What does b2b mean. B2B: Principles of construction and operation

What meansB2B sale? Between whom are they carried out? How attractive is the sales marketB2b?

If your business is focused on selling goods and services to other companies, enterprises, firms, then your business model is called B2B (business-to-business) or a more common variant in Russian - corporate sales.

Unlike B2C and , companies in this segment supply raw materials, materials, equipment, tools and other goods and services to other enterprises, which ultimately transfer these costs to the manufactured product and include it in the cost price.

An example of a traditional B2B market is automotive manufacturing. Vehicle components are produced, as a rule, by different enterprises. The car manufacturer buys these components and uses them in the production of the car. Other examples of a B2B sale are:

  • Sale of software CRM, ERP, MRP. These are specialized programs that are used by enterprises for more efficient operation.
  • Sale of office equipment to other firms
  • Sale of fire safety systems, video surveillance, security alarms to other organizations

When aspiring entrepreneurs think about starting their own company, in most cases they intend to enter the B2C market, that is, the mass consumer market, where ordinary consumers act as buyers (for example, opening a store, beauty salon, cafe).

But sometimes businessmen consciously choose a market niche focused on other businesses. Despite some attractive aspects of the B2B sector, it does have certain pitfalls that entrepreneurs should be aware of before embarking on B2B sales and marketing.

The fact is that the most effective way to stand out in the B2B goods market among competitors is in the following ways: offer a better service, faster delivery, more product features at a lower price, more flexible payment terms (in installments). At the initial stage, it is very difficult for firms to offer the above, especially installment sales when there is a shortage of cash.

In addition, B2B sales are often based on building a personal relationship between the seller and the client, and it will not be easy to lure buyers to you. Accordingly, in order to create and develop a company in the B2B segment, you need to have serious resources and competitive advantages in order to gain a foothold in the market and not fly out of there in six months (read also the article on how to build in this segment).

What is the way out for those businessmen who still want to focus on B2B? According to Western business experts, a less risky option for starting a company is the niche of B2B services. It is more flexible and less demanding in terms of resources than the production of goods. Also, its advantages are as follows:

#1 Companies have money. Firms have much more money than ordinary consumers. Ask the average buyer to spend $5000 and you will see his reaction. At the same time, ask the client to spend the same amount, but at the expense of the company, then he will be more accommodating, especially if you demonstrate to him the personal benefits of the transaction.

#2 The marketing strategy of competitors is not as strong. Some B2B sales professionals argue that most companies' marketing strategy here is not as thoughtful and strong as in B2C. In principle, this is logical. Competition in the distribution of chocolate bars, laundry detergent or diapers is much fiercer than in the distribution of, say, business automation software. B2C is inherently much more capacious than the B2B sales segment, and therefore B2C manufacturing companies have to invest huge amounts in marketing. Accordingly, this can become an incentive to activate the creative abilities of a businessman and his team in terms of promotion in order to be higher than the “average” competitors. It may even be wise to use an aggressive marketing strategy to gain market positions faster.

#3 Flexible pricing. In the B2B service market, entrepreneurs can practically use what is called “price discrimination” in economic theory, that is, when a product or service is sold to different customers at different prices (to be frank, depending on the purchasing power of each).

For example, a market research service of one company can be sold for $10,000, and another for $50,000. And if you ask the contractor why there is such a difference, you can always say that one market is more difficult to study, labor-intensive, etc. Although in fact the same technologies for conducting marketing analysis are used.

Audit services, business asset valuation, financial consulting, etc. - all this in fact does not have a single price list. The final price is negotiated, so sales and negotiation skills come first. Therefore, here you can take from your customers as much as they can pay, plus a certain amount of arrogance and assertiveness. The world's leading audit and consulting companies, whose names we all know very well, work according to this principle. Therefore, the amounts of transactions there can simply go off scale and defy logical explanation (you might be surprised to learn that the BP oil company paid $1 million to develop a simple logo).

Thus, the sales sectorB2B is a set of economic relationships between various companies selling goods and services.

You have probably read ads on the Internet and print media that “the sales department of a well-known company with branches in all major cities is looking for a B2B specialist with at least 1 year of experience.” The employer promises a high salary. It turns out that a manager with experience in B2B is a valuable figure. But what does this mysterious abbreviation mean? What are the characteristics of this business area? Why are firms engaged in this kind of activity ready to hire only an experienced specialist - but also offer a very attractive salary?

