How to treat lung pain at home. Folk remedies, so different, almost safe

The doctor determines the place of treatment, taking into account the patient’s age, the presence of chronic diseases, conditions for the occurrence of pneumonia, and threats to life. Pneumonia can be treated at home only if there are no indications for hospitalization, under the supervision of a doctor and when all medical prescriptions are followed. Newborns and children under 6 months of age should be treated exclusively in a hospital.

Pneumonia - infection, therefore, the basis of its treatment both in the hospital and at home are antibiotics.

Pathology can be treated with the following drugs:

The specific drug, its dosage, duration and frequency of administration are determined and the effectiveness is monitored by the attending physician. In the process of treatment at home, preference is given to tablet forms - the patient takes them himself.

At the height of activity infectious process together with antibacterial therapy at home you need to treat pneumonia with expectorant medications (lazolvan, bromhexine) and non-drug means, local therapy and breathing exercises.

The place of herbal preparations in the treatment of pneumonia

At home with herbs in various dosage forms can treat adults and children. Important condition– absence of allergies to them. Herbs with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant properties are used. They are used for oral administration, inhalation, and gargling. These remedies are used at home as best they can inflammatory process, and during the recovery period.

For pneumonia, licorice root, marshmallow, rhizomes and roots of elecampane, valerian, birch leaves, eucalyptus, St. John's wort herb, string, and caraway fruits are useful.

Eucalyptus tincture should be drunk 3 times a day, 20-30 drops, adding a third of a glass of warm water. The same solution is used for rinsing and inhalation. Rinsing with a warm infusion of bergenia root is recommended (20 g per 200 ml of boiling water).

With the help of inhalations, pneumonia can be successfully treated using aroma oils: eucalyptus, fir, tea tree oil.

To improve sputum production, infusions are most often used:

  • marshmallow root
  • elecampane rhizomes;
  • licorice root;
  • a mixture of marshmallow root, oregano herb and coltsfoot leaf in equal quantities.

One teaspoon of these preparations is added to 200 ml of boiling water. After infusion, use no more than one tablespoon 4 to 5 times a day.

You can treat pneumonia with a decoction of the following mixture: tricolor violet herbs, marsh dried grass, thyme, pine buds, plantain leaves in equal quantities. Add one tablespoon of the collection to boiling water (about half a liter), after 20 minutes of cooking and further infusion, drink 50 ml 4-6 times a day before meals.

Aloe in the treatment of pneumonia

Aloe occupies a special place among herbal preparations for home therapy, due to its diverse properties.

Aloe leaves and juice contain the following components:

  • enzymes;
  • flavonoids;
  • significant amounts of vitamins A, B, C, E;
  • amino acids;
  • carbohydrates.

They allow you to effectively treat inflammation, maintain metabolism and tissue nutrition.

Aloe leaf pulp (200 g) is mixed with table salt(no more than 1 teaspoon). The mixture, infused in a cold place for several hours, can be drunk one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals, at least 1 hour.

Recipes used at home include, in addition to aloe, healing herbs and honey

Aloe leaves (250 g) are crushed and steamed, Birch buds(150 g) and linden flowers (50 g) are boiled and filtered. Mix with honey (130 g) and store in a cool place. Drink no more than 4 times a day, one tablespoon half an hour before meals.

For another remedy, use fresh, finely chopped aloe leaves and St. John's wort herb, one tablespoon each, elecampane root (3 tablespoons), olive oil (200 ml), linden honey(400 ml), warm water (500 ml). Herbs and aloe must be mixed, boiled for 20 minutes, combined with oil and honey. The product can be refrigerated. It is drunk 1 teaspoon no more than five times a day, half an hour before meals for a course of up to 2 weeks.

Local therapy

Local treatment at home promotes the resorption of inflammation, tissue restoration, and mucus removal.

The main means and techniques used for this:

Breathing exercises using the diaphragm improves breathing mechanics and normalizes lung function.

Cupping and mustard plasters can be placed during the recovery stage when normal temperature body (at least 2 days), after restoration of appetite, reduction of general weakness, if there is no difficulty breathing, hemoptysis and feeling of lack of air.

Mustard plasters, acting locally, irritate the skin and the receptor field. The blood vessels dilate, blood circulation increases, and the large quantities adrenaline and norepinephrine. Facilitates sputum discharge and activates protective forces the body, the tissues are deeply warmed up.

