Fashion tips - women's online magazine. Methods of using and making pepper preparations in herbal medicine and traditional medicine

Red capsicum is a herbaceous annual. Its biological name is Capsicum annuum L. Pepper belongs to the nightshade family, just like tomato, potato, and eggplant.
Pepper fruits are eaten fresh or dried. Since ancient times, it has been noticed that food prepared with the addition of red pepper acquires a unique aroma and becomes incredibly appetizing. Some cultures traditionally use a large number of hot pepper for food, for example, in African and Asian countries. This may be due to the fact that in the humid southern climate, food spoils quickly, and red pepper helps keep food fresh much longer.

Pepper fruits contain the substance capsaicin. It is this substance that provides the “hot” taste and irritating effect of pepper. In addition to capsaicin, pepper contains vitamin P, B1, B2, B3, E, folic and ascorbic acid, carotene, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese.
Due to the fact that red hot pepper contains a lot useful substances, it is used not only as a spice to improve the taste of food, but also in folk medicine for the treatment of a number of diseases.
Red pepper has found use in various pathological conditions: atherosclerosis, decreased vision, cancer, hair loss, low immunity, fragility of blood vessels, bronchitis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This is just a small list of diseases for which red pepper is used. Preparations, extracts, infusions, and alcohol tinctures are made from it. However, today we will talk about the external use of drugs from capsicum.
The principle of action of ointments containing capsicum

Rubbing red pepper into the skin creates a warm sensation. In this case, slight redness, tingling and burning of the outer integument may be observed. Hot pepper irritates skin receptors and subcutaneous tissue, thus it has a distracting effect. Also, red hot pepper promotes the production of endorphins, joy hormones, which also helps relieve pain. An ointment that contains hot red pepper helps increase blood flow to the affected area and improve metabolic processes, increase the elasticity of ligaments.
Red pepper ointment is used for such diseases:

Bruises, sprains;
- radiculitis;
- rheumatism;
- arthritis;
- neuralgia;
- myositis;
- lumboischialgia;
- exudative pleurisy;
- chronic pain with herpes zoster;
- leg pain due to diabetes;
- cough, bronchitis;
- headache.

Preparations containing red pepper are recognized and official medicine. Therefore, if you do not want to prepare pepper ointment yourself, you can buy a ready-made preparation at the pharmacy.
Medicines containing red pepper

Frostbite ointment. Additionally, the composition includes camphor, Castor oil, ammonia.
- Kapsin. Also contains henbane oil, methyl salicylate.
- Capsitrin. In addition to capsicum, it contains tincture of the herb St. John's wort, ammonia
- Capsicam. The composition also includes camphor, benzyl nicotinate, turpentine oil, and vanillylnonamide.
- Nicoflex. The composition additionally contains lavender oil,
ethylene glycol salicylate.
- Efkamon. Additionally contains oil of clove flowers, mustard and Eucalyptus oil, camphor, cinnamic alcohol, menthol, thymol.

How to use red pepper ointment?

Before using the ointment, make sure you are not allergic to red pepper. Apply to a small area of ​​skin first and wait to see if it appears. allergic reaction. Before using the ointment, rinse warm water with soap on the damaged area. Rub the ointment in with light massaging movements. Then wrap yourself in a woolen scarf or scarf. These manipulations will help enhance the warming effect of the ointment. Almost all ointments are rubbed into the painful area 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is usually 2-3 weeks.
Make your own red pepper salve?

Recipe 1. To prepare this ointment, take 50 grams of lard per tablespoon of ground red pepper and grind until smooth. Instead of lard, you can add 1 tablespoon of goose fat.
Recipe 2. You should take one teaspoon of glycerin, 30% alcohol tincture propolis and turpentine. Then add half a teaspoon of ground red pepper and 2-3 drops of clove essential oil. Mix everything thoroughly, and heat the resulting slurry in a water bath until completely dissolved. Now the ointment is ready for use.

