Rub nicotinic acid into hair reviews. Using nicotinic acid to speed up hair growth

You can achieve beauty, density and accelerated hair growth using nicotinic acid. Applying this tool in the care of your curls, you will surely be amazed at the result! What are the main advantages of this liquid, how quickly does it begin to act, and are there any contraindications to its use? You will find out all this in our article!

What is nicotinic acid

Most often, this drug is used to cure vitamin deficiency PP, angina pectoris, Hartnap's disease, intoxication, facial neuritis and many other ailments. Its natural content is found in buckwheat, mushrooms, rye bread and many other foods. If you have heard about how nicotinic acid is used for hair growth, then you probably know that you will need this substance in ampoules, which are sold in most pharmacies. The ampoules contain an almost colorless liquid.

Of course, the drug comes in other forms, but for hair growth you will need nicotinic acid directly in a version that acts externally - the substance is not taken inside! Next, we will describe exactly how to apply nicotinic acid, what it can be diluted with, and how to achieve maximum effect. Of course, from a single application, you are unlikely to see a special effect - nicotinic acid will have to be used in a course if you want to achieve noticeable hair growth. Usually such a course lasts about a month. The drug has a stimulating effect on blood circulation, so that the hair follicles will receive more nutrition - this directly affects hair growth.

Due to the fact that the hair follicles receive more nutrition from nicotinic acid, they become stronger, which ensures not only hair growth, but also their safety. The hair becomes thicker and more voluminous.

Vitamin PP is responsible for moisturizing the hair, protecting it from dryness, dullness and brittleness. Nicotinic acid makes hair shiny and strong, preventing hair loss or baldness.

If you do not have an allergic reaction to nicotinic acid, you should not worry about any harm from its use. Otherwise, you may feel a slight itching at the site of application of the drug or find a rash there. This indicates individual intolerance to the substance. Also, doctors warn against the use of nicotinic acid for hair growth in case of pregnancy or lactation. It is highly not recommended for children.

Women who have used nicotinic acid for hair note its noticeable effect - it provides not only intensive growth, but also elasticity, softness, and shine of the strands. Niacin helps to normalize the production of sebum, which reduces oily hair. After a course of nicotine, the hair becomes visually more attractive and healthier from the inside.

Ways to use nicotinic acid for hair

Vitamin PP is often found in various care products that promise rapid growth and strengthening of curls, moisturizing, strengthening roots, eliminating dandruff and other positive aspects. Nicotine is also used in its pure form - it is enough to buy ampoules with it in a pharmacy. Some prefer to use the substance in its pure form, others consider it preferable to use a mask with the addition of the drug. Please note that we are talking about external use - do not take nicotine inside for hair growth!

The acid is applied to clean skin, and if it is prone to oiliness, then be sure to wash your hair before the procedure so that there are no obstacles for the penetration of vitamins. Do not use shampoos containing silicones during the course - they prevent useful substances from being fully absorbed. It is more convenient to distribute the solution over damp skin, using fingers or a syringe without a needle. First of all, grab the temples and the hairline, and then the partings. Despite the fact that there is not much solution, try to distribute it as evenly as possible, but if some areas are not captured, then do not worry - the vessels will reflexively begin to expand over the entire surface of the scalp.

After one procedure, you are unlikely to notice an obvious effect - the nicotine will need to be rubbed several times. It is enough to do this two or three times a week, for a month. Then you need to take a break for a month or a day and you can repeat the experiment again. Feeling the slightest discomfort or noticing side effects from the use of the solution, immediately stop the action.

The classic method of applying nicotine without additional ingredients:

  • Wash your hair thoroughly with silicone-free shampoo, dry a little with a towel. By skipping this step, you run the risk of “sending” dust or dirt into the follicle along with the solution.
  • Open the ampoule and remove the contents with a syringe.
  • The solution is transferred from the syringe to the skin, or poured onto a saucer and further distributed with fingertips. Some girls use pipettes, dripping them on partings.
  • Rub the substance with massage movements.
  • The procedure is done two or three times a week (you can do it once), the entire course is a month. In a couple of months, we will allow a second course.
  • Taking breaks for several days during the course is a must! Do not think that daily application will be more beneficial! On the contrary, it will harm you, turning into headaches, a significant decrease in pressure, and in some cases fainting is also possible.

Beauty recipes for hair with vitamin PP

Vitamin PP is very useful for hair growth, and you can feel the benefits of its effects by doing simple procedures at home.

Masks with nicotine for growth and strengthening

1.) The mask will accelerate hair growth, make them shiny and silky. The composition includes: 1 ampoule of solution, 20 ml of aloe juice, propolis tincture (20 ml). Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and lubricate the scalp with the mixture for half an hour. For the best effect, a course of ten procedures should be carried out with an interval of 2-3 days.

2.) With the help of a mask, you can grow luxurious hair in a short time. Mixture ingredients: 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, 10 ml of vitamin E, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flax oil, 1 yolk. Apply the mask not only on the scalp, but also on the strands for 30 minutes. Apply three times a week for a month.

