Severe chills and weakness without fever. Severe chills: causes

Chills occur in every person during infectious diseases that are accompanied by an increase in temperature. In this case, the trembling is defense mechanism, which helps to quickly overcome the pathogen and retain heat inside the body. However, it happens that chills are observed in healthy person when the body temperature is not elevated. In what cases chills without fever occur are discussed in detail below.

The standard mechanism for the appearance of chills is as follows:

  1. Activation of the immune system is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  2. To speed up heating and retain heat inside the body, superficial blood vessels spasm, which reduces heat transfer.
  3. To maintain heat inside, increased energy production occurs, for which muscle contractions increase and chills occur.
  4. A decrease in heat transfer is also achieved due to spasm of the small muscles of the skin, which is manifested by pimples known as “goose bumps”.

In conditions that are not related to infectious diseases, chills can be not only an objective, but also a subjective sensation. For example, with neuroses, actual muscle contraction does not occur, but a person may feel trembling due to irritation of the nerve endings on the skin. Chills are normal and natural defensive reaction in response to exposure to cold. The body quickly closes the pores to retain heat inside and signals active muscle contraction, resulting in increased energy and heat production.

Instability of the nervous system or exposure to strong provoking factors, for example, during excitement or fear, can also cause chills. Such discomfort is a typical accompanying symptom with hypertension, nausea, and also with some hormonal disorders. The most common causes of chills are discussed below.

Endocrine disorders

The mechanism of development of chills in endocrine disorders is a change in metabolic processes. Hyper- or hyposecretion of hormones leads to improper regulation of heat production processes, pathological vasospasm or excessive neuromuscular conduction. Narrowing of the capillaries, coldness of the hands and feet is often observed with hypothyroidism or diabetes.

A typical state of chills is during a hypertensive crisis or during menopausal instability hormonal levels, especially during high tides. The way out of this situation would be replacement drug therapy, which normalizes hormonal balance and eliminates pathological symptoms.

Endocrine disorders can be not only pathological, but also physiological. A woman may experience chills during periods of cyclical hormonal changes, such as during menstruation or in the first weeks of pregnancy.


The feeling of cold and chills in diabetes mellitus is caused by a deterioration in the processes of glucose utilization and a decrease in heat production. In addition, diabetes mellitus is accompanied by circulatory disorders and degenerative changes in vessels. Thinning vascular wall and the slowing of blood flow causes a subjective feeling of cold and coldness of the extremities.

Patients, as a rule, do not benefit from warm tea and a blanket, since treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. Most often in diabetes mellitus, chills occur at night. The hypoglycemic state itself can also cause chills. In diabetes mellitus, this happens when the patient takes too large a dose of medication. Hypoglycemia is dangerous due to damage to the nervous system and is always accompanied by tremor. A similar condition is observed during acetone crisis in children.


People who are constantly cold are recommended to be examined and determine the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Additional symptoms with this disorder there will be general weakness, brittle nails and hair loss, dizziness. Anemia can also occur due to injury or internal bleeding. In this case, the person will experience pale skin, malaise, dizziness and a feeling of coldness in the extremities.

Acute respiratory viral infections

Some respiratory diseases may occur without an increase in body temperature or with a slight increase in it. In this case, chills are caused by a standard mechanism (vasoconstriction and muscle contraction), which is aimed at retaining heat inside the body. This is provided by nature, since pathogenic microorganisms survive worse with more high rates temperature. Muscle contractions are necessary to enhance the processes of glucose utilization, which are accompanied by the production of thermal energy molecules.

Psycho-emotional overload

Stress is one of the most common causes of chills that occur without a fever. After strong experiences, a person will feel bad, and the nervous system will be activated, which will lead not only to a subjective feeling of cold, but also to real muscle contraction. Discomfort goes away after the psycho-emotional background stabilizes. If stress has caused muscle contractions, the patient is recommended to take a course of sedative medications.

Hypothermia of the body

Exposure to cold forces the body to actively produce heat and accelerate biochemical processes. This condition is accompanied not only by trembling, but also by blueness of the nails, cyanosis of the lips, and general pallor. skin. As a result of direct exposure to cold, the overall body temperature drops to 35 degrees or lower, and the patient becomes lethargic and fatigued.

