How to open a confectionery shop at home: business from scratch. Confectionery at home: where to start developing? Business expenses and income

Bakery and confectionery products are goods for which demand always remains stable. At the same time, the standard assortment of a large bakery is always distinguished by its scarcity, and sometimes not by the very first freshness of the products. Against this background, the original and always fresh baked goods from a home mini-bakery win. Home-based confectionery as a business is in high demand and relatively low level competition. What points should you pay attention to when opening such an enterprise?


Many aspiring entrepreneurs who do business at home have a question about the need state registration. From the point of view of Russian legislation, this is a mandatory condition for taking classes. commercial activities. Before opening a home-based confectionery shop, you need to not only register an individual entrepreneur, but also obtain a health certificate. In the future, the entrepreneur will have to undergo regular medical examinations to avoid claims from the SES.

The same service issues permission to sell products after first checking their quality. In general, regulatory authorities are somewhat wary of food products made at home. The reason is that at home it is quite difficult to achieve the ideal sanitary conditions required by SanPiN standards. Therefore, you should be prepared for unexpected checks.

Premises for a home bakery

Good cuisine is the key to success

The main advantage of a home-based confectionery business is low capital intensity. Not having to rent premises is a great plus for a beginner or entrepreneur with a small budget. Production processes and storage finished products limited to your own kitchen in an apartment or private house.

Confectionery equipment

Confectionery equipment for small businesses is distinguished by a variety of equipment for preparing and baking products. One stove is not enough here; besides, the pastry chef will need various auxiliary equipment, consumables, convenient kitchen utensils and various forms. Approximate list of machinery and equipment:

  • powerful stove with several burners;
  • oven;
  • food processor;
  • mixer;
  • blender;
  • deep fryer;
  • juicer;
  • separate refrigerator (it is not recommended to use the one in which family food is stored);
  • kitchen utensils - whisks, spatulas, bowls, knives and so on;
  • cream injector;
  • consumables - baking or parchment paper, foil, paper muffin tins, packaging materials, etc.;
  • molds and stencils for baking and decorating finished products.

The list is impressive, but first initial stage and in the absence of funds, you can limit yourself to what is already in the kitchen. It is also worth thinking about the necessary little things that will be required for an individual product design - this will become business card mini-confectionery and will attract your first customers. Thus, a novice entrepreneur has a chance to reduce the cost of equipment to several thousand rubles.

When forming an assortment of confectionery products, you should not pay attention to the standard menu of an ordinary bakery. It is recommended to focus on those confectionery products that work best. If some products are pleasant and easy to work with, then it is better to start with them, gradually expanding the range.

The most popular confectionery products include:

  • cakes;
  • cupcakes (including modern trends - muffins and cupcakes);
  • cakes;
  • cookies (French “macarons” are at the peak of fashion);
  • candies;
  • buns;
  • puff pastries, croissants, bagels;
  • donuts, buns;
  • waffles.

When planning your menu, it’s important to keep in mind your nearby competitors. A small bakery should surprise with original pastries that cannot be bought at the nearest bakery.

Design Ideas

When forming a product range, special attention should be paid to the design and design of products. The confectionery business in its classical sense today does not withstand competition, and sometimes does not arouse interest at all. A home mini-bakery should attract not only quality, but also originality of design. Customers can purchase a standard cake in a regular store, while fresh design ideas and creativity are expected from a home confectionery.

For decorating baking, it is recommended to use natural and fresh products - fruits and berries, homemade chocolate, curd cheese creams. The once popular multi-colored mastic fades into the background, naturalness and benefits are in trend.

Raw material

The quality of finished products largely determines the quality of raw materials and their cost. When choosing suppliers or places to purchase products, you should focus on best options By affordable price. In this case, the most popular products come to the fore - flour, eggs, sugar, water. It is not recommended to use tap water; even after heat treatment, its quality does not always meet the standards.

