The most significant food allergens are. What foods are allergens

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Any food product, excluding salt and sugar, can cause an allergic reaction in a person. There is no stable risk rating for such products, as it will differ for people of different races, nationalities, regions of residence, and for each individual person. But, according to statistics, it is possible to single out the most frequent and dangerous "provocateurs" of allergic reactions. Introducing the most allergenic products in the TOP-10 ranking.

Spices quite often cause an allergic reaction, and mustard is no exception to the rule. Since this food product, unlike overseas spices, is available to a wide audience, there are more people suffering from an allergy to mustard than we might imagine. A pathogenic reaction to the product may manifest itself in the form of a rash, redness, itching, nausea or vomiting, increased lacrimation, coughing, sneezing, swelling of the tongue, larynx, palate and lips. In severe cases, bronchospasm is possible.

If mustard is yours worst enemy, should be carefully avoided. The problem of mustard allergy is that this food product is included not only in certain dishes, but also in ordinary mustard plasters. When, against the background of a disease, the fault for a runny nose is attributed to viruses, you can miss the presence of an allergy to mustard powder and provoke a severe allergic reaction.

One of the most common causes allergies is the use of exotic citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, lemons, pomelo, grapefruits. This is due to the lack required amount enzymes for the body to assimilate overseas products. An allergen is a protein compound with high antigenic activity. The immune system is also hostile to the chemicals that fruits are treated with to extend their shelf life and preserve their presentation.

Very often, citrus fruits become a strong allergen due to the development of mold and fungus on fruits during improper storage. An additional factor in the pathogenic reaction can be genetic predisposition to allergies, immunodeficiency, problems in the work of the stomach.

Whatever the cause, citrus allergy causes irritation gastrointestinal tract, rashes, swelling and itching, lacrimation, rhinitis, and with severe forms- Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock.

Chocolate is a multi-component product, therefore it can cause backlash to one or more allergen components. Cocoa, which contains only 10-15% of the allergenic protein, is the least common cause of a pathogenic reaction. And most often - milk, which is one of the strongest allergens in existence. Other hazardous ingredients in chocolate bars and desserts include nuts, soy and wheat. Although these are not the most common components of chocolate, it is still worth carefully reading the composition of the delicacy before eating. Allergic reactions to chocolate can be quite severe.

Wheat and Wheat flour cause allergic reactions due to great content gluten and omega-5 gliadin. Gluten is a complex protein that causes people allergic to it to permanently eliminate wheat from their diet. In people with similar problems often there is a pathogenic reaction to oats, rye and barley, which also contain this type of protein.

Pathogenic reaction can be manifested by urticaria, vomiting, rash, edema, and occasionally anaphylaxis. The threat from wheat can be dangerous enough to be fatal.

If you are allergic to wheat, not only bakery products, pancakes and pancakes, but also some types confectionery, cereals, pasta and varieties of ice cream. Wheat is sometimes contained in cosmetic products.

Mollusks and crustaceans cause pathological reactions due to the high content of the tropomyosin protein, which is perceived by the human immune system as a foreign element. Another allergen is chitin, which is present in the body of the inhabitants. sea ​​depths having a shell. Some shellfish tend to accumulate in high doses pathogenic microorganisms transmitted to a person who has eaten seafood. Symptoms of the body's reaction to a pathogenic product are similar to any other types of food allergies.

Allergies to shellfish and crustaceans can appear at any age and remain for life. Shrimps, crabs, crayfish, lobsters, lobsters, lobsters, mussels, scallops and oysters can cause pathogenic reactions. Less common negative perception of octopuses and squid.

Soy allergy is quite common in children under three years of age who have been given soy milk due to an intolerance to cow's milk. A protein that contains soybeans or soy products such as soy milk and soy sauce provokes a pathogenic reaction. In addition, soy contains many food products so read the labels carefully.

This food allergen causes anaphylaxis extremely rarely, but itching, tingling in the mouth, runny nose, rash or shortness of breath are guaranteed. Get rid of discomfort You can only completely abandon soy. Here, however, it is worth being vigilant, since soy is widely used in fast food establishments, industrial production, pharmacology.

Allergy to fish begins to develop in humans in adulthood and usually doesn't work. Most often, the reaction is observed in 2% of the adult population to one or more species of fish.

