What to do if a child has a burn. Children's burns: we provide first aid

Child injury is the most tragic moment in raising kids. Burns in children with boiling water are common, especially at an early age. How to help, so as not to harm and alleviate the suffering of the child, step-by-step instructions for urgent action.

The World Health Organization recommends that in case of skin burns with boiling water in a child, free the affected area of ​​skin from clothing. If the skin has retained its integrity, then it is necessary to cool the surface of the lesion under running cool water. If you have panthenol spray or olasol on hand, then spray it on the wound and be sure to show the child to the doctor.

Thermal burns types, classification

In medicine, there is a classification of burns, there are 4 degrees of lesions:

  • 1-2 degree, defeat, with the death of the upper layer of the skin with the formation of blisters filled with a clear yellowish liquid. It is also accompanied by swelling of the affected area. With a simple course, the injury disappears in 10-12 days on its own;
  • III A degree, complete or partial skin lesion. While maintaining microcirculation inside the wound, healing is possible within 3-4 weeks, with conservative treatment. However, if the lesion is deeper and the circulation of substances is disturbed in the wound, the sebaceous and sweat glands die off, then self-healing is impossible. An operation is required to remove dead tissue and perform plastic surgery using skin taken from other parts of the victim's body. With lesions of this kind, large scars always remain;
  • IIIB (IV) degree, always requires surgical intervention, there is a complete death of tissues not only of the skin, but also of the subcutaneous layers. Deep scars always remain.

With extensive lesions and first aid for burns with boiling water in children, blisters should not be opened, this threatens the development of a hospital infection, subsequently sepsis.

What not to do with burns with boiling water

In the minds of many parents, methods of first aid for burns with boiling water of a child have been entrenched, passed from grandmothers, which are recognized as dangerous by evidence-based medicine.

Important! When transporting an injured child, do not apply a colored cloth, even if it is sterile, to a wound treated with an antiseptic. When examined by a doctor, shedding tissue and coloring the burn site can make it difficult to determine the extent of the lesion.

Limb burns

Every parent should know how to handle burns from boiling water for children. When a burn is formed in a child with boiling water on the hand, it is necessary:

  1. Place the affected area of ​​the skin in cool water, running or not, it does not matter. The water must be clean and not icy;
  2. Treat the wound with an antiseptic;
  3. If blisters form, a sterile dry dressing is needed.

So, first aid for a child with a burn with boiling water is provided, then it is necessary to consult a doctor. The child's skin is thin, and even with visible minor damage, the lesion can be deep, and untimely access to a doctor can lead to tissue necrosis. Therefore, consultation of a pediatric traumatologist is extremely necessary; in the absence of a narrow specialist, you can contact a local pediatrician.

When a child’s hand is burned with boiling water in nature, where it is not possible to cool the wound with clean water, you can use an individual cooling bag from a car first-aid kit, activating it according to the instructions.

Burn treatment, rehabilitation

For skin burns with boiling water, a child of 1 year old, an ambulance call is necessary if the wound is blistered.

If the burn site is reddened, without neoplasms and the lesion area is less than 10% of the skin, then it is possible to observe after first aid. In the absence of pain, fever, you can treat the wound with sprays at home, and with a visible improvement, an ambulance is not needed. But to show the child to the local pediatrician is a must. After a visit to the doctor and examining a child with a burn of boiling water on the hand, the doctor will prescribe the treatment and give recommendations on how to treat burns from boiling water in children.

According to the medical protocol, which is mandatory for all medical institutions in the country, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • Antiseptics, in the form of an aerosol (miramistin, chlorhexidine, etc.);
  • Painkillers NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as diclofenac, ketorolac, paracetamol, ibuprofen, in prescribed dosages);
  • Antibiotics if the wound has been untreated for more than 7 hours (amoxicillin, ampicillin);
  • An injection of tetanus toxoid in the absence of vaccination in an affected child.