When purchasing products, you should decide in advance required quantity perishable raw materials so that they do not go to waste. When choosing storage locations, it is important to take into account the SanPiN standards so that there are no disagreements with the inspection services.

Home bakery staff

You can run a confectionery business at home alone. But then you will have to limit yourself to extremely small volumes of orders. Most likely, both at the initial stage and in the future, the confectioner will need helpers. Since the business is opened at home, it can be family-owned. This will allow you to save on costs before reaching the break-even point.


Even a home-based confectionery requires expenses to promote a business. Where to start for an entrepreneur with a modest budget?

  • Word of mouth - one of the most reliable methods of disseminating information, while absolutely free. An entrepreneur can ask friends, acquaintances and relatives to tell about the opened bakery in their social circles. It’s good if the stories are accompanied by praise and recommendations.
  • Printed publications . Press how information resource is gradually disappearing, however, advertising in a magazine or local newspaper is relatively inexpensive and still able to bear fruit.
  • Online advertising . The most effective and popular way of promotion today. This type of business, like a confectionery, will most quickly find its consumer through Instagramm. In this case, it's all about the photos. It is necessary to take pictures of products from a favorable angle as often as possible and post them on social networks. Of additional interest will be the description of the photo listing the ingredients of the filling, various promotions with a raffle in the form of a product and other popular advertising moves.

Costs and profits

The business plan for a confectionery at home includes expense items, an approximate income and payback plan for the enterprise. Let's start by calculating the required capital and monthly costs.

Capital expenditures include the cost of registering a business and settling other formalities:

Table. Capital investments

In total, the entrepreneur’s basic expenses will amount to no more than 19,000 rubles. If desired, this amount can be significantly lower. It all depends on the technical equipment of the home kitchen.

The list of monthly expenses includes the purchase of raw materials. Calculating the cost of regular expenses is quite difficult, since it depends on the size of the order and the cost of the products. It is worth noting that the wishes of the customer must be listened to, and if customers receive a request for the manufacture of products highest quality, then you will have to purchase products according to his preferences. The price of finished products will also increase accordingly.


The cost of a kilogram of finished cake ranges from 400 to 800 rubles. The average markup on confectionery products varies around 50%. The final markup is calculated based on the complexity of the product. As a result, 20 kilograms of cakes made in a month will bring the business owner up to 40,000 rubles in net profit. If you adhere to this plan, you can recoup the costs and make a profit in the first month of operation of the confectionery.

Pros and cons of a home bakery

As with any other type of business, running a home-based bakery can have its advantages and disadvantages.


Baking is more popular during the cold season. IN In spring and summer there is a slight decline in orders. This problem is avoided by mini-bakeries that prepare wedding cakes to order - their workload may, on the contrary, increase in the summer.


An entrepreneur can work with orders without interrupting household chores. You have the opportunity to set your own schedule, plan your income and expenses. In addition, the profession of a confectioner is an opportunity for expression. creativity and fantasies.

If you look at success stories in which a business started from scratch and developed into a large confectionery production, then in most cases it all started with home cooking and the desire to bake. This was followed by training, searching for premises, purchasing equipment and developing a marketing idea, but all this would not have given the expected result if there was no desire to create beautiful and tasty baked goods. Therefore, before opening a bakery-confectionery from scratch, evaluate how much you like this business, and whether you are ready to devote part of your life to this really difficult work.

How to start making money baking

Most often, the idea of ​​a bakery at home develops when the hostess knows how to cook and her guests like her dishes. There will definitely be someone who will offer to make money from this.

Before you decide to open a home bakery, you need to evaluate whether you are ready to stand at the stove for 12-hour days, learn new culinary techniques and strictly follow recipes.

For those who are not afraid, and despite the difficulties, are thinking about how to open their own bakery-pastry shop from scratch, there are several effective schemes who will help plan the project and implement it.

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Bakery at home

It should be said right away that combining a home kitchen and a bakery is incredibly difficult. Precisely because the family suffers the inconvenience associated with active confectionery production in the kitchen, the housewife almost immediately has to think about a separate room for a bakery.