The provocateur of a pathogenic reaction is parvalbumin, a calcium-binding protein contained in fish. Most of the parvalbumins are found in sea ​​fish, while river fish are practically safe. Sources of the most common allergens: tuna, chum salmon, pink salmon, elk, salmon and halibut. Unfortunately, heat treatment of fish will not help get rid of allergens. Occasionally, in patients, even the smell of the product (when cooking or frying) can cause burning eyes and difficulty breathing.

The main danger lies in the similarity of the symptoms of this type of allergy with the consequences of eating fish contaminated with bacteria, viruses and toxins. The consequences of a mistake can be serious or even fatal.

Favorite by many, milk is one of the most hazardous products for allergy sufferers. This is due to the presence in its composition of casein, alpha-lactabumin, lipoproteins and beta-lactoglobulin, perceived by the body as foreign, and causing a response of the immune system. Casein and globulins that are unstable to heat and lactic acid bacteria can be eliminated from milk by exposing it to heat treatment.

The most allergenic is the whole cow's milk o and products containing it: cheese, butter, yogurt, margarine, ice cream, etc. Read food ingredient lists carefully, as milk is found in a variety of canned foods, meats, and cosmetics.

Having appeared in a child in the first year of life, an allergy to milk may eventually disappear or remain for life. Do not confuse an allergic reaction with lactose intolerance, which is part of a food product and is a consequence of a metabolic disorder.

Eggs are an indispensable source of protein and one of the most aggressive allergens. At the same time, protein and yolk cause different reactions: proteins are more allergenic and 50% more active. The protein contains ovomucoid, conalbumin and ovalbumin, which are perceived by the human body as a threat and cause resistance of the immune system. It is unsafe to eat not only chicken eggs, but also goose, quail and many exotic species. Heat treatment product does not give a 100% guarantee of its safety.

Allergic reactions to eggs start at an early age, but fortunately, half of children outgrow them by the age of 16.

This type of allergy is exacerbated by the fact that eggs are found in a variety of foods, from mayonnaise to most baked goods, and in many flu, typhoid and fever vaccines.

Peanuts are the undisputed leader among food allergens. This is the most dangerous of all allergic reactions to a food product, since anaphylactic shock can be caused not only by the peanut itself, but also by peanut dust particles. Statistics show that the peanut is the cause lethal outcome in 90% adverse reactions to protein allergens in food. Even the most minimal amount peanut causes the strongest instant reaction, which, with untimely assistance, ends fatally.

Once a peanut allergy occurs, it can get worse over the years and even spread to other types of nuts. The number of allergy sufferers of this product is steadily growing from year to year. You should carefully read the composition of foods that may contain peanuts, as well as cosmetics and fragrances.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the above information is not an axiom. These are just the top foods that most often cause allergies, according to statistics. After all, even the most low-allergenic foods can cause a pathogenic reaction.

Becomes an increasingly common disease. Probably, many factors are to blame for this - the deterioration of the environment, and the change in food production technology, and the use of too many drugs and all kinds of chemicals. Allergies are genetically transmitted. This means that there will be more and more people with allergies.

Food is one of the most common allergens. Some of them are particularly allergenic, and are dangerous for children and adults prone to allergies.

List of the most allergenic foods

It should be clear right away: allergies and food intolerances are not the same thing. Intolerance is associated with the lack of enzymes necessary for the absorption of a particular substance, their lack, or with a change in the enzyme structure. Allergy it develops when the body perceives safe substances as hostile and begins to fight them. The most common lactose intolerance to dairy products and gluten, which is part of the grain. A real allergy to milk and grains also occurs. Only a specialist can figure out what exactly is happening with your body.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that the information below is not an axiom, but only statistical data on what foods cause allergies more often than others. Inappropriate reaction can occasionally cause even the most low-allergenic products.

