Cream for ankle sprains for children. What are ligaments

When a person moves in space, the main part of the load falls on the legs, so they are often exposed to various injuries. Perhaps the most common of these injuries are sprains of various kinds. They are accompanied by severe pain, and in some cases completely limit the possibility of normal movement and become very swollen. Of course, if the injury is very serious, you should immediately seek help from a traumatologist. What should be done if an ankle sprain occurs, what is the treatment, what ointment is suitable for this?

Proper treatment of such an injury will help you avoid the development of various complications. However, it is difficult to do without doctor’s help, because only a doctor can determine the extent of damage to both ligaments and, possibly, joints. Medical consultation is especially important if pain and swelling does not go away even two weeks after the injury, or if the patient cannot step on his foot after this time period. You will also have to go to the emergency room if the pain in the joint is particularly intense, or if swelling has occurred in the area of ​​​​the bones that make up the ankle joint. A serious reason The presence of joint deformities that are noticeable to the eye is also considered a reason to visit a doctor.

Immediately after receiving an injury, it is necessary to apply a pressure bandage over the sore joint, as well as an ice compress. Never apply cold directly to the surface of the skin. Cooling will help eliminate swelling and give the affected area the rest it needs. The duration of the ice compress should be ten to fifteen minutes, after which you should take a break for half an hour. Once again, it must be emphasized that the ice is not applied to the skin, but to a towel or gauze located on the leg.

Cooling makes sense only if no more than a day has passed since the injury. After twenty-four hours, the affected area needs warmth. The ideal option would be a warm heating pad or bath. This effect will give a wonderful relaxing effect and also activate blood circulation processes, which will stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Further measures Treatments depend on how severe the injury was. If the swelling disappears quickly enough, then literally after a couple of days you should begin performing exercises to rotate and flex the joint. However, you need to stop immediately if this process causes unpleasant painful sensations. It is recommended to increase physical activity gradually, every day. At the same time, traumatologists say that small movements should be started as early as possible, immediately after pain and swelling disappear. This will help prevent the development of stiffness and prevent the formation of muscle atrophy.


Ointment formulations can be used for the first time after injury. They effectively eliminate increased swelling, have an analgesic effect, cope with inflammation and restore lost range of motion. Medicines of this type ensure rapid and effective penetration of active components through the skin, to deeper tissues, as well as to the capillary blood flow, which allows them to provide a targeted therapeutic effect.

Such drugs may have different basis– in the form of vegetable, animal or synthetic fats, for example, pork fat, petroleum jelly, glycerin, paraffin, ozokerite, etc. It is more convenient to divide them into groups depending on the active elements.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds

This group of medications is considered the most common when it comes to treating ligaments or even their rupture. Their active components block the production of inflammatory mediators, thereby eliminating increased swelling and pain. The most effective representatives of this group are ointment compositions called Voltaren, Indomethacin, Diclofenac and Ketoprofen.

Steroid medications

Such drugs contain adrenal hormones or their synthetic analogues. They effectively suppress inflammatory processes and reduce the permeability of vascular walls, which prevents swelling from developing. Ointments from this group contain active ingredients such as Hydrocortisone or Prednisolone. However, their use can only be carried out after consultation with a doctor, due to the presence of a number of contraindications and side effects.

Irritating warming ointments

Such drugs lead to the expansion of blood capillaries and activate local blood circulation processes. Thanks to this, resorption of the inflamed area occurs, as well as healing of damaged ligaments. Ointment compositions from this group are made on the basis of bee and snake venoms; they may also contain camphor, nicotinic acid and vegetable essential oils. They should be applied not immediately after the injury, but somewhere a day or more after the resulting sprain.

If you suffer a sprain, it is best to seek medical help. The specialist will assess the extent of the damage and select the most suitable best practices corrections.

Sprained ligaments are a common reason for visits to the doctor. Many people try to cope with the problem at home, which is strictly prohibited. Only a medical professional can assess the patient’s condition and diagnose one or another degree of ligament damage.

The pharmacological industry produces a lot of drugs designed to eliminate sprains, which have gained popularity among patients special ointments based on natural ingredients. Each medicinal product has its own characteristics, beneficial features, contraindications. Choose your ointment responsibly and listen to your doctor’s recommendations.

Possible causes and symptoms of sprains

Stretching the muscles leads to pain and swelling may occur. Unpleasant sensations accompany the patient only the next day after the unpleasant incident. Muscle strains are not particularly dangerous; problems in the ligaments (special fibers connecting muscles and bones) are another matter. Ligament sprain is fraught serious consequences, up to violation motor activity, further “laxness”.

Doctors identify several factors influencing the occurrence of pathology:

  • hard physical work;
  • regular exercise. The risk group includes professional athletes or people who perform incorrect exercises. physical exercise(beginners);
  • injuries and damage. Even microscopic sprains eventually lead to full sprains (in the absence of proper treatment);
  • a sudden stop while walking or running, an unsuccessful fall, wearing high heels (more than 5 centimeters).

The risk group includes patients with obesity, diseases of the musculoskeletal tissue, chronic illnesses associated with metabolic disorders.

Instructions for use of Diclak gel for treatment articular pathologies described on the page.

When a person sprains a ligament, the following clinical picture is observed:

  • edema and swelling;
  • presence of hematoma, bruising;
  • pain syndrome of varying severity (it all depends on the nature of the damage);
  • crackling, crunching when moving;
  • impaired mobility of a nearby joint.

With a complete rupture of the ligaments, one observes “laxity” and lack of control over one’s movements. IN mandatory contact a specialist, Cold compresses and analgesics will help relieve the pain before the doctors arrive.

Pros of using ointments

In addition to taking oral medications, physical therapy, therapeutic exercises and compresses, ointments have earned enormous popularity among patients. Why do such products show excellent results? The inflammatory process started after ligament rupture disrupts blood microcirculation, which reduces nutrition ligamentous apparatus. The pathological process slows down the regeneration of human tissues.

Various ointments can cope with inflammation, eliminate pain and other symptoms of sprains. They act in the hearth pathological process, improve blood microcirculation, accelerate the healing process. The active components of the product penetrate the capillary bed, ensuring their delivery to the affected area.

Ointments have the necessary effect only in the right place, without affecting human organs and systems, which reduces the risk of side effects to a minimum. If the active components of the product enter the blood, the substances are quickly eliminated by the urinary system.

