficient:


Then the volume of the pyramid QPCD equal to:

Similar to the pyramid ZKAD like a pyramid SEB 1 F with similarity coefficient

Then the volume of the pyramid ZKAD equal to:

Finally, the pyramid SZBQ like a pyramid SEB 1 F with similarity coefficient


Then the volume of the pyramid SZBQ equal to:

Volume of the lower part of the parallelepiped:

Then the volume of the upper part:

Since we need a smaller volume, the correct answer is 724.

Answer: 724.

  • ) bream… .
  • ) night… .
  • ) drawing… .
  • ) brick… .
  • ) trumpeter… .

3. Specify the form of the word glass.

  • ) Glass.
  • ) Glaze.
  • ) Glass.
  • ) Glass.
  • ) I will glass.

4. Word with a vowel and after a prefix:

  • ) inter…editor's.
  • ) to summarize.
  • ) previous...next.
  • ) without...interesting.
  • ) from…kick off.

5. Indicate the word with the letter e missing.

  • ) Gloss...vaya.
  • ) Lead...
  • ) Traditional.
  • ) Arctic fox...howl.
  • ) Exemplary.

6. Indicate a synonym for the phraseological unit far away.

  • ) On the edge of the world.
  • ) Like in a pharmacy.
  • ) Running aground.
  • ) All over Ivanovskaya.
  • ) Take on the blackamoor.

7. Indicate the neuter noun.

  • ) Delicious... coffee.
  • ) Hot... tea.
  • ) Good... grandma.
  • ) Black... mascara.
  • ) Cozy cafe.

8. Indicate the verb II conjugation.

  • ) Write.
  • ) Wash.
  • ) Paint.
  • ) Breathe.
  • ) Cry.

9. Participle is

  • ) an independent part of speech that denotes an action or state of an object.
  • ) a special form of the verb, which denotes an additional action with the main action expressed by the verb.
  • ) an independent part of speech that denotes an object.
  • ) an independent part of speech that denotes a feature of an object.
  • ) a special form of a verb that denotes an attribute of an object by action.

10. Indicate adjectives that do not form a simple comparative form.

  • ) Young, cool, thin.
  • ) Bulky, emaciated, superfluous.
  • ) Bad, spicy, hot.
  • ) Quiet, expensive, long.
  • ) Friendly, loud, small.

11. Indicate a phrase with a numeral noun.

  • ) Double your attention
  • ) Visited twice
  • ) Got a bad grade
  • ) Double punch
  • ) Sit in the second row

12. List a number of hyphenated pronouns.

  • ) (Nor) anyone, (nor) any, (none) anyone.
  • ) (Someone), someone, someone.
  • ) (something) (over) something, (not) someone, (no) anyone.
  • ) (Not) (for) anyone, (nor) anything, (someone) (with) whom.
  • ) (Not) (with) anyone, (nor) (from) anyone, (nor) (at) anyone.

13. The participle with the suffix -yash- is in the phrase

  • ) glue the box.
  • ) trembling with fear.
  • ) melting snow.
  • ) sowing bread.
  • ) hiding from worries.

14. An adverb in a sentence is written with a hyphen

  • ) Sofya Lvovna (on) soon combed her hair.
  • ) Ergunov only (of) rarely inserted Russian words.
  • ) Sasha always drank (out of) duty, seven glasses at a time.
  • ) Cossack women wear Circassian clothes, tie scarves (in) Russian.
  • ) We walked (through) a brooding winter forest, lurking in anxiety.

15. The particle is written separately in a sentence

  • ) Tell me something about Almaty.
  • ) Stay the same as you are.
  • ) Go outside and see what the weather is like.
  • ) Think about everything somehow.
  • ) Tell me everything first.

16. Indicate phrases in which the words are connected by the method of control.

  • ) To the far shore, with a purple stripe.
  • ) Mountain tops, shoveling snow.
  • ) Calculate trajectory, cold water.
  • ) When shoveling snow, run quickly.
  • ) In the rhythm of a waltz, boldly overcoming.

17. Common homogeneous members of a sentence are in the sentence

  • ) Someone was singing and playing the violin.
  • ) Songbirds suffer greatly from cold and hunger.
  • ) Aigul and I stayed on the shore.
  • ) My thoughts, my name, my works will belong to the Motherland.
  • ) They moved further and further from us, and night and fantasy dressed them more and more beautifully.