  • Fish and fish caviar, black and red. Seafood is also included in this list.
  • Meat. The most allergenic variety is beef, chicken, goose, the least allergenic is lamb and turkey meat.
  • Chicken eggs, especially protein.
  • Cow's milk and products from it. Dairy products are less allergenic than whole or condensed milk.
  • Grain: wheat and flour, buckwheat, oatmeal, the least allergens are rice and pearl barley.
  • Yeast and all products containing it.
  • Chocolate and cocoa.
  • Nuts, especially peanuts. Strictly speaking, peanuts are legumes, so peanut allergy may lead to an expansion of the list due to peas, beans, soybeans, lentils.
  • Vegetables: beets, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, horseradish.
  • Berries and fruits: strawberries and wild strawberries are in the lead, citruses are almost not far behind them, led by lemon. The list also found a place for raspberries and black currants, sea buckthorn, cherries, grapes, figs. In general, allergies are often caused by exotic fruits that do not grow in the region where the allergic person lives.

It is noticed that sugar and alcohol increase the likelihood of allergies. If you limit the consumption of carbohydrates and alcohol, then allergies develop much less frequently.

The likelihood of a reaction also depends on the amount of product consumed. A heel of strawberries may not give a reaction, and if you eat 2 kg at once, then an allergy will appear even in a healthy person.

In addition, sometimes allergies are caused by unwanted food components:

  • antibiotics and hormones fed to cows or chickens;
  • chemicals used to treat plants from pests;
  • spices, preservatives, dyes and others chemical substances included in the composition;
  • mold hiding in the product.

It must be remembered that during an allergy attack, the body comes into full combat readiness and can respond with an allergic reaction to almost any product, even if the same product did not previously cause any particular reaction. Therefore, during an exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to adhere to hypoallergenic diet and do not introduce new products into the diet, especially immediately in in large numbers.

Allergy symptoms range from mild eye irritation and nasal congestion to severe conditions with widespread edema and respiratory failure. They can be aggravated by contact with any irritant and allergenic substance. Nevertheless, there are a number of activities that help prevent and stop seizures.

Main allergens

The most common triggers include pollen, house dust mites, mold, animal dander, insect bites, latex, and certain foods and medications. Allergy symptoms range from mild eye irritation and nasal congestion to severe conditions with widespread swelling and breathing problems.

If you are suffering bronchial asthma, then the symptoms of the disease may be aggravated by contact with any irritating and allergenic substance. And, nevertheless, there are a number of activities that help prevent and stop allergy attacks.

Allergy to pollen

Exposure to pollen can cause hay fever, or seasonal allergic rhinitis. Symptoms include sneezing, nasal congestion, copious discharge from the nasal cavity and lacrimation. Treatment consists of taking antihistamine antiallergic drugs in the form of tablets or instillation into nasal cavity special drops based on decongestant or hormonal drugs.

Sometimes combined therapy is used: tablets and drops. Immunotherapy is also a treatment option, that is, the introduction of an allergen into the body for therapeutic purposes.


  • Use of air conditioners
  • Staying indoors on windy days or high concentrations of pollen in the air
  • closed windows
  • Drying clothes at home during the flowering period of plants that cause allergies

Allergy to house dust mites

House dust mites are microscopic insects that live in ordinary dust. Allergies do not occur on the mites themselves, but on their feces. Symptoms are similar to seasonal rhinitis, but often accompany a person all year round. Treatment: antihistamines and decongestants, which are prescribed either in tablets or in the form of nasal sprays.


  • Mattress and pillow covers that need to be washed regularly in hot water
  • Hypoallergenic pillows and bedding
  • Maintaining adequate air humidity at 30-35%
  • Regular wet cleaning
  • It is advisable to get rid of things that accumulate dust: carpets, rugs, heavy curtains

mold allergy

To prevent mold allergy, activities such as picking up fallen leaves should be avoided. Places of the greatest humidity in the house should be well ventilated. Look for water leaks and make repairs. Try not to get carried away with houseplants, because fungi live and multiply perfectly in their soil.

Allergy to pet dander

Some people are allergic to proteins that are produced sebaceous glands animals, as well as their saliva. It sometimes takes several years for a full-fledged allergic reaction to develop, and its symptoms may persist for several months after contact with the animal has ceased. Allergy symptoms include: sneezing, nasal congestion, itchy eyes, and watery eyes. The best treatment is the absence of exposure to animal proteins in the body. Antihistamines, decongestants and hormones are also used. At chronic course allergies, immunotherapy is used.