Healing ointments perform several basic tasks necessary to eliminate sprains:

  • relieve pain;
  • eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • cope with swelling and redness of the skin;
  • restore joint mobility to the proper level;
  • trigger regenerative processes in the patient’s tissues.

The totality of the effects produced leads to a quick positive result and the absence of complications.

Types of ointments and product characteristics

The pharmacological industry produces a lot of products designed to eliminate sprains. There are several types, each aimed at solving certain problems when pathology occurs. There are four types of ointments:

  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • warming;
  • cooling.

Pay attention! The use of each type of medicinal product must be discussed with the attending physician. Self-use of medications may worsen the situation.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs

The mechanism of action of analgesic ointments is simple - the active components of the drugs inhibit nerve conduction, which interrupts the transmission of the nerve pain impulse to the brain. Such products are made on the basis of lidocaine, novocaine, anasthesin. Medicines are rarely used, only at the beginning of the onset of pathology.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have earned the greatest popularity. The active components of ointments of this group affect inflammatory mediators, which eliminates not only symptoms, but also the cause of discomfort. Medicinal products cope with swelling, redness of the skin, and trigger regenerative processes. NSAIDs include many medications; before using a specific product, carefully study the principles of using the medication and other features of use.


The ointment is classified as a new generation of sulfonamides and copes well with the task. The product is approved for use in severe cases of sprains, diseases musculoskeletal system(osteochondrosis, gout, rheumatism, bursitis and others).

Contraindications: It is strictly forbidden to use Diclofenac if you are hypersensitive to the active ingredients of the drug, while pregnant or breastfeeding. Cannot be applied to open wounds, burns, other damage to the skin. Use with caution in childhood over seven years of age, gastrointestinal diseases, of cardio-vascular system, serious problems with kidneys/liver.

Side effects: improper use, individual intolerance to the drug can lead to hives, itching, peeling of the skin, diarrhea, vomiting, and rapid heartbeat.

Usage: Rub into affected areas of the skin three times a day, gently massaging the epidermis. The course of treatment lasts no more than two weeks, the maximum permissible daily dose is 8 grams.

Cost of the product: one tube of Diclofenac costs approximately 90 rubles, a product with the same active ingredient Voltaren costs 150 rubles per package.


Ointments and gels based on this active substance have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and cope with pain. Medicines are used to treat sprains, muscles, pain relief for joint diseases in acute and chronic forms.

Contraindications: abrasions, eczema, weeping wounds. During pregnancy and lactation, it is allowed to use only with the approval of the attending physician.

Side effects: burning, itching of the skin, peeling. With prolonged use, systemic disturbances may occur. internal organs and human systems.

Method of use: apply a wide strip of ointment to the affected area, rub in thoroughly, repeat therapeutic procedures three times a day. The course of therapy lasts from seven to twenty days. The cost of Ibuprofen is 30 rubles per package, similar medications with the same active ingredient: Nurofen gel (140 rubles), Dolgit (100–200 rubles).

Other ointments also belong to the NSAID group: Piroxicam (90 rubles), Finalgel (400 rubles), Nimulid (120 rubles), Nise (100 rubles), Fastum Gel (180 rubles), Ketonal (150 rubles).


Ointments with this effect do not reduce the temperature of the skin, but the patient feels cool at the site of application. Such medications have a mild analgesic effect and usually contain menthol, essential oils, and analgesics.

Note! All products with a cooling effect must not be rubbed in to avoid hypermia. Apply them in a thin layer to the epidermis and wait for absorption.

Menthol cooling ointments are intended for use immediately after injury; later, more use will be required. potent drugs, for example, ointments of the NSAID group.

Coolants include:

  • Troxevasin. The main active ingredient is troxerutin, it has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Troxevasin is used for sprains, venous insufficiency, severe bruises of soft tissues. Side effects are very rare; sometimes there is itching and rash at the site of use. Apply the product to the sore spot, tie a bandage on top;
  • Venoruton. The medicine is produced based on the natural angioprotector rutoside. The active component of the drug copes well with sprains, severe bruises. The medicinal product cools, relaxes muscles, and has a pronounced cooling effect. Side effects occur extremely rarely; the product must not be combined with warming ointments or thermal procedures. Apply Venoruton to the affected area and apply pressure on top with a bandage.

Gels are best absorbed, but the effectiveness is greater from the use of ointments and creams. The latter are thicker in consistency and retain their effectiveness longer.

Go to the address and see a list of drugs for the treatment of spinal osteoporosis.

Warming medications

Medicines of this group are used during the rehabilitation period, only a few days after receiving a sprain. Warming medicines in most cases include natural ingredients: snake venom, extracts of mustard, pepper, camphor, nicotinic acid. All substances have the ability to dilate blood vessels, trigger local blood circulation, and have a beneficial effect on the healing of microdamages, cracks and hematomas.

This group includes:

  • Nicoflex. The main active ingredients are: lavender oil, pepper extract. The medication is used for sprains and bruises. Sometimes it occurs allergic reaction on the active components of the product. The drug is prohibited for use on skin areas with abrasions, scratches, eczema, pregnant women and children under 12 years of age. Rub the ointment into the required area skin, cover with polyethylene (this will enhance the effectiveness of the medication);
  • Apizartron. Includes mustard and other oils, bee venom, the product starts metabolism, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and ligaments. The product quickly copes with the task, relieves pain, and is used for radiculitis, bursitis, and complete sprains. Apply the product to the affected area, wrap in a warm scarf, and leave overnight.

A wide selection of ointments against sprains can confuse an inexperienced person. But now you know what products to use and how to apply them correctly. Follow the instructions and take care of your health.

The following video contains a recipe for a homemade ointment to treat sprains:

Muscle and tendon strains are the most common injuries. The ligaments most often affected are the ankle, elbow, knee and wrist joints. When they are stretched, individual fibers break.

Causes leading to injuries and their degree

The ligaments are a strong array connective tissue, strengthening the joint. When heavy loads, sharp jerks or tensions, or slipping or falling exceed the elastic capabilities of the tissue, injury occurs, which is called muscle strain.

At the moment of stretching, partial or complete rupture of muscles and tendons is observed. A significant number of these injuries occur in the ankle area. This is explained by the fact that it is the ankle that bears the heaviest load.

