How to treat the auditory nerve. Acoustic neuritis: symptoms and treatment of inflammation

The main task of the auditory nerve is to provide a person with the opportunity to hear the sounds of the surrounding world.

It originates in the middle ear, and its processes-dendrites densely envelop all parts of the middle and inner ear, attaching to the temporal part of the brain and rooted in the gray matter. When a nerve loses its ability to conduct impulses, a person may have difficulty hearing.

There are many reasons for the development of deafness, but most often hearing loss is a consequence of the development of a protracted inflammatory process in the body. What is acoustic neuritis, in what cases it develops and how to deal with the disease, we will learn further.

Neuritis is inflammatory process auditory nerve, in which its functions of transmitting nerve impulses to the cerebral cortex are reduced, which results in a decrease in the quality of hearing.

A few decades ago, the disease was considered the prerogative of the elderly, in whom the development of deafness was explained by completely natural aging processes.

Now the disease is rapidly getting younger, because people do not seek help from specialists in case of illness, more and more often self-medicating.

Plus, not the last role is played by provoking factors that increase the chances of developing neuritis: lack of a hat in cold weather, insufficient hygiene, exposure to loud sounds shaking the eardrum (clubs, discos, public transport).

Pelvic neuralgia is a pathology that is quite difficult to treat, and also causes considerable discomfort to the patient. The article discusses the features of the course of the disease and treatment options.

Causes of hearing loss

There are several groups of reasons that can contribute to the deterioration of sound quality:

The presence of inflammatory processes of infectious etiology in the upper respiratory tract:

  • otitis;
  • ARI and SARS;
  • mumps;
  • rubella;
  • meningococcal infection.

Infections that have chronic course, aggravated by periods. They can be the cause of the development of complete deafness, when a person refuses the help of doctors for a long time, self-medicating.

Head injuries that contribute to impaired blood supply to the ear area, as a result of the development of swelling and inflammation.

Exposure to harmful substances:

  • alcohol and nicotine addiction cause damage to the vessels of the brain, which affects the quality of hearing;
  • long-term use of antibiotics and anticancer drugs that have increased toxicity;
  • salt and steam heavy metals, which accumulate in the body, settling on the walls of blood vessels and in the liver.

The presence of chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system- when the blood circulates through the body incompletely, hypertension may develop, which is one of the precursors of the development of neuritis of the auditory nerve.

  1. A consequence of an allergic reaction occurring in a super-acute form (anaphylactic shock).
  2. The consequence of a stroke, as well as problems with the strength of cerebral vessels.
  3. Age-related changes in the body that take place against the background of the natural aging process, which reduces the conductivity of nerve fibers.
  4. The harmful effects of external annoying factors: loud music, vacuum headphones, city noise.
  5. Sudden pressure drops associated with professional activities: divers, military submarines, flight attendants on aircraft.

Most often, the disease manifests itself in the urban population, where there is a constant effect on the body of noise.

Symptoms of inflammation of the ear nerve

Since the auditory nerve has two branches (vestibular and cochlear), the deterioration in the quality of hearing is not the only symptom of the progression of neuritis of the auditory (ear) nerve.

In addition to hearing loss, the patient may experience symptoms of inflammation of the ear nerve, such as:

  1. Ringing in the ears, which disturbs throughout the day and even during sleep. May be replaced by noise, in which a person feels isolated.
  2. Acute pain in the ears (acute neuritis of the auditory nerve) - is characteristic of head trauma, as well as exposure to loud sounds, which puts increased stress on the eardrum and auditory nerve.
  3. Nausea and dizziness - this symptom is often confused with a stroke or a pre-stroke condition, but this can manifest itself as a normal neuritis affecting the vestibular apparatus.
  4. Disturbance of balance and spatial position of the body is also associated with irritation of the vestibular process of the auditory nerve.
  5. Pallor skin, which is accompanied by a lack of appetite, general weakness is characteristic of toxic neuritis, when the disease develops due to the harmful effects of toxins.

Additional symptoms that develop against the background of the progression of other diseases may be such manifestations:

  • cough, runny nose and discharge from the auricle;
  • promotion blood pressure;
  • increase in body temperature.

Symptoms may vary depending on the stage of development of the disease, and what served as its root cause.

Establishing diagnosis

With a visual examination of the auricle, it is impossible to determine neuritis.

The only way to diagnose is audiometry - a procedure in which sounds of different frequencies are fed into the patient's ear.

As a result, neuritis can be differentiated according to the degree of progression:

  1. The first degree - a person clearly hears sounds up to 40 dB, distinguishes between a whisper from 1-3 meters, as well as colloquial speech at a distance of 4-5 meters.
  2. The second degree - a person no longer hears sounds in the quieter range of 55 dB, which corresponds to colloquial speech at a distance of 1-3 meters.
  3. The third degree - sound up to 65 dB is not perceived, and a person does not hear a whisper, even in the close location of the source.
  4. The fourth degree - is determined by partial deafness, when a person is able to capture only small sound waves, at least 95 dB.
  5. Fifth degree - characterized by complete deafness, when a person is not able to catch and distinguish any sounds.

The doctor examines the patient and identifies the root cause of hearing loss. This will depend on further treatment.


How to treat acoustic neuritis? Mainly medical treatment is indicated.

The therapy is aimed at eliminating the pathogenic factor that provoked the development of neuritis, as well as at restoring functional abilities the nerve itself.

It is important to take into account the etiology of the disease, since treatment in various occasions has its own characteristics:

  1. In the presence of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections (flu, colds, meningitis) - it is important to get rid of the infection by introducing antiviral and antibacterial agents. Further, the functions of the auditory nerve are restored using vitamin complexes and neuroleptics that improve the conduction of the nerve impulse.
  2. If the cause of neuritis is a skull injury, painkillers, diuretics are used to reduce swelling of the meninges, as well as drugs that normalize the nutrition of nerve fibers.

