What is a skin allergy: treatment (drugs). Sea and mud baths

The skin is the largest organ in our body. And one of its main functions is immune. It consists in reliable protection of the body from various external influences.

This function is carried out due to the content in the skin (in particular in the dermis and epidermis) of lymphocytes, keratinocytes, Langergas cells, etc. All these substances are able to target antigens (foreign substances) and produce immune response mediators.

Immune processes take part in the pathogenesis (development) of most dermatoses. But the concept of "allergodermatoses" includes only those diseases in which the leading mechanism of an allergic response is.

The main types of skin allergies

Skin allergies usually manifest as contact dermatitis(including allergic), eczema, toxidermia, atopic dermatitis and urticaria. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

  • contact dermatitis occurs at the site of direct contact between the irritant and the skin area. As a rule, after cessation of contact after two weeks, allergy symptoms disappear on their own. Allergic contact dermatitis, like ordinary contact dermatitis, is possible as a result of exposure to an allergen on a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, followed by a reaction. Manifested by areas of reddening of the skin, sometimes with weeping;
  • Eczema- a skin disease of an allergic nature, prone to a chronic course with alternating remissions and exacerbations. There are many types of it. For example, children's, professional, true and others. Eczema is manifested by reddening of symmetrical areas of the skin with small rashes, in place of which erosions form. The liquid dries up quickly and crusts form. In children, the disease occurs against the background of exudative-catarrhal diathesis;
  • Toxidermia(or toxic-allergic dermatitis) - inflammatory response skin to the introduction of allergens through the gastrointestinal tract, as well as parenteral or by inhalation. Clinical manifestations very diverse: in the form of redness, nodules, bubbles from very small to big size. Elements do not pour out immediately, but over 3-5 days. Sometimes accompanied by peeling. Quincke's edema is one of the forms of toxidermia. It is a formidable condition that can lead to death due to swelling of the respiratory organs and narrowing of the lumen of the trachea;
  • Hives- manifested by urticaria (reminiscent of a nettle trace) rash and itching all over the body.

Causes of the disease

There are obligate and optional external irritants that provoke skin diseases, including allergies. Obligate irritants are the cause of allergic skin reactions in all people. Facultative irritants provoke an allergy only when hypersensitivity to them.

Thus, contact dermatitis provokes obligate irritants, and allergic dermatitis occur as a result of exposure to an allergen.

Let us consider in more detail the etiology of each allergic reaction on the skin:

  • The causes of contact dermatitis are biological, chemical and mechanical. Skin allergies in children infancy with contact dermatitis, it occurs as a result of abrasions, as well as frequent maceration of the skin, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bnatural folds. In adults, it is closely related to the impact of the following mechanical factors: wearing narrow shoes, pressure of tools on the skin of the palm during intense physical work etc. Downtime occurs as a result of exposure to high and low temperatures, x-ray and radioactive radiation and others. The number of substances that provoke allergic dermatitis is very large. A large group of allergens include medications, paints, chemicals, plants, etc.;
  • There are many causes of eczema, and this is not only an allergic component, but also neuropsychic, hereditary, endogenous, exogenous factors. For example, to endogenous factors include nickel products: coins, buckles, jewelry, etc.; cosmetics and hair dyes containing parapheniendiamine; medicines for external use - patches, ointments, etc. The trigger that provokes is nervous stress. The disease manifests itself symmetrically on the same parts of the body. An important role is played by heredity, as well as the course of pregnancy. Toxicosis, accompanying illnesses, errors in the mother's diet - increase the likelihood of eczema in a child;
  • regarded as side effect medicines. Anyone can cause allergies food product or a drug, including one belonging to the antihistamine group (they are prescribed for allergies);
  • The causes of occurrence are closely related to heredity, as well as to the violation of the immune mechanism even in the period of intrauterine development;

