Rarus restaurant bar cafe believe 211. Restaurant business and catering programs for automating accounting in restaurants, bars, cafes and other catering establishments

May 26, 2011 at 06:39

Experience in implementing 1C UAT at a distribution center

  • Project management


Everything is mixed up in company X. The costs of the transport department are rising and no one understands anything. The financial director does not understand what the funds are used for. The CEO doesn’t understand why, instead of a new Toyota for his son, he should buy hubcaps for a GAZelle at a million dollars apiece. The head of transport said “I understand you” and left to buy bushings for the semi-springs. The critical moment comes, the financial director throws his hat on the ground and says: “We need profitability!” “Profitability!..” - those present exhale at once and turn their gazes to the head of the information department. “We’ll arrange it,” he says and buys a yellow box with 1C: Vehicle Management. A working group is formed and implementation begins.

What do we want to get in the end?

A staff of accountants in the transport department distributes fuel and lubricants and spare parts. Drivers no longer break their bones for every liter of burnt fuel - consumption is calculated accurately. Route, waybills, and repair sheets are created on time and correctly. The calculation of salaries for drivers is automated: all kinds of allowances are taken into account and burnouts are deducted. Information exchange between existing information systems is automated: from repair sheets, demand invoices are generated in 1C Accounting and spare parts are sent exactly to account 10.5. Individuals are unloaded from the ZUP in a timely manner. But the main thing is that all analytics are performed in a couple of clicks! The head of the transport department can report on every liter of diesel fuel, every battery, every ruble spent on repairs. It can obtain data about the state of any machine at any point in time. Thus, everyone is happy: the transport department easily keeps records, the accounting department does not interfere in the process and only controls the correctness of unloadings, the financial department receives up-to-date data on profitability. This is a picture of ideal accounting, which, with the right approach, can be implemented on the basis of 1C UAT.

What do we have now?

The head of the transport keeps records with a pencil in a notepad, and the last time he turned on the computer he accidentally touched it with his heel. The dispatcher enters income and expense data into Excel, where the estimated expense is calculated using very simple formulas (of course, a minimum of parameters is taken into account). At the end of the month, drivers fight for every liter of waste, convincing the dispatcher that in Verkhniye Matyuki they were stuck in a traffic jam, and in Nizhnye Pupki they had to take a detour due to road repairs. Nobody knows the actual route and fuel consumption. To receive the spare parts, a primary document with notes is sent to the accounting department, and the girls there enter the nomenclature at random, because they have a vague understanding of the difference between a rim pulley and a brake disc. Because of this, transport and accounting departments often get confused in the transmitted data. Payroll calculation is done by a VBA script in Excel. The cars have proper names - Gazelle Worn and Peterbilt Green; there is no fixed list of vehicles. At the end of the month, when documents arrive from the processing centers of fuel and lubricants suppliers, transport accountants manually verify the final figures, and in case of discrepancies, they get bogged down in proceedings with the drivers.

How will we implement

As practice shows, it is extremely difficult to break time-tested accounting methods in a large enterprise (no matter how wild they may be). Full-scale implementation is challenging for several reasons:
  • increasing demand for labor resources. A very large amount of information will need to be entered into the UAT to generate reports and obtain profitability;
  • data must be entered by a staff of qualified accountants. The “our girls will figure it out” approach is guaranteed to lead to failure;
  • integration with existing enterprise information systems is required. In the case of a distribution wholesale base, this is integration with a warehouse management system (WMS) and accounting programs;
  • High coordination of the work of all involved departments at all stages is required. This is primarily transport, information, accounting, warehouse;
  • changes in business processes. If the company has a quality manager, then he interacts with the heads of departments and describes new regulations;
  • technical difficulty. The information department needs a person who will deal only with implementation for several months. This is the development of information exchange tools at the preparatory stage and “finishing with a file” until everything settles down.
But what to do when the data is needed, but the enterprise is unable to carry out a full-scale implementation? No problem, nothing prevents us from making changes gradually. To begin with, you can automate accounting in the transport department, and then extend the functionality to related tasks. The initial implementation, according to subjective feelings, uses only 5-10% of the gigantic capacities of the 1C UAT system, but is relatively easy to implement. The transport department receives a certain analogue of its usual accounting, which uses a couple of documents and reference books. Result: processes become more transparent, a semblance of “civilized” accounting appears, and the ability to obtain modest analytics. Advantages:
  • minimal costs for personnel retraining;
  • minimal costs for technical support;
  • relatively short deadlines (1-2 months);
Keeping records in such a system with a fleet of 30 cars (1 flight per day, daily workload) is quite within the capabilities of two accountants without experience working with UAT.