When intoxicated, it is important to reduce detrimental effect toxins on the body, which is achieved due to:

  • antidotes that reduce the manifestation of intoxication;
  • diuretic drugs that accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body;
  • vitamin complexes that support all vital processes.

Treatment of neuritis, which has natural causes of manifestation (senile changes), consists in the use of drugs such as:

  • medicines that lower blood cholesterol levels;
  • blood-thinning drugs that make the blood not so thick, which facilitates its passage through the vessels;
  • vasoconstrictive drugs;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes that improve the functioning of nerve cells;
  • physiotherapy procedures.


As preventive measures recommendations should be followed, such as:

  1. Avoid prolonged exposure to noise, especially loud music in headphones.
  2. Wear a hat in the cold season that covers the ear area well.
  3. Do not insert into ear canal sharp objects which can lead to nerve injury.
  4. Avoid contact with highly toxic substances.
  5. Monitor status own health, preventing the transition of an acute respiratory disease V chronic form.
  6. Refuse bad habits, as well as eat right, saturating the body with all essential vitamins and minerals.
  7. Do not abuse medicines and also avoid their long-term use without the knowledge of a doctor.
  8. In hazardous production, observe personal protective measures, not ignoring the wearing of a respirator and a protective mask.


The prognosis of acoustic neuritis depends on such indicators as:

  1. The root cause - the simpler the etiology of the disease, the greater the chance of a full recovery. It is easier to cure an infection than to repair a skull injury.
  2. Age – nerve endings regenerate faster in the younger population than in the elderly.
  3. The presence of chronic diseases - the more health problems a person has, the worse the prognosis.
  4. The stage of the disease faster man turned to a specialist for help, the less advanced the disease is and the more likely it is to fully restore hearing.
The most favorable prognosis is when neuritis is caused infectious lesion ENT organs.

Things are somewhat worse with toxic damage body and injuries, where there is no guarantee that hearing will return in full.

With a complex course of infectious diseases that become more complicated old age and the presence of chronic diseases, the prognosis is the most disappointing.

Thus, acoustic neuritis can develop for several reasons, usually related. The earlier treatment was started, the more favorable the prognosis for recovery. The risk group includes people after 65 years of age, whose regeneration processes slow down due to the onset of old age.

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Neuralgia of the ear nerve is a lesion of the vegetative node, manifested by periodic intensification of the pain symptom, which extends to lower jaw, nape or upper zones chest. Among the characteristic symptoms of the disease, increased salivation, the appearance of third-party sounds in the ear are noted. Diagnosis of pathology is carried out under the supervision of an otolaryngologist, neurologist and dentist.

What is a disease

Auditory neuritis - inflammation ganglion located in the auricle. In addition, the ganglion provides:

  • connection nervous system with temporomandibular joint;
  • sensitivity external auditory canal;
  • blood supply eardrum;
  • nutrition parotid salivary gland.

With ganglionitis, there is a malfunction of the ear node. More often, pathology manifests itself in combination with changes trigeminal nerve, as well as with damage to the main and ethmoid sinuses and rarely manifests itself as an independent disease.

Acoustic neuralgia is often confused with sensorineural hearing loss. The difference between one type of disease and another is that the latter occurs due to malfunctions of the nervous system, and neuritis of the ear nerve causes its defeat.

The disease is usually diagnosed in large cities, since there is increased load on the ear. Complaints about the problem are addressed by young or middle-aged people. Elderly patients do not pay attention to hearing loss, considering these changes to be natural.


There are several reasons leading to ganglionitis:

Infectious pathologies

The disease manifests itself as a complication of inflammatory processes within the body that occur as a result of influenza, acute respiratory infections, inflammation of the meninges provoked by adenovirus or parainfluenza, epidemic mumps, rubella.

The causative agents of these diseases spread throughout the body with the bloodstream, affecting the hearing organs.

Toxic poisoning

Neuritis develops due to the effects of the following harmful substances on the body:

  • drugs (antibiotics, drugs for the treatment of cancerous tumors);
  • harmful industrial products (lead, mercury, gasoline, phosphorus, arsenic);
  • nicotine and alcohol.

Traumatic brain injury

They lead to abnormal changes in the body:

  • impaired blood circulation;
  • cerebral edema;
  • microscopic hemorrhages from capillaries.

These phenomena affect the nerves and vessels that enter the hearing organs. The ear nerve can be damaged by the edges of the bone fragments with injuries to the base of the skull.

Occupational hazards

  • prolonged stay in rooms with increased noise, for example, in workshops with industrial equipment;
  • human exposure to vibration noise.

Age changes

Acoustic neuritis in the elderly is due to:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • insufficient supply of the arteries of the brain;
  • consequences of a stroke.

In rare cases, pathology can develop against the background of allergic reactions. Ear canal neuralgia is sometimes seen in divers due to injuries caused by sudden pressure changes.


The main symptom of the disease is considered to be constant discomfort in the ear, extending to the temporal zone. The patient suffers from burning, throbbing and very sharp pains, similar to an electric shock. Other symptoms of inflammation of the ear node are also noted:

  1. pain in the throat and bouts of dry cough.
  2. Decrease or total loss hearing. The pathological process develops over several hours or days. Deafness can cover only one side or spread to 2 ears at once.
  3. Outsiders noises, hallucinations. Patients are disturbed by a strong ringing in the ear canal, which does not come from external stimuli. In addition to ringing, the patient feels buzzing, whistling or hissing in the ears. A sign of pathology is not manifested in severe deafness.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. disturbed coordination. On initial stages disease symptom is non-systematic. Clinical picture the disease is complemented by vomiting and spontaneous movement of images with further progression. The reason for the violation of coordination of movement is the involvement in the inflammatory process of the cochlear nerve, which is responsible for the balance of the body.
  6. Head pain. Manifested for neuralgia caused by poisoning with toxic substances.

An attack can be provoked by the use of hot food or drinks, as well as hypothermia of the face. The duration of neuralgic pain varies from several minutes to 1 hour.