3.) Suitable for all hair types. Gives dull strands shine and vitality, helps in growing. Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of jojoba oil, 3 tbsp. spoons of liquid or melted honey, 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, yolk and 10 ml of vitamin E solution. Wash the curls, pat them dry with a towel and apply the mixture on them and the scalp for 50 minutes.

Nicotinic acid for hair loss

Rub nicotinic acid directly into the scalp. In order to stop hair loss, it is not necessary to distribute the substance along their length - this will not provide an additional effect. Also, nicotinic acid is rubbed immediately after opening the ampoule, because the longer the drug interacts with air, the faster the properties you need are lost.

Nicotine can be used both in pure form and in combination with other useful components, such as pharmacy vitamins. Vitamin B9, folic acid, vitamin E, carotene and so on are suitable as additional components.

Nicotinic acid in ampoules - the effect of hair lamination

1.) Mix 5 ml of nicotinic acid and st. a spoonful of decoction of chamomile officinalis. Rub the composition into the scalp and wash off after an hour. It is recommended to do this mask several times, at intervals of several days, and over time you will notice the effect of lamination.

2.) A mixture of 1-2 ampoules of nicotinic acid and 1 tbsp. spoon decoction of burdock gently apply on the scalp. The mask can be kept up to 2 hours, then washed off in the usual way.

3.) Owners of dark hair can mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ordinary strong black tea with 2-3 ampoules of nicotinic acid. Spread the mixture over the scalp with your fingers, wash off after a couple of hours.

Hair treatment with nicotinic acid, how to quickly expect results

These easy-to-make nicotine masks will help you get rid of many hair problems.

For thin and weak hair

Connect the nicotine ampoule with 3 tbsp. l. linseed oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of eleutherococcal tincture, 1 tbsp. tablespoons of vitamin E. Gently mix the mixture, lubricate the scalp and roots with it. Warm your head with polyethylene and a towel, wash everything off after an hour using a sulfate-free shampoo. Make such a mask two or three times a week, a course of one month. After this time, you will notice that your hair has become much stronger. Using only one nicotinic acid, you will also soon notice the result, but together with other ingredients, the effect will still be more obvious.

When restoring after painting, chemistry

After exposure to chemicals, curls require especially careful care. In this case, a nutrient mixture will help, consisting of one ampoule of nicotine, a teaspoon of fresh yeast, a tablespoon of water and 5 drops of verbena ether. To the mask add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of colorless henna steamed in half a glass of boiling water. Apply the mixture to the roots and the entire length, wrap your head with polyethylene, warm with a towel. After 40 minutes, wash off the mask with shampoo - since henna is not washed out too easily, you may have to wash your hair more than once. Spend a monthly course, applying a mask 2-3 times a week.

The problem of hair loss is solved by a simple course of rubbing nicotine without any additional components. But if you want to achieve a significant effect in the shortest possible time, then we offer this mask: 1 nicotine capsule, 1 Aevita capsule, burdock oil (3 tablespoons). Apply the composition on the scalp for 20 minutes, cover with polyethylene, warm with a towel. Rinse thoroughly with shampoo. Perform the procedure twice a week, and after four months you will notice a noticeable effect. Take a break for 1-2 months, and you can repeat the proposed course again. The strands will become not only stronger, but also more elastic.

How often can nicotinic acid be applied to hair

Despite the fact that nicotinic acid is known as an excellent conductor of oxygen and other important substances, it should not be abused. Due to an excess of nicotine, the follicles will not work and independently produce substances valuable for their life. As a result, having canceled the drug, you will notice that your hair does not look as presentable as with long-term use of nicotinic acid.

Use the substance in courses not exceeding the duration per month. The interval between courses is 2 months or more. The drug is contraindicated in children, nursing mothers, pregnant women. Feeling any unpleasant manifestations from rubbing the substance (dizziness, headaches, rash, itching and other unpleasant manifestations), discard it.

If hair problems are minor, but you still want to improve their quality, add vitamin PP to your shampoo (choose the most natural product without silicones). The tool can be used a couple of times a week, about a month. After a few months, enrich the shampoo again in the same way, if it suits you.

Release form, price, where to buy

Nicotinic acid in glass ampoules will help you take care of your hair, and you can buy it at almost any pharmacy. The liquid substance has a much better effect on the hair follicles than tablets. On average, a package of nicotinic acid with 10 ampoules will cost you about 50 rubles (depending on the manufacturer).

Renewal began producing nicotinic acid specifically for hair - the product can be found in many pharmacies, and it will cost you an average of 130 to 200 rubles. Release form - polymeric containers-bufuses made using Blow-Fill-Seal technologies. The manufacturer chose 5 ml containers for ease of use.

Nicotinic acid is a well-known vitamin that promotes active growth and strengthening of hair. This is one of the simplest, proven and cheapest hair care products at home. At the same time, it is important to know how to properly use nicotinic acid for hair growth and what contraindications exist.