Symptoms of skin allergies in various parts of the body

  • The formation of allergies on the skin of the hands is possible in the form of contact (allergic) dermatitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis. Especially often, skin manifestations of allergies occur in persons who, on duty, have constant contact with allergen substances. For example, furniture industry workers in contact with paint, glue, as well as nurses in contact with chlorine-containing antiseptics, etc.;
  • Allergy on the skin of the face manifests itself in the form of contact dermatitis, urticaria, eczema. On the skin of the eyes - more often in women, as they use cosmetics. Also, allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva occurs with atopic dermatitis in the form of redness, itching, and swelling of the mucosa. Allergy on the head can occur in case of a predisposition to it to the components contained in hair dye, shampoos. And, despite the claims of many firms that produce decorative cosmetics, about the tests for allergies - cases of its various manifestations still occur. Food allergy on the skin occurs on any part of the body, but most often on the face, neck, torso. In both children and adults, first of all, food allergy- this is itching of the skin, rashes, irritability, and sometimes a violation of general well-being;
  • Allergy on the skin of the legs appears most often in the form of allergic contact dermatitis, for example, in mowers in summer time during the flowering period of many plants that provoke allergies. Another allergic reaction that can appear on any part of the body, including the legs, is hives. It is not difficult to imagine what such an allergy looks like in the form of urticaria, if we recall the burn received after contact of the skin with nettles.

What should you do if you have a skin allergy?

1. Contact an allergist and undergo diagnostics to identify the antigen;
2. Strictly follow all doctor's prescriptions and do not self-medicate;
3. Avoid contact with the allergen, observe special diet and lead healthy lifestyle life;

It is important to remember that you can live and enjoy life with allergies with the right, competent approach to its treatment and prevention.

Photo manifestations of the disease

AT recent times allergies are becoming more and more common.

Usually this disease affects people who have a hereditary predisposition or certain malfunctions in the immune system.

In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, you need to know what types of allergies exist.

What are allergens

The cause of the development of the disease is the immune response of the body, which is provoked by a variety of substances.

These include the following:

  • house dust;
  • Food;
  • animal hair and particles of their epithelium;
  • plant pollen;
  • mold or fungus spores;
  • insect bites;
  • individual medicines;
  • latex;
  • household chemicals.

The mechanism of manifestation of the reaction

People who are prone to allergies perceive absolutely safe substances as antigens. When they enter the body, they are released increased amount IgE. After identifying the allergen, this immunoglobulin binds to basophils and mast cells.

The complex, including basophils, can enter the nose, lungs, digestive tract, and skin.

At the same time, mast cells, penetrating into the organs, retain their immobility.

When the allergen enters the body again, these cells release histamine.

It is a special chemical substance aimed at eliminating the allergen.

Histamine provokes the expansion of capillaries, spasms of smooth muscles, swelling and thickening of the blood. As a result, the body reacts to the presence of an allergen in the blood.

Types of allergies and their symptoms

There are many varieties of the disease that have characteristic symptoms.


Such an allergy appears in the form of a reaction of the body to house dust, strong odors and plant pollen. Manifestations of this disease affect exclusively the respiratory system.

Pathology develops as a result of exposure to external and internal allergens, in more rare cases it is provoked by infectious factors.

The degree of severity of signs is affected by the sensitivity of the respiratory organs and the depth of exposure to the allergen.

The clinical picture of the respiratory form of the disease includes the development of:

  1. rhinitis;
  2. tracheitis;
  3. rhinosinusitis;
  4. laryngitis.

Chronic exposure to an allergen can lead to bronchial asthma.

To put correct diagnosis, the doctor should study in detail the clinical picture of the disease and analyze the family history. It is important to determine the provoking factors.


This type of allergic reaction occurs as a result of direct skin contact with food or household chemicals.

Manifested in the form of development:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • dermatosis;
  • hives.

The characteristic symptoms of the contact form of pathology are:

  1. redness;
  2. feeling of itching;
  3. swelling;
  4. blisters on the skin.


    This is the most common type of allergy - according to statistics, about 90% of people react to eating certain foods. Most often, the appearance of problems is provoked by products such as citrus fruits, eggs, sweets.

    Food allergies manifest as:

    • urticaria;
    • eczema;
    • neurodermatitis or angioedema.

    Sometimes more serious disorders are observed - these can be changes in the blood or problems in work. digestive system.

    To identify the disease and establish the allergen, it is recommended to conduct skin tests, keep food diaries, perform provocative tests that provoke an immune response upon contact with certain allergens.


    This type of disease manifests itself in the form of a reaction of the body to insect bites. Also, the penetration of their metabolic products into the respiratory system can become a provoking factor.

    The reaction to the stings of bees, hornets or wasps is characterized by deterioration general condition. A person may experience weakness, dizziness, a drop in pressure.