Symptoms are caused by narrowing blood vessels and disruption of the conduction of signals from the central nervous system. The spasm leads to a slowdown in blood circulation, metabolic disorders and the inability of the body to warm remote areas of the body.

To eliminate such chills, it is enough to simply warm the person. Soaring feet hot water at severe hypothermia This is not possible, as this can lead to rupture of small vessels. If you cannot get rid of the symptoms of hypothermia at home, you need to call ambulance, in order to exclude serious consequences for good health.


Most often, chills with tuberculosis appear in the evenings. With the disease, there is a persistent increase in temperature to subfebrile values, however, closer to night, the thermometer readings may rise. The patient cannot independently connect chills and tuberculosis, so consultation with a doctor in this case is mandatory. Additional symptoms are persistent cough, weakness, difficulty breathing.

An accompanying symptom is the patient's constant sweating, which occurs because the body is trying to lower body temperature. However, the removal of fluid through the pores does not alleviate the condition and does not eliminate the chills. When confirming the diagnosis, the patient faces a difficult and long-term treatment, the success of which largely depends on lifestyle adjustments, the state of the immune system and the stage of the disease.

Alcohol intoxication

After drinking large doses of alcohol or when chronic alcoholism a person begins to tremble in the limbs and may shiver throughout the body. Tremor indicates a severe stage of poisoning and the presence of large quantity toxins. Trembling begins in the palms of the hands and can be noticeable to others. The mechanism for the appearance of such a symptom is the damaging effect of alcohol on the central and autonomic nervous system. A large number of toxins leads to a failure of neuromuscular regulation and pathological transmission of impulses.

If tremors appear in your hands, taking sorbents will not be enough. The patient is recommended to consult a narcologist or neurologist to examine the state of the brain and determine the extent of its damage. At regular use alcohol, the patient's condition worsens, and the chills intensify. Heavy metals continue to destroy the brain, after which the functioning of other internal organs is disrupted. The chills are most noticeable on the hands, but can also affect the body.

Its severity leads to the patient’s inability to perform even simple actions. You can check for tremor by asking the patient to write a few words. With severe alcoholism, complications begin in the form of depression of brain functions and muscle deformations. Dependent alcoholics suffer from hallucinations visual impairment, anxiety.

Vegetovascular dystonia

This condition is characterized by a malfunction autonomic system, which is why its effect on internal organs is inadequate. It is believed that this condition is an adaptation mechanism when the patient has chronic stress. For treatment, it is necessary to find out the root cause or underlying disease that led to the disruption of the autonomic system. Disturbances can manifest themselves in the form of frustration, unexplained depression and anxiety, as well as tremors of the hands and chills of the whole body.

Increased blood pressure

Change blood pressure in either direction is often accompanied by chills. Patients who suffer from persistent hypertension experience this symptom regularly. The feeling of cold is explained by poor circulation due to excessive vascular spasm and insufficient warming of the extremities.

Syndom Raynaud

This pathological condition is accompanied by spasm of small vessels in the extremities. Vasoconstriction is so strong that it leads to damage to the terminal arterioles with the subsequent occurrence of trophic disorders and the appearance of neurosis. Most often, both hands are affected. During an ischemic attack, an increase in tone is observed sympathetic system, which increases the feeling of chills.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

The disease is accompanied by a feeling of cold, excessive sweating and chills. Problems arise due to blockage of blood vessels, obstruction of blood flow and insufficient blood supply to small vessels. When the brain is damaged, its functions weaken, which negatively affects neuromuscular conduction and contributes to the appearance of chills.

Stomach diseases

Stomach diseases can lead to chills in various ways. One of them - inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, the other is the production of toxins by pathogenic bacteria. Some stomach diseases are accompanied by a feeling of nausea and vomiting, which cause disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and the appearance of chills. Indigestion and intestinal infection are accompanied by increased absorption of toxins into the blood, which also leads to chills.

Reasons for women

Hormonal stability is of particular importance for women. Its cyclical changes or pathological disruptions can cause the appearance of symptoms that should normally be absent. Main causes of chills related to functioning female body, are given below.