This article is a selection of material on the beneficial properties of nicotinic acid and the rules for its use. And recipes for masks with vitamin and a photo selection of the effectiveness of using the drug will help to complement the overall impression and make a choice. Most reviews after using acid at home are positive, which proves the undeniable benefits and effectiveness of this remedy.

Nicotinic acid for hair, a description of the vitamin

  • Nicotinic acid is a water-soluble vitamin involved at the cellular level in lipid-carbohydrate metabolism, redox reactions and the formation of enzymes.
  • Nicotinic acid has a lot of synonyms: niacin, niacinamide, nicotinamide, vitamin PP, vitamin B. All this is the same medicinal substance.
  • In its natural form, the vitamin is found in fish, liver, milk, yeast, buckwheat and some other products.
  • There are many medical indications for the use of this vitamin preparation. Nicotinic acid has anti-allergenic properties, is used in the treatment of liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract, poorly healing wounds. The drug has a significant vasodilating effect.
  • In addition to the usual medicinal properties, nicotinic acid is an affordable and effective remedy for hair growth and strengthening at home.
  • This vitamin is often one of the main components of skin and hair care cosmetics. Such popularity is due to the positive effect of the vitamin on the scalp and hair follicles.
  • Nicotinic acid is an inexpensive, affordable drug that improves hair condition and is sold in ampoules or tablets.
  • For the treatment of hair, nicotinic acid is used in ampoules, it is sold in pharmacies, in a package of 10 pieces.

Nicotinic acid, positive properties and benefits

  • Nicotinic acid expands and strengthens blood vessels, speeds up metabolic processes. This action of the vitamin helps to increase nutrition and blood flow to the hair follicles, their strengthening and activation of activity. At the same time, the intensity of hair growth increases significantly.
  • In addition to stimulating hair growth, acid prevents hair loss, helps strengthen the root of the hair. The solution is quickly absorbed into the skin, providing it with valuable nutrients.
  • Vitamin PP provides better oxygen access to the hair follicles and the necessary hydration of the scalp.

  • The drug reduces the fat content of hair, therefore, with rapidly greasy hair, the use of nicotinic acid is especially indicated. Vitamin slightly dries the skin and regulates the production of fat by the subcutaneous glands.
  • External use of nicotinic acid has a beneficial effect on the appearance and general condition of the hair. They become lush, shiny, healthy.
  • Nicotinic acid does not dry out and does not pollute the hair. After application, the hair structure practically does not change, they do not stick, do not fade, which is very convenient for daily use of the vitamin.
  • Vitamin is suitable for all types of hair, preventing dryness and brittleness.
  • Nicotinic acid promotes the production of pigment, so the natural hair color after its application becomes more saturated and deep.
  • The positive effect of nicotinic acid hair treatment will be noticeable after a few weeks of use. Average rates of hair growth acceleration are about 3-4 cm per month.

The drug has a number of contraindications, so before using it, it is better to consult a trichologist.

Nicotinic acid for hair, contraindications

There are a number of restrictions under which you can not use nicotinic acid, so as not to harm your health.

  • Individual intolerance to the drug (allergic reaction).
  • Diseases and injuries of the scalp (psoriasis, scabies, lichen, ulcers).
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Children under 12 years old.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Serious diseases of the liver and heart.

You can not use the drug and people who have suffered a hemorrhage in the brain. Otherwise, the deterioration of human health is possible.

Nicotinic acid for hair, home use

  • A vitamin preparation, nicotinic acid, is used to treat hair only in its external form.
  • The contents of the ampoules are rubbed into the scalp with light, massaging movements of the fingertips. On the fingers you need to drip literally one drop of the drug. For better contact with the scalp and hair roots, you can use a pipette or syringe (without a needle).
  • Nicotinic acid can be rubbed as a single independent agent, and as part of cosmetic masks (scrubs).

  • The drug is used daily on clean and dry hair. With contaminated hair, nicotinic acid will open access to the hair follicles for particles of dirt and dust, which will undesirably affect the condition of the hair.
  • Vitamin should be used immediately after opening the ampoule, as it quickly disappears and loses its beneficial properties.
  • The drug is evenly applied to the scalp, starting from the temporal lobe, moving to the top and back of the head, carefully dividing the hair into partings.
  • To get a stable positive effect from the vitamin, it must be used regularly. When caring for hair, it is recommended to take a 30-day course of applying nicotinic acid. It is enough to use one ampoule for each procedure. Thus, for such a daily course, 30 ampoules will be needed.
  • It is not necessary to use more than one ampoule in one procedure, since the solution is very active and vasodilation occurs over the entire surface of the head reflexively.
  • To enhance the positive effect, after a monthly course of hair treatment, you should take the same, approximately, break and repeat the therapy with nicotinic acid again.
  • It is not necessary to wash off the vitamin preparation. It absorbs quickly without leaving any residue.
  • It is important to pay attention to the reaction of the scalp after the first application of the solution. There may be a slight burning sensation or redness of the skin. This is not considered an allergic reaction and is accepted as normal as a consequence of vasodilation and blood flow. If signs of a severe allergy appear (itching, rash, headache), then you should stop using the vitamin or always dilute it with water, reducing the concentration. You can also add it as a minor (in quantity) component of masks for hair and scalp.

