Business in crisis: real ideas and advice from experienced people. What to do to make money during a crisis

A crisis is not the best time for entrepreneurship. During this difficult period, many companies are closing, others are forced to reduce production and lay off staff. However, this particular period can be a start for businessmen and even the key to success. It is important to choose the right direction of activity and carefully plan your expenses and income.

Business in a crisis: what to open so as not to make a mistake and how to succeed in an economically and politically difficult period? The answer is contained in the materials of our new article.

People living in rural areas can rely on homestead farming. Among the most promising ideas:

  • home canning and food preparations for future use;
  • farming.

You can find out how to open a farm from scratch and what documents are required for this

Ideas for business in a crisis - an apiary in a backyard.

Apiary in the courtyard

Organizing an apiary is a great idea for people living in an ecologically clean area. To create it, you will need a spacious estate where the hives will be installed. It will be necessary to purchase promising bee colonies and additional equipment.

To work in an apiary, you need 2-3 experienced employees who have undergone special training. Investments in the project can reach up to 150,000 rubles (it all depends on the size of the apiary). Monthly income minus mandatory expenses – from 20,000 rubles. It takes a long time for a business to pay off; it can take up to 3 years.

Fruits, vegetables and greens

Village residents can do canning, drying, freezing berries, vegetables, and herbs. The fruits do not have to be grown; they can be purchased from fellow villagers.

You can start working with the minimum: several freezers, household stoves and a spacious room for processing workpieces. A cellar is required to store finished products.

To make the preparations successful, you can use original recipes. Don't limit yourself to standard jams and pickles. Offer consumers natural marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, seasonings for meat, and spicy spreads for sandwiches. The more original and wider the range, the higher the opportunities for implementation.

You can sell your products at fairs and offer them to grocery stores. An excellent option is sales through an online store or groups on social networks.

Costs depend on the scale of the business; you can start with a minimum of 25,000-30,000 rubles.


People with livestock husbandry skills can take care of geese, rabbits, and nutria. On the basis of the farm, you can organize a mini-workshop for dressing skins, preparing stews or sausages. The sale of breeding stock is also in demand.

A very promising option is goat farming. Purebred goats are highly productive; their milk is healthy and in demand by city residents. You can make yogurt, varenets, cottage cheese, cheese and other products from homemade milk. The costs of setting up a farm depend on what animals you will be breeding.

For example, for a small chicken farm of 100 heads you will have to spend 50,000-60,000 rubles. Selling eggs will help earn 125,000 rubles a year. Investments in the business will pay off in 1.5 years; with an increase in the number of livestock, the period of profitability is reduced.

You can read how to raise rabbits at home in sheds and using the Mikhailov method

What to do in a crisis to make money - livestock farming.

What to do in a crisis to earn money: ideas for metropolitan residents

Residents of big cities have much more opportunities. In megacities, a solvent audience remains, for which an interesting proposal can be formulated.

Cars for the thrifty

During a crisis, people try to save on purchases and treat their property with greater care.

Naturally, the car servicing business will remain relevant. You can open a car service with a spare parts store. It is advisable to target the widest possible audience by servicing cars of different brands.

An interesting proposal is a franchise of auto repair shops, which allows even people without experience to enter this business. The list of costs takes into account the rental of a workshop, the purchase or leasing of equipment, and the purchase of new or used spare parts. Trading can also be done virtually, this will significantly reduce costs.

Opening a franchise store costs about 100,000 rubles, the return on investment for the business is quite high. A permanent workshop can bring in up to 40,000 rubles per month.

Beauty is within walking distance

In a crisis, you can rely on beauty. or a nail salon in a residential building will not require large expenses. A room for 1-2 chairs with a small hallway and space for a manicurist can be equipped with inexpensive used equipment. Seats in such a salon can be rented out, this will allow you to save a lot.

You can open a salon for 80,000 rubles including rent. With a basic set of services (haircut, coloring, styling, manicure) and daily service to 10 clients, you can achieve an income of 40,000-50,000 rubles per month.