Key point: waybills and fuel consumption

To begin with, I took on the automation of accounting for fuel consumption - this was the main task of the accountants in the transport department. The existing methodology implied a minimum of input information - mileage there, mileage back, cargo there, cargo back. With gazelles, in which the transported cargo was not taken into account, it was even simpler: only the distance traveled and the type of fuel - either LPG or gasoline. Upon detailed examination of the Excel file, elementary formulas for calculating consumption were identified; they used several coefficients, verified over the years by trial and error.
In UAT, the calculation of fuel consumption is much more complicated. I will describe several points with which questions arose.
As for the cost of spare parts, we can obtain the 1C Accounting invoice from the documents. To do this, you need to enter additional details into the document to link to the fixed asset.

What we managed to get

By automating the accounting of waybills and entering into the UAT configuration additional details for communication with 1C Accounting for fixed assets, we receive (for each of the vehicles):
  • consumption for each type of fuel in the context of plastic cards, suppliers;
  • the total cost of refueling for each type of fuel in the context of plastic cards and suppliers;
  • total mileage;
  • total cargo transported;
  • original cost, depreciation, cost including depreciation;
  • total costs for spare parts.

To get a comprehensive picture, there are not enough costs for repairs, insurance, maintenance, taxes and consumables. However, at minimal cost we achieved most of the indicators. This can be considered a success.


  • 1C UAT is a powerful system for managing the profitability of transportation. This is a full-fledged accounting department, only with a focus on motor transport. Accordingly, accounting in it must be maintained by a qualified staff of accountants;
  • mastering the system during implementation is a sure path to failure;
  • The system is best suited to ATPs with fixed routes and flight schedules. The system, unfortunately, is not suitable for cases where the exact route of the flight is unknown. An alternative is to equip vehicles with “black boxes” and build an information exchange with the UAT.
  • The keys to success are the coordinated work of all departments involved and a thorough study of the nuances of the movement of fuel and lubricants. The latter will save you from the frantic search for missing thousands at gunpoint of an accountant.

The joint solution "1C: Motor Transport Management Standard" is designed to automate management and operational accounting in motor transport enterprises and organizations, as well as in motor transport departments of trade, manufacturing and other enterprises that use motor vehicles for their own needs. The solution is an independent product developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, which does not require the purchase of additional products on the 8 platform.

The program "1C: Motor Transport Management Standard" consists of eight main subsystems:

  • Dispatch subsystem;
  • VET subsystem;
  • Subsystem for accounting for fuels and lubricants;
  • Repair accounting subsystem;
  • Warehouse accounting subsystem;
  • Subsystem of mutual settlements;
  • Driver work accounting subsystem;
  • Cost accounting subsystem.

Control room subsystem

The dispatch subsystem is designed to accept orders for vehicles, issue orders for the release of vehicles and generate route sheets, generate and process waybills.

Orders for vehicles can be accepted both from third-party contractors and from internal divisions of the company. The order specifies the transportation route, cargo parameters, and vehicle requirements. The program provides tracking of partially completed orders.

The issuance of orders for the production of vehicles takes into account the various operating modes of the vehicle and the work schedules of drivers. In this case, the program automatically checks whether the car is suitable for the flight according to the following indicators:

  • the car is not under current repair;
  • the vehicle has no upcoming scheduled maintenance;
  • The car does not have expired documents (MTPL policy, any certificates, etc.).

These orders are used for batch issuance of waybills.

The program allows you to write out and process waybills of the following types:

  • Time-based truck (Form No. 4-P);
  • Truck piecework (Form No. 4-C);
  • Special vehicle (Form No. 3 special);
  • Intercity car (Form No. 4-M);
  • Construction machine (ESM2);
  • Non-public bus (form No. 6 special);
  • Passenger car (Form No. 3);
  • Waybills for individual entrepreneurs.