But at the initial stage, while recipes, technological techniques, professional equipment are being tried, and the business is limited to two or three products per week, home cooking is quite suitable.

This good period for drawing up a portfolio, planning a marketing policy and finding your client.

First production premises

As soon as the idea of ​​opening a mini pastry shop went beyond the boundaries of the house, its author approached the search for premises and equipment for more large production, you need to register immediately entrepreneurial activity.

Such registration must be done in advance so that the main contracts for rental, purchase and maintenance are concluded on behalf of the entrepreneur.

A small production can operate on the basis of individual entrepreneurship, but if there are investors who are ready to immediately invest money and develop a large-scale project, then it is impossible to do without creating an LLC, where the owners of the business can be several individuals and/or legal entities.

One of the most successful projects A small bakery is considered to be the purchase of an apartment or non-residential premises on the ground floor of a multi-storey building, where separate premises are equipped for a workshop and a cafe. The smell of fresh baked goods attracts customers from the street, and residents of the house quickly become regular customers in the store.

Before opening such a cafe-confectionery from scratch, you will either have to apply to a bank for a loan, or look for an investor, since this is already quite expensive project and its initial budget is not less than 15 thousand US dollars, excluding premises costs.

Online store and franchise acquisition

Two relatively new directions in the confectionery business.

A feature of the operation of an online store is that there is no need to organize a point of sale, however, the costs of creating a site, its maintenance and online advertising are quite comparable to the costs of renting a room or showcases for trade.

Franchise for organizing a bakery-confectionery in Russian market few. This format of work is most relevant for those entrepreneurs who plan to open a confectionery store from scratch, as a retail outlet already popular in the city. trademark sweets. There are enough such offers in the regional franchising markets, and these projects pay off quickly.

Requirements for equipment and premises

Even for a mini confectionery, it is necessary to purchase high-quality professional equipment. The use of used equipment is allowed, but due to the fact that the purchase of used equipment is associated with many risks, before concluding a contract it is necessary to consult with specialists who will subsequently install and maintain the entire complex.

The minimum set for a bakery largely depends on what product the production is designed for. The basic package includes:

  • combi oven (heating equipment for preparing products from delicate dough);
  • multi-chamber oven;
  • planetary mixers;
  • dough mixer;
  • refrigerator and freezer;
  • professional spatulas and whisks;
  • baking circles and molds;
  • equipment for decorating products.

The room should have tables, cabinets for storing food, as well as equipment to maintain cleanliness.

Attention! When purchasing used equipment good quality fully equipping the workshop will cost from 15 to 20 thousand dollars. New devices will cost three times more.

The minimum area of ​​a small confectionery shop with a workshop and a sales area is from 60 sq. m. m. The room must be equipped with powerful ventilation, and also have a large supply of electrical power, since almost all baking machines are powerful electrical appliances. This circumstance should be taken into account before opening a confectionery shop at home.

If the business does not provide for the presence of premises for a cafe at the workshop, then production can be organized in rented non-residential space outside the city, where the rental price is lower than the city price, and you can find employees willing to work for a low fee.

Payback period

In order to open a confectionery shop at home from scratch as a business, you need a starting capital of about 70 thousand rubles. This money is enough to buy the missing professional equipment for your own kitchen, purchase containers and stock up on basic ingredients.

The cost of one kilogram of homemade cake is about 700 rubles. Holiday cakes to order have a weight of three to five kilograms. Therefore, the average cost of a cake is 3 thousand rubles. The cost price is 1 thousand rubles. By selling 3 cakes a week from her home kitchen, a housewife can earn from 6 thousand rubles. This is quite a tangible additional income for the family.

Opening a confectionery cafe from scratch, as a business, is a more costly start. Experts cite figures starting from 50 thousand US dollars (with the purchase of premises) in small Russian cities. For the capitals, the amount will be twice as much.