Premenstrual syndrome

If fertilization does not occur, the body begins to prepare for the secretory phase menstrual cycle. The process of exfoliation of the endometrium requires strong changes in hormonal levels. Chills before menstruation are not pathological and should not cause concern. It may be accompanied by the appearance goose bumps and paleness of the skin. The mechanism for the appearance of the symptom is also associated with a slight increase in temperature that occurs before critical days.

The body tries to maintain thermal balance by closing pores and stimulating muscle contractions. In addition, in premenstrual period women often become irritable and react especially acutely to stress, which can also cause chills, but this time caused by the functioning of the nervous system.

Menopause or menopause

The body's transition to menopause is also accompanied by changes in hormonal levels. In addition to the cessation of the functioning of the genital organs, women often develop problems with blood vessels and are diagnosed with hypertension, which becomes additional reason for chills to appear. During menopause, the feeling of cold is replaced by hot flashes. Symptoms are eliminated by hormone replacement therapy, which should only be prescribed by a doctor.


On early stages During pregnancy, chills occur quite often and are not a sign of illness. Doctors explain this by hormonal changes, as well as serious changes in the functioning of the whole organism. If conception is successful, instead of critical days the woman receives an increase in progesterone concentration and an increase in overall body temperature. Women who experience toxicosis especially often complain of chills. Being in interesting position, do not rush to take antipyretics or other medicines. It is necessary to report unpleasant symptoms to a doctor, who will identify the causes of discomfort and give safe recommendations.

Causes in children

More often, a child gets chills due to infectious diseases. Without fever, shivering may occur during hypoglycemia or hypothermia. If the baby is simply cold, you need to change him into warm and dry clothes, wrap him in a blanket and give him warm tea. A decrease in glucose concentration is observed in diabetes mellitus, as well as in the immaturity of the pancreas, which leads to an acetonemic state. One of the early signs of increased acetone in the blood and urine is tremors of the palms.

When to see a doctor

When you know the cause of the chills, you can assess the severity of the situation. If chills appear suddenly, it is recommended to wait and pay attention to associated symptoms. If the discomfort goes away after one or two days, there is no need to worry.

Women should take into account the phase of the menstrual cycle, and men should take into account the presence of stress at work. If chills are accompanied by weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, severe pain in the stomach or others unpleasant symptoms, you need to urgently consult a doctor. Discoloration is also considered a warning sign. female discharge, increased heart rate and breathing, severe weakness.


If you complain of chills without fever, you should contact your physician or pediatrician. The doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination and also analyze the patient’s lifestyle in the previous day or even week. A qualified specialist will be able to identify the relationship between chills and disruption of any organ system. After this, the patient is referred to a more specialized specialist, for example, a neurologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, or gynecologist.

To clarify the diagnosis, additional research, among which may be assigned:

  • clinical examination of urine and blood
  • pregnancy test
  • MRI of the brain
  • biochemical studies to determine hormone levels


Chills are not independent disease or diagnosis. It should be considered as one of the patient’s symptoms, which characterizes the person’s well-being and the functioning of the nervous system. Magic pill there is no such thing as chills. Treatment should be based on the identified etiology.

  • In case of hypothermia, it is enough to warm the person both outside and inside. Cover him with a blanket and give him warm tea.
  • Physical overexertion or severe emotional stress can be treated with relaxation and require treatment sedatives no shorter minimum rate treatment. Spa treatments, swimming, yoga, art therapy will be useful.
  • Regular occurrence of chills without apparent reason may indicate the presence of hormonal disorders. In this case, treatment must be prescribed by a doctor and will most likely be based on oral hormonal medications.
  • The chills that occur during hypoglycemia are quickly relieved by taking glucose. Timely replenishment of the main carbohydrate reserves will help prevent serious complications. People who face similar problem, must always be on guard, since the state of hypoglycemia is extremely undesirable not only for a child, but also for an adult.
  • If general tests and research has not revealed a problem exists Great chance neurological etiology. Treatment in this case should be carried out only by a specialist. The effectiveness of basic therapy can be increased by creating a favorable environment in the family, at work and in other areas of life. Negative emotions have a bad effect on the functioning and structural state of the nervous system. It is recommended to go on vacation for a while, find an interesting, quiet activity, improve relationships with your loved one and avoid stress as much as possible.


