How to read faster and understand. Why do people read slowly

Try to read without speaking the text to yourself. Now read a page of text without distraction and without rereading the sentences. Turn the book upside down and read the paragraph. It turns out? These and other simple exercises will help you master the skills of speed reading.

People who want to become professionals in their field must work through a huge array of information. In addition, there are so many in the world, but there is sorely not enough time. There is a solution - to learn to read quickly. And this is possible: quickly, up to 2 thousand words per minute, they read John F. Kennedy, Maxim Gorky and others. For example, every morning before breakfast, Napoleon read one rather voluminous book, managing to mark thoughts important to him in its margins.

And the former American president, who reads at an incredible speed, developed his own, which is successfully used even now by those who want to learn it.

It can be argued that fast reading reduces reading comprehension and assimilation. But practice shows that the opposite is true: with normal reading, about half of the information is assimilated, while with speed reading 70-80%.

Why is it so? Because fast reading requires more concentration than normal reading, during which we read less carefully. We have parallel thoughts: we think about current affairs, for example, that it would be time to turn off the refrigerator, about the upcoming vacation, or we return to past events with thoughts. It is not surprising that reading progresses slowly, and new information is poorly remembered.

You can master the methods of speed reading at special trainings: 5 lessons of 3.5-4 hours are enough. Their advantage lies not only in the fact that the classes are conducted by specialists, but also in the fact that, firstly, the person who paid for the training is unlikely to want to skip classes voluntarily. Secondly, teachers form pairs of students, making classes more effective. Thus, the one who dares to miss the lesson will let the partner down - the obligation to him will serve as an additional incentive not to shy away from classes.

You can do it yourself. To do this, you just need a great desire, faith in the result and daily training. And if many have a desire, then with faith it will be more difficult. Let's remember how children learn to ride a bicycle: whoever thinks he will fall, really falls; those who are sure that they will immediately go, by some miracle keep their balance and go. We believe we can do it!

As for training, we do special exercises daily for 30-40 minutes during the 21st day. Psychologists believe that it takes so much time to get rid of an old habit and instill a new one.

For exercises, you need to choose a convenient time and place so that nothing distracts from reading. It is useless to do this, for example, in the subway, where it is impossible to concentrate.

What slows down reading?

1. Pronunciation of the text when reading “to yourself”, or subvocalization

This habit is laid down in us when we learn to read and pronounce each word aloud in syllables. We learned to read, but the habit remained. Some not only internally pronounce the text, but also move their lips. Naturally, fast reading is out of the question, because with all the desire a person is not able to say more than 500 words per minute. This means that he will read at the same speed. Those who master the methods of speed reading will be able to read up to 2 thousand words in the same time.

2. Regression reading

The main brake that hinders the speed of reading is the return movements of the eyes to the already read text. It seems to us that by rereading a phrase or paragraph, we delve deeper into its essence, but in reality this is not so. The logic of the text itself is violated, and we are forced to return to what we read again and again, which only aggravates the situation. Speed ​​reading experts believe that, if necessary, it is better to return to some place after the entire text has been read.

By getting rid of the regressions that most people read with, you can increase your reading speed by 2-3 times.

3. Limited field of view

The field of view is the space of perception of the text. For people who read slowly (and most of them), it is 4-5 cm. They can be compared with peeping through a keyhole, who see only a small part of the picture. Experts say that it is impossible to expand the field of view with training. But with their help, you can learn to perceive information that is located in the area covered by peripheral vision. And as a result of training, it can be up to 10 cm.

Exercises for developing the skill of speed reading

Knowing the "enemy" of speed reading "in person", we can eliminate it. Do not expect immediate results and be disappointed if they are not there or they leave much to be desired. Developing any new skill takes some time. It's like in sports: high results are achieved only by hard training.

1. Reading with a pointer

To make our eyes slide forward smoothly, we read with a pointer (sushi stick), moving it a little faster than our understanding of the text. You can also do this with your finger, if that's more convenient.

This exercise is called the speed reading exercise. The gaze should only follow the lines along which the pointer moves, and in no case let it out of sight, returning to what has already been read.

After a while, we will get rid of the regressions and be able to read without a pointer.

2. Suppress articulation

Some experts consider subvocalization to be a natural process that helps reduce the burden of learning new material. However, it significantly slows down reading.

Suppressing articulation - the work of the speech organs (tongue, lips, larynx) while reading “to yourself”, and not aloud, can be done with the help of distraction. That is, in parallel with reading, we (or a partner studying with us) can tap some kind of rhythm on the table with a pencil. This will distract us from the mental pronunciation of the text.