  • Removal of an animal from the home or at least, from the bedroom
  • Regular wet cleaning and weekly bathing of the animal
  • Get rid of carpets and rugs and do not allow animals to sleep or play on sofas and armchairs

Allergy to insect stings

Any person at the site of an insect bite experiences swelling, redness and pain. However, in the presence of allergies, the situation can be life threatening. What insects are especially dangerous? These are bees, wasps, hornets, ants. Symptoms of an allergy to insect stings: pronounced swelling, redness and strong pain, which often persist for up to several days, nausea, weakness and slight increase temperature.

In rare cases, severe allergic reaction on the part of the whole body - anaphylactic shock. Its symptoms include difficulty breathing, widespread urticaria, swelling of the face, lips, or larynx, difficulty swallowing, wheezing, palpitations, tachycardia, anxiety, rapid and sharp drop blood pressure. If a person is known to be severely allergic to insect stings, a drug called epinephrine (or adrenaline) should be administered immediately after the incident. This will minimize the danger to life.

To reduce the risk of insect attacks, don't wear bright clothes, don't wear eye-catching makeup, and avoid places where debris accumulates. Use insecticides and always wear shoes outside. When bitten, remove the stinger immediately. If there is a risk of anaphylaxis, epinephrine should be administered. To reduce allergy symptoms, apply ice to the bite, take a pain reliever, and take an antihistamine. Sometimes corticosteroid hormones are used to relieve swelling and inflammation.

Immunotherapy is suitable for some people with insect allergies.

latex allergy

Most often, this form of allergy occurs when using latex gloves. However, it is often noted on condoms and some medical devices. Symptoms of a latex allergy: rash and itching of the skin (especially at the site of contact with a latex product), tearing and itching of the eyes, sneezing, coughing, nasal discharge, shortness of breath and wheezing. The severity of the symptoms can be different: from slight reddening of the skin to anaphylactic shock.

For treatment, contact with the latex product must first be eliminated. You should take an antihistamine or get an injection of adrenaline (epinephrine). It is important to wear a special bracelet indicating the type of allergy and do not forget the first aid kit at home with medicines for emergency care. For prevention, avoid exposure to latex.

food allergy

The most common foods that cause allergies are milk, fish and seafood, eggs, nuts and wheat. An allergic reaction usually occurs within minutes of ingestion of the causally significant food. Its symptoms, which can be quite severe, include nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, rash, and swelling of the skin around the mouth.

Most the best treatment- do not expose yourself to irritating products that are allergens. However, if a reaction does occur, lavage the stomach and take antihistamine. In life-threatening situations, an injection of epinephrine or hormones is required.

drug allergy

Some people are allergic to certain medications, such as antibiotics or aspirin. Symptoms range from mild to life-threatening and include skin rash, cough, swelling oral cavity and larynx, itchy eyes. The best treatment is not to expose yourself to allergens, that is, drugs that make you allergic. When a reaction occurs, antihistamines, hormones or epinephrine. When narrowing respiratory tract and cough, drugs that dilate the bronchi (bronchodilators) are used.

Allergy is a very unpleasant and little-studied disease that affects, according to various estimates, from 20% to 40% of the adult population of the planet. The most common type of this disease is food allergy.

Allergic reactions to food are usually observed with early age. In this case, over time, a person forms a list of foods that cannot be eaten. But it happens that an adult suddenly begins to notice incomprehensible and unpleasant reactions of the body. What is it and how to deal with it?

Food products of plant or animal origin contain a large amount of foreign to human body proteins. If the human immune system is normal, metabolic processes not broken and no genetic diseases associated with protein intolerance, then our body secretes enough enzymes capable of digesting these foreign proteins.

Products, allergic- this is a whole list of familiar and favorite foods that you will have to give up if you notice unusual reactions to their consumption.

Adults are often allergic to those foods that did not cause concern in childhood.

The mechanism of triggering allergic reactions is not fully understood. Therefore, there is no cure that can affect the cause itself. But there is a mass medicines that relieve symptoms.

All food products are conventionally divided into three types according to the degree of allergenicity: high, medium and low.