Treatment, regulated by the protocol, prescribes a certain algorithm by day:

  • 1 day. The use of aerosols or cooling dressings with a 0.5% solution of novocaine;
  • Day 2 Bandaging with antibacterial ointments, or ointments with silver in the composition.

Dressings should be done every 1-2 days. A noticeable improvement in the patient's condition occurs 3-4 days after the injury.

A list of ointments that can be used to treat burns with boiling water in a child:

After a burn with boiling water in a child, and conducting emergency care, you need to properly apply the ointment, what to do:

  • Blot the wound with a sterile napkin if it is weeping;
  • In case of suppuration, rinse abundantly with an antiseptic;
  • Wipe the antiseptic with a sterile wipe;
  • Apply a thin layer of ointment, try not to press on the wound;
  • Fix with a clean cloth.

Important! In order not to injure the delicate tissues of the burn surface, the ointment should be at room temperature.

Children are always on the move, actively explore the world. No matter how carefully adults watch the baby, from time to time he manages to fall, fill a bump or pour hot liquid on himself. Burn in a child- very painful experience. Such injuries account for approximately 30% of all childhood injuries. Adults in this case, it is important to know what to do in such situations.

Depending on the method of obtaining and the degree of damage, burns are divided into groups.

Thermal burn

Thermal burns in children are the most common type. Occurs when a baby rolls over boiling water, is in contact with open fire or hot items. Unfortunately, not only a little fidget left unattended can get burned. Sitting on his mother's lap, the little one is able to suddenly wave his arm or leg and knock out a cup of hot tea from her hands.

Precautionary measures:

  • Don't pick up your baby while holding something hot.
  • Check food temperature that you feed your baby
  • Turn the handles of pots and pans so that the child cannot reach them.
  • Temporarily liquid tablecloth on the table - the baby can pull on it and turn out hot
  • Control the temperature of the bathing water, it should not be higher than 38⁰С
  • Cover the seat a child in the car with a towel, the surface of the seat in the summer can become excessively hot and burn the delicate baby skin
  • close up radiators screens, during the heating season, batteries can be scalding
  • Use a special protective screen for the stove and oven

Any mother knows how not just cook dinner or iron when the child is awake. Sometimes you have to show miracles of ingenuity and act in multitasking mode. But following the safety rules will avoid many dangers. It is better to think about how to protect your child than to find a burn in a child.

chemical burn

A chemical burn in a child occurs through direct contact with chemically aggressive substances and, these include acids, alkalis, professional household chemicals. In everyday life, such cases, unfortunately, are not rare. Children actively explore the surrounding space and try everything they can reach.

If a child has a skin burn, it is important to remove excess substance with a dry cloth, and then rinse the affected area with warm water for 20 minutes.

If you find that the baby has stained his clothes in a chemical powder, do not remove things over the head, as this can damage the face and eyes. Cut and discard such clothing.

The most difficult case - the child swallowed a chemical substance. It is important to understand what he drank and, if possible, keep the liquid in the original packaging (if necessary, show it to the doctors). Do not urgently remember the course of school chemistry and try to neutralize the substance yourself - the probability of error is extremely high.

Do not induce vomiting! When vomited, the hazardous substance can enter the respiratory tract or cause swelling of the larynx. Gastric lavage is also contraindicated, it can cause secondary damage to the esophagus and oral cavity.
Rinse abundantly with water should be the oral mucosa, but in such a way that the child does not swallow anything. You should urgently contact the doctor.
Precautionary measures:

  • Exclude the possibility of contact of the baby with hazardous substances
  • Once the baby starts to crawl remove higher all medicines and household chemicals
  • Keep all substances in their original packaging so that you can familiarize yourself with the composition
  • Hazardous substances are better in general remove from home

Electrical burn

Children get electrical burns when they come into contact with faulty household electrical appliances, when they try to put foreign objects into the outlet, and so on.

When a child is struck by an electric current, first of all, it is necessary to break the contact of the victim with the electrical source. Trying to just pick up the baby in her arms can lead to the fact that the mother will also be electrocuted. In this case, it is necessary to push the child to the side.