Such manifestations are not uncommon for athletes. In addition, you can get such an injury when wearing high-heeled shoes or walking on uneven surfaces.

Note! Sprains are often accompanied by a dislocation in the leg or arm. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, the ligaments lose their elasticity and, under significant stress, tear.

Sprains of ligaments and joint muscles may have varying degrees difficulties. Depending on the severity of the injury, different manifestations can be observed. Three degrees of stretching will be discussed here.

At mild degree the patient feels discomfort in the damaged area, and pain appears only during physical activity. External symptoms or absent altogether, or slight swelling is observed. Moderate injuries consist of partial rupture of tendons and muscles of the joints. Appear painful sensations of a permanent nature, swelling is noticeable at the site of the tear. Much less often, the temperature of the skin increases in the injured area and a hematoma is observed. A severe degree of sprain is characterized by the same symptoms as a moderate one, only in this case they are more pronounced. Even the slightest movement in the damaged joint causes acute pain, and swelling is very noticeable. Such a sprain is most often accompanied by a dislocation and forces the patient to immediately consult an orthopedist.

First aid for sprains

To alleviate the condition of an injured person as much as possible and prevent the development of complications, the patient should be given first aid immediately after receiving a sprain.

If the ankle joint is injured, it is necessary to remove the patient's shoes and open access to the damaged area. If this is not done right away, severe swelling may make this difficult in the future. The joint must be fixed in a bent position. Applying something cold to the site of injury will reduce blood flow to the affected limb and reduce pain. If you complain of acute pain and pale skin, the victim must be urgently taken to the hospital.

To further treatment was effective, it is necessary to adhere to the basic recommendations.

Important! First of all, the painful joint should be relieved of the load as much as possible. It is recommended to immobilize the injured limb.

Do not take immediately after an injury. hot bath, this precaution will prevent overheating.

Rubbing and massage is prohibited - this can cause severe swelling. After the initial inspection and study x-rays the doctor can decide on treatment methods.

If there is a significant tear in the muscles or ligaments of the joint, surgery may be indicated. In other situations, treatment methods may be as follows:

Gel, cream and ointment for sprains, which contain dimexide. These drugs also contain anti-inflammatory components. Dimexide tablets for the treatment of inflammation during sprains. Physiotherapeutic procedures. Upon completion of treatment, the patient may require a set of procedures to restore motor function of muscles and joint ligaments.

What are the types of ointments for sprains (dimexide, lidocaine and others)

Ointments prescribed for the treatment of sprained joints and for their subsequent recovery include liniment painkillers (Dimexide), warming (Fastum-gel), and cooling.

Painkillers are intended to relieve pain during the treatment of sprained ligaments and muscles. The most popular ointments and gels in this regard:

Apisatron is a drug made from bee venom. Dimexide is a transparent gel with an analgesic effect. Lidocaine is an anesthetic cream. Traumeel is a liniment widely used in the treatment of contusions, bruises and sprains. Larkspur is a cream based on herbal components, which has excellent regenerative properties and has a slight analgesic effect. Diclofenac is a gel for pain relief. Fastum-gel is an anesthetic, warming drug.

Which ointment is more effective in specific case- the doctor decides.

The warming effect of the ointment is ensured by the addition of snake or bee venom extract to its composition. These substances tend to improve vascular permeability, due to which important medicinal substances are more quickly absorbed into the blood and delivered to organs and systems.

An anti-sprain cream based on mustard and pepper has a very strong warming effect, which manifests itself as a burning sensation. The weakest component of the warming effect is methyl salicytate.

All of these ointments are used to treat sprains, but they can only be used after some time has passed after the injury. In addition, these liniments are used for preventive purposes. Athletes use them to warm up their ligaments before training or sports competitions.

Cooling preparations, including dimexide, contain components that create the corresponding effect. Such ointments have an analgesic and calming effect when stretched. They are especially relevant when there is a local increase in temperature.

Dimexide gel contains both painkillers and cooling components. The drug is well absorbed and quickly has an effect. In addition, dimexide has a powerful antiseptic effect and can be considered as first aid for sprains.

Sometimes it is rational not to rub in the liniment, but to leave it on the skin in a thin layer for self-absorption. A fixing bandage will help secure the damaged joint, thereby protecting it from re-dislocation.

Traditional methods

If the use of certain medicines not suitable for the patient, exists great amount folk ways treatment of sprains. But one rule should always be followed - any treatment must be approved by the attending physician!

A popular remedy for sprains is raw potatoes. The raw, purified product should be grated and the resulting pulp should be applied to the affected area overnight. This procedure will speed up the process of tissue restoration and ensure rapid resorption of swelling and hematomas. Ordinary onion grind with a blender or meat grinder, add a tablespoon of salt. Onions have an anti-inflammatory effect, and table salt removes water from the swelling. But this mixture should not be applied to open skin, otherwise you may get burned. Place a gauze cloth between the skin and the pulp. Aloe leaf juice has excellent regenerative effects. To do this, the leaves of the plant are ground and a compress is made from them. As the product heats up, it needs to be changed. Another good way to treat a sprain - bodyaga. This plant is freely sold in pharmacies. Bodyagu needs to be soaked in water, diluted to a paste consistency and lightly rubbed into the damaged area. This method perfectly resolves swelling in the sprain area and stimulates rapid healing of the injury.

Medicinal ointments are divided into several categories:

anti-inflammatory, analgesic, warming, cooling.

One of the ointments that has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect is heparin ointment.

Heparin ointment

Product for external use. According to the pharmacological classification, it refers to drugs that affect metabolic processes in tissues. It has an analgesic effect, accelerates the resorption of hematomas, promotes the lysis of formed blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones. Release form - aluminum tubes with a volume of 10, 25 g with a plastic, tightly screwed cap.

Compound– heparin, benzocaine, ether nicotinic acid, ointment base.

Mode of application ointments. The product is applied with gentle massaging movements 2-3 times a day. (0.5-1 g per affected area of ​​the skin). The course of therapy is carried out for 3-7 days until symptoms disappear completely.

Side effects heparin ointment – ​​these are local allergic manifestations on the skin (itching, burning, hyperemia, rashes).