In addition to tapping, you can use the countdown method: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, etc. We will keep track of the score so as not to stray, and we will not be able to pronounce the words. Instead of counting, you can hum some motive (out loud or “to yourself”), read tongue twisters or simple rhymes by heart.

3. Green dot method

This method allows you to learn to perceive information in the field of peripheral vision. In the center of the page with some text, draw a green dot and focus on it for 10 minutes. Mentally imagine a green dot in front of us and when we go to bed and close our eyes.

After practicing with concentration on the green dot for two weeks, we begin to consider the text located horizontally and vertically from it. We try to cover as many words as possible with our eyes - they do not need to be read, just seeing is enough.

The green dot exercise can be complemented by classes with Schulte tables, designed specifically to improve peripheral vision. The tables themselves and the methodology for studying them can be downloaded from one of the sites.

4. Practice gibberish

Training in the so-called gibberish reading, or reading from right to left, develops thinking, attention and the ability to concentrate.

To get started, you can practice reading from right to left using a palindrome (from the Greek. "back" and "running") - words or phrases that read the same way from left to right, which is vice versa. Examples of a palindrome: “A rose fell on the paw of Azor”, “Rome is dear to the city or Mirgorod is dear”, “The cat will soon be forty days old”, “The boar pressed the eggplant”, etc. And then you can start training on a regular text. On the Internet, you can find a site that offers right-to-left e-books and order them for free.

5. Reading upside down

Upside down reading exercises can increase your reading speed. First, we read a paragraph in an inverted book, then return it to its normal position and reread it. We will immediately feel how easy and fast we can do it!

6. The tick-tock method

While reading, we capture only the beginning and end of the line with our eyes, and not every word, as in normal reading. This will be enough to understand the meaning of what is read, while the speed of reading will increase significantly.

7. Reading diagonally

The gaze glides along the diagonal of the page. Eye movements to the left or right are not allowed, return to what has already been read is also not allowed. At first, the gaze will cover only a few words, but as you practice, the amount of perception will increase. The main thing in this method is to learn how to highlight key phrases and skip verbal garbage. You need to start reading from the top left corner of the page to the bottom right. People who have mastered this method need only take a look at the page to understand what is at stake.

Those who want to thoroughly master the methods of speed reading should find the right book. This may be "Learning to read quickly" by I. Golovleva. There are also a lot of training video courses on the Web, for example, "More than speed reading."

It is convenient and interesting to learn speed reading with the help of various applications. One of them is Spreader. The text is loaded into it, and the number of words and the speed of their appearance can be set independently.

With an abundance of information in the modern world, as well as a constant lack of time, it is very important to learn how to read quickly, because this is the only way to always be aware of everything you need. Whatever field you work in, innovations are constantly appearing, and you definitely need to be aware of the changes. Not to mention the fact that in the absence of the skill of speed reading, even daily correspondence can turn into a long and tedious task.

If your task is to take your time to enjoy reading the classics, swaying in a rocking chair, you may not need to increase the speed, but in all other cases it will definitely not hurt.
Common misconceptions about abbreviation.
To learn how to read very quickly, you should first rid your mind of some of the installations that do not allow you to even start. In fact, these are nothing more than myths, but they are quite common. The first of them: to read quickly, you need a special talent and this is not given to everyone. Not true! If you have mastered the ability to read as such, then you can increase the speed. The second sounds like this: if you didn’t learn to read well in childhood, it’s impossible to do it with age. And also not true. You can learn this skill at any age. There would be a desire.
Quantity and quality.
Even in the distant school years, the reading technique was higher for those children who read more - not only within the limits of a given program, but simply “for themselves”. And the first rule of someone who wants to learn to read quickly - read. And not from a computer screen. Make it a rule to read at least 10-15 pages of a book a day, gradually increasing their number. With constant training, over time, you will already “grab” the words in their entirety, recognize them faster, and it will take much less time to read. In this way, you will learn to read quickly, even without the use of special techniques and without various speed reading courses. But to make your classes more effective, it is still worth familiarizing yourself with some tricks.

Don't read aloud!
Reading aloud, so necessary at the initial stage of learning, now only gets in the way. If you move your lips in a school-like way or pronounce every word you read to yourself, you should know that this slows down your reading. It is quite obvious that we can catch words many times faster than pronouncing them. Here are some exercises that will help you shut up and thereby increase the speed of perception of printed information.