When examining a baby, remember that the electric current has an entry point and an exit point. If you notice a burnt point on the handle (presumably the entrance), then be sure to find the exit point as well. The wounds should be covered with a sterile dressing.

A feature of an electric burn is the relative integrity of the outer skin and serious injury to internal tissues (nerves, blood vessels, muscles). It is difficult to determine the extent of damage visually.

It is very important to control the heartbeat and breathing of a child with an electric burn, because the heart rate can change from electric shock. The child must immediately be shown to the doctor, and it must be transported lying down.

Precautionary measures:

  • Close all sockets special plugs
  • Do not let your child play with electrical appliances


A radiation burn in a child appears when it is excessively under direct sunbeams.

Precautionary measures:

  • Make sure that in the sun the baby is in cotton light and loose clothing
  • Apply special products
  • Kerchief or Panama required
  • In the heat, try to walk with the child in the shade.
  • Cover the stroller with an awning

Burns by severity

By severity, doctors divide burns into groups:

  • First degree burn - the top layer of the skin is damaged. The child is in pain, the burned area will turn red. The injury goes away in a couple of days.
  • Second-degree burn - fluid-filled blisters appear. The burn will heal for several days, and a trace of it may remain for several weeks.
  • Third degree burn - characterized by a deep lesion of the skin. Blisters filled with bloody fluid form at the site of the lesion.
  • IV degree burn - deep penetration, all layers of the skin, muscles and sometimes bones are damaged. Fabrics may char.

A burn in a child - the actions of adults

Do not panic is standard advice to parents in any difficult and unforeseen situation. Fear makes it hard to think and act quickly, also parental panic further injures an already frightened and in pain baby.

The algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  • Immediately remove the source defeat
  • Release the affected area body from clothes (if possible)
  • Give painkiller and dip the burnt area under cold, running water
  • Do not clean the wound yourself and don't pop bubbles, even tense
  • call the doctor

For minor injuries, calm the child, dip the burned area in cold running water, apply an anesthetic and apply a sterile bandage. For speedy healing, you can use special natural remedies.

For more severe injuries, call an ambulance immediately. As a rule, the treatment of burns, in which ordinary blisters form, is carried out at home. The doctor will prescribe treatment, with his approval, you can use drugs that help restore the epidermis.

If you're confused call 103 and describe the situation, you will be prompted how to do the right thing. Minor burns can be treated on their own, severe injuries should be shown to specialists.

When to See a Doctor

Professional intervention is necessary if:

  • Suffered child under one year old
  • The baby is burned upper respiratory tract or eyes
  • injured skin on the face, neck or head
  • The girl received a groin or chest burn

If trouble happened to the baby, first help him and calm him down, and only then think about what you did wrong and how to avoid this in the future.

Safety regulations

  • protect the danger area (heater, ironing board with a hot iron, stove, etc.) with a safety gate with a door opening lock or, conversely, make a fence around the safe area where the baby can play;
  • if the house has a fireplace, equip it with a grate;
  • do not leave matches and lighters in a place accessible to the child;
  • place household appliances so that the baby under no circumstances can reach the back panel;
  • equip appliances with a special protective device that protects them from accidental tipping over by children;
  • attach or hide the wires under the baseboard;
  • remove the extension cords behind the furniture so that the child does not touch them or stumble;
  • close the sockets with special protective plastic covers;
  • periodically check if the insulation of the wires is worn out
  • keep household chemicals out of reach

Have you faced similar problems? Please share your opinion and experience!

The article was prepared as part of the implementation of the initiative "Children in safety"project "Prevention of non-communicable diseases, promotion of healthylifestyle and support for the modernization of the healthcare system in the RepublicBelarus” (“BELMED”) funded by the European Union and implementedUNDP, WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA in partnership with the Ministryhealthcare of the Republic of Belarus. The publication does not reflect the officialposition of the EU and UNDP.