Recipe 3. To one tablespoon of ground red pepper you need to add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. You can use any oil you have - corn, sunflower or olive. Vegetable oil can be replaced with melted butter if desired.
Follow the rules of caution when making ointments; hot pepper is very volatile and is difficult to wash off your hands. When preparing ointments, it is better to wear rubber gloves and protect

To relieve pain of a rheumatic and neuralgic nature, as well as due to problems in muscles, ligaments and joints, local remedies in the form of ointments and creams. They are considered the best because they do not cause systemic side effects, do not damage gastrointestinal tract and provide direct therapeutic effect to the damaged area. Of all the remedies for joint inflammation and after closed injuries The most popular are ointments with capsaicin. This substance, obtained from hot peppers, has been used in medicine for many years. It not only relieves pain, but also has healing effect.

What is capsaicin

This natural alkaloid is obtained from hot peppers. was isolated from this plant at the beginning of the twentieth century. Capsaicin does not dissolve in water, only in alcohol and some chemicals. He is the most sharp substance in the world. On contact with skin it causes severe burn, crystals can only be removed with vegetable oil, alcohol or vinegar.

Capsaicin has a strong effect on the respiratory system and mucous membranes, causing a burning sensation. This property is used when adding a substance to guns. Capsaicin is also used as an insecticide. But besides this, he was found to have a lot useful properties for human health. And in Lately production of medicines based on it has been established.

The effect of drugs containing capsaicin

Now in medicinal purposes Various patches and rubs containing this substance are used. The extract obtained from hot peppers contains only 5-10% capsaicin. But still, it has a very strong effect on the body:

What is capsaicin used for?

The ointment, the price of which is about 200 rubles, is affordable to many. And the positive effect of such funds has determined their widespread use. Drugs that contain capsaicin are used for migraines, indigestion, psoriasis and skin itching. It is included in fat burning products and dietary supplements to speed up metabolism. Capsaicin helps with neuralgia trigeminal nerve, diabetic neuropathy, pain from shingles. Latest Research determined his ability to kill cancer cells and prevent their occurrence. But capsaicin is most often used in treatment for joints, muscles and ligaments.

Such drugs not only have an analgesic effect, but also relieve inflammation and improve tissue nutrition. Therapeutic effect appears only after 2-3 weeks of use, although capsaicin relieves pain immediately.

Side effects of drugs containing capsaicin

The therapeutic effect of this substance is associated with its ability to cause a local increase in temperature and a burning sensation. But this property of capsaicin can also have negative effect. Some people experience a strong burning sensation, reminiscent of a burn, and redness and swelling of the tissue at the site of application of capsaicin ointment. If the drug gets on the mucous membrane, it causes severe pain and swelling, lacrimation and mucus production. Capsaicin can cause spasm of the larynx and bronchi, loss of voice and even respiratory arrest. Such drugs are especially dangerous for the eyes - they cause burns to the cornea. It is not recommended to use capsaicin ointments for young children and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They are also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, bronchial asthma and hypertension.

Rules for the use of such drugs

Before using capsaicin ointment, you should consult your doctor. And even if there are no contraindications to its use, it is important to strictly follow the instructions and safety rules:

What drugs contain capsaicin?

Now the medical industry produces several different ointments based on pepper extract. They have almost the same effect and application features.

Nicoflex ointment: application

This combination drug for the treatment of bruises, sprains, arthrosis, neuralgia, sciatica and for warming up muscles before sports training.

The ointment contains 7.5 mg of capsaicin and has an irritating and analgesic effect. When applied to the skin, it expands superficial blood vessels, improves blood circulation and causes a feeling of warmth. "Nicoflex" not only relieves pain and reduces inflammation, but also improves joint mobility. You can use it 1-2 times a day on clean, dry skin.