Definition of the term

Knowing what is meant by the short term B2B is useful at least for general development. And people who are going to do business just need to have an idea about this phenomenon.

Abbreviation B2B (read - "bi to bi") stands for "business to business", which can be translated from English as "business to business".

Only enterprises and organizations operate in this segment. By purchasing a particular product, the client can use it for the production, sale of services to the population or to meet their own needs.

Is there a connection between the B2B sector and corporate sales? - there certainly is. These lines of business are very similar, and it is far from always possible to distinguish clear differences between them.

B2B activity has its own specifics and involves the use of a special methodology in the preparation of marketing operations, as well as in negotiations. The employer makes high demands on potential employees applying for vacancies in the sales department.

How to determine if a company belongs to B2B

If you have doubts about this, try to independently analyze the activities of your company. Consider if your business meets at least one of the following points:

  • the client uses the purchased products as raw materials;
  • the purchased product (packaging material, equipment, stationery, transport equipment) is a means of production for the client;
  • the services you provide (consulting, transportation, software installation, recruitment) are used by the client in the process of manufacturing their own products;
  • your product (building materials and furniture, communication services, electrical energy) ensures the normal functioning of the client's business.

If such a match is possible for at least one item, then your company really works in the B2B segment.

Media and B2B

The B2B market is focused on professionals. If we are talking about the media, then a professional product will be considered publications that contain information necessary for certain specialists to successfully carry out their functions. These include journals on accounting, management, logistics, as well as publications devoted to construction or medicine. Their target audience is representatives of a certain profession.

Services and B2B

We have more or less sorted out the goods necessary for the business. But, as a rule, the needs of the enterprise are not exhausted by the goods alone. It needs legal, transport, medical, insurance, cleaning services, as well as the help of business coaches, consultants and other professionals. Often, the services provided to the enterprise are seasonal in nature (cleaning the territory from ice and snow, planting trees, preparing the lawn).

Requirements for a B2B Sales Manager

Many people know that the main "chip" of a successful merchant is the ability to sell any product. It is also known that a born leader always remains a leader and can organize the work of a team in any conditions. But, again, the specifics of B2B makes its own adjustments.

Providing services to corporate clients is a special field of activity. The manager working in it is expected to have special skills and experience. A competent B2B seller is a person who:

  • possesses the “qualification” of a generalist seller, that is, he successfully applies knowledge in the field of technology and sales psychology;
  • perfectly knows the features of the products that he offers to customers, and shows the ability to assimilate new material.

The corporate segment provides for a longer sales cycle. In such a situation, the manager cannot get away with a few "sluggish gestures" (, and preparing presentations). On the contrary, he has to be in good shape all the time, carefully analyze his actions, think over further steps and their possible consequences. A B2B manager is a strategist.

HR management

A key factor in successful sales is skillful personnel management. The B2B sector is quite peculiar. Motivational techniques borrowed from other areas of business may simply not work here.

A good example is the situation with cold calls. The manager of a B2B firm does not pay as much attention to them as his “brother” from an FMCG company, because there are not so many players in the B2B market. The number of cold calls made by the manager does not affect the amount of his remuneration. And this means that in the field of B2B you need to apply a completely different system of motivation and encouragement.

B2B is the provision of goods and services to enterprises. Work in this area requires specific experience, skills in strategic planning and sales organization.

The abbreviation B2C (from business-to-consumer) refers to the commercial relationship between the seller organization and the final buyer, which, as a rule, is an individual.

B2G (business to government) or B2G marketing is understood as a system of relationships between commercial organizations and the state.

"Business". In the modern world, this word occurs almost as often as the word "I", which has no equal in popularity. It is logical: a person strives for self-respect, and what can give it to a greater extent than participation in a business with the maximum utility that we are only capable of? Whether it is large or small, related to goods or services, private or public - even if the phrase "state business" does not sound.

However, in addition to such an obvious gradation, there is another one that includes a Latin abbreviation. About who they are, these mysterious B2B, B2C and B2G, as well as what features each of these types has, will be discussed in this article. In addition, we will give examples of businesses for each of the areas.

What is B2B?

It's pronounced "bee too bee" and looks pretty pretty. B2B stands for business to business in English. Business between firms. That is, companies operating within this direction are not oriented towards a person as a consumer, but towards other companies, legal entities.

Most often, such firms organize accompanying services (for example, transportation of goods), create means of production (such as machines, tools), other goods for professional use (high-level beauty care products for beauty salons or equipment parts for factories producing it).

