How many milk and permanent teeth should a child and an adult have? How many teeth does a person have, dental formula.

All human teeth small size, they white color and rich in calcium. In the mouth, the teeth perform the function of cutting and grinding products, which are then easily absorbed by the body. The number of teeth a person has depends largely on age. As a rule, children have fewer teeth than adults.

The development of teeth in children begins in the prenatal period. However, these teeth do not become immediately visible until the child is 6 to 12 months old. The process of development and growth of teeth becomes more frequent after the eruption of the first teeth, and already at the age of three years, most children have 20 teeth in the oral cavity. They are called milk teeth, which appear for a while and after reaching the age of six are replaced by permanent teeth, which have a longer lifespan.

Unlike milk teeth, which are normally 20 in the oral cavity, an adult has a total of 32 teeth, with erupted third molars. The ideal number of teeth an adult should have is 32 teeth, of which eight are incisors, four canines, eight premolars and twelve molars. Normally, you will not see a single wisdom tooth until the age of 17.

If milk teeth fall out in a couple of years, why is it so important to monitor their condition?

  • They leave space for permanent teeth
  • They give the face its normal look.
  • They contribute to the development of clear speech
  • They help achieve good nutrition
  • They help give a healthy start to the development of permanent teeth.

An adult has 28-32 teeth

How many teeth should an adult have

An adult person can normally have 28 to 32 teeth in the oral cavity. What these teeth are and why we indicate different numbers, you will understand by looking at the table below.




The incisors are the teeth that are in the front of the mouth in a central position. Each person has four incisors upper jaw and a similar number of incisors on mandible. Main function incisors - capture and cut food. The first milk incisors erupt in a child at 6 months. Permanent incisors replace milk teeth at 6 years of age.


Fangs are teeth with sharp edges. The main function of these teeth is to tear off especially solid food such as meat. The first milk fangs usually erupt when the baby reaches 20 months of age. Permanent fangs in adults erupt between 9 and 12 years of age.


Adults have eight premolars, four of which are located on the same jaw (with different sides), and the remaining four on the other jaw. These teeth perform the task of grinding food into more small particles. The age at which premolars begin to erupt is between 10 and 11 years of age.


We have a total of eight molars, four in each jaw. The first and second molars appear at the age of 6 and 13 respectively and perform the task of chewing the food we eat.

third molars

The last teeth in the dentition are the third molars, which are also. They do not erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. At a large number people, these teeth do not erupt at all. Wisdom teeth during eruption can cause severe pain and be the main cause of crowding of teeth, which leads to.

The wisdom tooth is the third and last molar on each side of the upper and lower jaw. They appear when a person is in late adolescence or about 25 years old. Each person can have no more than 4 wisdom teeth!

Wisdom tooth x-ray

Wisdom teeth are often associated with pain in the back of the jaw and difficulty chewing. When you have a fully functional set of teeth in your mouth, the question might be, what are wisdom teeth for? The answer is pretty simple. The function of wisdom teeth is the same as other teeth. They take part in the act of chewing and grinding food. With the correct position in the dentition, they are able to increase chewing efficiency. Unfortunately, third molars may not always take correct position, for this reason, an operation to remove teeth may be required to avoid possible complications.

The removal of wisdom teeth is a common practice and a common procedure throughout the world. There are many dental indications for surgical intervention: complicated, which cannot be treated therapeutically, dystopic position of the tooth and soft tissue injury of the crown part of the tooth, crowding of teeth (orthodontic indication).

Wisdom tooth extraction is a clinically proven process that aims to reduce pain, preserve the shape of the face while maintaining proper tooth alignment, and prevent infections.

At what age do teeth fall out in adults?

This question is individual for each person and depends on many factors, for example: heredity, etc. The table below shows the average number of permanent teeth among adults aged 20 to 64, broken down by individual characteristics.

Characteristic Average number of permanent teeth
20 to 34 years old 26
35 to 49 years old 25
50 to 64 years 22
The male 25
Female 24
History of smoking
Smoker currently 23
former smoker 25
Never smoked 25
Average 24 permanent teeth

Data source: University of National Health and Nutrition, has been an important source of information on oral health and dental care in the US since the early 1970s.

Everyone answer 32. Everyone knows about it. This is what we were taught at school, and numerous advertisements in the media speak about this. But if you take them to count in your mouth, then many adults will count less, which is surprising. So how many adults and what is considered the norm?

How many teeth does an adult have

If a person, when counting, finds only 28, and not 32 teeth, then he immediately wonders where the other four have gone. Every dentist will explain this situation to you.