  • keep your finger on your lips and make sure they don't move;
  • firmly press the tongue to the teeth while reading;
  • put some calm melody while reading (without words, of course!) and follow it while you read.
Down vertical.
Another school habit that ruins the whole thing is running your finger along the line, reading each word. Our task is to learn to grasp the whole line at once with our eyes, there is no need to carefully proofread each word in order to understand the meaning of the phrase. The following exercise will help you learn this. Move your finger evenly down along the text and try to keep up with it. For starters, let it be not a book page, but a newspaper column - it is much narrower. After a while, you will be able to read books as well. To control yourself, you can move not a finger, but a sheet of paper with a cut-out “window”, so that 3-4 lines fit in the window. Have time to read them while they are in sight.

Be extremely attentive, nothing slows down your reading more than the need to go back and reread what has already been read. Moreover, the very thought that you can re-read at any moment weakens attention. Don't let yourself go back. So you get off track and waste time. Knowing that you can not reread, you will read everything much more carefully.

Look wider.
Reading speed largely depends on how well your peripheral vision is developed (remember, you need to grasp the entire line from beginning to end, looking into its middle). To develop it, do a few simple exercises.

  1. Write numbers from 1 to 9 in a square, randomly placing them throughout the area, and then, looking into its middle and without taking your eyes off, find the numbers in order. Then complicate the task by increasing the square and the number of numbers.
  2. In any situation, try, looking straight ahead, to grab as many objects as possible with peripheral vision.
  3. While reading, look at the window, the angle of view will increase, and return to the book again.
Today is better than yesterday.
Read "for a while" every day and write down your results, try to increase the speed day by day, at least a little. So over time, you will begin to read really fast.

Now that you have an idea of ​​how to learn to read quickly, the result depends on only one thing - daily practice. And if you have enough motivation, then with some diligence, you will develop speed reading skills much faster than you think. Expensive speed reading courses are, of course, great, but if you want to learn how to read quickly, you can do it yourself. We wish you success in this important undertaking!

The ability to read quickly and absorb information well is a useful skill. People who know the value of their time should definitely know how to read quickly. It will not take much time and will not require much effort from you. You only need to know a couple of secrets that will make your life much easier and help you absorb large amounts of information quickly and efficiently. Nowadays, when everyone has access to the Internet, everyone can and for this it is not necessary to run to the nearest library. Millions of people, engaged in their self-education, study the pages of the worldwide web, but the information received is not always assimilated effectively. After reading this article, you will learn how to learn speed reading and get acquainted with a large amount of information as quickly as possible.

5 rules to learn how to read books quickly:


The first and most important rule of speed reading is the ability to concentrate on the reading process. When we learn to read quickly, all annoying sounds should go into the background. Before you start reading the book, read its brief description. So you will already approximately know what it is about, respectively, you will be able to quickly understand the essence. Try to get carried away with what you have written and give yourself the attitude that you need to assimilate this information. Full concentration and calmness will help you get into the plot as much as possible.


To learn how to read books correctly, you need to give up subvocation (repetition of what you read). Many people think that if you repeat the received information in your voice or mentally to yourself, then its digestibility will become higher. It's a delusion. Once you get rid of this habit, the process of reading will become much easier and the brain will begin to grasp everything seen with the eyes on the fly.


Learn to read books correctly by highlighting key phrases from the text. Thus, these small information blocks will quickly put together the whole plot of what you read in your understanding. Do not think about every phrase, because by doing this you distract your brain and you will probably miss something interesting. The ability to highlight the main phrases will be the key to quick and high-quality reading of literature.


Another small detail will help you quickly achieve your goal. You will understand how to quickly read a book if you make it a rule to use bookmarks. With the help of a small piece of paper, you will quickly find the page where you finished reading last time. Some people find it helpful to bookmark the text. This way you focus on a particular line, rather than scattering it all over the page. Tune in to the speed of reading as much as possible, and leave the task of perceiving information to the brain.


Only constant training can be the key to success and obtaining the desired result. Start with light texts - read a novel or a detective story that can grab you from the first lines. No need to immediately choose heavy and overloaded with accurate texts. Remember that the key to any successful business is systematic training and perseverance. By following these simple rules, you will understand how to read quickly and easily absorb information.

3 effective ways to learn to read quickly and memorize

Learning how to quickly read and perceive information is already half the battle. The next task is to learn how to memorize the information received. In order to master this skill, you need to master three methods, which together guarantee you a 100% result.