There are contraindications for the use of heparin-containing products:

do not use if you are hypersensitive to the ingredients of the drug, do not apply to open wound surfaces, do not use the ointment if the integrity of the skin at the site of the bruise is damaged, do not use if you are prone to bleeding (hemophilia, Werlhof's disease) and the presence of thrombocytopenic conditions with impaired platelet aggregation. the drug is not prescribed to children under 10 years of age, pregnant or nursing mothers; Simultaneous use of the drug with NSAIDs, tetracycline antibiotics, and antihistamines is prohibited.

Best before date The drug is indicated on the original cardboard packaging, on the seam of the tube with ointment and is 3 years.

Storage conditions– a place out of reach of children, dry and cool.

An ointment form of diclofenac can be used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug.

Diclofenac ointment

The drug is applied to the skin at the site of projection of the lesion in the musculoskeletal tissue. Effective for relieving pain in the area of ​​inflammation.

Pharmacological affiliation – NSAIDs.

The active ingredient is diclofenac sodium.

Excipients: propylene glycol, cobmer, lavender oil, ethanol, purified water.

Pharmacodynamics active ingredient of the ointment.

The drug is a derivative of alpha-toluic acid. It has antiphlogistic, analgesic and antipyretic effects.

Mechanism of action – suppression of the activity of COX (metabolic enzyme omega-6-unsaturated fatty acid), which is one of the causes of inflammation, pain and fever. The analgesic effect is achieved due to diclofenac blocking various levels and links in the pathogenesis of pain in the central and peripheral nervous systems. The drug inhibits the synthesis of proteoglycan in cartilage tissue. Inhibits platelet aggregation.

Pharmacokinetics diclofenac sodium. When taken orally, it is quickly and easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Food consumed immediately after taking the drug significantly reduces the rate of entry of diclofenac into the systemic circulation. When using a long-acting drug, absorption and elimination are slow, but the effectiveness of Diclofenac is not reduced. The rate of absorption depends on the form of release of the drug. If the ointment is applied externally, then the entry of the active ingredient into the bloodstream is minimal. The highest concentrations of the active ingredient are observed in the blood plasma after injection after 1/3 hour, after using suppositories for ½ hour, after oral administration after 1-2 hours. There is a high binding of the drug to plasma proteins (99.7%). Metabolic transformations of the substance are carried out by the liver. It does not have the properties of cumulation and addiction. It is excreted by the kidneys along with urine (70%), the remaining inactive metabolites are eliminated by the intestines.

Diclofenac ointment appointed for: relief of symptoms of inflamed muscles and joints resulting from injury (sprains, bruises, hematomas); diseases of articular tissues of rheumatic origin (bursitis, tenosynovitis); pain and swelling, which are associated with destructive changes in joint tissue (osteoarthritis, radiculitis, arthritis due to rheumatism, etc.); myalgia; neuralgia; pain syndrome in the postoperative period.

Contraindications serve: hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the ointment, pregnancy, lactation, children under 6 years of age, “aspirin” asthma, erosive and ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Use during pregnancy. The use of the drug is excluded in the third trimester of pregnancy. Use in the first and second trimesters of the gestational period and during breastfeeding is possible, but after the doctor’s recommendations received during consultation, because there is no clinical data on the use of ointment in these situations.

Directions for use and doses. The drug is used exclusively externally. Adults and children over 12 years old – 2-3 rubles/day. Diclofenac ointment is applied lightly massage movements to the affected area. The dosage required for therapy depends on the extent of the skin surface being treated. A one-time use of 2 g is permissible (about 4 cm of a strip of the drug when the tube opening is fully opened). Children 6-12 years old – 1-2 rubles/day. (up to 1 g). After the procedure, hands must be washed thoroughly with soap. The duration of therapy depends on the individual dynamics of the disease, but not more than 14 days. Interaction Diclofenac ointments with other medications are minimal. Sometimes an ointment form of diclofenac is prescribed in combination with injections or tablet forms of the same drug.

At simultaneous use non-ointment forms of Diclofenac with potassium-sparing diuretics can lead to the accumulation of potassium in the bloodstream, reducing the effect of loop diuretics, increasing the risk of side effects when using other NSAIDs together.

Side effects: local allergic manifestations in the form of itching, burning, redness, peeling;

systemic - urticaria, bronchospasm, angioedema.

An overdose of ointment when used externally is impossible.

Storage conditions medicine - a dark, cool place inaccessible to children. Do not freeze the ointment. Best before date if stored properly, up to 3 years.

Ointments for sprained legs

When a sprain occurs in the leg, products are most often used in the form of ointments, gels, creams that relieve pain, inflammation, activate blood flow and reduce swelling in the area of ​​injury. In the acute period, with severe pain, in the first day after injury, do not use warming and irritating ointments that increase the intensity of blood circulation. You will need analgesic, cooling medications containing plant extracts:

balm Golden Star - natural remedy, containing clove, mint and eucalyptus oils. Lidocaine ointment has anesthetic and analgesic effects. It must be applied several times a day.

For sprained leg ligaments, gels can be used. Gels are absorbed faster than ointments skin. Preparations in gel form have a better cooling effect (Heparil-gel, Venoruton - analogues Rutozid, Troxevasin; Indovazin, Essaven-gel). After 1-2 days, you can proceed to the use of warming ointments on the affected area and thermal procedures. In this case, the use of the following drugs will help:

Espol - drug with extract capsicum(distracting and analgesic effects); Naftalgin - active ingredients - sodium metamizole, monohydric alcohols, sperm whale fat; Finalgon - dilates blood vessels, helps improve blood supply to the injury site; Nicoflex is a cream containing lavender oil that helps reduce swelling and has a distracting effect. When used, the drug causes a rush of blood to the injured area and warms the affected area.

Ointments for ankle sprains

Injury ankle joint often occurs in athletes, especially basketball players, football players, tennis players, etc. During competitions and training, an athlete has to jump, run quickly and stop abruptly. This puts enormous stress on the ankle ligaments. The sharper and faster the movements, the greater the load on the ankle becomes.

The risk group includes hyperactive children who do not sit still, but are almost constantly in motion, jumping, running intensely and stopping abruptly.

Anyone can get an ankle sprain in everyday life. The risk of potential injury increases when you have to catch up public transport, in case of a fall, in case of dislocation, in case of slipping on ice in winter. High heels in women can also cause ankle sprains. If an ankle injury occurs, the severity of the injury must be determined.