    There are also often local reactions in the form of tissue edema or urticaria.

    If the inhaled air contains insect particles, a person may develop signs of bronchial asthma. In especially severe cases, the patient is faced with anaphylactic shock.


    Often drug allergy observed in children, and cross-reactions to foods and drugs are often formed.

    The symptoms of the disease differ depending on the exposure to the allergen. The person may develop hives, nausea, or even anaphylactic shock.

    Diagnostics dosage form disease is not carried out, since such tests can lead to extremely negative consequences for good health.

    In this case, the symptomatic treatment when the body reacts.

    In the future, it is enough to avoid contact with allergens.


    Such an allergy develops with high sensitivity to individual microorganisms. For example, there is a reaction to microbes belonging to the Neisseriaceae family.

    AT normal conditions at correct work immunity, they do not provoke the development of diseases.

    If there are malfunctions in the immune system, a person develops symptoms of bronchial asthma.

    How does the reaction on the skin

    It should be borne in mind that there are various types of skin allergies that have characteristic symptoms.


    They possess various forms and size, creating unusual patterns on the skin of adults. An allergy patch is a flat patch of skin.

    These symptoms are located in different places, but do not affect the density or relief of the epithelium.

    Red spots on the body are considered the main sign of urticaria and can occupy a fairly impressive area.

    As a rule, they arise abruptly and move throughout the body.

    Urticaria usually lasts for a few hours and then disappears.

    Also, allergic spots may indicate the development of photodermatosis. In this case, the rash on the body has pink color and occurs as a result of exposure to solar radiation.

    Usually spots occur in open areas - on the face, shins or hands. In addition, there may be severe itching and swelling of the skin.

    Another cause of rashes is pink lichen. In this case, a pink rash can be seen on the skin, which rises slightly above its surface. The spots usually have an oval shape and are localized on the chest, abdomen, and arms.


    Rashes in the form of bubbles appear with different types of allergies. Most often they accompany the development of eczema, dermatitis, urticaria, contact form of the disease.

    Inside the bubbles is usually liquid or purulent discharge, they often cause itching sensation.

    Most often, these symptoms appear on the hands, but with certain types allergies spread throughout the body.

    This is usually characteristic of dermatitis, Quincke's edema, urticaria.

    When the bubbles open, the mucous membrane of the skin is disturbed, after which the affected area dries up, and a crust forms on it. As a result, pigmentation appears, which disappears after a while.

    Allergies in the form of blisters usually occur with hives. This disease is accompanied by swelling of a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and a feeling of itching.

    In addition, nausea, chills, abdominal pain, vomiting, fever may occur. Often there are headaches and a general deterioration in well-being.

    Urticaria is characterized by the instant appearance of blisters, but after a few hours they disappear in the absence of contact with the allergen.

    If such rashes appear regularly, we are talking about chronic form diseases.

    mosquito bites

    If the skin rash looks like mosquito bites, this may also indicate the development of allergies. To cope with the problem, you should change the diet.

    In addition, such rashes may indicate that a mosquito has bitten a person.

    Some people have hypertrophic reactions to such phenomena.


    Acne on the face can also indicate the development of an allergic reaction. The rate of onset of symptoms depends on the condition immune system.

    Sometimes rashes appear literally 10-20 minutes after exposure to the allergen, but often signs appear after two or three days.

    Before the appearance of acne on the skin, there is a slight swelling and redness. Then, watery pimples appear in this area, which are sometimes accompanied by slight itching.

    After that, they burst and leave weeping ulcers. If treatment is not started on time, the risk of infection increases.

    In some cases, the rash does not have a watery content. In this case, they are accompanied by peeling and itching sensation.

    It may be quite strong or completely absent. With allergies, acne is usually localized on the cheeks, chin and bridge of the nose.

    Urticaria - what it is and how it manifests itself

    This term is understood as a disease that has an allergic origin and manifests itself in the form of a sudden appearance of red spots on the skin.

    Sometimes hives are accompanied by pale pink blisters. This disease is also characterized by severe itching.

    Urticaria got its name because of the similarity of the symptoms of the disease with a nettle burn. The cause of such rashes can be food, household chemicals, insect bites.

    Often hives are the result of exposure to cold or heat.


    The main feature of this type of allergy is high sensitivity to a whole group of allergens that have a similar structure.