New ideas for business during a crisis

The difficult financial situation in the country perfectly stimulates the formation of new ideas in the field of entrepreneurship. Vacant niches can be filled with new proposals or creative rethinking of old ones. Try betting on a food-related business.

Ideas for business during a crisis - production and sale of cheese.

Cheese for everyone

Restrictions on cheese sales could be an incentive for new producers. There is no need to follow the path of dairy factories, offering a product that is not too expensive but not tasty. Place your bet on producing real, high-quality cheese from natural raw materials.

Russian entrepreneurs have developed technologies for the production of semi-hard, soft and brine cheeses; these recipes can be used. Production can be expanded to include cheeses with additives: nuts, herbs, pepper or olives.

To organize cheese production, permission from regulatory authorities will be required, and the products must be certified. To organize a company, you need a spacious room (200-300 sq. m), as well as a full set of equipment.

It is cheaper to purchase a cheese production line as a whole; it can be leased. Full cycle production costs – from 6,000,000 rubles.

With a monthly income of 60,000 rubles, you can expect payback in 2 years.

Pasta is widely available

Another idea for people who rely on food is the production of pasta. Chinese manufacturers offer mini-factories suitable for the production of spaghetti, penne, vermicelli, lasagna layers and other types of pasta. You can make pasta from refined wheat, dark, buckwheat flour, add bran, vitamins, and natural dyes to them.

For the mini-factory, it is worth purchasing packaging equipment and a machine for printing branded bags. To organize a workshop, you will need a spacious room (at least 100 sq. m). The cost of purchasing equipment is 300,000-500,000 rubles.

When selling through a retail network, you can count on profit from 20,000 rubles per month. Payback depends on the speed of concluding sales contracts.

Shop in a new way

During the crisis, small grocery stores began to open at an accelerated pace, competing with supermarkets. Such shops provide residents of new neighborhoods that are not spoiled by retail outlets.

You can find out how to open a grocery store from scratch and draw up a competent business plan with cost calculations

Business in a crisis: what to open so as not to make a mistake - a grocery store.

You can rely on a universal assortment, or focus on one product group: bread and confectionery, meat, milk. By concluding an agreement with rural producers, you will be able to offer the consumer tasty, healthy and inexpensive products that distinguish you from your competitors.

The price of opening a mini-store is from 200,000 rubles. Monthly earnings minus expenses for rent and purchase of goods - from 15,000 rubles.

Having started a business in difficult times of crisis, aspiring entrepreneurs face a variety of problems. However, marketers note: At this time, the most viable and courageous enter the market, having carefully calculated all the risks and are ready for unforeseen situations.

Firms and stores opened during a crisis often turn out to be very viable and successfully continue their activities when difficult times are left behind.

Business in crisis: what to open so as not to make a mistake? The answer is in the following video:

A business that not only manages to stay afloat, but also gets rich.
And we are not even talking about speculators, financial pyramids and those who offer debt collection services. Everything is much simpler, almost to the point of banality: there are many companies that have been on the market for a long time - it’s just that during the crisis their business has become even more relevant and profitable.

So which business benefits in a crisis and which business is most profitable to run in difficult times? You don’t have to look far for an example: let’s see who benefited the most during the 2009 crisis.

  • Fast food workers.

Cafes and restaurants are empty: you no longer need to book a table in advance on Friday. Where have all these people gone? They sit at home and cook. Or they go to fast food. McDonald's average income increased by 10% during the 2009 crisis, and KFC decided to open 300 new outlets around the world during the same period. Whatever you say, in a crisis it is most profitable for a business to feed people hamburgers, not Chilean sea bass.

  • Tabachniks.

Have Russians started smoking less? Especially from such a wonderful information field, stress at work, salary cuts, the need to pay for loans and other joys? Well, of course not. Therefore, one of the cheap brands of cigarettes increased its sales by as much as 27% during the last crisis. However, why be surprised: tobacco producers were the only ones who made a profit during the American Great Depression. Chocolates are neither possible nor profitable.