The payback period for such a point is within 3 years.

Calculation of payback in a Russian city with a population of about 1 million inhabitants

The average daily income of a confectionery shop is 10 thousand rubles. Income for a full working month (30 days) – 300 thousand rubles. Expenses include: 50 thousand rubles. – the cost of products necessary for the production of confectionery products, 140 thousand rubles – wages for 4 workers (a pastry chef, an assistant and two salespeople), about 20 thousand rubles – and utility bills.

Real example How to open your own confectionery production in the next video.

There is a big misconception that minimal costs You can't open your own business. Of course, any business at the very beginning will require a lot of time, labor, calculations and some investments. But this does not mean at all that there is no business that can be opened with minimum investment and develop. An excellent example would be a mini-pastry shop at home. We’ll look at how to open it and what you need in this article.

Your own business - a mini-confectionery shop at home

If you feel that cooking is your business, then you can try yourself in this business. Moreover, to start it is not at all necessary to have a culinary education and cook skillfully. You can and should start with small volumes and cook only what you like and do well. Gradually you will try, experiment and add one recipe at a time. In such a business, the main thing is quality!

Raw material

So that the finished product is at high level, you need high-quality raw materials. Therefore, if you need a dry mixture for cheesecakes, good flour, quality cream for creams, fruits, cocoa and chocolate and the like, then you need to find good suppliers. Even plain water It is recommended to buy and take from the tap.

Procurement must also be done competently, calculate the required volumes and not take too much. In addition, products need to be stored. And this must be done in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.


What can you cook in a mini-pastry shop at home?

  • Anything you like: pies, rolls, donuts, bagels, croissants, etc.
  • Candies.
  • Sweet or vegetable pies.
  • Pies with fillings.
  • Cakes, pastries.
  • Cupcakes, muffins, cupcakes.

Handmade sweets need to be beautifully designed - this is liked by potential buyers. Jewelry should not be boring and primitive roses, but modern, unusual, beautiful. This will significantly add advantages to buying your products, and not the classic ones in the store.


At home for cooking, you will need to find or purchase:

  • Mixer/blender.
  • Cream injector.
  • Separate refrigerator.
  • Molds.

These are the main elements. A variety of boards, knives / forks / spoons, spatulas, baking paper, etc. will also come in handy.


New clients will come mainly through referrals. The first customers are relatives and friends, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, etc. You also need to start a page on social networks and fill it with real beautiful photos Your dishes. Remember that confectionery should be both tasty and beautiful!


Like any other business, a mini-pastry shop at home must be registered. While you are selling products to close friends, this may be delayed, but sales to external customers will soon begin, and here it will already be necessary to comply with all legal requirements.

It will be necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur (or individual entrepreneur). Comply with all health and safety requirements. Be sure to undergo a medical examination, get a medical (sanitary) book and regularly undergo examinations.

Before starting, you also need to draw up a business plan and calculate the planned costs. They will include registration of IP (FOP), the conclusion of services, paperwork, equipment, products and decorations. The initial one-time costs will be about 20 thousand rubles. Not counting the regular purchases of food, electricity, kitchen utensils. A significant role will be played by the level at which the kitchen is equipped at the time of opening the case. So the costs may go up.

Always listen to the wishes of customers. This is how market needs are identified and regular customers are acquired.

For some reason, in our society, there is an opinion that owning a business is expensive, difficult and time-consuming, and not everyone can do it. Of course, there is some truth in this. But this does not mean that if you do not have a lot of money to invest in your business, or specific knowledge, or time to prepare, then you cannot start your own business. There are business formats that practically eliminate all these difficulties. Take, for example, catering business. It is rightfully considered one of the most labor-intensive. Premises, purchasing products, recipes, working with clients... This is all very difficult, especially for a beginner.

But if your soul lies in cooking, and you want to make money from it, why not open your own pastry shop? About that, we already wrote. There you will also find a business plan for a confectionery. Now let's talk about an even simpler format this business- about the confectionery at home.