18. Style used when writing notes and personal letters:

  • ) Artistic
  • ) Scientific
  • ) Spoken
  • ) Journalistic
  • ) Official business

19. Indicate a number of polysemantic words.

  • ) mat, jury, frost.
  • ) indignation, adversity, blizzard.
  • ) lobby, trust, directory.
  • ) button, brush, bread.
  • ) competition, space, charm.

20. Provide a sentence with a definition.

  • ) His face was completely red and pitiful.
  • ) A man of about thirty stood nearby.
  • ) Just now my uncle and I attacked him, we were already scolding him, he was silent, as if he had become wild.
  • ) The door was thin and flimsy, and the hook was wire.
  • ) Yes, the water in our well is as clear as a tear.

21. Nadyr-Rahim-ogly sighs quietly, an old Crimean shepherd, tall and gray-haired, burned by the long southern sun, a dry and wise old man philosophizing about the life and death of man. (M. Gorky). Indicate the number of punctuation marks missing in this sentence.

  • ) 5.

22. The wet grass has become dumbfounded without having time to come to its senses and the drops are choking, talking in a sing-song voice. Indicate the number of commas missing in this sentence.

  • ) 3.

23. Indicate the number of missing punctuation marks: Memory and probably a special linguistic sense helped Shokan to master languages ​​with enviable ease, not to mention Russian, he also excelled in German, and by the end of the second year he read French texts without a dictionary.

  • ) 5.

24. Indicate the diagram that corresponds to the sentence (the signs are not placed). The parks turned green and although the nights were dark, one could feel the approach of that joyful and anxious time when the faded daylight does not go out at night.

  • ) [and, (although...), , (when...)].
  • ) […], and, (although...), […], (when...).
  • ) […], and, (although...), (when...).
  • ) […], and (although...), (when...).
  • ) […], and, (although…) […], (when…).

25. Complex sentence with subordinate clause:

  • ) And no matter how difficult it was, you were true to your dream.
  • ) These dogs, if I'm not mistaken, come from simple mongrels and shepherd dogs.
  • ) A person, if he intends to achieve anything in life, must be able to refuse.
  • ) To be honest, I couldn’t stand this man.
  • ) Starting from Sergeikha, we found ourselves, so to speak, in the land of wooden lace.

There is a month and a half left before the start of registration for CT 2019. It's time to decide on the subjects and improve your knowledge. get ready to monitor the 2019 entrance campaign. In the meantime, let’s talk about the results of the CT for 2014 - 2018 and assume what the CT 2019 will be like.

CT results 2014

In 2014, approximately 105 thousand people passed the CT test. 100 points in one subject recruited 122 applicants. Most of the 100-point students were in the Russian language (25), social studies (25) and physics (18).

By the way, in 2014, the minimum CT scores in Russian and Belarusian languages ​​were 10 points, in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology - 15 points, in the history of Belarus, world history (modern times), social studies, geography, foreign languages ​​- 20 points.

Back in 2014, when universities announced additional enrollment, the CT thresholds decreased. In order for the admissions committee to accept CT certificates, the applicant needed to collect in Russian and Belarusian languages ​​at least 5 points, in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology - 10 points, in the history of Belarus, world history (modern times), social studies, geography, foreign languages ​​- 15 points.

CT results 2015

About 102 thousand applicants registered for the 2015 centralized testing. Most of the 100-point students were in the Russian language (83) and mathematics (89). But only seven received the maximum in physics. A total of 277 applicants scored 100 points, 11 of them twice. It’s called “feel the difference” from last year.

Why such a colossal gap? Many applicants noted that the CT 2015 in these subjects was easier than the previous year’s tests. But everything is relative

Minimum CT scores 2015 Russian and Belarusian languages ​​for non-philological specialties were 10 points, and for philological specialties - 20. In the first core subject: mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology - 15 points; history of Belarus, world history (modern times), social studies, geography, foreign languages ​​- 20 points. In the second specialized subject, you had to score five points less.

CT results 2016

Read the full article at the link. In short, 86 people passed the Russian language with 100 points, social studies - 62, physics - 34, mathematics and biology - 25. They did not differ from the previous year. In mathematics tests, part B contained tasks of the fifth (highest) level, problems in chemistry were practice-oriented (more time was allocated for solving), maps, illustrations and diagrams on the CT on the history of Belarus were given in color - these were the features of testing that year.

CT 2017 results

90,125 applicants took part. 303 participants received the maximum score, i.e. every 297th applicant. 11 applicants received 100 points twice, but no one passed three CTs with the maximum score. remained at the same level. Exactly since 2017, and the certificate is valid for two years.