  • Soap dishes and shampoo boxes.

As Rosstat surveys showed in 2009, furniture and household goods are the first to fall under the knife of cost cutting. But for some reason people do not agree to eat less often, wash less often and comb their hair less often under any circumstances. This is what allowed companies such as Procter & Gamble, as well as Johson & Jonson, to feel even more confident and boldly take 22nd and 42nd place in the ranking of the largest companies in the world.

  • Large hypermarkets.

As mentioned above, people are also not going to eat less often. But for the sake of preserving the family budget, our compatriots are not lazy even to go to the damn middle distance to get to some large and cheap hypermarket and buy for the year ahead. Food monsters feel calm, they manage to add a few zeros to their income items, but they are in no hurry to tell what kind of business is profitable to run now.

  • Landlords.

Owners of large retail spaces in a good location will always have something to live on. We can talk for a long time about the fact that many companies go bankrupt and move out - but others come to take their place? The Tashir group of companies in 2009, for example, grew in revenue and assets, even despite the active acquisition of problematic properties: its turnover increased by 11% and reached $1.5 million. One RIO mall on Dmitrivskoye Shosse brought in a cash flow of $100 million.

  • Anti-crisis lenders.

No, we still couldn’t do without creditors! But we will not talk about microloans and pawnshops, which also earned a lot, but about larger players. For example, investor Warren Buffett earned $10 billion during the 2008 crisis by providing loans to the largest US companies. According to the Wall Street Journal, he earned more than $680 million from his company Berkshire Hathaway's deal with Mars Inc. alone.

  • Hedge funds.

Even Wikipedia considers hedge funds to be one of the riskiest forms of investing. But this does not prevent such a business from being one of the most profitable during a crisis. Simple facts: after Black Wednesday 1992 and the devaluation of the English currency, one of the funds earned $1 billion from this. And the crisis year of 2009 allowed 25 heads of global organizations to pocket $25.3 billion and double their income. It’s a pity that there are only 12 thousand hedge funds in the world and it is almost impossible to enter this market.

Meanwhile, in Tchaikovsky, the organizer of the financial pyramid enriched himself by 70 million rubles. The 60-year-old entrepreneur offered to invest money in her highly profitable business and promised to pay off debts at high interest rates, from 25% to 36%. Thus, she stole more than 70 million rubles from 211 people and received five years in prison. So don’t listen to others and start your own profitable business: you can earn a lot of money during a crisis by playing fair.

A crisis is an ambiguous time. For some, this is a difficult period. For others, it reveals great prospects when interesting ideas are born, when a person intensifies his activities. And this is the most correct option to overcome a difficult stage of life.

People have always lived according to their capabilities. Some save their already small salary, while others can afford expensive purchases even in times of crisis.

To understand what kind of business to start during a crisis, you must offer favorable conditions for the purchase of your services or goods to all these people. You will need to tailor your business idea to the demand of consumers in your region.

Will the business be profitable during a crisis?

The important point is to have the necessary information, which means finding a profitable idea.

To do this, go shopping in your city and observe which departments are more crowded and which products are purchased more often. Consult with entrepreneurs you know about what problems there are in running a business, what obstacles there may be. This will help you avoid these problems in your business.

Buyer demand in each region is different. And a profitable business during a crisis is possible if you choose the best product or service for your city. Analyze all possible services and products that you can and should do. Food, shoes and clothing will always be in demand. People use the services of hairdressers and loans, car repairs and the services of lawyers.

Ideas for business during a crisis can be found on the Internet. Beginners, of course, will not be able to earn a lot of money right away, but there are many ways, you can learn a new business if you have the desire. By becoming a professional in online business, you can gather a large customer base and earn a decent income.

Now let's look at a few specific ideas that will help you open your own profitable business. The main thing is not to give up and not to panic. Choose the idea that is closest to you and act.


Your idea must be extraordinary and in demand. To reduce their expenses, many entrepreneurs turn to professional experts for advice. Opening a consulting company will help you earn good money if you have the appropriate education.