Damage to the skin under the influence of high temperatures or chemicals is called. In domestic conditions, most often such damage is caused by hot steam, oil, iron or boiling water. If the skin is damaged more than 15%, you should immediately contact a specialist to avoid serious consequences.

Applying Panthenol Foam to the Burn

In the case when the damage belongs to the first and second degrees, with the victim feeling normal, it is not necessary to consult a doctor, but it is important to know how to provide first aid and what not to do so as not to harm.

Damaged skin during a burn can pass the infection into the body, so thoroughly washed hands are a must if possible.

IMPORTANT! Never use oil! This will lead to the fact that the skin will be covered with a film, the access of air to the wound will be blocked and the skin will suffer even more!

Oil prohibited

The oil must not be used for burns.

Important! It is also forbidden to act with alcohol-containing solutions on the damaged area!

Providing first aid to an injured person

If a person is very sick and the damage is extensive, you need to urgently take him to the hospital. The following are the conditions that it is desirable to follow regardless of the degree:

  1. The first step is to remove clothing from the burn site. If the material is stuck to the wound, it cannot be torn off; you need to carefully trim it around the perimeter. It is very good if you can wash the wound with a manganese solution.
  2. A stream of water should be directed to the damaged area in order to reduce the temperature of the area and reduce pain. Cold water can be replaced with ice and frozen food wrapped in a towel. This procedure can be carried out no more than 20-30 minutes.
  3. First aid can be provided with acid or alkaline solutions. When a soda solution will help, with an alkaline burn, you can use an acetic solution.
  4. If large areas of the skin are damaged, apply a sterile gauze bandage and consult a doctor as soon as possible. The faster first aid is provided, the faster the patient will recover and the consequences will be minimal.

IMPORTANT! You can not open blisters from burns yourself!

In case of burns, the wound must be washed with water

Remedies from the first aid kit to help with burns

Below is a list of things you can do to anoint a burn at home.

  • Panthenol produces an anti-inflammatory effect, so tissue regeneration is faster. Available in a variety of formats for ease of use depending on the occasion. It can be used by adults and children;
  • A preparation containing sea buckthorn oil, such as Olazol, helps reduce pain, has an antibacterial effect and promotes rapid healing;
  • Betadine perfectly disinfects the affected areas. It must be applied to the inflamed area according to the instructions for use;
  • The drug Fastin has not only an antibacterial effect, but also relieves pain. It can be used to treat different degrees of damage;
  • The drug Solcoseryl accelerates the metabolism, so tissue regeneration is faster. In addition, Solcoseryl contains natural ingredients, due to which it does not cause allergic reactions;
  • In the event that the blisters have burst, you can use Inflarax ointment. It will help to avoid infection of the site, but children should not use it;
  • For the treatment of blisters from burns on children's skin from 1 year old, Bepanthen Plus cream can be used and, of course, it can also be used by adults. The effectiveness of the cream is time-tested;
  • Balm Rescuer can also be used on children's wounds, provided they are minor.

Pharmacy ointments for burns

Attention! Be sure to follow the instructions for use!

Treatment with folk remedies

Provided that the condition of the victim is normal and the wound is not open, you can use folk remedies to help the victim. The ingredients must be fresh. It is also important to use a freshly prepared remedy. Below are some folk remedies:

  • If the pain and burning sensation subsided, you can use sea buckthorn oil. It promotes rapid tissue healing and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to apply a gauze bandage soaked in sea buckthorn oil to the affected area and fix it with a bandage. This bandage should be changed at least once a day.