The issuance of travel vouchers can be performed in two ways: manual entry of each voucher and automatic batch issuance. The batch issue mode is especially convenient for large enterprises, since it allows you to generate and print waybills within a short period of time with minimal participation from the dispatcher. When a new trip ticket is generated, the remaining fuel in the tanks and vehicle speedometer readings are automatically transferred from the previous trip. After final processing of the waybill, the program calculates such production parameters as time on duty, at work, idle time, mileage with and without cargo, weight of transported cargo, cargo turnover, number of trips and operations, etc. The required generation parameters are configured by users through a special directory. Also, for drivers, the waybills provide for salary accrual based on work results.

Based on the itinerary data, the program allows you to generate a variety of analytical reports:

  • Vehicle production report;
  • Mileage report;
  • Equipment operating time report;
  • Downtime report;
  • Journal of waybills (form TMF-8);
  • Vehicle operation card;
  • Statement of technical and operational indicators;
  • Vehicle condition diagram.

The functionality of the program allows users to monitor the condition of cars, for example:

  • The car is scheduled for a trip (the order has been issued);
  • The car is in transit;
  • The car is being repaired;
  • The car is preserved, etc.

Registration of documents such as vehicle release orders, waybills, and repair sheets automatically changes the condition of the vehicle. In addition, the user, using a special document “Vehicle Disposition”, can specify any state and location of the vehicle.

VET subsystem

The main purpose of the technical maintenance subsystem is maintaining a directory of vehicles, accounting for the production of vehicles and equipment, monitoring the timing of replacement of tires and batteries, planning maintenance, recording road accidents, monitoring the expiration of documents such as compulsory motor liability insurance policies, medical certificates, driver’s licenses, etc.

The directories “Vehicles”, “Vehicle Models”, “Vehicle Equipment” keep records of all the necessary information:

  • Garage and state number;
  • Engine number, chassis, body, VIN, color;
  • Overall and usable dimensions;
  • Own weight and load capacity;
  • Number of axles and wheels;
  • Engine type and power;
  • Type of fuel and fuel consumption rates;
  • Norms for undergoing scheduled maintenance;
  • Issued documents (MTPL policies, certificates, etc.);
  • Installed tires, batteries, first aid kits, walkie-talkies and any other equipment;
  • Assigned crew.

A convenient form of the list of vehicles allows you to organize a quick selection of cars by columns, models and organizations, with special pictograms and highlighting cars that are approaching scheduled maintenance and the validity period of such documents (MTPL policies, certificates, etc.) is expiring.

The car card contains detailed information about the technical characteristics:

On numerous tabs in the card you can keep track of the following data:

  • documents issued for the car. The program automatically controls the expiration of documents;
  • drivers assigned to the vehicle;
  • installed equipment and trailers;
  • tires, batteries, first aid kits and other additional vehicle equipment;
  • plastic cards, etc.

Accounting for the production of vehicles and equipment is carried out on the basis of waybills. When processing waybills, the program calculates the specified output parameters (total mileage, cargo turnover, operating time in engine hours, etc.) and uses them in the future to generate various analytical reports and monitor the completion of scheduled maintenance.

Standards for undergoing scheduled maintenance are set in the “Vehicle Models” directory. The program allows you to configure maintenance standards both depending on the volume of production and depending on calendar dates. Any arbitrary parameter can be selected as an output parameter, for example: mileage, number of operations performed, operating time in engine hours, etc. In the presented figure, the maintenance standards will be applied as follows: Maintenance 1 will be performed every 10,000 km, but at least once every 18 months. When there are 300 km left before the mileage of 10,000 km, this vehicle will be included in the report “Control of upcoming maintenance dates”, and in the vehicle directory it will begin to be highlighted with a special icon.

The functionality of the program allows you to control the validity period of any documents issued to drivers and vehicles. Types of documents are configured through a special directory, and their number is unlimited, for example: MTPL policies, various certificates, medical certificates, visas, etc. Expiration control is carried out in a special report; in addition, in directories, drivers and cars are highlighted with a special icon.

