Traditional and folk remedies for the treatment of allergic facial edema. allergic edema medicine

If allergic facial edema occurs, immediate medical attention is required. medical care. The condition is severe and life-threatening for the victim, especially if the swelling is growing rapidly. In the publication we will talk about the mechanism of formation allergic reaction body, the causes of swelling of the face with allergies, first aid and stages of treatment.

Allergic reaction - the mechanism of formation

Immunological deficiency due to various factors is the main cause of allergies. Its symptoms are always clearly manifested on the epidermis. Due to contact with the allergen, the body actively produces histamine, since a primary allergic reaction occurs. In an isolated form, the disease occurs in rare cases.

When a meeting with a provoking factor occurs repeatedly, a secondary allergic reaction occurs. In the vast majority of patients in other parts of the epidermis, symptoms of conjunctivitis or rhinitis are detected, damage to other areas of the cover. But it happens that a person has signs of severe swelling of the skin. It is especially dangerous when allergic edema faces.

In severe cases, Quincke's edema can develop, which is a threat to life.

Clinical picture and causes of allergic facial edema

Allergic swelling of the face is a complex condition that requires urgent qualified assistance . Such a symptom is an immediate reaction of the body to an allergen, as a result of which the permeability of the walls of blood vessels increases, fluid accumulates in the tissues, which causes swelling. Treatment of allergic facial edema should be immediate, as in the absence of necessary measures the condition is deteriorating rapidly.

As dangerous complications: angioedema, the development of anaphylactic shock with a fatal outcome.

If the face is swollen, measures can be taken for emergency first aid, but the appearance of such a symptom requires compulsory circulation to a specialist for therapy.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon, most often it is an allergy to food products, drugs, cosmetics or pollen. The first signs are easy to confuse with such causes of facial swelling as cardiovascular, kidney, liver problems. But, unlike such edema, with allergies, the entire face is affected, the tongue swells, and the veins begin to protrude.

Why does the face swell with allergies? Main provoking factors are:

  • local anesthetics, antibiotics (this reaction is most often observed during treatment at the dentist);
  • penicillin, cephalosporins;
  • some vaccines and sera used for specific therapy (anti-snake sera, medicines for the treatment acute poisoning, infections, DTP vaccine);
  • bites of spiders, insects (most often the reaction is observed with the bites of bees, wasps);
  • household chemicals, especially volatile, washing powders;
  • food products (the list is quite large, but most often these are bee products, nuts, almost all seafood, chicken protein);
  • a sharp change in the climatic zone;
  • plant pollen during flowering, Poplar fluff;
  • dust mites, pets (this applies not only to dogs and cats, but also to birds);
  • mismatched cosmetical tools, poor quality cosmetics.

Allergy facial swelling can develop at any age, but usually similar phenomenon observed in children and adolescents. The most common allergens are food, medicines, fluff and animal hair. In infants, a reaction may develop against the background of the use of artificial baby food.

It is very important not to confuse allergic edema with symptoms of other diseases. Allergies are characterized by the following symptoms:

First aid

What to do when the first signs of swelling appear? To alleviate the condition and exclude dangerous complications, it is necessary to immediately take first aid measures:

Health care

Allergic edema can only be professionally removed in the emergency department or in specialized center. For this, the use of the following medicines is recommended:

After the edema is removed, it will be prescribed further treatment which can take up to 10-14 days. It depends on the general condition of the patient. Usually a course of Fexofenadine or Cetirizine is used, various preventive measures, including the refusal to contact with the allergen, for example, should not be shown in the sun or on the street during the flowering period of plants. The therapy is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor and includes the following steps:

  • first you need to determine the type of stimulus in order to completely exclude contact with it;
  • collection of tests, determination of sensitivity to a number of drugs;
  • a course of vitamin therapy;
  • regular examination by an observing specialist (in particularly difficult conditions, treatment is carried out only in a hospital);
  • usage folk recipes to support the body at home (only with the permission of a doctor).