Products with a high degree of allergenicity:

  • whole milk (cow, goat, sheep);
  • freshwater fish and all dishes from it;
  • seafood and caviar;
  • chicken eggs;
  • cereals (wheat, rye, barley);
  • citrus fruits, exotic fruits, persimmon, melon;
  • tomatoes, bell peppers (red and yellow), carrots and celery;
  • chocolate, cocoa and all its derivatives, coffee;
  • nuts;
  • mushrooms;

Whole milk can cause allergies in both children and adults. Dairy intolerance, in particular lactose, and milk allergy are two different things.

Allergy can cause only one type of milk, such as cow's. But in most cases, goat's milk has this ability. The protein that is in this milk is somewhat different from the proteins in other types of milk. Goat milk It is not recommended to give to children under one year old, as it frequent use can cause anemia.

The resources of the human body are not unlimited. Over time, they dry out. The quality and quantity of enzymes capable of digesting food changes. Adults, especially those over the age of 60, lose the enzymes that break down lactose. Therefore, they are not recommended to eat whole milk. It is better to cook porridge with half boiled milk. The exception is dairy products.

People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular colitis, are not recommended to eat whole milk and dishes prepared from this product. With this disease, there is almost complete absence enzymes that digest lactose. If we take into account the frequent dysbacteriosis that accompanies colitis, fermented milk products will be the best way out, because they contain lactobacilli, which are natural bacteria in the human body and help the digestive process.

Fish is a fairly strong allergen, the impact of which can even lead to anaphylactic shock. River fish less allergen than marine.

Eggs, combined with chicken meat and broth, cause quite severe attacks allergies. This feature is distinguished by protein. Yolk chicken egg cause less allergic reactions. Therefore, it is the yolk that is introduced into complementary foods for babies, starting with a very small amount. Quail eggs hypoallergenic.

Products with an average degree of allergenicity:

  • beef meat, veal, chicken meat and broths from it;
  • cereals (oats, rice, buckwheat);
  • legumes;
  • root vegetables (potatoes, turnips, beets);
  • nectarine, peaches, apricots;
  • wild berries (, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries);
  • , cherry and blackcurrant.

In meat, during any heat treatment, the protein is modified and is well broken down by gastrointestinal enzymes. The exception is meat fried in a large amount of fat.

Berries that have a coloring pigment can cause allergies in both children and adults. But with heat treatment (comotes, jams, jelly and other dishes), their tendency to cause allergies decreases.

When eating root vegetables and legumes, you should take into account the peculiarities of your digestion, as these foods can cause flatulence.

Products with a low degree of allergenicity:

  • dairy products with low content fat;
  • lean pork and lamb, rabbit and turkey meat;
  • cereals (barley, millet, corn, oatmeal);
  • cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli, white cabbage);
  • cucumbers and zucchini;
  • parsley, dill, cumin;
  • white currant and cherry;
  • yellow varieties of plums and cherries;
  • apples and pears of white and green varieties.

Eating these foods can cause allergies only in rare cases, and mostly in adults. It is these products that are recommended first of all to be introduced as complementary foods for babies up to a year old.

If you buy ready-made products in the store, pay attention to their composition. Dyes, preservatives, emulsifiers and flavors can cause allergies, even if they are already familiar and not causing a reaction products.

Dairy products and meats may be processed with chemicals or medicines to extend the shelf life. These can be antibiotics, sulfonamides, formaldehydes. They will be strong allergens and will cause an immediate reaction even in an adult, not to mention children.

Vegetables, fruits, and grains may contain residual pesticides, fertilizers, and chemicals that have been treated to extend their shelf life.

Pay attention to the container in which the product is enclosed. After all, substances that can cause allergies can also get into food from it. Also look at the expiration date and storage conditions. If they do not comply with the established rules, decay products or molds may appear in them. These are also powerful allergens that can cause severe poisoning and lead to anaphylactic shock.

How to recognize food allergies. If you notice that your body somehow began to react in a special way to seemingly familiar things, try to establish the reason for such strange behavior your body.

You may be disturbed by organs completely independent of digestion. But food allergies are insidious in that they can masquerade as other problems, the treatment of which will not bring any relief.