How to open a bakery at home

Any person interested in such a business will immediately have a number of questions in their head. We have tried to answer them. So:

How to register such a business?

Home baking should be handled very carefully. State regulatory authorities are very wary of this type of business, since food production at home can have many risks. Organizing all the necessary sanitary conditions at home can be quite challenging task. Therefore, start such a business in small quantities, and you should not hang a sign at the entrance “Cakes are sold here.”

From a legal point of view, it is, of course, necessary to register such a business. The best option IP registration will be individual entrepreneur(if you are a resident of Ukraine, then FL-P - an individual entrepreneur). Also, a person who will be directly involved in baking must have a health book and regularly undergo a medical examination in order to avoid disagreements with the sanitary and epidemiological service. In the same service, you will need to get a conclusion that confirms that your products fully comply with all standards and can be sold to consumers.

However, if at first you plan to sell products to your friends, acquaintances and friends of acquaintances, then you can do without registration for some time.

What kind of confectionery products should I make?

Of course, first of all, those that you do best and that you like to cook. In this matter, the main thing is quality. If you have a favorite product that you work with the most, start there. Anyway, with experience, the ability to cook almost any confectionery will come to you, and then the question “what to cook” will no longer be so acute. Here is a short list of popular confectionery products:

- cakes;
- cakes;
- cupcakes;
- cupcakes (small cakes similar to cupcakes);
- cookies (French “macarons” are very popular now);
- pies and pies (sweet and savory);
- candies;
- waffles, puff pastries;
- rolls, bagels, donuts, etc.

To decorate your confectionery, use fresh berries and fruits, chocolate and chocolate figurines, dragee beads, multi-colored creams. Try not to use mastic, this is already a thing of the past. Cakes with fondant are indeed sometimes impressive, but more and more modern pastry chefs are moving away from this way of decorating sweets. If you really want to, then use it at least in a very original form and forget about traditional roses, petals and bows.

What equipment do you need to purchase?

Even in a home business, an oven alone is clearly not enough for you. Of course, you will do the basic manipulations in the confectionery with the dough, and the oven will become your main equipment. But in order to be able to produce a wide variety of confectionery products, and not be limited only to pies and rolls, you will also need:

- juicer;
- mixer;
- blender;
- device for cooking chocolate;
- deep fryer;
- confectionery syringe (for working with cream);
- a large refrigerator (it is better to have a separate one and not store food that you yourself eat in it);
- baking molds;
- and a lot of various kitchen utensils - from bowls to knives.

Where to look for clients?

The most best advertising for a home business like this, it’s word of mouth. Any person in his right mind would rather believe his friend’s recommendation than an advertisement he saw somewhere. But to make word of mouth work faster, you can “hurry it up” using these methods. Start pages of your home confectionery in popular in social networks. You don’t have to become an SMM specialist right away, just start small. Fill the page with information about your services and write how to contact you. Invite people who fall within your target audience to your community.

And be sure to include photos. The more, the more. Confectionery should be not only tasty, but also beautiful. You won’t be able to transmit the first one over the Internet, but there won’t be any problems with the second one at all. And if you have at least a semi-professional camera and you know how to use it, you can take attractive, “tasty” photographs of your products.

Since we are talking about social networks, I cannot but mention Instagram. Photos with beautiful cakes, pastries, cupcakes, etc. very popular there. Therefore, be sure to create a business account on this social network. Yes, the competition will be very high, and you need to be ready for it. On Instagram, hashtags rule everything, and if you choose them correctly and put them in the description of each photo, then your target audience will find you much faster. In hashtags, mention the name of your city, the names of confectionery products and other words related to cooking.

How to improve your skills?

The minimum that you should do is constant self-education. Read new recipes and try, try, try them in your kitchen. It is very easy to learn from videos too. Most of them you will find on Youtube. Try to also attend master classes from experienced chefs. Sometimes they are held absolutely free. Such events are a great opportunity to meet people who live by cooking and exchange valuable experiences with them.