Thus, the method of using nicotinic acid for hair treatment is absolutely not complicated, affordable, and most importantly, effective.

Nicotinic acid for hair, recipes

Consider the most popular and proven recipes for masks for hair and scalp with nicotinic acid. The main advantage of the recipes is the ease of preparation and use, as well as the presence of natural and affordable ingredients. An important condition for a successful result in the form of a lush and beautiful head of hair is the regular use of masks with the course recommended in the recipe.

Basic rules for using masks:

  • After applying the mask, the head should be wrapped with a warm towel. To enhance the effect, you can put on a plastic cap under the bottom.
  • The mask is applied to dry (or slightly damp) clean hair.
  • The mask is kept on the head for 1 to 2 hours.
  • Rinse off the mask with a small amount of shampoo, rinse with warm water with the addition of apple cider vinegar.

Masks with nicotinic acid for hair loss

Nicotinic acid strengthens the hair roots, contributing not only to the prevention of hair loss, but also to the treatment of the already partially bald part of the head. In case of baldness, the drug is applied not only to the problem area, but also to the entire scalp.

  • Recipe 1

Take equal parts of liquid nicotinic acid and aloe juice (1 ml each); mix and rub into the scalp. Leave on for 1-2 hours, then rinse hair with water. Do the mask 2-3 times a week, 10 times.

  • Recipe 2

Take 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, 1 capsule of vitamin E, 1 tbsp. Eleutherococcus tincture and 2 tbsp. linseed oil; mix and rub into the scalp. Leave for 1 hour, then rinse hair with water. Do the mask 1-2 times a week, 10 times.

  • Recipe 3

Take 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid and a bag of colorless henna; dilute the henna powder according to the instructions and, after mixing with the vitamin, rub it into the scalp. Leave on for 40 minutes, then rinse hair with water. Do the mask once a week, about 10 times.

  • Recipe 4

From excessive hair loss, you can prepare a vitamin mask. To do this, you need to take in equal parts (for example, 1 ml) of nicotinic acid, vitamin E, vitamin A and mix with 1-2 tbsp. burdock (or castor) oil, rub into the scalp. Leave for 1 hour, then wash and rinse your hair. Do the mask once a week, at least 10 times.

Masks with nicotinic acid for hair growth

It is quite possible to accelerate hair growth with nicotinic acid. This process becomes especially relevant in the autumn-winter period, when the immune system is weakened, and hair practically does not grow.

  • Recipe 1

Take 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, 0.5 tsp. aloe extract and 2-3 drops of propolis; mix and rub into hair roots. Wash off after 1-2 hours. Apply the mask every other day, do 10 procedures.

  • Recipe 2

Take 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, 10 ml of vitamin E, 15 ml of linseed oil and 1 egg, mix and apply to clean hair. Wash off with acidified water after 1-2 hours. Apply the mask 3 times a week, do 10 procedures.

  • Recipe 3

Take 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, 20 ml of liquid honey, 10 ml of vitamin E, 20 ml of jojoba oil and the yolk of one egg, mix and apply to clean hair. After 1-1.5 hours, rinse with acidified water. Apply the mask 2-3 times a week, a course of 10 procedures.

  • Recipe 4

Take 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, 0.5 tsp. aloe juice, the yolk of one egg and a few drops of peach oil, mix and apply to the hair roots. After 1-1.5 hours, rinse with acidified water. Apply the mask 1-2 times a week, with a minimum course of 10 procedures.

In addition to preparing cosmetic masks, nicotinic acid can simply be added to shampoo while washing your hair. It is enough to put a few drops of vitamin PP into your hand with shampoo and wash your hair. Shampoo should be as natural as possible, without chemically aggressive components (especially silicones). Otherwise, the vitamin will not be able to show its positive properties. Such a vitamin-enriched shampoo is used for about 4 weeks, after which they take a break for several months.

Another option for using the vitamin is adding it to all kinds of balms, scrubs or hair lotions. You need to add immediately before applying the cosmetic product.

Nicotinic acid for hair, reviews

The benefits of nicotinic acid for hair growth have long been recognized and are confirmed by many positive reviews. Most women who use a vitamin remedy for hair growth and strengthening note not only accelerated growth, but also a significant improvement in the overall condition of the hair.

If you wish, you can see real reviews of people about the use of nicotinic acid at home, on thematic Internet forums, specialized review sites.

Separately, I would like to note the reviews of people who have undergone a course of chemotherapy, which, unfortunately, led to baldness. The use of nicotinic acid helps many to quickly cope with this difficult problem and grow long-awaited hair.

Nicotinic acid for hair, photo before and after application

The presented photos clearly show the results of the use of nicotinic acid for a certain period of time.

Nicotinic acid, used for hair growth, did an excellent job, and, as you can see in the photo, the hair became much longer. Such indicators are especially relevant for owners of slowly growing "hair". In such cases, a vitamin preparation becomes a real find to correct the situation.