Food allergy symptoms:

  • on the part of the skin: rash, itching, redness, swelling, the formation of small bubbles with liquid;
  • from the respiratory side: runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, bronchospasm, asthma attacks;
  • from the side of vision: lacrimation, conjunctivitis, severe itching, swelling;
  • on the part of digestion: abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, change in taste sensations;
  • from the side nervous system: dizziness, loss of orientation, confusion, loss of consciousness.

If you find yourself with the above symptoms, analyze what foods you ate. These may be familiar foods, but which you have not eaten for a long time.

If you have accurately found out the cause of your ailments, then you should simply eliminate the allergen product from your diet and the symptoms will go away.

But it often happens that several foods cause allergies at once. Then the best way out is to keep a food diary. In it, you will daily record what exactly you ate and the reaction of the body to the food eaten. Thus, it is possible to accurately determine the cause of the ailment.

There are foods that give an immediate, almost instantaneous, allergic reaction. Then it is very easy to identify them. But there are products that give a distant allergic reaction. That is, you can feel allergy symptoms even a few days after eating such a product. Therein lies the difficulty.

Allergies, food in particular, are very insidious disease which needs to be taken seriously. After all, you can get not just lacrimation, rash and itching. The consequences are much more tragic. Foods that cause allergies can not only undermine health, but also take life.

If you notice an allergic reaction to any food, immediately eliminate it from your diet. The next step in your fight against an insidious disease should be a visit to an allergist. It is the specialist who will be able to determine the cause of such reactions and prescribe adequate treatment. Follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor. Only then can you keep your body under control and avoid the sad manifestations of food allergies.

What is an allergy? Allergy is hypersensitivity to some completely ordinary and harmless substance. Allergens can cause cough, runny nose, rash and other unpleasant symptoms without which life would be easier. In extreme cases, allergies can be life-threatening.

  • - one of the heaviest and strongest food allergens. An allergy occurs when the body reacts negatively to contact with nuts. The immune system produces substances that cause allergy symptoms in order to overcome the "harmful" protein contained in peanuts. The reaction can be varied - from mild and insignificant to severe. Peanut allergies can cause breathing problems. The most common symptoms are wheezing, cough, diarrhea, nausea, itching, and urticaria. In the most severe cases, peanut allergy can cause anaphylaxis. Peanuts - strong allergen for children, it is in them that it occurs most often. If you or your child has a peanut allergy, then all contact with the nut should be avoided.
  • - another strong allergen. Again, cow's milk allergy is most common in children, most commonly in boys. But adults are not immune from this allergy. The composition of cow's milk includes various protein molecules (about twenty in total), due to which allergies occur. In most cases, if a child suffered from an allergy to cow's milk in childhood, then in the future such an allergy disappears, and he can safely drink milk. In some cases, cow's milk allergy remains. The reason for this may be heredity or immune shifts. Allergy to cow's milk can manifest itself as bloating, constipation, abdominal pain and other troubles. Runny nose, shortness of breath, sneezing and so on are also possible. In the case of allergies in adults, the reactions can be more severe: suffocation, pressure drops ... This allergy is also dangerous because cow's milk is part of many popular products, and avoid random encounters difficult with him.

Cow's milk

  • Fish and seafood are other foods that cause severe allergies. In some people, only fish, or even specific types of fish, are intolerant, and some people have an allergic reaction to all seafood. And again, the cause of allergies lies in the protein molecules. The body does not perceive them as nutrients, but on the contrary, he believes that they are enemies. And the enemies should be destroyed, which he hurries to do. This allergy is also more common in children, but unlike others, it is less likely to go away with age. Allergy to fish and seafood is difficult to tolerate. As a rule, the manifestation of an allergy is accompanied by tingling in the mouth, nausea, and the appearance of a rash. Blisters can also often appear. Most dangerous symptom- anaphylactic shock, in which a person can lose consciousness or even die.

Main allergenic foods

Precautionary measures

All allergy sufferers should remember to take precautions. You should always check the composition of the food you eat as a precaution.

Also, you should not appear in places where allergens are located.

As a rule, the reaction can be caused not by the specific use of allergens, but also by the inhalation of microparticles of the product.

Do not forget that in your purse should always be stored necessary medicines prescribed by a doctor. Who knows what might happen.

And, of course, remember that even with very severe allergies You can live fully, the main thing is to follow all the necessary precautions.