No start-up capital? Limit yourself to your own efforts. Choose a field of activity in which you are an excellent specialist and know everything.

Find clients online and conduct consultations via Skype. And when you have enough clients, think about opening a company, attracting specialists in various fields. Profitable and in demand business.

Repair of household appliances

Do you like to repair various electronics and household appliances? Are you good at it? Why not open a repair shop. At first, you can do this at home. Costs for renting workshop space will be reduced.

Repairing household appliances is a profitable and promising business

And you will find clients quickly, because in times of crisis people try to save on everything. It is cheaper to properly repair old equipment than to buy new ones. To attract customers, use leaflets, advertisements on poles and in entrances, and on the Internet.

Collection agency

Almost every one of us has lent money to someone at some point. During periods of normal work and good salaries, we do not rush to repay debts. But during a crisis, money is needed, and careless debtors are in no hurry to repay their debts. And people turn to collectors.

You can offer your services. And then you can receive your commissions from each returned debt. There are no investments, income depends on the amount of debt. Not everyone will do this type of work, but it can be considered as an option.

The word “crisis” is familiar to every Russian. Finding a job in difficult times for the Russian economy is very difficult. The number of jobs is decreasing, wages are not growing, in contrast to the demands of employers - where to go? Many people decide to start their own business. Of course, no future entrepreneur hopes to prosper without difficulties and pitfalls. But it's still worth a try.

Business in crisis: what to do?

It's not easy for business during a crisis. The number of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs has decreased and continues to decrease. Everything played a role here: the decreased purchasing power of citizens, the restriction of imports due to Western sanctions, the “collapsed” ruble, and the deterioration of credit conditions. Although the state has put forward a number of “bonuses” to support entrepreneurship—the development of self-regulation, subsidies, the creation of an outsourcing center, and support for social business—the situation still remains difficult.

The result is not encouraging. According to statistics from the Higher School of Economics, more than seventy percent of those who dreamed of doing business in Russia simply do not have the opportunity to put their plans into practice. The main reasons are the inability to take out a loan due to prohibitively high lending rates and bureaucracy. Moreover, while giving benefits with one hand, the government takes them away with the other.

For example, the Ministry of Finance is reducing the number of entrepreneurs entitled to preferential tax treatment. Retail outlets, rentiers, and public catering establishments are “thrown out” from this list. The head of government demanded that small businesses help replenish the budget. “Where can I help?” - the owners of small firms were indignant: “... we wouldn’t be able to stretch our legs here.”

And yet, new small businesses open in Russia every month. After all, even in a crisis, “everything is bad” does not happen; there are always new opportunities. And the harsh economic conditions are a reason not to lose discipline and carefully calculate your plans and forecasts.

Ideas for business in a crisis: rural business ideas

The number of those who have decided to start their own profitable business in rural areas is growing. The benefit of such an event also lies in the fact that a considerable part of the start-up capital is provided by the land itself: for some it is the popular “six hundred square meters”, for others it is an entire farm inherited. Tools and equipment, which can only be obtained in rural areas, also play a big role.

What business to open in the village: beekeeping

Many choose the path of a beekeeper and open. Indeed, the demand for honey - a superfood whose beneficial effects can hardly be overestimated - has always been and will always be. Private beekeepers are the main suppliers of the Russian beekeeping market at the moment. Many people are wary of Chinese honey due to the presence of genetically modified components. In addition, bees produce pollen, propolis, and bee bread.

There will be considerable expenses - hives, bee colonies, equipment, personnel (at least an accountant and two beekeepers).

Honey can be sold not only at fairs - contracts can be concluded with legal entities, such as pharmacies and specialty stores. Foresters and farmers are directly interested in cooperation with apiary owners.

It won't be without risks. Usually beekeepers move from place to place, and this is natural - production is affected by both the condition of the land and weather conditions, for example, rainy or, conversely, dry summers.

Get ready for the fact that you will have to learn a lot, for example, how to use various pieces of agricultural machinery and drive a tractor.