Analogs of drugs with capsaicin

A large number of different gels makes it difficult to choose a medicine. But quite often doctors prescribe medications to patients that contain capsaicin. Their analogues are also effective, but the warming effect in them is ensured with the help of other substances. Based natural ingredients You can choose the following drugs:

There is also an ointment containing an analogue of capsaicin - vanillamide. This is “Finalgon”, which is very popular as it effectively relieves back and joint pain.

Capsaicin, a substance found in hot peppers. It belongs to the alkaloids. Most of this alkaloid is found in pepper seeds. Based on it, the pharmaceutical industry produces ointments and creams for joints. By heating the area affected by pain, it has a local irritant and analgesic effect. In this regard, capsaicin is a real magician that works wonders. But you can make this cream yourself at home. You will learn the recipes for such an ointment below in this article.

Joint diseases rank high on the list of the most common diseases. Millions of people suffer from them every day. But in addition to eliminating joint pain, ointments with capsaicin are also used for other diseases.

This substance has the following effects:

For blood pressure

Increases heart rate

Reduces cholesterol levels

Thins the blood;

Treats ulcers;

Slows down bleeding;

Cleanses the circulatory system

Helps with colds and flu

Improves digestion

Prevents the spread of infections

This is far from full list all the benefits that capsaicin can bring.

The action of capsaicin, scientists believe, is based on interaction with transient pain receptors, when upon contact with the skin, chemicals are released along the nerve endings that transmit a signal of pain to the brain. To put it simply, capsaicin, having an irritating and warming effect, simply suppresses the release of these chemicals and triggers the production of endorphins, pain-relieving hormones.

Therefore, all ointments and creams with capsaicin first have a warming effect and a burning sensation is felt in the area of ​​application. Sometimes very strong depending on the concentration of capsaicin in the drug. But gradually the burning sensation goes away, and along with it the pain.

Due to these properties, ointments with capsaicin or prepared on the basis of hot red pepper are used for:

Cluster headaches

Muscle pain

Joint pain


Diabetic neuropathy

Postherpetic neuralgia


In addition, when severe hypothermia You can also rub yourself with capsaicin ointment to prevent the onset of a cold.

Based on the foregoing, many are familiar with the properties of ointments with capsaicin, and many in home medicine cabinet they are constantly present. But such ointments are not cheap. Why overpay instead of trying to make such a cream or ointment yourself. After all, a pack of cayenne pepper is cheaper.

Capsaicin ointment recipes

You can prepare such a cream or ointment yourself at home. Here are several recipes for a similar ointment with hot pepper.

Recipe 1

This is a simple ointment recipe with a minimum of ingredients. To prepare you will need:

Cayenne pepper (ground) – 3 tablespoons

Grapeseed oil – 1 cup (or any other vegetable)

Mix the pepper with the vegetable oil of your choice and place in a water bath for 5-10 minutes.

When the oil is hot, add beeswax and, stirring, hold until all the wax has melted.

Remove from the water bath. While stirring, cool to room temperature and pour into a jar with a lid.

Keep refrigerated.

Recipe 2

This recipe is even simpler. For it you will need:

Cayenne pepper – 1 tablespoon

Coconut oil – 5 tablespoons

Mix the oil and pepper to a smooth paste.

Recipe 3

This ointment includes turmeric and ginger, known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

To prepare the ointment you will need:

Vegetable oil – 600 ml

Cayenne pepper – 3 tablespoons (ground)

Beeswax – 0.5 cups (grate)

Turmeric – 3 tablespoons

Ginger – 2 tablespoons (ground)

You can take any vegetable oil, for example, olive or mustard.

Mix dry ingredients and add vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly and place in a water bath for 5-10 minutes.

Add beeswax and melt it completely. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature, stirring occasionally. Pour into clean glass jar with lid. Keep refrigerated.

Rub the ointment into the sore spot as much as you can. Just keep in mind that turmeric gets dirty.

Recipe 4

This is not an ointment, but rather an oil extract prepared with wintergreen essential oil and arnica, calendula, and ginger flowers.