Accounting for tires, batteries, first aid kits, walkie-talkies and other additional equipment is carried out in the context of each vehicle, and tires - also in the context of installation locations. The program “remembers” the installation location and date of installation or replacement of each tire, and automatically takes into account the mileage of each tire currently on the car when processing waybills. Tire wear monitoring reports help you quickly make decisions about the need to replace them.

The program keeps records of road traffic accidents (RTA). The relevant documents contain the data of the car and driver involved in the accident, a list of other third-party participants in the accident, data from the damage examination and the insurance company. Analytical reports allow you to analyze the causes of accidents, the frequency of drivers involved in accidents, and compare the costs of restoration repairs with the amounts of payments from insurance companies.

Fuel and lubricants metering subsystem

The subsystem is designed to set fuel consumption rates, record receipt, issue and consumption of fuels and lubricants.

The receipt and issue of fuel and lubricants is documented in the documents “Receipt of goods” and “Refilling of fuel and lubricants”; fuel consumption is calculated in waybills. In case of returning fuel from a vehicle to a warehouse, special documents are provided for draining fuel and lubricants.

The program provides the ability to design the following types of refills:

  • From warehouse;
  • For cash;
  • By plastic card;
  • By coupons;
  • From the supplier.

For cases of refueling using plastic cards, the program implements additional accounting capabilities - downloading data from reports with refueling details and automatic comparison with data entered based on driver receipts. The program delivery includes processing for downloading data on gas stations of the following processing centers:

  • Lukoil-Intercard;
  • Autocard;
  • Sibneft;
  • TNK-Magistral;
  • Gazpromneft.

For other processing centers that are not included in this list, but provide fuel detail reports in electronic form in an open format (DBF, Excel, txt, etc.), with minor modifications, you can also implement automatic loading of this data into the program and their further verification with driver reports.

Fuel consumption is calculated in the waybill when it is processed. Standard consumption is calculated according to consumption standards, which are configured in the "Vehicle Models" directory. All calculation algorithms are implemented in strict accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport and allow you to calculate the following types of fuel consumption:

  • linear mileage consumption;
  • expenses for transport work and changes in own weight;
  • heater operating costs;
  • special work expenses equipment;
  • expense of additional operations;
  • engine starting consumption;
  • mileage consumption when performing special work;
  • consumption when idle with the engine running.

In addition, the program takes into account seasonal allowances for fuel consumption, as well as allowances for work in difficult conditions.

The resulting data on the movement of fuel and lubricants are presented in the following reports:

  • Fuel and lubricants movement list;
  • Statement of receipt and consumption of fuels and lubricants;
  • Fuel and lubricant refills;
  • Comparison sheet for fuel consumption by drivers;
  • Statement of issuing coupons for fuel and lubricants;
  • Comparison sheet for gas stations using plastic cards.

Repair and maintenance accounting subsystem

The subsystem is designed to record orders for repairs and servicing of vehicles, record repairs performed and scheduled maintenance, replace tires and batteries, and additional equipment. The program allows you to keep records of repairs performed both in your own repair area and in third-party car services.

Repair orders are registered with “Preliminary repair order” documents, which indicate the vehicle, the reason for the request, a list of faults and spare parts. In case of repairs carried out at a third-party car service center, a preliminary repair order can be printed in the following form:

Based on preliminary orders, the program generates repair sheets - documents recording completed repairs, maintenance, replacement of tires and batteries. If repairs are carried out at your own repair zone, the “Repair List” document writes off spare parts from the company’s warehouse, and if repairs are carried out at a third-party car service center, the document indicates the quantity and cost of work performed. If drivers are involved in repairs, the time spent on work will be included in the drivers’ time sheet.

Analysis of completed repairs can be carried out using various reports:

Warehouse subsystem

The subsystem is designed to carry out warehouse operations: receipt of goods and materials at the warehouse, internal movement between warehouses, write-offs, and inventory taking. Write-off of materials can be performed in one of the following ways: FIFO, LIFO and average.

Tires, batteries, first aid kits and other equipment are included in separate warehouse accounting, since such equipment must be taken into account in the context of each unit. Detailed technical information is maintained for tires and batteries.

The program also provides opportunities for group posting of tires and batteries, which can significantly reduce the time when entering documents.