An adult has exactly 32 teeth. If there are less than 28 or 30, then this means that the third molars have not yet grown. These are eights. Their development begins much later. All inhabit the jaw rows in the period from 6 to 12 years. At the age of 16, a number of dentists are considered formed. Although during this period the third molars have not yet grown, their rudiments are already there and they have taken their place. But in most people, they may never appear or come out only on the upper jaw. How they develop depends on a dozen circumstances:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • the influence of evolution on the development of the jaw system;
  • food intake and more.

Geneticists and dentists have noted that in the process of evolution, human teeth have also changed. Initially, there were 44 of them. Our distant ancestors ate solid foods. Therefore, their jaw system was different, and all teeth took part in chewing. Today, soft foods predominate in the diet. The human lower jaw has become smaller and there is not enough space for the third molars to develop. This is the reason why they remain in their infancy, and sometimes erupt incorrectly.

Eights begin to grow by the age of 17. This process is considered completed by 25. Therefore, if by this time a person does not observe the required amount in his mouth, it is recommended to contact a dentist. It will exclude an anomaly in the development of the third molars, when they grow to the side and displace the root, which is nearby.

Therefore, if you answer the above question, then there is no definite answer. A person has 32 teeth. But the numbers 28 and 30 are also considered the norm, subject to normal development.


This is a human bone organ that is incapable of regeneration. They are playing important role in the digestion of food and are the first in the digestive system. The first ones that appeared from 6 months to 2 years are dairy. By the age of 10-12, they should be replaced by permanent teeth. Their number is 28. Nature is arranged in such a way that a person's teeth fall out once, with their subsequent replacement. Therefore, it is important to keep them healthy.

Can a person have 33 teeth? This anomaly is extremely rare. Scientists claim that this is 3% of the total population.

Number of dairy

The moment of the appearance of the first incisors is touching, even despite all the capriciousness of the child. All parents are looking forward to it. , like their successors, also have a root system, blood vessels and nerve endings. That's why some babies are in pain. They are also susceptible to diseases and require normal care.

They are laid in the embryonic period, and begin to grow when the child is 6 months old. This is an approximate time. Perhaps the movement of the beginning of the eruption in one direction or the other. This is considered the norm. They grow up to two and a half years. They appear in a certain order.

  1. If the child is 7 to 9 months old, there are 4 of them. These are two upper and lower incisors.
  2. About 8 teeth should be in 1 year. The readings are inaccurate, since in a certain percentage of children this figure reaches 12 pieces.
  3. From 1.5 to 2 years, their number varies from 18 to 20.
  4. at 2 years exactly 20.

The development of milk teeth is individual and depends on dozens of factors. Therefore, if small deviations from the established norms are noticed, this is not a reason for parents to panic and worry.

Dentists and pediatricians use the formula by which they determine the number of teeth: it is necessary to subtract four from the number of months of a child's life. According to her, the number of teeth in 2 years is 20. These are 8 incisors and the same number of molars, 4 canines.

In the period from 2.5 years to 3 years in the development of the jaw system in a child, a period of fading begins. All 20 teeth in a child are actively involved in chewing. During this period, it is important to observe the rules of hygiene and monitor their health.

The enamel of milk teeth is thin and is more susceptible to caries, so children are not immune from this disease. Do not be afraid to contact the dentist if the baby's row has become unusable. Modern equipment helps to make the treatment painless for the child. The formation of permanent ones depends on their health. So it's important to keep an eye on them.

Number of indigenous

Indigenous are called four, five, six and eight in the upper and lower jaws on each side. Milk molars should be 8, 4 in each row. An adult has 20 of them, 10 on each jaw, taking into account the four third molars. But since they may not be, the number of molars in the mouth in an adult varies from 16 to 20.

Dentists distinguish between small molars (premolars or fours and fives). The crown has 2 visible tubercles. They have one or two roots. Their function is to grind food. The rest are large molars (first, second, third molar or six, seven and eight). There are 12 such teeth. The crown already has four visible tubercles. The number of roots reaches 4, and sometimes 5 pieces.

There are 8 primary milk teeth in humans. The structure differs from the permanent ones, but they have the same function as their successors. If you want your child to have no problems for a long time after the full formation of the jaw, accustom him to the oral hygiene procedure, enrich his diet not only with calcium-rich foods, but also with vitamins and minerals. Teach and explain the need for regular visits to the dentist.

When asked how many teeth an adult should have, everyone will answer without delay: Normally 32 teeth. But if you take the topic seriously and count the number of teeth in the upper and lower jaws, you may be surprised, since there will be less than the expected number. Let's try to find out why this happens, which cases can be considered the norm, and which require medical intervention.