Sole proprietors are also considered legal entities and can generally be referred to this type of activity. Very often, such orientation is very beneficial: large orders, long-term cooperation, stable income, more opportunities for development, reaching new levels.

In the USA, for example, the share of small businesses focused on B2B is about 50%.

It is B2B that allows small businesses to compete with business sharks, especially in our age, when all the conditions for e-commerce are created.

It is more convenient to conduct B2B contacts within the framework of online trading platforms - they allow the best way to optimize the communication of enterprise managers with each other and decision-making on interaction. The B2B direction is characterized by a number of points.

Features of the B2B segment

Business for business is a market of professionals. Responsible persons in enterprises are very well aware of all the necessary properties of the desired product or service, and the likelihood of “buying on emotions” is negligible here. So, we outline the main specific aspects of the company's work in this segment.

  • increased "check" of each concluded transaction, which confirms the meaning of the "fight" for the clientele;
  • increased risk of loss of both material resources in case of bad faith of the counterparty, and loss of reputation;
  • stable business ties and a limited number of clients;
  • Unfortunately, our country is still characterized by increased corruption in this segment. However, all conditions have been created to overcome it. It is only necessary to deal with this issue with the help of helplines for those people who are sufficiently not indifferent to this;
  • the decision to buy is most often made collectively;
  • a preliminary study of prices and suppliers is carried out;
  • competitive bidding is often held;
  • in almost all cases, negotiations and approvals take place.

There are many areas in which business-to-business participants work quite widely and successfully.

Examples of B2B businesses

In Russia, the most active participants in B2B trading are companies operating in the following areas:

  • mechanical engineering and metalworking(military-industrial complex - defense industry, construction of ships, automobiles, aircraft industry, production of agricultural machinery, various equipment, urban transport, and much more);
  • construction(creation of business objects: office, private educational, entertainment centers, etc.);
  • transport and communication(cellular operators in the direction of business tariffs, companies organizing local computer and telephone networks, wi-fi distribution, companies transporting goods or employees, and so on);
  • trade and catering(holding holidays or events in cafes and restaurants, production and sale of commercial equipment, etc.);
  • woodworking, paper industry(mainly, the supply of paper to companies as consumables, as well as stationery related to other industries).

A number of other areas are also involved in B2B commerce, albeit not so actively:

  • light industry- for example, tailoring of overalls;
  • chemical and petrochemical industry– production of pesticides for agriculture and others;
  • consulting- services of highly professional "tips" at the request of company managers, turning, if necessary, to different "gurus", each of whom has already managed to prove himself in his field in the best possible way;
  • media products(publications of a narrow profile, professional magazines, printed materials on various professional fields that companies need - the same consulting, only more finished and voluminous);
  • advertising industry(advertising in the media, interior, outdoor, printing and polygraphy);
  • Internet resources(online marketplaces, business Internet portals, websites of companies participating in the B2B market, communities organized by companies).

So, business for business is overwhelmingly serious business games of serious people on no less serious network and office areas. Now let's look at other segments.

What is B2C?

Business to Customer - “business for a client”, a consumer, a living person, an individual. These companies produce consumer goods or services that we buy on a daily basis. There are several types of consumer goods: the first (food, drinks, medicines, clothes and shoes), the second necessities (cars, apartments, entertainment) and luxury (art and jewelry). Services can be hairdressing salons, beauty salons, work with a car at a service station and others.

With B2C we meet and interact every day.

B2C specifics

The features of this more direct contact with customers will be the following points:

  • the largest number of both consumers and competitors;
  • relatively small "average check" for companies;
  • faster sales;
  • the big role of emotions in making a decision by the client;
  • less close relationship between seller and buyer.

We appear in stores, at gas stations, in hairdressers, in the markets, always in the company of a large number of people who came in parallel, we make relatively small, for the most part, purchases, quite quickly, often on emotions, and at the same time we do not always have heart-to-heart conversations with sellers, right?

E-commerce in the B2C sphere, as a rule, is expressed by online stores or selling groups, publics (public pages) in social networks. Everything is sold there, from small things to training programs and trainings worth up to hundreds of thousands, and these are also private purchases.

Business for the client is the most understandable type of business activity for us. Let us dwell only on the illustration of the transition from B2B to B2C in the market.

Relationship between B2B and B2C market

We see that the B2C market is exactly retail with us, individuals. Consider what types of this business for the client we interact with.

What are B2C companies?

Now about the types of business for the client. Not to say that they were not familiar:

So, “business to business” and “business to client” are not quite the same thing. Consider the "comparative characteristics" of these segments.