If the ligamentous apparatus is damaged, sharp pain appears, followed by swelling and hematoma. Increasing pain that does not go away for a long time, significant swelling of the injured joint is a reason to contact trauma department to exclude fractures and cracks in the bones of the ankle. In case of ligament damage, a tight bandage or tape on the leg is recommended. Ice should be applied on the first day after injury. Starting from the second day, you can begin physiotherapeutic measures, ankle massage, and antiphlogistic drugs. For sprains use:

Indovazin; Lyoton; Troxevasin; Dolobene.

They are applied to the area lung lesions massaging movements twice a day. Over time, the swelling decreases and the hematoma disappears. The ointment is selected by the doctor in each specific case, taking into account the characteristics of the injury and the patient’s tendency to allergic reactions.

Ointments for knee sprains

The ligamentous apparatus of the knee is injured in the event of excessive forced loads on the knee, as a result of which the ligaments are stretched and can rupture.

Situations that may result in a sprain of the ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint:

playing sports where you need to quickly bend and straighten the leg at the knee (long and high jumps, running, lifting weights, playing hockey, football, etc.); heavy lifting (loading and unloading, carrying heavy bags, suitcases); sudden start of movement or sudden stop (walking with a small child, walking the dog); falling on kneecap or blows to the knee area.

Symptom complex that occurs when the knee ligaments are sprained:

the occurrence of bruising and hyperemia at the site of injury; limitation of joint mobility; crunching sensation while moving; severe pain when palpating the joint.

You can use pain-relieving ointments immediately upon diagnosis. accurate diagnosis(sprain of the knee ligaments), warming ointments can be used 2-3 days after injury. To prevent the occurrence of persistent limitation of the motor ability of the joint, the use of ointments must be combined with therapeutic exercises. The time when you can start doing rehabilitation exercises will be determined by the traumatologist. A set of exercises will be developed by a doctor from the physiotherapy department, taking into account individual characteristics and the nature of the injury.

The most commonly used remedies for knee sprains are:

NPS (Indomethacin, Voltaren, Diclofenac); preparations containing steroid hormonal components (ointment with prednisolone, hydrocortisone); medicines containing a terpene ketone, camphor, nicotinic acid and essential oils that have a warming and local irritating effect; products with a cooling effect (contains menthol and chloroethyl); ointments with an anesthetic effect (Ultrafastin); absorbent agents (containing heparin); ointment forms of drugs that strengthen blood vessels (Venoruton, Aescin, Troxevasin); combination drugs are among the most effective (Diclobene, Nicoflex, Apizatron, Finalgon).

Ointments for shoulder sprains

The ligamentous apparatus of the shoulder is injured during intense sports activities, falls and heavy physical activity on the upper limbs.

Sprains of the shoulder ligaments can occur during circular rotations, sudden and energetic swings of the arms, strong impact in the shoulder area, an unsuccessful fall on the arms or shoulder.

Symptoms accompanying sprain of the ligamentous apparatus of the shoulder girdle are manifested by swelling and hyperemia of the shoulder area, the occurrence of severe pain during passive movements of the injured upper limb and during palpation of the joint, limitation of movements or pathological mobility of the shoulder joint, and possible hyperthermia of the patient’s body.

Therapy for sprained ligaments begins with fixing the injured limb. An immobilization bandage (support) is applied for several days. The duration of wearing the bandage directly depends on the degree of injury. In case of loss of ligament integrity or minimal sprain, the traumatologist recommends rest, cooling compresses, and applying ice to the affected area for 20 minutes three to four times a day for the first two days. Among modern medications, the doctor may prescribe an ointment that relieves pain and swelling in the acute period, and then warming or combination medications. Self-prescription of ointment preparations can lead to a deterioration in the patient’s condition, therefore, before using the ointment, a doctor’s consultation is necessary, since many of the drugs offered by the pharmaceutical industry, in addition to side effects, also have contraindications. After the acute period, they begin to restore the functionality of the damaged joint. Drugs that promote rapid recovery performance of the shoulder ligaments are:

Dolobene-gel; Apizartron; Nicoflex Finalgon; Menovazin; Capsoderm; Viprosal; Alflutop gel.

Anti-inflammatory ointments for sprains

In case of injury, inflammation is caused by a microcirculatory disorder in the trophic zone of the ligamentous fibers. Regeneration of the ligamentous apparatus slows down. The process of restoring the functionality of the joint is lengthened. Inflammatory symptoms can be minimized by using various drugs in the form of ointment, gel, foam, aerosol. These drugs help eliminate negative consequences sprains (pain, swelling, inflammation), improve nutrition in the affected area and speed up the process of recovery of damaged ligamentous apparatus. The use of medicinal anti-inflammatory ointments for injuries is recommended to eliminate complications in the form of limited joint mobility.

Most often, ointment forms containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used. Antiphlogistic ingredients of ointments block the synthesis of neural mediators, which are a response to damage due to injury and cause pain irritation and swelling of various tissues. The active compounds contained in ointment preparations help reduce swelling and relieve pain at the site of injury. Anti-inflammatory ointments most often contain: ibuprofen (propionic acid derivative), aspirin (salicylic ester of acetic acid), indomethacin (indolylacetic acid derivative), ketoprofen (propionic acid derivative), voltaren (phenylacetic acid derivative).

Sports ointments for sprains

People who play any sport professionally are at high risk of tendon and ligament injuries. Due to constant forced physical activity, the ligamentous apparatus of athletes is susceptible to chronic microdamage. At the site of microtrauma, the fibers of the ligament are replaced by connective tissue, which leads to a partial loss of elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus. Ligaments, compared to muscle tissue, are very weak to strengthen during numerous training sessions. An imbalance occurs between increased muscle strength and the strength of ligaments and tendons. The significantly increased muscle potential begins to exceed the ability of the ligamentous apparatus to withstand tension. As a result of this, it develops potential danger injury to tendons or ligaments. For a comprehensive closed damage tissues, sprains, bruises, etc.; diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as for preventive purposes, various ointments, creams, gels are used, the action of which is aimed at relieving pain, swelling, improving regeneration, and tissue trophism. Such ointments may have warming or cooling properties, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. For sprained ligaments in athletes, ointments can be used:

Anesthetic fluid alcohol-based, which includes compounds of menthol, novocaine, anesthesin. Used for local anesthesia for bruises, hematomas, sprains. Apply a small amount of liquid to the damaged areas. Rub with light massaging movements into the skin over the lesion.