Is it possible to remove swelling of the face at home

How to remove swelling at home? Usually these are herbal infusions to remove fluid from the body, the use of decoctions on burdock or dandelion roots. But before taking it is necessary to consult with a supervising specialist so as not to worsen the condition.

Facial swelling due to allergies is quite dangerous phenomenon requiring immediate first aid measures and further qualified treatment. You can not start the situation, as in the future it threatens with serious deterioration in the general state of health and the development of such dangerous complications as anaphylactic shock.


Allergic swelling of the face is a life-threatening condition that requires urgent medical attention. At the first symptoms, you should call an ambulance, try to give the patient first aid and never self-medicate!

Allergies develop in response to the penetration of foreign proteins into the body. Allergens in people with hypersensitivity cause rhinitis, joint pain, spasm of the bronchi, rashes, itching and swelling on the body. Allergic swelling of the face, hands, and feet often develops.

There are a great many allergens, so it is extremely difficult to determine the cause of facial swelling. In some cases, this cannot be done at all. An allergic reaction is caused by:

With allergies, swelling of the face occurs in patients with a genetic predisposition. It can be caused by adverse climatic conditions, dysfunctional environment, stress.

Sometimes puffiness on the face is the first symptom of the most severe form of pathology. Understand the reasons and effective scheme only a doctor can treat. Self-medication for allergic reactions accompanied by edema is extremely dangerous. They can develop into Quincke's edema - a life-threatening phenomenon leading to suffocation, anaphylactic shock and death.

Varieties of edema

There are several types of swelling on the face, which are not prone to total distribution. They are localized in a certain segment: on the cheek, eyelids, lips. The location of the swelling is influenced by the causes of its occurrence. Swelling appears in such areas:

  1. On upper eyelids. Their reason is certain kind food: berries, citrus fruits, nuts.
  2. On the upper lip. Swelling is formed after insect bites, the use of medicines, due to the cold. The causes of swelling of the lips are often foods, medicines, pollen, cosmetics and other allergens..
  3. In the nasopharynx. The nasopharynx swells with an allergic reaction to dust, wool, pollen.

The mechanism of development of puffiness is the same for any reason. A response to the penetration of a foreign protein in the body begins, antibodies are intensively produced. At the site of contact with an allergic agent, prostaglandins and histamines are synthesized - substances that expand capillaries. Liquid seeps out of blood vessels into the interstitial space. In the place of its accumulation, redness, swelling and inflammation occur.


In some situations, edema develops instantly, in others - with a delay. From the action of an allergic agent to the appearance of swelling, some time passes. First, the tongue, larynx, and lips usually swell. Puffiness gradually subsides or begins to grow, capturing the legs, arms, genitals and other parts of the body.

In addition to edema, there is:

  • rash;
  • rhinitis;
  • redness or blanching of the skin;
  • spasms in the larynx.

Nasal congestion is another pronounced sign allergic reaction. Some people have a reduced or lost sense of smell.

You can distinguish allergic edema from swelling of a different origin by characteristic feature: If you press the skin with your finger, it will not leave a dent.

First aid and precautions

The main treatment for edema that has appeared on the face is prescribed by the doctor. But sometimes, with the development of allergies, patients need emergency first aid. It is rendered as follows:

  1. Apply a cold compress to the swelling.
  2. Washed skin clean water.
  3. Make lotions with boric acid. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of powder in 200 ml of water. Moisten a napkin in the solution, apply to the edema.
  4. Give an antihistamine.

With allergic edema, it is prohibited:

  • use alcohol-containing products;
  • wash the skin with soap, gels, foams for washing;
  • comb an itchy spot;
  • mask rashes with cosmetics.

Drug therapy

To quickly cure an allergy, it is necessary to identify its pathogen and suppress its effect on the body. It is impossible to do this on your own. An allergen is determined by conducting special tests.

A patient in whom an allergic agent has been differentiated is treated with hyposensitization. The patient is injected with scanty doses of a substance that provokes an allergy. The body gradually gets used to the irritating compound. As a result defensive reaction when an undesirable substance enters the body, it stops developing.