The main method for recognizing ear canal neuralgia is audiometry. During the procedure, the specialist checks the patient's hearing for picking up sounds. different frequencies. If a person does not perceive high-frequency impulses, then he is diagnosed with cochlear neuritis. Bone conduction of noise and sensitivity to vibration are assessed using a tuning fork.

To establish the cause of the pathology, ultrasound of the cervical region, ECG, are examined for general indicators blood, urine. The discharge from the ear is examined for microflora to identify the type of pathogen. Based on the study, an appropriate antimicrobial agent is selected.

Patients with symptoms of ganglionitis turn to a dentist, neurologist or otolaryngologist. Specialists diagnose pathology based on:

  • complaints the patient for typical signs of the disease;
  • pain when feeling the temporal, submandibular and chin nodes;
  • hyperplasia in the parotid area.

If there are difficulties in making a diagnosis, then the specialist resorts to a diagnostic blockade of the ear ganglion using Lidocaine.

In addition to diagnosing the disease itself, it is necessary to find the cause of its development. To this end, the dentist recommends that the patient do an ultrasound of the salivary gland located in the parotid space, and the otolaryngologist - otoscopy, rhinoscopy, x-ray of the nasal sinuses.

Sometimes the patient is prescribed a consultation of highly specialized specialists - a gynecologist, gastroenterologist, urologist and additional tests- Ultrasound abdominal cavity and kidneys, determining the level of hormones produced thyroid gland, gastroscopy.


The tactics of treating the disease will depend on the causes of its occurrence. Therapy of acute cochlear neuritis caused by adverse conditions professional activity carried out in a hospital setting. Patients are prescribed:

  • diuretics- withdrawal funds excess fluid from the body, for example, Hypothiazide;
  • medicines that stimulate the blood supply to the brain, for example, Cavinton;
  • remedy for normalization metabolic processes in the body - Cocarboxyla;
  • preparations with detoxification action - Hemodez or Reopoliglyukin;
  • medicines to eliminate convulsive syndrome, for example, Nosh-pa;
  • therapy oxygen under high pressure.

For effective treatment of the chronic form of the disease, it is necessary to eliminate etiological factor. It is impossible to completely overcome this type of pathology. If, in the chronic form of the disease, the patient does not have a hearing impairment, then he is not prescribed therapy.

To combat infectious neuritis, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • antiviral funds - Ergoferon, Anaferon;
  • antibiotics- Flemoclav, Amoxiclav;
  • immunomodulators– Immunal, Ismigen;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • antioxidants, accelerating the metabolism in the body;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

Toxic neuritis is eliminated with the help of antidotes that bind harmful substances and remove them from the body. With this type of neuralgia, patients are recommended detoxification and symptomatic therapy taking vitamins.

Additionally, rehabilitation procedures and physiotherapy measures are prescribed. Acute poisoning are treated in stationary conditions. If the patient has experienced clinical death when toxic substances enter the body, they provide resuscitation assistance.

Therapy of traumatic neuritis occurs only after an x-ray of the head and consultation of specialists. The victim is prescribed drugs with anticonvulsant and diuretic effects, analgesics and drugs that stimulate the blood supply to the brain. After stabilization of the patient's condition, the patient is treated with the use of restorative drugs - biostimulants and agents that stimulate the work of nerve cells.

Medical treatment of cochlear neuritis will not work if the person continues to work while under the influence. negative factors– high noise and vibration levels.

Sometimes a person's professional activity leads to the fact that he completely loses his hearing. In this case, the patient is fitted with ear prostheses.

In older people, the pathology is practically untreatable. Patients have to take medication throughout their lives to prevent the development of deafness. With the progression of neuritis of the auditory nerve, prostheses are installed in patients.

To consolidate the results traditional treatment use recipes traditional medicine. Among the most common means of preventing the development of deafness, there are camphor oil, propolis tincture and hop decoction.


Most dangerous consequence auditory neuritis - deafness, which, with the rapid course of the disease, can occur after a few hours. The patient is hospitalized for the purpose of intensive treatment, so that pathological changes do not cause the death of cells of the auditory nerve.

The consequences of auditory neuritis depend on the form of the disease and the severity of its course. The most favorable prognosis in terms of the restoration of auditory function in infectious and traumatic pathologies. With proper and timely treatment, hearing can be restored in 95% of cases. Deafness occurs only when severe forms neuralgia and the complete absence of rehabilitation measures.

disease in chronic stages are more difficult to treat. Hearing restoration is possible if the pathological process has not had time to cause serious changes in the auditory nerve. The problem is difficult to treat and in elderly patients. Timely and competent treatment will allow to stop the development of the disease, but will not eradicate it completely.

To avoid neuralgia of the ear node, it is necessary to adhere to some recommendations: do not go out without a hat in cold weather, do not take medication without a doctor's prescription, treat pathologies of the ENT organs in a timely manner and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Important: hearing loss, which is a consequence of damage to the auditory nerve, is a common phenomenon. “So, according to medical statistics, at least 6% of the world’s population suffers from it.” Basically, hearing loss is diagnosed in patients over 55 years of age, most of them are men.

The main causes of inflammation of the ear nerve:


intoxication of the body;

head trauma varying degrees gravity;

· occupational hazards;

· age;

Other contributing factors: barotrauma (sudden pressure changes when diving), allergic reactions, etc.

Inflammation of the auditory nerve may result from many infections affecting the upper Airways. The most common "culprits" of neuritis include:

Influenza - a disease of viral origin, in which the pathogen is introduced into the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, along with the blood quickly spreads through the body, causing a malfunction of the body (it can also affect the auditory nerve).

SARS (colds). Such infections rarely affect the ear nerve, in most cases this complication is diagnosed only in children and elderly patients.

Meningitis. Severe pathology is an intense inflammatory process that spreads to meninges. Pathogens - bacteria, viruses - can cause damage to the auditory nerve (localized in the cranial cavity).