Apizartron ointment. The main active ingredient is bee venom. Additionally, the product contains mustard oil and methyl salicylate. The ointment has a warming effect. Thanks to this, metabolism and blood flow improve, and pain symptoms decrease.

Butadion. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used for the treatment of inflammation of soft tissues, ligaments, joints of traumatic origin, arthritis of rheumatic origin, radiculitis, sciatica and lumbago.

Diclofenac. It is used for injuries of tendons and synovial membranes, damage to the capsular-ligamentous apparatus, inflammation of the joints; has a local analgesic effect (analogues - Voltaren, Ortofen).

Deep relief. Contains the active ingredient ibuprofen. Used to reduce pain that occurs during rheumatoid arthritis, myalgia, injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

These ointments are intended to relieve pain symptoms, as well as to reduce swelling and hyperemia of soft tissues that occur as a result of injuries associated with sports and forced physical activity.

Ointments for children with sprains

A characteristic feature of childhood is activity, restlessness, and emotionality. Children enjoy participating in outdoor games. The result of this dynamic activity is injuries sustained from falls. Most often in childhood, the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the lower and upper limbs. Large joints (knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder) and small joints of the hands are subject to injury.

When a ligament is sprained or torn, severe and sharp pain occurs. The child begins to cry, scream and panic. Soft tissue swelling gradually increases. Redness and hematoma are observed at the site of injury. When the ligaments of a large joint (ankle or knee) are sprained or torn, difficulty moving occurs. The child tries to spare his injured joint as much as possible. In situations where a fall has occurred, it is advisable for the child to be examined by a traumatologist or surgeon to rule out a bone fracture and prescribe further treatment tactics.

First first aid if you suspect a sprain or rupture of the ligaments.

It is necessary to calm the injured child and ensure maximum immobilization of the injured limb. Ice is applied to the resulting hematoma and the site of injury. At home, you can take any frozen product in a bag from the freezer and apply it to the affected area. To avoid frostbite, the ice is pre-wrapped with a cloth or towel. To reduce pain, the child can be given painkillers (paracetamol, ibuprofen). The joint is loosely fixed with an elastic bandage. Consultation with a specialist is required to rule out more severe diagnoses.

The treatment tactics are determined by the doctor depending on the results of the diagnosis. Treatment for sprains is carried out within a week. In the acute stage, antiphlogistic drugs, tight bandages on the affected joint and ointments with an analgesic effect are prescribed. Dolobene (active ingredients - dexpanthenol, heparin), Traumeel gel (consists of plant components), Capilar (based on resin) are used. For the treatment of the acute period, the ointment is applied 4-5 times a day. If the ligamentous apparatus is severely injured, the child may require hospitalization. After the disappearance of severe pain symptoms and swelling, exercises are recommended that restore the functionality of the affected joint. Gymnastics must be performed in a physical therapy room.

It is almost impossible to exclude traumatic factors in childhood. It is necessary to constantly inform children about the rules of safe behavior, and also ensure that physical activity is moderate.

Effective ointments for sprains

The most common type of injury is sprain or rupture of the ligamentous apparatus during active sports, in transport, at work or in everyday life. Sprains occur with traumatic loads on the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and other large joints.

In case of sprained ligaments, it is carried out therapeutic treatment in the area of ​​injury using ointment forms of drugs. Doctors recommend using ointments and gels sold in pharmacies. Ointment forms of drugs contain active compounds that have therapeutic effect on the injured ligamentous apparatus. Ointments have the property of easily penetrating the skin and acting directly on the affected area. The basis of ointments is fats of plant or animal origin.

The therapeutic effect of ointment products is determined by the presence of active medicinal ingredients in them. The most effective ointments for ligament damage are those that use non-steroidal substances with antiphlogistic action.

The effectiveness of using such ointments is determined by the fact that the active ingredients, penetrating through the skin, help reduce inflammation, swelling and pain. Ointments Ketoprofen, Diclofenac, Voltaren and others prevent the aggravation of the above processes and stimulate faster healing of the ligamentous apparatus.

An ointment containing hormones used for ligament damage is considered quite effective. The effectiveness is determined by the presence of hormonal ingredients that relieve inflammation, reduce the permeability of vascular walls and prevent the formation of edema.

Ointments are produced with a complex content of several drugs, for example, non-steroidal antiphlogistic compounds are combined with an anesthetic or analgesic. Such ointments increase the effectiveness complex therapy. There is no need to buy drugs from different pharmacological series. Most often, doctors recommend effective ointments with complex effects:

Dolobene gel; Nicoflex; Finalgon; Capsoderm, etc.

In most cases, the use of ointment forms of drugs is convenient. Ointments are applied to the damaged joint carefully, without causing additional pain. Creams, gels, ointments do not have significant contraindications, dangerous side effects and specific storage conditions. Ointments are for external use only. Despite the simplicity and ease of use, it is necessary to pay attention to the patient’s individual hypersensitivity to certain active components ointment preparation. Before you start using ointments for sprained ligaments, you need medical advice and careful study of the instructions for use.

Sprained leg– a common injury to the musculoskeletal system, which can occur as a result of physical overexertion, impact, or sudden awkward movement. Women who wear high heels are especially at risk for this type of damage. The ligaments most often affected are the ligaments of the foot, lower leg, and knee ligaments.

When a ligament is sprained, sharp pain and limited mobility are observed, followed by possible swelling, redness and hematoma as a consequence of damage to small vessels, increased capillary permeability and tissue hypoxia. After receiving an injury, you should rest the injured leg and apply a cold compress, after which you should be examined by a doctor to rule out more serious injuries (torn ligaments, bone fractures, etc.). Further, for uncomplicated sprains in the leg, treatment with ointments or other external agents (creams, gels, etc.) is prescribed. Let's look at what is recommended to apply to your leg when you have a sprained ligament.

What ointment to use for sprained ligaments?

As a rule, in the first days after an injury, experts recommend the use of ointments based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which have an analgesic effect and help eliminate swelling and redness in the lesion. These drugs may include the following active ingredients:

diclofenac; ketoprofen; indomethacin; piroxicam; ibuprofen, etc.