They cannot be placed on a child under one year of age; from 1 to 3 years old, special mustard plasters for children are used for treatment.

Banks cause local blood and lymph filling of the skin with subcutaneous tissue, which improves metabolic processes and promotes the resorption of inflammatory foci. They are not prescribed to children under 3 years of age.

For treating adults and children at home, mustard plasters and cups can be placed in the back area, avoiding the area of ​​the spine, shoulder blades, lower back, heart, and mammary glands.

Soaked warm water mustard plasters are placed on the skin below the shoulder blades, including side surfaces bodies are covered with a blanket. Every minute the degree of redness of the skin is determined, the burning sensation is observed, and the occurrence of pain is monitored. When 5-10 minutes have passed (for adults) or 2-4 minutes (for children), they are removed, the skin is wiped, and ointment or cream is applied.

Jars (for adults up to 6 pieces, for children according to age) can be placed on cleansed skin greased with Vaseline. As a result, it and the subcutaneous tissue are drawn inward, changing its color from light pink to purple. If everything is correct, the patient can only feel local pressure and heat. Cover the patient with a blanket, after 5 minutes the cups are removed for the first time. Gradually, their production begins to take from 15 to 20 minutes.

Both procedures are performed once a day, in a course of no more than five. The same zone is not affected twice. In this case, jars are placed every day or every other day, and mustard plasters are placed daily.

Mustard plasters and jars should not be used at home under the following conditions:

  • body temperature exceeding 37 C;
  • tumor processes;
  • streaks of blood in the sputum;
  • disorders in the blood coagulation system;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • allergic diseases, mustard intolerance;
  • skin diseases and injuries.

As local treatment at home, after the temperature has returned to normal, it is useful to massage the area chest, use ointment for rubbing (camphor). This also contributes to better evacuation of sputum accumulated in the bronchi and lungs.

Thus, at home under the supervision of a doctor, along with antibiotics and medications, they are treated with herbs and other herbal preparations. Aloe is especially useful, local therapy is also indicated, breathing exercises. Massage for pneumonia promotes rapid resorption of pathological foci and a full recovery.

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead healthy image life, and your body will delight you throughout your life, and no bronchitis will bother you. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload.

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, Gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Don't forget to go through your scheduled annual examinations, treat lung diseases initial stages much simpler than in a neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm! In your case, the likelihood of getting pneumonia is huge!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by such specialists as a therapist and pulmonologist, you need to take radical measures otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and make contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immune system, spend time in the fresh air as often as possible. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural ones. natural remedies. Don't forget to make it at home wet cleaning and ventilation of the room.

  • Lungs, main body respiratory system, whose main function is gas exchange. They are also involved in thermoregulation, metabolic processes, perform a secretory-excretory function and have phagocytic properties.

    The most common diseases that can affect the lungs: pneumonia, tuberculosis, emphysema, malignant and benign neoplasms. Symptoms that indicate lung disease: cough that lasts for a long time for a long time, suffocation and shortness of breath, severe snoring.

    Except drug treatment, you can get rid of lung diseases using methods traditional medicine. Medicines used for any lung disease are simple but effective.

    Lung balm

    To prepare the balm you will need aloe leaves. Before this, do not water the plant for two weeks. Cut off the leaves, do not wash them, just wipe them from dust.

    Place in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf overnight. In the morning, grind and place in a glass container, pour in natural grape wine, which you will need half a liter, and liquid honey (you need three hundred and fifty milliliters).

    Mix the product well and place in a cool, dark place for fourteen days. Then it needs to be strained and squeezed. Take twenty milliliters three times a day for a month. Use the balm for any lung diseases.

    Viburnum balm

    To prepare, you will need half a kilogram of ripe viburnum along with twigs, the same amount of honey and chopped onion. All ingredients must be placed in an enamel pan and simmered in a steam bath for at least two hours. Remove the product from the heat and add half a glass of aloe juice and the juice of one lemon.

    The finished product should be stored in the refrigerator. Every evening, you need to pour the required dose for the day from the jar and leave it on the table so that the product becomes room temperature. Take a dessert spoon three times a day, half an hour before meals. Treatment should be continued until complete recovery. This may take from one to six months.

    Honey-herbal balm

    To prepare, you need to take the leaves of a three-year-old aloe (do not water the plant first). They need to be washed, wiped dry, wrapped in newspaper and placed in the refrigerator for a week (use a vegetable drawer). In half a liter of liquid honey, add a cup of finely chopped aloe leaves. Place on low heat and simmer until the sheets become soft.