What should also be taken into account? Many people who start a home business, no matter what, do not fully understand what they are getting into. And sometimes they may be disappointed, not the joy of doing what they love. To prevent this from happening to you, think in advance: are you ready to turn your home into a production workshop? When opening a pastry shop at home, be prepared for the fact that your home kitchen may no longer belong to you completely. It will begin to belong to your business. If you are a supporter of the idea that work should be separate from home, then this business is not for you. If all your life your home has been the most cozy place rest from work, from the hustle and bustle, from problems - then a home business is also not for you.

But still, a home business is a great start to something more serious. There are hundreds of stories about people who started their business like this in their home kitchen, and then opened their own establishments and even chains of establishments.

Bakery and confectionery products made according to home recipes are always in great demand. These products are sold in huge quantities in any economic conditions, so you can build a promising and sufficiently profitable business. In this article we will tell beginners how to open a pastry shop at home and succeed in this business.

Business registration

Before you open a confectionery shop from scratch, you need to arrange everything Required documents. At first, you can register as a private entrepreneur and choose a simplified taxation system.

If you are interested in how to open a bakery and confectionery shop from scratch, you should remember that regulatory authorities closely monitor such enterprises. Producing confectionery products at home entails serious risks, since creating the necessary conditions, corresponding sanitary standards, in a residential area, is quite problematic. If, despite everything, you still decide to open a confectionery business, you must, at a minimum, undergo a medical examination and get a health record. This can be done at a local clinic. In addition, you must receive a conclusion from the SES indicating that your company produces high-quality products that meet all established standards.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs, before opening confectionary shop from scratch, make a variety of homemade baked goods in small quantities and sell them to their friends, neighbors and acquaintances. In this case, you can do without paperwork.

Choice of location and premises

Suppose you decide, I will open a pastry shop from scratch on the basis of own production. In this case, you can also learn to combine all these ideas into one. This idea is perfect for people who are looking for...

Of course, for such an enterprise you will need a significant area, at least 70 square meters. meters. It needs to be divided into three separate zones:

  1. production;
  2. Trading;
  3. Cafeteria space.
  • You shouldn't open a candy store in the basement;
  • The cafe must have at least 2 tables;
  • The production premises must have water supply and sewerage;
  • Do not forget that you will need a separate warehouse for finished products;
  • The workshop area must be at least 40 square meters. meters.

If you do not adhere to these simple requirements, after the first inspection, regulatory authorities may impose a large fine, or even close your business altogether.


If you decide to open a confectionery production at home, in addition to an oven you will need:

  • Professional mixer;
  • Electric juicer;
  • Deep fryer;
  • Cream injector;
  • Separate refrigerator;
  • Bakeware;
  • Bowls, knives and more.

Over time, if things go well, you will begin to think about how to open a confectionery shop, that is, a larger-scale production.

For a mini-enterprise you will have to purchase specialized equipment:

  • Roasting cabinets;
  • Baking ovens;
  • Flour sifters;
  • Proofing cabinets;
  • Forming equipment;
  • Scales;
  • Molds, baking trays, etc.

In addition, you will need several cutting tables and racks for finished products.


Before opening a confectionery cafe from scratch, carefully research the market to form a product range. First of all, include in the list those products that you like to cook. If you like working with a particular product, start there and gradually expand your range. Over time, as you gain experience, you will be able to prepare different confectionery products.

Most popular products:

  • Cakes and pastries;
  • Cupcakes and muffins;
  • Cookie;
  • Pies;
  • Puff pastries;
  • Buns.

This is far from full list moreover. Confectionery products are decorated with all kinds of fruits, fresh berries, chocolate and colorful creams. Professional chefs do not recommend using mastic for decoration, since it has already gone out of fashion. Of course, cakes with mastic look original, but modern confectioners are gradually moving away from this method of decorating baked goods. If you like to work with fondant, look for unusual solutions, since traditional bows and roses look too banal. It is advisable, before opening a pastry shop, to take special courses to master this skill.