CT 2018 results

The test scores of applicants turned out to be higher than last year. In total, 84,000 people took the CT. The maximum score in one subject was scored by 392 people, in two - 16. Four tests were written by 48% of the participants.

Last year we grew in both language for philological specialties and the first specialized subject.

What will the CT 2019 be like?

The main difference between this year’s centralized testing and previous ones is. The old method ranked applicants well, but the test scores often did not coincide with the grade in the subject. It is expected that the new methodology will both rank and evaluate the knowledge of applicants.

Adukar asked the readers what scores they received in the 2nd stage of the RT. what are the official languages? Entrants in most cases score above 50 points.The majority of applicants who wrote RT in mathematics and physics completed the tasks with 51-80 points. Many also passed foreign languages ​​above 51 points.

Surely there will be the most applicants with average CT results. , by the way, remained at the same level. If previously applicants were worried about how to overcome the CT thresholds, now it is better to take care of scoring above average on the test. And thereby increase your chances of admission.

A history and social studies teacher at the Adukar educational center, Dmitry Zaitsev, believes that what awaits us in recent years.

What should I do? Don't worry, keep preparing and rely on your knowledge. The statistics are good, but the human factor in the central heating system decides a lot.

If the material was useful to you, don’t forget to “like” it on our social networks

Russian language: complete collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 264 p., l. color ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2355-3.

The collection contains tests of the Republican Institute for Knowledge Control in the Russian language, offered to applicants

Centralized test in the bath. Belarusian language: daily collection of tests / Republic. In-t kon-rolyu is in charge of M-va aducatsii Resp. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 255 p., arch. kalyar. il. — (Schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2356-0.

Collection of soft tests of the Republican Institute of Control of the Belarusian Language, distributed to applicants prudential centralization of technology in 2011—2015. Yes, all given dazena adkazas. The issued form has a tax order of the adkaza form (painted).

A collection of information for high school students and applicants not only to develop and independently practice their knowledge, but also to the most important trends in the pharmaceutical task of centralized research. Anna.

Centralized testing. Physics: a complete collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 260 p., l. color ill. : ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2358-4.

The collection contains tests of the Republican Institute for Knowledge Control in Physics, offered to applicants during centralized testing in 2011-2015. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms (in color).

The manual will help high school students and applicants not only systematize and independently monitor their knowledge, but also trace the main trends in the formation of centralized testing tasks.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017

Centralized testing. Mathematics: a complete collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 208 p., l. color ill. : ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2357-7.

The collection contains tests of the Republican Institute for Knowledge Control in Mathematics, offered to applicants during centralized testing in 2011-2015. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms (in color).

The manual will help high school students and applicants not only systematize and independently monitor their knowledge, but also trace the main trends in the formation of centralized testing tasks.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized testing. Biology: a complete collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 324 p., l. color ill. : ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2360-7.

The collection contains tests of the Republican Institute for Knowledge Control in Biology offered to applicants during centralized testing in 2011-2015. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms (in color).

The manual will help high school students and applicants not only systematize and independently monitor their knowledge, but also trace the main trends in the formation of centralized testing tasks.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized testing. Chemistry: a complete collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 300 p., l. color ill. : ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2359-1.

The collection contains tests of the Republican Institute for Knowledge Control in Chemistry, offered to applicants during centralized testing in 2011-2015. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms (in color).

The manual will help high school students and applicants not only systematize and independently monitor their knowledge, but also trace the main trends in the formation of centralized testing tasks.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized testing. English language: a complete collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 264 p., l. color ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2361-4.

The collection contains tests of the Republican Institute for Knowledge Control in English, offered to applicants during centralized testing in 2011-2015. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms (in color).

The manual will help high school students and applicants not only systematize and independently monitor their knowledge, but also trace the main trends in the formation of centralized testing tasks.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized testing. History of Belarus: a complete collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 315 p., l. color ill. : ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2362-1.

The collection contains tests of the Republican Institute for Knowledge Control on the History of Belarus, offered to applicants during centralized testing in 2011-2015. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms (in color).

The manual will help high school students and applicants not only systematize and independently monitor their knowledge, but also trace the main trends in the formation of centralized testing tasks.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized testing. Russian language: collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 47 p., l. color ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2340-9.

The collection contains test tasks in the Russian language, proposed to applicants during centralized testing in 2016. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms, the use of which will help you acquire skills in filling out the form and avoid technical errors when filling out answers during testing.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized tessiravanna. Belarusian language: collection of tests / Republic. In-t kon-rolyu is in charge of M-va aducatsii Resp. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 47 p., arc. kalyar. il. — (Schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2354-6.