To prepare you will need:

Cayenne pepper – 4 tablespoons

Arnica flowers – 0.5 cups (dry)

Calendula flowers – 0.5 cups

Ginger root – 0.25 cup

Menthol – 90 grams

Wintergreen oil – 235 grams

DMSO – 60 grams

Olive oil – 120 ml

Mix all ingredients and leave for three weeks in a warm, dark place. Shake the container periodically.

Menthol is sold in the form of crystalline powder. It must first be dissolved in a small amount of olive oil.

You can ask for wintergreen or wintergreen oil at the pharmacy or order it online. Is not essential oil, and infusion. If you have the herb itself, you can first prepare an oil extract of wintergreen and then cook according to this recipe.

DMSO is dimethyl sulfoxide, it's a chemical. It is sold in pharmacies under the name "Dimexide". It is often included in medications. In general, its function is to increase transdermal transfer active ingredients. Simply put, it helps the medicinal components penetrate the skin faster. Although it itself also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

This hood can be used for sprained ligaments and tendons, headaches, pain in joints and muscles, and back. Can be used as a massage oil.

It is applied in the same way as ointment, in a small amount to the affected area and rubbed into the skin. For headaches, apply a drop of the extract to your temple and massage. If your head hurts in the back, rub it as close to the base of the head as possible.

Compress with capsaicin

Mix equal parts red hot pepper, mullein and slippery elm leaves. Add a little apple cider vinegar, so as to just moisten and mix. Place on the sore spot and secure.

As you can see, all the recipes are quite simple and can easily be prepared at home.

When preparing ointments, you need to follow some rules:

It is better to work with gloves, as the pepper still burns and can get on the mucous membrane.

Since all components are in powder form and all of them have irritating properties, it is better to wear a medical mask to protect the respiratory tract.

Some may need safety glasses.

When applying the ointment, it is also better to wear gloves, as the ointment burns and can irritate the skin of your hands. And always remember that there are components here that can stain not only your skin, but also your clothes. After application and until the ointment is absorbed, you need to blot the area of ​​application with a napkin.

IN human body everything gradually wears out, including the joints, due to age-related changes, load and other reasons. The lower extremities suffer the most from pain, since they experience the greatest load. As a result, joint pain of various types appears. Most people cope with pain using various ointments based on hot pepper. These remedies are good at relieving pain, swelling, and inflammation. What kind of ointments are these, their main properties?

Joint pain - main causes

Any pain interferes with normal life and causes a lot of discomfort. When pain manifests itself in lower limbs , a person cannot fully move, work, or rest. Elderly people suffer most from pain in the joints of the legs. The reason for their appearance may be:

For pain, people in ancient times learned to use special medicinal ointments and tinctures. They can effectively relieve pain and alleviate the patient's condition. These products were prepared only by hand using natural ingredients that nature itself gives us. These were mainly:

Nowadays, pharmacies offer consumers a wide range of various means for joint pain. Each ointment has its own composition, properties and features. What are they expressed in and what are the most effective means that can relieve pain and help in treatment?

Preparations with capsaicin

Joint disease is not limited to older people. Many middle aged people also suffer from this. Very often this is due to an inactive lifestyle, heavy lifting, due to the heavy load on the legs.

People of any age with pain in the joints of the legs should consider the causes painful sensations, symptoms that characterize pain. The pharmacy chain offers various ointments and gels, helping with joint pain. Many of them contain the substance capsaicin. It is obtained from hot pepper and is used in many anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • ointments;
  • gels;
  • plasters;
  • rubbing.

The substance helps relieve pain and exhibits a healing effect. It is especially effective in helping with neuralgic and rheumatic pain.

At the beginning of the last century, people learned to obtain the substance capsaicin from hot red pepper. It has a crystalline structure and is insoluble in water, but can dissolve in alcohol and some chemicals. If in pure form gets on the skin, it causes a burn, since this substance is considered the most acute in the world. You can remove it with vegetable oil, alcohol or vinegar.