Summing up, we note the key points:

  • Before using nicotinic acid for hair, you should read the instructions for its use and the list of contraindications. The best option is to consult a trichologist.
  • In order for nicotinic acid to provide the most effective and positive result for hair growth, you need to know how to use it correctly and what course to take.
  • You can use nicotinic acid for hair both separately and as part of masks, with other vitamins and nutrients.
  • Ease of use, availability, low cost, excellent results are the main advantages of nicotinic acid.

Video: "How to grow hair with nicotinic acid"

A little background

I decided to grow my own color, and cut off the dyed ones. Since April, I have never painted, since June I have not used an iron and a hair dryer. I decided not to dye my hair at all. Even previously clarified do not tint. I have my own dark blond, it’s easier for me to track hair growth in contrast with bleached ones. Yes, and the paint can get on natural hair.

I started experimenting with hair growth products. The first and most common - burdock oil did not suit me. I used Evalar. Sometimes I added castor, almond, grape seed, peach, avocado oil to it. Probably for three weeks I tortured my scalp with oil masks. I wanted to accelerate hair growth and eliminate hair loss. As a result, hair growth remained 1-1.5 cm per month, and hair began to fall out in huge quantities. Moreover, at the beginning, I thought that the loss had increased from water (I spent the summer in the village), but when I once again washed off the oil mask with three lathers of the Clean Line with Nettle, I saw a whole tuft of hair in my hands. Mom advised not to make masks. I wondered - "How so? After all, burdock oil is the best remedy for hair loss, as they say on the Internet!?

Mom turned out to be right. The fallout decreased two times after I did not make a mask.
Then I bought a pepper tincture. But having made a small course (two bottles were enough for me for two weeks), I did not notice any results. Peppercorn was over, and there was nowhere to buy it, because I was in the village, 400 km from the city.
But my mother had two packs of nicotinic acid. This is vitamin PP. Improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels.

After making sure that the expiration date had not expired, I began the next experiment, which went very well.

My experience with nicotinic acid

In early August, I started using nicotinic acid for hair growth. That is, today (September 19), a little more than a month and a half of use has passed.
I must say right away that I cut my hair every two weeks by 1.5-2 cm, that is, about 4 cm of length were cut off in a month. But I didn't chase the length.

I want to grow my dark color faster, and cut off bleached hair as soon as possible. I can’t cut off a lot at once, because my hair is already short, and it’s uncomfortable for me to walk with a short haircut.
So, for 1 month (August) I rubbed two ampoules of nicotinic acid every evening. Many write that one ampoule is enough, but I didn’t have enough.

I applied with a syringe drop by drop to partings on all areas of the scalp (back of the head, lateral anterior and lateral posterior zones) and immediately rubbed. Terla for a short time. That is, I dropped a drop and immediately rub it with my fingertips for two seconds. Then the next one and so on until I have processed all the zones.

The entire scalp does not need to be moistened with nicotine, as it is perfectly carried by the bloodstream throughout the head. A few drops are enough for the zones.

In the summer I washed my hair every other day, it is best to apply acid to a clean scalp. But I didn’t wash my hair every day, I don’t want to teach them to do this. Sometimes I rubbed it right after washing my hair, my hair was wet, I didn’t see a difference.

The secret to effective use

After I apply the nicotine, I massage my scalp with a comb. I have a Tangle Teaser comb, it is ideal for massage, very pleasant sensations on the skin. The skin pleasantly “burns”, but at the same time, it massages very gently with its elastic teeth.

So, I've rubbed in some nicotine, I'm bending my head down and brushing my hair, paying particular attention to the scalp. I just follow it carefully with pressure.

I really like massage, I love the warmth from it.


If you feel dizzy, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms, then most likely this method is not suitable for you. Nicotine itself is a very strong thing, and coupled with massage can cause a strong rush of blood to the head. If your blood pressure jumps, you are pregnant or breastfeeding, then it’s better not to risk it.


Hair growth is very fast! I wrote that my hair normally grows 1-1.5 cm per month. After a month-long course of nicotine, I noticed grew 5-6 (!) cm!!! To say that I am satisfied is to say nothing. You remember that I cut off 4 cm of length. But the photo shows that the natural color line has dropped significantly. I measured with a ruler, from the roots there were 8-8.5 cm of my regrown natural hair, and it became 13.5-14 cm! Per month!

A nice bonus - hair loss has stopped! Almost completely. I remove a couple of hairs from the comb after the massage. When washing, very little hair falls out, although there was a terrible hair fall before.

Many write that you need to take a break after the course. I haven't done so far. For more than two weeks I have been rubbing one ampoule into the top of my head, I simply collect the contents of one ampoule with a syringe, then I squeeze out all the contents from the syringe into one single place, where, it seems to me, my hair does not grow or there are few of them. And I rub. I expect undercoat to grow there, but it's too early to judge the results. I don’t want to stop rubbing yet, I’m already used to this ritual before bed.

side effects

I do not have them. No dandruff, no headache, no spinning, no pounding in the temples. But many of these side effects are the place to be, all individually.