    150 grams of birch buds and 50 grams linden color pour two glasses hot water, and boil for five minutes, then cool slightly and strain.

    Two hundred milliliters olive oil warm up a little. Add olive oil to the solution of honey and aloe, then the broth and mix thoroughly. Store in a glass container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

    Take twenty-five milliliters, shaking thoroughly three times a day. The prepared product is enough for the course of treatment.

    Medicinal lard

    Melt 300 grams of fresh, unsalted internal lard over low heat, add half a bell pepper and boil for five minutes, then remove it (this will help rid the lard of bad taste and smell).

    Core but do not peel six green apples. Cut them into small cubes and add to lard. The heat must be turned down to low and the product must be stirred constantly so that it does not burn. Simmer for thirty minutes, then cool slightly and grind through a sieve.

    Beat ten yolks with a glass of sugar and add the same amount of melted dark chocolate and a mixture of lard and apples. Mix thoroughly, transfer to glass containers. Keep refrigerated.

    Drink a third of a tablespoon three times a day, washed down with a glass of fresh goat milk. You can make a sandwich with medicine.

    Medicinal mixture

    Mix a glass of the following ingredients: carrot and black radish juice, honey, and 70% alcohol. Place the product in a two-liter bottle glass jar, close with a plastic lid, cover the top with cellophane and tie with an elastic band. Infuse for ten days in a dark place, shaking occasionally.

    You need to take tablespoons, up to three times a day. Treatment should be continued for a month, then take a break for the same amount of time. Write down the start and end dates of the dose, and prepare the remedy ten days before starting the next course.

    Sea buckthorn oil

    A liter jar of sea buckthorn berries is turned into a paste using a blender. It is filled with a liter jar of refined sunflower oil and left for a week in a dark place. The product is ground through a sieve in order to rid it of cake and seeds.

    Take a teaspoon of oil in the morning and evening before meals. You need to be treated for a month, then take a two-week break.

    Folk remedies for pneumonia

    Oats. Two hundred and fifty grams of oats, pour a liter of milk and simmer over low heat for forty minutes. Then the product must be placed in a thermos and left for at least six hours. The decoction is filtered before use. Take one hundred milliliters up to three times a day. Use the product until complete recovery.

    Elder. Four large umbrellas of elderflowers are poured with half a liter of vodka and left for fourteen days in the closet. Strain and take twenty milliliters three times a day an hour before eating. The course of treatment is one month.

    Balm for pneumonia. For preparation you will need three tablespoons of elecampane root and a tablespoon of St. John's wort herb. Pour half a liter of boiling water over the raw materials and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Remove the broth from the heat, and after it has cooled, strain. Heat 500 grams of linden honey in a water bath, and add 250 grams of slightly warmed refined olive oil. Mix thoroughly and add the broth. Infuse for a week.

    The finished product should be kept in the refrigerator and shaken thoroughly before use. Take a teaspoon five times a day.

    Remedies for pulmonary tuberculosis

    1. You need to take one hundred grams of unsalted pork fat, melt and boil for five minutes with a piece of bell pepper, then discard the pepper and add 100 grams of unsalted butter, and two tablespoons of cocoa. Remove the mixture from heat and add two hundred milliliters of aloe juice.

    Eat a tablespoon of the product in the morning and evening on an empty stomach. Take the mixture for a month, then take a two-week break and, if necessary, resume treatment.

    2. Plantain juice. A large number of fresh plantain leaves should be washed and dried with a paper towel. Then they need to be passed through a juicer. The finished juice can be frozen in an ice container. Take a tablespoon of juice up to three times a day.

    3. Coltsfoot. Fresh leaves The coltsfoots need to be washed and excess moisture removed from them using napkins. They need to be placed in layers in ceramic dishes. Sprinkle each layer with sugar. The dish must be tightly closed with a lid, and coated along the seam with a dough of water and flour. Bury the pot in the ground to a depth of about half a meter.

    It must be dug out after at least three weeks, during which time the contents of the pot will become homogeneous. It needs to be diluted with liquid honey in a 2:1 ratio. Take a dessert spoon, up to three times a day, until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

    In order to correctly establish a diagnosis and start treatment on time, you need to seek help from a doctor.