If the patient does not have the opportunity to be treated by this method, he is prescribed antihistamines. In severe cases, the patient is treated with glucocorticoids.

When upset gastrointestinal tract The patient is referred for a consultation with a gastroenterologist. He prescribes drugs that improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Allergic edema caused by food helps to remove the correction of the diet. All food that gives pathological reactions is removed from the menu.

Treatment with traditional medicine

Help relieve swelling with allergies folk remedies. Herbs reduce swelling, block the synthesis of histamine. But they are used after consultation with the doctor. With uncontrolled treatment, allergies can cause serious complications.

The following remedies help to remove swelling from the face:

If the patient knows that his face may periodically swell, you must carefully use cosmetics, control the diet, exclude from it unwanted foods. Should be respected drinking regimen(daily drink 1.5-2 liters of water), consume a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits.

One of the local edema, which signals a malfunction occurring in the human body, is swelling of the face. It is a pathological condition characterized by the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues, as well as in the interstitial space, and occurs due to disturbances in water metabolism. To date, there are many reasons that provoke the occurrence of edema on the face - these are diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, musculoskeletal system and much more. There may also be swelling of the face with allergies, with the use of certain medicines etc.

If the sudden swelling of the face is the result of yesterday's fun with friends, then the reason for its occurrence is quite clear and does not cause concern. But, if the reasons for such unpleasant changes in appearance remain unknown, they are a cause for serious unrest and concern. So, why does swelling of the face occur? In what cases is its appearance caused by an allergy?

Swelling of the face: an unpleasant phenomenon or a serious danger?

Provoke the appearance of edema can eat both salty foods and alcoholic beverages, in which fluid retention occurs throughout the body, including in the tissues of the face. It may also result from various pathological conditions, infections, injuries and tumors. When observing excessive swelling of the tissues of the facial region, it is very important to determine the cause of this phenomenon as soon as possible, since this unpleasant symptom it can be a harmless nuisance that your body is able to cope with on its own, and a serious problem, for which you will need qualified medical help.

To establish the cause of given state Of great importance is the localization of edema, its duration, as well as other accompanying symptoms. Therefore, when it is detected, think first of all about what could provoke it. Maybe you ate a lot of salty food the day before? Or maybe you developed allergic edema due to contact with plants or pets? In this situation, doctors also recommend waiting for a while. The thing is that swelling of the face due to, for example, allergies to animal hair goes away on its own within a short period of time: from two minutes to a couple of hours. As a rule, this type of allergic reaction causes swelling mainly of the eyelids, and in some cases the entire face. But, if the edema does not disappear, and at the same time you notice a deterioration in well-being: difficulty breathing, fever, redness of the skin, a feeling of heat, urgently call ambulance. Perhaps these signs indicate a serious problem in your body. inflammatory processes dangerous to your health.

Allergic swelling of the face: what is dangerous?

To date, there are more than 300 thousand substances to which a person may have an allergic reaction, so it is almost impossible to determine the one to which you have an allergic swelling of the face. Therefore, if you find the first signs of an allergy: swelling of the lips or eyelids, changes in skin color, itching, take one of these antihistamines like tavegil, suprastin, diazolin and wait a while. If after a few hours the swelling does not subside, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Your life may depend on the speed of contacting a doctor, since in some cases a complication allergic manifestations is Quincke's edema.

Quincke's edema is a diffuse or limited swelling of the subcutaneous adipose tissue and mucous membranes that develops suddenly and quickly. Young women and children are more susceptible to it. Its appearance is based on the reaction of the body to any allergen, in which there is a local expansion of the veins and capillaries, as well as an increase in vascular permeability.

Note! Those people who have developed an allergy at least once in their life, accompanied by Quincke's edema, are at risk of its recurrence. Therefore, it is vital for them to avoid any contact with the allergen and to have a card with them indicating the substance - the allergen.

