How quickly does allergic swelling go away? How to remove allergic swelling from the eyes quickly

Allergic conditions manifest differently in each person. For some they pass almost unnoticed and painlessly, but for others they have to suffer. For people with an increased tendency to allergies primary symptoms allergies are already a reason to worry. After all, if you do not immediately provide proper assistance and treatment, the symptoms can very quickly turn into allergic edema, which is fraught with consequences.

Causes of allergic edema

Swelling can be both allergic and non-allergic in nature. Non-allergic edema may be associated with overload of the body physical activity, pregnancy, consequences various diseases etc. Allergic edema, in turn, is always a consequence of the effects of various allergens on the human body. As a rule, edema occurs only when a person is exposed to food or medicinal allergens, that is, those that directly enter the body. Such a symptom is nothing more than the development of an extensive or diffuse disorder of subcutaneous fatty tissues or mucous membranes. Accordingly, any part of the body can be susceptible to edema, but as a result allergic reaction Most often the face, eyes, throat or hands are affected.

The occurrence of edema is already a reason to sound the alarm and start urgent treatment allergies. After all, the development of edema, especially associated with swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat and nasopharynx, can lead to difficulty breathing and, as a result, suffocation. Therefore, at the first suspicion of edema, consult a doctor. Remember that the causes of swelling can be different, but treatment should be immediate.

Pathogenesis of allergic edema

Edema is nothing more than an accumulation of fluid (water and electrolytes) in the cavities between organs and tissues. Depending on the location of accumulation of such liquid, they are distinguished various shapes swelling. Anasarca is a type of edema in which fluid accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue. It is this form of edema that is most often characteristic of allergic diseases. Hydrothorax is swelling in chest cavity; swelling in the pericardial sac is called hydropericardium; swelling located in the abdominal cavity is called ascites and in the scrotum - hydrocele.

The development of edema is characterized by six pathogenetic factors:

  • Hydrodynamic is a factor in which edema develops as a result of intercapillary fluid exchange. If the pressure in the arterial part of the capillaries exceeds the total pressure in the tissues, then fluid from the vascular bed of the capillaries enters directly into the tissue. For the venous part the process is reversed. Thus, due to an increase in pressure in one of the parts (tissue or capillaries), hydrodynamic edema occurs.
  • Membrane is a pathogenetic factor that is associated with an increase in the permeability of vascular tissue membranes. If permeability increases, then the process of fluid circulation from tissues to vessels and vice versa is greatly facilitated. Membrane permeability increases, as a rule, due to the effect of histamine on the body, which is very typical for allergic diseases.
  • Osmotic is a factor that is associated with the accumulation of electrolytes in the interstitial space, which leads to an influx of water and the development of edema.
  • Oncotic is a pathogenetic factor that is characteristic of pathological conditions. In this case, the oncotic pressure in the tissues becomes high and fluid from the tissues tends to flow into the vessels, which leads to its excessive accumulation and the development of various edemas. This pathogenesis is associated with a decrease in the level of proteins in the blood plasma.
  • Lymphatic is a factor that leads to the development of edema due to lymph stagnation. At high blood pressure water from the lymph will enter the tissues and contribute to the development of edema.
  • A decrease in tissue mechanical pressure is characteristic of inflammatory and toxic edema. It happens that the level of collagen in the vessels decreases significantly, and the tissues become loose and soft. This allows the liquid to freely penetrate into the vessels. This is how inflammatory edema develops.

IN pure form Such pathogenesis of edema is very rare. As a rule, when allergic edema Several pathogenetic factors are involved, which only a specialist can accurately determine.

Symptoms of allergic edema

Actually, from the very definition of allergic edema, it is clear that the main symptom of its occurrence is a certain swelling of certain parts of the human body and organs. Most often, this symptom manifests itself on the facial tissues of the skin, feet and back surfaces brushes Painful sensations, as a rule, do not arise. But this is not the only symptom characteristic of allergic edema. Allergic diseases significantly affect the functioning of everything human body in general, therefore, symptomatic manifestations will occur in different parts of the body.