Sea buckthorn oil is used for lubrication

  • Shredded potatoes can also help. A few hours after the incident, you can apply gruel from grated potatoes to the wound, and then fix it with gauze and a bandage. You can repeat the procedure several times.
  • Egg white will also help with the treatment. To do this, you just need to smear the burn, and then wait for it to dry. You can repeat several times.
  • An egg yolk remedy will also help. To prepare it, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of sour cream to the yolk. Mix thoroughly, soak gauze and apply to the affected area. The bandage can not be removed for a day.
  • A good remedy for treatment is an oil-egg mixture. To prepare it, add a few tablespoons of butter to one egg and mix thoroughly. The mixture should be applied to the wound several times a day. Treatment with an oil-egg mixture quickly gives positive results, but it can be used with mild.
  • In the treatment, you can use herbal decoctions. An excellent anti-inflammatory and healing effect is produced by decoctions of oak bark, coltsfoot and wild rose (its fruits are used). The ingredients must be taken in approximately the same proportion and pour boiling water. For 1 tablespoon you need to use 150 ml of water. The resulting broth should be soaked with gauze, and then fix it at the site of the lesion. The use of decoction can be repeated every 15-20 minutes. It is important to use a fresh decoction.
  • Aloe juice has a lot of useful properties, so it can be used in such cases of treatment. To do this, cut the aloe leaf lengthwise and apply the pulp to the affected area, then fix it with a bandage.

  • For mild blisters and inflammation, you can use baby cream, or a prepared mixture that contains baby cream. Baby cream has healing properties, relieves inflammation, and when fresh aloe juice and honey are added to it, it becomes a healing mixture. Such a healing mixture can be used several times a day - gently applied to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. The mixture becomes even more healing when you add St. John's wort tincture to it.
  • A product made from propolis and vegetable oil has a disinfecting effect. In addition, it contributes to the rapid regeneration of the skin, relieves inflammation. The product is prepared on the basis of propolis and vegetable oil. To do this, add a tablespoon of oil to 5 g of propolis.

Plantain leaf should be crushed and applied to the wound

Important! When treating with folk remedies, control the condition of the victim so that the wound begins to heal and the redness subsides.

If the condition worsens or the wound has festered, you need to seek help from a medical facility. If the condition does not improve much with herbal treatment, it may be worth using drug treatment from a pharmacy. The concentration of nutrients in them is much higher and the regeneration of the skin will move faster.

Children learn about the world around them through the senses, one of which is touch. But not all objects can be touched - even the most attentive and responsible parents can get burned. It is enough to pull the edge of the tablecloth towards you from the table on which there is hot tea, grab the soleplate of the iron or the handle of the pot with boiling water. Children's skin also suffers on the beach during long sunbathing. What to do if the child is burned, how to provide first aid to your baby?

Causes of thermal and chemical burns in children

In most cases, children become victims of thermal or chemical effects on the skin. Causes of burns caused by high temperatures:

Less often, children get a burn caused by chemicals - acid or alkali. Aggressive compounds are present in our lives in the form of means for removing carbon deposits from pans and cooking surfaces, gels for washing toilets and removing rust, and liquids for bleaching linen. Some of them can only be handled with protective gloves, which the child may not know about.

What are burns?

Thermal or chemical burns are classified according to severity. Physicians distinguish four stages:

  • First. The upper layer of the dermis is affected - redness appears at the site of exposure, the child feels pain.
  • Second. This degree of damage is characterized by the involvement of the subcutaneous layer in the inflammatory process. In the affected area, 1 or more bubbles filled with a clear liquid may occur. The child may complain of pain, burning, which do not go away for a long period.
  • Third. A dangerous type of burn that requires immediate medical attention. Tissue damage captures the surface and inner layers of the dermis, muscles. The third stage can have two varieties - A and B. The first is characterized by the appearance of blisters in a dense shell, the formation of scabs, swelling of adjacent areas. In stage B, the presence of pus, tissue necrosis, ulcers is noted.
  • Fourth. In this stage, the skin, subcutaneous layer, muscles, tendons suffer. Sometimes a burn in a child reaches the bone - charring and complete necrosis of the affected tissues are noted.

What is the danger of a burn in a child?

Healthy epithelial tissues synthesize fibronectin (glycoprotein), which is involved in the binding of immune cells to pathogens. The occurrence of a burn is damage to the epithelial layer, which ceases to function fully. This leads not only to the appearance of pain, but also to the possible development of complications.