About the drug

For a month I rubbed two ampoules every day. That is, it took me 60 ampoules. Or 6 packs. One pack contains 10 ampoules. The price is on average 150 rubles (I came across 130 rubles in the cheapest pharmacy and 180 rubles per pack, depending on the manufacturer and pharmacy). That is, on average, the course took me 900 rubles per month. Not budget. Expensive. But the result is worth it!

I took nicotine from different manufacturers, it seems to me that there are no differences in content. Only the ampoules themselves differ. I recently bought in plastic ampoules. And I really liked it, it’s very convenient to use, you don’t need to cut anything, break it off and be afraid of cutting yourself.

But more often I came across in ordinary glass ampoules, which I broke off, wrapped in a rag so as not to cut myself.

For the convenience of taking the drug into the syringe, I adapted a small cup. I open the ampoules, pour the contents into a container and draw it into a syringe without a needle.

You can not pour it out, but immediately draw it from the ampoule, if it is plastic, this method is well illustrated in the photo.

These are the results on the use of nicotine, while I continue to rub it, I want the density to increase on the crown, then I will try the mustard mask for growth or pepper again. I really want to grow my color as soon as possible, and cut off the dyed ones.

If you have any questions, write in the comments or in a private message.

Salicylic peeling at home is one of the best remedies for acne and post-acne.

Nicotinic acid for hair growth- this is a new fashion fad for girls who dream of a long and. Recently, more and more questions about it appear, so I decided to dwell on this issue in more detail.

Nicotinic acid in hair ampoules

Nicotinic acid is a vitamin PP, a component of the B-complex, also called B3, niacinamide, nicotinamide. We are interested in release in the form of ampoules for injection. There are 10 pieces in a carton box. One ampoule contains 1 ml of liquid.

The price of one package fluctuates around 25 - 40 rubles. Sometimes pharmacists offer more expensive analogues. In this case, we will talk about the same drug, but produced under a different name and produced at a higher price. In general, such incidents happen not only with nicotinic acid. Therefore, I advise you to always carefully study the composition and pay attention to the active substance.

Nicotinic acid is widely used in home hair care products. For example, in , masks, .

The use of nicotinic acid for hair due to the fact that getting on the skin, it enhances microcirculation under the skin, which means blood flow to the hair follicles. In other words, this is how we stimulate additional hair nutrition.

On the other hand, vitamin PP is good for hair by itself. It is responsible for moisturizing the hair, as well as for the production of pigment. Do not rely on what you inflict nicotine on hair, we will completely protect ourselves from the problem of graying. After all, this process is largely influenced by genetics. However, the lack of vitamin PP is definitely not good for our hair.

Contraindications for the use of nicotinic acid:

  • vegetative-vascular distance,
  • increased general pressure,
  • increased intracranial or intraocular pressure,
  • migraine.

The effect of nicotinic acid on hair

The effect of nicotinic acid on hair everyone is completely different. To test the effects of nicotine, I conducted a group survey. Of the 170 people who used it,

  • 60 (35%) noted that hair growth accelerated,
  • 90 people (53%) did not notice the effect after using nicotine,
  • 20 people (12%) discontinued use due to skin problems.

In other words, nicotine is good for hair growth, but, like other means (mustard mask, oil), it does not accelerate growth for everyone. And you won't know until you try. And even more so it is impossible to answer the question of how much and after what period. But in general, many who have tried it claim that almost immediately after the start of use, the hair grew by 1 cm per week. Which, of course, is a very serious result. However, I remind you that for a successful experiment, it is very important not only to stimulate the roots, but also.

It is very important to consider that nicotinic acid may not be suitable for hypertensive patients (people prone to high blood pressure). It gives them a headache. Also, many who used nicotine note a strong reddening of the scalp, face (!), hands, neck, etc. You can get rid of this only by stopping the use of the drug.

Nicotinic acid helps with hair loss, but here are the same caveats as in the case of pepper tincture. Listen carefully to your body's reaction! If the loss is not strong, it is seasonal (for example, every spring or autumn your hair falls out more than usual for a month), then you can try nicotinic acid. But in the case of, especially if you do not know its cause, I would not recommend doing such experiments.

Before using nicotinic acid for hair, carefully read the instructions! Especially contraindications! Suddenly, for one reason or another, it does not suit you.

Masks with nicotinic acid for hair

Rub nicotinic acid into the scalp on clean hair so that you do not have to rinse it off immediately. The liquid is transparent, to the touch, like water. By itself, she does not stain her head, but the sebaceous glands can become more active as a result of blood flow to the scalp. Although some, on the contrary, I note that as a result of the use of nicotine.

For 1 time you will need 1-3 ampoules if you use them in their pure form. However, in order to save money and enhance the beneficial effect, you can make mixtures with other components: aloe juice, ginger, propolis tincture, herbal decoctions, etc. In masks for hair, take 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid and one tablespoon of hair-friendly and non-greasy component.