It’s worth starting with the fact that directly in the area of ​​the swelling itself, the skin becomes very pale. The swelling is very dense in structure and when pressed with a finger, no special marks remain. At the same time, redness may occur in other parts of the body, small rash and itching sensations.

In 25% of cases, in addition to swelling of the skin, swelling of the larynx, nasopharynx or trachea may also occur. Such swelling is extremely dangerous for humans as it can cause suffocation. Additional symptoms of such edema include difficulty breathing, increased anxiety, “barking” cough and hoarseness in the voice. If temporary suffocation occurs, bluish facial skin and loss of consciousness may occur.

Symptoms of allergic edema may manifest differently depending on the degree of allergic susceptibility and individual characteristics. If you suspect complications of symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist for advice and treatment recommendations.

Allergic edema: types by location

As we have already said, swelling can be both allergic and non-allergic in nature. But even in the case of allergic edema, the places of their occurrence may be different. Very often, swelling occurs on the eyelids, which makes it difficult for the organs of vision to function. Swelling of the eyelids is usually a consequence of Quincke's edema. The swelling is most often one-sided and quite significant, up to complete swelling of the eye. Most often located on upper eyelid. Edema occurs due to exposure of the human body to allergens such as chocolate, eggs, milk or others food products, as well as pollen from flowering plants.

Treatment of eye swelling involves neutralizing the effects of the allergen, as well as using eye drops or ointments (Opatanol, Lecrolin) and hormonal drugs– Dexamethasone.

Allergic swelling of the lips is most often associated, again, with exposure to food allergens, or allergens contained in medications. They can also occur as a result of insect bites or contact with animal fur. Swelling of the lips should not be ignored, since such swelling can lead to lip deformation, the need to remove lip tissue and other complications, such as the spread of infection to other parts of the body, even to the blood.

Facial swelling can, of course, be caused simply by excessive consumption alcohol. In this case, the allergic reaction has nothing to do with swelling. But if swelling of the face occurs after contact with animal fur or eating certain foods, then you should think about the fact that you have an allergy. Facial swelling, as a rule, does not last longer than 3-4 hours and goes away as quickly as it appeared. But if the symptom persists long time, then you should consult a doctor for treatment recommendations.

Allergic swelling of the nose can occur both seasonally due to exposure to a specific allergen, and year-round due to chronic allergic reactions. In such cases, allergens are quite specific factors such as the smell of perfume, smoke, printing ink, etc. Allergic swelling of the nose manifests itself in the appearance of bluish-gray swelling in the nasal turbinates. Can also be observed copious discharge from the nose. All this affects the decrease in sense of smell, appetite and leads to sleep disturbances and the full functioning of the human body. Take off allergic edema nose can be used saline solution– thoroughly washing the nasal turbinates with it will not only relieve swelling, but will also be a good prevention of allergic diseases. However, allergic swelling of the nose can lead to some complications. In particular, such cases can cause permanent dull pain in the forehead, nosebleeds, dry cough and hoarseness. In children, a similar symptom and its development can generally lead to the development malocclusion. Treatment of allergic swelling of the nose involves the use of vasoconstrictors antihistamines, such as Indanazoline, Naphazoline, Tetrizoline. But the prescription of the drug is purely individual and is carried out by an allergist.

Allergic swelling of the legs is also called allergic arthritis. Most often, such a symptom occurs as a consequence of various joint diseases, but it can also be caused by an allergic reaction such as Quincke's edema. Swelling of the legs is accompanied by redness and pain. To relieve such swelling, you should take an antiallergic drug. But even relieving swelling does not relieve you of the need to consult a doctor and find out exact reasons swelling and further treatment.

Sometimes, due to allergies, swelling of the throat can also occur. The larynx itself is directly affected by swelling. Allergic swelling of the throat can occur as part of angioedema, or as allergic laryngitis. In the latter case, due to swelling of the larynx, one may also experience difficulty swallowing and breathing, hoarseness in the voice, and at times there may be fever and elevated temperature. If, when allergic swelling of the throat occurs, you neutralize the effect of the allergen on the body and take antihistamines, then allergic laryngitis It will pass in 7-10 days. Painful sensations, as a rule, are not observed, with the exception of cases when allergic symptoms a viral disease is added.