Parotitis ( vernacular name diseases - "mumps").

Another disease of an infectious nature that causes neuritis of the auditory nerve is rubella, the symptoms and treatment of this disease are associated with a lot of complications (including HSN).

To inflammatory damage to the nerves of the ears can lead to poisoning with a variety of substances:

drugs (antibiotics, drugs that are used in the treatment of malignant neoplasms, aspirin, quinine). Children are especially susceptible to drug intoxication.

· Harmful industrial compounds: salts of heavy metals, chemicals.

· Nicotine, alcohol.

Traumatic brain injury is another factor that can provoke acoustic neuritis. So, in the cranial cavity after an impact (squeezing, etc.), the following pathological processes occur:

coronary circulation is disturbed;

edema appears (its severity is determined by the intensity of the injury);

small hemorrhages, hematomas occur.

Specified changes affect the function of the vessels that feed the auditory nerve, as a result of which it can become inflamed. Thus, nerves localized in the ears are often affected by bone fragments (or as a result of secondary infection) during a fracture of the base of the skull.

Treat acoustic neuritis in a number of clinical cases forced patients whose professional activities are related to:

Prolonged stay in rooms high level noise;

· acoustic trauma("culprits" - loud sounds);


Auditory the nerve becomes inflamed in older patients. This is related to the following age-related changes:

arterial hypertension (a chronic disease, the course of which is accompanied by jumps blood pressure). Insufficient volume supplied to ear nerves arterial blood, as a result of which they can become inflamed.

Thrombosis ( blood clots) or atherosclerosis (presence cholesterol plaques on the machines of the arteries) of the coronary vessels.

The need to wear a hearing aid with senile hearing loss.

· Having had a stroke.

Clinical picture

The main symptoms indicating the need for treatment of acoustic neuritis:

hearing problems. The severity of this symptom may be small, but sometimes the patient completely loses the ability to hear.

Constant tinnitus (occurs regardless of the presence or absence of external sound sources).

Problems with coordination of movements, inability to maintain balance, periodic attacks nausea and dizziness.

· Painful sensations in the ears (the result of trauma).

Paleness, general weakness, migraines are “companions” of general drug, alcohol, drug intoxication of the body, which also provoke neuritis of the auditory nerve.

· "Flies", spots before the eyes, jumps in blood pressure - signs of dysfunction of the coronary vessels.

Hyperthermia, malaise in combination with a runny nose, cough - symptoms of SARS.

Important: patients may develop right-, left-sided inflammation, the pathological process often affects both ears at the same time.

Diagnostic measures

Before proceeding with the treatment of neuritis of the auditory nerve, the ENT doctor determines the degree of sensorineural hearing loss (there are 5 in total) using:

· I. The patient hears sounds, the volume of which exceeds 26-40 dB. The patient can hear a whisper from a distance of 1-3 m, and conversational speech - no further than 4-6 m.

II. Ears do not perceive sounds quieter than 41-55 dB. A whisper is available to the patient at a distance of up to 1 meter, a conversation - 1-4 m.

III. Whisper is not available, the patient is able to hear conversational speech at a distance of no more than 1 meter, hearing loss is determined up to 56-70 dB.

IV. This degree of hearing loss is determined when the patient, in principle, can distinguish at least some sounds.

V. Hearing in both ears is completely absent.

Comprehensive diagnosis of HSN includes:

· MRI of the brain;

Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck;

laboratory tests of blood, urine;

How to deal with the problem

Acoustic neuritis treatment depends on the cause of the disease. So, if the activity of the virus in the body led to inflammation, the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs. When an abnormal process is caused by a bacterial infection - antibiotics. Additional remedial measures:

Taking vitamins, including ascorbic acid(This powerful antioxidant which helps prevent cell damage).

Plentiful drink (to remove toxins, toxins from the body).

If necessary - bed rest.

Diet correction (a lot of protein, fiber, fresh juices, “light” soups).

How to treat neuritis - a consequence of intoxication of the body:

Take adsorbent preparations - medicines that accumulate, bind and remove harmful substances from the blood, lymph, and gastrointestinal organs;

Use symptomatic medications (eg diuretics, pain pills) and neuroprotective medications (drugs that protect nerve cells from damage)

In the event that severe intoxication of the body provoked fainting or even to whom, resuscitation is carried out.

Neuritis of the auditory nerve with TBI is treated only in a hospital. " Medical therapy involves the use of painkillers, drugs to improve coronary circulation, diuretics (to eliminate swelling).

Hearing recovery after TBI is carried out gradually, patients should periodically take angioprotectors, drugs to regulate coronary circulation, and multivitamins.

How to recover normal functions auditory nerve, if occupational hazards have led to its inflammation:

Take biostimulants (dietary supplements) - such funds protect the foci "affected" by inflammation from the negative effects of physical, chemical, mechanical factors environment;

Attend physiotherapy sessions. Basically, patients who have had neuritis are prescribed electrophoresis on the skull area - electrical impulses contribute to better penetration of drugs to the auditory nerve.

· Accept mud baths, pass the Spa treatment- such measures are aimed at the general improvement of the body, have a positive effect on nervous system, contribute to more quick recovery affected fibers.

· Resort to igroreflexo- and magnetotherapy - modern techniques that cope with pain, help to stop the inflammatory process, accelerate the healing of the affected foci.

With acoustic neuritis in elderly patients, treatment is rather symptomatic. The main components of the therapeutic regimen are:

· antihypertensive drugs(reduce blood pressure);

medicines to control blood cholesterol levels (prevention of atherosclerosis);

thrombolytics (thinning the blood);

vitamins, dietary supplements;

· physiotherapy;

Mud, spa treatment e.

Forecast and prevention

The effectiveness of treatment and NSN depends on the form, stage of the disease, as well as the timeliness of the measures taken.

So, with infectious, intoxication and traumatic nature of HSN the prognosis is positive, hearing in most cases can be restored fairly quickly.