Substance has a very strong effect on the respiratory system and mucous membranes of the eyes, causes a burning sensation. For this reason, it is added to gas cartridges and pistols. Researchers have discovered many beneficial properties in this substance and they began to use it as a basis for the production of medicines.

How does the substance act in medicines?

Pharmacies offer a large number of products containing capsaicin. For their production an extract of this substance is used, which contains 5–10% capsaicin. Despite this low content of this substance, the means have effective action during treatment. Gels, ointments, patches and rubs containing hot red pepper extract have a positive effect on the body:

Capsaicin-based products are inexpensive and therefore accessible to many. They find wide range applications and are in demand because they have a positive effect on the body. Preparations based on hot red pepper extract are used:

The substance is included in many fat-burning products and dietary supplements to speed up metabolism in the body. The drugs help with trigeminal neuralgia, but they are most often used in the treatment of joints, ligaments and muscles. They can not only relieve pain, but also fight the inflammatory process and improve tissue nutrition. Capsaicin relieves pain immediately, and all its other properties appear 2-3 weeks after the start of use. The most popular ointments and gels containing red pepper extract:

Review of the most common remedies for joint pain

The medical industry produces many drugs for joint pain. Among the most popular are several products that have the same properties and method of action on the body. All of them are designed according to the following types:

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Apply in the treatment of gout, arthritis of the shoulder joint, arthrosis and rheumatism. This group of drugs includes the following ointments and gels:

Diclofenac helps effectively for diseases of the joints of the hands, feet and fingers, for inflammation of the ligaments, shoulder girdle, as well as for mechanical damage knee joint. With the help of Dolgit, you can restore muscle mobility. The gel has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and is effective in the treatment of small and large joints.

Warming ointments for joint pain

The products contain many natural ingredients, due to which they are excellent for muscle pain, neuralgia and sprains. Warming ointments and gels increase blood flow to the damaged area. This helps improve mobility and reduce painful sensations. This group includes the following means:

  • Viprosal;
  • Capsicam;
  • Finalgon;
  • Apisatron;
  • Gawkman.

All these gels and ointments do not cope with the treatment, but only alleviate the patient’s condition and help restore mobility.

Homeopathic and painkillers

These ointments and gels are based on herbal ingredients and are completely safe for use at home. They are recommended to be used in combination with others medicines. This group includes products with the following names:

  • Horsepower;
  • Fastum gel;
  • Ledum.

Ledum gel is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes in joints and muscles. The product helps restore well motor system, eliminate inflammatory process, relieve swelling.

Horsepower helps relieve pain and has a relaxing effect. The product is made on the basis of essential oils.

All these drugs are unable to cure, but can only bring relief for a while.


This group includes medicinal ointments and gels. They Effectively affects damaged tissues and pain relief. They are mainly used to treat injuries shoulder joints, with muscle spasms, swelling of the fingers. It is believed that the funds of this group are best helpers in treatment.

One of the most popular products in this group is Chondroxide. It helps get rid of pain in the musculoskeletal system, helps in treatment, and restores mobility.

Cautions for using ointments and gels

Very important before purchasing and using any ointment or gel read carefully their composition. It is best to conduct a drug tolerance test before use so that it does not cause an allergic reaction.

If the cause of the pain was infection or purulent phenomena, then all these means cannot be used. Drugs should not be used during pregnancy, lactation, after strokes and heart attacks. Cannot be used irritants if there is an increased sensitivity to some components in the ointment or gel. When using any remedy, you must not easily treat the sore spot, but use the drug correctly.

For pain of a rheumatic or neurological nature, as well as from sprains and damage to joints and ligaments, capsaicin ointment is actively used. It does not have a negative effect on other organs and systems, but works directly when applied to the affected area. All this is possible thanks to the active substance of the component composition and the principle of its action.