You can do this in the city, but it is much more profitable in rural areas. If only because in the countryside there are much more resources and opportunities for the production and storage of preparations (the same cellar).

It is impossible not to consider such an issue as the production of frozen fruits, berries and vegetables. True, you will have to spend money on such units as renting a refrigerated warehouse; washing and blanching installations; blast freezing chamber; machine for cleaning vegetables and fruits; packaging unit. At the same time, the price for each installation fluctuates around half a million rubles. There will also be expenses for personnel.

Climate, weather vagaries, and soil conditions also play a huge role.


It is also called a family business. Indeed, usually all family members are involved in the work of the farm.

For those who decide to become a farmer, there are many options - these are both, and and. Family members who decide to start farming sign an agreement among themselves and also register the farm, as provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If you are counting on , then you can’t count on a loan as a farmer - those included in the agro-industrial complex development program are entitled to it, plus guarantors will be required.

But you can register as unemployed and apply for self-employment in the agricultural sector. Help from the state, although small for the farm, will still be noticeable - about 60,000 rubles.

Small business ideas during a crisis in a metropolis

Those who do not want to leave the metropolis and move to nature will find something to do in the city. The main thing is to focus on the general consumer.

Your own Autoreality

Any crisis means, first of all, a decrease in sales. Car dealers suffer greatly from this, as the cost of cars rises and the currency depreciates. Naturally, the most problems arise with the sale of new cars. As a result, more and more car owners prefer to use old cars for a longer period and try to purchase used vehicles.

Taking these features into account, the percentage of sales of spare parts and consumables increases. In other words, during a crisis the auto parts market always begins to become more active, but car sales drop significantly.

The Autoreality franchise is an excellent option for those who want to make money. It is enough to connect to a ready-made and operating business selling spare parts and consumables for foreign cars.

  • minimal initial investment;
  • good profit;
  • high demand for products;
  • favorable markups for buyers and sellers;
  • clear and simple business niche;
  • the ability to open a point without your own warehouse;
  • assistance from specialists with store launch and advertising;
  • constant support.

This is a truly relevant and in-demand type of business that is sure to work. In addition, if you provide high-quality and original products at an affordable price, then some of the customers from your competitors will definitely switch to you.

In addition, you can personally select the brand that is best suited for your region by booking it for yourself. This means that your fellow countrymen who have joined the Autoreality franchise will not compete with you. And, of course, do not forget about the quick return on investment.

Briefly about the most popular ideas

There are a great many offers in the field of franchising today. Everyone, even a novice businessman, can find something to their liking.

It is one of the most effective methods of earning money. After all, children's knitted dolls are very popular all over the world. Today, handmade items are in fashion. The franchise cost is only 59,000 rubles.

The paper dolls have a detailed design, they are completely unique, so it is impossible to find a similar doll on the market. Moreover, Paper Knitters are completely harmless, as they are made from environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic materials. The main advantages of these fashionable and sought-after dolls are high quality, originality and hand-knitting.

As for an independent business, you can open a small one, which can be sold through a network of vending machines.

Implementation through in general can do a good job. It could be familiar chocolate, soda, chips - many organizations, business centers, universities, even schools would be happy to host such units. Also - not in child care institutions, of course - you can sell tobacco products.

In addition, you can open an auto repair shop. During a crisis, people are much less likely to buy new cars, but pay increased attention to old ones. There is no doubt that there will always be enough clients.

A profitable type of business will be the opening - one that can be affordable by a student, a housewife, and retirees. Economy hairdressers are a place where people with a tight wallet regularly come.

As an option, you can open a laundry or - these services will be needed by both individuals and organizations in any economic situation.

New business ideas related to products during a crisis

Is it possible to open a grocery business during a crisis and not go broke? Of course you can, because a person cannot live without food. It is only important to follow some tricks.

Business: food production

Is it worth investing energy into producing products? It’s very worthwhile - after all, import substitution is now among the guidelines of our economy.