    As is known, pneumonia, or inflammation of the lungs, is caused by various types of infections, as well as certain conditions during the development of certain primary diseases. Experts note that the main pathogens that cause pneumonia are viral, fungal or bacterial infections, affecting human lung tissue.

    Pneumonia is a contagious disease and is usually transmitted by airborne droplets. Microorganisms entering the mucous membrane of the throat and upper respiratory tract, begin to actively reproduce, which provokes the first symptoms of the disease, and in the future can lead to more serious consequences. The course of the disease is aggravated if the patient’s body has been weakened, or he has reduced immunity. The main risk factors for adults that contribute to the development of pneumonia are:

    • advanced age over 60 years;
    • smoking and alcoholism;
    • immunodeficiency;
    • diabetes;
    • heart failure and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    For children, experts include:

    • hereditary immunodeficiency;
    • fetal hypoxia during the mother's pregnancy, birth injuries;
    • congenital and acquired heart defects;
    • cystic fibrosis;
    • smoking of the child's parents.

    Depending on the type of infection that causes the disease, pneumonia can be viral, staphylococcal, streptococcal, candidal, or cytomegalovirus. These are its main characteristics; pneumonia of other etiologies also occurs, for example, caused by chlamydia or Klebsiella, which are gram-negative highly pathogenic viruses.

    Depending on the lesions of the lung tissue, types of pneumonia are distinguished: right-sided, left-sided, bilateral, segmental, hilar or lobar.

    As mentioned above, pneumonia can be secondary disease due to a cold or viral flu. For this reason, in the first stage of the disease it is often very difficult to identify symptoms indicating pneumonia and developing pneumonia. The main symptoms of pneumonia may be:

    • general weakness of the body;
    • increased body temperature up to 39 degrees (except in cases where the patient has an immunodeficiency);
    • increased sweating;
    • chills and fever;
    • headaches and muscle pain;
    • cough, often with sputum and even blood;
    • appearance painful sensations in the chest.

    If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately contact medical institution at your place of residence or call a local doctor to your home. It is important to remember that delaying this can aggravate the course of the disease and cause complications.

    Diagnosis of pneumonia

    When a patient contacts medical worker, first of all, interviews him and finds out the entire existing picture of symptoms, and conducts a visual examination of the patient, listening to the lungs, and measuring body temperature. This will make it possible to make a preliminary diagnosis, however, to clearly clarify the etiology and specifics of the disease, a set of measures is prescribed that are carried out in a clinical setting. It includes:

    • radiography and bronchography;
    • blood analysis;
    • bacteriological analysis of sputum;
    • computed tomography of the lungs (in cases where x-rays do not allow determining the localization of inflammation, which is typical for focal lower lobe pneumonia).

    Prompt and adequate diagnosis and identification of the causes of the disease will help to correctly determine how to treat pneumonia, including at home.

    Treatment methods

    Acute forms of pneumonia require unconditional hospitalization of the patient. At the same time, if the disease occurs in a moderate form, there are no exacerbations and no manifestations of new, more severe symptoms illness, treatment at home is possible.

    The main treatment for pneumonia is antibiotic treatment. Which specific groups of antibiotics should be taken and how many days this should take is determined by the attending physician based on test results, first of all, bacteriological analysis sputum and smears of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

    If viral pneumonia proceeds without presence concomitant diseases, for example acute respiratory infections, in most cases antibiotics are used penicillin group, cephalosporins and macrolides. In the acute course of the disease, drugs are administered intramuscularly, for which a visit to the patient by a health worker is scheduled at certain hours. If the disease progresses over mild form, drugs can be taken orally.

    If pneumonia occurs against the background of primary diseases such as viral infection or colds, the range of drugs used can be expanded to include carbapemens or aminoglycosides.

    To relieve symptoms such as thick, profuse sputum caused by increased secretion of the bronchial mucosa, individual drugs for its dilution and removal, for example, syrups like Gerbion, different kinds mucolytics, which are often recommended for children. This allows you to improve the removal of sputum, because it is a substrate in which pathogenic microbes and viruses actively multiply, which delays recovery.

    Often, pneumonia can cause shortness of breath and even oxygen deficiency, which requires immediate hospitalization of the patient and appropriate measures, such as oxygen therapy. In acute and moderate forms, the disease also causes general intoxication of the body, for which the attending physician prescribes appropriate medications. In addition, it is recommended to drink plenty of hot drinks, in the form of teas, compotes, and juices, which helps to break down and remove toxins from the body, increase its resistance to viruses and bacteria, improve immunity and general condition sick.