The ointment contains a capsicum alkaloid with the same name, capsaicin. This is a substance that is insoluble in water. It is quite hot. That is why the drug based on it has a warming effect when applied. A reaction with certain chemical components or an alcoholic medium can dissolve this alkaloid.

Applying a product based on it to open skin can cause a burn. In this case, the drug can be washed off only with oils, acetic acid or alcohol-containing liquids. A similar hood is used to refill gas cartridges used in self-defense. In case of contact with the mucous membrane oral cavity or in the eyes, exposure to capsaicin causes a severe burning sensation that makes it impossible for a person to act purposefully.

The pepper substance has also found use in medicine. It is also used to prepare chemical mixtures that kill pests and some types of pathogenic microorganisms.

Drugs containing capsaicin and their effects

Hot pepper extract is present in some medicinal drugs. They may have different shape release, but are in direct contact with the skin, which has a warming effect. Preparations with capsaicin can be found in the form of:

  • Mazey
  • Gels
  • Plasters
  • Rubbing

Pepper-based products are used exclusively externally. Their internal use can lead to injury to the mucous membranes or stomach upset. External forms of release, such as cream or ointment, have purposeful action directly to the site of inflammation, causing minimal amount adverse reactions and relieve pain. All that remains is to choose the most suitable one from the list of offered drugs. suitable remedy based on capsaicin.

In preparations this kind The pepper content is low - no more than 10%. But the effectiveness of the action provided is still at its best.

From ointments with capsaicin you can choose:

  1. Nicoflex
  2. Efkamon
  3. Camphocin
  4. Rescuer Forte
  5. Espaul
  6. Capsicam
  7. Joint

The names of the drugs are different, but the principle of action is similar. In each of them active substance contains capsaicin. When choosing the most suitable drug should be based on possible contraindications and personal tolerance to ointment ingredients.

Storage conditions and periods

Pharmacy creams or gels with the addition of capsicaicin are usually stored at a temperature not lower than room temperature. Permissible mode up to 30 degrees. Avoid contact with direct sunlight on the tube with the drug. It should not be stored in close proximity to heating appliances.

Medicines should not be kept in the bathroom. Make sure that the place allocated for their storage is inaccessible to children and pets.

Indications for use

The instructions for medications containing pepper extract indicate indications for their use. The main effect of such drugs is pain relief and warming up.

They are used for:

  1. Pain in the spine, lower back or back
  2. Joint pain
  3. Migraines
  4. Osteoarthritis
  5. Sciatica
  6. Tendinitis
  7. Herpes zoster

Capsaicin also helps in the fight against neuropathic pain. When applied to surface skin there is a temporary relief of the symptoms of these disorders. Ointments are prescribed for sprains, bruises and dislocations.

The effect of using such drugs is good, but short-lived. The effect is most rapid on lesions located in close proximity to the surface of the skin.

Contraindications and side effects of drugs containing capsaicin

Medicines based on capsaicins are sold in pharmacies without presenting a prescription. When purchasing, you should pay attention to existing contraindications.

There really aren't that many of them:

  • Age limit (not younger than 6 years old)
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the composition
  • Impaired integrity of the skin
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Children under 18 years of age should use the ointment only after prior consultation with a doctor. When treating others concomitant diseases interaction with others should be taken into account medicines. The use of drugs containing capsaicin may cause the following: adverse reactions:

If it gets on the mucous membranes, the burning sensation will be very strong and can even cause a burn. When applying preparations containing hot pepper, you should be extremely careful. If the use of the cream causes reactions not described in the instructions, you should stop using the product and visit a doctor.


Cases of overdose are practically excluded, because you regulate the volume of cream applied yourself. If the dosage is exceeded, adverse reactions develop. In this case, the cream should be washed off the skin.