If cause of inflammation, affecting the ear nerve, served chronic pathology, the prognosis becomes less favorable. Full recovery hearing is possible only when therapeutic measures have been taken on early stages illness, and the abnormal process did not “manage” to severely damage the ear nerve.

Important: it is completely impossible to get rid of age-related hearing loss in HSN, with the help of medications it is only possible to slow down the course of its development.

With significant damage to the nerve fibers, cochlear implantation can be performed, and patients with significant hearing impairment are shown wearing a hearing aid.

Preventive actions:

timely treatment of SARS and other diseases affecting the head and neck (especially the upper respiratory tract);

Rejection of bad habits, minimization of contact with harmful substances(both at home and in professional activities);

control of cholesterol, blood glucose, blood pressure indicators (in particular, this applies to patients who have crossed the 40-50-year age limit);

· During operation, use protection against vibrations (noise).

timely Diagnosis and proper treatment of HSN will help to avoid unpleasant complications. inflammatory process in the ears and preserve hearing.

Ear neuritis is associated with malfunctions of the nervous system. The nerve that provides our hearing can become inflamed, causing these malfunctions. medical name such an ailment is cochlear neuritis. Neuritis of the ear nerve especially often happens after 50, men are more susceptible to it than women. Lately this disease is getting younger, and more and more often it affects the inhabitants of large cities.

Acute neuritis of the auditory nerve (code - ICD-10) is a dangerous disease, in the presence of which patients do not immediately seek the help of a doctor, losing their hearing and the possibility of effective therapy.

Remember that hearing loss is not always associated with the aging of the body, because this condition requires qualified treatment by an ENT and other specialists.

The essence of the disease

The location of the auditory nerve is the inner ear. It has two important functions:

  1. Transmission of signals from the vestibular apparatus to the region of the brain.
  2. Converting sound vibrations into electrical ones, their transmission to the brain.

With neuritis, the inflammatory process affects both the nerve itself and the tiny hair cells located on the inner surface ear. Further, the pathological process proceeds to nerve centers brainstem where sounds are recognized.

Please note that hair cells can die quickly, then they will not recover. Because of this, hearing acuity suffers greatly, hearing loss appears.

Neuritis affects one ear or both at once. It all depends on its cause and characteristics. With a benign tumor, only one side is affected.


Neuritis of the auditory nerve, the symptoms of which do not appear immediately, and in the chronic form may not bother for a long time, has become a very common ailment. From such a pathology, as shown medical statistics, residents of megacities are more often affected. This is due to a complex of reasons: high pace of life, poor ecology, constant stress, acoustic pollution, etc. One of the main reasons is the constant background noise, which gradually reduces hearing function.

The main symptoms are:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness, discomfort in the occipital region;
  • pain, ringing in the ears;
  • elevated temperature;
  • cough;
  • nausea;
  • a sore throat;
  • spots before the eyes;
  • increase in pressure;
  • hearing loss.

The development of acute and chronic neuritis differ in their symptoms. In the acute form, the pathological process occurs suddenly, develops rapidly. Prior to this, the person absolutely did not feel any symptoms and was completely healthy. Subsequent symptoms are mild, there is no redness, pain in the affected area.

As soon as you feel that your hearing is declining, immediately go to the doctor. Treatment should begin at this stage, so as not to start the pathological process. If ignored completely, it can lead to a number of complications (tinnitus, ringing, and even total deafness). At proper treatment the prognosis is most often favorable. If left untreated, violations of the vestibular apparatus and irreversible pathologies of the auditory organs will begin.

In the chronic form, remission alternates with exacerbation . The main symptoms of a chronic course:

  • Neuralgia. It can be left-handed, right-handed or mixed.
  • Intoxication. She makes herself felt with bouts of nausea, weakness.
  • There may be noise, buzzing and buzzing in the ears, their congestion.


Elderly people are the first to suffer from neuritis. This situation is due to the fact that with age, blood circulation in the head area is disturbed. Older people often face the problem of high blood pressure, they develop strokes, thrombosis, atherosclerosis of the arteries and other vessels of the brain.

The hearing aid reacts extremely negatively to constant background noise. Often workers of factories, factories and other facilities associated with high noise levels suffer from neuritis. Also, pathology can be provoked by acoustic or barotrauma, constant vibration.

It is extremely important to treat on time infectious processes, since viruses often lead to complications. The flu is very dangerous in this regard, since the virus quickly penetrates through all the mucous membranes and, once in the blood, quickly spreads throughout the body. For infants and the elderly, parainfluenza and adenovirus are especially dangerous.

Malaise can appear after meningitis, when inflammation from the membranes of the brain passes to the auditory nerve. Children often encounter it after suffering "mumps", rubella. The pathological process begins with the fact that they are affected salivary glands which are close to the ears. With rubella, the virus quickly enters the blood, causing toxic poisoning of the whole organism, providing Negative influence to the nervous system.

Pathology can cause long-term use some medical preparations, antibiotics. They have a toxic effect on the hearing organs, can damage the auditory nerve, the vestibular apparatus. Negatively affect the hearing organs and drugs for the treatment of cancer, drugs with acetylsalicylic acid.

The disease can cause contact with hazardous substances such as lead, mercury, arsenic, phosphorus, gasoline, petroleum products, alcohol, nicotine. Neuritis in adults is often a consequence. It can even start the process of tumor formation. This is due to the fact that during injuries, blood vessels are damaged, blood circulation is disturbed, and inflammation develops. The nerve can be damaged by bone fragments, an infection that penetrates during trauma.


According to the duration of the course, the following forms are distinguished:

  • acute;
  • subacute;
  • chronic.

The main symptom is hearing loss. Patients believe that the formation of a sulfur plug is to blame.

Chronic cochlear neuritis is latent. The patient may not be aware of his disease, because he does not feel any symptoms. Only with the advent of periodic exacerbations can he suspect the development of the disease.