Considering the reasons given above, preventing chills is quite simple. A person can independently prevent only some causes - hypothermia, hypoglycemia, stress. It should be understood that not every chill is pathological, for example, in the early weeks of pregnancy or in the premenstrual period. Avoid more serious problems(endocrine diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurological disorders) can be done using the right image life, good nutrition, increasing adaptive abilities and self-confidence.

Pay attention to the regularity of chills, the degree of its severity and its relationship with your lifestyle. If the reason is clear to you, and the chills go away quickly and do not cause discomfort, there is no need to worry, and you can deal with the problem yourself. IN incomprehensible situations or if your health deteriorates significantly, you cannot do without help qualified specialist and identifying the main cause of chills without fever.

Video: 3 tests for those who are always cold

Sometimes you feel cold inside your body and internal trembling. This condition does not arise out of nowhere. The body is already quite weakened physically and mentally, and the nervous system is overexcited. As a rule, this happens when you receive a very unpleasant message from the outside world, which in some way seriously affects your future life.

Or the same message comes from your body. For example, sharp pain in the area of ​​vital organs. The essence in both cases is the same - you receive news that causes acute stress and sharp stimulation of the nervous system.

Just now everything was fine and you felt fine. Suddenly, you feel cold and start shaking inside. Having received bad news, despite the surrounding temperature, time of year and place (summer or winter, house or street), you begin to shake from the inside.

The feeling of inner trembling is not scary and not very exciting. You just feel cold inside your body. At the same time, everything looks even funny from the outside. You pull on all the warm clothes and blankets in the middle of summer in 30-degree heat, cover yourself with them, but the shivering continues, and you cannot warm up.

Internal trembling causes.

Internal tremors in the body and a feeling of chills can have both physiological reasons- neurosis, panic disorder, VSD, physical fatigue, poisoning, and pathological - for various organic and mental diseases.

But here I am talking only about the case when a completely healthy person experiences chills and trembling in the body. After all, there are no pathologies and organic diseases you do not have! This is confirmed by the majority medical institutions, regardless of the profile, located near your place of residence, as well as several metropolitan specialists and clinics. And more than once!

The causes of this symptom are different, but the mechanism of development is the same in all patients. What actually happens when chills and internal tremors occur in the body of a VSD person?

Chills and internal tremors in the body occur due to overexcitation vegetative centers the nervous system, which tries to help the body cope with a real threat that has arisen, which happens most often, or less often a far-fetched threat.

After bad news, a serious quarrel or other sudden stressful situation, you are overcome by fear for your life and future, or those close to you. There is general anxiety and tension. As a result of this, it is released into the blood a huge number fear hormone - adrenaline. It causes palpitations, increased blood pressure, and tension in the muscles of the body. This tension occurs both in skeletal muscles and in the muscles of internal organs, including muscle fibers blood vessels.

The released adrenaline causes a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels of the abdominal cavity (abdominal area). Warm arterial blood, rich in oxygen, is redirected to the most important bodies in times of danger, it is the heart and the brain. But the abdominal organs are not one of these, and remain on a starvation diet. After all, when the body is in danger, it will not eat. It turns out that the heating in the abdominal cavity suddenly turns off. At the same time, the temperature in the abdominal cavity decreases and the organs located here begin to freeze. You, regardless of the temperature environment and the amount of clothing, you begin to feel internal cold and chills.

Freezes without temperature.

The body freezes, the body freezes, and a signal is sent to the brain to reduce body temperature. During fear, the body temperature does not remain normal for long. The brain instantly sends an order to the thermoregulation center - to urgently raise the body temperature. If a person experiencing chills and internal cold is measured, his body temperature will always be slightly elevated - 37° with a slight tail, a few minutes after the onset of an attack of chills and internal trembling.

It turns out that a situation devoid of any logic - in a person elevated temperature body, and he freezes. Something very similar to the beginning of the development of a cold or flu, when a person “freezes” when the temperature rises. But there is no cold here! Everything is caused by an excited nervous system! Fear, and only fear, causes excitation of the autonomic nervous system, internal trembling and an increase in body temperature!