Subsystem for accounting for transport services provided

The mutual settlements management subsystem implements the functions of accounting for price lists and tariffs, calculating the cost of transport services, generating invoices, acts and registers for services rendered.

The tariff directory has a complex hierarchical structure that allows you to configure various areas of validity of price lists: for counterparties and counterparties’ agreements, for routes, for vehicle models. Tariffs can be set for any production parameter; the program allows you to configure the dependence of the tariff value on the volume of work performed, and set fixed tariffs.

Calculation of the cost of transport services provided is carried out when processing waybills in shipping documents (analogues of customer coupons, TTN). The program automatically calculates the cost of services based on the entered tariffs:

Based on these documents, invoices and service statements with varying degrees of detail (cars, services provided) can be generated for an arbitrary period of time; the formation is carried out for each customer. As an annex to invoices and acts, a register of transport services provided can be formed.

Driver work accounting subsystem

This subsystem implements two main tasks: recording the output and working hours of drivers and calculating wages based on waybills.

Calculation of drivers' working time is carried out when processing waybills and repair sheets. In addition, it is possible to use special documents to introduce various deviations in the use of working time by drivers. Based on these data, a time sheet is automatically generated - a unified form T13.

The calculation of accruals for drivers' wages in the program is carried out in various ways:

  • At piece rate based on output;
  • Percentage of revenue;
  • Percentage of other charges;
  • Fixed amount;
  • Supplement for night hours.

A flexible filter system allows you to configure the effect of tariffs only for certain routes, contractors, vehicle models (for example, if a driver works on one route, the salary will be calculated according to one tariff, and if he switches to another route, the tariff will automatically change). The program provides the ability to combine tariffs into tariff plans, which will be relevant for organizations with a large number of drivers.

Cost accounting subsystem

The cost accounting subsystem allows you to keep track of direct costs, distribute indirect costs between cars, receive cost reports by car, cost items, customers and departments, as well as analyze the profitability of each car. The ability to configure different cost plans allows you to take into account in different ways the costs when cars provide services to third-party clients and the costs when using cars for official, intra-business purposes.

Direct costs are determined on the basis of travel and repair sheets: the cost of fuels and lubricants, the cost of repairs and maintenance, wear and tear of cars and tires. In addition, any other costs for cars can be taken into account as a separate document.

Indirect costs are distributed between cars according to one of the following algorithms:

  • Proportional to the book value of the car;
  • Proportional to the car’s output (for example, mileage);
  • Equally between all cars.

Cost reports can be obtained in various analytics sections, for example, in the context of cars:

or by customer:

Technological advantages

Using a modern three-tier platform with a comprehensive enterprise-scale application allows the IT director and enterprise IT department specialists to be confident in the reliability of data storage, performance and scalability of the system. IT specialists receive a convenient tool for implementing the tasks required by the enterprise and maintaining the system created during implementation.

A new client application has been implemented on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform - a thin client: it can connect via the http or https protocols, while all business logic is implemented on the server. Remote departments can, using a thin client, connect via the Internet and work with the information base in on-line mode. Increases safety and speed of work.

A new client application has been implemented on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform - the Web client: it does not require installation of any components on the user's computer, and allows the use of Windows and Linux operating systems on user workstations. Does not require administration on user computers. Provides quick access to the information base for “mobile” employees.

A special operating mode for client applications has been implemented - low connection speed mode (for example, when working via GPRS, dialup). You can work anywhere where there is no permanent Internet connection.

  • In managed application mode, the interface is not “drawn”, but “described”. The developer defines only the general layout of the command interface and the general layout of the forms. The platform uses this description when building an interface for a specific user, taking into account various factors:
  • user rights;
  • features of a specific implementation;
  • settings made by the user himself.

It is possible to build an individual interface for each user.

The mechanism of functional options has been implemented. They allow you to enable/disable the necessary functional parts of the configuration without changing the application solution itself. You can customize the interface for each role, taking into account user preferences.