    Certain substances have a similar set of amino acids, and the immune system habitually reacts to each of them.

    This disease is very insidious, since it is very difficult to identify all allergens with a similar structure. Currently, only the most common categories are known.

    Cross-allergy has the same symptoms as other types of the disease:

    • dermatitis;
    • redness on the skin;
    • sensation of itching and burning;
    • allergic rhinitis;
    • hives;
    • sneezing
    • lacrimation;
    • violation of the chair;
    • pain in the abdomen;
    • swelling of the mucous membranes;
    • sore throat;
    • vomit;
    • angioedema.

    Bronchial asthma can be a complication of cross-allergy.

    The intensity of the signs of the disease depends on the amount of the allergen and the sensitivity of the immune system.

    Since it is quite difficult to identify cross-allergens, the reaction can be very strong.

    Video: Reaction to cold

    Forms of complications

    If timely treatment of allergies is not started, conditions may develop that represent real danger for human life.

    Quincke's edema

    This condition is characterized by the development allergic edema mucous membranes. It can be localized in different organs and occurs in about a fifth of patients.

    The main danger of Quincke's edema is that it leads to respiratory failure.

    This pathology is characterized by pallor of the skin and the appearance of shortness of breath. During the inspection oral cavity swelling can be seen. If timely help is not provided to a person, he may die from suffocation.

    Anaphylactic shock

    This term refers to an acute reaction that can develop literally within a few minutes.

    This condition is characterized by the inhibition of some important functions of the body - in particular, a sharp decline blood pressure.

    In addition, anaphylactic shock is accompanied by respiratory failure and the appearance of wheezing. This is very dangerous state which requires urgent medical attention.

    What to do and where to run?

    The main task of allergy treatment is to eliminate the signs of the disease and reduce the hypersensitivity reaction.

    In order for the therapy to be as effective as possible, you need to consult a doctor in time. First of all, experts recommend eliminating contact with the allergen.

    One of the most effective methods treatment is allergen-specific immunotherapy. The essence of the procedure is that an antigen is introduced into the patient's body in small quantities.

    As a result, he gets used to the allergen, and the hypersensitivity reaction disappears.

    It is also used to eliminate the symptoms of allergies. medical preparations. However, they do not affect the causes of the development of the disease and cannot be used for a long time.

    1. antihistamines- reduce hypersensitivity to allergens and have an anti-inflammatory effect;
    2. mast cell stabilizers- apply a couple of weeks before the onset of allergies. If the reaction has already appeared, the desired effect cannot be achieved;
    3. glucocorticosteroids and immunosuppressants- such tools are used in severe conditions. Indications are usually urticaria, bronchial status, anaphylactic shock.


    To prevent the development of allergies or avoid the appearance of its signs, you need to follow some rules.

    Allergy prevention includes:

    1. balanced diet. Allergies are often accompanied by pathologies of the digestive system. So good nutrition help reduce the likelihood of illness;
    2. elimination of potential allergens. The development of hypersensitivity is facilitated by house dust, wool, plant pollen, as well as the use of certain foods - honey, chocolate, raspberries. That is why it is so important to minimize contact with allergens and do wet cleaning every day;
    3. changing of the climate. If a person has already developed an allergy, an effective way to prevent is to change the conditions environment;
    4. room humidity control. At high humidity in the room, mold can appear, which increases the risk of developing the disease. To avoid similar problems, you need to monitor the humidity and regularly ventilate the room.

    In order for the treatment of allergies to be as effective as possible, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to determine the type and form of pathology and select adequate methods of therapy.

Skin lesions are one of the most likely manifestations of allergies, that is, excessive sensitivity of the body to any substances. Rash various kinds localized in separate areas or acquires a widespread (generalized) character. Allergy on the skin can occur acutely or is observed constantly (chronic form), it is noted in people of different age groups and always requires quality treatment.


Allergodermatoses are skin diseases caused by immune sensitivity reactions of an immediate or delayed type.

In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), they are coded under the designations L20-50.

Types of skin allergies are classified as:

  1. Allergic dermatitis.
  2. Eczema.
  3. Toxicoderma.
  4. Hives.
  5. Atopic dermatitis.

Allergic dermatitis occurs as a result of localized contact with a provocative substance when it is intentionally or accidentally applied to the skin.

The cause of the development of pathology is most often drugs, cleaning and detergents household purpose, cosmetics.