Allergic swelling of the nasopharynx occurs when allergens are cigarette smoke, car exhaust, the smell of perfume, etc. High air humidity can also be a cause. Additional symptoms in such cases include watery eyes, runny nose, and sneezing. Sometimes hoarseness in the voice may occur. To relieve swelling, it is necessary to stop exposing the human body to the allergen and take antihistamines.

Allergic pulmonary edema can occur as a result of the action of various allergens, but most often insect bites cause this symptom. The swelling begins quite suddenly, within a few minutes after the onset of exposure to the antigen. First, itching of the skin of the face, hands and head appears, then the person begins to feel heaviness and tightness in the chest. Shortness of breath appears. Allergic pulmonary edema may also be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. For treatment, you first need to neutralize the effect of the allergen on the body and consult a doctor. Self-medication of allergic pulmonary edema is excluded!

Allergic swelling of the bronchi may also occur if the allergen acts directly on them. Among additional symptoms It is worth noting cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath and constant wheezing. As with pulmonary edema, self-medication in this case is excluded, therefore, when the first symptoms of allergic bronchial edema appear, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Due to the impact of the allergen on the body, allergic swelling of the hands may also occur. As a rule, such a symptom is one of the forms of Quincke's edema, in fact, like allergic swelling of the penis in men. Accompanied by the appearance of red spots and itching. Requires immediate neutralization of the allergen.

Diagnosis of allergic edema

Diagnosis of allergic edema is carried out directly by the attending physician based on blood tests and analyzes of the body's reaction to allergens. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a specialist to study the nature and nature of allergic edema, as well as prescribe appropriate treatment.

Treatment of allergic edema

In order to relieve allergic swelling, you should stop the action of the allergen on the human body and reduce contact with the allergen to a minimum. In the future, stopping contact with the allergen will be a good prevention of both the occurrence of allergic edema and allergic diseases in general. Treatment of allergic edema various types and degree of complexity implies strict adherence to the regimen of taking antihistamines or homeopathic medicines prescribed by a doctor, as well as sensitization of the body to the effects of the allergen. Follow the recommendations of your treating specialist and allergic swelling will not cause you severe discomfort, but will go away without much difficulty or complications. Take care of yourself and prevent allergic diseases.

When in tissues various parts the body accumulates an excessive amount of fluid, swelling appears. Such a negative reaction of the body can occur against the background of heart failure, impaired renal function, varicose veins veins, pregnancy, prolonged fasting or taking medications. But, perhaps, allergic edema develops most rapidly, which most often manifests itself on the face, lips, eyelids, eyes, and mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. It is especially dangerous when allergy swelling affects the throat and lungs, as this can lead to suffocation. As a rule, a person who encounters a similar symptom for the first time is very frightened and does not know how to relieve swelling due to allergies.

What is allergic edema?

Indeed, in case of allergic edema, you should urgently call a doctor, since medical assistance must be immediate. Only a doctor will be able to determine whether the swelling is allergic or of some other origin. In particular, ascites (edema of the abdomen) covers abdominal cavity In humans, the hydropericardium extends into the pericardial sac, hydrothorax occurs in the pleural region of the lungs, and hydrocele occurs in the scrotum. With allergic edema, water and electrolytes accumulate in the subcutaneous tissue. This type of edema also has its own name - anasarca. Sometimes it is difficult for a doctor to determine the real reason the appearance of swelling due to allergies, since the response immune system can cause more than 300 thousand different allergens.


The main symptom of allergic edema is determined by the very name of this negative manifestation - severe swelling of one or another part of the human body. The most common external or internal irritants that cause swelling are: for the eyelids - and food products; for lips - animal hair and medications; for the nasopharynx - perfume smell, car exhaust, cigarette smoke. Shortness of breath and chest tightness with allergic pulmonary edema most often develops after insect bites. The greatest danger to humans is angioedema - massive swelling of the subcutaneous tissue, mucous membranes and skin, which can be fatal.