The main differences between B2B and B2C

As one of the modest, but often encountered examples, night markets are indicative. For the goods there daily come "shuttles" - individual entrepreneurs. In all their considerable numbers, they represent far from the most capacious share of the B2B segment in terms of turnover. At this moment, they are participants in “business for business”, IP for IP. However, when they return to their outlets, in the process of selling to customers, they are already moving into the B2C segment, as shown in Fig. one.

There are many differences between these two types of business activity, and it will be easiest to depict them in the following table.

Analysis criterion B2B B2C
Number of customers for the vendor As a rule, small, everyone is important Considerable, relatively modest value of each individual
Understanding the product, knowing your own needs Deep Usually quite weak
Average order volume Big Small
Average cost per purchase high Low
Relationship between seller and buyer Close relationship, mutual benefit No close relationship
New product development Complex, large investment Relatively easy
The most important product features The quality of a product or service Appearance, price, brand
Price negotiable Bargaining is limited - the seller often "dictates"
Marketing communications Targeted at each specific consumer Are massive
Buying decision Accepts team Usually taken by one person
Client's motives Rational More often emotions

Work under contracts with the company and direct sales to individuals - in both cases, counterparties remain within the business area. The third segment is somewhat different. Let's talk about him.

What is B2G?

Business to government is the relationship between business and government. As a rule, there is no less, if not more, use of e-commerce, which simplifies the work of government purchasing managers.

The main example of B2G is the system of electronic public procurement, in Russia through the procurement portal. This species, as you might guess, has its own characteristics.

What distinguishes the B2G segment

Relations with the state are always more responsible than with private business partners. Characteristic moments for the “business for the state” segment are:

  • complex, multi-level decision-making mechanism;
  • tenders - a system very typical for state institutions of arranging competition for firms on prices, qualities, conditions and other characteristics;
  • certain specifics and difficulties with calculations, as well as procurement mechanisms;
  • the inertia, stability and constancy that may explain some of the choices of companies that provide goods and services to government agencies;
  • another "scope" - the scale of purchases, announced in the news of federal channels, is sometimes impressive;
  • involvement of administrative resources in all processes.

B2G deals go through several stages and are carried out by professionals who provide:

  • monitoring the needs of government customers;
  • search for customers among administrative institutions and departments;
  • transaction support;
  • tracking customer payments.

In general, this area of ​​business is quite complex and specific. Working in it requires exceptional knowledge in matters of legislation - in particular, 223-FZ "On Procurement" and 44-FZ "On the Contract System", prescribing all the nuances. The business to government segment is divided into several types.

Types of B2G

There are a number of forms of business for the state.

  • supply of goods and provision of services to the state: stationery, equipment, transport, textbooks, educational programs, consulting, and much more;
  • rent: in this case, the business acts as a tenant, and the state acts as a lessor, that is, a business unit that leases certain property;
  • equipment leasing: lease with the right of subsequent purchase, as a rule, with the involvement of an investor bank and the conclusion of a leasing agreement;
  • concessions: involvement by the state of business in the mutually beneficial use of property owned by the state, or services provided by it, on acceptable terms);
  • public-private partnerships- as a rule, a partnership agreement is drawn up).

A concession is probably the most specific type of B2G. This is the creation or reconstruction of any property - often buildings and structures - at the expense of the investor company or with the help of the state, which acts as a concessor under the contract being concluded. At the same time, after the completion of the work, the created, leased (as land for real estate construction) or reconstructed property remains in the ownership of the state or, if newly created, enters it. The investor company, depending on the terms of the contract, receives the right to use this property in full or in part for the purpose of making a profit. Very often, concession agreements are concluded with foreign investors. An interesting point is that the subject of concession agreements can be a trademark, a service mark, a commercial designation (logos), as well as a secret of production (know-how).

So, having considered three business segments, we can state with full responsibility that this phenomenon is not easy and diverse, with a lot of features and subtle points associated with human relationships, intelligence, diligence, responsibility and even goodwill. In whatever area, industry or segment, no matter the business is conducted.

In this material you will find answers to such questions:

  • 1. B2B sales - what is it?
  • 2. What is B2C selling?
  • 3. What is the difference between B2B and B2C sales?

What is B2B sales?

B2B sales - business to business (business to business)- this means that a company or a division of a company sells its goods / services to corporate clients, that is, to other companies. As a result, something (goods / services) is sold, with the help of which other companies do their business in the B2C market.