Eczema is characterized by a chronic course, a tendency to frequent relapses (exacerbations). The disease is characterized by a variety of types of skin allergies: vesicles, papules, erythema. Triggers from the external environment act as provoking factors: industrial and professional irritants, household chemicals, drugs, as well as endogenous intoxication in the presence of foci of chronic infection.

Toxicoderma - acute inflammation skin in response to substances that enter the body by inhalation, injection or through the gastrointestinal tract (drugs, chemicals).

Urticaria is a manifestation of an allergy on the body, in which rashes are fleeting in nature - they appear quickly after contact with a trigger (pollen, insect bite, food) and can disappear without leaving traces, even without the use of specific therapy.

Atopic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that develops in people with a hereditary predisposition to excessive production of IgE (immunoglobulins, or antibodies of a special class) as a result of interaction with antigens ( foreign substances) from the environment. Exacerbated by contact with food, household and industrial triggers, with sudden changes climatic conditions, as well as due to emotional stress, violation of the regime of work and rest, during infectious diseases viral, bacterial, fungal nature.

What is an allergy rash?

Skin lesions are a symptom characteristic not only of individual sensitivity, but also of other diseases. There are many varieties of rashes, however, for allergic dermatoses highest value acquire items such as:

  • macula (pale pink flat spot with a diameter of 0.5 to 2 cm);
  • erythema (these are red or purple areas that appear as a result of the fusion of spots, the size often exceeds 2 cm);
  • papule (pinkish-red nodule from 0.1 to 2 cm in diameter, visually and palpation determined above the level of the skin);
  • vesicle (vesicle 0.1 to 0.5 cm in size containing serous fluid);
  • bubble (diameter is from 0.3 to 0.5 cm, the cavity is filled with liquid, usually transparent);
  • a blister (differs from a bubble in the absence of a cavity, most often it has a porcelain-white, reddish color, rounded shape, raised above the surface of the skin).

There may also be types of skin allergies that appear, replacing the primary rash:

  • scale (rejected cells of the epidermis);
  • erosion ( residual effect after opening the bubble or vesicle);
  • hyperpigmentation (staining of the skin due to the deposition of melanin and hemosiderin);
  • crust (results from the drying of the contents of blisters and vesicles);
  • lichenification (characterized by thickening of the epidermis layer, severe dryness, increased density skin in conjunction with the appearance of areas of hyperpigmentation).

An allergic rash usually presents with a combination of elements. Pimples or pustules are not typical (unless a secondary infection has joined).


The skin is a kind of indicator of the intensity of sensitivity - it reacts to the slightest amount of irritant applied externally or inside the body. Consider the main forms of diseases accompanied by its local (local) or systemic (general) lesions.

Allergic dermatitis and eczema

Skin manifestations in the first of these diseases are localized directly in the area, but with a pronounced reaction, they often spread further and represent edema and erythema without clearly defined boundaries, combined with many small vesicles (microvesicles). After the destruction of the elements of the rash, scales and crusts appear in their place - transparent with a yellowish tint.

A similar picture is characteristic of the onset of exacerbation of eczema. Against the background of redness and edema, numerous microvesicles appear, after opening of which erosions with serous discharge remain, forming weeping areas.

After they dry, the skin is flaky, covered with crusts. A feature of eczema is the simultaneous existence of various elements of the rash. The most likely areas of injury are back surface hands, forearms and feet. Allergy on the skin in a child is localized mainly on the upper and lower limbs, buttocks, as well as on the chest and face.

Atopic dermatitis

According to the volume of damage is divided as:

  • common;
  • limited localized.

The onset of the disease often occurs before the age of 2 years, while itching is constant symptom. Types of skin allergies (photo) differ depending on the stage of dermatitis:

  1. Infant First the face is affected, outside surface shins. The skin turns red, swells, weeps and crusts appear. Then the changes spread to the neck, limbs. allergic rashes on the skin can be seen in numerous photos in tutorials.
  2. Pediatric Papulo-vesicular elements, areas of hyperpigmentation or vice versa, discolorations localized on the flexion surfaces of the limbs, the back of the neck predominate.
  3. Rash and itching are provoked by irritants - most often chemical nature. Areas of lichenification are also characteristic. Photos on the web illustrate the types of skin allergies in adults. Red spots, papules are classic symptoms of the disease.