How to get rid of allergic edema?

First of all, in order to eliminate swelling due to allergies, it is necessary to eliminate contact with irritating factor– allergen. To relieve pronounced symptoms, injections of antihistamines are given - Suprastin or Diphenhydramine. Conducted in parallel hormone therapy using glucocorticoids Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, or Dexamethasone. For Quincke's edema, a 0.1% solution of Adrenaline is administered subcutaneously. Desensitizing antiallergic drugs are also actively used: Telfast, Zyrtec, Claritin. To get rid of allergic swelling of the nasal mucosa, nasal vasoconstrictor aerosols (sprays) Tetrizoline, Naphazoline, Indanazoline and others are used.

Folk remedies

For moderately severe allergic edema, especially when there is no medicines, do not forget about time-tested recipes traditional medicine. In particular, for swelling of the face, lotions based on a solution have proven themselves to be effective. boric acid. First you need to take a sterile swab and apply spoiled milk or kefir, clean the skin and rinse it clean water. Then dilute a teaspoon of boric acid powder in a glass of water and apply lotions to the swollen areas. Some allergy sufferers use decoctions to relieve swelling of allergic origin. medicinal herbspharmaceutical chamomile, sage, string.

Get rid of allergic swelling century can be done using chopped parsley added to strongly brewed black tea. The prepared mixture is applied to the area of ​​​​swelling of the eyelids, left for a quarter of an hour, then washed under running cool water.

Of course, with the help folk remedies negative reaction The immune system cannot be eliminated, but swelling can sometimes be reduced. It should be remembered that the most best recommendations Only an allergist can give advice on how to relieve swelling due to allergies. Be healthy!

Swelling due to allergies (Quincke's edema) is one of the most common reactions of the immune system to external irritants. The severity of this problem varies. Swelling can only cause aesthetic discomfort, especially if it occurs on the face or in open areas of the body. And there are cases when swelling due to allergies poses a serious danger to life and health. For example, swelling of the throat can block Airways and a person dies from this within a few minutes if he is not given help. Therefore, everyone should know how to treat swelling and provide emergency care.

It is quite difficult to completely get rid of allergies. Usually those who have this problem stop at symptomatic treatment or simply avoid situations that could aggravate allergies. The main cause of this disease is deep psycho-emotional shocks and changes, most often formed in childhood. Therefore, for a complete recovery you need to deal with your inner world, character, change lifestyle. Less commonly, allergies occur due to poor nutrition, dysfunction of organs, especially the large intestine and kidneys.

IN Everyday life The allergy does not manifest itself in any way until there is contact with an external irritant (allergen). The most common foods that cause an allergic reaction are:

Fish and seafood

Honey and bee products, including bee venom



Allergens in the air that can enter the respiratory tract also pose a danger. This can be pollen, dust, microorganisms and some chemicals.

Swelling due to allergies usually develops very quickly. Sometimes this takes several minutes. The first signs of an allergic reaction are: sore throat, itching different parts body, irritability. Typically, swelling occurs in those places that first come into contact with the irritant. This is why swelling very often occurs on the face and hands. The mucous membranes around the eyes, mouth, nose, and genitals are especially sensitive to allergens.

The most dangerous are swelling of the throat and genital area. When the throat swells, breathing becomes impaired and the person may die. Swelling of the genital organs can cause difficulty in the flow of urine and thereby harm the health of the kidneys.

What should you do when you or your loved ones have swelling due to allergies?

1) In severe cases that threaten life, it is necessary to immediately inject prednisolone and (or) adrenaline (epinephrine) intravenously or intramuscularly. Doses of prednisolone in this situation are usually quite high (5 ampoules of 30 mg each). Adrenaline is administered in a volume of 0.2-0.5 ml. 0.1% solution. Small doses this therapy can make it significantly less effective. With single use, hormones will not produce side effects. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid.