This is the “vinaigrette” that comes out, and you are an active participant in it if you are reading these lines. At this stage, I think everything is clear and you have understood the cause of the chills well, this is a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels of the abdominal cavity.

You know well what to do if you are cold. Right! To warm up, you need to move hard. But chills and internal cold during VSD are not felt throughout the body. It comes from the abdominal cavity. Therefore, internal tremors occur - frequent contractions and relaxations of the abdominal muscles. They begin reflexive (uncontrolled by consciousness) spastic movements to warm up. When muscles work, heat is released, which should warm you up. abdominal cavity. If there is not enough heat, internal trembling comes out, and the skeletal muscles of the limbs and back begin to tremble. Trembling begins in the legs and arms.

Chills and internal tremors in the body are a failure. The body managed to cope with the task and the panic attack subsided. After such an attack, as after an attack panic attack, weakness appears throughout the body.

Internal tremors treatment.

What to do if it's freezing? Chills and internal tremors in the body can sometimes occur in a completely healthy person. It would seem that it freezes for no reason. But there is a reason! And this reason is overexcitation of the nervous system due to overwork, bad habits, working at night or hanging out at a club...

Treatment here may simply be sufficient rest for the temporarily overloaded nervous system with the use of calming herbs.

Chills during VSD and internal tremors in the body are very common companions in life. There is no need to treat these separately. They are one of the components of the complex VSD symptoms And panic disorder. Therefore, the treatment of internal tremors in the body should be part of a treatment complex VSD syndrome, with the use of fairly strong sedatives, psychotherapy and auto-training. The main task is to calm the nervous system and come to terms with your fears.

The sooner sufficient sedative treatment is started, the better the prognosis for recovery. Never ignore manifestations of chills and internal trembling, especially when such attacks are repeated and their frequency increases. Especially when it is constantly freezing and constant trembling in the body.

Chills are a subjective feeling of cold, chilliness that occurs due to a sharp spasm of skin vessels and a decrease in body temperature due to freezing. With chills, shivering, muscle tremors, and “goose bumps” occur.

Due to vasospasm in external environment Less heat is released, but the body creates more energy and heat as a result of muscle tremors. This warms the body from the inside and stabilizes body temperature. The chill goes away.

Most common cause chills are acute infectious diseases with increased body temperature (fever). At the very beginning of fever, chills occur as a result of spasm of small skin vessels, and then as the temperature rises, the chills disappear.

But sometimes chills appear without connection with fever and cold, in itself as a phenomenon or as a symptom various diseases and pathologies, injuries.

It is worth remembering that chills are not a disease, but a physiological reaction of the body to changes in temperature and changes in metabolism, it is a way of regulating thermogenesis (constancy of body temperature and heat production). Sometimes chills occur even with excitement, stress, overwork, low blood pressure, before or during menstruation in women, during pregnancy in the first trimester.

Causes of chills

The main cause of chills without fever is hypothermia and freezing of the body. At the same time, lips and fingernails turn blue, the skin of the face and body turns white, lethargy and weakness occur, and the temperature decreases.

In this case, you need to drink hot tea, take a warm bath, put on warm socks and clothes, and warm up. If this does not help, it is important to call doctors - perhaps hypothermia was deeper and stronger than you expected.

Chills can occur with high blood pressure, then it will be accompanied by weakness and headaches, chills in the chest and arms. It usually occurs in evening time, after stress, is accompanied by a pronounced increase in blood pressure numbers. You need to calm down, take a blood pressure medication or call an ambulance. High pressure dangerous for cerebral hemorrhages and heart attacks.

Chills may be a sign of hormonal disorders during menopause, diabetes, or malfunction thyroid gland(hypothyroidism). Then a consultation with an endocrinologist and blood tests for hormone levels are necessary.

No less often, chills occur as a result of disorders in the digestive system - against the background of nausea or abdominal pain, as a result of metabolic disorders and autonomic innervation in the stomach and intestines.

Often chills without fever occur against the background of some indolent or chronic infections, such as tuberculosis or syphilis.

One of the rare, but most unpleasant reasons chills is Raynaud's disease - an intermittent vegetative spasm of the blood vessels of the hands, especially often occurring when temperatures change.

Chills can be a sign of internal bleeding, due to severe circulatory disorders and spasm of small blood vessels in the skin.