Atopic dermatitis is characterized by a persistent course with periods of exacerbation and remission (subsiding of bright manifestations).


The rash is characterized large quantity elements - spots, blisters, vesicles, papules, which tend to merge with each other, as well as the presence of areas of erythema. The mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals may be affected. Patients complain of severe itching.

If toxicodermia is limited (fixed), several red rounded spots appear against the background of skin edema; sometimes there is a bubble in the center. With a common form, the rash covers a large surface of the body. The cure for skin allergies in this case is, first of all, the abolition of the drug provocateur; also use glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone).

Shortly after stopping the drug, the swelling disappears, and the spots are converted into areas of hyperpigmentation.

One of the most dangerous forms allergic disease is Lyell's syndrome. This is a type of toxicoderma, in which there is extensive necrosis of the skin, accompanied by the formation of large blisters and areas of erosion. Provoked by reception antibacterial agents, sulfanilamide, anticonvulsants, salicylates, etc. The disease is characterized by:

  • acute onset and rapid development;
  • fever up to 40 degrees Celsius;
  • damage to the face, trunk, limbs, mucous membranes.

The skin turns red, swells, spots form with a tendency to merge. After a few hours, bubbles appear with thin walls, at the opening of which bleeding and painful erosions are found. Even a light touch to the skin leads to detachment of the epidermis. The mucous membranes are also affected.


Skin allergy is characterized by an urticarial rash, that is, the presence of itchy, raised blisters above the surface of the skin. The acute form is a reaction to:

  • food and drug allergens;
  • cold or sunshine;
  • insect bites.

Helminthiases and foci of persistent infection are often mentioned as probable causes chronic urticaria in children.

Allergic rashes are round or elongated, porcelain, pinkish or red, can merge. In addition to blisters, the patient develops chills, body temperature rises, Quincke's edema (swelling of the lips, tongue, larynx) may develop, as a result of which breathing is disturbed.


It is carried out under the guidance of a doctor. Are used different ways:

Basic Specific
Collection of anamnesis General clinical blood test Microscopy of discharge from the nose, eyes, and sputum ELISA, radioallergosorbent analysis (ELISA, RIA) Skin tests
Target Obtaining information about a disease aggravated by heredity (intolerance in parents, brothers, sisters) Search for changes characteristic of immune sensitivity Antibody detection Checking for a response to a specific trigger (single, multiple)
Execution technique Questioning a patient by a doctor Taking the necessary biological material(blood capillary, venous, smears) and fast delivery to the laboratory Application of prepared substances on the forearm, back, waiting for a specified period of time, evaluation of results
Peculiarities Detailed clarification of the facts related to the disease is needed The rules for preparing for the test must be observed, which should be clarified with the attending physician Medications (antidepressants, glucocorticosteroids) may affect the results; some types of research are not carried out in acute period manifestations
Interpretation (which supports the diagnosis of allergy) The presence of relatives suffering from individual sensitivity, as well as episodes of reaction in the past The presence of eosinophils in in large numbers Identification of specific immunoglobulins Occurrence of swelling, redness, itching, blistering in the contact area in the absence of such symptoms in the control area

If the patient has experienced anaphylactic shock or other severe general reaction, skin tests are contraindicated for him.

In this study, there is a risk of developing systemic disorders. An alternative is laboratory tests that are safe for the patient's health, since there is no direct contact with the reaction trigger.


If the patient encounters a provocative substance, he is worried about skin peeling, redness, burning, he does not stop itching; some people experience discomfort not only because of sensitivity symptoms, but also because others are given the wrong impression of a contagious disease. To improve the condition, you must:

  1. Follow the principle of elimination. All allergens must be eliminated from the contact area. This is not always possible - but, for example, in case of sensitivity to dust, regular wet cleaning will help reduce the concentration of triggers in the room.
  2. Stick to a diet. You need to eat little by little, preferring food that is steamed, boiled, stewed without hot spices or baked in the oven. Citrus fruits, nuts, chips, tomatoes, peanuts, as well as other food options that have a high allergic potential are excluded (for more information on choosing a diet, see other articles posted on the site).
  3. Use medication wisely. For allergies, drugs such as antihistamines (Cetrin, Zirtek), cromones (Ketotifen), glucocorticosteroids (Elokom, Dexamethasone) are indicated. They can be taken orally in tablets or applied to the skin (ointments, lotions, emulsions).

sometimes needed additional funds- for example, with atopic dermatitis, moisturizers, emulsions, gels, oils (Mustela, Emolium) will help remove irritation and dryness. They are suitable for inflamed skin and are designed to daily care. With regular use, the rash will pass faster, and the remission will last longer.