2) In case of an increase in acute respiratory failure Intubate or tracheotomy the patient immediately. Ideally, this should be done by a doctor. And only when the question is about life and death, and there is no doctor nearby, you can try to do it yourself.

3) In a normal situation, if your face, eyes, or limbs are swollen, it is enough to take an antihistamine. The most popular among them are: lordestin, erius, suprastin.

4) There is another “ folk recipe” from swelling due to allergies. It is often used by beekeepers. Take one or more validol tablets. Grind them into a paste and apply to the place where swelling should occur (for example, the area of ​​a bee sting).

5) If swelling persists for a long time, you can use any diuretic to reduce it.

If you are prone to allergies and swelling or are involved in beekeeping, be sure to have at least prednisolone and some kind of antihistamine with you. You can bookmark this article, perhaps it will save your life.

Allergic edema is the most dangerous manifestation of the body's acute response to an irritant. Most often they occur on the face and limbs. Swelling of the skin and mucous membranes may be accompanied by urticaria and other allergic skin manifestations. The condition of Quincke's edema is very dangerous; manifestations that arise from allergies affect not only skin, but they amaze subcutaneous tissue, internal organs and mucous membranes of the oropharynx and respiratory tract. If one side of the face is very swollen, this may be a sign developing edema Quincke.

The causes of allergic edema depend on the characteristics of the body. specific person, on the type and concentration of the allergen and the duration of its effect on the body.

Most often, swelling is accompanied by an allergy to:
  • Food;
  • medications;
  • insect bites;
  • plant pollen;
  • household chemicals, perfumes, cosmetics;
  • smoke, fumes, dust and mold.

Edema can occur quickly and quickly disappear, but it can persist for a long time and require certain measures to relieve it.

The risk group includes people who have genetic predisposition to allergies, as well as persons with chronic diseases internal organs. Moreover, residents of megacities more often suffer from allergies due to unfavorable environmental situation.

Types of edema and their symptoms

Allergic swelling of the face most often occurs due to food and drug allergies, insect bites, reactions to cosmetics and inhaled vapors chemical substances. Signs this state visible immediately: the face may swell evenly, or allergies provoke swelling of individual parts of the face: lips, eyes, nose.

In some cases, facial swelling due to food allergies and cosmetical tools, may be accompanied by hives and other types of skin rashes, redness, itching and peeling.

Quincke's edema affects not only the skin, but also the subcutaneous tissue, and leads to blood thickening. Exactly this dangerous manifestation allergies. This type an allergic reaction is not always accompanied skin manifestations. The swelling has a dense structure, does not hurt or itch. However, the person’s general condition deteriorates significantly (shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, falls blood pressure). Allergic tumors can affect certain parts of the face, internal organs and respiratory tract.

Allergic swelling of the eyes can develop rapidly or over several hours.

  • cosmetics and household chemicals;
  • food products - eggs, milk, fish, chocolate;
  • plant pollen;
  • insect bites.

Allergic swelling of the eyelids is very severe and most often affects one side of the face - upper eyelid one of the eyes. The swelling is so severe that the person cannot open his eyes. In addition, allergic eye swelling may be accompanied by other symptoms: redness of the tissues eyeball, lacrimation, burning and pain, photophobia.

Eye swelling due to allergies can occur with a general deterioration of the condition and be combined with allergic rhinitis, cough, hives, swelling of lips, nose, throat.

Allergic swelling of the lips and mouth occurs most often with food and drug allergies. At the same time, the lips swell (usually one upper lip) And soft fabrics palate, swelling of the tongue often occurs. As accompanying symptoms may appear inflammatory diseases oral cavity and gums: stomatitis and gingivitis.

In addition, if the lip is very swollen, this may be the beginning of Quincke's edema, which can soon affect the respiratory system. Following the lips, the tissues of the throat, trachea, and nasopharynx may swell and lead to asphyxia.

Allergic laryngeal edema is very dangerous condition and is expressed the following symptoms:
  • redness of the mucous membranes and tonsils;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the larynx;
  • cough, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing;
  • sore throat, difficulty breathing.