Features of the growth of milk teeth

Babies have no teeth at all. Sometimes there have been cases of the birth of children with a pair of milk elements, but this circumstance is an exception. Pediatricians say that teething should begin at about 7–8 months of a baby’s life, but it is not uncommon for parents to notice the appearance of the first incisors as early as 4–5 months.

All milk teeth grow by the age of three years, but often there are shifts of this general date by six months in one direction or another. According to experts in the field of dentistry, this development is normal.

Eruption order

The chronology of the formation of milk dentition in infants is as follows:

  • The incisors are the first to erupt into the oral cavity. Their number by 8-9 months should be equal to 4: two at the top and two at the bottom.
  • By the time the baby reaches a year, the jaw row should have eight to ten teeth, but sometimes there are twelve of them, which again is normal. At this time, the lateral incisors grow.
  • By the age of two little man eighteen to twenty elements appear in the mouth. By 18 months, the first molars appear, by 24 - fangs, and then - the second molars. Thus, by the age of 2, a person has 8 incisors and molars, as well as 4 canines.
  • After two years and 6 months, the so-called dormant period begins, when the growth of teeth slows down. But a small person has enough for chewing food and twenty, which is available. At this age, an important task of parents is the hygienic education of children, explaining the need for cleanliness and oral health.

How many permanent teeth do adults have

Normally, an adult should have 32 teeth.: 16 top and bottom, respectively. The dentition in the upper and lower jaws is the same; only the shape of its individual elements may differ slightly.


The number of permanent incisors in an adult is equal to the number of milk teeth of the same name in children: 4 in each jaw. They can be central and lateral. In the upper row, the central elements have large sizes, and on the lower row, the side elements. This formation allows them to optimally perform the function of biting off, “cutting off” pieces of food.


Both babies and mature people 4 such teeth: 2 on top and 2 on the bottom. The shape of the fangs is in many ways similar to that present in carnivores.

Permanent teeth

They perform the function of chewing, grinding food, can be of two types:

  • Premolars or small molars. The number of such teeth in an adult is usually eight: 2 pairs in each jaw. They are located between the canines and molars. One premolar has a rounded shape and is placed at an angle to the tongue. The second premolar is larger than its counterpart, covered with pronounced tubercles on top.
  • Large molars or molars. An adult person has 12 such teeth, they differ in types. The first molars are large in size, rectangular in shape, pronounced tubercles and two roots, each of which has one dental canal.
The second and third molars are similar to the first, some differences are only in the form of fissures and tubercles.

Wisdom teeth - third molars - in adults are usually four, but sometimes there may be fewer, or they do not grow at all. In the absence of wisdom teeth in a person, there are 28 positions in the mouth. For what reasons this happens, read below.

Why don't all people have wisdom teeth?

It is not for nothing that wisdom teeth got such a name, since they appear in already adults - from 18 to 25–26 years old. These teeth often do not grow in full, for example, one in each jaw, or do not erupt at all. If the growth of the third molars went without complications, the discomfort went away after complete eruption, then any number of them will be a variant of the norm.

Conclusion: 32 permanent teeth in a person is the standard norm, along with "wise" teeth. But many people grow only 28 permanent teeth, and dentists also refer to this as the norm, saying that in the course of evolution, “wise” elements may disappear altogether.

In rare cases, on the contrary, a person has 33 teeth, the fifth “wise man” cuts through in the front of the row. This phenomenon entails discomfort and spoiled the aesthetics of the jaw, so the extra element must be removed.

According to experts, an additional third molar is a deviation from the norm, which is laid down during intrauterine formation. For example, if the pregnancy was multiple and one of the embryos died, passing on an “extra” tooth to a brother or sister.

Modern dentistry helps to easily cope with any dental ailments. But, as before, the main condition for healthy teeth is daily brushing twice a day, visiting the dentist at least once every six months and timely treatment dental diseases.

Each of us knows that normally an adult should have 32 teeth in his mouth. But there are still wisdom teeth! Are they included in this number or are they an addition to the generally accepted norm? What numbers should be used when we are talking about the adult oral cavity? You can find an exhaustive answer to this very interesting question in our today's article.

How many teeth does an adult have?

Children over 12 have only 28 teeth. Why so little? The fact is that another pair of teeth on each jaw grows only by the age of 30. And sometimes it doesn't grow at all. Here everything depends on anatomical features human body. The third molars (wisdom teeth) are the very 4 teeth that appear last. However, the absence of these molars is also considered the norm. Therefore, a person with 32 or 28 teeth is considered complete in terms of dental development. If you can boast of a complete set of teeth, then we congratulate you. Indeed, often an adult of 30 years old has only 26-27 pieces of teeth, since by this age he manages to lose several molars due to neglected caries.