The body in children is especially sensitive to damage to the dermis, so the likelihood of infection is high.

First aid for burns at home

Timely and competently rendered first aid is the key to successful treatment of a burn. In addition, the correct actions of parents help to avoid aggravating the problem, because then it will be much more difficult to treat. In case of a thermal burn (exposure to an iron, hot water), experts recommend acting according to the following scheme:

If the burn was caused by exposure to chemicals (acids or alkalis), the affected area should be held under a stream of cold water. This must be done in order to wash off the remnants of the aggressive compound from the skin. Burns in children are recommended to be washed for at least a quarter of an hour. You can neutralize the acid component with a solution of soda with water (2–3%) or soap, and the alkaline component by washing with a weak solution of citric acid.

How to treat thermal and chemical burns?

Treatment of burns of 2-3 degrees should be medical, and folk recipes can be used as adjuvant therapy. In severe cases, immediate hospitalization, skin grafting is indicated. The course of drugs should appoint a doctor who is guided by the severity of the condition of a small patient, age, and also takes into account contraindications. The treatment of chemical and thermal burns is almost the same, however, in the first case, the degree of damage to the skin is finally determined only after 5 to 7 days.

Pharmacy preparations

The task of therapy is to relieve inflammation, dry the wound (if necessary), stop the reproduction of pathogens. In this case, the body will be able to independently cope with the damage and restore the epidermis. In a standard situation, burn treatment is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Elimination of hyperemia, reduction of inflammation. Drugs based on dexpanthenol are used. Such funds are recommended to be applied in the first minutes after receiving a burn. In the presence of blisters or weeping ulcers, stronger drugs are used for treatment (we recommend reading:).
  • Antiseptic. Sometimes the doctor recommends pre-treating the wound with Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, a solution of Furacilin or potassium permanganate to eliminate microorganisms that could get on the surface of the wound. In this case, it is advisable to remove the remnants of the antiseptic by blotting the wound with a piece of gauze or bandage.
  • It is recommended to apply an ointment containing an antibiotic to the affected area. It can be Levomekol, Doxycycline. Apply a thin layer twice a day.
  • In more severe cases, a doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics.
  • If relief does not occur within 2-3 days, a specialist should be consulted. The doctor may change appointments or suggest hospitalization.
  • If a baby up to a year old has suffered, it must be shown to a pediatrician, regardless of the degree of damage. At the same time, infants are less likely to become a victim of burns, unlike children of one year of age and preschoolers.

In the hospital, physicians carry out the initial treatment of the wound, remove particles of debris, foreign bodies, and dead tissue. Next, a set of anti-shock measures is performed: pain relief with analgesics, the use of sedatives, a course of infusion therapy. If necessary, the child is prescribed antibiotics, as well as emergency vaccination against tetanus.

Folk recipes

There are many ways to help a child with improvised means at home. Traditional medicine recipes are time-tested, they do not use expensive components. Most Popular:

  • Raw potatoes. A root crop crushed into gruel or cut into small plates can be applied to the burn site. Carrots and beets also have healing properties. You can smear the burn with juice squeezed from these vegetables.
  • Cabbage. Fresh leaves have the ability to relieve inflammation, lower the temperature of the burned area of ​​the skin. A cabbage leaf should be applied to the wound, and after half an hour, replace it with a fresh one.
  • Oak bark. Prepare a decoction of oak bark, moisten a bandage in it, folded several times, and apply to the wound. Do the procedure 3-4 times a day.

Possible consequences

First- and second-degree burns usually heal within a week and do not pose a threat to the child's health. With massive damage to the skin or burns of 3-4 degrees, it is important that the therapy is carried out on time.

Among the possible consequences:

  • Infection of the damaged area. A weeping wound is an ideal breeding ground for pathogens (we recommend reading:). The inflammatory process caused by bacteria can lead to burn phlegmon or pyoderma.
  • After the wound heals, scars may form. In addition to a cosmetic problem, such consequences can cause limitation of mobility and functionality of the limbs (hands, feet, joints of the arms, legs).
  • If the area of ​​damaged skin reaches 20 - 25% of the entire body surface, dehydration is noted. If the measures are not taken in time, serious consequences, up to and including death, are possible.