Allergodermatoses can not always be assumed and distinguished when initial examination. Often, to confirm the diagnosis, a wide range of tests is required, which are used both to establish a pathology variant and to detect differences between diseases with a similar clinical picture. If you experience a rash, swelling and itching, you should consult an allergist or dermatologist who can determine the type pathological process and choose the appropriate treatment.

The state of health can be largely judged by the skin diseases that occur in humans.

Rash, dermatitis and swelling indicate hypersensitivity to certain substances.

Such excessive susceptibility is observed not only in adults, but also in children, and even in newborns with a predisposition to allergies.

In this case, allergic skin diseases develop, which must be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.

Allergic urticaria - symptoms and causes

One of the most common allergic reactions is urticaria, which, according to doctors, affects up to 90 percent of people. The causes of the disease can be numerous allergens:

  • Animal fur.
  • Dust mite.
  • Individual food items.
  • Medicines.
  • Plant pollen.
  • Food additives and dyes.
  • Contact with household chemicals.
  • household dust.

The disease is characterized instant reaction to an irritant: blisters appear on the skin different sizes which can be pink or red. The rash is accompanied by burning and itching, and single blisters merge with each other and can cause a general deterioration, indigestion, fever, headache.

Newborns and young children are at risk of developing Quincke's edema, which is life-threatening. Rashes cause swelling of the larynx, the baby becomes restless, his face becomes bluish, after which it turns very pale. In this case, you must immediately apply for medical care and take the child to the hospital.

Urticaria symptoms

AT mild form the symptoms of urticaria disappear on their own within a few hours, leaving no traces on the skin. However, this should be a signal indicating the presence of hypersensitivity to some irritants, which requires the identification of the allergen and the exclusion of contact with it in the future.

Allergic eczema - signs of the disease in children and adults

Another skin disease allergic nature occurring at any age - eczema. She has these symptoms:

  • Initially, local reddening of the skin appears.
  • At the site of hyperemia, small red vesicles filled with liquid form.
  • When combing, the papules burst, and the inflamed area of ​​​​the body is covered with a crust.
  • The disease is accompanied severe itching and pain.

In children, eczema is most often located on the face, and in adults - on the hands and other parts of the body. The causes of such an allergic reaction are diverse: medication, contact with household allergens, food allergies to certain products (complementary foods in infants). It is necessary to start treating eczema as early as possible; in the chronic form, the disease is difficult to treat with drugs.

Non-infectious (allergic) erythema and its causes

Suddenly appearing asymmetrical red spots on the skin, which are accompanied by fever and general malaise, may be a sign of allergic erythema. The cause of the disease is the excessive filling of capillaries with blood after:

  • specific physical activity.
  • Massage.
  • Strong emotional upheaval.
  • As a result of contact with the allergen.

It is possible to distinguish rashes from scarlet fever or measles by the location of the affected areas of the skin: with erythema, such redness appears haphazardly and may be on the mucous membranes. The onset is acute and often resolves on its own within 2-3 days.

Allergic dermatosis and its varieties

This disease is most common in adults and old age. Symptoms of the disease differ from dermatitis in several ways:

  • The appearance of redness is preceded by severe dryness skin.
  • AT initial stage there is hyperemia of a separate area, which does not have clear boundaries.
  • With the development of the disease, plaques are formed, which, when combed, turn the inflamed area into weeping erosion.
  • In some cases, a secondary infection joins the disease, which makes treatment difficult.

The cause of dermatoses is most often contact with household chemicals, cosmetics and some metals (nickel). A variety of dermatosis is considered allergic dermatitis with a characteristic red rash in the form of vesicles with liquid. At the same time, spots on the body are clearly limited and are located in the place where contact with the allergen occurred.

Atopic dermatitis

Given allergic disease most commonly affects children younger age although it also occurs in adults. The main culprit for the appearance of a rash is the use of certain foods:

  • Exotic fruits.
  • Honey.
  • Sahara.
  • Berries.
  • Seafood.