  • Visualization. Try to emotionally experience the story. Create in your imagination the image of the main character, empathize with him and scroll through the pictures read. Learn to connect your emotions to the reading process, then the information will definitely be deposited in your memory. If you can read quickly and at the same time scroll through the plot of the book in your head, then not only visual memory, but also figurative memory will be connected to the work.
  • Create associations that you understand. Using this method at times increases the efficiency of reading. The technique of memorizing the text is simple - you associate the essence of what you read with something familiar to you, because everyone knows that more understandable information is remembered faster and more clearly.
  • Repeat important information. It is not for nothing that since childhood everyone has been told that repetition is the mother of learning. To remember important information, it must be periodically recalled and scrolled through in the head. This is how you train your memory.


It is important for a person to constantly develop and learn something new. Books will help you train your brain and improve your education. Learning to read is not as difficult as it seems. Try to follow all the above recommendations and rules, because with them you will be able to make the most of your free time. Remember that education is the key to success. Do you have any favorite books that have stuck in your memory from the first reading?


Today, the technique of speed reading has become extremely popular. And no wonder, because the ability to read quickly and understand what is read is required for people of any profession. Anyone can develop this ability in themselves if they use the method of speed reading.

The speed reading technique includes several stages. But the main thing in mastering this technique is the motivation and self-esteem of a person. That is, in order for the speed reading technique to be successfully applied in practice, the student must understand why he sets this goal for himself. It is also extremely important that in the mind of someone who wants to learn to read very quickly, the thought is postponed that everything is achievable and almost everyone should succeed.

The speed reading technique includes the principle of “shooting”. It lies in the fact that a person develops in himself the ability in a few seconds to instantly select in the text only those passages that should be addressed. Special attention, sifting out already known material. That is, in order to learn how to read very quickly, you need to be able to highlight unfamiliar information with a second glance.

The exercise will be performed correctly if the student understands its essence by testing his ability to highlight the main thing first on objects. This is done as follows: for several seconds you need to carefully consider an object. Then, closing your eyes, imagine it in all the details.

Opening your eyes, you should note to yourself the difference between the visual representation of this object and the real image. Having singled out 3 previously unnoticed features in the object, you should again close your eyes and again imagine the object. Now the picture will be more complete. This exercise is done up to 7 times - it develops attention and the ability to highlight the main thing.

The speed reading technique includes exercises similar to the one described: After quickly reviewing the text (but you don’t need to read it!) For 30 seconds, you should highlight the 3 main ideas of the passage. Closing your eyes, you need to imagine these thoughts. Then the method is repeated 4 more times, but each time you should find new thoughts and facts, visualizing them.

Method for finding keywords

But how to learn not only to read quickly, but also? To do this, there are exercises to find keywords in the text. This method can be jokingly called "read through the word".

That is, before reading, you should decide on the subject of the text and, looking through the material with your eyes, “cling” only those words, together with the passages adjacent to them, that are relevant to the topic.

Articulation suppression

Since everyone can learn to read quickly and on their own, you just need to regularly carry out the necessary exercises. One of the main "braking" reading moments is the ability of people to pronounce the text to themselves. We even mentally articulate! And all this takes time. Therefore, in order to learn to read very quickly, one should develop the skill of suppressing articulation. And the exercises for developing the skill of speed reading will be the following:

  • While reading, mentally count.
  • Finger tapping while reciting a familiar rhythmic pattern, such as tam-tararam-tam-tararam.

Visual memory skills

It is impossible to learn to read very quickly if you use the method of alphabetic reading. By the way, today, even in elementary school, many methodologists are trying to abandon this technique at an early stage of education. They are trying to teach kids to memorize syllables, whole four and five-letter words. And adults have a more developed memory, so they should learn to grasp (and not spell!) words consisting of 9, 10 or more letters.

Learning to speed-read long words using visual memory is not at all difficult if you perform the necessary exercises daily. Tablets should be prepared with printed long words, most often found in texts (or purely professional ones). You can create pictures in computer programs with printed words. The tablet may include 2-3 words or even more. These exercises consist in the fact that the student should only look at the tablet, but not read the word, close his eyes (or remove the picture from the monitor) and pronounce what is written.

You can start these exercises with words containing 6-7 letters, gradually complicating the task. Since it is impossible to learn to read very quickly in an instant, you should devote at least 15 minutes to each exercise every day.

Vertical Reading Practice

It is impossible to master speed reading if you do not learn to read vertically. That is, you should “teach your eyes” not to move along the line, but to cover the entire line with one glance. To develop and improve this skill, there are special developments - Schulte exercises.