The main causes of allergic swelling of the throat and larynx are the following:

  • allergies to food and drugs;
  • contact of chemical particles with mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • insect bites.

Swelling of the larynx due to allergies can have unpredictable consequences, so help should be provided to the patient immediately.

Allergic swelling of the nasopharynx occurs when inhaling smoke, chemical vapors, and is also an acute reaction of the body to odors and plant pollen.

Manifestations of pathology are as follows:
  • allergic swelling of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa;
  • runny nose, sneezing, itching in the bridge of the nose;
  • lacrimation, swelling under the eyes, burning sensation;
  • sore throat, difficulty breathing.

Allergic swelling of the nose is accompanied by congestion of the nasal passages and headaches.

Extremely dangerous is allergic pulmonary edema, which often occurs under the influence of poison from insect bites.

How to treat?

What to do and how to relieve allergic swelling? It is sometimes simply impossible to determine the allergen that caused such an acute reaction of the body. In some cases, 3-4 hours after the onset, the swelling subsides on its own, but some of them go away only after medical intervention, and then over time.
How to relieve allergic swelling on the face, because this problem In addition to physical discomfort, it also brings aesthetic inconvenience.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, but if the condition is not critical, then before going to the clinic, at home you can remove the swelling at least partially:
  1. If your face is swollen, a mask made from fermented milk products(sour cream, kefir).
  2. Swelling from the face is well relieved by a compress of freshly brewed black or green tea, as well as ice from it.
  3. If your lips are swollen, the swelling is effectively removed by cold.

How to quickly remove allergic swelling from the eyes? In this case it will help fresh cucumber, cooled circles of which are applied to the swollen eyelid.

Symptoms and treatment of allergic edema depend on the type of allergen, so it should be mandatory undergo diagnostics and identify the cause of the allergy. An experienced allergist will advise how to relieve symptoms and how to treat the disease. The doctor will prescribe a diet and medications, and will also teach you what needs to be done as a result. emergency care in case of swelling of the lungs, nasopharynx and throat with allergies and other respiratory organs.

Among medications that relieve swelling, the doctor can choose the most effective ointments, drops, sprays and other external agents.

Allergic edema is dangerous due to its unpredictability, rapidity of manifestation and rapidity of development. Therefore, when the first warning signs, you should immediately contact medical care. Persons who know about their predisposition to edema or about this problem in relatives should be able to provide first aid before the ambulance arrives.

Allergic swelling of the face is a complex condition that requires urgent qualified assistance. This symptom is an immediate reaction of the body to an allergen, as a result of which the permeability of the walls of blood vessels increases, fluid accumulates in the tissues, which causes swelling. Treatment of allergic swelling of the face should be immediate, as in the absence necessary measures the condition is rapidly deteriorating. As dangerous complications: Quincke's edema, development of anaphylactic shock with fatal. If your face becomes swollen, emergency measures can be taken first aid, but the appearance of such a symptom requires compulsory treatment see a specialist to prescribe therapy.

Causes of facial swelling due to allergies

If your face is swollen due to allergies, then this is a clear signal of what is happening in the body. pathological processes. Edema is the result of an immediate reaction to an allergen, in which fluid accumulates in the tissues, disrupts water metabolism and increases permeability vascular walls. There are several reasons for this phenomenon, most often it is an allergy to food, medications, cosmetics or pollen. The first signs can easily be confused with causes of facial swelling such as cardiovascular, renal, and liver problems. But, unlike such edema, with allergies the entire face is affected, the tongue swells, and veins begin to protrude.

Why does my face swell? The main provoking factors are:

  • local anesthetics, antibiotics (this reaction is most often observed during dental treatment);
  • penicillin, cephalosporins;
  • some vaccines and serums used for specific therapy (anti-snake serums, medications for the treatment acute poisoning, infections, DPT vaccine);
  • bites of spiders, insects (most often the reaction is observed with the bites of bees, wasps);
  • facilities household chemicals, especially volatile washing powders;
  • food products (the list is quite large, but most often these are bee products, nuts, almost everything, chicken protein);
  • sudden change in climate zone;
  • plant pollen, flowering period, ;
  • dust mites, pets (this applies not only to dogs and cats, but also to birds);
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics, low quality cosmetics.