We talked about how to open a confectionery from scratch in Russia. Now you need to think about how to properly recruit employees. As a rule, novice entrepreneurs at the stage of business formation work independently. When the enterprise begins to expand, you can invite assistants to work who will be involved in the production of products:

  • Technologist - a specialist who controls compliance with the recipe;
  • Bakers are directly involved in baking products;
  • A confectioner is a specialist in cakes, sweets and desserts.

If you do not have experience in this area, before opening a confectionery shop, look for experienced specialists who will help you develop a recipe and create an assortment. In addition, you will need a driver, preferably with personal transport, who will deliver finished products to retail outlets. You can also ask how to open a candy store from scratch and start selling the products yourself. In this case, you need to find an experienced seller.

Temporary contracts can be concluded with all employees. Accounting and reporting for tax office, pension fund and other instances can be outsourced.


Before opening a confectionery shop from scratch, you need to conduct an effective advertising campaign to attract customers' attention to your products. If your financial capabilities do not allow you to spend a decent amount on advertising, you need to locate your store in a public location, for example, in the city center or near entertainment centers or educational institutions. Order a bright, attractive sign that will be visible from afar. Place advertisements in local media, city forums and social networks.

In the first days of operating a confectionery shop, you need to do everything to ensure that visitors become interested in your brand and become your regular customers. To enhance the effect, hold various promotions, give out free samples of your products, and offer various new products. To make the pastry shop seem cozier, make a small children's corner.

Financial calculations

Any businessman wants to quickly return his invested funds. But the confectionery business does not have a quick payback. Competition in this market segment is quite high, so at first you will have to work hard to earn a reputation and create your own client base.

The profitability of the confectionery business is at the level of 20–30%. Beginning entrepreneurs often ask the question of how to open a confectionery shop from scratch without large financial investments. You can start such a business only if you have decent starting capital on hand. Beginners who are limited in funds should think about how to open a mini pastry shop. A small domestically produced stove is inexpensive, about 20 thousand rubles. In addition, you need to purchase mixers, packaging equipment, dough mixers, etc. Equipment for a mini bakery will cost you about 600 thousand rubles. Experienced businessmen do not advise saving on the purchase of equipment, since the success of the project largely depends on this.

The markup on confectionery products is 50% of the cost. The profitability of an enterprise largely depends on production volumes, assortment and other factors. A small mini-confectionery can bring in 80-200 thousand rubles a month. If you take your business responsibly, this will be an excellent start towards financial well-being. It’s hard to say, but when it comes to food products, and in particular confectionery, experts say that this line of activity opens up broad prospects for beginners.

Cafe, bakery, confectionery: to open or is it better not to bother?

Sales of finished products

If you are planning to open a confectionery shop, the business plan must contain a clause on sales channels for finished products. It is most profitable to sell confectionery products through small stores. As a rule, large retail chains They cooperate with popular brands, so they don’t want to purchase products from individual entrepreneurs.

Once you have established sales through retail outlets, you can try to negotiate the supply of products to supermarkets and catering establishments.

Experts do not recommend that beginners start their business by producing expensive cakes. At the start, you can start producing various original cakes. Also, you shouldn’t immediately offer a large assortment. Come up with 5-6 names for different age categories. Children will love the bright, beautiful cakes, and adults will be happy to buy homemade cookies and fresh baked goods.

Before opening a business, find reliable suppliers of raw materials. It is better to purchase fresh products from producers. Suppliers of berries and fruits can be found among local farmers selling at the market. Specialized ingredients such as almond powder or baking gel can be purchased from online stores.


Now you know how to open a mini pastry shop at home and make your business successful. Everything else depends on your desire and hard work. Start your own business, do not give up in the face of difficulties, believe in your strength and you will definitely achieve your goals.
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