This method is based on the use of square lined tables with numbers in them in random order. You need to start the exercises with a table of 16 numbers, then gradually move on to 25, 36, 49 numbers. The tables differ from each other in the arrangement of numbers, so it would be better if someone else prepares them. It is convenient to engage in the development of speed reading skills together, then the plates can easily be exchanged.

The main method of speed reading is to see the whole page at once, without focusing on the little things. Therefore, when working with tables, you should look clearly at one point located in the center of the table.

Features of brain activity

"Mismatched Letters"

Since it is most convenient to learn speed reading at home on your own together, some interesting, to some extent even creative, exercises will be very appropriate.

The speed reading technique is based on the specific features of the human brain, discovered relatively recently. It turns out that the brain perceives best not alphabetic reading, but vocabulary. Moreover, the letters in the words may not be in the usual order, but arbitrarily, the main thing is that the first and last letters do not change their place.

You can use this feature in order to read quickly with the help of the following exercise. Both students prepare texts for each other in which they rearrange the letters inside the words. Then they change passages and check each other's readings.

"Crossed Out Letters"

Crossing out letters inside words is also great for developing speed reading skills. Both students also prepare tasks for each other, removing almost half of the letters from the text, for example, all vowels. You can even arrange competitions for a while, determining with the help of a stopwatch how quickly a partner can read such a text.

Reading through the word

Such exercises contribute not only to the acquisition of the skill of speed reading, but also stimulate the brain, giving it training and developing the intellectual abilities of a person. The skill of fast reading is acquired if you know how to quickly read the text, "not getting hung up" on each specific word, that is, through the word.

The exercises for developing this skill are also simple. You must first prepare the material: a text with crossed out (erased) words, for example, first remove every third word, then move on to exercises in which every second word is removed.

Assault technique - competition

You need to take two texts or different passages from the same one and read it in turn for a while, followed by a retelling.

Speed ​​reading is a speed reading technique, an acquired ability that increases the speed by 3-20 times the average (which is 180-200 words per minute). With its help, you can speed up the perception of textual information and master the process of memorizing what you read.

There are many programs with which it is permissible to increase the level of reading, speed up the memorization process and achieve an expansion of memory cells. All the training lessons of such programs are aimed at developing a person spiritually and, of course, intellectually.
Oleg Andreev is a well-known author, offers training in his own programs, which he himself composes.

  • Learning to increase reading speed. Some were able to increase it 20 times, but the average achievement is an increase of 5 times.
  • Training provides better and faster perception of textual information.
  • The development of memory and, of course, attention.
  • The opportunity to develop your own intuition, which will not be superfluous in everyday life.
  • The opportunity to develop or improve creative abilities.
  • A complete physical recovery of the body.
  • Education affects the spiritual growth of a person.

In order to know, feel, realize all these points, you need to go through and study the 7 basic laws on which the speed reading technique is based. It is these laws that form the basis of all methods. The program "How to increase the speed of reading?" requires time, attention and, of course, the desire of a person, without which the implementation and achievement of a positive result is impossible.

Oleg Andreev, in turn, identifies 7 programs, each of which is aimed at working on oneself and developing one's intellectual abilities and spirituality.

Speed ​​Reading Rules

  • No regression.

Regressions are eye movements that the reader involuntarily makes. Accessible wording is a repeated reading of the text. This happens for several reasons:

  • the first is a complex text that requires sharpening of attention and, accordingly, re-reading;
  • The second reason is a rethinking of what has been read.

Regressions are a kind of habit that slows down speed reading. To get rid of regressions, you just need to train. The essence of the training is that the text must be read with the highest possible level of attention and concentration.

For the best result, you need to get rid of all extraneous thoughts and distractions. In addition, one reading is effective for memory. The memorization process works instantly, and repeated reading or aggravation on one word can confuse the main meaning.

  • No articulation.

Articulation is the facial expressions of the reader, which is accompanied by familiarization with textual information at a subconscious level. Articulation accompanies reading both aloud and silently. Many people think that reading to yourself speeds up the process, but this is an erroneous opinion.

This phenomenon has its own classification:

  • accompaniment of the text by mechanical movements;
  • speaking directly in the speech center is a much deeper and less controlled level.

The principle of operation is based on reading to the accompaniment of a certain sound (music is excluded). You need to use sound recordings with faster and slightly slower rhythms, which should be turned on when reading and tapping to the rhythm in parallel. Andreev devotes a whole program to mastering this process; in this teaching, his opinion is fundamentally different from the lessons of foreign teachers.