Facial swelling due to allergies can develop at any age, but usually similar phenomenon observed in children and adolescents. The most common allergens are food, medications, fluff and animal hair. In infants, a reaction may develop during use.

Symptoms and mechanism of edema development

With allergies, the face begins to swell very quickly, usually there is no external signs the onset of the reaction, which does similar condition extremely dangerous. Deterioration also occurs rapidly, literally before our eyes; if no measures are taken, anaphylactic shock is possible, often leading to death.

It is very important not to confuse allergic swelling with symptoms of other diseases. The following symptoms are typical for allergies:

  • the onset is rapid, swelling affects the entire face and the condition worsens literally before our eyes;
  • at the moment of the reaction, the patient feels a strong wave of heat, as if exposed to strong sun for a long time;
  • clinical manifestations increase very quickly, affecting the skin, subcutaneous fat, and mucous membranes;
  • All tissues are involved in the process, but it is not uncommon for a situation in which the reaction involves only oral cavity with severe swelling of the tongue - the patient cannot speak, close his mouth, or breathe normally.

In particular difficult cases The following symptoms may be observed:

  • shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air and other signs of damage to the bronchopulmonary tree appear;
  • the membranes of the brain are involved in the process;
  • extremely complex and dangerous defeats systemic blood flow, accompanied anaphylactic shock, collapse.

To relieve allergic swelling, you should understand the process of development of this symptom. In the first moments of penetration of the allergen, the synthesis of antibodies begins, that is, special protein compounds that can fight the irritant. If repeated contact is observed, the allergen combines with antibodies, and the immediate synthesis of biologically active substances begins active substances. They cause an increase in the permeability of the tissues of the eyes and face, causing a biochemical process such as edema.

First aid

What to do when the first signs of swelling appear? To alleviate the condition and eliminate dangerous complications, it is necessary to immediately take first aid measures:

  • Contact with the allergen should be stopped immediately if the irritant is known;
  • Next, you need to immediately take any antiallergic drug, including the most effective ones, such as Tavegil (many of them cause drowsiness, this must be taken into account by everyone who is driving or driving professional activity requires increased attention);
  • the patient must be reassured;
  • even if the swelling begins to subside, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Attention! In case of allergic edema, all actions should be as quick and clear as possible. The life of the victim depends on it.

Health care

Allergic swelling can be professionally removed only in the emergency department or in specialized center. For this, the use of the following medications is recommended:

  • sorbents for removing allergens and toxins from the body (usually Enterosgel is prescribed);
  • the administration of glucocorticosteroids (or) is prescribed, which allows you to quickly suppress the pathological process;
  • to reduce swelling, diuretics are prescribed (usually Mannitol, Lasix);
  • For effective fight with a reaction, antihistamines are prescribed fast action and first generation (Tavegil, Pipolfen, Diphenhydramine).

After the swelling has been removed, further treatment will be prescribed, which can last up to 10-14 days, depending on general condition patient. Usually this is a course of Fexofenadine or Cetirizine, various preventive measures, including avoidance of contact with the allergen, for example, one should not be exposed to the sun or the street during the flowering period of plants. Therapy is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, which includes the following steps:

  • first you need to determine the type of irritant in order to completely eliminate contact with it;
  • collection of tests, determination of sensitivity to a number of drugs;
  • a course of vitamin therapy;
  • regular examination by a supervising specialist (for particularly complex conditions, treatment is carried out only in a hospital);
  • use to support the body at home (only with a doctor’s permission).

How to relieve swelling at home? Usually this herbal infusions to remove fluid from the body, use decoctions of burdock or dandelion roots. But before taking it, you must definitely consult with a supervising specialist so as not to worsen the condition.

Swelling of the face due to allergies is quite dangerous phenomenon, requiring immediate first aid measures and further qualified treatment. You cannot let the situation get worse, as in the future this can lead to serious deterioration in your general health and the development of dangerous complications such as anaphylactic shock.