Acoustic neuritis develops most often against the background of other diseases. Such a disease can lead to:

  1. otitis;
  2. osteochondrosis;
  3. otosclerosis;
  4. flu;
  5. atrophy of the auditory nerve;
  6. cardiovascular diseases.

One of the common causes of neuritis is oxygen starvation of tissues. In most cases, cochlear neuritis becomes a complication of infections. In addition to the reasons listed above, smoking, alcoholism, noise at work can provoke pathology.

Another disease is neuroma. This is a benign tumor, which, according to the symptoms, is very similar to neuritis. TO indicated symptoms tingling and numbness of a certain part of the face joins.

Very rarely, genetic diseases can lead to neuritis, in which the genetic code of the patient is violated.


If acoustic neuritis is accurately established, the form of the disease and its cause will influence the treatment. Accurate and timely diagnosis is important. As soon as the first manifestations of the disease began to bother, you need to go to the doctor. Need to be completed as soon as possible complex diagnostics. It is categorically impossible to ignore the symptoms and hope that they will pass on their own. The defeat of the auditory nerve is observed even in the absence of visible symptoms. Remember that relief can only be temporary, and then the disease will return, but in a chronic form.

First, the doctor collects an anamnesis, examines the patient, is interested in his well-being, manifestations of pathology. He can ask clarifying questions about the type of professional activity, chronic diseases etc.

There are a number of methods of examination that will help to establish accurate diagnosis and the form of the disease, as well as the causes of its occurrence:

  1. Tympanometry.
  2. Audiometry.
  3. Weber test.
  4. Rene's test.

It is very important to establish the pathogenesis, that is, the cause of the development of neuritis. To install it, specialists of a narrow focus can connect. Sometimes a CT scan, an X-ray of the skull, a blood test for biochemistry are prescribed.

There are pathologies that, in terms of symptoms, are very similar to neuritis (neurinoma or other diseases of the hearing aid). When diagnosing, they must be excluded.

Peripheral nerve fibers are destroyed very quickly, so it is important to start therapy as early as possible. It is precisely those patients who seek medical help when the first symptoms appear that are completely cured. Absence adequate treatment leads to an increased risk of complications, including deafness.

The final conclusion is written by the ENT. He necessarily takes into account the results of all studies, complaints of the patient himself, Current state hearing aid and the whole body.

Treatment Methods

To develop a treatment plan, the doctor must find out what reason provoked the onset of the disease. This directly affects the efficiency medicines. For an experienced ENT, this will not be difficult.

Next should be complex treatment. Its goal is to eliminate the causes of the disease and its symptoms, to restore the lost functions of the hearing aid. It is important to ensure good nutrition nerve and remove substances from the body that have become a factor in the development of the disease. Laxatives will help cleanse the body, anti-inflammatory drugs - to eliminate the source of infection. Means that can constrict blood vessels, biostimulants are also shown.

In the acute form, treatment is carried out in a hospital. At home, it is categorically not recommended to treat the acute form, since the doctor must constantly monitor the dynamics of the process, the condition of the tissues, the auditory canal and the behind-the-ear region.

Please note that the acute form of neuritis can be fatal due to damage to brain tissue.

In acute form, you need to limit fluid intake, follow a special diet. Traditionally, the following groups of drugs are used in the treatment:

  1. Diuretics.
  2. Drugs that stabilize metabolism.
  3. Medicines that normalize blood circulation in the brain tissues.
  4. Means for detoxification.

The therapeutic effect of them does not occur immediately, because drug treatment can be quite lengthy. It is important to start it before irreversible changes have occurred. To prevent diseases and improve hearing, Akustin can be prescribed in combination with the listed funds.

To cure the chronic form of the disease, it is important to identify the etiological factor. With infectious neuritis, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics are indicated. Antioxidants and vitamins are prescribed to speed up the metabolism in cells.

In the toxic form - special antidotes that quickly remove toxins from the body. Intoxication is treated for a long time, since it is impossible to immediately remove all toxins. Along with drug treatment, removal of symptoms of poisoning, it is recommended to take mineral and mud baths, undergo physiotherapy.

A benign tumor on the right or left side may require radiation or surgical removal. If it is definitely benign, stunted, the doctor can only observe such a patient.

This disease can be completely cured only at its first stage of development. In advanced cases, it is impossible to completely restore hearing, you can only try to stop its decline. If the hearing is very affected, the patient is recommended to install a hearing aid. If left untreated, neuritis leads to deafness, and with extremely unfavorable development, it can be fatal.

The doctor also develops symptomatic treatment, carries out activities for rehabilitation, restoration.

Please note that it is strictly contraindicated to treat this ailment with the help of folk methods and funds. The people offer such a common remedy as propolis. It is even recommended to invest in the ear canal. With such a diagnosis, it is not enough just to drink herbal infusions or drip ear drops. The most miraculous herb will not help if neuritis has already been diagnosed. Here we need a deep diagnosis, on the basis of which a treatment plan is built.

It is important not only to take a complex of medications, but also to establish nutrition. The diet must contain dairy and meat products, egg yolk, cheese, legumes. Among physiotherapy, acupuncture is interesting, and electrophoresis has long proven its effectiveness.

Folk remedies will not only not help, but can even harm if you approach the matter irresponsibly. They can temporarily stop the pathological process, but very rarely eliminate its cause completely. The person may feel relieved, but their hearing aid will continue to deteriorate. Even a specialist begins treatment of neuritis only after the patient is examined by a neurologist. One of the complications of this pathology is neurosis, neurasthenia, neuropathy, which develop due to constant discomfort and pain. Often, an X-ray of the skull is prescribed to exclude the development of a tumor.

IN standard scheme treatments are present:

  • diuretics;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • analgesics;
  • vitamins;
  • nootropics.

If the drugs are properly selected according to the cause of the disease, they can improve the general condition quite quickly, but it is important not to stop treatment halfway. First to leave pain, but pathological changes can still continue. Only a doctor should cancel the prescribed drugs. He must constantly monitor the dynamics of treatment, because an untreated disease can quickly return and become chronic.