Chills often occur as a reaction to stress, extreme excitement, or emotional excitement. A glass of water, deep breathing and taking sedatives will help here.

Should chills be treated?

Chills in themselves are just a symptom of certain problems in the body. It does not need to be treated, the reasons that caused it must be eliminated.

In order to get rid of unpleasant subjective feelings, you need to wrap yourself in a blanket, take a warm bath or shower, drink hot liquid, and calm down. It is prohibited to consume alcohol for the purpose of warming and various drugs without the consent of the doctor.

Thermoregulation of the body mainly depends on external conditions, but can also be disrupted under the influence of various internal processes. As a rule, this is facilitated by infectious and inflammatory diseases accompanied by fever. But in some cases there is chills without fever - causes in women this phenomenon quite numerous, and include both pathological conditions, and completely normal physiological reactions.

Causes of chills without fever at night in women

Subjective feeling of coldness and trembling in the body during sleep - typical symptom diabetes mellitus. This endocrine disease is usually accompanied by excessive sweating, as a result of which the body cools down faster even under comfortable external thermal conditions.

Night chills without fever in women also occur due to other factors:

  • depression and chronic stress;
  • hypothermia the night before bedtime;
  • prolonged muscle tension during the day;
  • hyperhidrosis – excessive sweating, to the point of wet sheets;
  • increased viscosity blood;
  • tendency to thrombosis, including hemorrhoidal veins;
  • osteochondrosis and joint inflammation;

In addition to trembling, the listed problems are accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, for example, irritability, pain syndrome, myalgia.

Causes of chills and nausea without fever

In most cases, the clinical manifestations under consideration are characteristic of cardiovascular pathologies. They are often combined with sharp jumps blood pressure, which provokes rapid expansion and contraction of capillaries, disrupting the thermoregulation of the female body.

Also, a feeling of trembling, dizziness and nausea is characteristic of traumatic brain injuries, usually concussions. Additionally, depending on the severity of the damage, vomiting, disorientation in space, a tendency to faint, and disturbances of consciousness are observed.

In addition, the following conditions and diseases can cause the described symptoms:

It is important to note that chills and nausea are typical clinical manifestations various exotic fevers that occur after insect bites - midges, mosquitoes, flies, beetles. If you start freezing immediately after arriving from vacation, you need to urgently visit an infectious disease doctor.

Frequent attacks of vomiting are dangerous due to the loss of large amounts of moisture and disruption of water and electrolyte balance, hypoxia. Therefore, with the symptoms in question, it is important to monitor drinking regime, consuming an increased volume of fluid per day, and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Other causes of chills without fever in women

Feeling cold and trembling may well be a variant of normal physiological reactions to fluctuations in the level of sex hormones and changes in the functioning of the ovaries. In women, chills are often early sign the beginning of menopause, pregnancy, partly premenstrual syndrome. Because of hormonal imbalance thermoregulation processes change, as a result of which the body retains heat worse and cools quickly.

Such conditions are also accompanied by other symptoms - hot flashes, pain in the lower abdomen, sweating, skin rashes, change of mood.

Chills are a feeling of coldness and chilliness. We can safely say that this feeling is familiar to many. Chills are often a companion to acute infectious diseases and are accompanied by a rise in temperature. But it happens that a person periodically gets chills for no reason at all, while the temperature remains normal. What are possible reasons such a state?

Chills due to hypothermia

A person may shiver after. Under the influence of low temperature, the body's defense mechanisms are activated: peripheral vessels spasm and blood flows from the limbs to internal organs. The legs and arms turn pale and become cold to the touch. To keep warm, the body turns on another protective mechanism - muscle contraction, which produces heat. Outwardly, all this manifests itself as chills.

What to do?

The action plan for hypothermia is simple - you need to warm up. To do this, you need to go into a warm room and change clothes. You can crawl under the blanket. For quick warming it is indicated warm drink, for example, tea. If the above manipulations do not help, you can take a warm bath. As you warm up, thermoregulation processes are restored and the chills disappear.