Among the main causes of such edema may be the consumption of specific foods, as well as certain medications. The main signs of such edema are swelling of the eyelids, lips, mucous membranes of the mouth, respiratory tract, etc. Most often, it proceeds painlessly, but quickly, while tissue tension is noted in the area of ​​edema. For example, if you press your finger on the damaged area of ​​the skin, then no external changes will not happen. As a rule, such edema is formed on lower lip, on the tongue, larynx, cheeks and can lead to difficulty breathing - suffocation. Remember that self-medication under such circumstances is fraught with dangerous consequences up to lethal outcome, therefore, if you find such obvious allergic facial edema that does not disappear on its own over time, be sure to consult a doctor! Do not hesitate, because your life is in your hands!

Treatment of allergic facial edema and its consequences

Treatment of allergies accompanied by edema must be carried out under medical supervision. As a rule, it is carried out in stages and includes the following steps:

  1. Determination of the substance - the allergen and the elimination of any contact with it.
  2. Medical consultation, including the collection of tests and the further prescription of special medicines to increase the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, as well as to reduce histamine levels and parasympathetic activity.
  3. The appointment of a course of vitamin therapy - a complex of vitamins to reduce vascular permeability and increase immunity.
  4. Periodic examination by a doctor and regular examinations.
  5. Using Recipes traditional medicine as an additional treatment:
    1. Recipe number 1. Get rid of puffiness and remove from excess liquid from the body will help herbal infusion from bear ears. To prepare it, you need to pour one tablespoon of the herbal mixture with a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for two hours. The resulting infusion should be taken one tablespoon 4-5 times a day before eating.
    2. Recipe number 2. A mixture of dried dandelion roots and burdock will help relieve puffiness and other allergy symptoms. They should be well chopped and mixed, then pour two tablespoons of the herbal mixture with three cups of boiling water. After that, leave the resulting broth to infuse for a day. It is recommended to take 0.5 cup before meals several times a day.

Puffiness of the face is formed due to the retention of excess fluid in the tissues of the body. It may arise due to various diseases, pathologies and allergic reactions, therefore, to this phenomenon should be treated with caution. If swelling of the face is detected, doctors recommend taking any antihistamine drug and waiting. If the swelling does not disappear in the near future, be sure to consult a doctor, as there is a risk of developing Quincke's edema, which is dangerous to your health.

Many people are prone to various allergic reactions. The tendency to this disease can be laid even in utero. The reasons for the appearance of allergic edema can be very diverse.

Many people are prone to various allergic reactions. The tendency to this disease can be laid even in utero and against the background of exposure harmful factors external environment grow into a disease. Today, there are many different allergenic components that can cause an allergic reaction in a person. Often it manifests itself as an allergic swelling of the eyes.


The first signs of allergic edema are small swelling of the soft tissues of the face, that is, in the area of ​​​​the eyes and lips. This may be accompanied by a slight itching of swollen areas of the skin, a rash, pimples. In some cases, slight swelling may appear on back side palms. In time, such an allergic reaction can last up to half an hour.


The reasons for the appearance of allergic edema can be very diverse. It may be a reaction to a certain type of food, medications, all kinds of flowering or animal hair, and various chemicals, such as paint, varnish, powder.

Swelling of the face with allergies can suddenly occur and no less suddenly disappear, in the second case, nothing needs to be done, treatment is not required. But still it is worth finding out the causes of edema.

Treatment is prescribed by a physician complete examination and identifying the allergen that provoked redness or swelling.

Edema can be quickly removed with the help of antihistamines (suprastin, cetirizine, loratadine). If this allergic reaction is severe form, then the doctor prescribes special drugs or treatment in a hospital, it will not be possible to quickly remove such edema. Commonly used hormonal preparations based on corticosteroids (prednisolone, dexamethasone).


In many cases, it is impossible to determine which component the body has responded to with an allergic reaction. You should not treat the manifestation of allergies negligently, because sometimes it is dangerous with complications in the form of Quincke's edema, which is unsafe for human life and it is very problematic to remove it. If swelling appears on the mucous membranes of the mouth, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes, cheeks or lips, allergy medications should be taken, including Diazolin, Suprastin, Tavegil. If after this the swelling could not be removed, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Quincke's edema is a sudden extensive edema. It is observed in areas with loose fiber, while Quincke's edema is particularly dense, that is, the skin does not squeeze when you press it with your finger, and there is also no redness. You need to be especially careful with laryngeal edema, because it can cause suffocation and lead to the death of a person. What to do in such a situation? The appearance of such edema requires mandatory hospitalization and immediate treatment.