    At the recovery stage, practitioners recommend a set of general physiotherapy measures. These include electrophoresis with various drugs, such as potassium iodide and lidase, inhalation with mucolytic supplements. In addition, massage and physiotherapy with moderate load.

    Treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies

    As additional funds therapy, especially at the post-peak stage of the disease, when treatment with antibiotics has already produced its first positive effect, traditional medicine, proven over generations, can also be used. Experienced specialists have a positive attitude towards the use of such funds, because they make their contribution to the treatment process.

    In most cases, it is practiced to take decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs and other natural components. For example, decoctions of raisins and figs have shown their effectiveness. The raisin decoction is prepared as follows: half a glass of raisins is twisted in a meat grinder, a glass of boiling water is added to the resulting mixture, after which the mixture is cooked for ten minutes over low continuous heat. After this, the broth cools and filters. It should be taken three times a day for two weeks. To prepare a decoction of figs, take several dried berries, add water and boil for 15 minutes. It is recommended to take it before meals.

    An excellent remedy with an anti-inflammatory effect is chamomile infusion. To prepare it, dried leaves of the plant are infused with regular vodka for a week. Take 1-2 tablespoons after meals. Often, such tinctures are prepared on the eve of the cold season, so that necessary situations they were at your fingertips.

    Various mixtures based on honey are also used, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the respiratory tract, help thin and remove mucus, and relieve cough. You can use a mixture of honey with onions, radishes or garlic. As an anti-inflammatory, a mixture of honey and minced meat is used. walnuts, lemon pulp and aloe, to which a little Cahors and warm butter are added. After cooling in the refrigerator, the mixture is ready for use; it should be taken three times a day an hour before meals.

    By the way, most folk remedies are an excellent way to prevent pneumonia, as well as other viral and colds. To summarize, it is worth noting that the key to a positive prognosis in the treatment of pneumonia and the absence of complications is considered timely appeal to the doctor. It is also important to remember that pneumonia is a contagious disease, therefore during periods of flu and acute respiratory infections, as well as in the cold season, you should avoid places large cluster people, and if this cannot be avoided, use gauze bandages as a simple means of primary prevention.

    Pneumonia is a severe infectious and inflammatory disease, which is an inflammation of all structures lung tissue and lower respiratory tract (bronchi, alveoli, bronchioles). It is both infectious and bacterial in nature.

    Goals of traditional treatment of pneumonia

    Treating pneumonia at home is common in modern world. Many people refuse hospitalization due to personal circumstances or attend day hospital. It is recommended to treat pneumonia yourself only after consultation with a specialist and full diagnostics diseases.

    The main course of therapy is prescribed by the attending physician or pulmonologist. Along with antibacterial therapy, the treatment of pneumonia is widely used folk remedies and methods.

    Traditional medicine uses herbs, plants and fruits. Recipes are passed down from generation to generation, published in periodicals and books, and therefore it is not difficult for an adult to find suitable methods for himself.

    Treatment with folk remedies involves individual approach, it is necessary to take into account possible allergic reactions, existing chronic diseases.

    The main symptom of pneumonia is a persistent dry cough (worsens at night) without sputum discharge in combination with high temperature bodies. After a few days, as sputum forms in the lungs, the cough becomes wet. It often causes pain in the chest muscles and makes breathing difficult. This is caused by overstrain of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

    The use of traditional methods of treating pneumonia in adults is intended to achieve the following goals:

    1. Expectorant effect (removal of bronchial secretions from the lungs).
    2. Mucolytic effect (thinning of sputum).
    3. Relieving inflammation.
    4. Antipyretic effect (using the diaphoretic properties of herbs).
    5. Ease breathing.
    6. Enhance immunity.

    Basic recipes include:

    There are ready-made herbal antitussives available in pharmacies. At home, if you have the ingredients, it is easier to prepare your own folk remedy.