Rules for the use of drugs with capsaicin

If there are no contraindications, follow following rules using products containing capsaicin:

  1. Before the first application, perform an allergy test.
  2. The layer when rubbing the cream should be as thin as possible.
  3. The combined use of warming cream and dressings with a similar principle of action should be avoided.
  4. After applying the cream, hands should be washed with soap.
  5. The ointment is removed from the skin using vinegar, alcohol or oil.
  6. After application to the skin, the ointment should not be inhaled.

You should not apply cream, one of the components of which is hot pepper, to the skin after taking a bath or shower. Avoid applying to areas of the skin that have tissue damage, as well as in areas of inflammation..

special instructions

Capsaicin-based preparations for the ability to work with increased danger or control of transport and mechanisms do not affect. The treatment course allows the use alcoholic drinks. Caution should be exercised in patients with diabetic neuropathy.


The price of capsaicin ointments may vary. Any of them is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The cost depends on the volume of the product in the tube, the manufacturer and the markup of the pharmacy chain. Here are the approximate prices of some ointments:

  • Nicoflex – from 300 rub.
  • Capsicam - from 310 rub.
  • Joint – from 200 rub.

Capsaicin ointment for joints: a review of the best drugs

Medicines with a warming and analgesic effect are actively used in the treatment of joint diseases. Among best ointments with capsaicin for joints it should be noted:

  1. . Most often prescribed for the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis. In addition to cupping pain syndrome, relieve inflammation and improve joint mobility. The drug can be used by people of any age (except children). The average course of treatment is no more than 5 days.
  2. Camphocin. Helps with rheumatism and arthritis. When applied, it has a double warming effect. Quickly relieves signs of inflammatory processes.
  3. Rescuer Forte. Helps restore joint function and tissue regeneration. It is popular among professional athletes, as it quickly helps with sprains, dislocations, bruises and other injuries. Noticeable relief occurs 5-7 minutes after rubbing into the skin. The duration of action lasts for several hours.
  4. . It has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and warming effect on sore joints. When applied, it causes a noticeable tingling and burning sensation. The duration of treatment is individual in each case.

Effect of balm “Rescuer Forte”

It is not difficult to buy any of them at the pharmacy. If it is impossible to use one, you can always seek help from at least worthy analogue(cream or gel) with the same active ingredient – ​​capsaicin.

DIY capsaicin ointment

A preparation based on hot pepper extract can be made at home. Moreover, there are several recipes for its preparation. You can choose any of the ones you like:

Recipe No. 1


Grape seed oil – 1 tbsp.

Beeswax – 0.5 tbsp.

If grape oil is unavailable, replace it with vegetable oil. It is mixed with pepper and cooked in a water bath for about 10 minutes. After the mixture is heated, wax is poured into it and cooking continues until it is completely dissolved. After cooling the resulting ointment to room temperature, pour it into a convenient container and you can use it. Store sealed containers in the refrigerator.

Recipe No. 2


Ground pepper (cayenne) - 1 tbsp.

Coconut oil – 5 tbsp.

The components are mixed until smooth and ready for use.

Recipe No. 3


Ground pepper (cayenne) – 3 tbsp.

Vegetable oil – 600 ml

Beeswax – 0.5 tbsp.

Turmeric seasoning – 3 tbsp.

Ground ginger – 2 tbsp.

All dry ingredients are mixed, after which oil is added to them. The mixture is prepared using a water bath for about 10 minutes. Then he adds wax. The resulting composition is not removed until the wax has completely dissolved. Once cooled, the mixture is poured into a sealable container and is ready for application.

The ointment prepared according to any of the above recipes is rubbed into the affected area in compliance with the rules applicable to pharmaceutical drugs. When using a recipe with turmeric, be aware that it may stain your clothes.

Capsaicin analogues

Analogs of ointment with capsaicin include any drugs that have a similar warming effect. However, they may contain other active ingredients.

Possible analogues:
  • Apisatron
  • Sophia
  • Viprosal
  • Finalgon

Gum turpentine, snake venom and turpentine oil have a warming effect. If you find them in creams, you can buy them as analogues of products containing capsaicin.