Treatment of severe edema should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Antihistamines and hormonal drugs are usually prescribed. Also, the doctor may prescribe an adrenaline solution, which helps to get rid of facial swelling.

Effective treatment of allergic edema should include several stages, including the determination of the allergen, the collection of tests, the diagnosis of the disease and the appointment of treatment, the subsequent course of vitamin therapy. After undergoing treatment, it is worth visiting the doctor periodically.

In some cases, prescriptions can be used to relieve allergy symptoms. alternative medicine. It is considered quite effective to take a decoction of dandelion and burdock roots or an infusion of bear ears. This will help remove excess fluid from the tissues and relieve swelling.

Ways to quickly eliminate edema

The formation of edema worries not only with itching and unpleasant sensations, but not an aesthetic appearance, including redness is difficult to remove. What treatment to choose? What should be done to relieve swelling and remove redness quickly?

Cold compress

To do this, ice is wrapped in a film and a towel and applied to the affected area for fifteen minutes.

Green tea compress

Cotton pads are moistened in warm green tea, applied to the eyes and left to cool; Such treatment is available to everyone, the causes of edema are not so important.

cucumber mask

Ordinary cucumbers are cut into circles, applied to the eyelids for fifteen minutes.

Compress from infusion of calendula

Cotton pads are soaked with calendula infusion and applied to swollen places for several minutes.

Milk compress

A piece of gauze or cotton wool is abundantly moistened in milk, covered with it on the face and kept for about five minutes. Milk relieves swelling, and also soothes and cleanses the skin.

Swelling from the sun's rays

If the causes of edema are excessive exposure to the sun, then a papaya and honey mask will help get rid of them. For this spoon natural honey mixed with a few tablespoons of papaya pulp, applied to the face, kept for at least ten minutes. Such a mask not only perfectly saves from swelling, but also gives the face freshness.

Also, swelling of the face, resulting from exposure to the sun, will relieve egg mask. The egg white is beaten, applied to the entire face and left to dry. After the appearance of tightness of the skin, the mask is washed off, and a nourishing cream is applied to the skin of the face.

In addition to the appointed medical treatment allergic swelling of the face, you should refrain from taking allergenic products, limit salt intake and add more fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.

Allergic edema is the most dangerous manifestation of an acute response of the body to an irritant. They most often occur on the face and limbs. Swelling of the skin and mucous membranes may be accompanied by urticaria and other allergic skin manifestations. The condition with Quincke's edema is very dangerous, the manifestations that have arisen with allergies affect not only the skin, but affect subcutaneous tissue, internal organs and mucous membranes of the oropharynx and respiratory tract. If one side of the face is very swollen, this may be a sign developing edema Quincke.

Causes allergic edema depends on the characteristics of the body specific person, on the type and concentration of the allergen and the duration of its effect on the body.

Most often, swelling is accompanied by an allergy to:
  • Food;
  • medications;
  • insect bites;
  • plant pollen;
  • household chemicals, perfumery, cosmetics;
  • smoke, fumes, dust and mold.

Edema may occur rapidly and disappear quickly, but may persist long time and demand certain measures for its relief.

The risk group includes people who have genetic predisposition to allergies, as well as people with chronic diseases internal organs. Moreover, residents of megacities are more likely to suffer from allergies due to adverse environmental situation.

Types of edema and their symptoms

Allergic swelling of the face most often occurs due to food and drug allergy, insect bites, reactions to cosmetics and inhaled vapors chemical substances. Signs of this condition are immediately visible: the face may swell evenly or an allergy provokes swelling of certain parts of the face: lips, eyes, nose.

In some cases, swelling of the face with allergies to food and cosmetics may be accompanied by hives and other types of skin rashes, redness, itching and peeling.