Collection of soft test tasks in the Belarusian language, given to applicants under the right centralization of tests in 2016. Yes, all given dazena adkazas. The issued tax forms of the order form are available to help you gain the skills of filling out the form and avoid technical problems when preparing the order for testing.

Recommended to high school students and applicants for self-employed education yes centralizavanaga tessiravannya 2017, and the installations and installations of the installations receive the utmost attention.

Centralized testing. Physics: collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 55 p., l. color ill. : ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2347-8.

The collection contains test tasks in physics, proposed to applicants during centralized testing in 2016. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms, the use of which will help you acquire skills in filling out the form and avoid technical errors when filling out answers during testing.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized testing. Mathematics: collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 39 p., l. color ill. : ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2343-0.

The collection contains test tasks in mathematics offered to applicants during centralized testing in 2016. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms, the use of which will help you acquire skills in filling out the form and avoid technical errors when filling out answers during testing.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized testing. Chemistry: collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 55 p., l. color ill. : ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2346-1.

The collection contains test tasks in chemistry offered to applicants during centralized testing in 2016. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms, the use of which will help you acquire skills in filling out the form and avoid technical errors when filling out answers during testing.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized testing. Biology: collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 55 p., l. color ill. : ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2342-3.

The collection contains test tasks in biology offered to applicants during centralized testing in 2016. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms, the use of which will help you acquire skills in filling out the form and avoid technical errors when filling out answers during testing.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized testing. English language: collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 47 p., l. color ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2348-5.

The collection contains test tasks in English, proposed to applicants during centralized testing in 2016. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms, the use of which will help you acquire skills in filling out the form and avoid technical errors when filling out answers during testing.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized testing. German language: collection of dough / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 24 p., l. color ill. - (Schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2349-2.

The collection contains test tasks in the German language, proposed to applicants during centralized testing in 2016. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms, the use of which will help you acquire skills in filling out the form and avoid technical errors when filling out answers during testing.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized testing. Spanish language: collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 24 p., l. color ill. - (Schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2351-5.

The collection contains test tasks in Spanish, proposed to applicants during centralized testing in 2016. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms, the use of which will help you acquire skills in filling out the form and avoid technical errors when filling out answers during testing.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized testing. French language: collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 24 p., l. color ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2350-8.

The collection contains test tasks in the French language, proposed to applicants during centralized testing in 2016. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms, the use of which will help you acquire skills in filling out the form and avoid technical errors when filling out answers during testing.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized test bath. History of Belarus: collection of tests / Republic. In-t kon-rolyu is in charge of M-va aducatsii Resp. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 29 p., arc. kalyar. il. : ill. — (Schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2345-4.

Collection of soft test assignments for the history of Belarus, delivered to applicants under the right centralized testing in 2016. Yes, all given dazena adkazas. The issued tax forms of the order form are available to help you gain the skills of filling out the form and avoid technical problems when preparing the order for testing.

Recommendations to high school students and applicants for self-employed education yes centralization tessiravannya 2017, and the installations and installations of the installations receive the utmost attention.

Centralized testing. History of Belarus: collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 55 p., l. color ill. : ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2344-7.

The collection contains test tasks on the history of Belarus, proposed to applicants during centralized testing in 2016. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms, the use of which will help you acquire skills in filling out the form and avoid technical errors when filling out answers during testing.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized testing. Social studies: collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 47 p., l. color ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2341-6.

The collection contains test tasks in social studies offered to applicants during centralized testing in 2016. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms, the use of which will help you acquire skills in filling out the form and avoid technical errors when filling out answers during testing.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized testing. Geography: collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 32 p., l. color ill. : ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2353-9.

The collection contains test tasks in geography, proposed to applicants during centralized testing in 2016. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms, the use of which will help you acquire skills in filling out the form and avoid technical errors when filling out answers during testing.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.

Centralized testing. World History (Modern times): collection of tests / Rep. Institute of Knowledge Control Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - Minsk: Aversev, 2016. - 32 p., l. color ill. : ill. — (For schoolchildren, applicants, students). ISBN 978-985-19-2352-2.

The collection contains test tasks on world history (Modern times), offered to applicants during centralized testing in 2016. Answers are provided for all tasks. The publication also contains sample answer forms, the use of which will help you acquire skills in filling out the form and avoid technical errors when filling out answers during testing.

Recommended for high school students and applicants for self-study to centralized testing 2017, as well as teachers and teachers of general secondary education institutions.