    Effective antitussive decoctions and drinks

    To achieve anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, expectorant and immunomodulatory effects, treatment methods based on the use of the following components are used:

    Name of tincture (decoction) Cooking method Application
    Tincture of cloves and garlic Mix 5 buds of cloves with 3 cloves of garlic, cook in 0.2 l of water with the addition of red wine (0.2 l) Take hot. Afterwards bed rest is recommended.
    Oatmeal decoction 1 tbsp. grains + 1 clove of garlic, place in 2 liters of milk and cook, reducing heat, for at least 2 hours 1 glass at night
    Marshmallow infusion Pour 20 grams of marshmallow leaves into 0.25 liters of boiling water, let it brew under the lid and clean the mixture 3 times a day, 3 tsp.
    Collection of coltsfoot with chamomile Mix coltsfoot, chamomile and oregano in a ratio of 2:2:1 and pour boiling water (0.5 l) 3 times a day, 0.1 l
    Milk and honey 6 tsp. stir honey in a glass of warmed milk Drink at night
    Milk and ginger Small piece ginger root chop, add to 1.5 liters of milk, boil for 1 minute Drink warm milk 2-3 times during the day
    Garlic and milk Dip 1 clove of garlic in 900 ml of milk, adding 2 tsp. butter, cook for 5 minutes Drink warm, 1 spoonful
    Radish juice Cut several black radishes into slices, sprinkle with sugar, wait for the juice to release Take 3 tsp. juice 4 times a day
    Motherwort infusion Combine 20 grams of motherwort herb with 1 glass of water, boil, let it brew, clean the mixture Take 6 tsp. 4 times a day
    Garlic tincture Grate 10 heads of garlic, dip in 1 liter of vodka, let steep in a dark place for 1 week 3 times during the day, ½ tsp.
    Rowan and rosehip decoction 9 tsp. ground berries + 0.5 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes Every day 4-5 times a day instead of water
    Infusion of pine buds 3 tsp. ready mixture ( pine buds, sage leaves, licorice root) + 2 cups of water, boil and cool Drink several times a day for 1 week
    Thyme decoction 0.2 liters of water pour 1 tbsp. l. thyme, cook for 10 minutes, strain and dilute with clean water Take 6 times a tablespoon
    Milk with added figs Dip 2 figs in 1 glass of milk, cook for 20 minutes Take a teaspoon once a day

    An excellent folk remedy for pneumonia is the use of herbal teas from linden, raspberry, elderberry and oregano. These methods are well suited for both adults and elderly people.

    Compresses and lotions

    These treatments are used before bedtime. Heat dilates blood vessels and activates pulmonary circulation. To prepare a compress, bandages, plastic film (protects against leaks) and a towel (for insulation) are used.

    The process of preparing and applying the compress is as follows:

    Inhalations at home

    Inhalation – inhalation of vapors medicines through the mouth or nose. Causes liquefaction and rapid discharge of sputum. An additional benefit is the relief of inflammation and swelling.

    It is advisable to do inhalation in the absence of fever. Duration of therapy: 3 times a day for no more than 1 week.

    Pneumonia is treated using inhalation in the following ways:

    This method of treating pneumonia at home is contraindicated for allergy sufferers, people with nosebleeds and purulent discharge.

    Preparation of natural ointments for pneumonia

    Massage will help treat pneumonia at home more effectively. Rubbing medicinal ointments are aimed at increasing pulmonary circulation and improving the expectorant effect. This manipulation is best done at night and combined with hot drinks (tea with honey, linden).

    Composition of the ointment Mode of application
    To warm a mixture of 50 grams of propolis and 50 ml of sunflower oil, strain and cool Rub your chest and back 2 times a day
    Badger fat Rub into the skin of the back before going to bed, wrap the patient up
    Goat fat Heat a small amount of fat, pour in honey and rub the patient’s feet and back
    Honey rub Apply honey to your chest and back at night
    Goose fat Melt the fat, mix with 6 tsp. vodka and rub your chest
    Pork fat Make a mixture of 3 tablespoons of fat, honey and vodka

    What else can you use for a warming effect? Along with animal fats, rubbing with vodka is widely used, vegetable oils(cedar, fir, pine).

    Since pneumonia is a disease with severe course, is capable of causing dangerous complications(pleurisy, meningitis, heart disease, pulmonary edema and others) and is recurrent in nature, it is advisable to take preventive measures and follow the following recommendations:

    It is important to follow the correct drinking regime(3 liters of fluid per day), bed rest, organize high-calorie meals and vitamins.

    Remember that self-medication acute form pneumonia is dangerous to health.

    Just folk remedies? Definitely not. Traditional methods should be used in conjunction with antibacterial drugs prescribed by a doctor. Only a specialist can install accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.