Elderly people have to take prescribed drugs for almost the rest of their lives.

Drug treatment is often supplemented with physiotherapy, electrophoresis and acupuncture are effective. At the time of treatment, complete rest, good nutrition are recommended, you need to drink plenty of water, take vitamin C (it prevents cell destruction).


The whole complex of complications is associated with the process of destruction of the hearing aid. What complications will appear depends on the cause that provoked the disease. One of the most serious is the defeat of the trigeminal nerve, hearing loss, damage to the vestibular apparatus, the stem zone and other parts of the brain.

Infants and the elderly are especially susceptible to complications, as their body and immunity can be weakened.


Acoustic neuritis is a common and extremely dangerous phenomenon. Remember that the consequences of neuritis can be extremely serious, up to lethal outcome. Seek medical attention promptly if any of these symptoms start to bother you. insidious disease. With timely treatment, the outcome is quite favorable.

Interestingly, there is an unconventional method for restoring hearing, vision and other functions. It was developed by M. S. Norbekov, a well-known representative of alternative medicine. This technique is based on intuitive perception. official medicine does not recognize this method of recovery and questions its results, but they are positive.

Acoustic neuritis is a disease of the nerves that make up the nervous system of the auditory organs. It is manifested by tinnitus and impaired hearing quality.

Currently unified classification no acoustic neuritis. Based on audiological data, depending on the localization of the process, they distinguish: cochleitis - mainly damage to the receptor apparatus of the cochlea, neuritis - pathological changes in the nerve trunk and retracochlear lesions auditory analyzer when the process is localized in the auditory nuclei and overlying pathways of the brain stem.

Acute acoustic neuritis is a non-infectious inflammatory disease that is accompanied by hearing loss and noise. The prevalence of this pathology reaches 5%. Men get sick more often than women. According to statistics, neuritis is most often diagnosed in people over 55 years of age. In ICD-10, this pathology is referred to as sensorineural hearing loss.


Neuritis- an inflammatory disease of the peripheral nerves, in which, along with pain, symptoms are detected, the so-called loss, i.e. loss or decrease in sensitivity, as well as paralysis and paresis.

A special form of neuritis is polyneuritis, in which painful process many nerves are involved.

Some polyneuritis is caused by a neurotropic virus and is usually accompanied by simultaneous damage to the spinal roots (polyradiculoneuritis), often the spinal cord and even the brain.

The most common cause of polyneuritis is chronic exogenous (alcohol, botulinum toxin, lead, etc.) and endogenous (diabetes, uremia) intoxication.

Patients experience pain in the limbs, muscle weakness, sensitivity disorders, muscle atrophy and paresis, discoloration of the skin, sweating, chilliness, etc.

Causes of acoustic neuritis

Exists great amount causes of auditory neuritis.

First of all, these are various inflammatory and infectious diseases, such as: otitis media, influenza, SARS. It can also be the consequences of injuries, for example, after a traumatic brain injury. In medical practice, there are neuritis of the auditory nerve of allergic origin.

There are a lot of patients with professional auditory neuritis. This is due to long term exposure to auditory organs noise or vibration. People over the age of 60 suffer from this disease also as a result of general aging organism.

Other causes of acoustic neuritis include:

  • pathological changes;
  • congenital anomaly of the structure of the ear;
  • complication or;
  • frequent use alcohol or smoking;
  • toxic effect;
  • mechanical damage;
  • injury to the ears or head;
  • education ;
  • the appearance of tumors or cysts.

In addition, the cause of the development of the disease can be a long-term or uncontrolled use of antibiotics or other drugs.

Symptoms of acoustic neuritis

Obvious symptoms of auditory neuritis are noise and ringing in the ear. This leads to the fact that the patient begins to hear much worse. Noise and ringing in the ear can be different strength and frequencies. With the development of this disease, the complete disappearance of hearing in humans is possible.

A patient with auditory neuritis feels dizzy and is unable to keep his balance. Most often, during a routine examination of the ear, the doctor cannot detect any changes in it. Only audiometry can show the presence of this disease.

Descriptions of the symptoms of acoustic neuritis

Acoustic neuritis treatment

In the treatment of auditory neuritis, first of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of this disease. Treatment should begin as early as possible, while the nerve tissue is still amenable to some kind of treatment. In acute auditory neuritis, the patient must be hospitalized in the ENT department.

With auditory neuritis, the patient is prescribed medications that can improve metabolic processes and restore nervous tissue. Among these drugs are vitamins A, B, and E, biogenic stimulants such as, for example, aloe extract.

Very often the doctor prescribes various means to dilate blood vessels and improve microcirculation.

Among them:

  • a nicotinic acid,
  • trental,
  • cavinton,
  • stugeron.

A drug such as prozerin is also used, which improves the conductivity of the nervous tissue.

If you get sick with auditory neuritis again, then the treatment is aimed at stopping the process of death of the auditory nerve. Once or twice a year, the patient undergoes a course of maintenance treatment. This treatment is most often based on vitamins and biogenic stimulants.


Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment have a positive stimulating effect:

  • reflexology: electropuncture, laser acupuncture, acupuncture;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • phonophoresis of drugs;
  • oxygen barotherapy.


Surgical treatment of acoustic neuritis is carried out for the implementation of stem or cochlear implantation, removal of acoustic neuroma, hematoma or brain tumor.

The need for surgical treatment may be due to excruciating tinnitus or bouts of intense dizziness.

In such cases, the removal of the stellate node, resection of the tympanic plexus or cervical sympathectomy is performed, with deafness or hearing loss of the IV degree - destructive operations on the cochlea.

Hearing aid

If the patient has completely lost hearing, then a hearing aid is selected for him. Can be used analog, digital and linear Hearing Aids. The selection and adjustment of the device is carried out by a hearing prosthetist. The sooner you start the treatment of neuritis, the more effective will be its result.