Such masks should be done in courses. For example, 2 - 3 weeks. And then a month break. In general, everyone has a very different opinion about this tool. Some praise it, others consider it harmful. Therefore, I would advise you to consult a doctor before using. Some doctors recommend a course of 7 days, warning that longer use may cause subsequent stunting. Therefore, as in the case of other powerful masks, I would advise you to start with a short time and very carefully monitor the reaction of the skin, hair and the whole body.

If you feel negative manifestations (headache, dizziness, skin rash, severe reddening of the skin), stop using nicotinic acid immediately!

Reviews about nicotinic acid for hair

The experience of using nicotinic acid by Svetlana Merzlyakova

The method of hair stimulation by rubbing vitamin PP personally attracted me because:

  • it is convenient to apply the contents of the ampoules without outside help, as opposed to mustard masks or peppercorns;
  • a priori should not dry the scalp;
  • the procedure is invisible to others.

Ampoules of nicotinic acid in the hair you can rub "solo", but I used a mixture with aloe extract and propolis tincture, which also stimulate growth:

  • 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid,
  • 1/5 tsp propolis tincture,
  • 1 ampoule.

Mix, rub into the head for a couple of hours. Then rinse off. Do the procedure every other day 10 times.

On the first day, I applied this mixture to myself and my husband, and we both felt blood flow to the head, there was no discomfort, so I decided to continue. Literally from the very next procedure, my husband and I started having a slight headache, which somehow did not alert me. But my husband did not like it all, and he refused to continue, and I rubbed it a third time, and a fourth, on which my head ached wildly, with such force that I could not crawl to the bathroom to wash it off my hair. I barely got to bed and fell asleep, the next morning the pain still made itself known and stopped only after I washed my hair. As a load on my wrist, red spots appeared - marks from my fingers, on which there was a "nicotine". The spots disappeared only after 3 (!) days.

There are opinions that these are all negative actions of nicotinic acid for hair can be tolerated. In fact, these are adverse reactions that indicate that this method does not suit you categorically. In general, if some remedy causes you discomfort, then it must be washed off immediately and in no case be tolerated. Why did this happen to me? Yes, because I did not bother to read contraindications and adverse reactions, if I did, I knew that hypertensive patients should take vitamin PP with great care. Therefore, I highly recommend that you first carefully study this issue, and understand whether the game is worth the candle and whether you need a small increase in hair using such methods.

Experience with Leah's nicotinic acid

To begin with, my hair is weak, when washing, a rather large amount falls out. They fall out even when running a hand through the hair, usually 3-4 pieces. I did not expect magic from nicotinic acid. In principle, I did not receive it, but there are definitely some positive results.

I rubbed 2 ampoules every day for a month. Immediately after the procedure, a lot of hair fell out, but this did not upset me, because from the active influence on the scalp, the hair, ready to fall out, falls out. I notice that over time, the hair fell out less and less. When you run your hand through your hair, they now almost do not fall out, occasionally 1 hair! And, of course, the most important result is that while washing the hair in the bathroom, there is much less of it than before. These are not super-results, but still they are. Perhaps in a couple of months I will observe new hairs in large numbers on my little head. When applied to the roots hair nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid (or niacinamide (niacin), or nicotinomide, or more simply vitamin PP) is widely used in the cosmetic industry in the production of hair care products. But in home care, the product can be used to strengthen and grow hair. You can find it at any pharmacy at an absolutely affordable price for everyone (25-30 rubles).


The benefits of nicotinic acid for hair

The main function of nicotinic acid is to expand and strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation, treat, nourish and fortify hair. The use of ready-made and home remedies with vitamin PP has a complex effect on the hair, the hair follicles are saturated with oxygen, intensive moisturizing and strengthening of the hair, which results in stopping the processes of hair loss, the disappearance of dandruff, and stimulation of hair growth.

The tool is especially recommended for women who are losing hair (including partial baldness), or for those who want to grow their hair in a short time. Owners of oily hair type also do not hurt to use this product in their care, since it has a drying effect and is able to control the production of sebum.

The drug is produced in two forms, in the form of ampoules (topical application) and tablets (for internal use on the recommendation of a doctor). For cosmetic purposes, it is advisable to choose nicotinic acid in polymer tubes, and not in glass ampoules. This is the most convenient and absolutely safe to use. This form of release allows you to apply the composition in a directed way, namely on the hair roots. In addition, the pharmacy should not purchase dosage forms that are used for injections, but specially designed for cosmetic procedures.

Nicotinic acid for hair from Renewal is just such a tool. The product is adapted for cosmetic use and has a number of advantages in comparison with nicotinic acid, released in the form of injections:

  • Bufus safe packaging, presented in conveniently opened polymer ampoules;
  • a larger amount of active substance;
  • instructions for use containing information aimed at strengthening and solving other hair problems.

Renewal Nicotinic Acid for Hair comes in 10 convenient 5ml dropper tubes. You can buy it in most pharmacy chains and online pharmacies.

You can get more information about Nicotinic acid for hair Renewal on the website

Contraindications and harm of topical application of nicotinic acid

  1. The presence of individual intolerance to the vitamin.
  2. Tendency to allergies.
  3. Hypertension.
  4. History of cerebral hemorrhage.