B2C sales - business to customer (business to consumer)- means the sale of goods/services by companies to individuals. Thus, B2C companies are at the forefront of communication with the end consumer, and the B2B segment is always in the middle of the food chain :). That is, in their work, B2B companies should be guided by the needs of other businesses.

Can a company sell both B2B and B2C at the same time?
Of course it can. Let's take the same brick that is sold in the ordinary building market. It can be bought both by a company for the construction of a turnkey cottage (B2B sphere), and by the owner of this cottage himself, in order to independently build a booth for his St. Bernard (B2C sphere).

An even more striking example is the Sellers company, on whose website you are. You can be a representative of a company that is thinking about increasing sales or looking for effective courses to increase sales, this will be a B2B sale. Or maybe you are less fortunate, and you are a sales manager that the company does not care about, and who himself is looking for ways to increase his efficiency and earnings, in this case it is a B2C sale. It would seem that the same business can simultaneously be a product of both markets. But selling it for a company and an individual needs to be different.

Is it possible to draw a parallel between B2C customers and B2B sales?
For the most part, these concepts coincide, but there are differences. Take, for example, the construction market. Half of the goods on them are bought by shabashniks or private traders who provide repair services to other people. That is, an individual buys a product, but in order to use this product in the process of creating another product.

Main differences between B2B and B2C sales

There is a saying among the townsfolk: "A good sales manager doesn't care who sells what." And, probably, the biggest disappointment is experienced by lovers of this saying, who came from one type of sales to another. In fact, the basic laws of sales are the same. But the nuances ... make the work of sales managers completely different.
What is B2B sales? Below I will give some examples that will help you understand the specifics of working in the field of B2B sales.

There are five nuances that make buyers so different:

  • 1) Purpose of purchase

What does a buyer do with a product in the B2C market? That's right - consume it. That is, the pleasure of consumption is a priority factor when choosing in the B2C market. The product is bought for personal use and its consumer properties are the most important in the product. What's wrong with B2B sales?

In principle, so, only the consumer properties of this product are completely different. Almost all of them are related to how the company can increase profits (increase in sales conversion) with the help of the proposed product.
Now answer the question of how such typical B2B products affect the company's profit:

  • IT systems
  • office
  • office equipment
  • Accounting outsourcing
  • Raw material
  • Machine tools

Did you manage to explain how each of the listed services increases the company's profit? Some directly, some through cost savings, some through the streamlining of work, but all in one way or another affect profits.
From this follows the most important difference between B2C and B2B sales:

When selling b2 c the client spends money to have fun.

When selling b2 b the client spends money to earn more.

Of course, there are nuances. We don't pay the dentist for pleasure, but ultimately the absence of pain afterwards is pleasure. And yes, the printer cartridge does not bring money, but, if it does not end on time, it can disrupt the conclusion of the contract.

  • 2) "Buyer-consumer"

In B2C, the buyer and consumer are almost always the same person. Of course, there are exceptions in the form of gifts and shared consumption. But the interests of the buyer and consumer almost always coincide. But what happens to the B2B buyer? The company's money, and the decision to purchase is made by a person with his own personal interests. So it turns out that there is such a thing as "rollback".

But not only and far from always kickbacks can influence the decision, there is also personal comfort in working with this supplier, personal ambitions, friendships and 1001 more reasons that have nothing to do with the properties of the product itself. Therefore, the effectiveness of sales often depends on these “secondary factors”, while a private buyer much more often makes a decision to purchase a product not on the basis of the consumer properties of the product, but spontaneously, thanks to the emotions that the advertisement or the seller aroused in him. How to evoke emotions that will help increase sales at times, I describe in the article "Word of mouth".

  • 3) Method of decision making

The greater the purchase price of a company, the more people are involved in the purchasing decision. The more people need to be satisfied with the same product. While most private customers make decisions based on emotion or belief in a brand, “quality” and other myths, corporate customers most often make decisions based on our first point: “How will the purchase fit into the overall system of the company and help you earn more.”

Of course, there are cases when an individual analyzes a purchase worse than the design department in a company, and the CEO decides to supply because he liked this particular color, but most decisions in the B2C market are made on emotions, otherwise there would not be so much advertising on streets. And most companies are based on analysis, otherwise such companies would not be able to exist on the market for a long time. Accordingly, the way of influencing decision making is different.