Data protection

The 1C company received a certificate of conformity No. 2137 dated July 20, 2010, issued by the FSTEC of Russia, which confirms that the secure software package (ZPK) "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is recognized as a general-purpose software with built-in means of protecting information from unauthorized access (NAA) to information that does not contain information constituting a state secret. Based on the certification results, compliance with the requirements of the governing documents for protection against non-impact activities of class 5 was confirmed, according to the level of monitoring the absence of undeclared capabilities (NDC) at level 4 of control, the possibility of using for creating automated systems (AS) up to security class 1G (i.e. AC) was confirmed , ensuring the protection of confidential information on a LAN) inclusive, as well as to protect information in personal data information systems (PDIS) up to class K1 inclusive.

Certified copies of the platform are marked with marks of conformity from No. G 420000 to No. G 429999.

All configurations developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform, incl. "1C: Motor Transport Management Standard" can be used to create a personal data information system of any class and additional certification of application solutions is not required.

Scalability and performance

Using the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform ensures efficient operation and reliable storage of information when hundreds of users work. The modern three-level system architecture ensures that high performance is maintained despite a significant increase in the load on the system and the volume of processed data. High fault tolerance is achieved through server cluster redundancy, and performance optimization is achieved through dynamic load balancing between clusters. The use of DBMS from world leaders (MS SQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database) allows you to build high-performance and reliable information systems.

Construction of geographically distributed systems

1C:Enterprise 8 implements a mechanism for managing distributed information databases, which ensures the operation of a single application solution (configuration) with geographically dispersed databases combined into a multi-level hierarchical structure.

This makes it possible to build, based on the “Manufacturing Enterprise Management” configuration, solutions for enterprises of a network or holding structure, allowing you to effectively manage your business and see the “big picture” with the efficiency necessary for decision-making.

Integration with other systems

The interaction of the "1C:Vehicle Management Standard" configuration with standard 1C configurations can be performed in two ways:

  • By uploading/downloading data;
  • By combining it into a single information base.

Uploading of data on waybills and repair sheets, warehouse accounting, transport services provided, accrued salary is performed in the 1C: Enterprise Accounting configuration. In addition, the accrued salary is uploaded to the “1C: Salary and Personnel Management” configuration.

Consolidation into a single information base is performed with the “1C: Enterprise Accounting” configuration. This merging does not require programming skills and can be performed by ordinary users.

Software product for front office. The main purpose is to manage the work of the enterprise personnel in preparing preliminary dishes and goods and registering the fact of sale. Working with visitors’ orders (printing, additional orders, cancellations, transfers, issuing guest invoices, final payment), connecting special trade equipment, sales analysis, waiter training, the workload of the halls on-line. More details...The basic delivery of the program is networked! The possible number of automated workstations depends on the type of 1C:Enterprise platform used (network or local).

The configuration is developed on the basis of the basic objects of the 1C:Enterprise system, can be used with the components “Accounting”, “Operational Accounting”, “Calculation”, and is a ready-made solution for automating retail sales processes in public catering establishments using retail equipment.

The configuration can be used either independently or in conjunction with the standard solution "1C-Rarus: Public Catering" edition 6 versions "Standard" and "Prof", while this configuration will serve as Front-Office, while TR "1C-Rarus" : Public catering" will serve as a Back-Office.

A standard solution allows you to create specialized personal workplaces for the following employees:

  • Administrator of an automated trading process management system
  • Shift manager
  • Cashier
  • Waiter
  • Bartender

To create automated workstations in a standard solution, specialized ergonomic interfaces are used, including the use of Touch-Screen displays, which allow you to implement all the necessary actions in accordance with the functions performed by enterprise employees:

  • A set of orders from customers from various tables in the restaurant hall or from the bar counter. Orders are entered using product items and their properties, which can also change the retail cost of dishes. Order marks can also be used to determine the order in which dishes are prepared. When you enter an order, a “history” of changes in its composition is saved
  • Printing customer orders on kitchen printers with automatic detection of the cooking location
  • Entering discount cards and assigning various types of discounts
  • Printing bills
  • Acceptance of cash and non-cash payments, incl. with automatic authorization of payment cards
  • Punching a check on an order at the fiscal registrar. Executing returns on punched checks, performing quick sales with punching a check without creating an order
  • Full or partial transfer of order goods between tables and waiters
  • Closing a cash register shift with the creation of daily sales reports in various analytical sections with the preservation of an archive of punched receipts
  • Write-off of unpaid order items
  • Receiving reports on the results of sales/write-off of goods
  • Monitoring the status of orders in restaurant halls
  • Flexible configuration of workstations, user rights and retail equipment

The standard solution allows the use of various commercial equipment of the following classes:

  • Fiscal registrars
  • Authorizers of non-cash payments
  • Programmable Keyboards
  • Touch-Screen monitors (touch displays)
  • Shopper Displays
  • Barcode scanners and magnetic card readers
  • Kitchen order printers

A set of combined drivers for commercial equipment allows you to connect built-in and external custom device control components. The retail equipment management system allows you to use devices connected to various computers on the network from any workstation.