When spraining the ligaments of the knee, foot or other areas, these ointments are applied to the skin in a thin layer, without intensive rubbing and massaging. Also during this period it is advisable to use ointments that have an analgesic and cooling effect:

Menovazan; Menthol ointment; Gevkamen et al.

If there is a hematoma, ointments containing absorbable components may be prescribed:

heparin; troxerutin; extract medical leech and etc.

After the acute period, after the pain has subsided, it is recommended to use warming ointments that improve metabolic processes in tissues, promote regeneration, and restore the functioning of the joint. Such drugs include:

Viprosal B (based on snake venom); Capsicam (based on capsicum extract); Apisatron (based on bee venom); Turpentine ointment.

By applying these products, you can perform a light massage on the damaged area.

The ankle bears the main weight of a person, so it is susceptible to injury. This is especially true for the ligamentous apparatus, consisting of the deltoid, lateral (fibular) and tibiofibular ligaments. In addition, the ankle has pronounced innervation (a lot of nerve cells) and good blood flow. Because of this, injury to this joint can be quite painful.


Ankle sprain most often occurs in people suffering from flat feet, arthrosis, connective tissue diseases, obesity, and abnormalities in bone development. Any previous ankle injury can also cause a sprain. At risk are athletes whose professional activity associated with injury. Wearing uncomfortable shoes, such as high heels, often leads to injury.

A strong blow to the joint area almost always causes an ankle sprain. When the foot turns inward, the deltoid ligament is damaged. Stretching the peroneal group causes the leg to turn outward. People who are forced to frequently carry heavy loads are also at risk of getting this injury.


The main symptom of injury is pain in the foot area. But you will feel the same if you break your ankle. To protect yourself from complications, go to the nearest hospital or emergency room immediately if you experience severe pain.

Weak stretching practically does not make itself felt. After an injury, you may feel a slight pain that will subside quickly. The next day, the foot will swell a little and a hematoma will appear, and the temperature may also rise locally. When walking, you will feel discomfort that will cause you to limp.

In more difficult cases pain syndrome appears immediately after injury. In intensity and severity it can exceed the sensations from a bone fracture. Severe pain goes away after an hour, but returns when you try to stand on your leg. The foot swells within the first few hours. Swelling increases pain, causing extra pressure on blood vessels and nerve endings. It lasts for about a week, after which it goes away, but the hematoma remains.

A bruise is an indirect symptom of an ankle sprain. A week after the injury, the hematoma grows so much that it covers the entire damaged area. Then its size gradually decreases, and the bruise itself moves closer to the plantar part of the foot. Due to the breakdown of blood cells, the color of the hematoma gradually changes from blue to yellow. In difficult cases, a person cannot move independently for 14 days.


  1. First degree injury is characterized by a weak rupture of a bundle or several microscopic fibers of ligament tissue. The mobility of the joint practically does not decrease. The symptoms are very mild, so some people simply do not notice the injury. Pain syndrome rarely occurs with prolonged standing.
  2. Second degree sprains are a fairly serious injury. The symptoms are pronounced, and the sensations resemble pain from a fracture. The victim cannot step on his foot without experiencing discomfort. Leg mobility deteriorates for at least a week. Swelling and hematoma appear within the first 2–3 hours.
  3. Third degree- the most difficult. Such serious injury is usually accompanied by a fracture of the ankle bones. The patient cannot lean on his leg due to anatomical change the relationship between the functional parts of the joint and severe pain. Leg mobility drops to zero. Swelling appears immediately, hematoma - after 2-3 hours.

First aid

Immediately after an injury, you should remove your shoes. The foot swells quite quickly, so after 2-3 hours, the shoes will have to be cut to free the foot. In addition, it puts additional pressure on the injured limb, causing severe pain. Then you need to prepare a cold compress. Ice from the freezer or frozen food wrapped in a towel will work for this. You can also use containers with cold water or drinks.

Apply the compress for 15 minutes, then wait half an hour and repeat the procedure. The cold will relieve pain and provide some relief. Besides, low temperatures lead to reflex contraction vessels, so the extent of swelling will be significantly less.

Lock your leg in one position and provide it with complete rest. Do not step on it or try to feel the damaged area. Place a roll of soft cloth under your leg to promote blood flow. Apply a splint using an elastic bandage. Do not tighten too tightly; this may cause severe pain.

Immediately after injury, it is acceptable to take analgesics orally or by injection (preferred). Cold compress can only be applied on the first day after injury. Remember that severe pain often indicates a broken bone or torn ankle ligament. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

Folk remedies

People who have suffered a first or second degree ankle sprain prefer to treat it at home.

The most effective folk remedy counts vodka compress. To make it you only need a bandage and vodka or any other alcoholic drink With high content alcohol Soak the bandage in liquid and wrap it around the injured leg. Do not tighten too much to avoid unnecessary pain. Then wrap your foot in cling film or plain plastic wrap (even a store bag will do). Do vodka compresses before bedtime, so that the injured area warms up for at least 6 hours. In the morning, remove the compress, rinse the skin under running water and let it breathe. Bandages can be used several times. After an hour, secure the foot again with an elastic bandage.

Onion compress. Chop or puree a few onions in a blender. Add 1 tbsp to the resulting mass. l. salt. Place the mixture between two layers of gauze or bandage. Apply the compress to the damaged area and leave it for 6 hours. The product can be used once a day until symptoms disappear completely.

Clay. Dissolve it in water and bring to a creamy consistency. If there are scratches or small cuts on the damaged area, it is useful to add garlic cloves passed through a press to the mixture. Place the clay on a bandage or gauze and leave it on the injured area for 3 hours. Usually 5 lotions are enough to relieve swelling.

Decongestants also made from plants. Take an aloe leaf and grind it to a paste. Make a compress using a bandage or gauze and apply it to the damaged area. After the lotion has warmed up, remove it. There are no restrictions on the use of this tool. The main thing is to remember that your skin needs to breathe and make sure you are not allergic to aloe.

For herbal baths use chamomile, mint, string, plantain, calendula. You can use them together or separately. Pour 3 tbsp into a bowl. l. chopped herbs. Pour boiling water into it and wait until the water cools to a temperature that is pleasant for the skin. Immerse your foot in the basin and hold for about 30 minutes. You can use essential oils instead of plants peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree.