Ask what people buy every day and you will hear the answer - pasta! Indeed, most often this nutritious, inexpensive and tasty dish appears at meals as either a side dish or an independent dish. And during the crisis, the demand for it increased several times.

Before we begin, let's decide on the segment. It is better to opt for the “middle class” category. Buyers in this class are not attached to one brand or another - the price-quality combination is more important to them. Pasta can be sold to shops and supermarkets; student canteens, cafes, companies delivering food to home, wholesalers.

For a pasta workshop you will need a large room - about 200 square meters and, in fact, equipment. Moreover, it is better to immediately buy a production line that produces one hundred and fifty kilograms of products in 60 minutes. Personnel will also be required. The pasta business is also good because of its high and short-term payback and acceptable start-up capital - about 300,000 rubles.

In addition, food production business idea will be profitable. Especially now, when many types of imported products are “under sanctions.” Despite the apparent simplicity and small staff (7 people), investments will be required even more than in pasta - approximately 7,000,000 rubles. And here you should start by renting premises (with the prospect of subsequent purchase) for your production - approximately 300 square meters, then purchasing equipment. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully study this market segment in the Russian Federation; in addition, strict compliance with technology is required.

These were examples of what could be produced.

What about trade?

What should be sold is not delicacies, but everyday products, essential products. Small stores selling them always have more chances, because they have everything they need on sale. At the same time, there is no need to completely exclude expensive goods from the assortment - in any situation there will be people in the country who have money, but do you want them to continue visiting your store?

There is no need to neglect discounts and promotions, such as “two for the price of one”. This is exactly what you don’t need to save on. Many owners of large stores skimp on advertising during a crisis, which you should not do. The more visible you are, the more potential clients will know about you. Feel free to say that buying from you is more profitable. This way more people will know about you, the quality of your products, and the discounts your store offers.

What business to start during a crisis?

Whatever business you open, it is important to remember one thing - in Russia, even without a crisis, business is fraught with risks. How to minimize them? You need to constantly improve your level of development, attend seminars and courses for aspiring entrepreneurs, read developmental literature, for example, about Maslow’s pyramid of needs - after all, you will need a lot of knowledge that you do not yet have. And any business needs partners - if you don’t have them yet, try to find them.

An unstable economic situation is not a reason to cut your expenses, but a reason to think about what kind of business to open during a crisis. After all, if you approach the issue wisely, you can get a stable source of good income. Only you need to choose your field of activity carefully, paying attention to options that will always be in demand. So, what will be profitable today and always?

Whether the family’s salary is large or small, the parents will always dress the child. Therefore, and even in economy class, it will be a successful idea. Opening costs will average 200-300 thousand rubles. This means a store with a small retail area of ​​approximately 20 square meters. The bulk of the costs will go to the purchase of goods.

How soon will the costs be recouped?

The markup on goods can reach 200-300%; payback with the right choice of location occurs within approximately 8-12 months.

Produse store

If you can put an old jacket on a child, then there are no old products. Therefore, selling food products is always a profitable business. Depending on the area and assortment, payback occurs in a period of 1 to 2 years. True, you will have to run around the authorities and collect a lot of documents.

What profit does it bring?

The figure is individual for each specific outlet. By organizing your store according to all the rules and choosing a suitable location for it, your business can be turned into a very profitable one. Profit per day ranges from 5 thousand rubles to several hundred thousand.

Advertising agency

This is a very good business in a crisis. To sell a product or service, it needs to be well advertised. Opening an advertising agency requires a minimum of investment, several computers with appropriate programs, a printer for printing advertising booklets, tables and chairs for employees. This will be enough to get started, but then, of course, you will have to purchase special equipment.

Car service

If not everyone can buy a car during a crisis, then auto repair does not feel the decline in the flow of customers. Therefore, offering inexpensive car repair services will always be profitable.

Price issue. Opening a car service center will cost at least 500 thousand rubles; equipment can be purchased used to save money. Payback directly depends on the flow of customers; for regular orders, it occurs within 6 months.