Note that wisdom teeth erupt quite problematic, so it is unrealistic to miss this moment. Gums swell, hurt, body temperature rises. In most cases, molars erupt incorrectly and have to be removed. According to the account, wisdom teeth occupy the eighth position. Usually they appear in pairs, but it also happens that only 1 or 3 teeth grow.

Features of the structure and canals of teeth in an adult

We invite you to find out the names and location of the teeth in the oral cavity, as well as find out how many roots and canals each tooth has. So, a dental set of 32 pieces consists of the following incisors, canines, premolars and molars:

  • central incisors (units) located one at a time in the upper and lower rows, have 1 root and 1-2 channels;
  • lateral incisors (two) have the same location and number of roots, canals, as the previous teeth;
  • fangs (triples) located in the upper and lower rows, have one root and one canal in each tooth;
  • first premolar (quadruple) in the top row it has two roots and two canals, in the bottom row - one each;
  • second premolar (five) both in the upper and in the lower row it has one dental root and canal;
  • first molars (six) in the top row contains 3 roots and the same number of channels, in the bottom row - 2 roots and 3 channels;
  • second molar (seven) in the upper row contains 2-3 roots, in the lower row - only 2. There are 3-4 canals in the tooth of the upper row, and no more than 3 in the lower row;
  • third molars can have from 2 to 5 roots, moreover, they often grow together and form one massive root. There are up to 8 channels in the G8.
  • It is important to note that the number of roots and canals may vary due to the fact that the latter often bifurcate near the pulp. It also happens that several channels are located in parallel in one root. That is why the dentist uses an x-ray to accurately calculate everything in the tooth.

    How to keep your teeth healthy?

    Oral hygiene is the main condition for maintaining a complete set of teeth into old age. However, not all of us know how to properly brush our teeth and take care of our teeth. oral cavity. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the following recommendations dentists and follow these rules unquestioningly:

    • you need to brush your teeth 2 times a day, not more often, otherwise the enamel will collapse;
    • it is necessary to carry out oral hygiene 30 minutes after breakfast or dinner so that food enzymes do not react with the components of the toothpaste;
    • after snacking, you need to rinse your mouth with water or a special rinse. In this case, dental floss will also come in handy;
    • the duration of brushing your teeth is at least 2 minutes, while it is better to make circular movements with a brush so as not to injure the gums;
    • Using an electric toothbrush will get rid of plaque and prevent the formation of tartar.

    Here is such an entertaining arithmetic we carried out in our today's article. Now you know how many teeth an adult should have and how to keep a full set of teeth for years to come.

The answer to the question of how many teeth a person should have depends on how old the person is. During a person's life, two sets of teeth are replaced: milk, or temporary, teeth begin to erupt at about 6 months, and at the age of 6 to 12 years they are replaced by permanent ones. Only the third molars, the so-called wisdom teeth, appear much later. By 2-2.5 years, a small person should have 20 milk teeth: 8 incisors, 4 canines and 8 molars. An adult should have at least 28 permanent teeth, if all four wisdom teeth have erupted, then the full set will consist of 32 teeth.

The development of all teeth begins on the 40th day of life in the womb and lasts about 5 years. The order of teething is determined by the order of their laying: the first to appear are temporary, formed before the 5th month of intrauterine life, then permanent, laid in the interval from the 5th month of a woman's pregnancy to 5 years of a child's life. Milk teeth appear in this order: central incisors (6–8 months), then lateral (8–12 months), first molars (1–1.5 years), canines (1.5–1 year 10 months) , second molars (2–2.5 years). permanent teeth appear differently: first molars, central incisors, lateral incisors, first premolars, second premolars, canines, second molars. Third molars usually erupt at the age of 18-25, but may be later.

The teeth are located in the jaw symmetrically due to the fact that the face itself is symmetrical, but their shape is different and is associated with the functions performed. A smile opens the front, or frontal, teeth, which include incisors (there are 8 in total, 4 on each jaw) and canines (4 pieces, two in each of the jaws, one on the right and left). The incisors bite or cut off pieces of food, the fangs help to tear them from the whole. Fangs are considered the most stable teeth, since they have the longest roots, moreover, the correctness of the outlines of the face and the retention of a smile depend on the fangs. Behind the canines begin the lateral teeth - premolars and molars. 8 premolars and 12 molars are responsible for crushing and grinding, grinding and chewing food, respectively.

However, it would be a mistake to assume that human teeth are needed only when eating. They play an important role in pronunciation, from their appearance depends on the charm of a smile. Therefore, monitor the ratio of teeth (occlusion) in infancy, carefully care for the oral cavity since childhood, learn how to properly brush your teeth, choose a brush and paste, visit the dentist's office twice a year for preventive examinations- that's what needs to be done so that the number of teeth in the mouth remains in line with the norm.