Prevention of acoustic neuritis

In order to prevent auditory neuritis, the patient must protect the auditory organs from strong noise, vibration, as well as from exposure to various toxic substances. It is also very important to protect yourself from influenza, SARS or measles. If you do get sick with one of these diseases, try to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Acoustic neuritis is a complex disease that requires special attention, both from physicians and from the patients themselves.

Be carefull: do not delay the treatment of auditory neuritis on the back burner if you do not want to remain deaf for the rest of your life.

Try as closely as possible to monitor your health always and everywhere. Even the elementary wearing of a hat in the cold season is one of the very important points in order not to catch auditory neuritis.

Diagnosis of neuritis of the acoustic nerve

When diagnosing acoustic neuritis, it is necessary not only to establish an accurate diagnosis, but also to determine the causes of damage to the cochlear analyzer, to assess the level and dynamics of the process of hearing loss.

However, the main diagnostic tool is audiometry. It helps to identify a decrease in the perception of sounds (especially high-frequency waves) and the degree of damage to the hearing function. In some cases, a paradoxical increase in volume is observed.

To exclude other ear diseases, electrocochleography, otoscopy and microotoscopy are performed. It is necessary to differentiate acoustic neuritis with otosclerosis, in which bone conduction is well preserved.

Questions and answers on the topic "Acoustic neuritis"

Question:Hello, I received treatment with injections of Benevron B and Neurox while I received injections, there was an improvement, but after everything, noises in the ear returned. Thanks in advance for your reply.

Answer: To successfully treat the disease, the doctor must determine its cause. Treatment methods: drug therapy, physiotherapy, surgical intervention, in extreme cases - the use of a hearing aid.

Question:I am 57 years old. From about the age of 35, I began to hear a noise in my left ear, similar to the chirping of a grasshopper, very weak, as a rule, at night in absolute silence. Over the years, this noise grew and grew, which made me turn to the appropriate doctors. Hearing loss in the left ear (40%) was found. Acoustic neuritis diagnosed. Treatment: betaserks, vitamins gr.B and all. At the age of 50 in day hospital dripped in / in emoxipin (previously - a course of emoxipin in / m). effect given treatment didn't work at all. I am currently very hard of hearing - the noise in my left ear drowns out external sounds. Please, tell me, is it possible to remove this noise in the ear and restore hearing? Thank you in advance.

Answer: Try to use a good hearing aid that will improve your hearing and mask the noise.

Question:Hello! Since childhood (I'm 41 years old) I have had otitis media. At the age of 30, I had a tympanic membrane rhinoplasty operation on right ear. After 8 years, the hearing began to disappear and the doctors diagnosed hearing loss of 3-4 degrees. In June of this year, after suffering from a cold, hearing began to decline in the left ear. As a result, the doctors diagnosed - neuritis of the auditory nerve and hearing loss of the 2nd degree. She underwent treatment - droppers, a pressure chamber, acupuncture, I take betaserk tablets 24 g 2 times a day and Cavinton 3 times a day. There is constant noise in the left ear. Soon vacation, fly by plane, tell me if it is possible to fly, if the flight will affect the further hearing loss. And another question is whether neuritis of the auditory nerve is curable, if curable, then what kind of effective treatment? Thank you.

Answer: Sensorineural hearing loss (acoustic neuritis) cannot be repaired. The only way restore lost hearing - hearing aids (hearing aids). Air travel does not exacerbate sensorineural hearing loss. Before flying, it is better to use a vibrocil spray.

Question:Hello! Help us, please, with advice. On March 1, 2012, the phone rang in my ear. Diagnosis: acute neuritis of the auditory nerve on the right. Treatment completed: Cavinton, Dexamethasone, Actovegin, vitamin B, nicotine. Further tablets: Cavinton, Cytoflavin. The ear still hears badly, tinnitus persists. Does this mean that nothing helped and will not help? Or after treatment the noise can remain some time? Is there any hope that the noise will pass, and hearing will be restored? Thank you.

Answer: Betaserc can be consulted with a neurologist, it is indeed prescribed in such cases. Milgamma - B vitamins, they are also indicated in such cases. From additional surveys You can do impedancemetry and dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck. What the neurologist has appointed - you can pass if electroprocedures are not contraindicated (hypertension, for example).

Question:Good afternoon My mother was diagnosed with bilateral cochlear neuritis of the auditory nerve, her hearing is completely lost. Hearing loss began at age 15 unknown reason(possibly drug poisoning) and gradually there was a complete hearing loss. All her life she was treated according to the well-known method, injections, aloe, vitamin B6 and electrophoresis. Nothing helped, the hearing still disappeared. Now she is 56 years old. We want to know about the possibility of installing the "Electronic ear", according to the audiogram, there is grade 4 hearing loss, and no hearing aids help. I understand that my mother needs to be examined again, please tell us where to start. Thanks in advance, looking forward to your reply.

Answer: Unfortunately, without a personal examination and familiarization with the results of the examination passed in the past, it is impossible to judge whether such an operation can be performed in your case. The patient needs to seek a personal consultation with an audiologist, who will be able to more accurately assess the situation and the chances of hearing restoration, and also draw up a plan for further examination.

Question:How to cure acoustic neuritis?

Answer: It is necessary to address to the narrow expert - to the neuropathologist. Usually, with neuritis, anti-inflammatory drugs, B vitamins, prozerin, galantamine are prescribed.

Question:Hello! The doctors diagnosed me with Neuritis of the auditory nerve. The left ear has not heard at all for 8 years. They said the rumor could not be restored. Hearing aids will help. I have a few questions: 1) is it possible to restore hearing with neuritis on this period. 2) Whether there are any new methods of treatment. 3) What would you recommend me. If there are any new methods of hearing restoration in any country about which you are aware, please do not tell me.

Answer: Hello! In your case (neuritis or atrophy of the auditory nerve), the medicine that exists at this stage will really not help, so hearing aids are the only way out of your situation.