  • Integral reading algorithm.

The essence of this rule is based on optimization and highlighting the main meaning that the text carries in itself. The semantic perception of the text can only be taught by a special program; it is impossible to learn and master this rule on self-study.

  • vertical eye movement.

Easy to say, but much more difficult to apply. This rule allows the reader to save unnecessary eye movements, which are spent on moving from one line to another. This is how an ordinary person reads, due to the small field of view. Vertical eye movement is based on eye movement from top to bottom, but strictly through the center of the page. This method allows you to read the phrase as a whole, and not by individual words.

  • Isolation of the dominant.

This technique allows you to highlight the most basic semantic meaning of the text and cut off secondary information. This method has 2 principles:

  • definition and allocation of central semantic points;
  • intuitive understanding of the text.

In his book, Andreev explains this process in an accessible way.

  • The development of memory and attention.

Attention, concentration and memory are the guides with the help of which it is possible to achieve high results in speed reading in practice.

The technique of fast speed reading allows you to master attention, it is such a vicious circle: without attention you cannot read quickly, but by reading quickly, you reach the highest level of attention and memory development.

An indispensable assistant in improving memory and attention is exercises with words, mental reading them in reverse. Regular exercise brings results. It is worth starting with simple and short words and every day complicating your task.

  • Mandatory daily minimum.

The development of fast reading requires special psychological costs and efforts from a person. Having embarked on the path of learning this program, you need to read several magazines, articles, newspapers and at least 50-100 pages of a book a day.

Oleg Andreev in his teachings prefers points: 1,2,3,4,6 and calls them not rules, but interference, which in one way or another slow down the reading technique, reduce the level of memorization. But with all this, Mr. Andreev proposes to study the volume of the readable text, which over time will provide a solid time budget.

The program, which the author Andreev sets out, offers a kind of speed reading simulator, which will be entered in the table. The table called "Analysis of reading volume", which clearly demonstrates speed reading in practice, allows you to increase the trend of its development, improve the processes of memorization and expansion of memory cells.

Table "Analysis of reading volume"

The table should clearly display the amount of text that is read during the day. At the same time, it is broken down separately by days and styles of the material read (textbooks, manuals, dictionaries, newspapers, magazines, etc.). The criteria are the volume of the text and the time spent on this text.

Measured units: the text must be counted in pieces, as for the style of the material, and directly the characters in each of the styles, the daily reading time must be recorded in minutes, and the weekly result must be set in hours. The table is a kind of personal incentive, where a person, seeing the result of the previous day, tries to overcome it. Andreev claims that a week is enough to see the result and set the pace of his development.

Teaching this technique allows you to develop five of the five types of reading. It is worth knowing that a person who has not studied speed reading has only two.

Reading types:

  • Concentrated reading, it is used in the study of a narrow profile text (legal, medical, technical, etc.). This is a great memory training.
  • Reading slowly, it is typical for fiction.
  • Anticipatory reading or preliminary - with its help determine the essence of what is being read.
  • Skimming is used to get an idea of ​​the content.
  • Fast reading itself is speed reading.

Speed ​​Reading Exercises

  • Read the text in the standard way, from top to bottom and in reverse order. This is the first training for memory and attention.
  • The second lesson trains attention. Learning is about finding one word that the other person points to. Absolutely any text for this exercise is suitable, be it a textbook or a novel.
  • The speed reading technique and the fluent reading program allows you to develop logical thinking. Artistic texts are suitable for this exercise. Learning consists of reading through a line or sentence. Such lessons are unacceptable for reading business documentation; it requires a careful and concentrated reading of every word. This method displays the results in an indicative table, which Andreev offers in training. Training is aimed at speeding up reading, and at developing memory and improving the memorization of the information read.
  • Faster browsing (20 seconds per page). During this time, you need to determine the main words that carry the main meaning and flipping through the pages to compose a text that would not lose its general meaning. Such lessons are within the power of those who have already completed the training by about half, and have basic memorization skills.
  • Read books at the same rhythm without slowing down and without stopping, do not re-read the same sentence several times.
  • Having mastered the previous point, complicate the task, the following lessons need to close the read text with a sheet, observing speed.
  • Acceleration occurs if you move the finger of your left hand across the page at a distance of 2–3 cm from the text being read.

These exercises will allow you to achieve results in speed reading and raise the level of memorization of information.