As a means home treatment For ankle sprains, you can use compresses, baths and ointments.

Comfrey ointment. Grind 100 g of comfrey roots, pour in 50 ml of heated olive oil. After 3 hours the tincture will be ready. Strain the oil and add it to 150 ml of castor oil. To get a pleasant aroma, you can drop a little of your favorite essential oil. Pour the ointment into convenient containers, and then apply it to the damaged area 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.

Propolis-based ointment. Measure out 100 g of Vaseline and melt it in a saucepan. Grind 15 g of propolis and add to the container. Boil the ointment for about 10 minutes, remove from heat, cool. Apply to the affected leg 3 times daily throughout the treatment period.

Rehabilitation gymnastics

You can engage in physical activity at least 14 days after recovery. Gymnastics allows you to restore mobility to the joint. However, remember that while the ankle ligaments are healing, a scar will form. Therefore, after a serious injury, he partially loses mobility for the rest of his life.

The simplest exercise is to warm up your toes. Give yourself a gentle foot massage without pressing too hard, and then use your toes to pick up small objects from the floor. Then stand in front of the bed or chair. Firmly grasp the back and rise onto your tiptoes as high as possible. Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly lower down.

Take a sitting or lying position, lift your injured leg and make 15 rotations with your foot in different directions.

In addition to gymnastics, do not forget about walks. It is recommended to devote at least 2 hours a day to them. But remember that serious physical activity immediately after recovery will only worsen your condition.

Possible complications

Without treatment and proper care, an ankle sprain can become more serious. In the early stages, when trying to walk without elastic bandage there is a high risk of spraining the ankle joint. In some cases, patients experience hemarthrosis (accumulation of blood in the damaged area) or suppuration of the hematoma.

On later Arthritis may appear - periodic accumulation of fluid in the ankle area. If you refuse restorative gymnastics, arthrosis may develop. Numerous sprains of the ankle ligaments often provoke the appearance of flat feet. Incorrect treatment provokes a predisposition to joint dislocations.


If you have previously sedentary image life, then start moving more. Walk, swim, ride a bike. All this leads to strengthening muscle tissue and reducing the risk of recurrence of sprains or complications. Try to wear heeled shoes less often, especially in the cold season.

Watch your weight. Its excessive increase not only leads to additional stress on the ankle, but also has a bad effect on the joints in general. If you were involved in sports before the injury, then you should return to the previous volume of loads gradually. Remember that mobility may not be fully restored, so do not practice the same loads as before the injury.

Any sprain is a serious injury. Therefore, treatment at home is only possible for mild cases. If the swelling does not go away for a long time or you feel severe pain, contact a traumatologist.

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An ankle sprain is quite frequent injury. To treat this condition, immobilization using an elastic bandage or plaster splint, as well as various local medications, are mainly used. In order for the active substance to penetrate deeper into the soft tissues, it is necessary to apply it with rubbing movements, and then massage the limb for several tens of minutes. Also improve efficiency local treatment possible by taking certain medications orally. This will lead to double action and will speed up the result.

Anti-inflammatory ointments

An ankle sprain is quite often accompanied by the appearance of pain due to an inflammatory reaction. Therefore, in the complex treatment of this injury, non-steroidal analgesics are almost always used, including for local application. Among ointments with a similar effect, you can use products based on various active ingredients:

  • Ibuporfen – Nurofen, Dolgit;
  • Diclofenac – Diclak, Voltaren, Ortofen, Diclofenac, Diclovit;
  • Ketoprofen - Fastum, Ketonal, Febrofid, Artrosilene;
  • Indomethacin – Indovazin and Indomethacin-Acri;
  • Piroxicam – Finalgel;
  • Nimesulide - Nise.

All these ointments have an anti-inflammatory effect and eliminate pain, however long-term use they are not recommended due to the risk of side effects. To increase effectiveness, in addition to local application of analgesics, they can also be used in tablets.

To eliminate swelling

To reduce the severity of swelling and improve microcirculation in the affected area when the ankle joint is sprained, various ointments containing anticoagulants are used. These include:

  1. Troxevasin consists of troxerutin, which has an angioprotective effect and improves microcirculation. Thanks to this, the area of ​​edema and hematoma decreases faster and the risk of secondary changes in soft tissues is reduced.
  2. Heparin ointment is a good and inexpensive anticoagulant that prevents the formation of blood clots at the site of vascular damage. In addition, the resorption of the hematoma is accelerated, since it essentially dissolves and is absorbed into the systemic bloodstream. It should be applied with massaging movements three times a day for a week.
  3. Lyoton-gel is more expensive analogue, which contains the same heparin. However, the concentration of the active substance is much higher, so the effectiveness also increases.

Warming ointments

The use of warming ointments in the acute period of sprain is not recommended. On the first day, their effect will be especially negative. But after three to four days, these drugs can speed up healing by stimulating microcirculation of blood flow in this area. These include:

  1. Capsicam contains benzyl nicotinate, which improves the rheological properties of blood, nonivamide, camphor, dimexide, and turpentine. The local warming effect lasts for 12 hours.
  2. Apisatron is an ointment that contains bee venom. Due to this, it has a characteristic odor. This medicine stimulates metabolic processes, increases the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, and also improves local blood flow. Rub 2-3 g of ointment into the affected area. Caution should be exercised in patients with allergies.
  3. Comfrey stimulates nerve endings, improves blood circulation, has a warming effect, and reduces the severity of pain. It contains allantoin with an anti-inflammatory effect, tannins that stimulate healing processes, vitamin E, which is an antioxidant, and oleresin, which has a warming effect.

Homeopathic ointments

Various options can also be used to treat patients with ankle sprains. homeopathic ointments. Most often, drugs are prescribed for local application containing the following active ingredients:

  • arnica perfectly reduces swelling and accelerates the healing of damaged ligaments;
  • calendula has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect;
  • hypericum promotes rapid healing of micro-tears of soft tissue, and also reduces hematoma and swelling at the site of injury;
  • the symphytum penetrates deep and acts from the inside;
  • rue strengthens muscle tissue and eliminates microdamage to cells;
  • aconite is a remedy emergency care, as it reduces the severity of pain.

You can use all these ointments yourself, but only if the damage to the joint is minor. Otherwise, you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe an examination and effective treatment.