The software product is protected by a hardware security key and has code fragments that cannot be modified.

Composition of the software product

  • External component 1C:Enterprise, containing basic security functions and a library of drivers for commercial equipment (Rest.dll)
  • 1C syntax assistant file (Rest.als)
  • Set of external drivers for commercial equipment
  • Demo configuration 1C:Enterprise
  • Template for working information base 1C:Enterprise
  • Printed documentation
  • Hardware security key
  • Registration form

Software product for restaurant front office automation. The main purpose is to manage the work of enterprise personnel in placing a pre-order of dishes and goods and registering the fact of sale.
Work with visitors' orders (printing, additional orders, cancellations, transfers, issuing guest accounts, final payment), connecting special retail equipment, analyzing sales, waiter training, room congestion on-line.

The basic delivery of the program is networked! The possible number of automated workstations depends on the type of 1C:Enterprise platform used (network or local)*. It was developed on the base objects of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system and can be used with any component “Accounting”, “Operational Accounting”, “Calculation”.

1C-Rarus: Restaurant+Bar+Cafe, edition 2.5 is licensed based on the number of connected retail equipment. To connect each piece of equipment, you need to flash a certain number of licenses into the security key.

* Attention! If you use a file server platform, it is not recommended to automate more than 3 workstations of contact personnel. When using the 1C:Enterprise SQL server platform, the number of workstations is limited by the hardware capabilities of the database server.

1C Franchisee "ABS" (Automation of business systems)

It can be used with the components “Accounting”, “Operational Accounting”, “Calculation”, and is a ready-made solution for automating retail sales processes in public catering establishments using retail equipment.

The configuration can be used either independently or in conjunction with the standard solution "1C-Rarus: Public Catering" edition 6 versions "Standard" and "Prof", while this configuration will serve as Front-Office, while TR "1C-Rarus" : Public catering" will serve as a Back-Office.

A standard solution allows you to create specialized personal workplaces for the following employees:

  • Administrator of an automated trading process management system
  • Shift manager
  • Cashier
  • Waiter
  • Bartender

To create automated workstations in a standard solution, specialized ergonomic interfaces are used, including the use of Touch-Screen displays, which allow you to implement all the necessary actions in accordance with the functions performed by enterprise employees:

  • A set of orders from customers from various tables in the restaurant hall or from the bar counter. Orders are entered using product items and their properties, which can also change the retail cost of dishes. Order marks can also be used to determine the order in which dishes are prepared. When you enter an order, a “history” of changes in its composition is saved
  • Printing customer orders on kitchen printers with automatic detection of the cooking location
  • Entering discount cards and assigning various types of discounts
  • Printing bills
  • Acceptance of cash and non-cash payments, incl. with automatic authorization of payment cards
  • Punching a check on an order at the fiscal registrar. Executing returns on punched checks, performing quick sales with punching a check without creating an order
  • Full or partial transfer of order goods between tables and waiters
  • Closing a cash register shift with the creation of daily sales reports in various analytical sections with the preservation of an archive of punched receipts
  • Write-off of unpaid order items
  • Receiving reports on the results of sales/write-off of goods
  • Monitoring the status of orders in restaurant halls
  • Flexible configuration of workstations, user rights and retail equipment

The standard solution allows the use of various commercial equipment of the following classes:

  • Fiscal registrars
  • Authorizers of non-cash payments
  • Programmable Keyboards
  • Touch-Screen monitors (touch displays)
  • Shopper Displays
  • Barcode scanners and magnetic card readers
  • Kitchen order printers

A set of combined drivers for commercial equipment allows you to connect built-in and external custom device control components. The retail equipment management system allows you to use devices connected to various computers on the network from any workstation.