Chills in psycho-emotional disorders

Repeated sensations of chills, muscle tremors are companions anxiety disorders. provoke the release of catecholamines into the blood. High concentrations of these hormones lead to muscle tension. This causes muscle tremors, chills and a desire to wrap yourself in something warm. A sharp dilation of blood vessels can soon lead to reverse effect- feeling of heat in the body. As they say, from one extreme to another.

Chills caused by stressful situations, is also accompanied by rapid heartbeat and breathing, short-term,. In addition, anxiety and restlessness arise.

What to do?

If such situations are familiar to you, you need to master stress management techniques. When situations like this arise, focus on your breathing. Pay attention to how you inhale cold air as he passes by chest and then exhale. Breathing should be calm and measured.

You can eliminate muscle tension as follows. Take a comfortable position and squeeze the muscles of your feet very, very hard for a few minutes, relax. Then squeeze your calf muscles and relax. So, going up the body, do the same with all muscle groups. Fix your attention on sensations muscle tension and subsequent pleasant relaxation. These manipulations will relieve tension, eliminate trembling and chills.

Chills in infectious diseases

Chills can be a harbinger of infectious diseases. For example, the first symptoms are often weakness, fatigue, and chills. And only then the body temperature rises, and symptoms arise.

In addition, chills can also be observed with a number of other infectious diseases, for example. A typical attack of malaria begins with chills. Hands and feet become cold, lips turn blue. The chills are severe and can last about half an hour to an hour. And then it is sure to be replaced by fever and an increase in body temperature. After six to twelve hours, the heat gives way to sweat and the temperature drops. This is a typical picture of an attack of malaria.

What to do?

Chills may be a sign infectious disease. If, in addition to chills, you are also bothered by any other symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor. This is a reason to conduct an examination of the body.

Chills with anemia

Chills with blood pressure fluctuations

Sharp fluctuations in blood pressure may be accompanied by chills. So, when the blood supply to the skin deteriorates, the hands and feet are cold to the touch, the person shudders and it is difficult for him to warm up. In addition, the satellite low blood pressure are weakness, dizziness, and a tendency to faint.

High blood pressure can also cause chills. Thus, it is accompanied by chills, alternating with fever and redness of the face, headaches, anxiety, fear, and tinnitus.

What to do?

Extreme fluctuations in blood pressure represent real threat for life. In case of hypotension, it is necessary to find out the cause this state and influence it. In case of moderate hypotension, the doctor may prescribe medications that increase blood pressure.

Hypertensive crisis requires immediate treatment medical care, because this condition threatens the development of and. To relieve this condition, antihypertensive drugs are prescribed.

Chills during menopause

Characterized by physiological change hormonal levels, mainly a decrease in estrogen production. This hormone affects the thermoregulation center located in the hypothalamus. When there is a lack of estrogen, the thermoregulation center receives a conditioned signal that the body is overheating. Therefore, “cooling” mechanisms are automatically activated: the heartbeat quickens, peripheral vessels dilate, and sweating increases. All this is accompanied by a feeling of heat in the body and redness of the face. This condition of a woman is called “hot flashes”.

However, with rapid cooling, a mechanism for resuming normal heat exchange may be activated. In this case, there is an increase in heat production by constriction of peripheral blood vessels, as well as muscle tremors. At such moments, the woman feels chills.

What to do?

Women in menopause You should avoid overheating, give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics and, of course, do not forget about hats in the summer. If the symptoms of menopause poison a woman’s life, then you can resort to, that is, the use of tablets containing female hormones.

Chills in endocrine diseases

The thyroid gland is an organ that plays vital role in thermoregulation. With a disease such as hypothyroidism, the production of the hormone thyroxine decreases. Low concentration This hormone in the blood leads to a slowdown in metabolism and a decrease in heat production. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include not only chills, but also low temperature, slow heartbeat, dry skin, lethargy, apathy.

Also accompanied by chills. When glucose levels rise, in addition to chills, severe thirst, irritability, and fatigue occur. But also a decrease in glucose is accompanied by chills. A person with hypoglycemia is also concerned cold sweat, muscle tremors, disorientation, severe weakness.

What to do?

If a person experiences similar symptoms, it is necessary to undergo medical examination. If endocrine disease is confirmed, you need to start hormone therapy. Conditions of hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic coma require immediate medical intervention.

Grigorova Valeria, medical observer