Quincke's edema affects not only the skin, but also the subcutaneous tissue, and leads to thickening of the blood. Exactly this dangerous manifestation allergies. This type allergic reaction is not always accompanied skin manifestations. The swelling has a dense structure, does not hurt or itch. However general state of a person significantly worsens (shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, falling blood pressure). Allergic tumors can affect certain parts of the face, internal organs and Airways.

Allergic eye edema can develop rapidly or over several hours.

  • cosmetics and household chemicals;
  • food products - eggs, milk, fish, chocolate;
  • plant pollen;
  • insect bites.

Allergic edema of the eyelids is very pronounced and often affects one side of the face - upper eyelid one of the eyes. The swelling is so severe that the person cannot open their eyes. In addition, allergic eye edema may be accompanied by other symptoms: redness of tissues eyeball, lacrimation, burning and pain, photophobia.

Edema of the eyes with allergies can occur with a general deterioration in the condition and be combined with allergic rhinitis, cough, hives, swelling of the lips, nose, throat.

Allergic swelling of the lips and oral cavity occurs most often with food and drug allergies. At the same time, the lips swell (more often - one upper lip) And soft tissues palate, often there is swelling of the tongue. As accompanying symptoms may appear inflammatory diseases mouth and gums: stomatitis and gingivitis.

In addition, if the lip is very swollen, this may be the beginning of Quincke's edema, which may soon affect the respiratory system. Following the lips, the tissues of the throat, trachea, nasopharynx can swell and lead to asphyxia.

Allergic edema of the larynx is very dangerous state and expressed the following symptoms:
  • redness of the mucous membranes and tonsils;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the larynx;
  • cough, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing;
  • sore throat, difficulty breathing.

The main causes of allergic edema of the throat and larynx are as follows:

  • allergies to food and drugs;
  • the ingress of particles of chemicals on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • insect bites.

Swelling of the larynx with allergies can have unpredictable consequences, so the patient should be helped immediately.

Allergic swelling of the nasopharynx occurs when inhaling smoke, chemical vapors, and is also an acute reaction of the body to odors and plant pollen.

The manifestations of pathology are as follows:
  • allergic edema of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa;
  • runny nose, sneezing, itching in the region of the nose;
  • lacrimation, swelling under the eyes, burning;
  • sore throat, difficulty breathing.

Allergic swelling of the nose is accompanied by congestion of the nasal passages, headaches.

Extremely dangerous is allergic pulmonary edema, which often occurs under the influence of poison from an insect bite.

How to treat?

What to do and how to remove allergic edema? It is sometimes simply impossible to determine the allergen that caused such an acute reaction of the body. In some cases, after 3-4 hours after the onset, the swelling subsides on its own, but some of them go away only after medical intervention, and then over time.
How to remove allergic edema on the face, because this problem In addition to physical discomfort, it also brings aesthetic inconvenience.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, but if the condition is not critical, then before going to the clinic, at home, you can remove the puffiness at least partially:
  1. If the face is swollen, a mask from fermented milk products(sour cream, kefir).
  2. Edema from the face is well removed by a compress from freshly brewed black or green tea, as well as ice from it.
  3. If the lips are swollen, the swelling effectively removes the cold.

How to quickly remove allergic edema from the eyes? In this case it will help fresh cucumber, chilled circles of which are applied to the swollen eyelid.

Symptoms and treatment of allergic edema depends on the type of allergen, so it should be without fail get diagnosed and identify the cause of the allergy. An experienced allergist will advise how to relieve symptoms and how to treat the disease. The doctor will prescribe a diet and medications, as well as teach you what to do as emergency care in the event of edema of the lungs, nasopharynx and throat with allergies and other respiratory organs.

Among medications that relieve swelling, the doctor can choose the most effective ointments, drops, sprays and other external means.

Allergic edema is dangerous for its unpredictability, rapidity of manifestation and rapid development. Therefore, when the first warning signs should immediately seek medical attention. Persons who know about their predisposition to edema or about this problem with relatives should be able to provide first aid before the ambulance arrives.