  • 4) Way of communication

There are orders of magnitude more individuals than legal entities. Transaction amounts are almost always an order of magnitude smaller. Therefore, the main way of communication in the B2C market is mass communication. Because it is expensive to contact each consumer individually. In B2B sales, just the opposite, there are significantly fewer companies, and there may be a few companies buying some products.

For example, equipment for mobile operators. And how effective is it to advertise on television: “The best equipment for cellular operators”? It will be much more efficient to hire professional managers who will enter the company, conduct a personal presentation and make a sale. So it turns out that when a consumer comes to the store, he is influenced by advertising, PR, advice from friends (how to make your company be recommended to others) and not so much depends on the seller.

Again, there are exceptions and well-trained sales managers can change the mind of the client. When a sales manager from the B2B sector is in contact with a company, much more depends on his skill. And sales are more dependent on this manager, and not on the advertising or PR activity of the company. Accordingly, a natural outflow of successful managers from B2C to B2B is formed, where the manager will not depend on store attendance, brand promotion and purchasing activity.

  • 5) Sales process

As a consequence of all of the above, a situation is created in which the global success of B2C depends on:

  • Advertisements
  • consumer properties
  • Shopping convenience
  • Clarity of the service system

And in the B2B sales market from:

  • Manager Skills
  • Opportunities with the help of goods to increase profits

Summing up what has been written, we can say the following.
Working with corporate clients in B2B sales is more jewelry, requires communication with many people in the company, and in most cases depends on the qualities of the sales manager.

And success in working with individuals (B2C sales) requires the creation of a well-functioning system, where the manager's sales skills are one of the elements of success. I hope that after reading this article you will not wonder what B2B sales are, but if they still remain, call us, we will definitely help you!

B2B sales means , that the company cooperates exclusively with organizations that operate in the B2C market (with consumers). These can be wholesale depots, closed markets, etc.

Tools for improving profitability

Experts identify 9 main points that allow you to effectively sell in the B2B market:

  1. Development of competitive advantages.
  2. Exclusion of defects in sold products.
  3. Ensuring the constant availability of goods in the warehouse.
  4. Regular expansion of the range.
  5. Fast execution of orders.
  6. Development of loyalty programs for clients.
  7. Creation of a "conveyor" of profits.
  8. Competitive pricing.
  9. The desire to conclude agreements on long-term cooperation.

Sales in the B2B market

Consider which sales channels are most effective in B2B.

Direct sales

If we talk about the B2B segment, then direct sales are the most common tool in the work. They involve direct contact with the buyer. There are a number of reasons for betting on such development strategies. Here is some of them:

  • Refusal to maintain unnecessary staff and unnecessary retail space.
  • The direct selling system gives more opportunities to quickly respond to changing customer needs.
  • You can achieve a stable demand for the products sold.
  • A well-designed direct sales scheme contributes to the rapid development of the company.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Such meetings do not always turn into a positive decision of the client, therefore, from the standpoint of the average check, this is costly.
  • You need to carefully work out the sales scheme, and this is not a quick process. Moreover, it is difficult to find professionals who would embody such a principle of work.

Passive Selling

Internet trading

On the positive side, wholesale sales via the Internet have proven themselves. Until recently, such a channel was more used in practice (i.e. for communication with individuals), but the current situation shows the increasing relevance of the Internet for B2B. The global network allows you to significantly reduce development costs and increase the volume of passive sales.

network sales

Service developments in the field of customer notification contribute to the increase in sales. The principles of work are based on calls to customers, during which the latter learn about new products and general changes in the assortment and work of the seller.

Dealer network

The technology of sales through dealer networks implies maximum territorial coverage. Since the independent development of an entire network is often too expensive for organizations, companies decide to open a franchise network or organize a search for partners.

Advantages of dealer networks:

  • Very fast development. Literally in 2-3 months you can cover the entire country with branches.
  • Direct access to clients located far from the main office.

The main disadvantages include:

  • Dependence on representatives who prefer to "live their lives", which can negatively affect the company's reputation.
  • Financial losses. Features of the work of dealers is that their remuneration can reach 80%.

Each B2B sales technique has its pros and cons, so it is simply impossible to say which one is the most optimal. The example of the work of many companies shows that the best methods are determined only through personal experience (in addition, there is a specificity of the goods being sold).

The example of the work of many companies shows that the best methods are determined only by personal experience.

At its core, B2B business is similar to B2C. It goes through the same stages of development, uses the same tools to attract new customers, only the price of the issue is much higher. But do not forget that any company can simultaneously work in B2B and B2C-sphere.