What can not be done with a burn?

In a stressful situation, many parents make a number of mistakes, trying to alleviate the suffering of the baby as soon as possible. If a child is burned, the following actions are unacceptable:

  • The use of oil-based medications, especially in the first minutes after the baby burned his hand with an iron or scalded with boiling water. The fatty component of the agent forms an impenetrable film on the surface of the wound, which is why the damaged tissues do not cool down, but continue to break down under the influence of high temperature.
  • Do not use alcohol-containing products: brilliant green, iodine, calendula tincture. Such drugs irritate the wound surface, which contributes to the aggravation of pain.
  • Do not rush to immediately anoint the wound after a burn with a medical agent - first you need to lower the temperature of the affected area.
  • If blisters form at the site of the burn, they should not be pierced - it is desirable that this manipulation be performed by a specialist. Otherwise, there is a high chance of infection of the wound, which can lead to complications.
  • Do not cover the wound with a band-aid even after the skin has peeled off. It is better to use a sterile breathable bandage.

No matter how carefully the parents follow the little fidget, it cannot do without a variety of bruises, bumps, scratches, burns. Well, how can you foresee everything when an inquisitive kid is interested in absolutely everything, not realizing that some objects can be very dangerous? Well, if so, we will prepare to provide first aid. And today we will consider what to do if the child is burned.

A small clarification - we are talking about burns in general. If you are only interested, then we recommend that you read the article at the link. But back to our question. Before talking about first aid, it should be clarified that there are 4 degrees of burns, and your actions, depending on the severity, can vary greatly.

We will not go into any complicated terms and definitions, in order to easily navigate in these degrees, it is enough to know the following:

1 degree- reddening of the skin is observed at the site of the burn;

2 degree- characterized by the appearance of bubbles;

3 degree- this is when the blisters burst, and an open wound forms;

4 degree- blackening and charring.

You do not need to be a doctor to understand that your actions will differ depending on the degree of the burn. And even then, only in the first three cases, and in the fourth degree, only doctors can provide assistance. Below we will consider what to do if the child received a burn of one degree or another, but there are also general actions: remove the source of the lesion, cool the affected area (the cold will numb the pain a little and prevent the lesion from spreading even more) and in no case tear off the burnt tissue leave it to the doctors.

Helping a child with 1st degree burns

This is the most common and easiest degree. Accordingly, the help with it is insignificant: lower the burnt place into cold running water. Then you need to apply an anesthetic spray and apply a sterile bandage. We already wrote about this in an article about.

Helping a child with 2nd degree burns

If the child received a second-degree burn, you need to act in much the same way as in the previous case, but the water jet should not fall on the blisters. Point it a little higher and let it just drip onto the burned area. After 10-15 minutes of such cooling, when the pain subsides a little, apply a wet gauze bandage.

Helping a child with 3rd degree burns

This is where more careful help is needed. Before you start pouring water on the wound, a clean, damp dressing is applied to it. And do not forget to give your baby more water, this will help the kidneys to quickly remove toxins from the body.

In what cases should a child see a doctor for burns in a child:

  • burned a child up to a year;
  • as a result of a burn, the skin of the face, neck or head was damaged;
  • the child received a burn of the groin or chest (girls);
  • burns of the upper respiratory tract, eyes, knee and elbow bends.

Please note that in case of eye burns, rinse them with cold water and apply a soft, damp bandage to both eyes. Because when one moves, the other moves too.

And listen less to “useful” advice such as: apply a cream, ointment, or, for example, pour urine on a burned area. If you do not know what to do if the child is burned - ask the doctor, but do not experiment. The fact is that fatty creams and ointments will prevent the skin from "breathing", only aggravating the situation, and with urine it is possible to bring an infection at all.