In children, dermatitis develops after the introduction of complementary foods. Rash can provoke whole milk and fatty cottage cheese, egg yolk, some cereals, vegetables and juices.

Atopic dermatitis on the legs of a child

Allergic skin diseases and atopic dermatitis can also occur after taking medications, contact with household chemicals, cosmetics and perfumes.

The reaction in this case occurs within a few hours after contact with the allergen or eating it. The patient develops itching, redness and rashes in the form of small red vesicles with watery contents.

If it is not possible to immediately stop the action of the irritant, the skin becomes covered with crusts, and when they are combed, the skin is disturbed.

Allergies in the form of dermatitis can become chronic. At the same time, the symptoms are not so pronounced: itching is almost absent, the skin is flaky, the rashes are located locally: in the armpits, in the face, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fold of the limbs or on the hands.

Treatment and prevention of exacerbation of allergic skin diseasesdifficult task, requiring accurate diagnosis and taking necessary medications. Therapy should be supplemented by a diet and measures aimed at strengthening the immune system.


An allergy is a reaction of a hypersensitive human immune system to an irritating element. Antibodies begin to be produced in the body in order to resist antigens that were perceived as hostile. Immunity, seeking to protect the body, harms its various systems, damaging healthy tissues. Skin allergies are one of the most common manifestations of allergic reactions.

There are several types of allergic skin diseases:

  • - inflammation of the skin, usually with well-defined boundaries. Appears in people who have genetic predisposition to allergic reactions. Atopic dermatitis is the most common manifestation of skin allergy in a child, starting from the age of two months. Foci of inflammation appear first on one part of the body, then they can be transferred to another. Most often it rashes on the cheeks, arms, legs, abdomen, chest, back, less often the neck and crown of the head are affected.
  • - occurs when constant exposure skin allergen. This type skin allergies can be manifested by contact with chemicals, cosmetics, medical implants, industrial reagents. As aggressive sources, paints and hair products, dyes for fabrics, furs, leather, detergents, medicines, poisonous plants. The period of sensitization takes from 10-14 days to several years, depending on the degree of aggressiveness of the substance and the general state of the human immune system.
  • Urticaria is a manifestation of an allergy on the skin in the form of suddenly appearing red spots, sometimes with the presence of flat blisters of a pale pink color. It is characterized by severe itching. Urticaria got its name from its resemblance to a nettle burn. The reason for the appearance allergic urticaria can become food, medicines, household chemicals, cosmetics, insect bites, exposure to heat or cold, contact with some of the metals and alloys contained in costume jewelry.
  • Eczema - acute form manifestations of allergic dermatitis. The affected area is most often the limbs and face. Eczema is characterized the following symptoms skin allergies : redness, swelling, the presence of small punctate vesicles that, when bursting, release droplets of liquid, the formation of punctate erosions, nodules, crusts, scales. Symptoms are accompanied by severe burning, itching, often so painful that it leads to numerous scratching, insomnia, loss of appetite, and neurotic disorders.

In addition to the above types, the skin includes toxidermia, allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, Lyell's syndrome, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, which are different in their symptoms and severity of the course of the disease.

Allergy symptoms on the skin are redness, peeling, itching, sometimes with the appearance of weeping elements or crusts. Such a reaction to an irritant can occur within a few hours from the moment the allergen arrives, or it can be protracted and make itself felt after several weeks or even months. Accompanied by itching, burning. It can cover the surface of the skin of the arms, legs, face, back, abdomen and other parts of the body. What an allergy looks like on the skin, the photo is presented below.

Red spots on the skin

Allergic skin rashes may be accompanied by systemic manifestations, such as headache, anxiety, insomnia, convulsions, .

Mummy - resin natural origin, sold in in kind or in tablets. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to dilute 1 g of mummy with 100 g boiled water. Apply to damaged skin. As a result of the application, redness and rashes on the skin acquire a fading character. For oral administration: 1g mummy per 1 liter of water, drink 100-200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach. Increases the body's resistance, relieves inflammatory processes- as a result, it alleviates the symptoms of allergies.

Eggshell - readily available and effective remedy from skin allergies. Method of treatment: mix ¼ - 1/3 tsp. egg powder and 2 drops of lemon, take 1 time per day after meals. Helps with skin manifestations allergies - eczema, atopic dermatitis.