The use of nicotinic acid to accelerate hair growth

For home use, nicotinic acid is used as a component of healing masks for strengthening and growing hair (with herbal decoctions, propolis, ginger, aloe juice, etc.), and as an independent remedy. In the latter case, it is rubbed into the scalp, the positive effect becomes noticeable after two weeks of regular use, the appearance and condition of the hair apparently improves, dandruff disappears and many other problems of the scalp and hair are solved. The acid is well applied, odorless, it does not have a sticky effect on the hair.

Nicotinic acid is effective in hair loss and partial baldness, but only if these factors are not the result of a serious illness. Therefore, before using "nicotine" should consult with a specialist.

Video: The benefits and effects of nicotinic acid for hair.

Vitamin PP for hair growth is used in a course of 30 days, respectively, 30 ampoules will be needed. Rub the product into the scalp should be pre-washed with shampoo (except products with silicone) and dried hair. So the penetration and action of nicotinic acid will be as effective as possible. It is necessary to rub the drug with the fingertips, trying to evenly distribute it over the entire scalp. To do this, it is good to divide the strands into partings and apply in the direction from the temples to the crown. It is important not to overdo it, nicotinic acid is quite allergenic, so one ampoule is designed for one procedure. It is important to open the ampoule with nicotinic acid immediately before application, because upon contact with air, the agent quickly collapses, losing its properties.

During the procedure, there is a slight burning sensation or intense heat, slight redness and tingling of the skin. These manifestations are normal, but if there is itching, urticaria on the body, an allergic rash or even a headache, then you have an individual intolerance, nicotinic acid is not suitable for you, you should wash your hair and do not use the product anymore.

If, after using nicotinic acid, the scalp has become dry and dandruff has appeared, it means that you have sensitive scalp, so vitamin PP should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 before use.

Rinse nicotinic acid does not require. You need to apply it daily (or every other day, then it will take two months), preferably in the late afternoon for a month. At the end of the course, you need to take a break for a couple of months. Such an intensive course gives the growth of strands up to 3 cm per month.

Masks for strengthening and hair growth with nicotinic acid, recipes

Procedures to carry out 1-2 times in seven days. The course of treatment is 5 procedures. After a three-month break, the course can be repeated.

Egg mask.

Strengthens the structure and moisturizes, eliminates irritation, adds shine, prevents hair loss.


Vitamin E - 1 capsule.
Linseed oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Eleutherococcus tincture - 1 tbsp. l.

Combine all components and apply to the scalp, distributing the remnants along the entire length of the hair. The head before the procedure should be washed, hair dried. Keep the mask under the film and towel for an hour. Rinse with running water without using shampoo. A similar mask can be applied in another way: first rub nicotinic acid into the scalp, and after half an hour make a mask with the rest of the components.

Nourishing henna mask.

Gives shine, nourishes, strengthens.

Colorless henna - 100 g.
Hot water - 300 g.
Live yeast - 30 g.
Warm water - a little.
Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.
Verbena oil - 5 drops.

Brew henna with boiling water, separately dilute the yeast with warm water. After 5 minutes, combine the resulting mixtures, add vitamin PP and verbena oil. Apply the composition to the scalp and hair (it is better to wet it slightly), hold under the film for 40 minutes, then rinse with running water.

Egg-honey mask for strengthening and hair growth.

Nourishes, stops hair loss, gives shine, strengthens.

Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.
Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Vitamin E in oil - 10 drops.

Grind honey and yolk into a homogeneous mixture, add acid, oil and vitamin E. Apply the mixture on the scalp and the entire length of the strands, leave for an hour under a film and a towel cap. After the specified time, wash off the mask with running water without using shampoo.

Video: Home remedy to accelerate hair growth.

Aloe mask.

Aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l.
Nicotinic acid - 3 ampoules.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the strands. After twenty minutes, wash your hair with running water. This mask is designed for long hair, for short hair one ampoule of niacin will be enough.

Vitamin-nutrient mask for hair growth with nicotinic acid.

Vitamin A or retinol - ½ tsp.
Flax oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.
Raw chicken yolk - 1 pc.
Vitamin E - ½ tsp.

First, combine the vitamins, then include the yolk and oil in the composition. Rub the finished mixture into the roots, distribute the rest along the entire length of the curls. Keep the composition for 60 minutes under a film and a warm towel. Make a mask on clean and dry hair. Rinse the composition with running water without using shampoo.

Mask for strengthening hair with aloe juice.

Niacin - 1 ampoule.
Propolis tincture - 2 tsp.
Aloe juice - 2 tsp

Combine the ingredients of the mask, rub into the roots with massaging movements and apply to the hair. After 40 minutes, wash off the composition with warm running water. It is important to let your hair dry naturally.

Let me remind you that in order to obtain proper effectiveness, it is important to strictly follow the instructions and not abuse nicotinic acid, otherwise you can get the opposite effect. Take care of yourself, be healthy and beautiful!